
Moonlight, Veiled

Jan 14th, 2016
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  3. >Be Anon, holed up in the castle library
  4. >You've been researching ancient Equestrian History, whiling away your long days in the castle with your nose stuck in a series of books.
  5. >Lately you've been directing your attention to the Restoration of the Elements of Harmony
  6. >A few hundred years ago, the Grand Princess Luna had returned to Equestria from her exile on the Moon.
  7. >The proceeding years had seen 6 young ponies take part in a series of events that had dramatically altered the course of Equestrian history.
  8. >The re-establishment of Equestrian hegemony over the Crystal Empire, the Reformation of Discord, the crowning of two new Princesses, the defeat of Tirek...
  9. >The death of Celestia.
  10. >Something horrible had happened to half of the country's diarchy, and the historical record had nothing to show for it.
  11. >Whatever had happened, had it been treason, unfortunate disaster, or an external foe, it had resulted in Luna being the sole remaining power ruling over Equestria.
  12. >And in all the years you had known her, she had never talked to you about what had happened.
  13. >You squint at the weathered, dusty tome through the dim glint of candlelight, struggling to translate Equestria's ancient dialect to something you can make sense of.
  14. >Nothing doing.
  15. >You sigh, carefully close the precious book, and rub at your temples in fatigue.
  16. >Perhaps it would be best to leave your studies for now, and go find some food.
  17. >Maybe take a walk around the castle gardens with Luna.
  18. >She seemed to enjoy that.
  20. >As according to the arrangement laid out between you and the Grand Princess, you were allowed to keep a small study in one of the library's wings for your own use.
  21. >You start putting away your quills and inkwells, and clean off the ink-stained nibs with a nearby rag.
  22. >The books, you leave in as perfect order as you can
  23. >The old, mouldering tomes you keep locked in their magically-sealed glass cases, while the smaller books are replaced carefully in their shelves
  24. >Silk ribbons of a dozen colours mark the spots you'd saved, places you needed for references, and places you'd return to the next day of studying.
  25. >Nodding in satisfaction at your work, you straighten out your robes, hike your small satchel of belongings up your back, and head out to the palace grounds.
  26. >Guard ponies line the walls of the hallways, their incessant patrols lending the otherwise silent passageways a steady staccato of metal on stone.
  27. >You nod at them as you pass, and they return the gesture.
  28. >Though Luna's bat-like guards seemed like a cold, ineffable bunch, you'd spent enough time around them to know that they simply took their jobs very, very seriously.
  30. >The vaulted ceilings of the palace halls seem to nest within their shadows the ghosts of memories long dead.
  31. >The arches and columns are run through with cracks, draped with the growth of vines creeping in through the windows, and hung with the silvery strands of cobwebs.
  32. >The marble facades, which you were told were once gleamed like fresh white pearls, have been weathered to a dull grey over time.
  33. >Overall, the palace had a distinct sense of gloom hung about it.
  34. >You hold your woolen robes closer to your body to brace against the winter drafts blowing down the halls.
  35. >It was early in the autumn, and the chill of winter had already begun to set in over Canterlot.
  36. >You were assured this was due to some sort of mis-planning on the part of the local brigade of weather Pegasi in charge of the weather.
  37. >Eventually, after a journey down the winding, twisting maze of corridors, you arrive at a small, nondescript oaken door.
  38. >It was nestled at the far end of a dormitory wing of the palace, long since fallen into disuse.
  39. >The stones were old and unkempt here, and between the cobbles lining the bottom of the wall, you could see the shadowy figures of mice and spiders darting to and fro in the shadows.
  40. >You paid them no mind, and they returned the favour.
  41. >You inspect the door's handle, and find it seems to have been used recently.
  42. >Smiling, you push it open.
  43. >Looking at it, you'd expect it to creak and groan against its heavy, ancient iron hinges
  44. >The door glides open smoothly and silently.
  46. >Luna's private garden is as beautiful as ever, a spectacle of natural wonder and carefully tended-to nature, in stark contrast to the dilapidated state of the surrounding palace.
  47. >Pale moonlight bathes the wending grass trails, surrounded by a staggering variety of exotic flora.
  48. >The perfume of flower pollen lies heavy on the air, and in the gentle silence of the night you ca hear the steady trickle of water from a nearby fountain, and the chatter of the garden's collection of fauna, hiding from sight.
  49. >In the middle of all of this lies the Grand Princess Luna
  50. >While she would usually attend to her business at the castle in her royal garb of silvered onyx horseshoes and crown, tonight she's clad in only an ancient, gilded peytral.
  51. >She's laying at rest on the grassy ground, looking sadly at a white feather clasped between her hooves.
  52. "Grand Princess, am I intruding?"
  53. >Luna ignores you, lost in her silent reverie.
  54. >Many long night's before had been spent with you standing at silent, stoic attention before the Princess, waiting for her to acknowledge your presence.
  55. >After a while, you'd learned that waiting for such attention could often take a very long time.
  56. >Lately, you'd taken to making yourself silently comfortable around the Princess of the Night.
  57. >You lean against the stone railing of the fountain, and dig into your satchel for your pipe.
  58. >You allow yourself the comfort of your puffing, fragrant smoke as the coolness of the night and sounds of the garden surround you.
  59. >Enjoying the moment, you close your eyes, listening to the sound of the garden.
  60. >"Anonymous?"
  61. >You open your eyes to find that Luna had gotten up from her spot on the grass, and was standing before you.
  62. >You hastily bow, doing your due diligence to respect her title.
  63. "My Princess. Beautiful evening, isn't it?"
  64. >She smiles and looks up at the stars.
  66. >Luna chuckles lightly, the gleaming pinpricks of the stars reflecting in her graying eyes.
  67. >"Thank you, Anonymous. It's very kind of you to say that."
  68. >She looks back down at you, and beckons you to her with a wave of her hoof.
  69. >"Come, wilt thou walk with Us?"
  70. "I'd like nothing more, Princess."
  71. >She trots off, slowly ambling her way through the twists and turns of her garden.
  72. >You stay at her side, always making sure to maintain a respectful distance between the two of you.
  73. >"I can't see it any more, you know."
  74. >Shocked at the abrupt admission, you can only keep walking beside her as you work out her meaning.
  75. "I'm sorry?"
  76. >"The stars. We haven't been able to see them for a number of years now."
  77. >She stops at the edge of a small pond, and raises her eyes to the stars once again.
  78. >You stand at her side, trying to read her expression.
  79. >The princess had a reputation for indefatigable stoicism, but you could almost swear she appeared wistful in that moment.
  80. >"There was a time when every star was known to Us. There in their multitudes, sentinels keeping their watch in the night of my banishment on the moon."
  81. >She lowers her head and sighs, closing her eyes.
  82. >"Every one of them, I knew their names and course in the sky by sight. I still do, and it's all I have left to know them by, now."
  83. >She looks at you again, and you're suddenly very aware of how cloudy her eyes were. You hadn't known her in the days of her youth, but the sonnets of many old poets described in detail the brilliant blue eyes of the Princess of the Night.
  84. >She gives you a small, wan smile.
  85. >"Age takes its toll on all of us, Anonymous."
  87. "My Princess, I'm so sorry..."
  88. >You have no idea what to say, and your heart is suddenly stricken with grief for this sad, beautiful princess before you.
  89. >Luna just lowers her head, and continues her walk along the grassy trail as if she hadn't said anything at all.
  90. >You carry on alongside her, keeping with the slow, steady pace she sets.
  91. >Before too long, however, curiosity gets the better of you.
  92. "If I can ask, how do you do it? Raise the moon, and put together the sky at night. It must be hard, with your vision being what it is."
  93. >Luna looks at you, and grins devilishly.
  94. >"We've been doing this for a very, very long time, good sir. We don't need to be able to see Our craft to know its quality."
  95. >"Besides, you've given it a most pleasing review, just now. What did you call Our sky, again?"
  96. "Beautiful, I think."
  97. >"Quite so."
  98. >Luna looks up at the sky, her horn aglow with a pale blue aura.
  99. >Suddenly, a tiny speck of a meteor flashes across the starry field, quickly vanishing beyond the horizon almost before you realized it was there.
  100. >She looks back at you, smiling at the smile on your face.
  101. >"As much as I know the quality of Our art is beyond reproach, it is pleasant to see firsthand that I haven't lost my touch. That was just for us."
  102. "Us?"
  103. >You were still slightly unsure how to navigate your way around Luna's use of the majestic plural.
  104. >She just winks, and nudges at you playfully.
  106. >Luna sits herself down on the grass close beside you, and looks back up at the sky happily, a contented smile playing across her mouth.
  107. >You set yourself down beside her, allowing the small moment of intimacy between you to persist in silence a little while longer.
  108. >It had been some time since you'd been invited to live in Canterlot castle, and as time had gone by, you'd found yourself more and more welcome in the Princesses' confidence.
  109. >At first you were invited to her court to be questioned about your world and ways, as a sort of curiosity.
  110. >Soon enough, however, time had seen you two spending long nights together, discussing matters of state, philosophy, history, literature, and whatever else had come to mind.
  111. >Luna had seen that you had an affinity for work within the castle library, and soon let you have the run of the place, employed on an assortment of tasks ranging from organizing, translating, and preserving the ancient texts.
  112. >She was always particularly curious about your interest in Equestrian history, and would ask about your interpretation of books you had read.
  113. >You were sure it was merely refreshing for her to hear an outside voice talk about these matters, and did your best to live up to her standards.
  114. >And always, you'd try to pry information regarding the histories from the Princess herself.
  115. >Surely she would know more about those matters than anyone, being as ancient as she was?
  116. >Really, studying history at all in the presence of someone like her seemed foolish.
  117. >Yet, she always kept her personal knowledge of events held away from you, just out of arms reach.
  118. >You thought, maybe, she was hiding something.
  119. >As she sat there with you, however, you were certain that if she was, she had a good reason.
  120. >Looking at her smile, and the reflections of the stars in her weathered eyes, she simply looked tired, and maybe a little bit mournful.
  122. >"This is good, We think."
  123. >You look over at her, once again thrown off by her cryptic manner.
  124. >You raise an eyebrow at her questioningly, and she turns her gaze from the stars down to you.
  125. >"Company. It has been far too long since We've had someone to spend Our evenings with"
  126. "I'm honored, Princess."
  127. >You meant it. You knew were in the Princess's trust, and that was a privilege extended to very, very few.
  128. >Still, you were unsure where exactly the relationship between the two of you stood.
  129. >Without thinking about it, you pat her withers reassuringly.
  130. >Your hand freezes in shock, and you look at her, wide-eyed with apprehension.
  131. >She looks at you.
  132. >You've just laid a hand on the Grand Princess of Equestria without permission, which (you've been told) was punishable by exile, or death.
  133. >"It's quite alright, Anonymous. I don't mind."
  134. >You breathe a sigh of relief, and lay your hand back on her wither, stroking gently along her velvety smooth fur.
  135. >She closes her eyes and makes a small, satisfied sound.
  136. >"As We've said, Anonymous. It's been far too long since We've had someone to spend our evenings with."
  137. >She winks at you, her impish smile from earlier returning.
  138. >"Just don't tell anyone."
  140. "You have my word, Princess."
  141. >Luna, gratefully accepting your promise of confidence, sidles closer to you, lowering her head to rest on your leg.
  142. >Absentmindedly, you let your hands continue their work, gently massaging Luna's withers and beneath her mane.
  143. >She coos softly in delight, and you feel her relax, the tension in her aged muscles melting beneath your hands.
  144. >You carry on like this in silence, content to enjoy the warm presence of the equine princess on your lap, idly stargazing between sneaking peeks at Luna's satisfied expression.
  145. "Princess, can ask you something?"
  146. >She almost seemed to have drifted off to sleep in the time you'd been attending to her, and she lazily opens one eye to peer at you curiously.
  147. >"Yes?"
  148. "That peytral... I've seen you wear it sometimes, in the garden when no one else is around, and you've never explained what it is."
  149. >Luna's turned her head to give you her full attention, and you can feel her neck tense up again, slightly.
  150. "I've seen illuminations, though, of Pr... of you sister wearing it, in the library archives, and in some of the old tapestries kept in storage."
  151. >"Yes, Anonymous, it was hers. Celestia's old jewelry."
