
gay hospital visits

Nov 17th, 2015
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  1. [08:16 AM] Bobby-Fulbright has no idea what's happened. Will O'Whisbur can make an educated guess, but Bobby's not Will. All he knows is that Simon was admitted to the Hickfield Clinic for some reason. As soon as the news officially reached him- (somehow it took a few detours despite Bobby being Simon's emergency contact-) he hurried over there. Now he's barging through the door of Simon's room, looking like he's in a state of panic. "Simon!!!"
  2. [08:18 AM] Simon-Blackquill is not in the condition to be greeted suddenly. When Bobby barges right in, of course Simon's awake, and reading a book. He gasps loudly and drops it into his lap, and feels his heart beating through his chest and [b]oh god it hurts.[/b] He clutches it and leans forward, but he doesn't look distressed at all. "Bobby! There you are!"
  3. [08:24 AM] Bobby-Fulbright is just getting even more riled up from seeing Simon clutch at his chest. He strides forward to get to his partner's side, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay? What happened?!"
  4. [08:26 AM] Simon-Blackquill is actually breathing harder by the time Bobby comes over to his side, but Simon doesn't worry himself about it. He knows it'll calm down once Bobby does... right? [b]The doctors aren't going to like this.[/b] "I'm fine, I'll live, please calm down..."
  5. [08:27 AM] Simon-Blackquill is going to be held here longer if the doctors catch on to him acting like this. :|
  6. [08:30 AM] Bobby-Fulbright is not calming down any time soon. His hand squeezes Simon's shoulder and he just keeps looking at the man with a worried gaze. "But- But...! I can't believe this...! Something happened and I wasn't there to...- I...- Oh Simoooon!" He pulls Simon into a very awkward sideways embrace, now Overwhelmingly Distressed.
  7. [08:36 AM] Simon-Blackquill starts wheezing and blinking slowly, letting his hand press against his aching chest as his eyes close. All of that hard breathing last night made his chest sore and now even the slightest hint of a quickened pulse is painful. "It's... all right, Bobby..." he quietly replies, leaning into the embrace. "I'm glad you're here now, j-just calm down..."
  8. [08:39 AM] Bobby-Fulbright keeps holding onto Simon, pressing his face against the top of the man's head. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I should've been there for you." What makes it 'worse' is that Will was there in his stead. Will had the opportunity to step in before things got too bad, and he didn't.
  9. [08:51 AM] Simon-Blackquill groans and presses the side of his head up against Bobby, attempting to nuzzle him. His chest... it feels awful. His body is trembling from the breathing difficulty he's experiencing. He really should be calling for a nurse, or, I don't know, picking up the fucking inhaler nearby! Idiot. "You can't be there all the time. That would be ridiculous of me to ever expect of you. I was promptly taken care of, of that I can assure you," his voice is slow, strained.
  10. [08:55 AM] Bobby-Fulbright still had very little idea of what's even happening and thinks the best way to stop Simon's trembling is to just keep hugging him. Hugs make everything better, right? "But that doesn't make it right. I'm the one who's supposed to be looking after you..."
  11. [08:58 AM] Simon-Blackquill is definitely feeling soothed by the hug, but you know, once breathing troubles start flaring up, a hug can't exactly stop it. If anything, it's probably compressing his airways further and making it even harder. "It makes it... a mistake... something any human could make." He coughs a few times, whimpering from the pain in his chest -- a whimpering he only slightly suppresses. He's actually somewhat comfortable with the idea of letting Bobby see him in pain so he's showing it.
  12. [09:23 AM] Bobby-Fulbright hears that whimpering. Oh, how he hears it. It's not helping the situation any. One of his hands moves to the side of Simon's face, fingers brushing some of his unruly bangs aside. "I can't afford mistakes like this. ... I don't want to lose you."
  13. [09:31 AM] Simon-Blackquill starts to nuzzle Bobby again in response to not only his words, but his affections as well. He wishes this would stop now so he can just relax in his partner's hold... but, unfortunately, he is still having trouble. He feels like he's run a mile, he's still so short of breath, and sweating. "...You won't lose me, Bobby," Simon replies softly, reaching a shackled hand up to his face to cough into it a few times. "I love you..." He croaks out, whimpering again.
