
Lionel (Michael Lebron) on Black Lives Matter

Jun 3rd, 2017
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  1. Supplemental document for: "Theory that Roger Stone's back channel to Wikileaks was Randy Credico", link:
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  7. Let's start off with this particular theme, and I hope you understand it: Black Lives Matter is a _con_. The organization Black Lives Matter. Not the concept. Not the idea. black lives _do_ matter, that's wonderful, that's noble, that's true, that's absolute. The organization Black Lives Matter is a _con_. It's a terrorist _group_. It was founded in terror, it is funded by the Soros folks to create destabilization, to cause racial wars. It- it- it- we'll go through this, but I want you to understand something: the organization, organization, Black Lives Matter, the organization, the genesis, is a terrorist - if you will - racketeering criminal enterprise. But the okay. Okay?
  9. Let's just go through this very very quickly. I got a lot of statistics I want to bring to...First, America is in love with a good name. "Patriotic Act". "No Child Left Behind". We just jump to a name. Doesn't matter- does not matter. "Conspiracy theory". "Tinfoil hat". "Vaxxer", "Truther", "Birther", we just...we don't really know what it means, we're not really sure we're applying it in the correct way, we just call them these names. These names. So, Black Lives Matter, and there's a lot of great people, friends of mine, people I know, black people, white people, who want to show this disgust over what is nothing more than this absolute, this- this rogue police elements, who are over-reacting, we'll get to that in a moment...and they'll just hashtag #blacklivesmatter, not understanding that this is the name of an organization, and that its antecedents in history must be explained. Alright? have to understand this other point. You must understand the antecedents of an organization. You have to understand what something means. We, especially the professional left...the professional left, the prototypical left, don't read, apparently, and the prototypical right only reads bumper stickers. The prototypical left have this idea, this love affair with Planned Parenthood, now Planned Parenthood, the organization, does some wonderful things. And the idea of reproductive health, reproductive liberty and all that, great. Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, was an avowed militant eugenicist. Virulent racist. Read her quotes. Do you not care about that? Now what the left will say is, and again I'm using these left right just as a shorthand, because it's true, they'll say is, well, look, that- look, that was then. Well, how come you didn't care about the Confederate flag? You didn't care about that? You didn't care anything about the Confederate flag. And I'm not bringing that argument up again. But there are people who said no no, wait a minute, the Confederacy is different- They said "It doesn't matter!" So, it's funny, sometimes you believe in the past, sometimes you'd like historical references, antecedents, and the the the uuuuuh prefatory historical aspects of an organization, and sometimes you don't. I don't understand that. I mean, Black Panthers, have a lot that was wonderful about them, before they got to be, an aspect of them became "militant", we don't even use that term militant anymore. Because that's taken a whole new connotation.
  11. But, those individuals not care about that, are missing the point exactly. Now, understand...George Soros is the fellow who's behind Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, and this is a part of a, don't get too- don't get locked into the motivation. Okay, this is a currency speculator, an adventurer, don't don't don't worry and get too much into motivation and why...but Soros is behind this. It benefits many for the world to be destabilized. The left loves to scream about the Koch brothers, the Koch industry is actually a bona fide legitimate, real company, corporation that actually has employees and does things, they're philanthropists, and they are reviled bt the left. They're libertarian, pro-gay rights, but the the- reviled in this Pavlovian [inaudible] hackneyed reaction to everything. But when it comes to Soros, they either have not heard of it, don't care about it, but he is behind this. These folks do not want black people to have real representative political power. They want...individuals, like Al Sharpton, who is nothing but a flimflam artist, he's a huckster, he is an FBI informant, confidential informant, and a rat. You want the Al Sharptons and the Jesse Jacksons to be the sole conduit to any kind of political action or activity, they do not want black America to be empowered. They don't want that. They want them to be ghetto-ized, remaining poor, remaining underrepresented, and remaining uh dependent upon government. Not all black America, but certain factions of it. Remember that. Because the real motivation, the real message should not be Black _Lives_ Matter, but Black _Jobs_ Matter. Nobody's talking about economic recovery, basic interstitial actual mass traction economic benefits for African American, black, Latino, poor, urban, whatever communities, whatever faction you want to speak. That's it.
  13. Okay. Next. I want you to research this. Google this very important- this systematic destabilization. Look up the "strategy of tension". And I don't want to go too much off into this, but it goes back to "Operation Gladio"'s so old and entrenched and historical and it's historic, and there's historicity behind it...what it is, is fueling, fomenting, directing agents provoceteurs, [said again, slightly less french accent] agents provocateurs to infiltrate a particular group, thus causing waves of motivation elsewhere. For example, if I'm a right winger, I'm going to have an agent provocateur, I'm going to have them infiltrate, or have them set up a faux false flag bogus organization or infiltrate into a left wing organization, to give- and cause mayhem, giving people the idea that they're the problem. It's so old, it goes- Trojan Horse, Art of War, Sun Tzu, it's- it's- but Americans are so...incredibly not versed in terms of anything historical, that they consider this to be another...quote again, this term, "conspiracy theory". Okay? Now.