  152. >A sad expression on her face, she picks up the peytral in her aura, and removes it to set it down before her.
  153. >She lays a hoof across its brilliant golden surface affectionately, and though you couldn't possibly be sure, you could swear her eyes were slightly wetter than they had been a moment before.
  154. >"We aren't quite sure why We put it on. Perhaps, on Our lonelier nights, it feels as if a part of her were here, with Us."
  156. "I see."
  157. >In truth, you didn't want to press your luck by continuing with this line of questioning.
  158. >In all you time knowing her, you've never been able to get her to talk about her sister, or give any details about the troubles of the past.
  159. >Seeing your consternation, Luna shakes her head.
  160. >"Maybe another night, I'll tell you what happened. But not tonight. Not yet."
  161. >She gives the peytral another sad look, and raises one of her wings.
  162. >Her horn lighting once again with her aura, she pulls the white feather you saw her with earlier out from within the downy depths of her wing.
  163. >Laying on the peytral, she rests her head once again on your legs, regarding the peytral and feather through lidded eyes.
  164. >"Some things are, perhaps, better left unsaid."
  165. >You scratch behind her ears in what you hope is a reassuring kind of way.
  166. "Though sometimes, it's good to get some things off your chest, Princess."
  167. >Luna grins, and prods at the peytral in front of her with her hoof.
  168. >"Literally."
  169. >You can't help but laugh at her moment of laconic humour, and she joins in, giggling lightly.
  170. >Once again, you feel the stress and tension melt away from her, and resume stroking her sides relaxingly.
  171. >"Anonymous, I feel We can't thank you enough for your company this night. It has been a very long time indeed since Our heart has felt this light."
  172. "Believe me Princess, the pleasure has been all mine."
  173. >"Just... just Luna."
  174. "Hm?"
  175. >"You may call Us... call me Luna."
  176. >She's raised her head to look up at you once again, and you see that once more, her graying eyes are shimmering slightly.
  177. >For a moment, you're lost in those eyes.
  178. >Luminescent blue wells of unfathomable depth, clouded by a veil of grey mist, they seem to bore through to your soul.
  179. "I will. Thank you, Pri-sorry. Thanks, Luna."
  180. >She lifts her head to gratefully nuzzle it against your own, and you circle your arms around her neck to hold her in embrace.
  182. >She smells like lilacs, and lavender.
  183. >And maybe just a little bit of earthy horse sweat.
  184. >She was soft as downy velvet, and warm.
  185. >It was like hugging a summer night's breeze, and was wonderful beyond description.
  186. >Then, all too soon, she removes herself from the hug smiling at you warmly.
  187. >"Come, Anonymous. The night is getting late, and I believe both of us need to get our rest for tomorow."
  188. "Long day at court ahead?"
  189. >"As usual. The Duke of Trottingham will no doubt want to talk my ear off for hours about his ludicrous tax reforms, and other such nonsense."
  190. >She holds up the peytral and feather in her aura once more, and replaces them on her person elegantly, adjusting the golden plate so it sits snugly against her chest.
  191. >"Still, such is life as the Grand Princess of Equestria. I must make my sacrifices for the kingdom, same as anyone."
  192. "Well, if you ever need someone to help distract you from court, you know where to find me."
  193. >The two of you have gotten back on your feet, and at Luna's behest, you've started making your way back to the castle proper.
  194. >She looks at you warmly, and extends a wing around your back, wrapping it around you in a downy embrace as you slowly walk down the garden paths.
  195. >Once again, you're struck by the beauty of the night, and Luna's carefully tended garden.
  196. >The moonlight dances across the water of the ponds and fountains, and pierces the marble railings and shrubs with lances of silver.
  197. >You rest your hand on Luna's wither as you walk, and look to the wing wrapped around your side.
  198. >Barely visible beneath the layers of dark purple down, you see the hint of a solitary, ancient white feather.
  199. >"And you know where to find me."
  201. ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~
  203. -ACT 1-
  204. >The sun rises on the following morning, bathing your small, drafty room in golden light.
  205. >You rub your eyes groggily, the unwelcome light waking you from your restful slumber and pleasant dreams.
  206. >Despite the sun's rude awakening, you smile at the thought of this small tribute Luna pays to her lost sister.
  207. >You're not sure what you were dreaming about... But it doesn't matter, really.
  208. >Whatever it was, you wake up feeling better than you've been in weeks.
  209. >You get out of bed and stretch out your back, and groan as you hear it pop in several places.
  210. >You really need to spend less time hunched over your desk.
  211. >And, like clockwork, you hear a knock on your door.
  212. "Don't be shy, come in!"
  213. >Your door creaks open, revealing a small, greenish, mare dressed in a dull grey maid's outfit.
  214. >She's holding a tray in her mouth, laden with a simple coffee pot, some toast, eggs, and a raspberry danish.
  215. >You frown.
  216. >You'd told the kitchen to stop bringing you sweets for breakfast ages ago, and they still hadn't listened.
  217. >Gingerly, the mare sets the tray on your nightside table, and steps back from it with a small, ginger, perfectly executed curtsy.
  218. >Just like the guards, the maids took their duties far too seriously.
  219. >Not for the first time, you wonder what the palace must have been like under Celestia's rule.
  220. >"Breakfast is served, m'lord."
  221. "I'm no lord, Tea Leaves."
  222. >"Of course, m'lord."
  223. >You roll your eyes in exasperation.
  224. >"M'lord, I've been told to tell you that you've been summoned to court today. The Grand Princess of the Night, Luna, has requested your presence today."
  225. >You were more than slightly intrigued by that.
  226. >The two of you had certainly grown closer after the previous night, but what on earth could require your presence at the royal court?
  229. >You had long since outgrown the novelty of your presence, and the Equestrian nobles and other inhabitants of the castle had for quite some time grown to see you less with interest, and more as a passing oddity.
  230. "Very well Tea Leaves, I'll be there. Thanks for letting me know."
  231. >"Of course, M'lord. Is there anything more you require of me?"
  232. >You pick up the danish, and wave it in the air nonchalantly.
  233. "No, not unless you care to take this thing off my hands for me."
  234. >"Sorry sir, not today."
  235. >You roll your eyes again, and carelessly throw the pastry back on your plate.
  236. "Very well then, Tea Leaves. It's a beautiful day out. Try to enjoy it, hrm?"
  237. >"I-I'll try, sir."
  238. >With that, she leaves.
  239. >It's been months upon months of the same routine with her, every morning.
  240. >Hell, after an age of attempts, you'd only just pried her name from her a fortnight ago.
  241. >Exhausting.
  242. >As you shimmy out of your nightclothes and into your finest court wear (in this case, being a simple pair of slacks and roughly brocaded tunic), you ponder the day ahead.
  243. >Indeed, it was looking to be very interesting already.
  244. >A short time later, you leave your room for Luna's morning court, leaving behind an empty tray sprinkled with the crumbs of a begrudgingly eaten danish.
  245. >You pass some ponies going about their business in the halls, nodding to each one in passing, getting the occasional nod or smile of acknowledgement back.
  246. >Eventually, you reach the great reception hall of The Grand Princess Luna's Court.
  248. (queue scene soundtrack:
  249. >As usual, a motley crowd of equines covers the floor of the court, ponies rich and poor gathering to hear the word of the Princess.
  250. >One thing you've always admired about Luna was her hands(hooves?)-on approach to rulership.
  251. >Every day almost without fail, she put aside a few hours of the morning to hear the pleas and concerns of the common folk, and pass judgement on cases and disputes before retiring to defer the job to her councillors and chamberlains.
  252. >At the far end of the court, at the top of a flight of stairs edged with ivory and jet, Luna sits on her throne.
  253. >She's clothed in a cloak of ermine and sable, with her usual jet and silver peytral and crown.
  254. >Her graying, star-filled hair flows about her sides with carefree grace as she surveys her current petitioner with keen, yet clouded eyes.
  255. >In stark contrast to last night, she looks forbidding and regal.
  256. >You make your way down the edge of the room, just close enough so that you can see Luna clearly.
  257. >Happily, your height advantage over the other ponies allows you to get a good view of the scene before from the back of the crowd.
  258. >Before the Princess, you see a downtrodden earth pony mare prostrating herself before the throne's stairs.
  259. >You can't quite make out what she's saying, so you sidle your way through the crowd to acquire a closer audience to the scene.
  260. >"...this year have been far too high; me and mine barely have enough to eat, let alone pay to the crown! Please, Grand Princess, if you would but show some mercy..."
  261. >Luna silences the pony with a sharp movement of her hoof, and speaks, still seated on her throne.
  262. >"Tithe to the Crown, little one, is required by laws and customs far, far older than you. Would you deny Us the dues We are owed?"
  263. >"N-no..."
  264. >"Would you turn away from Our protection, and submit your family to the rule of the Griffons, or the beasts of Everfree?"
  265. >"No, bu-"
  266. >"THEN PAY."
  268. >This last statement is delivered in Luna's trademark Canterlot voice, and leaves a ringing silence echoing through the hall.
  269. >From your vantage point, you can see the beginnings of tears glistening in the eyes of the pony laying prone on the floor.
  270. >Despite the crowd of what must have been close to two hundred ponies, the hall is so silent you could hear a pin drop.
  271. >Luna looks at the scene before her, mouth pressed in a hard, thin line, eyes sweeping the court to survey the effect she's had on her audience.
  272. >"However..."
  273. >The supplicating pony on the ground looks up, and hurriedly wipes the tears from her eyes.
  274. >"It is true indeed that times have been hard, and the crops poor. In Our benevolence, We have decided to grant thee a boon."
  275. >The pony seems to regain some of her composure, and looks up at the princess hopefully.
  276. >"A... A boon, Grand Princess?"
  277. >"Indeed. For two cycles of the moon hence, you and the ponies in your village shall be required to pay only half of your required tithes."
  278. >The pregnant silence of the hall gives way to a low current of murmurs in the crowd, and the supplicant beams happily, fresh tears of happiness welling in her eyes.
  279. >Luna raises an eyebrow.
  280. >"Is this accpetable?"
  281. >"Yes! Yes, of course, Grand Princess! Thank you!"
  282. >Luna allows her stern demeanour to give way to a small smile, for a moment.
  283. >"Very well."
  284. >She turns to one of the advisors seated at her side; an eldery, bespectacled unicorn, holding in his aura a ledger and quill.
  285. >"Magistrate, take note, and inform the treasury of these changes."
  286. >He nods, pokes his glasses further up his muzzle, and scribbles down some notes.
  288. >The following hour or two are passed in pretty much the same manner.
  289. >You would have never thought that you'd end up enjoying seeing politics in action, but Luna's court was something to behold.
  290. >She dispenses her particular brand of justice firmly and with conviction, and you can't help but smile at the spectacle.
  291. >At one point, Luna threatened to cut a young filly in half when two mares both claimed to be its mother.
  292. >Classic.
  293. >Despite the severe manner with which she seemed to conduct her affairs, you notice that every ruling she offers tends towards the side of mercy and generosity, when possible.
  294. >Apart from viciously shutting down the Duke of Trottingham's request for permission to take in more taxes in his lands.
  295. >After a nearly 10 minute-long tirade, the Duke left the hall in tears.
  296. >Finally, the morning court starts to draw to a close, and the majority of petitioners and the court's audience begin to leave the hall, knowing Luna would soon leave as well.
  297. >Indeed, as entertaining as the court was, you started to wonder what you had been summoned here for.
  299. >Just as this question occurs to you, you hear your voice being called from Luna's dais.
  300. >"If he is present, We would summon now to the court an Anonymous, the Human."
  301. >Shocked, you make your way through the crowd, and kneel before Luna's throne.
  302. >"I am here, Grand Princess."
  303. >It had been quite some time since you'd been called to present yourself to the court, and you can feel the eyes of the every pony in the hall boring into your back.
  304. >"Rise, Anonymous. We wish to make a proclamation in your presence."
  305. >You do as she says, and hold your silence in anticipation.
  306. >You look into her eyes, trying to divine some clue as to what she may say.
  307. >As you expected, her face is stern and unreadable, though you could swear you could catch the smallest glint of a smile in her eyes.
  308. >"Up until now, You have been a guest in Our palace, allowed in Our presence on Our whim, and unbeholden to Our customs and rule."
