

Jan 23rd, 2016
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  1. [05:42 PM] Yevgeny Volgin has put his lover to bed, with many kisses and blankets and nibbles and possibly a handjob to seal the deal-- who knows what this big handsome scarred man does behind closed doors?-- and has opened the window of the room, blocking most of the draft with his body as he smokes one of David's cigarettes and watches the falling snow, peaceful and calm and smiling faintly. What a beautiful day.
  2. [05:54 PM] Naked-Snake has still been hanging out around Tori's backyard all this time. He's no stranger to camping outside and a little snow won't stop him either. He has like fifteen different camo outfits to bundle up in and a box to shelter him if it gets especially cold. If all else fails, he can sleep in Tori's shed, but it hasn't gotten to that point. He's a manly man! Rugged and outdoorsy, and probably too prideful for his own good. For now, he's chilling underneath a tree, mostly hidden by the shadows.
  4. And then he spots movement by one of the windows of Tori's house. Hey, isn't that- A quick check with his binoculars verifies it; it's Colonel Volgin. That cowardly bastard...! Snake was warned not to kill this guy, but nobody said anything about forcing information out of him. Snake has many questions, after all. Questions about the Shagohod, the truth behind the nuke explosion last week and the Boss. Why would she defect to join an asshole like that? It doesn't sit well with him.
  6. Drawing his Mk22, he sneaks towards the house through the bushes and slowly makes his way upstairs. Sure, the Mk22 might not seem too impressive- it isn't- but that's the trick of it. If he's forced to shoot Volgin, it'll just tranquilize the guy, and the Colonel won't know this handgun was modified to shoot tranquilize darts, so he'll still take it seriously. Genius. He's not knocking on the guest room door, he is going right in.
  7. [05:57 PM] Yevgeny Volgin is still smoking and watching the snow fall, absolutely oblivious, and buried under a heap of blankets and quilts is Naked Snake's son, sleeping peacefully. The house is well maintained; the hinges don't make a noise as John comes into the room, and Volgin doesn't even twitch.
  8. [06:02 PM] Naked-Snake's attention is on Volgin, first of all, because he knew the guy would be seated near the window. He raises his gun and does a quick sweep of the room, more out of reflex than anything else, his mind already trying to come up with some cool one-liner to get the Colonel's attention. ...Maybe a lightning pun. 'Well, isn't this a shock?' Yeah, that's a good one.
  10. Aaand then his eyes fall on the person in the bed. Is that- No. Oh no. With that realization, he stands frozen on the spot. Isn't this a shock, indeed?
  11. [06:13 PM] Yevgeny Volgin blinks, and turns, and snorts a laugh, despite himself-- half at the pun, half at the look on his face. "Don't wake him," he says, voice low, and vaguely waves for the man to join him on the window side of the room.
  12. [06:14 PM] Yevgeny Volgin DOESN'T turn around then!!!
  13. [06:14 PM] Yevgeny Volgin shhhh
  14. [06:14 PM] Naked-Snake WELL FINE BE THAT WAY
  15. [06:15 PM] Naked-Snake did not say the pun out loud because the last thing he wants right now is to wake his....... son? Clone? Descendant? He doesn't even know. Still, he came here for answers. He NEEDS to talk to Volgin. So he'll just. Clear his throat. Yes.
  16. [06:19 PM] Yevgeny Volgin does hear that! And he turns around, and looks vaguely surprised but... not really bothered by the man, or the gun.
  18. "Don't wake the kid," he says, quietly, and waves at Naked Snake-- to beckon him over, and to put the gun away, though he doesn't really expect the man to do either thing. Still... if the man has his eye, and his clothes, then he probably hasn't done anything truly unforgivable yet, by Volgin's standards. Just a bunch of the Cobra unit.
  19. [06:26 PM] Naked-Snake killed those Cobra bastards for sure. ...Well he hasn't gotten to the Fury yet, but the Pain, the Fear and the End are goners. He's also not lowering that gun just yet. Instead, he jerks his head towards the hallway behind him. "We need to talk. In private," he hisses.
  20. [06:33 PM] Yevgeny Volgin : "This room's private," he answers, voice low to match. "You're the only one who's not supposed to be here, actually."
  21. [06:36 PM] Naked-Snake grits his teeth. "And I don't want to stay any longer than I have to, which is why I'm asking you to come out here and face me like a man instead of hiding behind..." he trails off, not sure how to finish that sentence. He waves a hand at David's sleeping form. "...Him."
  22. [06:49 PM] Yevgeny Volgin slowly smirks, and lounges more comfortably, flicking his cigarette out the window and making a point of settling into his perch on the windowsill. "I'm not hiding. I'm right here. Are you going to shoot me over his head if I stay where I am?"
  23. [06:56 PM] Naked-Snake is tempted to, honestly. He just can't see how that would help him any. If he tranquilizes Volgin and the guy hits the floor, what then? Drag him out of the room? No thanks. What if he falls out the window and breaks his neck? Let's not risk it. Snake scrunches his eyes shut in frustration for a moment, then lowers the gun. "We have things to discuss and I'm not doing it in front of him."
  24. [07:04 PM] Yevgeny Volgin notes the gun lowering. and gets to his feet without hesitation. All you had to do was not hold him at gunpoint, but nooo, you had to guns guns guns at him.
  26. "Things to discuss," he echoes, amused, and will move past Snake to the hallway, all mild and polite.
  27. [07:08 PM] Naked-Snake considers guns the answer to all his problems. ...Or, well, three quarters of his problems. The remaining problems could probably be solved through eating. Regardless, he doesn't buy how innocent Volgin's being, so he'll be holding onto the gun, even if he's not pointing it at the guy directly. For a brief moment, he's stumped on where they should even go- he hadn't thought that far ahead- so ultimately he'll just lead Volgin to a different guest room a few doors down the hall.
  28. [07:24 PM] Yevgeny Volgin has had sex in this guest room, too! Just fyi. :D He looks around, still smirking, and sits himself down on the bed, eyes alight. "Won't you join me?" he asks, and pats the comforter next to him, possibly maaaayyybe baiting the man just a little smidgy bit.
  29. [07:27 PM] Naked-Snake is oblivious to the bait, mostly because he doesn't get gay flirting. ...He doesn't get straight flirting either. He's a thick moron like that. The though of sitting next to Volgin is terrible in its own way though, so he'll stick close to the door after closing it, scrunching his face in disgust. "No, thanks."
  30. [07:29 PM] Yevgeny Volgin says, "Suit yourself," then: "<What did you want to ask me?>"
  31. [07:34 PM] Yevgeny Volgin : ((bleh if you said anything after volgin i didn't get it)
  32. [07:35 PM] Naked-Snake is fine with replying in Russian. "<... David wants us to have a truce, and I suppose I can live with that for now, but... I can't turn a blind eye to the things you've done, either. If we're going to get along, then I have to know. Why did the Boss defect? What did you promise her in return?>"
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