  15. Black Lives Matter is not about...again, the organization, is not about Fernando Castile, or Elton Sterling, per se. We'll get to that in a moment. Because the real issue here is, are statistics. And this is what's going to be problematic. I want you to listen very, very carefully. As long as I have been doing this biz, this opining or whatever the hell it is that I do, I've been talking about people, I've been putting up youtubes that I was putting up when I was a pigspit, five years ago, talking about the hypermilitarization of the police, that everybody should worry about police abuses, police excesses. Not blacks. It's not a black, white thing, it's a police excess thing. That was the problem. Here are some statistics that are...remember, if I say something, stop the youtube, stop whatever you're watching, and go and google it yourself. Research it yourself. The...some great compilations, great things have been done by Paul Joseph Watson, over statistics that are mind blowing. But because he is associated with Alex Jones and because he has his own...reputation, rep, cred, whatever you want to call it, sometimes, because again, he speaks very very forcefully, very very dramatically, has his own peculiar style...the substance of what he's saying is not listened to. Because of who he is. And that's kindof what we do. We say, "AAAH! I don't want to hear that, that's Fox News!" Or "I don't want to hear that, that's MSNBC!" No, I want to hear what they have to say. I'm not going to discount it right away, but let me at least hear what they have to say, and then I'll decide later on.
  17. Here are some of the facts, and others have compiled this as well, that is amazing: of those individuals, shot to death, shot and killed by cops, in 2016, 24% are black. Keep in mind, this - this is about 13% of the population, 14% of the population are black, African 24% are black. Now, that is a- a- very serious problem. Now...this population though, according to statistics and the like, are committing half of the violent crimes. Now, remember what I'm saying: let's go back through this again, I'll read this very carefully. Of those shot, killed by police, those shot by police, shot dead by police, in 2016, 24% are black. That's 13% of the population. But: they're committing half of the violent crimes, per statistic. Wait a minute. I know what you're going to say: that's not that all black people are violent, or _the only ones committing_...I'm not saying that. Read the statistics. They're also male, you know, you also see a very small proportion of Cambodians...there are statistics that just speak for themselves. So, 24% of those killed by police are black. 13% of the population are black. But yet half of the violent crimes are, committed like homicide [sic]. Now...individuals who are law _breaking_, according to statistics, are therefore five to ten times more likely to place themselves in close proximity to the police in the first place! Now, understand the dynamic of that. When you talk about people shot by police, arrested by police, police encounters, you can't look at a statistic like that alone, you have to step back from that and ask yourself, "Are the encounters greater in frequency?" "Are the encounters unwarranted?" "Are the encounters..." What about them? If I said to you that, there's a 95% chance of males, have police interaction compared to females, it may be, because virtually all of the crimes are committed by males. Violent crimes. And those statistics, though problematic, to the male portion of the gender spectrum, that's the way it goes. Law-breaking African Americans, law-breaking black Americans, law-breaking, not all, but law-breaking, they're five to ten times more likely to place themselves in close proximity to mostly white cops.
  19. So, you'd think, that there would be more [inaudible] confrontations between black males and the police. Now: but so far, listen to this, but so far, twice the number of white people have been killed by cops compared to blacks. Only 3% of blacks killed by cops have been unarmed. The same number, let me get this straight now, because I want to make sure that we pay attention to our stats, the same number, rate, as for whites. So the good news is that...well, not good news, but the- the news, which may not be convenient to a particular narrative, is that the same rate for unarmed whites and blacks occur. Now, let's not get too too muddled by these numbers. But just understand that. It doesn't mean that the police are off the hook. But it does mean that we have a unique way of looking at this.
  21. of the problems that we have to understand, is that when you deal with statistics and numbers and the like, you have to ask yourself, put yourself in the position these things speak to the problem that's before us? And that's the issue. If Black Lives Matter, if that's true, then why are 90% of black people killed by _other_ black people. This is another statistic that nobody wants to talk about, I don't understand that part. I don't understand where, if you're really looking to address something, why don't you look at the actual cause? The ideology, the teleology, the- the- uh, specifics of this. Uh, why are there no protests for or by blacks killed in Chicago? And the reason for that is Rahm Emanuel. Rahm Emanuel, who's the mayor. Rahm Emanuel, who's Obama's buddy. Rahm Emanuel, who famously coined that wonderful term, that never let- or never let a good disaster go wasted. In essence, I'm paraphrasing it poorly. This is the statistic which is the most amazing. If you think about it. And again, numbers are a funny thing. It would take the police forty years, using current rates, forty years to kill enough black men to equal the number of black men killed by other black men in 2012 alone. Using the current rates. The police homicide, or cause of death of black men, black males being killed by police, it would take forty years to kill enough black men to equal the number of black men killed by other black men, in the year 2012 alone.