  309. >"However, you have made yourself useful to Us. Your work in the archives has been well done, and you have proven your value to Our kingdom. We call upon any pony here to deny this."
  310. >Luna lets the challenge hang in the air in silence for a moment, as she surveys the assembled nobles and courtiers at her sides.
  311. >With no dissent forthcoming, she continues.
  312. >"In light of your value to Us, we wish to name you Master of Archives and Histories, bound to Us and our court according to Our law and custom."
  313. >"Do you accept?"
  314. "Of course, Your Majesty."
  315. >Luna nods with a small smile.
  316. >"Very well. We shall have you informed of the details of your service in short order. Until then, you may wait on Us, and remain at leisure until you are called for."
  317. >Unable to hold back your smile, you thank the Princess, and leave the hall as gracefully and carefully as you can.
  319. >A wave of giddiness washes over you as you exit the great hall.
  320. >Formally inducted into Luna's court!
  321. >You've been dreaming of that possibility ever since you've taken up residence in Canterlot.
  322. >You were treated well as a guest, of course.
  323. >You had even made something of a friend or two amongst the library staff, and Luna had proven herself to be fantastic company.
  324. >Even so, you had gotten used to the idea of your life here being temporary, and have been dreading the day you'd have to pack up your life once again, and head towards some new horizon.
  325. >At last, thanks to the Princess, you'd been given a chance to settle down and start a life for yourself.
  326. >Definitely not a chance you were going to squander.
  327. >With a new bounce ot your step, you head back to your chambers.
  328. >You were told to wait at your leisure, so you were going to retrieve some books from your bag and head to the palace courtyard.
  329. >Maybe get some tea or something on the way there, or grab some food from the palace kitchens.
  330. >You reach your room before too long, and find your used food tray removed, and your bed linens changed and straightened.
  331. >The palace maids never ceased to surprise you with their efficiency.
  332. >You scoop up your bag, grab your wool overcoat, and grab some books in quick order.
  333. >Judging by the view from your window, the weather outside was perfect for reading.
  334. >Smile still on your face and a new bounce in your step, you head back out for the palace halls.
  335. >Everything's coming up Milhouse.
  338. >The palace courtyard as busy as ever; ponies in all manner of dress and garb meander around the stone steps.
  339. >The courtyard itself suffers as much from the general dilapidation of the palace as anywhere else.
  340. >Vines weave their way between crumbling flagstones and acid-washed stone facades, and the pathways are lined with the occasional clump of weeds and overgrowth.
  341. >You've read up on the history of the palace's architecture in your free time.
  342. >Apparently, this courtyard was part of the castle's original construction, made and decorated back in the early days of Celestia's rule.
  343. >Though Luna had given the internal details of the palace her own personal touch over the years of her reign, the outside had been left (due, more often than not, to financial necessity) relatively untouched.
  344. >The years and hardships had eaten away at the courtyard, and though the flora had been recently well tended to by the palace staff, the entire area retained a worn out, wistful air.
  345. >Funny, how well Luna's castle seemed to fit her personality.
  346. >You set yourself up on an old stone bench under a tree, placing your stoneware tea mug and scone beside you.
  347. >Once again, you find yourself grateful of the palace kitchen's willingness to part with snacks.
  349. >You're not sure how much has passed, exactly, since you've set yourself up with your book and brunch.
  350. >It was an engaging work, mostly covering the events surrounding the failed invasion of Canterlot by Queen Chrysalis and her Changeling army.
  351. >The book carried on for some length concerning the finer points of Changeling military and society, including details about Luna's subsequent victory over and subsumption of the Changeling strognholds.
  352. >So far as you can figure it out, roughly 150 years after the events in Canterlot, Changelings had ceased to make any appearance in Equestrian records, and were taken to have been destroyed.
  353. >At least, that's what the offical story was.
  354. >You've had a handful of conspiracy theories brewing in the back of your mind for a while, now.
  355. >You take a sip of lukewarm tea, eyes still glued to the page.
  356. >In your peripheral vision, however, you notice a pony approaching the bench.
  357. >Making note of your progress on the page, you turn to address your new companion.
  358. >He's a younger unicorn, sandy beige with a dark mane, and wrapped in a simple, dark brown habit.
  359. >You've seen him a few times in the palace archives, ferrying books around and organizing the shelves.
  360. >An admirable sort of colt, you think, probably in the employ of the palace caretakers.
  361. "Hello there, young fellow. Pull up some bench."
  362. >You scoot to the side, and pat the stone next to you.
  363. >He accepts the offer, and settles himself down on the bench beside you, smoothing out his habit awkwardly.
  364. >"Hello, Sir... Anonymous, I presume?"
  365. "That's me. Not any kind of 'Sir' though."
  366. >"Well, with all due respect, you are now."
  367. >You ruminate on that for a moment.
  368. >You hadn't taken the time to think about it very much, but if your understanding of court politics was correct, Luna's appointment put you roughly on the same rank as a minor noble.
  369. "I suppose you're right. What, if you don't mind me asking, do they call you?"
  371. >The unicorn draws himself up proudly, puffing out his chest slightly.
  372. >"The name's Ink Blot. I'm a page for the Royal Archives."
  373. "Well, nice to meet you Sir Ink Blot."
  374. >You offer your hand out for him to shake.
  375. >He looks at it for a moment, then back up to you in confusion.
  376. >Oh, right.
  377. "Sorry lad, an old custom from where I'm from. Hold up your hoof, and humour me for a second."
  378. >He does, apprehension clearly drawn out on his face.
  379. >You grab his hoof and shake it, and motion for him to put it back down again.
  380. >He looks perturbed, but slightly releived by the affair.
  381. >He probably thought you were going to eat his hoof or something. Silly pony.
  382. "Right, now that we're introduced properly, to what do I owe the pleasure, Ink Blot?"
  383. >"Well Sir Anonymous, I've been sent to fetch you for the Princess, as it were. Your presence is requested in her personal study, to discuss your appointment."
  384. "Oh, excellent!"
  385. >Excitedly, you snap your book shut, and quickly place it in your bag, alongside your empty mug.
  386. >You shoulder your bag, brush the dirt off the backside of your court clothes, and look to your new guide.
  387. >"Lead the way then, Sir Ink Blot."
  388. >He nods resolutely, and clearly taking pride in his sacred task given to him by the Princess herself, sets off towards the palace interior with you in tow.
  390. >About fiteen minutes of winding hallways and stairways later, you're at the door to the Royal Wing of the castle.
  391. >You've been allowed inside occasionally, mostly to entertain Luna and accompany her in her late night studies.
  392. >The grand oaken door, hung on a great framework of black iron set with fine silver filigree, is guarded by the ever-present bat-like guards.
  393. >"State your business."
  394. >Your comrade gulps nervously, intimidated by the guards.
  395. >You just smile and wave.
  396. >"I come with Sir Anonymous, as per the Grand Princess's summons."
  397. >Shakily, he grabs a note from a pocket inside his habit with his aura, and presents it to the guard.
  398. >He reads it, turns it over, reads it again, passes it to his partner (who then reads it two or three times himself), and presents it back to the sweating Ink Blot.
  399. >"You may enter."
  400. >He taps the butt of his spear against the door three times, and with an ominously slow creak, it opens wide.
  401. >"Th-Thank you."
  402. "You really should get those hinges oiled, Nocturne."
  403. >Eliciting a small chuckle from the guardspony, you and your companion pass the threshold of the wing, and head to Princess Luna's study.
  404. >Most of the castle is dressed in bare stone, only the occasional sombre tapestry and stained glass window breaking the monotonous greys.
  405. >Luna's personal wing, however, is a riot of colour by comparison.
  406. >Beautifully coloured stained glass windows cover the walls, letting the sun's light dance in colourful prisms on the rich carpets lining the floors.
  407. >Many of the decorations were tattered and aged, and almost every window had been cracked and repaired multiple times over the years.
  408. >Still, it was incredibly comfortable,and the surroundings welcomed you to the moon princess's presence as warmly and happily as if it were your very own home.
  410. >Eventually, the two of you arrive at the door of the Grand Princess's study.
  411. >It's a stout oak door, worn smooth and dull with age.
  412. >You look to your companion, and he looks back to you nervously.
  413. >With a shrug, you knock softly on the door, and are answered by a familiar voice from within the room.
  414. >"A moment, if you will."
  415. >In short order, the door creaks open, and you find yourself before Princess Luna.
  416. >Drawn up to her full height and standing proudly before you, you're once again struck by her size.
  417. >While the ponies you often found yourself in the company of rarely came up past your waist, Luna is almost the size of a fully grown horse from your homeland, and is tall enought to comfortably look you in the eye.
  418. >She's dressed in her peytral and crown, and her graying, starlight-infused mane is draped across her withers elegantly
  419. >You give her a small bow.
  420. "My princess."
  421. >In contrast, your compatriot prostrates himself on the floor before her.
  422. >"Grand Princess Luna, it is an honour."
  423. >She chuckles warmly, and beckons him back up with her hoof.
  424. >"It's quite alright, young one. We're glad to see our summons reached the two of you with all due haste. Rise, if you will, and come with Us."
  425. >Ink Blot does as she commands, and trots nervously into the study behind you and the Princess.
  426. >The study itself is richly decorated with carpets and various pieces of portraiture, hung between voluminous shelves filled to bursting with books of every description.
  427. >At a glance, you can tell the contents of this room are valuable beyond words.
  429. >On the desk in the centre of the room, you notice a mug steaming beside a small plate of food, next to a richly decorated burgundy-covered book, adorned with the golden silhouettes of two unicorns.
  430. >You'd never seen such a book before, even when you'd visited the study in the past.
  431. >You knew you'd have to ask Luna about it, when you had the time.
  432. >"Sir Anonymous."
  433. >You snap back to attention at the princess's address.
  434. >There would be time another day, after all, to investigate books.
  435. "Yes, my Princess."
  436. >"I trust you were pleased by your appointment?"
  437. "Yes, Princess. I am beyond honoured. Though, I can't help but be concerned at the oddity of it all. There wasn't dissent in the court at giving a human title?"
  438. >Luna laughs merrily, raising a hoof to her mouth in mild embarrasment.
  439. >"Naturally. There are those in Our court who desire to keep the palace... Pure. Why, We have quite a few Counts and Dukes stubbornly maintaining that office should be held solely by Unicorns."
  440. >The Princess sighs softly and rolls her eyes.
  441. >"The Bluebloods in particular were staunch opponents. Quite a frustrating ordeal. In the end, however, they all acceded to Our will, as they must."
  442. >She looks down to the young Ink Blot, and starts pacing around the room.
  443. >"Now, We're certain the two of you are wondering about the specifics of your office, and why exactly We've called you here."
  444. >"At your leisure, my Princess."
  445. >Ink Blot looks up at you, shocked at your forwardness at addressing the Princess so casually.
  446. >Luna just smiles.
  448. >"Well, the first order of business is thus: That Anonymous (at this, she nods at you, and fixes you with her icy-grey eyes) shall be formally employed in maintaining the upkeep and organization in good order of the Archives."
  449. >"Furthermore, you shall be called upon to undertake any academic project We require of you, chiefly involving the writing and cataloguing of the Royal Histories. These projects, of coruse, are to be subject to Our desires and your proffessional skills and discretions."
  450. >So far, it didn't seem like Luna was asking you to do anything which you weren't doing in some degree already, for which you were pretty grateful.
  451. >You were worried that you'd be given a boatload of new responsibilities and tasks, but so far, the appointment seemed as cozy as you could ever want.
  452. >Not that you would have turned down extra work in exchange for the oppurtunity to stay at the castle, of course.
  453. >"One final thing."
  454. >She looks at Ink Blot, who's been staring at her expantantly since she'd begun her speech."
  455. >"The young Ink Blot here will be formally appointed as your page, student, and assistant. Teach him what you know, Sir Anonymous, and acquaint him with the libraries, as well as your works. We've been told he's a bright young colt, and We're sure he won't dissapoint you."
  456. >Shocked, you look down at Ink Blot, who's looking at the Princess like she'd just announced he was to be crowned King of the World.
  457. >"Thank you Princess, thank you so much! I promise, I won't let you two down, I swear I won't!"
  458. >He hops excitedly on the spot for a moment, cheering and whooping, before he suddenly remembers his company, and sits back down ashamedly.
