

Jan 12th, 2017
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text 85.39 KB | None | 0 0
  1. ar _0x56ba = ["hk_msg", "comms", "#inp_", "hk-oag", "comms-oag", "mouseup", "resize", "#chatroom", "perfectScrollbar", "update", "showChatroom", "scrollTop", "scrollHeight", "options", "toast-bottom-left-hslo", "1000", "swing", "slideDown", '
  2. ×
  3. Changelog
  5. 1/12/2017
  6. ● Added little theming options.
  8. 1/10/2017
  9. ● Added chat emoticons.
  10. ● Some performance tweaks and other fixes.
  12. 1/9/2017
  13. ● Added teammate mass next to name in minimap.
  14. ● Added "hide own name" & "hide names" options.
  15. ● Added cell color changing hotkey. (Default is TAB)
  16. ● Fixed SHIFT key bug.
  17. ',
  18. "prof-oag", "profNow", "selected", "skin", "tag", "OAG", "3.3", "(o.o)", "load", "setProf", "#prof-left", "#prof-right", "#nick, #skin, #team", "input", "#skin", "#team", "#prof-img", "background-image", "setSkin", "url('", "toggle", "clrArray", "constructor", "entries", "updCnt", "animSize", "updateAlive", "sendPosition", "score", "bigCellMass", "pieces", "createElement", "canvas", "crossOrigin", "Anonymous", "src", "clip", "onload", "drawImage", "toDataURL", "downloadedSkins", "anonymous", "skinMap",
  19. "getHSLOskinCode", "HSLOskins", "hasOwnProperty", "cacheHSLOskin", "split", "charCodeAt", "", "", "show", "hide", ":visible", "sendMsg", "normal", "blur", "slideUp", "focus", "now", "lastSentMsg", "emit", "message", "indexOf", "calculateSector", "replace", "%currentSector%", "alert", "Feed me!", "Split into me!", "Need backup at %currentSector%!", "Enemy spotted at %currentSector%!", "Need a teammate!", "Tank the virus!",
  20. "Charge the virus!", "Let's bait!", "Fake tricksplit!", "Fuck!", "Up!", "Down!", "Left!", "", "socket", "connect", "playerList", "skinId", "downloadSkin", "getHours", "getMinutes", "success", '', "", "#chatroominner", '
  21. ', ": ", "
  22. ", "info", '', "scrollDown", "joinRoom", "updateNick", "updateSkin", "roomNow", "UpdateClient", "sendPostionInt", "coords", "lastselfMapX",
  23. "lastselfMapY", "JoinRoom", "ctrlKey", "CTRL", "altKey", "ALT", "shiftKey", "SHIFT", "keyCode", "isValidHk", "TAB", "ENTER", "DOWN", "mapHkNow", "default", "hkMappingNow", "feedInterval", "core", "ejecthslo", "splithslo", "Feed", "Macro feed", "macroFeed", "Split", "SPACE", "splitted", "Double split", "split2", "Split 16", "split16", "Enter message", "enterChatMsg", "Toggle food", "Toggle border", "Toggle grid", "Toggle custom skins", "customSkin", "Toggle enemy mass", "hideMass", "Toggle names",
  24. "hideName", "Toggle cell color", "Message 1", "sendAlertMsg", "Message 2", "Message 3", "Message 4", "Message 5", "Message 6", "Message 7", "Message 8", "Message 9", "Message 10", "Message 11", "Message 12", "Message 13", "LEFT", "Message 14", "RIGHT", "count", "isLBtext", "#ffaaaa", '', "updateLB", "innerHTML", "oldDate", "FPS", "fpsCount", "updateFPSbar", "floor", "calcSTE", "FPS: ", "showScore", " Score: ", "showSte", " STE: ", "showN16", "/16]", "autoZoom", " \ud83d\udd12",
  25. "fpsHud", "ajax", "", "$1if($'canvas'){$3;myCtx = $2}else{$3}", "$2agarFunc.cellId = $1;", "$1return;$2", "$1if(!opt.autoZoom.val){$2camera.zoomVal}else{$2$3}$4", "if(!opt.autoZoom.val){$3=camera.zoomVal;} $1$2 (camera.zoomSpeed || 0.86) $5 camera.zoomVal=$1;", "if($1<0){", "$1agarFunc.idOffset = $2;agarFunc.idMemOffset=$3;$4", "$1agarFunc.nameMemOffset = $2;$3", "$1.$2.onPlayerSpawn();myGame.onSpawn();", "$1.$2.onPlayerDeath$3;myGame.onDeath();", "$1<=40.0|| ($4 && opt.hideOwnMass.val) || (!$4 && opt.hideMass.val) $2",
  26. "$1if(ownCell||camera.visibility>=0.05||(camera.visibility<0.3 && opt.autoHideNandM.val && o>150)){$2}$3", "split:function(){},splithslo:function(){$1()}", "eject:function(){},ejecthslo:function(){$1()}", "$1var self = $3;$2", "if((self&&!opt.hideOwnName.val)||(!self&&!opt.hideName.val)){$1}$2", "var nick = null,skin = null,ownCell = false,color = agarFunc.rgb2hex(t & 255, u & 255, v & 255),isVirus = myCtx.lineJoin === 'miter',isFood = o < 20.0,newSize = +g[f >> 2],cX = +g[z >> 2],cY = +g[A >> 2],idx = null;if (!isVirus && !isFood && agarFunc.nameMemOffset && agarFunc.cellId && agarFunc.getString) {if ((a[agarFunc.cellId + agarFunc.nameMemOffset + 4 >> 0] & 1) == 0 | 0) {nick = agarFunc.getString(agarFunc.cellId + agarFunc.nameMemOffset + 5);} else {nick = agarFunc.getString(c[agarFunc.cellId + agarFunc.nameMemOffset + 12 >> 2] | 0);}idx = nick + color;}if (idx && o > 60) {if ((b + idx) in myCache.animSize && myCache.animSize[b + idx].upd === agarFunc.updCnt - 1) {var preSize = ~~myCache.animSize[b + idx].size;if(preSize !== o) {myCache.animSize[b + idx].size = preSize + ~~((o - preSize)*10/theme.animDelay);}newSize = myCache.animSize[b + idx].size;myCache.animSize[b + idx].upd = agarFunc.updCnt;} else {myCache.animSize[b + idx] = {size: ~~p,upd: agarFunc.updCnt}}}do if ($1=1,$1) {if (o<10) break;if (isFood) {if(opt.showFood.val && !opt.rgbFood.val) {{x: cX, y: cY, r: o})}if(!opt.showFood.val || !opt.rgbFood.val) break;}if (playerData.alive && !isVirus && !isFood) {if (agarFunc.cellId && agarFunc.idOffset && agarFunc.idMemOffset) {var idA = c[agarFunc.cellId + agarFunc.idOffset >> 2] | 0;var idB = c[agarFunc.idMemOffset] | 0;var idC = c[agarFunc.idMemOffset + 1] | 0;loop: do {if ((idB | 0) != (idC | 0)) {while (true) {if ((c[idB >> 2] | 0) == (idA | 0)) {break loop;}idB = idB + 4 | 0;if ((idB | 0) == (idC | 0)) {idB = idC;break;}}}} while (false);ownCell = (idB | 0) != (idC | 0);}}if(ownCell) {if(playerData.color!==color) {playerData.color=color;connect.updateColor();}}$2;$3;$4 newSize $5;$6;if (opt.transparentCells.val) {myCtx.globalAlpha *= theme.def.cellsAlpha;}if(isVirus) {myCtx.fillStyle = theme.def.virCol;myCtx.strokeStyle = theme.def.virStrokeCol;myCtx.globalAlpha *= theme.def.virAlpha;myCtx.stroke();}else{if(cstmClr.toggle && ownCell){var s = cstmClr.clrArray[cstmClr.selected];t=s.r;u=s.g;v=s.b};$7;}$8;if(nick) {if(opt.customSkin.val && color) {skin = myGame.getSkin(nick+color)}if(!skin && opt.hsloSkin.val && nick.indexOf('\u0001')+1){skin = myGame.getHsloSkin(nick)}}if(skin){myCtx.drawImage(skin,cX-newSize,cY-newSize,2*newSize,2*newSize)}break}",
  27. "{n.g[a].fillText(F(b),c,e)}", '{leaderB.getHtml(F(b),n.g[a].fillStyle);if(!leaderB.isLBtext){wid = n.g[a].canvas.width/2; n.g[a].textAlign="center";n.g[a].fillText(F(b), wid, e)};}', 'if(opt.strokeText.val){wid = n.g[a].canvas.width/2; n.g[a].textAlign="center";n.g[a].strokeText(F(b), wid, e)}', "n.g[a].fillRect(b,c,e,g)", "n.g[a].globalAlpha=b", 'n.g[a].lineJoin="miter"', 'n.g[a].strokeStyle="rgb("+b+","+c+","+e+")"', 'n.g[a].lineCap="round"', "$1$2$3$2=~~($2*5/2);", "script", "textContent", "async",
  28. "appendChild", ":checked", "nodes", "addEventListener", ":hidden", ":focus", "hk_enterMsg", "keyDown", "target", "inp_hk_msg", "keyUp", "mousedown", "mouseFeed", "which", "mouseInvert", "mouseSplit", "contextmenu", "apply", "return (function() ", '{}.constructor("return this")( )', "console", "log", "warn", "debug", "error", "exception", "trace", "init", "send", "prototype", "match", "url", "join", "", "ws://", "serverIp", "server", "Connected to ", "onClose", "close", "warning", "disconnected",
  29. "link", "rel", "href", "", "image/x-icon", "getElementsByTagName", "head", "title", "OAG ~ MGx", "Welcome to OAG ~ MGx | Original By 2Coolife", "Changelog: 13/1/2017 Added Info panel removed zoom limit added zoom speed Fixed major bugs in OAG Enjoy!!", '
  30. ', "#Ogario-Party-Panel", "
  31. Server IP
  32. ",
  33. "#server", 'JOIN IP', "#rightPanel", '
  34. ', "#infop-Panel", '
  35. IP:
  36. Server:
  37. Region:
  38. Gamemode:
  39. COPY',
  40. "#copyLb", "
  41. ", "select", "#lb-pos", "execCommand", "copy", "#region :selected", "#gamemode :selected", "#servertag, #region2n, #gtype, #serverip", "#servertag", "#serverip", "#region2n", "#gtype", 'RADIO
  42. ', "#panelRadio", '
  43. MG\u00d1\u2026~R\u00ce\u00b1d\u00ce\u00b9o / frshoutcast
  46. 0:00
  50. Playlist',
  51. "#freeCoins", "#panelAgario", "#gifting", ".btn-logout", 'EXTRA OPTIONS
  52. ', "#extraoptionsbox", '
  54. ', 'YOUTUBE
  55. ',
  56. "#panelyoutube", '
  57. ', ".diep-cross, .tosBox, .gifts-blocker, #giftsPanel", "#quality", ".zsxtitle", "#options > label:nth-last-child(4)", "#options > label:nth-last-child(2)", "prependTo", '',
  58. "getDate", "getMonth", "getFullYear", "getSeconds", "currenttime", " | ", "#extrasettingspage", '
  60. Block popups (ads/shop)
  62. ', "blockads", "#blockads",
  63. "checked", '', "#blockads2", "#changelbheader", "#lb-head", "Leaderboard", "S_changelbheader", "true", "trigger", "#streamMode", '', "streamMode", "#STREAMM", '
  65. White Mouse Cursor
  67. ',
  68. "blockadss", "#blockadss", "#blockadss2", '', '
  69. 2x FPS
  70. ',
  71. "#ttfps", "S_ttfps", "false", 'img[src="mc/img/currency_icon.png"]', "", 'Virus Color
  73. , "virCol", "virStrokeCol",
  74. .g-ytsubscribe{margin-left: 49px;}#info0{margin-bottom:10px;}#infop-Panel{font-size: 13px;}.pinky, .toastr-nickc{color: #fc007c;}#helloContainer[data-gamemode=":party"] .agario-party, #helloContainer[data-party-state="0"] .agario-party-0, #helloContainer[data-party-state="1"] .agario-party-1, #helloContainer[data-party-state="2"] .agario-party-2, #helloContainer[data-party-state="3"] .agario-party-3, #helloContainer[data-party-state="4"] .agario-party-4, #helloContainer[data-party-state="5"] .agario-party-5, #helloContainer[data-party-state="6"] .agario-party-6, #helloContainer[data-results-state="0"] .agario-results-0, #helloContainer[data-results-state="1"] .agario-results-1, #helloContainer[data-results-state="2"] .agario-results-2{height: 0px;opacity: 0;margin-top: 0px;}.agario-party{height:0%}.agario-side-panel{width: 235px;}#lbposition span, #lbposition span{display:block}.colorpicker-element .add-on i, .colorpicker-element .input-group-addon i{border-radius: 10px;}.input-group-addon{ background-color: #20103b;}.lb-self{color: #fc007c;}.extrasettingsbox{margin-top:15px!important;color:#fff;height:35px;width:92%;border-radius:4px;outline:none!important;outline-style:none!important;box-shadow:none!important;float:left;margin-right:5px}#extrasettings{margin-top: 0px ;width: 100%; float: left; margin-right: -110px;}.modal-header, .extrasettingspage, .modal-footer, .modal-body{background: #14062b;color: #fff;}.modal-footer{border-top: 1px solid #20103b;}.modal-header{border-bottom: 1px solid #20103b;}.form-control[disabled], .form-control[readonly], fieldset[disabled] .form-control{background-color: #20103b;}#prof-img{width: 180.5px;height: 180.5px;box-shadow: 0 0 10px #0d041b;}#prof-right{right: 32px;}#prof-left{left: 32px;}#prof-right, #prof-left{border-top: 25px solid transparent; border-bottom: 25px solid transparent;margin-top: 8px;}#server{padding: 6px 8px;}#Ogario-Party-Panel{float: right;}.btn-connect{width: 100%; margin-top: 10px;}.agario-wallet-container .agario-wallet-plus{background: #ff0078;}.agario-wallet-container{border: 1px solid #ff0078;}extrasettingspage{color: #000;}#hk-cont{color: #000;}#fpsHud{padding: 2px 10px;font-size: 20px;}#quality{margin-bottom: 15px;margin-top: 15px;}#lb-pos{text-align: left;}#lb-head{color: #fc007c;}.btn-logout, .btn-shop{margin-top: 10px;}.btn-shop{ margin-bottom: 10px;}.agario-panel{background-color: #14062B; color: #fff;}.nav-tabs>>a, .nav-tabs>>a:focus, .nav-tabs>>a:hover{border: 0px solid #ddd;background-color: #20103b;color: #fff;}.nav-tabs{border: 0px solid #ddd;}.form-control{background-color: #20103b;color: #fff;}.nav>li>a{border-radius: 4px;}a:focus, a:hover, a{color: #fc007c;}#prof-right{border-left: 20px solid #0d041b;}#prof-left{border-right: 20px solid #0d041b;}#prof-right:hover{border-left-color: #20103b;}#prof-left:hover{border-right-color: #20103b;}.progress{margin-bottom: 0px;}.agario-exp-bar{border: 2px solid #ba0853;}.agario-exp-bar .progress-bar{background-color: #ba0853;}.progress-bar-star {background-image: url(;}.nav{padding-left: 11px;}.btn-spectate{margin-bottom: 0px;}.agario-profile-panel .agario-profile-picture{border-radius: 33px; border: 2px solid #ff0078;}#freeCoins{width: 47%;}.btn-shop, .btn-shop:active, .btn-shop:disabled{width: 50%; float: right; margin-top: 0px}.btn-play, .btn-info {background:#4f0242!important;border-color:#4f0242!important;} .btn-spectate, .btn-success, .btn-editpan {background:#AA084E!important;border-color:#AA084E!important;padding-top: 6px;} #join-party-btn {background:#4f0242!important;border-color:#4f0242!important;} #create-party-btn {background:#000025!important;border-color:#000025!important;} .btn-warning.btn-login-play {background:#000025!important;border-color:#000025!important;} .btn-play-guest {background:#4f0242!important;border-color:#4f0242!important;} .btn-logout {background-color: #aa084e; border-color: #aa084e;} .btn-shop, .btn-shop:active, .btn-shop:disabled, .btn-connect, .btn-connect:hover, .btn-connect:active, .btn-connect:visited {background-color: #aa084e; border-color: #aa084e;}.btn-gifting, .btn-gifting:active, .btn-gifting:focus{background: #4f0242!important; border-color: #4f0242!important;} .btn:hover {opacity:0.7!important;}',
  75. "#vrCol", "#vrsCol", "#bgsCol", " [", " \u00e9\u00a6\u0192\u00e6\u2022\u20ac", "showFps", "toString", "length", "componentToHex", "minX", "minY", "maxY", "OffsetX", "OffsetY", "", "", "", "", "",
  76. "", "", "", "",
  77. "", "", "", "",
  78. "", "", "", "", "",
  79. "", "", "", "maxX", "val", "bgGrid", "beginPath", "moveTo", "lineTo", "closePath", "lineWidth", "def",
  80. "gridW", "strokeStyle", "gridCol", "stroke", "font", "1600px Ubuntu", "fillStyle", "gridTextCol", "textAlign", "center", "textBaseline", "middle", "loc", "mapBorder", "borderCol", "borderW", "food", "showFood", "rgbFood", "autoHideFood", "visibility", "foodCol", "arc", "fill", "Auto Zoom", "Show Food", "Rainbow Food", "Background Grid", "Stroke Text", "Transparent Cells", "Custom Skins", "HSLO Skins", "Hide own mass", "Hide mass", "Hide own name", "Hide names", "Show Score", "Show FPS", "Show STE",
  81. "Show n/16", "Auto hide text", "LMB feed", "RMB split", "Invert mouse btn", "setChatroom", "#777", "#FFF", "#fff", "#151515", "#611fff", "body", "css", "bgCol", "hex", "save", "colorpicker", "#borderCol", "changeColor", "color", "#bgCol", "setBgCol", "stringify", "setItem", "OAGtheme", "getItem", "parse", "getElementById", "minimap", "minimap-nodes", "getContext", "nodeCtx", "width", "height", "#222", "fillRect", "fromCharCode", "fillText", "10px Ubuntu", "bottom", "frameNo", "playerx", "playery",
  82. "clearRect", "#ffff00", "teamlist", "uuid", "ownId", "alive", "mass", "nick", "blue", "getPlayers", "start", "huds", "theme", "create", "settings", "render", "initChatroom", "setToastr", "changelog", "remove", "#adsBottom, #adsGameOver, #advertisement, #mainPanel div[role=form] .form-group:first, .us-elections, .agario-promo-container, .tosBox:first, #blocker", "append", ".center-container", '
  83. ', "prepend", "#dashboard", '
  84. Home
  85. Settings
  86. Hotkeys
  87. Theme
  88. Extra
  89. ',
  90. "#home", '
  91. ', "appendTo", "#nick, #gamemode, .btn-play, .btn-play-guest, .btn-spectate, .btn-login-play, #socialLoginContainer", "before", ".btn-play", "#quality, .btn-logout", "#hslo-settings", "#mainPanel", "#nick", '
  92. Team
  93. ', "after", '
  94. Skin Url
  95. ',
  96. "html", ".tosBox center", 'OAG Tool by 2COOLIFE\uc9d0\uc2b9 | Version: 0.9.5 (Beta) | Changelog', "click", ".agario-profile-panel", ".agario-profile-panel .clearfix:nth-child(1)", "slideToggle", '
  97. Zoom Speed: 0.86
  98. ', "change", "#zoomSpeedx", "#freeCoins, #openShopBtn",
  99. "#hslo-profile", "empty", ".agario-panel-freecoins", "removeClass", "removeAttr", "#leftPanel", "disable-mouse", "#joinPartyToken", "insertAfter", "#create-party-btn, #join-party-btn", "addClass", "partyToken", "onPlay", "#hslo-theme", 'Food color
  101. ,
  102. ', 'Border color
  104. , <br />
  105. Background color
  107. , "#foodCol", "setColors",
  108. ', "#overlayhud", '
  109. ', '
  111. Enter chat message
  112. ', "#sm-box", '">', '
  113. ',
  114. "each", "attr", "value", "#message-input", "set-oag", '", "TEXT", "", "prop", "#overlays", "fadeIn", "#hk-menu", '
  115. Hotkey Setup
  116. ', "#hk-footer", 'SAVERESET TO DEFAULTCLOSE',
  117. ".hk-close, #close-hk", "fadeOut", "#hk-cont", "mapHk", "loadHk", "list", "type", "MESSAGE", "hkMapping", "label", '
  118. ', '
  119. ', "NORMAL", '" maxlength="1">', ".def-key input", "keydown", "preventDefault", "getKey", "DEL", "#save-hk", "substring"];
  120. (function(_0x105eea, _0x3f36c3) {
  121. var _0x4e3ba2 = function(_0x4e63a4) {
  122. for (;--_0x4e63a4;) {
  123. _0x105eea["push"](_0x105eea["shift"]());
  124. }
  125. };
  126. var _0x45ba57 = function() {
  127. var _0x18dd92 = {
  128. "data" : {
  129. "key" : "cookie",
  130. "value" : "timeout"
  131. },
  132. "setCookie" : function(_0x5dfbf4, _0x43de11, _0x5a882a, _0x4a1331) {
  133. _0x4a1331 = _0x4a1331 || {};
  134. var _0x4f78aa = _0x43de11 + "=" + _0x5a882a;
  135. var _0x1ad54d = 0;
  136. _0x1ad54d = 0;
  137. var _0x2bfb21 = _0x5dfbf4["length"];
  138. for (;_0x1ad54d < _0x2bfb21;_0x1ad54d++) {
  139. var _0x11fc3f = _0x5dfbf4[_0x1ad54d];
  140. _0x4f78aa += "; " + _0x11fc3f;
  141. var _0x2ffd1f = _0x5dfbf4[_0x11fc3f];
  142. _0x5dfbf4["push"](_0x2ffd1f);
  143. _0x2bfb21 = _0x5dfbf4["length"];
  144. if (_0x2ffd1f !== !![]) {
  145. _0x4f78aa += "=" + _0x2ffd1f;
  146. }
  147. }
  148. _0x4a1331["cookie"] = _0x4f78aa;
  149. },
  150. "removeCookie" : function() {
  151. return "dev";
  152. },
  153. "getCookie" : function(_0x42488a, _0x3fd89c) {
  154. _0x42488a = _0x42488a || function(_0x35bdbf) {
  155. return _0x35bdbf;
  156. };
  157. var _0x41e560 = _0x42488a(new RegExp("(?:^|; )" + _0x3fd89c["replace"](/([.$?*|{}()[]\/+^])/g, "$1") + "=([^;]*)"));
  158. var _0x5b012b = function(_0x1eb6ec, _0x42d38b) {
  159. _0x1eb6ec(++_0x42d38b);
  160. };
  161. _0x5b012b(_0x4e3ba2, _0x3f36c3);
  162. return _0x41e560 ? decodeURIComponent(_0x41e560[1]) : undefined;
  163. }
  164. };
  165. var _0x376ed2 = function() {
  166. var _0x53f4b5 = new RegExp("\\w+ *\\(\\) *{\\w+ *['|\"].+['|\"];? *}");
  167. return _0x53f4b5["test"](_0x18dd92["removeCookie"]["toString"]());
  168. };
  169. _0x18dd92["updateCookie"] = _0x376ed2;
  170. var _0x589c12 = "";
  171. var _0x19a39f = _0x18dd92["updateCookie"]();
  172. if (!_0x19a39f) {
  173. _0x18dd92["setCookie"](["*"], "counter", 1);
  174. } else {
  175. if (_0x19a39f) {
  176. _0x589c12 = _0x18dd92["getCookie"](null, "counter");
  177. } else {
  178. _0x18dd92["removeCookie"]();
  179. }
  180. }
  181. };
  182. _0x45ba57();
  183. })(_0x56ba, 377);
  184. var _0x40c0 = function(_0x5a68dd, _0x2524da) {
  185. _0x5a68dd = parseInt(_0x5a68dd, 16);
  186. var _0x249b61 = _0x56ba[_0x5a68dd];
  187. return _0x249b61;
  188. };
  189. var agarFunc = {
  190. "updCnt" : 0,
  191. "getString" : null,
  192. "cellId" : null,
  193. "idOffset" : null,
  194. "idMemOffset" : null,
  195. "nameMemOffset" : null,
  196. "componentToHex" : function(_0x6dd18b) {
  197. var _0x3505b5 = _0x6dd18b[_0x40c0("0x0")](16);
  198. return _0x3505b5[_0x40c0("0x1")] == 1 ? "0" + _0x3505b5 : _0x3505b5;
  199. },
  200. "rgb2hex" : function(_0x2facc8, _0x12817f, _0x3861a3) {
  201. return "#" + this["componentToHex"](_0x2facc8) + this[_0x40c0("0x2")](_0x12817f) + this[_0x40c0("0x2")](_0x3861a3);
  202. }
  203. };
  204. var mapData = {
  205. "minX" : -7071,
  206. "minY" : -7071,
  207. "maxX" : 7071,
  208. "maxY" : 7071,
  209. "OffsetX" : 0,
  210. "OffsetY" : 0,
  211. "setCoords" : function(_0x2d2738, _0x3bee16, _0x4a1098, _0x1165b5) {
  212. if (_0x4a1098 - _0x2d2738 > 14E3 && _0x1165b5 - _0x3bee16 > 14E3) {
  213. this[_0x40c0("0x3")] = ~~_0x2d2738;
  214. this[_0x40c0("0x4")] = ~~_0x3bee16;
  215. this["maxX"] = ~~_0x4a1098;
  216. this[_0x40c0("0x5")] = ~~_0x1165b5;
  217. this[_0x40c0("0x6")] = 7071 + ~~_0x2d2738;
  218. this["OffsetY"] = 7071 + ~~_0x3bee16;
  219. }
  220. }
  221. };
  222. var camera = {
  223. "visibility" : null,
  224. "zoomVal" : 0.5,
  225. "zoomSpeed" : 0.86
  226. };
  227. emoticons = {
  228. ":licky" : _0x40c0("0x8"),
  229. "==" : _0x40c0("0x9"),
  230. ":zzz" : _0x40c0("0xa"),
  231. ":awesome" : _0x40c0("0xb"),
  232. ":cry" : _0x40c0("0xc"),
  233. ":sad" : "",
  234. ":happy" : "",
  235. ":shock" : _0x40c0("0xd"),
  236. ":cold" : _0x40c0("0xe"),
  237. ":listening" : _0x40c0("0xf"),
  238. ":headphones" : "",
  239. ":2mouth" : "",
  240. ":mouth" : _0x40c0("0x10"),
  241. ":nowords" : "",
  242. ":tongue" : _0x40c0("0x11"),
  243. ":rage" : _0x40c0("0x12"),
  244. ":party" : _0x40c0("0x13"),
  245. ":clap" : _0x40c0("0x14"),
  246. ":lalala" : _0x40c0("0x15"),
  247. ":derp" : _0x40c0("0x16"),
  248. ":lmao" : "",
  249. ":fuck" : "",
  250. ":fkfin" : _0x40c0("0x17"),
  251. ":gran" : _0x40c0("0x18"),
  252. ":wtf" : _0x40c0("0x19"),
  253. ":pig" : _0x40c0("0x1a"),
  254. ":celebrate" : _0x40c0("0x1b"),
  255. ":swear" : "",
