
FoE RPG G0 - #046 Salvage Farm: Plenty of Preparations

Feb 15th, 2014
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  1. [22:05]<SpiritOfFate> Group 0: *Epitaph* - Session #46 starts now
  2. [22:05]<SpiritOfFate> ===========================================
  3. [22:12]<SpiritOfFate> Though they are free, these ponies suffered much neglect and abuse. It takes the best effort from Chroma and Wintergreen to diagnose and treat every one of them, as deprived of supplies as they are.
  4. [22:13]<SpiritOfFate> Meanwhile Tamara discusses plans with the other mudponies, some of them already leaving towards the forest once more.
  5. [22:14]<SpiritOfFate> A saddened Knick Knack crosses the landfill back to her old house, a pipbuck attached to her leg. Royal Lace has left, taking Doodad to where he will begin his new life
  6. [22:15]? Hawkeye finds the nearest container of water and begins scrubbing her hooves and face clean of the blood and filth that has collected on her coat and mane during the ambush and ensuing fight.
  7. [22:16]<SpiritOfFate> Buck gladly moves away from the execution site, following Hawkeye to the water through close to the mudpony gathering.
  8. [22:18]? Firefly looks over the schematics and the griffinbot, deciding how best to approach the task of getting it operational and making those small changes she wants to make.
  9. [22:18]? Hawkeye dunks her head into the trough and holds it there until she almost blacks out, then pulls herself out, gasping and snorting. "Ah have had ENOUGH of this place," she says bitterly. "And Ah didn't even have to live here."
  10. [22:20]? Sotho sighs a bit as he makes his way around the landfill, looking around for anything of interest or those who need his help.
  11. [22:21]<SpiritOfFate> "Where to now?" Buck asks.
  12. [22:22]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack sees Sotho and trots to him. "Oh, hi!"
  13. [22:22]? Sotho glances over to Knick Knack, smiling softly and waving. "Hello there Knick Knack."
  14. [22:24]<Hawkeye> "Ah don't know, Buck. Where do you want to go?" Hawkeye asks. "Ah think we have to save Firefly's kin sooner, rather than later, preferably before word of this attack spreads too far an' they beef up on security. Ah don't want that filly to lose her folks. That's the worst thing in the world." The charcoal mare wipes her face more or less clean and turns to look at the compound. "But that...
  15. [22:24]<SpiritOfFate> "Do you want to make food with me? I heard they will need a lot of food." She says, trying to appear cheerful
  16. [22:24]<Hawkeye> ...don't answer what y'all are going to do, Buck. Have y'thought about stayin' here an' helping these folks get on their hooves? Y'all have tasted bein' free an' explorin' with us. Folks here might could use somepony like you."
  17. [22:25]? Sotho nods a bit. "Sure! I can try my best. Are there any others who can help us?"
  18. [22:34]<SpiritOfFate> Buck chuckles bitterly. "You have been here for a day. This place trapped me in since I was a foal, took everything from me, and took the most important pony I had before I left. The others... sure we lived together, sometimes they were nice... but sometimes they would break our muzzle over a piece of bread. This is why we joined Donut to make sure nopony else would be in our way again... until he got his flank kicked by a filly." He shakes
  19. [22:34]<SpiritOfFate> his head. "There is nothing for me here. Let this Tamara have it."
  20. [22:35]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack opens her mouth and blinks. "... I don't know. Royal Lace told me to do it."
  21. [22:35]? Ignis wanders a bit amiss...the others were probably doing important stuff...not, heh. who he was kidding to? They were probably fine-tuning stuff like the perfeccionists they were...or simply lounging around, but for him...even if he spent a lot of his time on that place, it still felt alien, probably because of his ostracionism which didn't granted him much opportunity to form ties with other compound inhabitants.
  22. [22:38]? Sotho tilts his head. "She did?" He asked. "Any reason why?" He starts off towards the mansion
  23. [22:40]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack shrugs. "I dunno."
  24. [22:40]? Hawkeye nods. "Then I guess we're off to more violence an' bloodshed," she says. "Now with drugs. Ain't that gonna be a peach, or at least the savage irradiated mockery of a peach that grows these days." The sniper heads out to locate Firefly. All the robots might be neat, but that filly needs to not lose focus on her folks.
  25. [22:41]? Sotho chuckles a bit. "Well with your help I'm sure we can get a good bit done." He says. "Any food you'd like?"
  26. [22:43]? Firefly can be found at a workbench, the oversized engineers outfit an array of pins fashioned out of scrap metal. She's puzzling over a schematic and keeps looking at the robot, her muzzle scrunched in thought.