  459. >"I mean, I'm honoured, Grand Princess."
  460. >"We're certain you are, young one. Now, go down to the kitchens and get yourself something to eat, and be sure to be up bright and early tomorow, when Sir Anonymous will require you."
  461. >Ink Blot bows, thanking the princess enthusiastically, before making his leave.
  463. >With just you and Princess Luna left, she lets out a breath, and lets some of her stern composure drop off her shoulders.
  464. >She grabs her peytral and crown in her aura, and sets them on her desk, and stretches out her neck in a very un-royal fashion.
  465. >"There, that's much more comfortable."
  466. >She sets herself down on a chaise lounge in a corner of the room, and looks at you expectantly, a wide smile on her face.
  467. >"Well? What do you think?"
  468. >You smile, and pull up a chair next to the chaise.
  469. "I think I can't thank you enough, Princess. Really, I owe you."
  470. >She crooks her head at you, her smile growing more playful.
  471. >I believe We gave you instruction on how you were to address Us in private?"
  472. >You blush, the memory of the previous night returning to you.
  473. "R-right, my apologies. Thank you, Luna."
  474. >"Think nothing of it, Anonymous. It's the least We can do for... for such a friend as you've been to Us."
  475. "Still, Luna, I'm honored. Thank you, again. If there's anything I can ever do for you, please, let me know."
  476. >At your words, Luna turns away from you and towards her window, staring into the sun beyond.
  477. >The stained glass filters the sunlight into lambent streaks of aquamarine and pink, which dance across Luna's solemn features.
  478. >"There may be something We'll ask of you, Anonymous. A book you must write, when the time comes."
  479. >She turns to you, her expression still sombre and melancholy.
  480. >"When we are ready. Until then, do as you will, and attend to your new pupil."
  482. >Curious about this new development, but knowing not to press the Princess for information you know she won't give, you simply nod in agreement.
  483. >"Of course, Luna. I will."
  484. >You lean back in your chair, and let yourself soak in the sunlight trickling in through the window, taking the ambient aromas of old books and Luna's particular perfumed musk.
  485. "Impressive display today, by the way. You do know how to work an audience."
  486. >Luna grimaces, and looks down abashedly.
  487. >"We take no pleasure in the necessities of court, Anonymous. It pains Us to be as harsh as we are with the poor folk, and wish it were not necessary."
  488. >She sighs deeply, and curls herself into a small lump on the chaise.
  489. >If only Equestria were not in such dire need, and ponies could live as happily as they once did. Alas, such is the world We live in, that such things cannot be.
  490. >You get up off your chair, and place yourself on the newly-opned spot next to Luna on the chaise, and rest a hand on her flank.
  491. "Well, Equestria's lucky to have a princess who can do what you do, and who still cares for her subjects as much as she does."
  492. >Luna looks up into your eyes, smiles gratefully, and rests her head on your lap.
  493. >"Thank you, Anonymous. You're far too kind."
  494. >She raises her eyes to the window once more, and after a moment, closes them again with a sigh.
  495. >"All We can do is attempt to follow the examples set before Us."
  496. >You have nothing to say to that, so you let yourself relax on the chaise, stroking her main gently.
  497. >Time afterwards passes languidly, the two of you resting together in silence in the golden glow of the slowly setting afternoon sun.
  498. >You've felt no need to leave, and Luna seems to appreciate your company and comfort.
  500. >The moment had to end some time, however, and Luna eventually raises her head off your lap, giving a small yawn and blinking blearily.
  501. >"Alas, there are still court matters to attend to today. Were it otherwise, We'd gladly spend an afternoon in thine company, Anonymous."
  502. "Of course, Luna, I understand. You have a state to run, after all."
  503. >She nods sagely, and gets off the chaise lounge, stretching and working the cricks out of her neck.
  504. >"Quite so."
  505. "Will I see you in the garden tonight, perhaps?"
  506. >We're afraid not, unfortunately. The day is long, and even the Princess of the Night needs to sleep."
  507. "Of course; you get grumpy when you're tired."
  508. >"And We wouldn't want that, would we?"
  509. >Luna grins at you playfully, and moves in to brush her withers against you.
  510. >"You make sure you get your rest as well, Sir Anonymous. We expect you to be a busy man over the next few months."
  512. >She wasn't kidding.
  513. >The next couple of weeks see you constantly woken hours earlier than you normally would be, asked without end to attend on ponies' requests for books, information, research assistance, and all other manner of contrived nuisances.
  514. >By and large, your own work carries on much the same as it has been since you've settled in the castle, only now you're held accountable to the needs of dozens of library-goers.
  515. >Fortunately, your new assistant was quick to prove himself a valuable asset to your new line of work.
  516. >Somehow, he had what seemed to be an encyclopedic knowledge of the archive's contents, and was able to guide ponies through the aisles without a second thought.
  517. >You'd asked him about how he spent his free time, and apparently, he had been even more of a bookworm than you.
  518. >He had a tendency to go quiet when asked about his family, or where he lived, so you'd learned not to press the matter.
  519. >You weren't quite sure how she knew, but you were certain Luna had picked the young colt for this job personally,
  520. >Once again, you couldn't help but admire the Princess' kindness.
  521. >The week progresses into a long, tired fortnight, which slowly idles into a thin, drawn month.
  522. >Time blurs by in a rush of busywork, research, and spending time with your young compatriot, and you realize that you've barely seen the Princess since you've gotten your appointment.
  523. >Of course, as the long nights carry on, you're asked occasionally to assist her with the odd piece of research, and you're called into her study now and again to discuss your work, or to catch up on the Ink Blot's progress.
  524. >Other than that, you haven't spent much time at all with the Princess.
  525. >You've both been busy, of course. You could hardly blame her for her absence in your life.
  526. >Still, the time you shared with her in the moonlit garden and spent casually relaxing with her in her study have been weighing on your mind, and you've found yourself wondering when you'd be able to spend time with her again.
  527. >At the back of your mind, as well, you've been wondering about the project Luna wanted you to work on, and what was recorded in that mysterious, burgundy book left on her desk.
  528. ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~
  529. -ACT 2-
  531. >You're massaging your eye sockets wearily in a vain attempt to rub the last remnants of morning's drowsiness away.
  532. >The golden rays of the early morning's sun are streaming into your small study room of within palace archives and alighting upon your earthenware mug, half-full of rapidly cooling coffee.
  533. >"And you see, Sir, I've drawn the conclusion that the economic declines during the Griffon Wars were chiefly due to the loss of Appleloosa's supplies to the capital, which was in turn caused by the breaking of the Pony-Buffalo alliance 5 years prior in response to the looming threat of..."
  534. >Ink Blot was filling you in on the details of his latest economic report, which was tasked to the both of you by the Minister of Finance.
  535. >Apparently, he needed some historically-grounded excuse to levy the taxes he needed, and it was left in the realm of your obligations to the court to accommodate him.
  536. >Happily enough, it was a fantastic excuse to leverage your young assistant's help, and a great device to stretch his academic muscles.
  537. >That didn't make the retelling of the report any less dry, unfortunately.
  538. >You take another sip of coffee, and listen slightly more closely to the report of your compatriot.
  539. >Of course, you've read the histories of the nation's recent financial woes, and boned up on your rudimentary economics.
  540. >And as such, you knew damned well the cause of the economic deprivation of the Griffon Wars was chiefly caused by the relatively small Equestrian military simply being overtaxed by prolonged combat.
  541. >Moreover, the incapacity of the Equestrian industrial sector to maintain fighting strength while simultaneously drawing manpower (horsepower?) from the relatively rich rural farmlands of the Ponyville region spelled certain doom for the Canterlot coffers.
  542. >This whole Appleloosa nonsense was a drop in the bucket at the very worst, but you couldn't fault Ink Blot for trying.
  544. >Just as you can tell he's about to dive into an exhaustive thesis on the wartime prices of apples, you decide to cut him off.
  545. >Patiently, you explain to your student the complex nature of the Equestrian taxation system, the impact Appleloosa's apple supplies had on Equestria's economic theatre both pre- and post-colonization, and, in short, lecture him on the reality of the situation.
  546. >Happily, he's an able and apt study, and listens carefully to your every word.
  547. >You're impressed, and you suprise yourself with the realization.
  548. >Ink Blot had shown himself, up until this point, to be overeager and enthusiastic to a fault.
  549. >While you'd consider that the downfall of someone who had dedicated themselves to study, the young colt had demonstrated multiple times that he had a patient and attentive head on his shoulders.
  550. >After your explanation, he's quiet for a moment.
  551. >He scratches his chin speculatively, furrowing his brow in concentration.
  552. >"Sir Anonymous?"
  553. "Hmm?"
  554. >"If the Griffon War was so costly, how did we not get conquered? Surely the Griffon Kingdom should be ruling over us, if all of what you said was true."
  555. >You nod sagely, enjoying the heady feel of possessing knowledge the young colt lacked.
  556. "Quite so. Canterlot was forced to settle, as it so happens."
  557. >"Really? But the Grand Princess..."
  558. "The Grand Princess was powerless to refuse the Griffon's demands, I'm afraid. All the land surrounding Horseshoe Bay, including the Haysead Swamps and Baltimare, were surrendered."
  560. >Ink blot slumps in his chair, a crestfallen expression falling upon his face.
  561. >"But... I thought the Grand Princess couldn't be defeated! That she'd protect all of her subjects, no matter what..."
  562. >You're not quite sure what to think of that.
  563. >It's true that most Equestrians looked up to Luna as some kind of protective, avenging god, rather than as just a princess.
  564. >At least, that's what you've been lead to believe by what you've heard from the ponies around you, as well as many an old account and record.
  565. >The reality of the situation was much more nuanced, of course, but you're at a loss on how to break that information to the colt beside you.
  566. "Don't worry, Blot. I'm sure the Princess only did what was best for everyone."
  567. >That doesn't seem to cheer him up very much, and he looks away from you pensively.
  568. >After a long silence, you cough, and stack your myriad papers up before you.
  569. "Listen, why don't you take what I've told you along with these notes here, and review your thesis. Write me up a properly sourced report as well-done as your last one, and you can take the rest of the week off, eh?"
  570. >That seems to cheer him up a little bit.
  571. >Snapping out of his reverie, he nods enthusiastically and thanks you, before running off to his own study room with the notes suspended haphazardly in his aura.
  572. >You chuckle to yourself at the sight, shaking your head at his youthful energy, before reclining into your chair with a contented sigh.
  573. >Smiling to yourself, you take a long swig of your coffee.
  574. >It was cold.
  576. >You're not left with much time to enjoy your morning, however, before you're interrupted by a knock on your study door.
  577. "Come in!"
  578. >The door opens with a sharp creak, revealing the figure of one of Luna's Night Guards in the doorway.
  579. >You're taken aback; you hadn't had any reason to expect a visit from one of them.
  580. >Not any reason that you knew of, anyways.
  581. "May I help you?"
  582. >"Sir Anonymous, your presence is requested in the Grand Princess Luna's study as soon as you are able."
  583. "Of course! You can tell the Princess that I'll be up immediately."
  584. >"Do you require a guard, Sir?"
  585. >You're already bustling about your room, throwing on your cloak and gathering up your supplies, some choice books, and pipe in your bag"
  586. "No, no, that's quite alright. You go on ahead, I'll be there before you know it."
  587. >"Very well. I take my leave, Sir Anonymous."
  588. >Very formally, as usual, the guard bows before leaving the study.
  589. >In just under a minute, you've gathered up everything you need, and head out as well.
  591. >Once again, you find yourself walking the familiar path to Luna's wing of the castle.
  592. >You pass by the occasional pony going about their business on your way up, but overall the halls are near empty.
  593. >It was, after all, rather early in the morning, so you weren't terribly surprised.
  594. >The ponies that do stop and greet you, however, do so much more warmly than what you'd grown used to over the last few months.
  595. >It seemed like being appointed to office in front of the court legitimized you in more ways than just one, and the ponies of Canterlot had begun to readily accept you as one of them.
  596. >You reach the great oaken doors of the Royal wing, and are promptly allowed inside by the ever-present night guards, who were clearly expecting you.
  597. >And, once more, the colorful wing of the castle welcomes you with open arms.
  598. >You never fail to be impressed by the beauty of the morning sun hitting the stained glass in the walls, and you smile jovially at the thought of spending time with the Princess again.