  23. Now, this doesn't dissuade anyone, or rather, re-direct the vectors of communication and and and urgency. But: it kinda gives you an idea of this very problematic area that we're dealing with. And it's something that Black Lives Matter and everyone needs to take into account, if African Americans' treatment by the police is being considered. Think about that. Because I want to do is, I want to stop, and I want to lower of black people, white people, killed by the police, but: not when a policeman is...confused by, let's say, a gun wielding suspect, white or black. I'm talking about police who overreact. That's really the thing. Because let me tell you something: when you're involved in a confrontation with a police officer, I don't care who you are, white or black, right or wrong, you can precipitate your own demise, by not understanding how this thing works. For black cops, white cops, black defendants, white defendants, I'm telling you right now. If you have not been paying attention as to how today's cops react, there's no help for you, okay?
  25. Now, one of the problems that we also have is a group of whimpering, mollified, uh, white prototypically liberal, uhhh...I have a friend of mine who calls herself "Afro-sympathetic". This is the white guy, or the white gal _feels_ the pain, who _feels_ for black America, because they know what it is to be black. No, you don't. Stop that right away. There is something which is so incredibly wrong with the idea and with the notion of trying to politicize and to reduce this very critical situation as a...what's the word, as a...something that you part of your political armor. I'm a sentient white person, who feels the...guilt and the torment. Stop it.
  27. We also don't understand something called the "Ferguson effect", which, I want you to google this. There has been an increase of crime, an increase of crime, in areas where the police have _dropped_. Have backed away from enforcement, by virtue of, let's say, anti-police or or either "I'm quitting", "I'm leaving", "I'm transferring", "I'm not going to this area anymore", "Forget it!", "I'm not going to be in that area", "I'm going to be-" "I'm not going to be in that area or sectors or districts where I may run into this [inaudible]. I'm going to go to a suburb, I'm going to go someplace else, I don't want to deal with this, sorry nah nah, I want to retire", whatever the particular reason, whatever the particular motivation, numbers are going up, when the police remove themselves.
  29. Now this is the part that gets me, also. You have to be careful not to pick the wrong issues! Michael Brown, remember this? Hands up, hands up, don't shoot? It never happened! In Ferguson. None of that, that's all false. And media picked up on it, they were left and right, everybody was holding up their hands, please, don't shoot, don't shoot. Same thing with Trayvon Martin. Trayvon Martin, remember him? We thought he was some five year old kid with a mortarboard, the skittles and the Arizona tea, or whatever it was, when I saw Trayvon Martin, he was like 6'4", whatever his height was. I thought he shot a five year old kid. They didn't. Trayvon Martin, I'm sorry to say this, precipitated his death. Eric Garner, on Staten Island, this is the guy who...resisted arrest. And died of an asthma attack, heart attack. Tragedy, bad case. Tamir Rice, good case. Akai Gurley, good case. So, not every time, there is a black person who dies either in custody or at the head of the police, not every time is it a good case. Is it warranted.
  31. Now...Black Lives Matter, Joanne Chesimard, convicted cop killer, Assata Shakur, Assata Shakur, you'll see this a lot. The chant is "Assata taught me", Assata Shakur. Why is it, why is it, the inspirational guru of Black Lives Matter is a convicted cop killer? I don't understand that. That's not to say that, uuuuuh, Assata Shakur is not able to opine and say things that are relevant. As people get older...Malcolm X said some wonderfully brilliant things, but there was a time when he was considered, and maybe some still do, they think he was somehow a militant and this and that. He wasn't a cop killer, but the same thing with Mumia Abu-Jamal, you know, Wesley Cook? Why him? What about these BLM chants? "Pigs in blankets, fry 'em like bacon!" What about when you see them walking with- with- with banners, Black Lives Matter, saying "Kill the cops", what am I supposed to think about that? What would be the chant, what would white America, mainstream media, anybody say, Wolf Blitzer, Rachel Maddow, whomever...what would they say if there was an organization called, forget "White Lives Matter", because you can't use the word "white" in anything, unless it's pejorative. You can't say "white history", white this...white is bad. In today [inaudible]. But what if there were a group that was founded by Timothy McVeigh or David Duke? Or George Wallace? Or Herman Talmadge? Or whoever. What if he was the inspirational guru and and you know, and it said "Timothy taught me", "Branch Davidians", or whatever. People would go beserk, if that happened. They'd say "How dare you!" The fundamental - the founder! - of your organ- of "White Lives Matter" is a what? Timothy McVeigh? And if you said, "No, well, wait wait wait...that doesn't matter." It does too!