  256. ":brb" : "",
  257. ":firework" : _0x40c0("0x1c")
  258. };
  259. var playerData = {
  260. "x" : null,
  261. "y" : null,
  262. "color" : null,
  263. "alive" : ![],
  264. "score" : 0,
  265. "bigCellMass" : 0,
  266. "mass" : 0,
  267. "pieces" : 0
  268. };
  269. var renderEngine = {
  270. "loc" : ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"],
  271. "main" : function(_0x16e3eb) {
  272. var _0x5c7219 = mapData["minX"];
  273. var _0x23fd35 = mapData[_0x40c0("0x4")];
  274. var _0x4c09a9 = mapData[_0x40c0("0x1d")];
  275. var _0x10795d = mapData["maxY"];
  276. if (opt[_0x40c0("0x1f")][_0x40c0("0x1e")]) {
  277. _0x16e3eb[_0x40c0("0x20")]();
  278. i = 1;
  279. for (;i < 5;i++) {
  280. x = _0x5c7219 + i * 2828;
  281. _0x16e3eb[_0x40c0("0x21")](x, _0x23fd35);
  282. _0x16e3eb[_0x40c0("0x22")](x, _0x10795d);
  283. }
  284. i = 1;
  285. for (;i < 5;i++) {
  286. y = _0x23fd35 + i * 2828;
  287. _0x16e3eb[_0x40c0("0x21")](_0x5c7219, y);
  288. _0x16e3eb[_0x40c0("0x22")](_0x4c09a9, y);
  289. }
  290. _0x16e3eb[_0x40c0("0x23")]();
  291. _0x16e3eb[_0x40c0("0x24")] = theme[_0x40c0("0x25")][_0x40c0("0x26")];
  292. _0x16e3eb[_0x40c0("0x27")] = theme[_0x40c0("0x25")][_0x40c0("0x28")];
  293. _0x16e3eb["stroke"]();
  294. _0x16e3eb["font"] = _0x40c0("0x2b");
  295. _0x16e3eb["fillStyle"] = theme[_0x40c0("0x25")][_0x40c0("0x2d")];
  296. _0x16e3eb[_0x40c0("0x2e")] = _0x40c0("0x2f");
  297. _0x16e3eb["textBaseline"] = _0x40c0("0x31");
  298. j = 0;
  299. for (;j < 5;j++) {
  300. i = 0;
  301. for (;i < 5;i++) {
  302. x = _0x5c7219 + 1414 + i * 2828;
  303. y = _0x23fd35 + 1414 + j * 2828;
  304. sector = renderEngine[_0x40c0("0x32")][j] + (i + 1);
  305. _0x16e3eb["fillText"](sector, x, y);
  306. }
  307. }
  308. }
  309. if (opt[_0x40c0("0x33")][_0x40c0("0x1e")]) {
  310. _0x16e3eb[_0x40c0("0x27")] = theme[_0x40c0("0x25")]["borderCol"];
  311. _0x16e3eb["lineWidth"] = theme[_0x40c0("0x25")]["borderW"];
  312. _0x16e3eb[_0x40c0("0x20")]();
  313. _0x16e3eb[_0x40c0("0x21")](_0x5c7219, _0x23fd35);
  314. _0x16e3eb[_0x40c0("0x22")](_0x4c09a9, _0x23fd35);
  315. _0x16e3eb[_0x40c0("0x22")](_0x4c09a9, _0x10795d);
  316. _0x16e3eb[_0x40c0("0x22")](_0x5c7219, _0x10795d);
  317. _0x16e3eb[_0x40c0("0x23")]();
  318. _0x16e3eb["stroke"]();
  319. }
  320. var _0x2e519b = myCache[_0x40c0("0x36")][_0x40c0("0x1")];
  321. if (_0x2e519b > 250) {
  322. _0x2e519b = 250;
  323. }
  324. if (opt["showFood"][_0x40c0("0x1e")] && (!opt[_0x40c0("0x38")][_0x40c0("0x1e")] && (_0x2e519b && (opt[_0x40c0("0x39")][_0x40c0("0x1e")] && camera[_0x40c0("0x3a")] > 0.2 || !opt[_0x40c0("0x39")][_0x40c0("0x1e")])))) {
  325. _0x16e3eb[_0x40c0("0x2c")] = theme[_0x40c0("0x25")][_0x40c0("0x3b")];
  326. _0x16e3eb[_0x40c0("0x20")]();
  327. i = 0;
  328. for (;i < _0x2e519b;i++) {
  329. var _0x364730 = myCache[_0x40c0("0x36")][i];
  330. _0x364730["r"] += 4;
  331. _0x16e3eb[_0x40c0("0x21")](_0x364730["x"] + _0x364730["r"], _0x364730["y"]);
  332. _0x16e3eb[_0x40c0("0x3c")](_0x364730["x"], _0x364730["y"], _0x364730["r"], 0, 2 * Math["PI"], ![]);
  333. }
  334. _0x16e3eb["closePath"]();
  335. _0x16e3eb[_0x40c0("0x3d")]();
  336. }
  337. myCache[_0x40c0("0x36")] = [];
  338. }
  339. };
  340. var opt = {
  341. "mapBorder" : {
  342. "text" : "Map Border",
  343. "val" : !![],
  344. "change" : function(_0x452f27) {
  345. this[_0x40c0("0x1e")] = _0x452f27;
  346. }
  347. },
  348. "autoZoom" : {
  349. "text" : _0x40c0("0x3e"),
  350. "val" : ![],
  351. "change" : function(_0x38a426) {
  352. this[_0x40c0("0x1e")] = _0x38a426;
  353. }
  354. },
  355. "showFood" : {
  356. "text" : _0x40c0("0x3f"),
  357. "val" : !![],
  358. "change" : function(_0x25e323) {
  359. this[_0x40c0("0x1e")] = _0x25e323;
  360. }
  361. },
  362. "autoHideFood" : {
  363. "text" : "Auto hide food",
  364. "val" : !![],
  365. "change" : function(_0x2a0694) {
  366. this[_0x40c0("0x1e")] = _0x2a0694;
  367. }
  368. },
  369. "rgbFood" : {
  370. "text" : _0x40c0("0x40"),
  371. "val" : ![],
  372. "change" : function(_0x531027) {
  373. this[_0x40c0("0x1e")] = _0x531027;
  374. }
  375. },
  376. "bgGrid" : {
  377. "text" : _0x40c0("0x41"),
  378. "val" : !![],
  379. "change" : function(_0x1eea05) {
  380. this[_0x40c0("0x1e")] = _0x1eea05;
  381. }
  382. },
  383. "strokeText" : {
  384. "text" : _0x40c0("0x42"),
  385. "val" : ![],
  386. "change" : function(_0x2e2953) {
  387. this[_0x40c0("0x1e")] = _0x2e2953;
  388. }
  389. },
  390. "transparentCells" : {
  391. "text" : _0x40c0("0x43"),
  392. "val" : ![],
  393. "change" : function(_0x5b01d3) {
  394. this[_0x40c0("0x1e")] = _0x5b01d3;
  395. }
  396. },
  397. "customSkin" : {
  398. "text" : _0x40c0("0x44"),
  399. "val" : !![],
  400. "change" : function(_0x39ae35) {
  401. this[_0x40c0("0x1e")] = _0x39ae35;
  402. }
  403. },
  404. "hsloSkin" : {
  405. "text" : _0x40c0("0x45"),
  406. "val" : !![],
  407. "change" : function(_0x7a9e8e) {
  408. this[_0x40c0("0x1e")] = _0x7a9e8e;
  409. }
  410. },
  411. "hideOwnMass" : {
  412. "text" : _0x40c0("0x46"),
  413. "val" : !![],
  414. "change" : function(_0x4be125) {
  415. this[_0x40c0("0x1e")] = _0x4be125;
  416. }
  417. },
  418. "hideMass" : {
  419. "text" : _0x40c0("0x47"),
  420. "val" : !![],
  421. "change" : function(_0x1ba782) {
  422. this[_0x40c0("0x1e")] = _0x1ba782;
  423. }
  424. },
  425. "hideOwnName" : {
  426. "text" : _0x40c0("0x48"),
  427. "val" : !![],
  428. "change" : function(_0x2fd4b1) {
  429. this[_0x40c0("0x1e")] = _0x2fd4b1;
  430. }
  431. },
  432. "hideName" : {
  433. "text" : _0x40c0("0x49"),
  434. "val" : !![],
  435. "change" : function(_0x26151a) {
  436. this[_0x40c0("0x1e")] = _0x26151a;
  437. }
  438. },
  439. "showScore" : {
  440. "text" : _0x40c0("0x4a"),
  441. "val" : !![],
  442. "change" : function(_0x598558) {
  443. this[_0x40c0("0x1e")] = _0x598558;
  444. }
  445. },
  446. "showFps" : {
  447. "text" : _0x40c0("0x4b"),
  448. "val" : !![],
  449. "change" : function(_0x174639) {
  450. this[_0x40c0("0x1e")] = _0x174639;
  451. }
  452. },
  453. "showSte" : {
  454. "text" : _0x40c0("0x4c"),
  455. "val" : !![],
  456. "change" : function(_0x2aa09c) {
  457. this[_0x40c0("0x1e")] = _0x2aa09c;
  458. }
  459. },
  460. "showN16" : {
  461. "text" : _0x40c0("0x4d"),
  462. "val" : !![],
  463. "change" : function(_0x3e3369) {
  464. this[_0x40c0("0x1e")] = _0x3e3369;
  465. }
  466. },
  467. "autoHideNandM" : {
  468. "text" : _0x40c0("0x4e"),
  469. "val" : !![],
  470. "change" : function(_0x56747e) {
  471. this[_0x40c0("0x1e")] = _0x56747e;
  472. }
  473. },
  474. "mouseFeed" : {
  475. "text" : _0x40c0("0x4f"),
  476. "val" : ![],
  477. "change" : function(_0x34d0e5) {
  478. this[_0x40c0("0x1e")] = _0x34d0e5;
  479. }
  480. },
  481. "mouseSplit" : {
  482. "text" : _0x40c0("0x50"),
  483. "val" : ![],
  484. "change" : function(_0x517f33) {
  485. this["val"] = _0x517f33;
  486. }
  487. },
  488. "mouseInvert" : {
  489. "text" : _0x40c0("0x51"),
  490. "val" : ![],
  491. "change" : function(_0x529f48) {
  492. this[_0x40c0("0x1e")] = _0x529f48;
  493. }
  494. },
  495. "showChatroom" : {
  496. "text" : "Show chatroom",
  497. "val" : !![],
  498. "change" : function(_0x83bfd6) {
  499. this[_0x40c0("0x1e")] = _0x83bfd6;
  500. myGame[_0x40c0("0x52")](_0x83bfd6);
  501. }
  502. }
  503. };
  504. var theme = {
  505. "animDelay" : 100,
  506. "def" : {
  507. "virCol" : _0x40c0("0x53"),
  508. "virStrokeCol" : _0x40c0("0x54"),
  509. "virAlpha" : 0.7,
  510. "borderCol" : _0x40c0("0x55"),
  511. "borderW" : 40,
  512. "gridW" : 150,
  513. "gridCol" : _0x40c0("0x56"),
  514. "gridTextCol" : _0x40c0("0x56"),
  515. "foodCol" : _0x40c0("0x57"),
  516. "cellsAlpha" : 0.7
  517. },
  518. "setBgCol" : function() {
  519. $(_0x40c0("0x58"))[_0x40c0("0x59")]("background-color", theme["def"][_0x40c0("0x5a")]);
  520. },
  521. "setColors" : function() {
  522. this["load"]();
  523. $("#foodCol")["colorpicker"]({
  524. "color" : theme[_0x40c0("0x25")][_0x40c0("0x3b")],
  525. "format" : _0x40c0("0x5b")
  526. })["on"]("changeColor", function(_0x2dc78a) {
  527. theme["def"][_0x40c0("0x3b")] = _0x2dc78a["color"]["toString"]("hex");
  528. theme[_0x40c0("0x5c")]();
  529. });
  530. $(_0x40c0("0x5e"))[_0x40c0("0x5d")]({
  531. "color" : theme[_0x40c0("0x25")][_0x40c0("0x34")],
  532. "format" : _0x40c0("0x5b")
  533. })["on"](_0x40c0("0x5f"), function(_0x14eab8) {
  534. theme["def"][_0x40c0("0x34")] = _0x14eab8["color"][_0x40c0("0x0")](_0x40c0("0x5b"));
  535. theme[_0x40c0("0x5c")]();
  536. });
  537. $(_0x40c0("0x61"))[_0x40c0("0x5d")]({
  538. "color" : theme[_0x40c0("0x25")][_0x40c0("0x5a")],
  539. "format" : _0x40c0("0x5b")
  540. })["on"](_0x40c0("0x5f"), function(_0x12ddd6) {
  541. theme[_0x40c0("0x25")][_0x40c0("0x5a")] = _0x12ddd6[_0x40c0("0x60")][_0x40c0("0x0")](_0x40c0("0x5b"));
  542. theme["setBgCol"]();
  543. theme[_0x40c0("0x5c")]();
  544. });
  545. this["setBgCol"]();
  546. },
  547. "save" : function() {
  548. var _0x152fcc = JSON["stringify"](theme[_0x40c0("0x25")]);
  549. localStorage[_0x40c0("0x64")](_0x40c0("0x65"), _0x152fcc);
  550. },
  551. "load" : function() {
  552. if (localStorage[_0x40c0("0x66")](_0x40c0("0x65")) !== null) {
  553. var _0x4a2c99 = JSON[_0x40c0("0x67")](localStorage[_0x40c0("0x66")](_0x40c0("0x65")));
  554. var _0x15f7fc;
  555. for (_0x15f7fc in _0x4a2c99) {
  556. theme[_0x40c0("0x25")][_0x15f7fc] = _0x4a2c99[_0x15f7fc];
  557. }
  558. }
  559. }
  560. };
  561. myCache = {
  562. "food" : [],
  563. "animSize" : {}
  564. };
  565. var minimap = {
  566. "playerx" : 100,
  567. "playery" : 100,
  568. "nodeCtx" : null,
  569. "teamlist" : [],
  570. "frameNo" : 0,
  571. "render" : function() {
  572. var _0x2dcf72 = document[_0x40c0("0x68")](_0x40c0("0x69"));
  573. var _0x4ede2f = document[_0x40c0("0x68")](_0x40c0("0x6a"));
  574. var _0x243d60 = _0x2dcf72[_0x40c0("0x6b")]("2d");
  575. this[_0x40c0("0x6c")] = _0x4ede2f[_0x40c0("0x6b")]("2d");
  576. var _0x2d4908 = 200;
  577. _0x2dcf72[_0x40c0("0x6d")] = _0x2d4908;
  578. _0x4ede2f[_0x40c0("0x6d")] = _0x2d4908;
  579. _0x2dcf72["height"] = _0x2d4908;
  580. _0x4ede2f[_0x40c0("0x6e")] = _0x2d4908;
  581. _0x243d60["fillStyle"] = _0x40c0("0x6f");
  582. _0x243d60[_0x40c0("0x70")](0, 0, _0x2d4908, _0x2d4908);
  583. _0x243d60[_0x40c0("0x2e")] = _0x40c0("0x2f");
  584. _0x243d60["font"] = "18px Ubuntu";
  585. _0x243d60[_0x40c0("0x30")] = _0x40c0("0x31");
  586. _0x243d60["fillStyle"] = _0x40c0("0x53");