  599. >The night guard that summoned you is stationed by the door to the study, and nods his head in acknowledgement at your approach.
  600. >"The Grand Princess awaits within, Sir Anonymous."
  601. >You offer a simple wordless smile in thanks, and open the study door.
  603. >Inside, you're met with the familiar scene of Luna's study.
  604. >Bookshelves, desk, chairs, and decorations placed just as they were when you were here last.
  605. >Laying peacfeully in repose on her lounge chair is Princess Luna, reading glasses propped up on her muzzle, going over a particular burgundy-covered book held in her aura.
  606. "Luna, you summoned me?"
  607. >"Yes, yes. Please, come in and make yourself comfortable. Close the door behind you."
  608. >You do as she says, and set yourself up in an armchair beside her.
  609. >With a small sigh, Luna closes her book, after placing a small red ribbon in it to mark her spot.
  610. >She sets it on a table beside the lounge chair, and you can see that it's the same book you noticed on her desk, when you were last here with ink blot.
  611. >"Would you like anything? We have had biscuits, tea, and coffee prepared for thy presence."
  612. "Oh, some tea sounds excellent, if you please."
  613. >She nods happily, and floats over a tray from her desk on to the small table, right beside her book.
  614. >It's arrayed with an impressive collection of biscuits and snacks, a tea and coffee pot, and delicate-looking silver receptacles of cream and sugar.
  615. >Quite the setup, you think, before you remind yourself that you're in the presence of royalty.
  616. >You get started on preparing a small cup of earl grey, while Luna looks on demurely.
  617. >After you've finished with your tea (which, as you immediately find out, is delicious), Luna makes herself a glass as well.
  618. >"When We were just a filly, We would always arrange tea parties with our sister. It occured to Us, just this morning, that We haven't had one for more moons than I can remember."
  620. >She stirs her tea with a finely engraved silver spoon, and looks down into the swirling brown liquid thoughtfully.
  621. >"It's most odd. As time goes by, We've found that our memories start to fade. Why, We can barely remember what We had for dinner last evening, but the memories of spending golden afternoons with Our sister are made brighter and clearer with each passing day."
  622. >She sips her tea with a carefully practiced elegance, and looks towards the window, her expression clouded in reminiscence.
  623. "Is that why you've asked me to be here? To talk about your sister?"
  624. >Luna's expression darkens, slightly.
  625. >"Yes, We suppose so."
  626. >You think back on what you know about the history of Equestria in the time period surrounding Celestia's disappearance.
  627. >All that any book that could be found would say is that, after a long golden age of Celestia's supremacy over equestria, she had simply ceased to be.
  628. >So far as the historical record could be concerned, one day there were 4 princesses, and the next there was one.
  629. >It was baffling, and you've been hoping for the longest time that Luna would choose to shed some insight on the matter.
  630. >Looking at her expression, though, you could see that it was an extremely sensitive subject to her, to say the least.
  631. >In fact, you were starting to think that your question may have been a severe overstepping of your bounds.
  632. >You keep your silence, sipping at your tea and watching Luna carefully.
  633. >She's furrowed her brow sternly, and looking at the book beside her with a piercing gaze.
  634. >A moment later, however, her expression lightens again, and she gives a small, bitter laugh.
  636. >"No, no, it has been far too long. What happened needs to be told, and the time to tell it is trickling away, day by day."
  637. >She turns to you, the smallest tears forming in the corners of her eyes.
  638. >"You will hear through my tale, We hope?"
  639. >Sighing with relief internally, you nod.
  640. "Of course, Luna."
  641. >"Very well."
  642. >She lifts up her glasses, and raises a small napkin to dab at her eyes.
  643. >She lets out a sharp, weary-sounding breath, and looks at you, renewed confidence filling her features.
  644. >"We trust you've brought your tools for writing?"
  645. "Naturally. I never leave my room without them."
  646. >She chuckles.
  647. >"Ever the faithful scholar, Sir Anonymous. Now, before we begin this project of ours, I'm afraid I must make a request."
  648. "You have but to name it, Your Highness."
  649. >"Whatever We tell you, and whatever you've chosen to record, must remain a secret, until We give you leave to publish it."
  650. >She looks at you, and behind her milky-blue eyes, you can read the fierce sternness in her words.
  651. >"What transpires in this room remains solely between you and Us, with no exceptions. Do you understand?"
  652. "On my honour, Luna, I swear that it will be so."
  653. >She looks deep into your eyes, before smiling once again, and nodding in satisfaction.
  654. >"Very well. Now... Where to begin?"
  656. >A long moment of silence stretches on between the two of you, as you each work your way into your tea and biscuits.
  657. >Luna nibbles at a baked treat, her brow furrowed in concentration as she paces around the room.
  658. >Eventually, she stops mid-stride, gives a sharp, affirming nod to no-one in particular, and walks back towards her chaise lounge.
  659. >She curls herself up in it comfortably, and looks at you.
  660. >"Come, Anonymous, would you care to join us on Our seat?"
  661. "I can write far better from where I am, Princess."
  662. >Honestly, you still weren't sure you were comfortable being physically close with the Princess, but she just laughs away your doubts.
  663. >"Don't be so shy, good Anonymous. We won't bite, and We find your presence comforting. Humour Us."
  664. >You shake your head in mock exasperation, secretly grateful for the Princess' insistence.
  665. "Very well, as you wish."
  666. >Luna clops her hooves together in a dainty applause, and you take your seat by her head.
  667. >She scoots closer to your side, curling herself up once more, and resting her wither against your side.
  668. >Once she's made herself comfortable (and you incredibly less so), she looks up at you witha reassuring smile.
  669. >"Art thou ready?"
  671. "Aye, Luna."
  672. >"Very well."
  673. >She hovers her tea towards her, and takes a small, thoughtful sip.
  674. >"We would assume the first question you and many others would ask is what happened to Our dear Sister?"
  675. "I think that's a fair assumption."
  676. >"Unfortunately, We're afraid We are unable to give you the answer you seek."
  677. >Some of your disappointment must have shown on your face, because Luna quickly shakes her head apologetically.
  678. >"Not immediately, at the very least. Not with any kind of clarity, and, we fear, perhaps not as satisfactorily as you may wish."
  679. >"We may only state that you must trust Us, for now. Perhaps, with time and care, you may at least come to an understanding."
  680. "Very well, Princess. You have my trust, as always."
  681. >"You're very kind. No, We're afraid that Our tale must start very, very deep in the depths of the murky past."
  682. >"It begins, in fact with the Princess Twilight Sparkle."
  684. >"We assume you're familiar with the young Twilight's ascension, sir Anonymous?"
  685. "I am, actually. It was quite the extraordinary affair, wasn't it?"
  686. >"Quite. You see, Twilight Sparkle was the first Alicorn to be raised from one of the common folk. An idea of Our sister's, actually. She was the magnanimous sort, as you may know."
  687. >Her last words trail off quietly, and her eyes momentarily turn downcast.
  688. >You put an arm around her withers, and massage beneath her mane reassuringly, to which she responds with a barely audible sound of appreciation.
  689. >"At any rate, Twilight was the first Alicorn raised artificially, through magic. Others, such as the Princess Cadence, were natural born, though not as great in power as Our sister and Us."
  690. >"Now, as you may well be aware, Alicorns such as Us have an incredible lifespan. Indeed, it was unknown to Us whether or not it were possible for our kind to die."
  691. "It... *was* unknown?"
  692. >Luna grimaces.
  693. >"We found the answer to that question, unfortunately. Tell Us, do you know what young Twilight Sparkle was the Princess of?"
  694. >You think on that for a moment. You could have sworn you'd read something on Twilight a short while ago.
  695. "It was Magic, right? Or Friendship, maybe?"
  696. >"Ah, but the two are one and the same, Sir Anonymous."
  698. >You're not sure what the Princess means by that, but you make a mental note to save that line of questioning for another day, perhaps.
  699. >What she's been telling you so far is far more than enough to keep your interest in the tale at hand.
  700. >"The gift of years, powers, and station far above that of her friends would prove to be both a blessing and a curse for our young Princess."
  701. >"You see, her friends were still very much the subjects of the flow of time which she had escaped. Eventually, as all mortals must, they passed on."
  702. >"As we had established, Twilight was the Princess of Friendship. Now, for a time after they had passed, She carried on as was her way, teaching new generations of citizens the ways of friendship, magic and such."
  703. >"However, the passing on of her dearest friends had a heavy impact on our young princess. A weight had set on her heart, and weighed upon her soul, until she had aged just as any normal mortal would."
  704. >Luna closed her eyes, and a small trickle of tears trailed their way down her cheek in silent sorrow.
  705. >"Eventually, she passed on as well. It seemed natural, peaceful, and graceful in age, but pass on she did."
  707. >Luna falls silent again, and sets about pouring herself another cup of tea.
  708. >You do the same, and grab up another couple of biscuits.
  709. >You watch Luna carefully as you eat, eager for more of her story, but unwilling to interrupt her tale with your own words.
  710. >After she's finished making her tea, Luna takes a sip, and sets it back in it's place gracefully.
  711. >"That was the beginning. Looking back on those events now, it seems to Us that Celestia, Cadence and Ourself were incapable of accepting what had happened, and unprepared for what would follow."
  712. >She takes another thoughtful sip of tea.
  713. >"That is, We're afraid, all we are able to share with you today, Anonymous. Reflect on what you've learned here, and we will continue when We summon you next."
  714. >You nod, accepting her call in (what you hope, at least) good grace.
  715. "Very well, Luna. Again, thank you for sharing this with me."
  716. >Luna closes her eyes and leans her head on your shoulder.
  717. >"No, Anonymous, thank you. Too long has the burden of this tale rested upon Our shoulders alone. It is well, that We can rust you with it as well."
  718. >You stroke beneath her mane in gratitude, eliciting a contended sigh from the elderly horse.
  719. "My pleasure, Luna."
  721. >With that, you figure it's about time you leave, and make to get up and fetch your bag.
  722. >On attempting to stand, however, one of Luna's hooves falls on your lap aggresively.
  723. >"We do not recall giving you permission to take your leave, Sir Anonymous."
  724. >You sit back down with a dry chuckle.
  725. "Very well, very well, I suppose I can take some time out of my busy schedule to stay a bit longer."
  726. >"How very generous of you. Besides, We noted that you had not finished your tea yet, and there are still biscuits to be had. We''l have you know We crafted them ourselves."
  727. >You had just picked up one of the treats, and were halfway towards placing it in your mouth when she revealed this strange piece of information.
  728. >You stop, and raise an eyebrow at her questioningly.
  729. >"Indeed. Of course, Our skills in the kitchen aren't quite what they once were, and kitchen staff were very eager to lend their assistance, for which We were most grateful."
  730. >She eats one of the biscuits ravenously, and gives you an impish grin.
  731. >"Now Anonymous, please tell Us, how does your station suit you? How is the young Ink Blot proceeding in his tutelage?"
  732. >The next hour or two is spent in happy conversation, gossip, and carefree company.
  733. >You regale Luna with Ink Blot's progress and remarkable talent in the field he'd been assigned to, the workload and responsibilities handed to you by the court, the dire straits of disorganization the archives found themselves in...
  734. >Most of all, just talking and sharing in some happy nonsense.
  736. >Luna, though generally more guarded in her talk, and careful not to let her tongue slip when talking about court proceedings and the governance of the nation, spins a tale or two of her own about her life over the last month or so.
  737. >Eventually, as the morning sun climbs into the sky, you can tell that Luna is drifting off into weariness.
  738. >After a particularly drawn-out and very un-princessly yawn, Luna looks at you with a moderately embarrassed grimace.
  739. >"Dear Anonymous, We must apologize. As Princess of the Night, We have never been particularly well suited to the day. We're afraid We must rest our eyes for a while."
  740. "Of course, I understand. Everyone needs their beauty sleep."
  741. >Luna gives you a sly, accusatory look.
  742. >"Art thou implying something, Anonymous?"
  743. "Not at all; you're as radiant as ever, Princess. Enjoy your sleep."
  744. >"May you enjoy your day as well, Anonymous. We shall call on you again soon, I hope."
  745. >After a comfortable, affectionate hug from the Princess, you take your leave, and head back down to the archives, head buzzing with the revelations of the day.
