

Jun 18th, 2015
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  1. 00:23 VenVera uh, d-did you forget about me?
  2. 00:23 Sinclair no, actually I didn't
  3. 00:23 Sinclair you said you were ready to bring down the hammer
  4. 00:23 Sinclair Sinclair is currently about to be hit by bud
  5. 00:23 Sinclair you can combo attack
  6. 00:24 Sinclair bloody teamwork guys
  7. 00:24 Sinclair attacking separately I will fully admit I will abuse
  8. 00:26 VenVera that would make sense thou, vera was about hit Sin while the rock and neo were flying at him and hoody near him, shes in mid air and was just, ignored
  9. 00:27 Sinclair I-Its really hard to balance this while everybody is trying to do separate things
  10. 00:27 Sinclair Its late and I'm tired, I apologize for messing up .__.
  11. 00:28 VenVera Its fine, not the first time I feel left out in this project
  12. 00:28 Sinclair don't pull this on me please
  13. 00:28 Sinclair I thought you were leading up to something
  14. 00:30 Sinclair this is supposed to be a fun thing...
  15. 00:31 VenVera I-I was waiting for your response, now I have no clue what to do to get Vera back in normally ;A;
  16. 00:31 Sinclair I don't know either, blegh
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