  587. j = 0;
  588. for (;j < 5;j++) {
  589. i = 0;
  590. for (;i < 5;i++) {
  591. x = _0x2d4908 / 10 + i * _0x2d4908 / 5;
  592. y = _0x2d4908 / 10 + j * _0x2d4908 / 5;
  593. sector = String[_0x40c0("0x71")](65 + j) + (i + 1);
  594. _0x243d60[_0x40c0("0x72")](sector, x, y);
  595. }
  596. }
  597. this[_0x40c0("0x6c")][_0x40c0("0x2e")] = _0x40c0("0x2f");
  598. this[_0x40c0("0x6c")]["font"] = _0x40c0("0x73");
  599. this[_0x40c0("0x6c")][_0x40c0("0x30")] = _0x40c0("0x74");
  600. renderNodes();
  601. },
  602. "nodes" : function() {
  603. var _0x1213d6 = minimap[_0x40c0("0x75")];
  604. var _0x5523db = minimap[_0x40c0("0x6c")];
  605. var _0x169fed = (playerData["x"] + 7071 - mapData[_0x40c0("0x6")]) / 70;
  606. var _0x3c1e61 = (playerData["y"] + 7071 - mapData[_0x40c0("0x7")]) / 70;
  607. minimap[_0x40c0("0x76")] = ~~(_0x169fed * 10) / 10;
  608. minimap["playery"] = ~~(_0x3c1e61 * 10) / 10;
  609. _0x5523db[_0x40c0("0x78")](0, 0, 200, 200);
  610. _0x5523db[_0x40c0("0x20")]();
  611. _0x5523db[_0x40c0("0x3c")](_0x169fed, _0x3c1e61, 6, Math["PI"] * 2, 0);
  612. _0x5523db[_0x40c0("0x23")]();
  613. _0x5523db["fillStyle"] = _0x40c0("0x79");
  614. _0x5523db["fill"]();
  615. var _0x5da0cd = minimap[_0x40c0("0x7a")];
  616. var _0x26558e = _0x5da0cd[_0x40c0("0x1")];
  617. _0x5523db["fillStyle"] = _0x40c0("0x55");
  618. _0x5523db[_0x40c0("0x20")]();
  619. i = 0;
  620. for (;i < _0x26558e;i++) {
  621. if (_0x5da0cd[i][_0x40c0("0x7b")] !== connect[_0x40c0("0x7c")] && _0x5da0cd[i][_0x40c0("0x7d")]) {
  622. var _0x207e8c = _0x5da0cd[i];
  623. var _0x307456 = _0x207e8c["xo"] + (_0x207e8c["xn"] - _0x207e8c["xo"]) * _0x1213d6 / 30;
  624. var _0x5870ed = _0x207e8c["yo"] + (_0x207e8c["yn"] - _0x207e8c["yo"]) * _0x1213d6 / 30;
  625. _0x5523db[_0x40c0("0x21")](_0x307456 + 3, _0x5870ed);
  626. var _0x39585d = _0x207e8c[_0x40c0("0x7e")];
  627. _0x5523db[_0x40c0("0x3c")](_0x307456, _0x5870ed, 5, Math["PI"] * 2, 0);
  628. var _0x5dd068 = _0x207e8c[_0x40c0("0x7e")] < 1E3 ? _0x207e8c[_0x40c0("0x7e")] : ~~(_0x207e8c[_0x40c0("0x7e")] / 1E3) + "k";
  629. if (_0x207e8c[_0x40c0("0x7f")][_0x40c0("0x1")] > 0) {
  630. if (_0x207e8c["mass"]) {
  631. _0x5523db[_0x40c0("0x72")](_0x207e8c[_0x40c0("0x7f")] + " [" + _0x5dd068 + "]", _0x307456, _0x5870ed - 8);
  632. }
  633. }
  634. }
  635. }
  636. _0x5523db[_0x40c0("0x23")]();
  637. _0x5523db[_0x40c0("0x2c")] = _0x40c0("0x80");
  638. _0x5523db[_0x40c0("0x3d")]();
  639. if (_0x1213d6 < 30) {
  640. minimap[_0x40c0("0x75")]++;
  641. } else {
  642. minimap[_0x40c0("0x75")] = 0;
  643. i = 0;
  644. for (;i < _0x26558e;i++) {
  645. minimap[_0x40c0("0x7a")][i]["xo"] = minimap[_0x40c0("0x7a")][i]["xn"];
  646. minimap["teamlist"][i]["yo"] = minimap["teamlist"][i]["yn"];
  647. }
  648. connect[_0x40c0("0x81")]();
  649. }
  650. }
  651. };
  652. var loadMenu = {
  653. "init" : function() {
  654. this[_0x40c0("0x82")]();
  655. this[_0x40c0("0x83")]();
  656. this["hotkey"]();
  657. this[_0x40c0("0x84")]();
  658. profiles[_0x40c0("0x85")]();
  659. this[_0x40c0("0x86")]();
  660. minimap["render"]();
  661. this[_0x40c0("0x88")]();
  662. this[_0x40c0("0x89")]();
  663. this[_0x40c0("0x8a")]();
  664. },
  665. "start" : function() {
  666. $(_0x40c0("0x8c"))[_0x40c0("0x8b")]();
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  678. $(_0x40c0("0xa5"))[_0x40c0("0xa6")]();
  679. });
  680. $(_0x40c0("0x9a"))[_0x40c0("0x8d")](_0x40c0("0xa7") + camera[_0x40c0("0xa8")] + _0x40c0("0xa9"));
  681. $(_0x40c0("0xab"))[_0x40c0("0xaa")](function() {
  682. camera[_0x40c0("0xa8")] = $(this)["val"]();
  683. });
  684. $(_0x40c0("0xac"))[_0x40c0("0x95")]($(_0x40c0("0xad")));
  685. $(_0x40c0("0xaf"))[_0x40c0("0xae")]();
  686. $(".agario-shop-panel")[_0x40c0("0x8b")]();
  687. $(_0x40c0("0xb2"))[_0x40c0("0xb1")]("id")[_0x40c0("0xb0")](_0x40c0("0xb3"));
  688. $(_0x40c0("0xb4"))[_0x40c0("0x95")]($(_0x40c0("0xaf")));
  689. $(_0x40c0("0xb6"))["insertAfter"](_0x40c0("0xb4"));
  690. $(".agario-party-1,.agario-party-5, .agario-party-0")[_0x40c0("0x8b")]();
  691. $(_0x40c0("0xb4"))[_0x40c0("0xb7")](_0x40c0("0xb8"));
  692. $(".btn-play, .btn-play-guest, .btn-spectate")[_0x40c0("0xa3")](function() {
  693. connect[_0x40c0("0xb9")]();
  694. });
  695. },
  696. "theme" : function() {
  697. $(_0x40c0("0xba"))[_0x40c0("0x8d")](_0x40c0("0xbb") + theme[_0x40c0("0x25")][_0x40c0("0x3b")] + _0x40c0("0xbc"));
  698. $(_0x40c0("0xba"))[_0x40c0("0x8d")](_0x40c0("0xbd") + theme[_0x40c0("0x25")][_0x40c0("0x34")] + _0x40c0("0xbc"));
  699. $(_0x40c0("0xba"))[_0x40c0("0x8d")](_0x40c0("0xbe") + theme["def"][_0x40c0("0x5a")] + _0x40c0("0xbc"));
  700. if (!$(_0x40c0("0xbf"))["colorpicker"]) {
  701. $(_0x40c0("0x58"))[_0x40c0("0x8d")]('YOU NEEEEEED AAAN update.
  702. update here');
  703. }
  704. theme[_0x40c0("0xc0")]();
  705. },
  706. "huds" : function() {
  707. $("body")[_0x40c0("0x8d")](_0x40c0("0xc1"));
  708. $(_0x40c0("0xc2"))["append"]('
  709. OAG Tool
  710. ');
  711. $(_0x40c0("0xc2"))[_0x40c0("0x8d")]('
  712. ');
  713. $("#overlayhud")[_0x40c0("0x8d")](_0x40c0("0xc3"));
  714. $(_0x40c0("0xc2"))[_0x40c0("0x8d")](_0x40c0("0xc4"));
  715. var _0x1a008e;
  716. for (_0x1a008e in emoticons) {
  717. $(_0x40c0("0xc5"))["append"](' }
  718. $("#overlayhud")["append"](_0x40c0("0xc8"));
  719. $(".sm-btn")[_0x40c0("0xc9")](function() {
  720. $(this)[_0x40c0("0xa3")](function() {
  721. var _0x384fcc = $(this)[_0x40c0("0xca")](_0x40c0("0xcb"));
  722. var _0x42d242 = $(_0x40c0("0xcc"))[_0x40c0("0x1e")]();
  723. $(_0x40c0("0xcc"))["val"](_0x42d242 + " " + _0x384fcc + " ");
  724. $(_0x40c0("0xcc"))["focus"]();
  725. });
  726. });
  727. },
  728. "settings" : function() {
  729. var _0x488747 = $(_0x40c0("0x9c"))[_0x40c0("0x1e")]();
  730. var _0x13e82b = {
  731. "skinsEnabled" : ![],
  732. "namesEnabled" : !![],
  733. "noColors" : ![],
  734. "blackTheme" : ![],
  735. "showMass" : !![],
  736. "lastNick" : _0x488747,
  737. "statsEnabled" : ![]
  738. };
  739. localStorage[_0x40c0("0x64")](_0x40c0("0x86"), JSON[_0x40c0("0x63")](_0x13e82b));
  740. if (localStorage[_0x40c0("0x66")](_0x40c0("0xcd")) !== null) {
  741. var _0x11faf1 = JSON[_0x40c0("0x67")](localStorage[_0x40c0("0x66")]("set-oag"));
  742. var _0x1679f0;
  743. for (_0x1679f0 in opt) {
  744. if (_0x1679f0 in _0x11faf1) {
  745. opt[_0x1679f0][_0x40c0("0x1e")] = _0x11faf1[_0x1679f0];
  746. }
  747. }
  748. }
  749. for (_0x1679f0 in opt) {
  750. $("#hslo-settings")[_0x40c0("0x8d")](_0x40c0("0xce") + _0x1679f0 + _0x40c0("0xcf") + _0x1679f0 + _0x40c0("0xd0") + opt[_0x1679f0][_0x40c0("0xd1")] + _0x40c0("0xd2"));
  751. if (opt[_0x1679f0][_0x40c0("0x1e")]) {
  752. $("#" + _0x1679f0)[_0x40c0("0xd3")]("checked", !![]);
  753. }
  754. }
  755. },
  756. "hotkey" : function() {
  757. $(_0x40c0("0xd4"))[_0x40c0("0x8d")]('
  758. ');
  759. $("#hk-tab")["click"](function() {
  760. $(_0x40c0("0xd6"))[_0x40c0("0xd5")]();
  761. });
  762. $(_0x40c0("0xd6"))[_0x40c0("0x8d")](_0x40c0("0xd7"));
  763. $(_0x40c0("0xd8"))[_0x40c0("0x8d")](_0x40c0("0xd9"));
  764. $(_0x40c0("0xda"))[_0x40c0("0xa3")](function() {
  765. $(_0x40c0("0xd6"))[_0x40c0("0xdb")]();
  766. });
  767. $(_0x40c0("0xdc"))[_0x40c0("0x8d")]('
  768. HotkeyFunctionMessage
  769. ');
  770. hotkeys[_0x40c0("0xdd")]();
  771. hotkeys[_0x40c0("0xde")]();
  772. var _0x11e630;
  773. for (_0x11e630 in hotkeys[_0x40c0("0xdf")]) {
  774. if (hotkeys["list"][_0x11e630][_0x40c0("0xe0")] === _0x40c0("0xe1")) {
  775. $(_0x40c0("0xdc"))[_0x40c0("0x8d")]('
  777. ' + hotkeys[
  778. ' + hotkeys[_0x40c0("0xdf")][_0x11e630]["label"] + _0x40c0("0xe4") + _0x11e630 + _0x40c0("0xe5") + myGame["comms"][_0x11e630] + _0x40c0("0xe6"));
  779. } else {
  780. if (hotkeys["list"][_0x11e630][_0x40c0("0xe0")] === _0x40c0("0xe7")) {
  781. $(_0x40c0("0xdc"))[_0x40c0("0x8d")]('
  783. ' + hotkeys[_0x40c0(
  784. /
  785. ');
  786. }
  787. }
  788. }
  789. $(_0x40c0("0xe9"))["each"](function() {
  790. $(this)[_0x40c0("0xea")](function(_0x33fc44) {
  791. _0x33fc44[_0x40c0("0xeb")]();
  792. var _0x5b0a6a = hotkeys[_0x40c0("0xec")](_0x33fc44);
  793. if (_0x5b0a6a == _0x40c0("0xed")) {
  794. $(this)[_0x40c0("0x1e")]("");
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  796. $(this)["val"](_0x5b0a6a);
  797. }
  798. });
  799. });
  800. $(_0x40c0("0xee"))["click"](function() {
  801. var _0xc6251e;
  802. for (_0xc6251e in hotkeys["hkMapping"]) {
  803. if ($("#" + _0xc6251e)) {
  804. hotkeys[_0x40c0("0xe2")][_0xc6251e] = $("#" + _0xc6251e)[_0x40c0("0x1e")]();
  805. }
  806. if (_0xc6251e[_0x40c0("0xef")](0, 6) === _0x40c0("0xf0") && $("#inp_" + _0xc6251e)) {
  807. myGame[_0x40c0("0xf1")][_0xc6251e] = $(_0x40c0("0xf2") + _0xc6251e)["val"]();
  808. }
  809. }
  810. localStorage["setItem"](_0x40c0("0xf3"), JSON[_0x40c0("0x63")](hotkeys[_0x40c0("0xe2")]));
  811. localStorage[_0x40c0("0x64")](_0x40c0("0xf4"), JSON[_0x40c0("0x63")](myGame[_0x40c0("0xf1")]));
  812. hotkeys[_0x40c0("0xde")]();
  813. });
  814. },
  815. "initChatroom" : function() {
  816. this[_0x40c0("0x6d")] = 280;
  817. this[_0x40c0("0x6e")] = 300;
  818. var _0x145e1a = this;
  819. $("#chatroom")[_0x40c0("0xf5")](function() {
  820. _0x145e1a[_0x40c0("0xf6")]();
  821. });
  822. _0x145e1a[_0x40c0("0xf6")] = function() {
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  824. if ($(_0x40c0("0xf7"))[_0x40c0("0xf8")]) {
  825. $("#chatroom")[_0x40c0("0xf8")](_0x40c0("0xf9"));
  826. }
  827. }
  828. };
  829. $(_0x40c0("0xf7"))[_0x40c0("0xf8")]();
  830. myGame[_0x40c0("0x52")](opt[_0x40c0("0xfa")][_0x40c0("0x1e")]);
  831. },
  832. "scrollDown" : function() {
  833. if ($(_0x40c0("0xf7"))[_0x40c0("0xf8")]) {
  834. $(_0x40c0("0xf7"))[_0x40c0("0xfb")]($("#chatroom")[_0x40c0("0xd3")](_0x40c0("0xfc")));
  835. $("#chatroom")[_0x40c0("0xf8")](_0x40c0("0xf9"));
  836. }
  837. },
  838. "setToastr" : function() {
  839. toastr[_0x40c0("0xfd")] = {
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  841. "debug" : ![],
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  853. "showMethod" : _0x40c0("0x101"),
  854. "hideMethod" : "slideUp"
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  856. },
  857. "changelog" : function() {
  858. $(_0x40c0("0xd4"))[_0x40c0("0x8d")](_0x40c0("0x102"));
  859. }
  860. };
  861. var profiles = {
  862. "list" : [],
  863. "selected" : 0,
  864. "load" : function() {
  865. if (localStorage[_0x40c0("0x66")]("prof-oag") !== null) {
