
Dragosani Tavern Description

Mar 25th, 2012
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  1. okay, first of all, the tavern is the ancestral home of the Dragosani clan.
  2. The way to get there is you take the main road out of town, two hour walk. By this time you'll have been following the forest to the north of the road, and to the south of the road will be open fields.
  3. You'll come to two large, ancient trees, the two oldest in the forest, with painted white rocks near their roots. A path shoots off between these trees, into the darkness beyond.
  4. The path is packed dirt. It's a small footpath that twists and winds along the hill top, twisting eventually around a plateau area where a spring flows out from inside a bowl-shaped depression in bare rock. The stream flows in all four directions, north, south, east and west, and inside the bowl of the rock the water is about six inches deep and terribly cold. This area has a certain feel about it, and non-celestial beings wouldn't feel safe lingering for long.
  5. but the path winds on around that, crossing over all four streams as it continues on and down the other side of the mountain. Eventually the east stream becomes a creek, and the path sets out following it. A sign posted to a large oak tree names the creek, the size of a small river now, the Gyandotte.
  6. When you've followed the path so long that it feels like the path will never actually lead anywhere, suddenly there's a clearing in the forest. The foot path vanishes to well manicured grass, which leads to a hand-hewn footbridge without railings, the only crossing of the Gyandotte.
  7. Just beyond the bridge lies the tavern itself. It's an impressive building, three stories tall, the facade is made of cobbled stone and the roof of japanese style clay shingles. Smoke wisps out of the chimney to the eastern side of the tavern. Ivy grows up the building
  8. The porch is made of wood and has a red painted swing hanging from chains on the roof of the covered porch. Above the door hangs a sign, weathered with age, in nine languages, including drow, elven, dwarven, celestial, draconic, and a few that aren't recognizable anymore, each stating that the premises is a non-combat zone.
  9. The door is heavy, made of wrought iron, the metal expertly decorated in an engraving of what appears to be leaves being swept by the wind. When pushed on, the door swings open almost effortlessly.
  10. Inside, the first floor is an ornately decorated tavern. The bar is to the left side of the room, with a doorway only accessible from behind the bar leading into a kitchen. A spiral staircase made of iron sets in front of you, but closer to the bar than the middle of the room. A door beside the stairs leads into a library. Off to the right of that, a recessed area has a door that leads to the back of the inn, and one to the left side of the recess that leads downstairs.
  11. The walls of this main floor of the tavern are made of stone and engraved, inlaid with swirling patterns of gold. The stones of the hearth are inlaid with semi-precious stones in the mosaic pattern of the Dragosani crest.
  12. The upper floors are both in catwalk style, meaning that if one stood at the center of the main floor among the tables and looked up, the ceiling that would be seen would be three floors up, with wide wooden rafters.
  13. The bar itself is well stocked, drinking vessels made of actual glass are carefully stacked upside-down on the bar, bottles of the most popular liquors are kept in stock. There is a hidden chamber under the marbled bar top, near the kitchen, well-secured with a lock. Should this be found in its hidden spot beneath the bar, no amount of lock picking would ever open the mechanism, and the key is long gone.
  14. Inside the kitchen are several surprises. The first would be running water. Indeed, the Dragosani clan has figured out a way to create running water for their stone sink, including a hot and cold tap. From the heat of the hot water, it would be evident that these water pipes must run near the fire on the far end of the tavern. And an icebox sits in the corner, a medium-sized stone box with a handle. A sign on it warns that it is possessed. Should it be opened, the contents will be not only cold, but will randomly change each time the door is opened. Placing something inside the icebox is by no means promised that you will ever get it back, although things that vanish seem to never spoil and are randomly returned at some point in the future. Speaking kindly to the icebox often provides good results in getting what is desired.
  15. Going up to the second floor reveals twelve wooden doors labelled in ascending numerical order in clockwork fashion around the catwalk. These rooms can be rented for a nominal fee at the bar. Each of these rooms is set up similarly: a bed, a chair, a dresser, and a private washroom, complete with tub and hot and cold water.
  16. Continuing to the third floor would reveal a setup much like the second, twelve doors around the catwalk, except instead of numbers, these have runic letters marking one door from the other. These are the rooms of the clan members, the largest of which being the one in the corner near the back of the building, furthest from the stairs.
  17. This largest room belongs to the clan mother, and is locked tight. Returning downstairs, the library room contains books that have been brought back by the Dragosani over the years. A sign on the door forbids books from being removed from the tavern and asks that the greatest care be taken with the books found within. These books are largely hand-written masterpieces, rare items. Most people are lucky to own one or two, but the Dragosani must have thousands in this room. Two chairs sit under a window in the back of the room.
  18. The basement appears to house more rooms for the family. The basement is the size of the full tavern. The half of the basement closest to the stairs is a large storeroom. Wine and liquor bottles line the walls, a cellar of food, dried herbs and vegetables are stored here as well. A large table in the center has several decks of cards stacked on it in neat order. The other side of the basement contains twelve more rooms. A corridor leads down and around in a circular pattern, emerging into the main room again on the other side of the room. Doors line the interior and exterior of this hallway both. The family members may seemingly choose where they wish to reside, either here or on the third floor.
  19. Back upstairs, and out the back door would reveal a massive walled-in garden. The walls that are completely overlooked from outside for the vegetation that grows around them are ominous from the inside. The walls are twelve feet high and built of solid stone, obviously meant to provide security in the event of an attack. The walls will continue on for an entire half square-mile around the gardens, securing the entire grounds within. Beginning to the left side of the tavern, the walls have been engraved in no small detail, telling the history of the Dragosani clan. Assuming that the reader could understand the chosen elven language, the walls would provide days, perhaps weeks, of reading, including tales of wars, battles, romances, strife, break-ups, deaths... a true story of a legendary nature.
  20. The gardens themselves are just as amazing as the walls. One of each plant ever in existence grows here, the garden obviously under some spell that permits the plants to exist as if they were in their natural environment. The trails are well-manicured, lined with white stones on either side. One path leads to a massive rose garden, with a sign hanging above the arched entrance welcoming guests to Laven's Garden. Another path will lead to vegetable fields. Chickens wander through the entirety of the garden.
  21. Choosing enough right paths may take the wanderer to a small lake with a waterfall near the back of the garden. Here, a grove of fairy folk make their home, and so long as they are not harassed too badly, they seem to welcome the occasional visitor. The Gyandotte circles the entire tavern, including the gardens out back, and any attempts at injuring a Dragosani within the bounds of the Gyandotte will result in the offender being magically transported instantly beyond the river and away from Dragosani lands.
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