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overewach tips trix basiks mlg 420 faze fnatic pro HD

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Feb 24th, 2017
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  1. Compilation of basics/tips/tricks/what should be common sense in Overwatch, that is NOT only important for people who play x hero, but for EVERYBODY, even if you don't play certain heroes - because to know your Enemy, you must become your Enemy... or... something like that
  3. - Blue shields can regenerate regardless of your health (unless you're 0 health, of course)
  4. - Armor does not.
  5. - Both armor and blue shields deplete before Health Points do
  6. - Healing packs/healing abilities can regenerate armor or blue shields, unless the armor was provided by Torbjorn.
  7. - Armor is stronger against, for example, lots of bullets with little damage each. It is very weak against one attack with huge damage.
  8. - You cannot heal turrets, teleporters, shield generators, etc.
  9. - You cannot use teleporters to travel backwards - you can only travel from spawn to x, not from x to spawn
  10. - Changing heroes will reset your Ultimate charge
  11. - Damaging enemies makes your Ultimate charge faster
  12. - When Attacking on Escort maps, the Payload provides HP when an Attack player is near it
  13. - Do not trust a, Genji, Pharah, Lúcio, Widowmaker, Winston, and on very exceptional cases Tracer who fall off a cliff to be already dead unless you see
  15. that in the kill feed. Whether they threw themselves off pretending to "omg i'm gonna kms lolll" or they were pushed off, they can climb back up while you're
  17. turning your back away thinking they're already gone.
  19. - Ana cannot headshot
  20. - You cannot get healed while you have enemy Ana's biotic grenade on you
  21. - Damaging an enemy while they're asleep with Ana's sleep dart will awaken them, no matter how big or small the damage
  22. - Using Ana's sleep dart will stop most ultimates. The enemy will not resume the ultimate after they're awake.
  23. - Ana's ultimate, Nanoboost, does not make the character affected invincible/damageless; it does, however, reduce the damage taken and increases the damage
  25. done
  27. - You can control which direction ejects out of her mech with your direction keys
  28. -'s defense matrix cannot block things such as Zarya's laser beam, Symmetra's microwave beam, Mei's freeze spray, Rein's hammer, nor Roadhog's hook
  29. - can, however, block most if not all projectiles and Junkrat's bombs, and even some ultimates, such as Pharah's (Barrage), Roadhog's (Whole Hog), etc.
  30. - Using boosters + your ultimate (the bomb) makes your bomb slide which direction you pressed. First your boosters key, then your ultimate key.
  31. - To see where your bomb would land: stand on a certain place. Use boosters. Wherever you land when the booster ends is where the bomb lands.
  32. - Standing behind a wall/barrier no matter how near or far it is will block any damage from's ultimate. Standing a certain distance away from it with no
  34. obstacles between you and the bomb will still give you some damage, although not all of it.
  35. -'s ultimate does not damage herself
  37. - Please search a list of what can Genji deflect and what he can't. Genji can deflect attacks, abilities, and even ultimates and make them against you
  38. - If Genji eliminates an enemy with swift strike (the sword thing that leaves a trail of light behind), his cooldowns reset
  39. - Genji cannot throw shuriken while using his ultimate
  41. - As Genji and Hanzo, press and hold forward to climb a wall, not spam those buttons
  43. - Enemies revealed by Hanzo's Sonic Arrow (the "SEE WHICH IS UNSEEEEN" "MARKED......... BY THE DRAGON" thing) becomes available to all heroes in Hanzo's
  45. team, not just Hanzo
  47. - Junkrat's grenades damage himself; mines, however, do not
  48. - Junkrat's ultimate rip-tire can be destroyed before it explodes with no damage dealt to its targets
  49. - When Junkrat uses his rip-tire, he stays still and the player cannot see himself while using the tire
  50. - Eliminating Junkrat after he's launched his rip-tire will not eliminate his rip-tire
  51. - Junkrat drops bombs when he dies that damages enemies
  52. - Junkrat knows when an enemy has been caught in his trap
  53. - Junkrat also knows when an enemy has destroyed his trap or mine
  55. - McCree's roll reloads his gun completely
  56. - In McCree's ultimate (Deadeye), it takes a few seconds for him to lock on a target before firing the accurate shot; however, the number of seconds it takes
  58. is based on the enemy's HP. Tanks are going to take longer to lock on than, for example, a Tracer
  61. - Mei's ice wall can block enemy ultimates such as's self-destruct bomb
  62. - Mei's ice wall can also block certain enemy abilities like Reinhardt's charge, Roadhog's hook, etc.