  33. Because here's where it gets interesting. If a _Trump supporter_, I want you to understand a different idea of this, if a Trump supporter says something, does something, spouts something, pulls out a gun, carries a gun, whatever you want to call it, if that happens, they will associate Trump with that person, even though Trump says, "Wait a minute, I had not- I don't even know who this person is." Okay, fine. If I turn around and say, "Well, why is Assata Shakur the inspirational maharishi of BLM-" Wait a minute. That doesn't matter. Hold it. You associate Trump with people he doesn't even know. Black Lives Matters [sic] selects, identifies Assata Shakur as the the the George Washington, so to speak, of this group. Why am I not supposed to pay attention to that? "It doesn't matter" - because it's inconvenient! Doesn't matter, because it goes back to the fact that Black Lives Matter. Black Lives Matter, that's the issue. Black Lives Matter. So, if you have an organization called "Puppy Dogs Are Cute", "I Love America", "Freedom Over Tyranny", "Love, Not Hate", and "Love, Not Hate" was founded by David Duke, or Donald Trump, or whatever the object of your scorn is, nobody would- they would scream. But in this case, look it's a double standard. It's the double standard.
  35. We have this thing that Black Lives Matter gets a pass, no matter what. Nobody cares about anything, they don't care about statistics, about crime stats, about nothing. It doesn't matter. What Black Lives Matter should be, is Black Jobs Matter. That's the part. You need mass traction economic programs. One of the things that white people love to say is, "Why are black people always burning down their own neighborhood? Why do these black people, when they riot, they burn down their own stuff?" It's not their own stuff! Look at the rate of unemployment! Look at the rate of property ownership. Now, I- Look, if you really want to go to after- you want to change things, and not just foment dissent, and stir up the instability, and destabilizing pot, you know...if you go down, and look at what's happening here, and deal with this from an economic point of view. A sociological point of view. And also, that means getting off of this- look at the, look at the mindset, how much- and there's a lot of positive stuff, but you gotta get away from gangster ideology, thug life, nonsense. You have to do I say this? You have to stop wallowing in a perception that criminality and uuuh, hoodlum gangsterism is somehow part and parcel with the black experience. Going back to the art form, every art form, whether its blues, country, you name it. Will always talk about their antecedents, be things like uh uh, you know, crime, poverty, yeah maybe even crime. Even Merle Haggard. Johnny Cash. "I Shot A Man In Reno Just To Watch Him Die". Whatever. But it wasn't that that was where we will always be. It's a reference to hard times, bad times, sure, we should always reference and refer to what you know. But you can't have this as a thematic, there's far too much- it's very unfair to say that black America, black music scene, or whatever, is entrenched in this anti-police, pro-crime, not to...I'm not saying that. There's a lot of wonderful stuff out there, and that's terrific. But it's a bigger problem.
  37. The bottom line is simply this: if you're going to care about something, if you're going to gotta understand what Black Lives Matter is all about. You gotta understand how black people are targeting black people. Black people are killing black people. Black people are the victims of their own individuals who basically, who profit, these profiteers, these racial arsonists like Sharpton and others, because if you want to do something, the answer is going to be very boring talk. About mass traction economic programs. Revitalization. Job programs. Employment. Education. Maybe using the Fed to issue trillion dollar tranches at zero percent. Or open up the, you know, window for programs and the like. The new, like an NWA [sic, hilariously - he means the PWA, Public Works Administration], or you know what I mean, New Deal kind of ideology. See, that's the stuff. But that's boring. Because Americans have no time for any talk about Wall Street, they'll talk about Occupy Wall Street, but have no idea about how Wall Street works. Or about asset stripping globalist financial elite jackals, and all that stuff, and derivatives bubbles, and and and..._we_ are a very ignorant group of people who just love a great bumper sticker, it's all we know. We love the bumper sticker stuff, that's it. And until we really get serious about this, then black lives won't matter. And white lives won't matter. And no lives will matter, because it's really about black _jobs_ matter. That's the issue. Okay? Join me, be with me right now, let's re-train, let's re-educate, let's re-calibrate, let's get rid of these rogue cops and the like. And also do something about this mainstream media. Who told us on that night, on the night that this happened, that it was going to be...what? That it was going to be some kind of of of snipers, and triangulated sniper fire, paramilitary. What's that all about? And using robots? Armed with bombs? Robots can be hacked. When you hack a robot, you can turn him against the police. I've said a lot. It's a lot for you to consider. So comment. As you see fit.
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