  747. >On the way down to the archives, your stomach grumbles voraciously.
  748. >You realize how hungry you've gotten over the course of the few hours you'd spent with Luna, and how poor a diet of tea, coffee, and cookies was for your health.
  749. >Luckily, with that thought in mind, you come across one of the palace maids in the hallway ahead of you, just short of the archives.
  750. "Excuse me, madame?"
  751. >She turns to face you, and on recognizing you, both nervously and formally bows.
  752. >"Sir Anonymous, yes?"
  753. "The same. If I could bother you for a moment, me and my my companion in the archives would like some food brought to us, at your earliest convenience. Maybe soup, or some kind of sandwich."
  754. >She bows again, lifting up the grey hem of her skirt in her hoof daintily.
  755. >"Right away, m'lord."
  756. >You thank her, and set back out for the archives, smiling to yourself.
  757. >There were definitely some benefits to the trappings of authority, and palace-wide room service was one of your favourites.
  758. >You make it to the archives in short order, and are greeted by the familiar, cozy scene of the massive oaken shelves filled with voluminous tomes and scrolls from floor to ceiling.
  759. >You walk through the stacks on a roundabout route to your study, taking in the sights of the old, stone walls, thick wall-hung carpets and rugs, and the occasional lamp.
  761. >On the way back to your study, you pass Ink Blot's alcove.
  762. >The young colt had set up his personal study in a distant corner of the archive, home to a small table, lamp, and a ratty, weathered old armchair.
  763. >It was a bit worn out in a matter similar to the rest of the archives, but he seemed to enjoy it.
  764. >You think that, previous to his employment with you, he had spent a fair bit of time on his own here.
  765. >You pass by the alcove, and see that Ink Blot is actually asleep, splayed out in his chair with his cheek rested on top of a stack of papers.
  766. >Careful not to wake him, you sneak by his side to investigate the writing he's sleeping on.
  767. >A puddle of drool is smudging the ink around his face, but you can make out that it's a rewritten draft of the report you'd been working on with him that morning.
  768. >Judging by the amount he had written, he must have been working himself to the bone in your absence.
  769. >In fact, judging by the strange time of day he'd fallen asleep at, you can only assume he'd been spending the majority of last night working on the report as well.
  770. >Touched, you grab a woven throw that's resting on the chair's backrest, and throw it over him in a jury-rigged imitation of a real blanket.
  771. >You'll wake him up when the food gets here.
  773. >You get to your study, and after making yourself comfortable, you retrieve some writing materials and get to work transcribing and taking notes on what Luna told you.
  774. >You're done before too long, and take pains to keep the notes locked away as safely as you can.
  775. >Note-taking is necessary for your work for accuracy's sake, but due to your promise not to reveal what she's told you to anyone, you had a need now more than ever to tend to your security.
  776. >Happily, the study had been fitted with a hidden lockbox behind a bookshelf, and now you finally had a use for it.
  777. >Happy in their concealment and safety, you allow yourself to rest with your pipe briefly, anticipating the coming meal.
  778. >Happily, it arrives fairly soon.
  779. >You hear a knock on the door, and open it to reveal a two maid ponies, each bearing a tray laden with food.
  780. >Two servings each of soup, some warm bread and fresh greens, and a generous amount of butter.
  781. >And one serving of ice cream.
  782. >You clear up some room on your desk for the food, and direct the maids to set the trays down.
  783. >As they enter the room, you notice you recognize one of them.
  784. "Ah, Miss Tea Leaves, how's it been?"
  786. >Since your ascension to title, you'd been moved into a palace room more suited to your station, and with that, assigned a new housemaid.
  787. >As such, you haven't seen Tea Leaves for over a month, at least.
  788. >"O-oh, good, Mr. A- I mean, Sir Anon. M'lord."
  789. >She's as nervous as ever.
  790. "Don't sweat the titles, Leaves. I'm not used to them either."
  791. >Your attempts to alleviate her nerves doesn't seem to do much but elicit the smallest of smiles from her.
  792. >In short order, they've got the food set up on your desk, and make to depart.
  793. >Before she leaves, you try to get Tea Leave's attention.
  794. "Hey, Leaves? Thanks for remembering about the dessert thing."
  795. >"Oh, n-no problem, Mr. Anon. We heard you asked for some food, a-and..."
  796. >She trails off, and you decide it'd be best to just finish up the conversation for her.
  797. "Much appreciated. Come back and visit any time, okay?"
  798. >She smiles and nods, and departs with her maid companion.
  800. >With that out of the way, and with your table laden with a delicious-looking and rapidly cooling spread, you hurry to go get Ink Blot.
  801. >He's just where you left him, the chair's throw still haphazardly draped around his body, and the puddle of drool on his papers slightly increased in size.
  802. >Hesitantly, you approach him, and prod him a few times in the head to get him awake.
  803. >"B-buh?"
  804. >He raises his head rapidly, startled out of his sleep and blearily trying to recollect himself.
  805. >After blinking rapidly a few times and shaking his head clear of sleep, he realizes that you're standing in front of him, and quickly attempts to compose himself.
  806. >He clears his throat awkwardly, and grabs up his papers in his aura, tapping them against the table to get them neatly stacked.
  807. >"Sir Anonymous, terribly sorry, I must have dozed off for a second there. Do you need anything of me?"
  808. "Not to worry, I didn't mean to wake you so rudely. I've just got some lunch delivered, and I figured you'd appreciate getting at it before it went cold."
  809. >At that, you can swear you can almost hear his stomach grumble, and he smiles somewhat abashedly.
  810. >"That'd be excellent. I think I may have forgotten to have breakfast this morning..."
  811. "You've got to look after yourself, Ink Blot. You're no use to me starving, you know."
  812. >"I know, sir."
  813. >From the way he's acting, it seems like he's preparing himself for some kind of serious reprimand.
  814. >He gets out of his chair, and you slap him on the back companionably.
  815. "Don't get your stirrups in a twist over it, Blot. C'mon, let's eat."
  817. >You and Ink blot have all but polished off the soup and greens, and he's nibbling at his ice cream while you lounge and munch at the remnants of your bread.
  818. >It's some kind of red-laced sourdough, and it's delicious.
  819. >You've got to hand it to the palace kitchens, they make some excellent fare, especially with the constraints they seem to operate under.
  820. >"Hey, Sir Anon-"
  821. >Ink Blot takes a moment to take a bite of ice cream.
  822. >"Why don't you ever get some desserts when we get food? You always give me yours when you get some."
  823. >You munch contemplatively on your bread while you think of an answer.
  824. >Of course, he's just a young colt, not being ll over sweets is probably a completely foreign notion to him.
  825. "I suppose I just don't like them. Too sweet, y'know?"
  826. >He raises an inquisitive eyebrow.
  827. >"Too sweet? Anon, you're crazy."
  828. >You chuckle.
  829. >Normally, Ink Blot was incredibly formal and polite; it was nice to see him talk to you in a more familiar manner.
  830. "No, it's true. Once you've gone without sugars for a while, it's very hard going back. Fruit, wine, and biscuits are all the sweets I need."
  831. >"Well, if you say so. More for me, I guess."
  833. >After the two of you have finished, you both lay back in your chairs in contentment, basking in the afterglow of a good meal.
  834. >Of course, it's not to last, and you both know there's work to be done before the day is over.
  835. >Eventually, you straighten up in your chair with a groan, and Ink Blot follows suit.
  836. "So, what have you got planned for the evening?"
  837. >Ink Blot scratches his chin contemplatively for a second.
  838. >"Well, I suppose I was going to work on that report we were working on this morning, and then... Sleep, I guess?"
  839. >You furrow your brows at that.
  840. >Ink Blot was just a kid, and though he was incredibly talented and hardworking at what he did, you couldn't help but wonder why he didn't do more... Well, kid stuff.
  841. "You don't do anything for fun?"
  842. >"Well, I do read some books sometimes. There's some Daring Do classics I've been reading, and..."
  843. "You don't play with the other fillies and colts?"
  844. >Ink Blot visibly becomes awkward at the question, looking down at and shuffling his hooves.
  845. >"Well, I don't really know anyone else..."
  846. >You think back to when you've seen him before, and realize that you can't remember ever seeing him outside of the archives.
  847. >He's still looking awkward, and you lay a hand on his wither, hoping to alleviate the tension a little bit.
  848. "Hey, don't worry about. Just take it easy, okay?"
  849. >"Okay Anon, I will."
  850. >He leaves the office, closing the door gently behind him, leaving you alone to contemplate your work, with speculations of whatever Luna had planned with Ink Blot swirling around incessantly in the back of your mind.
  852. ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~
  853. -ACT 3-
  855. >You arch your back, loudly and violently cracking the knots you've accumulated over yet another day hunched over your candlelit desk.
  856. >Laying down your quill, you survey your workspace, taking in the damage.
  857. >Several broken and scattered quills lay about the desk's surface, atop piles of paper, scrolls, and among various pots of ink and other refuse.
  858. >It's a right mess, but at the centre of it all, is another immaculately written, impeccably sourced, and incredibly tidy essay.
  859. >It's a synthesis on the economic decline of Equestria, and you can only hope it's addition to the archives will be (at the very least) informative to the nobles and court scholars.
  860. >To say the least, you're proud of it.
  861. >As you very well should be; you've spent too many long nights working on the damned thing.
  862. >For a short while, you simply lay back in your chair, content to stretch out, and think of nothing in particular with a self-satisfied smile on your face.
  863. >You're knocked out of your inattention, however, by the guttering sputter of your faithful candle on the desktop.
  864. >You could swear you'd replaced it just a few hours ago.
  865. >Confused, you look over at the window.
  866. You could have sworn the sun was still high in the sky when you had last checked, but judging by the position of the moon, it was clearly drawing close on midnight.
  867. >You had definitely lost track of time in a big way, some time during the day.
  868. >With that in mind, you get off your chair, and stretch your legs wearily.
  869. >You should be asleep by now, but you knew that the adrenaline rush that came with the completion of a project wouldn't let you sleep if you tried.
  870. >Clearly, a celebration was in order.
  872. >Looking again at the moon hanging low and bright in the evening sky, you get up from your chair.
  873. >In the space of barely a moment, you've consigned yourself to a plan, and smile to yourself as you assemble what you'll need for the evening.
  874. >Namely, a particularly old bottle of wine you'd gotten from a noble pony you'd done a favour for the month before.
  875. >You were told it was a particularly fine vintage, and though you weren't particularly a wine person, you thought you knew exactly who could help you appreciate it.
  876. >If you could find her.
  877. >You carefully put the bottle in your bag, and gather up some stoneware tumblers from the shelf beside your desk.
  878. >Your gear assembled, you quickly make sure you were presentable for the evening in a nearby mirror.
  879. >The late nights of work had left you a bit more ragged than you were used to looking, but that didn't strike you as enough of a concern to waste time fixing.
  880. >You leave the silent comfort of the study, and make your way into the long, sombre hallways of the moonlit palace.
  881. >Your footsteps echo loudly in the vast silence of the ancient stones, interrupted only very rarely by the occasional soft steps of the palace housekeepers.
  882. >A chill breeze blows under the great stone archways, fed by the numinous cracks in the stained-glass windows.
  883. >The chill and draft only increase as you get closer to your destination, eventually growing cold enough to force you to wrap your cloak tightly around your body as you continue your journey.
  884. >The stones are cracked with age and overgrown in sections with moss and ivy.
  885. >In this familiar wing of the castle, underuse has eaten away at the proud stones, and flora has grown inside the walls where holes and cracks have been allowed to rest untended.
  887. >The dilapidated state of the castle is comforting, in a way.
  888. >You think that Luna allows it to remain in this state as something of a memento mori, or out of some kind nostalgia.
  889. >She must have some reason for allowing the space she uses for her leisure and solitude to be in such conditions, at any rate.
  890. >You've reached what you've been searching for, and find your hand resting once again on the weathered iron knob of a simple, sturdy oaken door.
  891. >With a gentle turn and push, the aged portal swings open noiselessly, revealing Luna's midnight garden.
  892. >It had been far too long since you've been here, and realized you were long overdue a visit.
  893. >As had become something of a tradition in the earlier days of your friendship, you could be reasonably certain of company on particularly clear, bright evenings, such as tonight.