  63. - Shooting at/hitting an enemy Mei while she is in Cryo-Freeze (when she's a block of ice) does not deal any damage to her nor make the ability degrade
  65. faster
  66. - Shooting at/hitting a certain spot in an enemy Mei's ice wall can destroy that spot
  67. - Mei can freeze enemy turrets
  69. - When you revive someone as Mercy, your Guardian Angel (the ability that allows her to fly from teammate to teammate) cooldown resets
  70. - To fall slowly as Mercy while in the air, press and hold space, not spam it
  71. - Mercy has self-heal over time
  72. - Mercy can still use Guardian Angel with her pistol equipped
  73. - Mercy can still use Guardian Angel on a teammate that has been recently killed
  75. - Pharah can run out of fuel to fly in the air
  76. - Pharah's rockets can damage herself
  78. - Reaper heals himself when an enemy dies consuming their "souls" (an orb that floats to him when he's nearby the dead ally); whoever killed that enemy
  80. doesn't matter.
  82. - Be careful: if uses her ultimate while you're charging her as Reinhardt, she ejects out of her MEKA, and you're still holding the MEKA, the MEKA will
  84. still explode in your face and on your teammates'.
  85. - Reinhardt's shield can shield him and teammates who are behind him from's bomb
  86. - Reinhardt can't shield another enemy Reinhardt's hammer
  87. - Reinhardt's shield will not stop another Reinhardt's charge ability
  88. - Reinhardt can charge through a friend's teleporter, charging from the starting point to the destination
  90. - Again, be careful: using Roadhog's hook on's exploding MEKA will... Well... You know. [6:02]
  91. - Using Roadhog's hook succesfully will stop most ultimates. The enemy will not return to the ultimate action after they're hooked.
  93. - You can sprint midair as Soldier 76
  94. - You can get a little jump boost (with some damage) shooting Soldier 76's helix rockets at the ground
  96. - Sombra's ultimate, EMP, only affects the enemies and enemies' creations in the EMP blast's radius
  97. - EMP removes blue shields and barriers (and obviously, hacks enemies)
  98. - EMP also disables turrets
  99. - When an enemy's health is below 50%, Sombra (only Sombra) can see them through walls
  100. - Hacking health packs as Sombra not only makes the enemy unable to use them, but also makes them spawn much faster
  101. - Sombra can have more than one health pack hacked at a time
  102. - Sombra cannot use her Hack ability on turrets nor teleporters or any creations of the sort
  104. - Shooting at Zarya's bubble, herself or ally, will not "destroy" it faster, nor destroy it at all. Shooting at bubbles actually increases Zarya's damage.
  106. - To glide against a wall as Lúcio, hold down space bar, not spam it
  107. - Lúcio can glide backwards
  108. - Lúcio heals/speed boosts all allies that are within his range not blocked by walls
  110. - Press your ultimate button TWICE to make a Shield Generator instead of a Teleporter as Symmetra
  111. - Only one teleporter is available to Symmetra; you do not need to create a starting point teleporter. A teleporter inside the spawn is always created.
  112. - Symmetra's turrets have 1 HP each
  113. - Symmetra players can see how many, which, and where of her creations have been destroyed
  115. - Torbjorn's ultimate, Molten Core, where he turns into fire and so does his turret and all that stuff, gives him and his turret a health boost, and
  117. transforms his turret into the next level. He can also repair it much faster.
  118. - Killing an enemy causes scrap to drop for Torbjorn for him to pick up
  120. - Tracer's "Recall" ability - where she "goes back in time" - resets any damage, debuff, and ammo wasted 5 seconds ago
  121. - Tracer's ultimate, "Pulse Bomb", can get stuck on enemies and surfaces
  122. - Tracer's ultimate can damage herself
  124. - If Winston lands near an enemy using Jump Pack, they take some damage from it
  125. - Winston's ultimate, Primal Rage, reduces his Jump Pack ability cooldown
  126. - Winston's ultimate also doubles his HP
  128. - Zenyatta's healing orbs and discord orbs ("plus" yellow orb for teammates that heals and "minus" purple orb for enemies that increases damage received)
  130. require the teammate/enemy to be in his line of sight; thus, for example, hiding behind a wall for a few seconds will remove his discord or healing orb from
  132. you, and vice versa (Zenyatta himself moving away also causes the same effect).
  133. - Zenyatta can still contest a capture point while using his ultimate
  134. - Even though Zenyatta does not put his feet on the ground, he can still get caught by Junkrat's trap
  137. Congratulations, you now probably know more than your average basic normie pleb player!!!!!! (Or not) (we do not issue refunds)
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