  14. [09:36 AM] Bobby-Fulbright keeps running his fingers along Simon's face even as the man coughs. Honestly, he was perfectly content taking his 'vacation' from being Bobby Fulbright- he hadn't suffered from a single headache while he was Will. Now that he's been forced back into this role and back into this relationship, a migraine is starting all over again. "... I love you too, Simon. Please, stop scaring me like this."
  15. [09:55 AM] Simon-Blackquill just applies more pressure with his nuzzling, trying to regulate his breathing but finding no such release from his discomfort. No, it's more than discomfort now. It's a burning, searing pain. He's gasping for air, feeling like he's drowning. He knows this is scaring Bobby, but he can't help it! "I never m-mean to do you such harm, I gravely apologise..."
  16. [10:02 AM] Bobby-Fulbright would never accept those sorts of words, especially not in this situation. "You're not the one who should be apologizing...!" One last squeeze, then he eases up on the embrace. Both of his hands move to Simon's shoulders so he can push him back against the pillow. "Now lie back down, okay?"
  17. [10:05 AM] Simon-Blackquill does feel the need to apologise, though. He worried Bobby, scared him. He already had so, so much to be concerned about, there wasn't any need to pile onto his stress, and Simon was only in here due to his own foolishness. He couldn't blame it on von Karma or Volgin or anyone else. "Mm," is all he mutters, lying back down on the pillow and closing his eyes again. Doing this already helps clear his airways at least a little bit, though he's still wheezing and trying to hold back coughs.
  18. [10:11 AM] Bobby-Fulbright watches Simon for a moment. It sure seems like he's been through a lot. The Phantom is of the firm opinion that Blackquill deserves this. He asked for it in the literal sense and got up to all sorts of behavior behind Bobby's back that could be seen as 'reprehensible'. Not that such an opinion impacts Bobby's 'worry'. "Can I get you something? Water, maybe? Or how about apples?"
  19. [10:18 AM] Simon-Blackquill nods and reaches forward, blindly -- what's he groping for? The book? The inhaler? A DVD located next to those items? It's hard to say, since Simon can't actually see what he's looking at, and he doesn't open his eyes to do so! Perhaps he's just reaching out for Bobby's hand, or another hug, or something along those lines.
  20. [10:27 AM] Bobby-Fulbright sees that groping and sure enough, he's not quite sure what Simon is trying to grope FOR. The book and the DVD don't seem right, because if Simon's resorting to blind retrieval, neither of those would do him any good. The inhaler seems like a safe bet, but he can't be sure. He takes hold of Simon's hand with both of his own to stop that groping. "... What do you need? Is it the inhaler?"
  21. [10:32 AM] Simon-Blackquill feels instantly comforted by Bobby's gloved touch, withdrawing his hand slightly and relaxing it in his partner's grasp. He then opens his eyes to look at him. No, he wasn't reaching for the inhaler, he was reaching for his book... but that does remind him that it exists after all. He really doesn't want to resort to using it, though... but if it's just Bobby here and not one of the doctors, no-one would be wiser, would they? "...Hand it to me."
  22. [11:25 AM] Bobby-Fulbright wouldn't hand Simon the book even if he were asked to. Reading is not a good thing for him to do right now. Handing over the inhaler is a much more satisfying option, because he knows by now just how stubborn Blackquill is when it comes to taking care of himself. His right hand releases Simon's and picks up the little trinket, then he presses it into Simon's palm. "Here you are."
  23. [11:36 AM] Simon-Blackquill hasn't used this without the doctors or nurses 'guiding' him through it. An unnecessary item, as far as he's concerned, but if it'll make the tightness in his chest dissipate, fine, he'll try it. He preps the inhaler for use and exhales before his shaking hands bring it to his lips and he presses down on the canister, inhaling that bitter air. Time to remove it and hold his breath, waiting... and exhaling again, sounding nearly identical to a sigh of relief. Maybe it is.
  25. It doesn't take long for him to start breathing normally again. Too much excitement brought that on, so thanks, Fool Bright. ............He's still going to deny he has any sort of respiratory problem, so don't ask. The doctors are wrong!!
  26. [12:16 PM] Bobby-Fulbright watches Simon closely as he uses the inhaler. It's not exactly a secret that Simon has respiratory problems- even someone like Bobby could piece that together. The recent smoking likely didn't help that condition any, even if Simon's stopped again now that they have Kujaku to look after. He watches, and he waits.