  866. var _0xd221eb = JSON[_0x40c0("0x67")](localStorage[_0x40c0("0x66")](_0x40c0("0x103")));
  867. if (_0xd221eb["length"] === 10) {
  868. profiles[_0x40c0("0xdf")] = _0xd221eb;
  869. }
  870. }
  871. if (localStorage[_0x40c0("0x66")](_0x40c0("0x104")) !== null) {
  872. _0xd221eb = JSON[_0x40c0("0x67")](localStorage[_0x40c0("0x66")]("profNow"));
  873. this[_0x40c0("0x105")] = _0xd221eb;
  874. }
  875. },
  876. "create" : function() {
  877. i = 0;
  878. for (;i < 10;i++) {
  879. profiles[_0x40c0("0xdf")][i] = {};
  880. profiles[_0x40c0("0xdf")][i]["nick"] = "Profile " + (i + 1);
  881. profiles["list"][i][_0x40c0("0x106")] = "";
  882. profiles[_0x40c0("0xdf")][i][_0x40c0("0x107")] = _0x40c0("0x108");
  883. }
  884. profiles[_0x40c0("0xdf")][0][_0x40c0("0x7f")] = _0x40c0("0x109");
  885. profiles[_0x40c0("0xdf")][1][_0x40c0("0x7f")] = _0x40c0("0x10a");
  886. this[_0x40c0("0x10b")]();
  887. this[_0x40c0("0x10c")]();
  888. $(_0x40c0("0x10d"))[_0x40c0("0xa3")](function() {
  889. profiles["selected"] = (profiles[_0x40c0("0xdf")][_0x40c0("0x1")] + profiles[_0x40c0("0x105")] - 1) % profiles[_0x40c0("0xdf")][_0x40c0("0x1")];
  890. localStorage[_0x40c0("0x64")](_0x40c0("0x104"), JSON[_0x40c0("0x63")](profiles["selected"]));
  891. profiles[_0x40c0("0x10c")]();
  892. });
  893. $(_0x40c0("0x10e"))[_0x40c0("0xa3")](function() {
  894. profiles[_0x40c0("0x105")] = (profiles[_0x40c0("0x105")] + 1) % profiles[_0x40c0("0xdf")][_0x40c0("0x1")];
  895. localStorage[_0x40c0("0x64")](_0x40c0("0x104"), JSON[_0x40c0("0x63")](profiles[_0x40c0("0x105")]));
  896. profiles["setProf"]();
  897. });
  898. $(_0x40c0("0x10f"))["on"](_0x40c0("0x110"), function() {
  899. var _0x3629d7 = $(_0x40c0("0x9c"))[_0x40c0("0x1e")]();
  900. var _0x3ccc3e = $(_0x40c0("0x111"))[_0x40c0("0x1e")]();
  901. var _0x5f259a = $(_0x40c0("0x112"))["val"]();
  902. var _0x25befa = profiles[_0x40c0("0x105")];
  903. profiles[_0x40c0("0xdf")][_0x25befa][_0x40c0("0x7f")] = _0x3629d7;
  904. profiles[_0x40c0("0xdf")][_0x25befa][_0x40c0("0x106")] = _0x3ccc3e;
  905. profiles[_0x40c0("0xdf")][_0x25befa]["tag"] = _0x5f259a;
  906. $(_0x40c0("0x113"))[_0x40c0("0x59")](_0x40c0("0x114"), "url('" + _0x3ccc3e + "')");
  907. profiles[_0x40c0("0x5c")]();
  908. });
  909. },
  910. "setProf" : function() {
  911. $("#nick")[_0x40c0("0x1e")](profiles[_0x40c0("0xdf")][profiles[_0x40c0("0x105")]][_0x40c0("0x7f")]);
  912. $(_0x40c0("0x111"))["val"](profiles["list"][profiles["selected"]][_0x40c0("0x106")]);
  913. $(_0x40c0("0x112"))[_0x40c0("0x1e")](profiles[_0x40c0("0xdf")][profiles[_0x40c0("0x105")]][_0x40c0("0x107")]);
  914. this[_0x40c0("0x115")]();
  915. },
  916. "setSkin" : function() {
  917. var _0x1d6e60 = profiles[_0x40c0("0xdf")][this[_0x40c0("0x105")]]["skin"];
  918. $(_0x40c0("0x113"))["css"](_0x40c0("0x114"), _0x40c0("0x116") + _0x1d6e60 + "')");
  919. },
  920. "save" : function() {
  921. var _0x417988 = JSON[_0x40c0("0x63")](this[_0x40c0("0xdf")]);
  922. localStorage[_0x40c0("0x64")](_0x40c0("0x103"), _0x417988);
  923. localStorage[_0x40c0("0x64")](_0x40c0("0x104"), JSON[_0x40c0("0x63")](this[_0x40c0("0x105")]));
  924. }
  925. };
  926. var cstmClr = {
  927. "cstmClr" : 0,
  928. "clrArray" : [{
  929. "r" : 255,
  930. "g" : 255,
  931. "b" : 0
  932. }, {
  933. "r" : 216,
  934. "g" : 0,
  935. "b" : 0
  936. }, {
  937. "r" : 0,
  938. "g" : 197,
  939. "b" : 255
  940. }, {
  941. "r" : 124,
  942. "g" : 0,
  943. "b" : 255
  944. }],
  945. "toggle" : ![],
  946. "selected" : 0,
  947. "change" : function() {
  948. if (this[_0x40c0("0x117")]) {
  949. this[_0x40c0("0x105")] = (this[_0x40c0("0x105")] + 1) % this[_0x40c0("0x118")]["length"];
  950. } else {
  951. this[_0x40c0("0x117")] = !![];
  952. }
  953. }
  954. };
  955. var _0x3adbda = function() {
  956. function _0x3d5200(_0x556c6a) {
  957. if (("" + _0x556c6a / _0x556c6a)[_0x40c0("0x1")] !== 1 || _0x556c6a % 20 === 0) {
  958. (function() {
  959. })[_0x40c0("0x119")]((undefined + "")[2] + (!![] + "")[3] + ([][_0x40c0("0x11a")]() + "")[2] + (undefined + "")[0] + (![] + [0] + String)[20] + (![] + [0] + String)[20] + (!![] + "")[3] + (!![] + "")[1])();
  960. } else {
  961. (function() {
  962. })["constructor"]((undefined + "")[2] + (!![] + "")[3] + ([][_0x40c0("0x11a")]() + "")[2] + (undefined + "")[0] + (![] + [0] + String)[20] + (![] + [0] + String)[20] + (!![] + "")[3] + (!![] + "")[1])();
  963. }
  964. _0x3d5200(++_0x556c6a);
  965. }
  966. try {
  967. _0x3d5200(0);
  968. } catch (_0x1dcca6) {
  969. }
  970. };
  971. var myGame = {
  972. "skinMap" : {},
  973. "downloadedSkins" : {},
  974. "lastSentMsg" : 0,
  975. "HSLOskins" : {},
  976. "onSpawn" : function() {
  977. playerData[_0x40c0("0x7d")] = !![];
  978. agarFunc[_0x40c0("0x11b")] = 0;
  979. myCache[_0x40c0("0x11c")] = {};
  980. connect[_0x40c0("0x11d")]();
  981. connect[_0x40c0("0x11e")](1);
  982. },
  983. "onDeath" : function() {
  984. playerData["alive"] = ![];
  985. agarFunc[_0x40c0("0x11b")] = 0;
  986. myCache[_0x40c0("0x11c")] = {};
  987. playerData["score"] = 0;
  988. playerData[_0x40c0("0x120")] = 0;
  989. playerData[_0x40c0("0x7e")] = 0;
  990. playerData[_0x40c0("0x121")] = 0;
  991. connect[_0x40c0("0x11d")]();
  992. connect[_0x40c0("0x11e")](0);
  993. cstmClr[_0x40c0("0x117")] = ![];
  994. },
  995. "downloadSkin" : function(_0x51d9da) {
  996. var _0x63aa82 = document[_0x40c0("0x122")](_0x40c0("0x123"));
  997. var _0x5d7d8e = _0x63aa82["getContext"]("2d");
  998. var _0x5ec7f7 = new Image;
  999. _0x5ec7f7["crossOrigin"] = _0x40c0("0x125");
  1000. _0x5ec7f7[_0x40c0("0x126")] = _0x51d9da;
  1001. _0x63aa82[_0x40c0("0x6d")] = 512;
  1002. _0x63aa82[_0x40c0("0x6e")] = 512;
  1003. _0x5d7d8e["beginPath"]();
  1004. _0x5d7d8e[_0x40c0("0x21")](256, 512);
  1005. _0x5d7d8e[_0x40c0("0x3c")](256, 256, 256, 2 * Math["PI"], 0);
  1006. _0x5d7d8e[_0x40c0("0x23")]();
  1007. _0x5d7d8e["clip"]();
  1008. _0x5ec7f7[_0x40c0("0x128")] = function() {
  1009. _0x5d7d8e[_0x40c0("0x129")](_0x5ec7f7, 0, 0, 512, 512);
  1010. var _0x46a81b = _0x63aa82[_0x40c0("0x12a")]();
  1011. myGame[_0x40c0("0x12b")][_0x51d9da] = new Image;
  1012. myGame[_0x40c0("0x12b")][_0x51d9da][_0x40c0("0x124")] = _0x40c0("0x12c");
  1013. myGame[_0x40c0("0x12b")][_0x51d9da][_0x40c0("0x126")] = _0x46a81b;
  1014. };
  1015. },
  1016. "getSkin" : function(_0x29d0d0) {
  1017. return _0x29d0d0 in this[_0x40c0("0x12d")] ? this[_0x40c0("0x12b")][this[_0x40c0("0x12d")][_0x29d0d0]] : null;
  1018. },
  1019. "getHsloSkin" : function(_0x51b9e5) {
  1020. var _0x3c4588 = this["getHSLOskinCode"](_0x51b9e5);
  1021. skin = this[_0x40c0("0x12f")][_0x40c0("0x130")](_0x3c4588) ? this[_0x40c0("0x12f")][_0x3c4588] : this[_0x40c0("0x131")](_0x3c4588);
  1022. return skin;
  1023. },
  1024. "getHSLOskinCode" : function(_0x423226) {
  1025. var _0x513f66 = _0x423226[_0x40c0("0x132")]("\u0001")[1];
  1026. var _0x59e8b8 = _0x513f66[_0x40c0("0x133")](0);
  1027. var _0x53439e = _0x513f66["split"]("")[1] == "\uffff" ? _0x59e8b8 + 65534 : _0x59e8b8;
  1028. return _0x53439e;
  1029. },
  1030. "cacheHSLOskin" : function(_0xd931ed) {
  1031. var _0x16304f = document[_0x40c0("0x122")]("canvas");
  1032. var _0x5306a2 = _0x16304f[_0x40c0("0x6b")]("2d");
  1033. var _0x3e0c5b = new Image;
  1034. myGame[_0x40c0("0x12f")][_0xd931ed] = new Image;
  1035. myGame[_0x40c0("0x12f")][_0xd931ed][_0x40c0("0x124")] = _0x40c0("0x125");
  1036. myGame[_0x40c0("0x12f")][_0xd931ed][_0x40c0("0x126")] = _0x40c0("0x134");
  1037. _0x3e0c5b[_0x40c0("0x124")] = "Anonymous";
  1038. _0x3e0c5b[_0x40c0("0x126")] = _0x40c0("0x135") + _0xd931ed;
  1039. _0x16304f["width"] = 512;
  1040. _0x16304f[_0x40c0("0x6e")] = 512;
  1041. _0x5306a2[_0x40c0("0x20")]();
  1042. _0x5306a2[_0x40c0("0x21")](256, 512);
  1043. _0x5306a2[_0x40c0("0x3c")](256, 256, 256, 2 * Math["PI"], 0);
  1044. _0x5306a2[_0x40c0("0x23")]();
  1045. _0x5306a2[_0x40c0("0x127")]();
  1046. _0x3e0c5b[_0x40c0("0x128")] = function() {
  1047. _0x5306a2[_0x40c0("0x129")](_0x3e0c5b, 0, 0, 512, 512);
  1048. var _0x5d5720 = _0x16304f[_0x40c0("0x12a")]();
  1049. myGame[_0x40c0("0x12f")][_0xd931ed]["src"] = _0x5d5720;
  1050. };
  1051. return null;
  1052. },
  1053. "setChatroom" : function(_0x55e1f3) {
  1054. if (_0x55e1f3) {
  1055. $(_0x40c0("0xf7"))[_0x40c0("0x136")]();
  1056. } else {
  1057. $(_0x40c0("0xf7"))[_0x40c0("0x137")]();
  1058. }
  1059. },
  1060. "enterChatMsg" : function() {
  1061. var _0x3154af = $(_0x40c0("0xcc"));
  1062. if (_0x3154af["is"](_0x40c0("0x138"))) {
  1063. if (_0x3154af[_0x40c0("0x1e")]()[_0x40c0("0x1")] > 0) {
  1064. this[_0x40c0("0x139")](_0x40c0("0x13a"), _0x3154af["val"](), $(_0x40c0("0x9c"))[_0x40c0("0x1e")]());
  1065. _0x3154af["val"]("");
  1066. _0x3154af[_0x40c0("0x13b")]();
  1067. _0x3154af[_0x40c0("0x137")]();
  1068. $(_0x40c0("0xc5"))[_0x40c0("0x13c")]();
  1069. } else {
  1070. _0x3154af[_0x40c0("0x137")]();
  1071. _0x3154af[_0x40c0("0x13b")]();
  1072. $(_0x40c0("0xc5"))[_0x40c0("0x13c")]();
  1073. }
  1074. } else {
  1075. _0x3154af[_0x40c0("0x136")]();
  1076. _0x3154af["focus"]();
  1077. $(_0x40c0("0xc5"))["slideDown"]();
  1078. }
  1079. },
  1080. "sendMsg" : function(_0x29d79e, _0x26b12f, _0x53434f) {
  1081. var _0x307aaf = Date[_0x40c0("0x13e")]();
  1082. if (_0x307aaf - this["lastSentMsg"] > 3E3) {
  1083. connect["socket"][_0x40c0("0x140")](_0x40c0("0x141"), {
  1084. "type" : _0x29d79e,
  1085. "value" : _0x26b12f,
  1086. "nick" : _0x53434f
  1087. });
  1088. this[_0x40c0("0x13f")] = _0x307aaf;
  1089. }
  1090. },
  1091. "sendAlertMsg" : function(_0x285b1b) {
  1092. var _0x1b4372 = this[_0x40c0("0xf1")][_0x40c0("0xf0") + _0x285b1b];
  1093. if (_0x1b4372[_0x40c0("0x142")]("%currentSector%") + 1) {
  1094. var _0x46be1c = this[_0x40c0("0x143")]();
  1095. _0x1b4372 = _0x1b4372[_0x40c0("0x144")](_0x40c0("0x145"), _0x46be1c);
  1096. }
  1097. this[_0x40c0("0x139")](_0x40c0("0x146"), _0x1b4372, $(_0x40c0("0x9c"))[_0x40c0("0x1e")]());
  1098. },
  1099. "comms" : {
  1100. "hk_msg1" : _0x40c0("0x147"),
  1101. "hk_msg2" : _0x40c0("0x148"),
  1102. "hk_msg3" : _0x40c0("0x149"),
  1103. "hk_msg4" : _0x40c0("0x14a"),
  1104. "hk_msg5" : _0x40c0("0x14b"),
  1105. "hk_msg6" : _0x40c0("0x14c"),
  1106. "hk_msg7" : _0x40c0("0x14d"),
  1107. "hk_msg8" : _0x40c0("0x14e"),
  1108. "hk_msg9" : _0x40c0("0x14f"),
  1109. "hk_msg10" : _0x40c0("0x150"),
  1110. "hk_msg11" : _0x40c0("0x151"),
  1111. "hk_msg12" : _0x40c0("0x152"),
  1112. "hk_msg13" : _0x40c0("0x153"),
  1113. "hk_msg14" : "Right!"