  27. [22:45]? Hawkeye saunters up to the workbench and chuckles at the filly in ill-fitting clothes. "Looks like y'all are hard at work there, half-pint," she says to Firefly. "Don't get too involved though. We want to get your folks safe before we start any big projects."
  28. [22:46]? Firefly nods. "Uh-huh. But you know what those big doggies can't do? Fly... so I'm gonna make this thing fly to give us air support!"
  29. [22:49]? Hawkeye ruffles Firefly's mane. "Y'all are already crazy good air support, short stuff," she says. "Besides, if what we heard on the radio was as bad as it sounds, we really don't have time to... oh right, y'all were asleep for that." Hawkeye frowns. "Sweetheart, they're usin' drugs to keep folks under control there. Bad drugs, makes you sick when you ain't on 'em, so if they try an' run away, they...
  30. [22:49]? Hawkeye ...get sick. It's why we're bringin' these." She shakes a tin of Fixer tabs. "Them doggies ain't the real problem, and Ah don't think a big robot'll help with that..."
  31. [22:53]<SpiritOfFate> "I like quesadillas. Oh, and ratatouille." Knick Knack says to Sotho. She steps into the kitchen, and though the body of the slavemaster has been removed, a large bloodstain is left. "Oh..." Her ears lower
  32. [22:53]? Firefly frowns. "But if we distract the doggies, we can help more! Plus... they're really good diggers. Everyone who is stuck on the ground is in trouble..." The filly frowns at the schematic. "Need Miss Pretty Pony to fix that." The filly goes to another schematic and looks it over. "At least I can fix the cockpit and add guns!"
  33. [22:54]? Sotho sighs a bit and thinks. "Knick Knack, Can you find me a mop and a bucket of water? I need to clean the kitchen before we cook. Also get out any ingridents you'd like for your food." He smiles softly, trying to calm Knick Knack.
  34. [22:55]? Hawkeye sighs. "Ain't gonna argue that with you, sugarcube, but it's a matter of how much time we don't have," she says. "If it takes more'n' the the rest of the day, we're riskin' your folks gettin' into a scrape we can't get 'em out of. Batmare or no batmare, robot or no robot."
  35. [22:56]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack nods, going after them. "Where did Flanel leave them..."
  36. [22:57]? Firefly shakes her head. "Can't help anyone if I got shot down while flying you all..." The filly shakes her head. "If I had more ponies helping... and Miss Pretty Pony here to fix the armor, we can get this done in a day. Two at most."
  37. [22:59]? Sotho sighs as he moves to the fridge, getting out what he can dicern are for the food she mentioned. Though... he's never had them, surely there is a cook book around here.
  38. [22:59]<Hawkeye> "I'll ask Lace an' the others," Hawkeye says. "But we can't dilly-dally on this any longer." The sniper turns away and starts for the medic bay, where she's pretty sure she saw Wintergreen. "Ah understand the new toys are shiny, but some of 'em are gonna have to wait until everypony's safe and sound and we don't gotta worry about 'em no more."
  39. [23:00]? Firefly nods. "I know... but all the robots could make things a lot easier..."
  40. [23:02]<Hawkeye> "Then we take the ones we got time for an' worry about the other ones when we got more time," Hawkeye says. "Keep at it, and Ah'll see if Ah cain't rustle you up some help."
  41. [23:03]? Firefly nods to Hawkeye. "I need some that are good with fixing things, some to get stuff from the landfill and someone that's good at schematics."
  42. [23:04]<SpiritOfFate> The fridge is stocked with quite a variety of food, but the quantity is not enough to feed the whole population of ponies out there
  43. [23:04]? Hawkeye nods. "That'd be Lace, and Ah'll see if some of the folks we just helped can help y'all with the nuts an' bolts." She turns to Buck. "You know these folks okay. Mind wrangling some who know which end of a wrench to hold? Ah gotta go find Lace."
  44. [23:06]? Sotho sighs a bit, thinking if he could use the food he found before to help.
  45. [23:12]<SpiritOfFate> Buck nods, setting off to find the other slaves.
  46. [23:14]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack comes back with a bucket, a mop and Boiling Carrot, the older cook. "Here." She sets them down. "They brought some boxes of food here too."
  47. [23:15]? Sotho smiles happily as he starts to clean off the blood stain. He waves to Boiling Carrot. "Do you think we have enough to have a celebration tonight?"
  48. [23:15]<SpiritOfFate> Sotho can find a Cookbook over the fridge
  49. [23:15]? Sotho grabs the cookbook and sets it down where he can read.