  894. >Not at all to your surprise, but to your immense pleasure, you find Luna resting against the fountain in the middle of the garden.
  895. >Fireflies glitter and shine in the bushes around her, and capering at her side and illuminating her dusky coat as she gazes at the night sky.
  896. >Her greying eyes reflect the moon's light sightlessly, and though you know she can't see them, you're certain her mind's eye is filled with the diamond-spangled beauty of her celestial art.
  897. "Good evening, Princess."
  898. >She jumps in shock almost imperceptibly, and after regaining her composure, turns serenely towards you.
  899. >"Ah, Anonymous. We were not expecting company tonight. How do you fare this evening?"
  900. "Wonderfully. I've been holed up in the archives far too long, and decided I needed to get some fresh air."
  902. >She looks at you quizzicaly.
  903. >"A little bit late to venture out for mere fresh air, isn't it?"
  904. "Maybe. I also had plans on a bit of a celebration, and had hunch that I could find you here. I'm glad to see that I was right."
  905. >"And We're glad you came, Anonymous. Pray tell, what are we celebrating?"
  906. >You unearth the bottle from your bag, and set it on the fountain's ledge alongside the two tumblers.
  907. "Just the satisfaction of a job well done, and the pleasure of good company on a beautiful night."
  908. >Luna smiles, and grabs the wine bottle up in her aura.
  909. >She nods in satisfaction after inspecting the label, uncorks it, and fills both of your cups.
  910. >"We rarely partake of drink any more, but We'll gladly toast to that."
  911. >After filling the glasses, she levitates one towards you, and takes the other up before her in her aura.
  912. >"To a job well done, then, Anonymous."
  913. >You raise your glass alongside hers with a smile.
  914. "To beautiful nights, and good company."
  915. >She smiles bashfully, and buries her muzzle behind her glass as you do the same.
  916. >So far as you can tell, the wine is of pretty high quality, and judging by the small satisfied Luna makes from behind her cup, she seems to agree.
  917. >"Well well, Anonymous, this is a fine beverage. Our thanks."
  918. "Pleasure's all mine, Princess."
  920. >She's cradled her cup close to her in her aura, and leans back against the fountain railing again, returning to her perusal of the night sky.
  921. >You set your bag at the base of the fountain, and clamber up it's side to sit beside her.
  922. >The night air is heavy with the natural scents of the garden, combined with subtle notes of Luna's perfume.
  923. >The heady fragrances, combined with the enchantment of the surroundings and the intoxication of the wine, leaves you almost lightheaded with contentment.
  924. >"Distracted, Anonymous?"
  925. >Without you realizing, Luna's turned her attention from her stargazing down towards you.
  926. "A little, I suppose. I was just thinking I should spend more time out here."
  927. >"A sentiment We agree with. We've missed our little nocturnal sojourns."
  928. >"Besides, spending time in Our garden is a mervellous way to clear one's head, and escape the trivialities of daily life."
  929. "Is that why you're here?"
  930. >Luna ponders the question for a moment, and raises her hoof to scratch at her chin in contemplation.
  931. >The sight is a lot funnier than it has any right to be.
  932. >"We suppose so. After all, this place is Our refuge, and We rarely visit it save to take refuge from one thing or other."
  933. >"Tonight, however, We came here simply out of a desire for peace and relaxation. An escape from spending another night in the same bedchambers in which we've slept for nights beyond counting."
  934. >She takes a large sip of wine, and raises the bottle from it's place on the ground to refill her glass.
  935. >Afterwards, she offers it towards you; you drain your cup, and accept the replenishment gratefully.
  937. "I'm not interrupting anything, am I?"
  938. >Luna giggles and shakes her head.
  939. >"No, truthfully, We're glad you're here. We spend enough time alone, or accompanied solely by our courtiers and sycophants. Spending time with Our favourite human is always a welcome change of pace."
  940. "You flatter me, princess."
  941. >"Of course We do. Here, come, We've had enough of the fountain. Follow Us."
  942. >She lifts her forelegs off the edge of the fountain, and walks off into the moonlit garden.
  943. >You follow behind, leaving the steady trickling sound of the fountain to be replaced by the rising sounds of crickets and scurrying fauna, as well as the rush of wind hitting the palace facade in the distance.
  944. >The moonlit trail leads to another clearing, this one adjoining against a balustrade overlooking the side of the palace.
  945. >Leaving Luna behind you in the centre of the clearing, you approach the ledge to take in these new surroundings.
  946. >The drop behind it is steep. The castle walls descend some countless score of feet, and the sheer cliff below is steeper still, the mountainside eventually meeting with the river valley flowing below canterlot.
  947. >You had rarely ever seriously considered the scale of the castle before, but it's intense immensity has hit you now, in a rush of vertigo.
  948. >Retreating from your precarious vantage point, you head back to Luna, who's returned to her watch over the night sky.
  950. >"Beautiful view, isn't it?"
  951. "It really is. I'd never considered just how high up we were, nor how huge the palace really is."
  952. >"Quite. We find this corner of the garden helps give Us some perspective when We need it."
  953. >"We may be the sole ruler of Equestria, but We are, in fact, quite small in reality."
  954. "Hmm."
  955. >You look out again past the balustrade into the distance, appreciating the immensity of the sky and land stretched out before you, and start to understand what Luna means by perspective.
  956. >You also acquire a keen, sudden understanding of how cold this space is.
  957. >Though the interior of the garden is sheltered enough from the elements to be moderately warm on even the darkest nights, this clearing is open to the blast of wind rising up the side of the palace and mountain.
  958. >Involuntarily, your teeth start to chatter, and you draw your cloak in around yourself in an attempt to stay warm.
  959. >"Cold, are we?"
  960. >You turn to Luna, who's lain down on the soft grass in the centre of the clearing.
  961. >"Come here, let us keep each other warm for a while."
  962. >Gratefully, you take off your cloak and walk towards where she's set herself down.
  963. >You set yourself beside her, resting your back on her flank and wrapping yourself as best you can under your cloak.
  964. >She unfurls a wing and spreads it out on your lap, the downy feathers blocking out the worst of the wind and enveloping you in an aura of warmth.
  965. >"There, that's much better."
  967. >The air is filled with the sound of the cold wind howling, and the gentle rustling of the leaves behind you.
  968. >Beneath it all, you can hear the steady heartbeat of Luna behind you.
  969. >Her rythmic breathing matches up with yours, and the warmth of your shared body heat quickly dispels the cold that had surrounded you mere moments before.
  970. "Comfortable, Princess?"
  971. >"Mhmmm."
  972. >Luna answers with little more than a contented sigh, and hugs you closer to her side with her wing.
  973. "Same."
  974. >"Long, long ago, We used to spend time here with Celestia."
  975. "Oh, I didn't know this garden was that old."
  976. >"It is. Long before Castle Canterlot was first raised, before Our sister and Us took up the crown of Equestria, we first learned to raise the sun and moon on this mountain."
  977. >"After much hardship and toil, We finally achieved mastery over the heavens. On a morning We shall never forget, Celestia raised the sun, scattered the clouds and shone its brilliant light across the valley you see before you."
  978. >"That evening, We cast down the sun, and raised the moon in it's place. We painted the night sky with diamonds, and shone the light of the moon gently to ease the sleep of the ponyfolk to whom We were beholden."
  979. "That sounds beautiful. I can only wish I could see what that would have looked like."
  980. >"Maybe some day you will, Dear Anonymous. Though all else may fade, We are sure that memory will stay as fresh and vivid within Our dreams as if it were just yesterday."
  982. >At that statement, Luna falls silent and crestfallen, and you can feel her breathing, which was picking up in intensity with the excitement of the recounting of her memories, fall low and steady once more.
  983. "I'm sure Celestia would be very proud of you, Princess. Your mornings are as beautiful as anything I've ever seen."
  984. >Luna raises a hoof to her peytral with a gentle smile.
  985. >"You're too kind, Anonymous. We can guarantee, had you ever seen one of Our sister's sunrises, you would feel much differently."
  986. >"Still, we appreciate the compliment nonetheless. Thank you."
  987. "Don't mention it."
  988. >Your nose and ears are starting to feel bitten by the cold, and you cast about for something else to ask her to distract you from the mild discomfort.
  989. "If you don't mind me asking, who else has seen this place, apart from the two of us, and your sister? I get the impression this place is too special to you to share with just anyone."
  990. >"No one at all, for a very, very long time. The Princesses Twilight and Cadence would stay here from time to time, and watch Our Sister and Us raise the sun and moon."
  991. >"We've had cause to share this place with a select few as well, over the years. Twilight brought her friends here, before they passed on. Princess Cadence brought her family here once, we believe."
  992. >"Celestia had brought her favoured students here as well, though that happened rarely indeed."
  993. "What about you?"
  995. >"Hmm..."
  996. >Luna thinks for a moment, scratching her chin contemplatively.
  997. >"We don't think We've ever brought another to this spot, now that We think of it."
  998. "Really? I can hardly believe that. Surely you've had someone close to you to share this with."
  999. >Luna looks at you with a sad, pitying smile.
  1000. >"You may not believe this, dear Anonymous, but We've always been much more solitary than our beloved Sister; We were never given to share our private company with others"
  1001. >"As well, it's always seemed strange to share this spot with anyone but Celestia, especially after her departure. This was always our sanctum, the place where We could enjoy each other's company, free from the burden of our duties to Canterlot and Equestria."
  1002. >"After We returned from Our exile on the moon, Celestia and Us would spend long nights here, talking beneath the moonlight. We would watch her raise the sun, and We had no desire to share that experience with anyone else."
  1003. "Why me, then?"
  1004. >Luna doesn't answer you at first, choosing instead to use her horn's aura to retrieve the wine and tumblers, filling up both of your glasses.
  1005. >You accept yours with a small word of thanks, still looking at her expectantly as you await your answer.
  1006. >"We've been grieving for a very long time, Anonymous. The weight of years has set itself heavy upon my soul since the loss of Our sister."
  1008. >"Perhaps, after so many long years of solitutude, we simply wish for the company of another once again. You've shown yourself to be receptive, as well as a great comfort to our aged, ailing heart."
  1009. >Still holding her wine in her aura, she lowers her head down to nuzzle against your side, and you reach an arm around her neck to hug her closer to you.
  1010. >She closes her eyes with a happy sigh, and raises her wine up for another drink.
  1011. >You follow suit, and afterwards let yourself lean heavily against her side once again.
  1012. "I'm just glad I can be here with you tonight, Luna. I can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be, or anyone I'd rather be here with."
  1013. >Luna responds with a small, wordless sound, and holds you closer to her with her wing, in a tight, warm embrace.
  1014. >The two of you watch the stars, sipping at your wine as you watch the scintillating celestial display dance across the heavens.
  1015. >The moon shines brightly across the garden as it makes it's steady way across the sky, throwing Luna's fur and feathers into bright contrast and beautuiful luminescence.
  1016. >Before too long, the the lateness of the night, combined with the immense warmth and comfort of the wine and Luna's embrace lull you into a deep, heavy sleep.
  1018. >...
  1019. >Your eyes open, slowly.
  1020. >You have no idea how long you were out for, but it's still pitch black out, so you figure it couldn't have been that long.
  1021. >Though, judging by the stiffness in your joints and soreness of your muscles, you must have been laying in this semi-awkward position for longer than a mere nap.
  1022. >You're still leaning against Luna, you head buried into her warm, steady flank.
  1023. >It rises and falls with her steady, relaxed breath, and it occurs to you that Luna may have fallen asleep as well.
  1024. >You stir, raising your body up to sit up straight and stretching some of the lethargy out of your arms and back.
  1025. >She doesn't react, and you turn your head to catch a glimpse of her face.
  1026. >Her head is held high, her posture regal and as perfectly intact as ever.
  1027. >Her head is turned towards the vast expanse of the night sky, but her eyes are closed.
  1028. >You think she may have fallen asleep like this, letting the soft light of the moon lull her into a peaceful sleep.
  1029. >Now that you think of it, you've never seen her sleep.
  1030. >It's a novel experience, and you're loathe to interrupt it.
  1031. >You lean back against Luna's side, and join her in her blind audience of the astral landscape.
  1032. >Back home (how odd it was to still think of Earth as home, after how long you've been here), you know that by the time it must be around now, the sun would be making it's slow ascent on the horizon.