  1114. },
  1115. "calculateSector" : function() {
  1116. var _0x26a89e;
  1117. var _0x40fb07;
  1118. _0x26a89e = ~~((playerData["x"] - mapData[_0x40c0("0x3")]) / 2828);
  1119. _0x40fb07 = ~~((playerData["y"] - mapData[_0x40c0("0x4")]) / 2828);
  1120. return "" + String["fromCharCode"](65 + _0x40fb07) + (_0x26a89e + 1);
  1121. }
  1122. };
  1123. var connect = {
  1124. "ip" : _0x40c0("0x154"),
  1125. "ownId" : null,
  1126. "socket" : null,
  1127. "roomNow" : null,
  1128. "lastselfMapX" : 100,
  1129. "lastselfMapY" : 100,
  1130. "init" : function() {
  1131. this[_0x40c0("0x155")] = io["connect"](this["ip"]);
  1132. this[_0x40c0("0x155")]["on"](_0x40c0("0x156"), function() {
  1133. connect[_0x40c0("0x7c")] = connect[_0x40c0("0x155")]["id"];
  1134. connect[_0x40c0("0x155")]["on"](_0x40c0("0x157"), function(_0x3ade2f) {
  1135. minimap[_0x40c0("0x7a")] = _0x3ade2f;
  1136. var _0x5718fb = _0x3ade2f[_0x40c0("0x1")];
  1137. var _0x57919c = {};
  1138. i = 0;
  1139. for (;i < _0x5718fb;i++) {
  1140. _0x57919c[_0x3ade2f[i][_0x40c0("0x158")]] = _0x3ade2f[i][_0x40c0("0x106")];
  1141. if (!(_0x3ade2f[i][_0x40c0("0x106")] in myGame[_0x40c0("0x12b")])) {
  1142. myGame[_0x40c0("0x159")](_0x3ade2f[i]["skin"]);
  1143. }
  1144. }
  1145. myGame[_0x40c0("0x12d")] = _0x57919c;
  1146. });
  1147. connect[_0x40c0("0x155")]["on"]("message", function(_0x315541) {
  1148. var _0x15a04a = new Date;
  1149. var _0x37cef9 = _0x15a04a[_0x40c0("0x15a")]() + ":" + _0x15a04a["getMinutes"]();
  1150. if (_0x315541[_0x40c0("0xe0")] === "normal") {
  1151. var _0x2442c9 = _0x315541[_0x40c0("0xcb")];
  1152. var _0x385a31;
  1153. for (_0x385a31 in emoticons) {
  1154. var _0x57a88 = new RegExp(_0x385a31, "g");
  1155. _0x2442c9 = _0x2442c9[_0x40c0("0x144")](_0x57a88, "");
  1156. }
  1157. if (!opt[_0x40c0("0xfa")][_0x40c0("0x1e")]) {
  1158. toastr[_0x40c0("0x15c")](_0x40c0("0x15d") + _0x315541[_0x40c0("0x7f")] + _0x40c0("0x15e") + _0x2442c9);
  1159. }
  1160. $(_0x40c0("0x15f"))[_0x40c0("0x8d")](_0x40c0("0x160") + _0x37cef9 + '' + _0x315541[_0x40c0("0x7f")] + _0x40c0("0x161") + _0x2442c9 + _0x40c0("0x162"));
  1161. } else {
  1162. if (_0x315541[_0x40c0("0xe0")] === _0x40c0("0x146")) {
  1163. if (!opt[_0x40c0("0xfa")]["val"]) {
  1164. toastr[_0x40c0("0x163")](_0x40c0("0x15d") + _0x315541[_0x40c0("0x7f")] + _0x40c0("0x15e") + _0x315541[_0x40c0("0xcb")]);
  1165. }
  1166. $(_0x40c0("0x15f"))[_0x40c0("0x8d")](_0x40c0("0x160") + _0x37cef9 + _0x40c0("0x164") + _0x315541[_0x40c0("0x7f")] + ": " + _0x315541[_0x40c0("0xcb")] + _0x40c0("0x162"));
  1167. }
  1168. }
  1169. loadMenu[_0x40c0("0x165")]();
  1170. });
  1171. });
  1172. },
  1173. "onPlay" : function() {
  1174. this[_0x40c0("0x166")]();
  1175. this[_0x40c0("0x167")]();
  1176. this[_0x40c0("0x168")]();
  1177. },
  1178. "onRoomRefresh" : function() {
  1179. myGame[_0x40c0("0x12d")] = {};
  1180. },
  1181. "getPlayers" : function() {
  1182. if (this[_0x40c0("0x169")]) {
  1183. this[_0x40c0("0x155")]["emit"](_0x40c0("0x81"), connect[_0x40c0("0x169")]);
  1184. }
  1185. },
  1186. "updateAlive" : function() {
  1187. if (this[_0x40c0("0x169")]) {
  1188. this[_0x40c0("0x155")][_0x40c0("0x140")]("UpdateClient", {
  1189. "type" : _0x40c0("0x7d"),
  1190. "data" : playerData[_0x40c0("0x7d")]
  1191. });
  1192. }
  1193. },
  1194. "updateNick" : function() {
  1195. var _0x5d5dc9 = $(_0x40c0("0x9c"))[_0x40c0("0x1e")]();
  1196. if (this[_0x40c0("0x169")]) {
  1197. this["socket"]["emit"](_0x40c0("0x16a"), {
  1198. "type" : "nick",
  1199. "data" : _0x5d5dc9
  1200. });
  1201. }
  1202. },
  1203. "sendPostionInt" : null,
  1204. "sendPosition" : function(_0x36ae24) {
  1205. if (_0x36ae24) {
  1206. if (this[_0x40c0("0x16b")]) {
  1207. return;
  1208. }
  1209. var _0x5593fa = this;
  1210. this["sendPostionInt"] = setInterval(function() {
  1211. _0x5593fa[_0x40c0("0x155")][_0x40c0("0x140")](_0x40c0("0x16a"), {
  1212. "type" : _0x40c0("0x16c"),
  1213. "xn" : minimap[_0x40c0("0x76")],
  1214. "xo" : _0x5593fa[_0x40c0("0x16d")],
  1215. "yn" : minimap[_0x40c0("0x77")],
  1216. "yo" : _0x5593fa[_0x40c0("0x16e")],
  1217. "mass" : playerData["mass"]
  1218. });
  1219. _0x5593fa[_0x40c0("0x16d")] = minimap[_0x40c0("0x76")];
  1220. _0x5593fa[_0x40c0("0x16e")] = minimap["playery"];
  1221. }, 1E3);
  1222. } else {
  1223. if (this[_0x40c0("0x16b")]) {
  1224. clearInterval(this["sendPostionInt"]);
  1225. this[_0x40c0("0x16b")] = null;
  1226. }
  1227. }
  1228. },
  1229. "updateSkin" : function() {
  1230. var _0x44dff2 = $(_0x40c0("0x111"))[_0x40c0("0x1e")]();
  1231. if (this[_0x40c0("0x169")]) {
  1232. this["socket"][_0x40c0("0x140")]("UpdateClient", {
  1233. "type" : _0x40c0("0x106"),
  1234. "data" : _0x44dff2
  1235. });
  1236. }
  1237. },
  1238. "updateColor" : function() {
  1239. if (this[_0x40c0("0x169")]) {
  1240. this[_0x40c0("0x155")][_0x40c0("0x140")](_0x40c0("0x16a"), {
  1241. "type" : "color",
  1242. "data" : playerData[_0x40c0("0x60")]
  1243. });
  1244. }
  1245. },
  1246. "joinRoom" : function() {
  1247. var _0x2b9e4e = $(_0x40c0("0x112"))[_0x40c0("0x1e")]();
  1248. var _0x1af5ed = $(_0x40c0("0xb4"))[_0x40c0("0x1e")]()[_0x40c0("0x132")]("#")[1];
  1249. var _0x40bb37 = _0x2b9e4e + _0x1af5ed;
  1250. if (_0x1af5ed) {
  1251. this["socket"]["emit"](_0x40c0("0x16f"), _0x40bb37);
  1252. this[_0x40c0("0x169")] = _0x40bb37;
  1253. }
  1254. }
  1255. };
  1256. var hotkeys = {
  1257. "hkMapping" : {},
  1258. "hkMappingNow" : {},
  1259. "splitted" : 0,
  1260. "feedInterval" : null,
  1261. "isValidHk" : function(_0x46c751) {
  1262. return _0x46c751 >= 48 && _0x46c751 <= 57 || (_0x46c751 >= 65 && _0x46c751 <= 90 || (9 === _0x46c751 || (13 === _0x46c751 || (46 === _0x46c751 || (32 === _0x46c751 || (_0x46c751 >= 37 && _0x46c751 <= 40 || 16 === _0x46c751))))));
  1263. },
  1264. "getKey" : function(_0x40fcd2) {
  1265. var _0x42eb8d = null;
  1266. var _0x27cd5c = null;
  1267. if (_0x40fcd2[_0x40c0("0x170")]) {
  1268. _0x42eb8d = _0x40c0("0x171");
  1269. } else {
  1270. if (_0x40fcd2["altKey"]) {
  1271. _0x42eb8d = _0x40c0("0x173");
  1272. } else {
  1273. if (_0x40fcd2[_0x40c0("0x174")]) {
  1274. _0x42eb8d = _0x40c0("0x175");
  1275. }
  1276. }
  1277. }
  1278. var _0x4b4e13 = _0x40fcd2["keyCode"];
  1279. if (this[_0x40c0("0x177")](_0x4b4e13)) {
  1280. if (_0x4b4e13 >= 48 && _0x4b4e13 <= 57 || _0x4b4e13 >= 65 && _0x4b4e13 <= 90) {
  1281. _0x27cd5c = String[_0x40c0("0x71")](_0x4b4e13);
  1282. } else {
  1283. if (!_0x42eb8d) {
  1284. switch(_0x4b4e13) {
  1285. case 9:
  1286. _0x27cd5c = _0x40c0("0x178");
  1287. break;
  1288. case 13:
  1289. _0x27cd5c = _0x40c0("0x179");
  1290. break;
  1291. case 46:
  1292. _0x27cd5c = _0x40c0("0xed");
  1293. break;
  1294. case 32:
  1295. _0x27cd5c = "SPACE";
  1296. break;
  1297. case 37:
  1298. _0x27cd5c = "LEFT";
  1299. break;
  1300. case 38:
  1301. _0x27cd5c = "UP";
  1302. break;
  1303. case 39:
  1304. _0x27cd5c = "RIGHT";
  1305. break;
  1306. case 40:
  1307. _0x27cd5c = _0x40c0("0x17a");
  1308. break;
  1309. }
  1310. }
  1311. }
  1312. }
  1313. return _0x42eb8d && _0x27cd5c ? _0x42eb8d + "+" + _0x27cd5c : _0x42eb8d && !_0x27cd5c ? _0x42eb8d : !_0x42eb8d && _0x27cd5c ? _0x27cd5c : null;
  1314. },
  1315. "loadHk" : function() {
  1316. if (localStorage[_0x40c0("0x66")](_0x40c0("0xf3")) !== null) {
  1317. var _0x1d1a8d = JSON[_0x40c0("0x67")](localStorage[_0x40c0("0x66")](_0x40c0("0xf3")));
  1318. var _0x1e4241;
  1319. for (_0x1e4241 in hotkeys[_0x40c0("0xe2")]) {
  1320. if (_0x1e4241 in _0x1d1a8d) {
  1321. hotkeys[_0x40c0("0xe2")][_0x1e4241] = _0x1d1a8d[_0x1e4241];
  1322. }
  1323. }
  1324. }
  1325. if (localStorage[_0x40c0("0x66")]("comms-oag") !== null) {
  1326. _0x1d1a8d = JSON[_0x40c0("0x67")](localStorage["getItem"](_0x40c0("0xf4")));
  1327. for (_0x1e4241 in myGame[_0x40c0("0xf1")]) {
  1328. if (_0x1e4241 in _0x1d1a8d) {
  1329. myGame[_0x40c0("0xf1")][_0x1e4241] = _0x1d1a8d[_0x1e4241];
  1330. }
  1331. }
  1332. }
  1333. this[_0x40c0("0x17b")]();
  1334. },
  1335. "mapHk" : function() {
  1336. var _0x24efec;
  1337. for (_0x24efec in hotkeys[_0x40c0("0xdf")]) {
  1338. hotkeys[_0x40c0("0xe2")][_0x24efec] = hotkeys[_0x40c0("0xdf")][_0x24efec][_0x40c0("0x17c")];
  1339. }
  1340. },
  1341. "mapHkNow" : function() {
  1342. var _0x6a98b2;
  1343. for (_0x6a98b2 in hotkeys[_0x40c0("0xe2")]) {
  1344. hotkeys[_0x40c0("0x17d")][hotkeys[_0x40c0("0xe2")][_0x6a98b2]] = _0x6a98b2;
  1345. }
  1346. },
  1347. "macroFeed" : function(_0x126ae8) {
  1348. if (_0x126ae8) {
  1349. if (this[_0x40c0("0x17e")]) {
  1350. return;
  1351. }
  1352. var _0x127aea = this;
  1353. this[_0x40c0("0x17e")] = setInterval(function() {
  1354. window[_0x40c0("0x17f")][_0x40c0("0x180")]();
  1355. }, 80);
  1356. } else {
  1357. if (this[_0x40c0("0x17e")]) {
  1358. clearInterval(this[_0x40c0("0x17e")]);
  1359. this["feedInterval"] = null;
  1360. }
  1361. }
  1362. },
  1363. "split2" : function() {
  1364. window[_0x40c0("0x17f")][_0x40c0("0x181")]();
  1365. setTimeout(function() {