  50. [23:21]<SpiritOfFate> "Oh, we should. But I think it deserves something more special. Most of it is yellow grass and overripe vegetables we used for slop. Fresh water is also a bit hard to find."
  51. [23:22]? Sotho gives a nod. "I agree it should be more special." He says before thinking. "Well, if we use the ingridents we have just right, the food should be great." He smiles. "We have some food ourselves we may be able to use."
  52. [23:24]<SpiritOfFate> Buck comes back with Shaky Ground and 3 other slaves.
  53. [23:31]<SpiritOfFate> Sotho hears a baloon popping into existence by his side. A spiritual baloon with a pony face.
  54. [23:32]? Sotho blinks and smiles lightly. "Ah. Umm... Hello?"
  55. [23:35]? Firefly looks over at the four slaves. "Um... hi? I'm Firefly... what are you all good at?"
  56. [23:36]<SpiritOfFate> The baloon blows a party horn.
  57. [23:37]? Sotho blinks again. "Ah, you must be a spirit of parties and the like. I am a shaman, Sotho! Who're you?"
  58. [23:40]<LuckyLeaf> "I used to be a mechanic." "I make stuff." "Me too." They say, the last one just nodding
  59. [23:41]? Firefly nods to the group. "Ok. We're gonna fix up this big bot to help free some slaves at Overgrowth. We'll start with the cockpit, and work toward guns..." She looks at the two who said they made stuff. "Can you two redesign a schematic?"
  60. [23:41]<LuckyLeaf> The baloon seems a bit confused.
  61. [23:42]? Sotho thinks for a moment. "What is your name? If you do have one."
  62. [23:43]<LuckyLeaf> Knick Knack blinks. "Why are you talking to a baloon?"
  63. [23:44]<LuckyLeaf> Boiling Carrot tilts her head. "Baloon?"
  64. [23:45]<LuckyLeaf> "A what?" The two blink to each other.
  65. [23:45]? Sotho nods lightly. "It's a spirit." He says. "Only those touched by the spirits can see and speak with them from what I understand. Please do not think us crazy." He chuckles a bit. "do you have any sweets or party favors?"
  66. [23:45]<LuckyLeaf> Shaky Ground turns to them. "It's that paper that shows how to make stuff."
  67. [23:46]? Firefly nods. "Uh-huh. Really handy so long as the one who made it had good hoof-writing."
  68. [23:46]<LuckyLeaf> "Ahh, I never did that." The other says
  69. [23:50]? Hawkeye frustratedly stomps around the compound looking for Royal_Lace, with no luck. Finally she knocks the front door of the house open and trudges into the kitchen. "Oh, hey," she says to Sotho and company, not batting an eye at yet another spirit. "Anypony seen Miz Lace around? Firefly needs her to work on somethin' for that robot, and I am havin' a harder time findin' her than findin' a needle...
  70. [23:50]? Hawkeye a needlestack."
  71. [23:50]? Sotho looks to Hawkeye. "I'm not sure." He looks to Knick Knack. "You said you saw her?"
  72. [23:56]<LuckyLeaf> Knick Knack nods, "She said she was going to town." Her eyes wander to the blood stain and she moves back to the hallway.
  73. [23:57]? Sotho moves and countinues to clean the bloodstain, sighing a bit. "There you have it Hawkeye." He says before looking to Boiling carrot. "Any sweets, sodas or party favors around?"
  74. [23:59]<LuckyLeaf> "We have some candies in the cupboard." She points
  75. [23:59]<Hawkeye> "Rickafritz," Hawkeye mutters. "Ah need her brain, an' all that science it's crammed full of. And Ah need to ask Miz Green if she knows if that medical-lookin' griffon bot can install a cyberwhatsit." The mare ponders. "Ain't got party favors. Ah have landmines, and Ah don't think those count."
  76. [00:00]? Firefly nods to the ponies. "Ok. Let's get started on fixing this robot then. Cockpit first."
  77. [00:01]? Sotho smiles and grabs the candies. "Thanks for offering to help at least Hawkeye." He says before he moves and offers the candies to the spirit. "May I ask your favor Spirit? Allow us to throw a celebration that will lighten the hearts of these former slaves and give them respite from the harshness of the wastes."
  78. [00:03]<LuckyLeaf> The spirit takes the candies and whistles happily
  79. [00:03]? Sotho is a bit confused, but he hopes that means yes
  80. [00:04]? Hawkeye rolls her eyes. "Ah great. Another time for Hawkeye to sit back and stay out of the way," she grumbles, and walks back out of the kitchen. "Give me a holler when Lace gets back, please."
  81. [00:04]? Royal_Lace appears in a flash back at camp, trotting towards the medic station to deposit the much needed medical supplies.