  1033. >Not for the first time, you wonder how it is that Luna was able to tend to the sun and moon with such unerring punctuality, every single day without fail.
  1034. >It must be some innate ability of the hers, like some sort of magical, internal alarm clock.
  1035. >Just as this thought strikes you, you feel her shift subtly beneath you.
  1037. >"Ah, Anonymous, We had noticed that you had drifted off, and wished not to disturb you. We didn't awake you, did We?"
  1038. "Nope, not at all. I'd just woken up a few minutes ago, and didn't want to wake you up either."
  1039. >"Worry not, Anonymous, We had just been enjoying a brief nap. Truth be told, your company had made it all the more restful."
  1040. "Always a service I'm happy to provide, Princess."
  1041. >This gets one of her customary soft laughs, and once again you think about how lucky you are to be here with her, and so deep in her trust and confidence.
  1042. >"Actually, Anonymous, We are most glad you're awake. We wished for you to see this, but didn't wish to rouse you from your slumber."
  1043. "See what?"
  1044. >You were pretty sure you didn't need to ask.
  1045. >"Pray tell, do you know what time it is?"
  1046. "Well, I'd say we're just about on the cusp of dawn, or somewhere close."
  1047. >Luna doesn't give a response, save to smile radiantly and turn away from you, towards the cliffside balustrade.
  1048. >You'd read about the sister princesses in depth throughout your studies, and had been exposed to all sorts of poetry and lyrical works about their beauty and charms.
  1049. >Predictably enough, Celestia was usually described as shining and radiant, glowing with life and light and fire, while Luna was almost always associated with the dark, nocturnally mysterious and beautful qualities of the moonlit night.
  1050. >You had never seen Princess Celestia in person, but could swear that in that moment, you saw more of her in Luna than Luna herself.
  1052. >Luna's back is turned to you, her dusky coat framed by the mountains in the distance, and the illuminated by the bright glow of the moon.
  1053. >An aura surrounds her horn, and you can't quite explain how, but it's clearly unlike any kind of unicorn magic you've ever seen before.
  1054. >The air stills, and slowly, steadily, Luna starts to rise up into the air, wings outstretched.
  1055. >As she rises, the moon begins to sink, far more rapidly than it ever did back on Earth.
  1056. >Her horn's aura surrounds her, bathing her in a silvery, stellar nebula.
  1057. >The moon finishes its descent, sinking beneath the mountain's edge, leaving behind a starless, black void.
  1058. >For a moment, the sky is empty, all colour and light replaced by an oppressive, stygian abyss.
  1059. >In the middle of this scene remains luna, hovering in the air in the exact place the moon filled not seconds before.
  1060. >Gradually, her aura begins to transform.
  1061. >From within the silvery nebula of her magic, sparks and embers ignite, washing it in shades of orange and yellow.
  1062. >The argent aura of her magic bursts into wreaths of flame and light, the brilliant golden light washed with blue and green auroras.
  1063. >As this new aura envelops her, a faint light appears from beyond the edge of the mountains, where the moon had just set.
  1064. >The abyssal black void of the sky is broken through with streaks of goldand rose as the sun creeps up on the horizon, the pitch blackness giving way dramatically to the vibrant hues of sunrise.
  1065. >The aura surrounding Luna glows with a fury of incandescence, as if she'd wrapped the sun itself around her body.
  1066. >The sun takes it's place low in the sky mere seconds later, casting its light in rays of gold across the pink sky, throwing Luna's form into a sharp, fire-bathed silhouette.
  1067. >As the sun takes its place behind her, the aura around her beings to dim and fade, and she slowly sinks back to the ground in stately elegance.
  1069. >Her wings furl about her as the last flickers of embers cast themselves from her plumes, and she raises her eyes to regard her work painted across the firmament.
  1070. >You're stunned silent, and can only stand there slackjawed for a few minutes as you take in what you had seen.
  1071. >You'd seen Luna's sunrise before... rarely, and only ever from a distance, or from behind a dust window on the tail end of long, tired nights.
  1072. >Never before had you been treated to such an incredible view of the event, and once again you found yourself incredibly grateful and privileged to bear witness to something so majestic.
  1073. >The stretch of silence on the balcony is gradually broken up by the music of songbirds in the distance, and the gentle blowing of the morning breeze blowing against the warming stone of the castle.
  1074. >Luna says nothing, her attention grasped solely by the sunrise, and after you've collected your senses once again, you walk up to her side.
  1075. >Luna doesn't react as you approach, save only to smile warmly as you set a hand on her withers.
  1076. "Thanks for that, Luna."
  1077. >"You're quite welcome, Anonymous."
  1078. >The breeze casts Luna's hair about her in playful waves, her hair catching the rays of fresh sunlight and reflecting them in brilliant, shimmering hues.
  1079. >It's enchanting, to say the least.
  1080. >Luna finally looks over to you.
  1081. >"So, We take it you enjoyed the display?"
  1082. "It would have been impossible for me not to, Princess."
  1083. >"Hrm. Would you believe us if We told you it were nothing compared to Our late Sister's art?"
  1084. "I'm... I'm not sure I would, though I suppose I'd have to take your word for it."
  1085. >"Believe it or not, it's the truth. Seeing her raise the sun was... Well, something else entirely, Anonymous. We hope you can see it one day."
  1086. >Unsure of what to say to that cryptic remark, you press on in an attempt to draw her back from this depressing train of thought.
  1088. "Your sunrise was beautiful, Luna, and I'm sure I'm not the only person who feels that way."
  1089. "Besides, you're the Princess of the Night, right? I've never seen a night sky I've enjoyed as much of yours, and to be as good at that as you are and still be able to raise the sun the way you do... It's extraordinary, Luna."
  1090. >Luna sighs, and raises a hoof to brush her cloudy hair out of her face.
  1091. >"As much a flatterer as always, Anonymous."
  1092. >She sets her mouth in a grim line, and gives a final look at the dissipating sunrise before turning away, towards you.
  1093. >"As ever, though, you have Our thanks for your company. Now that the day has started, let's return from our idyll and face it, shall we?"
  1094. "Let's."
  1095. >Accompanied by the chatter of birdsong and the steady trickling of fountain water from within the trees, the two of you make your short trek back to the garden's exit.
  1096. >Along the way, you place a hand on her withers, realizing that this had become an almost subconscious habit when you found yourself alone in her company.
  1097. >Without pause, she walks closer to you, her flanks brushing up against your side as you walk the grassy paths of the garden together.
  1098. >Finally, you find yourselves at the oaken door leading back into the the castle.
  1099. >You give each other a knowing, subdued look, and you take your hand off her wither as she steps a small distance away from your side.
  1100. >You grab the door's handle and pull it open for Luna, and enter the castle hallway behind her.
  1102. >After this last night, the walls and ceiling of the hallway (grand as it is) seems to close in around you, spacious though the castle's halls are.
  1103. >As you get over the mild disappointment of your new, more familiar surroundings, you take a moment to appreciate the scenery in a light you've never seen it in before.
  1104. >The golden-rose light of the morning sun trickles in through the riven walls and windows of the broken hall, casting the contours of its characteristic vines and rubble in vibrant colour and contrast.
  1105. >not for the first time, but maybe for the most memorable one, the dilapidated state of this castle's wing strikes you with its unique beauty and charm.
  1106. >If this is what Luna sees after each return from her garden sunrises, you can see why she's never taken any measures to fix the place up.
  1107. >You make your way back into the castle proper leisurely, spending the few minutes you have left together to exchange smalltalk about your upcoming plans and duties.
  1108. >You steadily start to hear the signal traces of activity ahead as you approach the main wing of the castle.
  1109. >The sound of the kitchens in the distance is unmistakeable, the fires of the ovens and the clatter of dishware resonating from within the castle's interior as Equestria's capital wakes up.
  1110. >Just as you're about to part ways before a fork in the halls, Luna stops you.
  1111. >"Anonymous, It's occured to Us that We haven't reconvened for another meeting of ours in quite some time. Pray, are you free this same time next week?"
  1112. >You make a show of thinking about it briefly, even though you know you have nothing planned that you can't reschedule around a meeting with the Princess.
  1113. "Yeah, I should be able to make it. In your quarters?"
  1114. >"Naturally. Until then, Anonymous."
  1115. >She gives you an affectionate nuzzle, and walks off the hall, leaving you in solitude as you make your way back to your quarters.
  1117. >You return to your room, ready to clean yourself up and perhaps take a quick powernap and leisurely breakfast before your day truly started.
  1118. >After all, it was barely the crack of dawn, and due to your academic accomplishment the night before, your workload was looking pleasantly light for the foreseeable future.
  1119. >As you approach your door, however, you hear the distinct sounds of movement coming from behind the door.
  1120. >Suspecting it's just a maid (but suspicious of illicit activity nonetheless), you knock on the door to announce your presence before opening it to step inside.
  1121. >Your noisy intrusion is met by a sharp, startled shriek followed by the shattering crash of dropped dishwares.
  1122. >Tea Leaves is in your room, and judging by the ceramic shards scattered at her feet, she had been in the middle of setting up your morning coffee before your intrusion shocked her into dropping up.
  1123. >"Oh, Sir Anonymous, I'm so, so sorry! I'm so clumsy, please forgive me, you just shocked me, a-and..."
  1124. "Hey, hey, calm down, it's all right. It's my fault, I didn't mean to scare you."
  1125. >You lean down towards the mess on the floor, and start picking up the pieces while Tea Leaves holds her hooves over her face in embarrasment.
  1126. >You notice she'd left a small broom and dustpan on a maid's cart by the door, and grab them up to sweep up the remainder of the pieces.
  1127. >You place them in the dustpan unceremoniously, and replace the dustpan on the cart.
  1128. >It's a shame, you were fond of that cup.
  1129. >You look back at Tea Leaves, still in the midst of her little episode.
  1130. >" embarrassing, oh gosh, what will the headmistress think..."
  1132. >So far, she doesn't seem to be taking your advice, so you return to inspect the wares and supplies on the cart.
  1133. >Happily, there's a few spare cups, and a carafe you assume to be full of that wondrous, caffeinated nectar.
  1134. "Do you drink coffee, Ms. Leaves?"
  1135. >She peeks at you from behind her hoof with a red, tear-streaked eye.
  1136. >Christ, was she crying?
  1137. >"Y-yes sir..."
  1138. "Alright, I'll set you up."
  1139. >You get to work on your morning brew, preparing mugs for the two of you.
  1140. "Cream and sugar?"
  1141. >She doesn't answer, and assuming she either didn't hear you or was too distracted for the query to register, you prepare hers with a modest amount of both.
  1142. >Your room is fitted with a small coffee table and loveseat; after setting down your cups on the former, you place a hand on her shoulder as delicately as you can and guide her to the latter.
  1143. >After some sniffling, she wipes her eyes and gratefully picks up the coffee, holding it up in front of her and allowing the wafting steam to warm her muzzle.
  1144. >Assured that she's appropriately settled down, you take a seat beside her and pick up your own mug.
  1145. "You take your job pretty seriously, don't you?"
  1147. >She takes a sip of coffee, her ears flicking forward as she hears your question.
  1148. >"Oh yes, I must. The Headmistress is very strict, and runs us very hard."
  1149. >The statement hangs in the air as she takes another sip of coffee.
  1150. >Mid-drink, her eyes open in shock, and she almost chokes as she spits out her mouthful.
  1151. >"Oh! I didn't mean for that to sound ungrateful or rude! She's a wonderful mare, fair and hardworking."
  1152. "Don't worry Leaves, my lips are sealed. Feel free to speak your mind around me, okay?
  1153. >Tea Leaves just nods nervously, and you decide not to press her about her work any more than you already have.
  1154. >You take a sip of your own coffee in the ensuing silence.
  1155. >It's delicious, as usual.
  1156. >"Will you... Will you tell anyone about the cup?"
  1157. "Hmm? No, no, of course not. Is it that important?"
  1158. >She breathes a deep, heavy sigh of relief.
  1159. >"Yeah, it is, actually. I've seen new servants get fired for less, and there's always so many replacements for us available..."
  1160. "Replacements?'
  1161. >She nods sadly, and takes another sip.
  1162. >"The line for work outside the castle stretches on for miles, Sir Anonymous. There are many poor in Canterlot, and most would do anything to get a job at the castle."
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