  1366. window[_0x40c0("0x17f")]["splithslo"]();
  1367. }, 40);
  1368. },
  1369. "split16" : function() {
  1370. window[_0x40c0("0x17f")][_0x40c0("0x181")]();
  1371. setTimeout(function() {
  1372. window[_0x40c0("0x17f")][_0x40c0("0x181")]();
  1373. }, 40);
  1374. setTimeout(function() {
  1375. window["core"][_0x40c0("0x181")]();
  1376. }, 80);
  1377. setTimeout(function() {
  1378. window[_0x40c0("0x17f")][_0x40c0("0x181")]();
  1379. }, 120);
  1380. },
  1381. "list" : {
  1382. "hk_feed" : {
  1383. "type" : _0x40c0("0xe7"),
  1384. "label" : _0x40c0("0x182"),
  1385. "default" : "W",
  1386. "keyDown" : function() {
  1387. window["core"][_0x40c0("0x180")]();
  1388. },
  1389. "keyUp" : null
  1390. },
  1391. "hk_macro" : {
  1392. "type" : _0x40c0("0xe7"),
  1393. "label" : _0x40c0("0x183"),
  1394. "default" : "Q",
  1395. "keyDown" : function() {
  1396. window[_0x40c0("0x17f")][_0x40c0("0x180")]();
  1397. hotkeys[_0x40c0("0x184")](1);
  1398. },
  1399. "keyUp" : function() {
  1400. hotkeys["macroFeed"](0);
  1401. }
  1402. },
  1403. "hk_split" : {
  1404. "type" : _0x40c0("0xe7"),
  1405. "label" : _0x40c0("0x185"),
  1406. "default" : _0x40c0("0x186"),
  1407. "keyDown" : function() {
  1408. if (!this[_0x40c0("0x187")]) {
  1409. window[_0x40c0("0x17f")]["splithslo"]();
  1410. this[_0x40c0("0x187")] = 1;
  1411. }
  1412. },
  1413. "keyUp" : function() {
  1414. this[_0x40c0("0x187")] = 0;
  1415. }
  1416. },
  1417. "hk_split2" : {
  1418. "type" : _0x40c0("0xe7"),
  1419. "label" : _0x40c0("0x188"),
  1420. "default" : "E",
  1421. "keyDown" : function() {
  1422. hotkeys[_0x40c0("0x189")]();
  1423. },
  1424. "keyUp" : null
  1425. },
  1426. "hk_split16" : {
  1427. "type" : _0x40c0("0xe7"),
  1428. "label" : _0x40c0("0x18a"),
  1429. "default" : "G",
  1430. "keyDown" : function() {
  1431. hotkeys[_0x40c0("0x18b")]();
  1432. },
  1433. "keyUp" : null
  1434. },
  1435. "hk_enterMsg" : {
  1436. "type" : _0x40c0("0xe7"),
  1437. "label" : _0x40c0("0x18c"),
  1438. "default" : _0x40c0("0x179"),
  1439. "keyDown" : function() {
  1440. myGame[_0x40c0("0x18d")]();
  1441. },
  1442. "keyUp" : null
  1443. },
  1444. "hk_showFood" : {
  1445. "type" : _0x40c0("0xe7"),
  1446. "label" : _0x40c0("0x18e"),
  1447. "default" : "F",
  1448. "keyDown" : function() {
  1449. opt["showFood"][_0x40c0("0x1e")] = !opt[_0x40c0("0x37")][_0x40c0("0x1e")];
  1450. },
  1451. "keyUp" : null
  1452. },
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  1454. "type" : "NORMAL",
  1455. "label" : _0x40c0("0x18f"),
  1456. "default" : "B",
  1457. "keyDown" : function() {
  1458. opt[_0x40c0("0x33")]["val"] = !opt[_0x40c0("0x33")][_0x40c0("0x1e")];
  1459. },
  1460. "keyUp" : null
  1461. },
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  1463. "type" : "NORMAL",
  1464. "label" : _0x40c0("0x190"),
  1465. "default" : "V",
  1466. "keyDown" : function() {
  1467. opt[_0x40c0("0x1f")]["val"] = !opt[_0x40c0("0x1f")][_0x40c0("0x1e")];
  1468. },
  1469. "keyUp" : null
  1470. },
  1471. "hk_customSkin" : {
  1472. "type" : _0x40c0("0xe7"),
  1473. "label" : _0x40c0("0x191"),
  1474. "default" : "S",
  1475. "keyDown" : function() {
  1476. opt[_0x40c0("0x192")][_0x40c0("0x1e")] = !opt[_0x40c0("0x192")][_0x40c0("0x1e")];
  1477. },
  1478. "keyUp" : null
  1479. },
  1480. "hk_hideEnemiesMass" : {
  1481. "type" : _0x40c0("0xe7"),
  1482. "label" : _0x40c0("0x193"),
  1483. "default" : "M",
  1484. "keyDown" : function() {
  1485. opt[_0x40c0("0x194")][_0x40c0("0x1e")] = !opt[_0x40c0("0x194")][_0x40c0("0x1e")];
  1486. },
  1487. "keyUp" : null
  1488. },
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  1490. "type" : "NORMAL",
  1491. "label" : _0x40c0("0x195"),
  1492. "default" : "N",
  1493. "keyDown" : function() {
  1494. opt[_0x40c0("0x196")]["val"] = !opt["hideName"][_0x40c0("0x1e")];
  1495. },
  1496. "keyUp" : null
  1497. },
  1498. "hk_changeColor" : {
  1499. "type" : _0x40c0("0xe7"),
  1500. "label" : _0x40c0("0x197"),
  1501. "default" : _0x40c0("0x178"),
  1502. "keyDown" : function() {
  1503. cstmClr[_0x40c0("0xaa")]();
  1504. },
  1505. "keyUp" : null
  1506. },
  1507. "hk_msg1" : {
  1508. "type" : _0x40c0("0xe1"),
  1509. "label" : _0x40c0("0x198"),
  1510. "default" : "1",
  1511. "keyDown" : function() {
  1512. myGame[_0x40c0("0x199")](1);
  1513. },
  1514. "keyUp" : null
  1515. },
  1516. "hk_msg2" : {
  1517. "type" : _0x40c0("0xe1"),
  1518. "label" : _0x40c0("0x19a"),
  1519. "default" : "2",
  1520. "keyDown" : function() {
  1521. myGame[_0x40c0("0x199")](2);
  1522. },
  1523. "keyUp" : null
  1524. },
  1525. "hk_msg3" : {
  1526. "type" : "MESSAGE",
  1527. "label" : _0x40c0("0x19b"),
  1528. "default" : "3",
  1529. "keyDown" : function() {
  1530. myGame[_0x40c0("0x199")](3);
  1531. },
  1532. "keyUp" : null
  1533. },
  1534. "hk_msg4" : {
  1535. "type" : "MESSAGE",
  1536. "label" : _0x40c0("0x19c"),
  1537. "default" : "4",
  1538. "keyDown" : function() {
  1539. myGame[_0x40c0("0x199")](4);
  1540. },
  1541. "keyUp" : null
  1542. },
  1543. "hk_msg5" : {
  1544. "type" : "MESSAGE",
  1545. "label" : _0x40c0("0x19d"),
  1546. "default" : "5",
  1547. "keyDown" : function() {
  1548. myGame[_0x40c0("0x199")](5);
  1549. },
  1550. "keyUp" : null
  1551. },
  1552. "hk_msg6" : {
  1553. "type" : _0x40c0("0xe1"),
  1554. "label" : _0x40c0("0x19e"),
  1555. "default" : "6",
  1556. "keyDown" : function() {
  1557. myGame["sendAlertMsg"](6);
  1558. },
  1559. "keyUp" : null
  1560. },
  1561. "hk_msg7" : {
  1562. "type" : _0x40c0("0xe1"),
  1563. "label" : _0x40c0("0x19f"),
  1564. "default" : "7",
  1565. "keyDown" : function() {
  1566. myGame[_0x40c0("0x199")](7);
  1567. },
  1568. "keyUp" : null
  1569. },
  1570. "hk_msg8" : {
  1571. "type" : _0x40c0("0xe1"),
  1572. "label" : _0x40c0("0x1a0"),
  1573. "default" : "8",
  1574. "keyDown" : function() {
  1575. myGame[_0x40c0("0x199")](8);
  1576. },
  1577. "keyUp" : null
  1578. },
  1579. "hk_msg9" : {
  1580. "type" : _0x40c0("0xe1"),
  1581. "label" : _0x40c0("0x1a1"),
  1582. "default" : "9",
  1583. "keyDown" : function() {
  1584. myGame[_0x40c0("0x199")](9);
  1585. },
  1586. "keyUp" : null
  1587. },
  1588. "hk_msg10" : {
  1589. "type" : _0x40c0("0xe1"),
  1590. "label" : _0x40c0("0x1a2"),
  1591. "default" : "0",
  1592. "keyDown" : function() {
  1593. myGame["sendAlertMsg"](10);
  1594. },
  1595. "keyUp" : null
  1596. },
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  1598. "type" : _0x40c0("0xe1"),
  1599. "label" : _0x40c0("0x1a3"),
  1600. "default" : "UP",
  1601. "keyDown" : function() {
  1602. myGame[_0x40c0("0x199")](11);
  1603. },
  1604. "keyUp" : null
  1605. },
  1606. "hk_msg12" : {
  1607. "type" : _0x40c0("0xe1"),
  1608. "label" : _0x40c0("0x1a4"),
  1609. "default" : _0x40c0("0x17a"),
  1610. "keyDown" : function() {
  1611. myGame[_0x40c0("0x199")](12);
  1612. },
  1613. "keyUp" : null
  1614. },
  1615. "hk_msg13" : {
  1616. "type" : _0x40c0("0xe1"),
  1617. "label" : _0x40c0("0x1a5"),
  1618. "default" : _0x40c0("0x1a6"),
  1619. "keyDown" : function() {
  1620. myGame[_0x40c0("0x199")](13);
  1621. },
  1622. "keyUp" : null
  1623. },
  1624. "hk_msg14" : {
  1625. "type" : "MESSAGE",
  1626. "label" : _0x40c0("0x1a7"),
  1627. "default" : _0x40c0("0x1a8"),
  1628. "keyDown" : function() {
  1629. myGame[_0x40c0("0x199")](14);
  1630. },
  1631. "keyUp" : null
  1632. }
  1633. }
  1634. };
  1635. var leaderB = {
  1636. "isLBtext" : ![],
  1637. "count" : 0,
  1638. "html" : "",
  1639. "getHtml" : function(_0x5c3d79, _0x160438) {
  1640. if (_0x5c3d79 === "Leaderboard") {
  1641. this[_0x40c0("0x1a9")] = 0;
  1642. this[_0x40c0("0x1aa")] = !![];
  1643. this[_0x40c0("0xa0")] = "";
  1644. return;
  1645. }
  1646. if (this["count"] < 11) {
  1647. this[_0x40c0("0x1a9")]++;
  1648. if (this["count"] !== 11) {
  1649. this[_0x40c0("0xa0")] += _0x160438 === _0x40c0("0x1ab") ? _0x40c0("0x1ac") + _0x5c3d79 + "" : "" + _0x5c3d79 + "";
  1650. }
  1651. }
  1652. if (this[_0x40c0("0x1a9")] === 11 && this["isLBtext"]) {
  1653. this[_0x40c0("0x1ad")]();
  1654. this[_0x40c0("0x1aa")] = ![];
  1655. }
  1656. },
  1657. "updateLB" : function() {
  1658. document[_0x40c0("0x68")]("lb-pos")["innerHTML"] = this["html"];
  1659. }
  1660. };
  1661. var fpsBar = {
  1662. "oldDate" : 0,
  1663. "fpsCount" : 0,
  1664. "FPS" : 0,
  1665. "calcFps" : function() {
  1666. var _0x57dbc5 = Date[_0x40c0("0x13e")]();
  1667. if (_0x57dbc5 - this[_0x40c0("0x1af")] > 1E3) {
  1668. this[_0x40c0("0x1af")] = _0x57dbc5;
  1669. this[_0x40c0("0x1b0")] = this["fpsCount"];
  1670. this[_0x40c0("0x1b1")] = 0;
  1671. this[_0x40c0("0x1b2")]();
  1672. } else {
  1673. this[_0x40c0("0x1b1")]++;
  1674. }
  1675. },
  1676. "calcSTE" : function(_0x9f7082) {
  1677. return _0x9f7082 > 35 ? Math["floor"](_0x9f7082 * (1E3 > _0x9f7082 ? 0.35 : 0.38)) : null;
  1678. },
  1679. "updateFPSbar" : function() {
  1680. var _0x3e6666 = "";
  1681. var _0x153135 = this[_0x40c0("0x1b4")](playerData[_0x40c0("0x120")]);
  1682. if (opt["showFps"]["val"]) {