  82. [00:05]? Sotho gives a nod. "I'll give you a hollar when vittles are ready. "He says, chuckling a bit at his word choice.
  83. [00:06]? Hawkeye balks at Lace's sudden appearance in the yard, then gallops over. "Hey, Lace!" she shouts. "Wait up!"
  84. [00:07]? Royal_Lace turns as she starts pulling out potions and various bandages, "Oh, hello Hawkeye"
  85. [00:08]<Hawkeye> "Hey. When y'all get done deliverin' supplies an such," Hawkeye says, eyeing the medical supplies, "Firefly was needin' your help with them blueprint thingummies. She has a crew of mechanics already, they just need a design and then the big robot will be able to fly, or somesuch." The sniper shakes her head. "And do y'all know if that medical robot is capable of fixin' or installin' cybernetics?"
  86. [00:10]? Royal_Lace quirks a brow, "Medical robot?"
  87. [00:12]<Hawkeye> "One of them griffon bots had medical bits in it," Hawkeye explains. "Wasn't sure if it could handle somethin' that complicated, but Ah kinda hope so. Seein' as how that griffon mastermind had a shiny metal eye, and Ah happen to be missing one..."
  88. [00:13]? Royal_Lace rolls her eyes as she magics out the rest of the medical supplies, "Well if we had something like thta why did I have to go into town to pick up more?". Sighing she closes her bags up. "Could you show it to me? Ill have a look at it"
  89. [00:15]<Hawkeye> "Sure, sure," Hawkeye says. "Firefly's with the robots already, so that'll be one trip for two stops. Foller me." She heads off to rejoin Firefly and her horde of mechanics.
  90. [00:15]? Royal_Lace follows Hawkeye
  91. [00:17]? Hawkeye leads Royal_Lace back over to Firefly. "Howdy, short stuff," she says. "Brought you a bucket of brains in pony-shape." She winks at Lace. "She wants to look at that medical griffbot while she's here."
  92. [00:18]? Royal_Lace rolls her eyes and grins. "Truly you have such a way with words Hawkeye"
  93. [00:19]<Hawkeye> "Ain't muh specialty," Hawkeye says with a wry grin. "Ah have three marketable skills: skulduggery, long-range murder, an' massive property damage. Y'all don't pay me to talk purty."
  94. [00:19]? Firefly waves to Royal_Lace and Hawkeye, "Hey Miss Pretty Pony! Can you fix the schematic so the griffbot can fly?"
  95. [00:21]? Royal_Lace waves to Firefly as she trots over to the medical mecha-griff, "Ill have a look at it in a moment dear, I just want to see if there any supplies in here that could be useful for the mud ponies. They still have a few injured ponies on there hooves"
  96. [00:21]? Royal_Lace stares at the robot, "now... how do I get into you?", Lace books the Griff Bot on its metal beak.
  97. [00:22]? Firefly nods to Lace. "Ok! They should be unlocked!" Firefly goes back to working.
  98. [00:23]? Royal_Lace pokes around at the Griff Bot, "hummm, ok then"
  99. [00:24]? Royal_Lace frowns, "This dosent look like a medical bot", she says dryly
  100. [00:27]<Hawkeye> "It's got that medical lookin' symbol on..." Hawkeye stops. "Oh. That's a pair of clippers an a ruler." The sniper facehoofs. "Ah thought it was a red cross."
  101. [00:27]? Hawkeye snorts. "See, THIS kind of malarkey is why Ah need another eye."
  102. [00:30]? Royal_Lace shrugs, "Simple mistake I assume. The doctor from town should be arriving sometimes soon I hope, purhapse she can manage it?"
  103. [00:32]? Hawkeye shakes her head. "Cybernetics is super complicated and a rare skill set, so Ah doubt it. But it don't hurt to ask," she says.
  104. [00:34]? Royal_Lace shrugs as she moves to the mega-griff, "I assume that its still worth asking about"
  105. [00:35]? Hawkeye nods. "Sounds about right. Ah'm bushed, so Ah'll just find a place for a nap while you folks do all this complicated fixit, brainpower, an' party-plannin' stuff."
  106. [00:41]? Firefly yelps in pain. "Owie! Stupid hammer!"
  107. [00:42]? Royal_Lace blinks, "maybe I had better go help!"
  108. [00:42]? Royal_Lace trots off to save Firefly from further acidents
  109. [00:42]<Hawkeye> "You do that," Hawkeye says and trots off to find a place to catch a few Zs.
  110. [00:43]<Firefly> Grumbling can be heard from up in the cockpit.
  111. [00:52]<LuckyLeaf> ==========================================================================
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