
TSW 10: Kasra and Reagan

Apr 24th, 2016
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  1. Kasra There's a timid knock at Reagan's door.
  2. Reagan "Mmm? Come on in!"
  3. Reagan sitting on her bed, leaned up against the wall while she does homework.
  4. Kasra pokes his head in the door. If Reagan didn't know better, she'd assume he was playing the part of the disheveled gentleman the morning after. While there are clear signs that he washed, his hair is mussed, his shirt is untucked with it's collar up, and the rest of him is in an equally sorry display. Finishing off the image is the dress tie hanging limply in his hand, which offers up almost...
  5. Kasra ...seeming to be a means of an apology.
  6. Kasra "I've...I've never had to do my own tie..."
  7. Reagan curious look melts into a smile, she scoots off her bed and motions for him to come here, sighing.
  8. Reagan "I taught my little brothers, too."
  9. Kasra "I tried! I just didn't quite get how it was supposed to go, and then my collar went up and...I thought you might have done this sort of thing." By now he's apologized his way across the room and stands awkwardly in front of Reagan. "Should I kneel, or sit...?"
  10. Reagan standing up, shakes her head, trying to hold back a laugh. "Naw naw, you're fine there."
  11. Reagan "Kay, now watch how I do it."
  12. Kasra One thing that Kasra must be credited for, is his excellent mannequin impression. It's only about three fourths of the way through the procedure that he risks speaking. "So. You're...used to doing things like this? The interview?"
  13. Reagan "Oh sure. Even if I don't always hafta speak, I still been through a lot a' 'em where I had to smile and watch the way my Uncle does it."
  14. Kasra "I've been to debriefings. Is it like that?"
  15. Reagan chuckles. "No, not really."
  16. Reagan "Debriefings you just have to behave and listen, interviews are all about preforming."
  17. Kasra "Well, debriefings are all about asking what happened on the mission. I thought interviews were about questions too."
  18. Reagan "Sure sure they ask questions, but it ain't good enough to just tell what happened, tell the truth. People won't believe it just cause it's true--and this is politics after all, how'er they supposed to know we ain't lying?"
  19. Kasra "I...I don't know. I assumed they would..." Kasra stops what he was saying and looks mildly confused for a moment. "So, are we supposed to convince them we're telling the truth then?"
  20. Reagan bops his nose and then goes back to the tie. "Exactly."
  21. Kasra ""
  22. Kasra resists the urge to rub his nose reflexively.
  23. Reagan "Well, it's like this, everybody has an agenda, politicians and reporters, they all want whatever the news is to reflect the way /they/ want the people to see it, yeah?"
  24. Reagan "So now you're in a game where everybody's twisting the truth in whatever way they can to reinforce what /they/ believe is right."
  25. Kasra "That sounds..."
  26. Reagan laughs humorously. "Exactly."
  27. Kasra "So, how do I do that then? If they already want to believe something, should I try to make them come around?"
  28. Reagan "Yeah, that's the point. If you don't play their game then you just lose. So, you gotta put the truth in the best light you possibly can, to make it attractive. 'Else, other people turn your words against you. Not that they won't try and do that either way now mind you."
  29. Kasra "And I won't get to prepare, because I don't know what they're asking..." He gives an experimental tug on his tie, and begins tucking his collar.
  30. Kasra "Thanks, I think this will hold. Any tips though? On sounding...good?"
  31. Reagan "Hm, well, good posture, and smile--but not too widely or you'll look like a fool." She taps her finger against her lips. "Sorry, kid, a lotta the things I'm thinkin of mostly only apply to gals."
  32. Kasra "Wait, how? Shouldn't most of it be kind of...anyone
  33. Kasra ?"
  34. Reagan "That's not how the world treats gals."
  35. Kasra "Well, I meant what is some of that advice? Iron your skirt or something?"
  36. Reagan "Now 'cause you're a boy, you outta smile less, since boys that smile too much look like sissies or fools. But gals gotta' smile a little more, otherwise people go and think they're rude."
  37. Kasra "Oh. much less?"
  38. Reagan "Hmm, well. Only if something funny happens, maybe."
  39. Kasra "Oh, that doesn't sound very likely."
  40. Reagan snorts. "True."
  41. Reagan "You know though Mr. Nariman, one thing I will say..."
  42. Reagan "What really counts, when you're up there even though you don't know what they're gonna say to you, is that no matter what--even if somebody says something real terrible or untrue--you gotta keep a straight face."
  43. Kasra "Oh, don't scare me like that. I thought it was going to be something awful."
  44. Reagan "Well that's the thing, if you break face then your entire argument, truth or no, loses face. It ain't fair, but nobody'll take you seriously."
  45. Kasra "Well, I mean, there's not much they can say that should get me right? Besides, if they do, I know what to do."
  46. Reagan "Keep a straight face?"
  47. Kasra adopts a thousand yard stare and rattles off his service number, his rank and his division of METI.
  48. Reagan snort laughs.
  49. Kasra Surprise and a smile mingle on Kasra's face before he laughs as well.
  50. Reagan "I mean it though, don't lose your temper. You're young, you don't have so much experience with swallowin your pride."
  51. Kasra "Well, I'm proud of METI, and what I do for her, but that should actually help, right?"
  52. Reagan "Absolutely. Just think about METI, kay?"
  53. Kasra "Right, this will be a piece of cake." His face shows no signs of believing that this will be a piece of anything that doesn't rhyme with 'bit.'
  54. Reagan "Hey, it won't be so bad, honey. Keep your chin up. You certainly look the part."
  55. Kasra smiles weakly. "Maybe I'll just let you and Walker do the talking. I'm...well, if you haven't noticed I'm not very good with civillians. Too used to everyone taking for granted that we're on the same team."
  56. Reagan "That's alright. You know, that kind of thinking is good to keep a hold of."
  57. Kasra "Yeah, well...what are you working on there?"
  58. Reagan "Mmm? Oh, just some math, you know."
  59. Kasra "It's not giving you trouble is it?"
  60. Reagan "Naw, I've got a pretty good handle on it. Just gotta put in the time, you know?'
  61. Kasra "Yeah, that's why math is nice."
  62. Kasra "Well, hey, thanks for the tie and the advice, I'll try not to smile at all."
  63. Reagan slaps his shoulder a couple times, smiling. "Now you got it."
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