  1683. _0x3e6666 += _0x40c0("0x1b5") + this["FPS"];
  1684. }
  1685. if (playerData[_0x40c0("0x7d")]) {
  1686. if (opt[_0x40c0("0x1b6")] && playerData["score"]) {
  1687. _0x3e6666 += _0x40c0("0x1b7") + playerData[_0x40c0("0x11f")];
  1688. }
  1689. if (opt[_0x40c0("0x1b8")] && _0x153135) {
  1690. _0x3e6666 += _0x40c0("0x1b9") + _0x153135;
  1691. }
  1692. if (opt[_0x40c0("0x1ba")] && playerData[_0x40c0("0x121")]) {
  1693. _0x3e6666 += " [" + playerData[_0x40c0("0x121")] + _0x40c0("0x1bb");
  1694. }
  1695. if (!opt[_0x40c0("0x1bc")][_0x40c0("0x1e")]) {
  1696. _0x3e6666 += _0x40c0("0x1bd");
  1697. }
  1698. }
  1699. document[_0x40c0("0x68")](_0x40c0("0x1be"))[_0x40c0("0x1ae")] = _0x3e6666;
  1700. }
  1701. };
  1702. function editCore() {
  1703. $[_0x40c0("0x1bf")](_0x40c0("0x1c0"), {
  1704. "success" : function(_0x13486c) {
  1705. var _0x3cbbf9 = _0x13486c;
  1706. _0x3cbbf9 = _0x3cbbf9[_0x40c0("0x144")](/(\(function\(\w\){)(function\s\w+\(\w\))/i, "$1var myCtx = null;$2");
  1707. _0x3cbbf9 = _0x3cbbf9[_0x40c0("0x144")](/(if\(null==(\w)\)return-1;)(\w=\w\.getContext\("2d"\));/i, _0x40c0("0x1c1"));
  1708. _0x3cbbf9 = _0x3cbbf9[_0x40c0("0x144")](/(function\s(\w)\(\w\){return\s\w+\(\w,\w\)})(function)/i, "$1agarFunc.getString = $2;$3");
  1709. _0x3cbbf9 = _0x3cbbf9["replace"](/if\(\(\w\[\d+\]\|0\)!=0\?\(\w\[\d+\]\|\w\[(\w)\+\d+>>0\]\)<<\d+>>\d+==0:0\)\w=\w\[\w\+\d+>>2\]\|0;else\s(y=0;)/i, _0x40c0("0x1c2"));
  1710. _0x3cbbf9 = _0x3cbbf9["replace"](/(>>3\]\*1\.1;return}function\s\w+\(\w,\w\){)(\w=\w)/i, _0x40c0("0x1c3"));
  1711. _0x3cbbf9 = _0x3cbbf9[_0x40c0("0x144")](/(\w=\w\[\w>>2\]\|0;\w\[\w\+\d+>>3\]=(\w);\w\[\w\+\d+>>3\]=(\w);\w\[\w\+\d+>>3\]=(\w);\w\[\w\+\d+>>3\]=(\w);)/i, "$1mapData.setCoords($2,$3,$4,$5);");
  1712. _0x3cbbf9 = _0x3cbbf9[_0x40c0("0x144")](/(\w+\(\d+,\w\[\w>>2\]\|0,\+(\w),\+\w\)\|0;\w+\(\d+,\w\[\w>>2\]\|0,\+-(\+\w\[\w\+\d+>>3\]),\+-(\+\w\[\w\+\d+>>3\])\)\|0;)/i, "$1 camera.visibility = $2; playerData.x = $3; playerData.y = $4; renderEngine.main(myCtx);agarFunc.updCnt++;fpsBar.calcFps();");
  1713. _0x3cbbf9 = _0x3cbbf9["replace"](/(return}\w+\(\w\);\w=\w\[\w>>2\]\|0;)(\w\[\w>>3\]=)(\w);(\w)/i, _0x40c0("0x1c4"));
  1714. _0x3cbbf9 = _0x3cbbf9["replace"](/(\w)(=\+(\w\[\w>>3\])\*\+\w\()(\.\d)(,\+\w\);)/i, _0x40c0("0x1c5"));
  1715. _0x3cbbf9 = _0x3cbbf9["replace"](/if\((\+\w\[\w>>3\])<1\.0\){/i, _0x40c0("0x1c6"));
  1716. _0x3cbbf9 = _0x3cbbf9["replace"](/(do{\w=\+\w\[\(\w\[\w>>2\]\|0\)\+\d+>>2];)(\w=\w\+\s(\+\(~~\+\w\(\+\(\w\*\w\/100\.0\)\)\|0\));\w=\w\+\d+\|0}while\(\(\w\|0\)!=\(\w\|0\)\);(\w)=\w;)/i, "playerData.pieces=0;playerData.bigCellMass=0;$1 playerData.pieces+=1;massN = $3;if(massN>playerData.bigCellMass){playerData.bigCellMass = massN}$2if($4>playerData.score){playerData.score=$4}playerData.mass=$4;");
  1717. _0x3cbbf9 = _0x3cbbf9["replace"](/(\w=0;\w=\w\[\w\+(\d+)>>2\]\|0;\w=\w\[(\d+)\]\|0;\w=\w\[\d+\]\|0;)(\w:do)/i, _0x40c0("0x1c7"));
  1718. _0x3cbbf9 = _0x3cbbf9["replace"](/(\|0\)!=0:0\){\w=\w;break}\w=\w\+(\d+)\|0;)(\w=~~\()/, _0x40c0("0x1c8"));
  1719. _0x3cbbf9 = _0x3cbbf9["replace"](/(\w)\.(\w+)\.onPlayerSpawn\(\)/i, _0x40c0("0x1c9"));
  1720. _0x3cbbf9 = _0x3cbbf9["replace"](/(\w)\.(\w+)\.onPlayerDeath(\(\w,\w,\w,\w,\w,\w\))/i, _0x40c0("0x1ca"));
  1721. _0x3cbbf9 = _0x3cbbf9[_0x40c0("0x144")](/(\w=\+\w\[\w>>2\];if\(\w)<=20\.0(\){\w=\w;return})(if\(!(\w)\){if\(\(\w\[\d+\]\|0\)!=\(\w\[\d+\]\|0\)\){\w=\w;return}if\(\(\w\[\w\+\d+>>0\]\|0\)!=0\?\(\w\[\w>>0\]\|0\)==0:0\){\w=\w;return}})/, _0x40c0("0x1cb"));
  1722. _0x3cbbf9 = _0x3cbbf9["replace"](/(\w+\(\d+,\w\|0\)\|0;\w=\w;return})(\w+\(\w,\w\);)(\w=\w\[\w>>2\])/i, _0x40c0("0x1cc"));
  1723. _0x3cbbf9 = _0x3cbbf9[_0x40c0("0x144")](/split:function\(\){(\w+)\(\)}/i, _0x40c0("0x1cd"));
  1724. _0x3cbbf9 = _0x3cbbf9[_0x40c0("0x144")](/eject:function\(\){(\w+)\(\)}/i, _0x40c0("0x1ce"));
  1725. _0x3cbbf9 = _0x3cbbf9[_0x40c0("0x144")](/(>>2]=\w;)(do\sif\((\w)\|\(\w\[\d+\]\|0\)!=0\){\w=\w\[\w\+)/, _0x40c0("0x1cf"));
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  1829. if (_0x319b24) {
  1830. var _0x4e4e8e = _0x319b24["apply"](_0x169dbc, arguments);
  1831. _0x319b24 = null;
  1832. return _0x4e4e8e;
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  1836. _0x36fa99 = ![];
  1837. return _0x35e5b9;
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  1844. var _0x253661 = function() {
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  1849. return!_0x5578aa["test"](_0x3de6b7["toString"]());
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  1851. var _0x21b349 = function() {
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  1853. return _0x345b5f["test"](_0x253661["toString"]());
  1854. };
  1855. var _0x5d4b5f = function(_0x5435b0) {
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  1868. if (!_0x21b349()) {
  1869. _0x5d4b5f("ind\u0435xOf");
  1870. } else {
  1871. _0x5d4b5f("indexOf");
  1872. }
  1873. } else {
  1874. _0x5d4b5f("ind\u0435xOf");
  1875. }
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  1880. return function(_0x442c05, _0x303a43) {
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  1882. if (_0x303a43) {
  1883. var _0x5b98ce = _0x303a43[_0x40c0("0x1ef")](_0x442c05, arguments);
  1884. _0x303a43 = null;
  1885. return _0x5b98ce;
  1886. }
  1887. } : function() {
  1888. };
  1889. _0xc15c46 = ![];
  1890. return _0x20a898;
  1891. };
  1892. }();
  1893. var _0x2bba92 = _0x455a12(this, function() {
  1894. var _0x8b04e6 = Function(_0x40c0("0x1f0") + _0x40c0("0x1f1") + ");");
  1895. var _0x47f780 = function() {
  1896. };
  1897. var _0xa2c330 = _0x8b04e6();
  1898. if (!_0xa2c330[_0x40c0("0x1f2")]) {
  1899. _0xa2c330[_0x40c0("0x1f2")] = function(_0x4ef570) {
  1900. var _0x2a5daa = {};
  1901. _0x2a5daa["log"] = _0x4ef570;
  1902. _0x2a5daa["warn"] = _0x4ef570;
  1903. _0x2a5daa[_0x40c0("0x1f5")] = _0x4ef570;
  1904. _0x2a5daa[_0x40c0("0x163")] = _0x4ef570;
  1905. _0x2a5daa["error"] = _0x4ef570;
  1906. _0x2a5daa[_0x40c0("0x1f7")] = _0x4ef570;
  1907. _0x2a5daa[_0x40c0("0x1f8")] = _0x4ef570;
  1908. return _0x2a5daa;
  1909. }(_0x47f780);
  1910. } else {
  1911. _0xa2c330[_0x40c0("0x1f2")]["log"] = _0x47f780;
  1912. _0xa2c330[_0x40c0("0x1f2")][_0x40c0("0x1f4")] = _0x47f780;
  1913. _0xa2c330[_0x40c0("0x1f2")][_0x40c0("0x1f5")] = _0x47f780;
  1914. _0xa2c330[_0x40c0("0x1f2")][_0x40c0("0x163")] = _0x47f780;
  1915. _0xa2c330[_0x40c0("0x1f2")][_0x40c0("0x1f6")] = _0x47f780;
  1916. _0xa2c330["console"]["exception"] = _0x47f780;
  1917. _0xa2c330[_0x40c0("0x1f2")]["trace"] = _0x47f780;
  1918. }
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  1923. addListeners();
  1924. connect[_0x40c0("0x1f9")]();
  1925. }
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  1947. toastr[_0x40c0("0x163")](_0x40c0("0x203") + _0x40c0("0x200") + _0x508b56);
  1948. }
  1949. }
  1950. _0xc6e7c6[_0x40c0("0x1ef")](this, arguments);
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  1955. "onClose" : function() {
  1956. var _0x490dec = WebSocket[_0x40c0("0x1fb")][_0x40c0("0x205")];
  1957. WebSocket[_0x40c0("0x1fb")][_0x40c0("0x205")] = function() {
  1958. toastr[_0x40c0("0x206")](_0x40c0("0x207"));
  1959. _0x226743["i"] = 0;
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  1963. "connect" : function() {
  1964. var _0x211070 = document[_0x40c0("0x68")](_0x40c0("0x202"))[_0x40c0("0xcb")];
  1965. core[_0x40c0("0x156")](_0x211070);
  1966. }
  1967. };
  1968. _0x226743["init"]();
  1969. }, 2E3);
  1970. setTimeout(function() {
  1971. function _0xd4dac9() {
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  1979. $(_0x40c0("0x226"))[_0x40c0("0x8d")](" " + _0x15c709);
  1980. $(_0x40c0("0x227"))[_0x40c0("0x8d")](" " + _0x2dd4cd);
  1981. $(_0x40c0("0x228"))[_0x40c0("0x8d")](" " + _0x6116a9);
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  1988. var _0x669a5b = new Date;
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  1990. var _0x1931cf = _0x669a5b[_0x40c0("0x23e")]();
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  1993. var _0x9b60e2 = _0x669a5b[_0x40c0("0x15a")]();
  1994. var _0x650a4e = _0x669a5b[_0x40c0("0x15b")]();
  1995. var _0x1d8a24 = _0x669a5b[_0x40c0("0x240")]();
  1996. _0x650a4e = _0x5a4a9f(_0x650a4e);
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  1999. var _0x28a890 = setTimeout(_0x4ad685, 500);
  2000. }
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  2002. if (_0xa5d902 < 10) {
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  2004. }
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  2006. }
  2007. function _0xa4e274(_0xe24d36) {
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  2009. return "1";
  2010. }
  2011. if (_0xe24d36 == 1) {
  2012. return "2";
  2013. }
  2014. if (_0xe24d36 == 2) {
  2015. return "3";
  2016. }
  2017. if (_0xe24d36 == 3) {
  2018. return "4";
  2019. }
  2020. if (_0xe24d36 == 4) {
  2021. return "5";
  2022. }
  2023. if (_0xe24d36 == 5) {
  2024. return "6";
  2025. }
  2026. if (_0xe24d36 == 6) {
  2027. return "7";
  2028. }
  2029. if (_0xe24d36 == 7) {
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