  28. ...Phew, the inhaler did wonders. Thank you, modern medicine. He smiles brightly, slinging a loose arm around Simon's chest again to get to the opposite shoulder and pull him in for another quick cuddle. "See, that sounds much better!"
  29. [12:21 PM] Simon-Blackquill hums gently, scratchiness still apparent in his voice, and cuddles back, very grateful for the affection. "Mmmm... I'm glad you're here." He does already sound better, but little does he know, the doctors are going to be able to tell he's had to use that inhaler! Well, he's not going to get out of being prescribed that now.
  31. "...Would you be so kind enough as to get me some water and an apple?" He asks, gazing at Bobby with that soft expression that he reserves only for the detective and Kujaku.
  32. [12:29 PM] Bobby-Fulbright knew both water and an apple would be requested. It just goes to show how well he's gotten to know Simon. He keeps cuddling for a few seconds longer, pressing his nose against the man's bangs, then pulls back. "Of course! Just leave it to me!" A bright grin and a salute, then he leaves the room for a bit. He could get water from the faucet, but he'd rather just serve Simon something fresh and bottled. Apples might be tricky to find, too. Maybe he could flag down a nurse.
  33. [12:35 PM] Simon-Blackquill is pretty predictable in his tastes, to be honest. He'd need the apple to get the taste out of his mouth, and a drink would be nice as well. It was common sense. He leans back and closes his eyes as he waits, still seeing Bobby's adorable smiling salute in his mind... oh he loves that man.
  35. Luckily, there's a vending machine not too far down the hall from Simon's room, and it has bottled water. And-- oh! A nurse is walking by, smiling brightly at Bobby!
  36. [12:42 PM] Bobby-Fulbright does indeed succeed in stopping the nurse in her tracks to ask her about what he needs. Vending machine or no vending machine, he requests water from her while he's at it. It's the clinic's responsibility to ensure their patients have something drink. Just because Bobby [b]would[/b] whip out his wallet and pay for it doesn't mean he should.
  38. Once the nurse has handed him everything he's asked for, he returns to Simon's room. "Here you are!" The apple is dropped on Simon's nightstand and he twists the cap off the bottle of water before handing it over.
  39. [12:46 PM] Simon-Blackquill gladly takes the cold bottle and drinks from it, satisfying his thirst, but next is the apple. He exchanges the two and takes a loud, crunching bite into the fruit, giving Bobby another smile.
  41. "Thank you, love," he replies after swallowing that first bite. It's true -- the first bite of an apple always tastes the best.
  42. [12:54 PM] Bobby-Fulbright grabs the nearest chair and moves it to Simon's bedside so he can take a seat. He likely won't be leaving the room again any time soon. Unless he gets chased out by someone, that is. For now, he can take it easy and watch Simon enjoy his apple. "It's a good thing Kujaku is still staying with Tori. He would've gotten some strange looks around here."
  43. [12:56 PM] Simon-Blackquill turns his head to face Bobby and lies back, reaching his free hand out to try and hint that he wants Bobby's. Please hold your boyfriend's hand, Bobby. "I've requested she bring him to visit me at some point. Would you object to that?" Since, well, him being half-bird and all is a good point and not one Simon had considered when he made the request. Would it be a good idea to bring Kujaku?
  44. [01:03 PM] Bobby-Fulbright catches that hint just fine. He takes hold of Simon's hand with his own, his fingers squeezing around the palm. "Hm... I wouldn't object to it, really. We'd just need to make sure his feathers aren't visible." Because harpies aren't supposed to exist in this world. A kid in a peacock costume would already be out of place, but if someone were to get an even closer look and figure out it's not a costume, they'd be inviting a whole world of trouble.
  45. [01:06 PM] Simon-Blackquill lets his eyes slip closed again, grinning at the pleasant touch of Bobby's gloved hand. "If you're up to the task, it'd be wonderful if you or her brought him by later. If there isn't time for it, however, I should be out of here today or tomorrow, with all luck."
  46. [01:16 PM] Bobby-Fulbright allows those words to echo through his mind for a few seconds. Today or tomorrow... That means the Phantom needs to act on his plan regarding Taka as soon as possible. Blackquill landing himself in the clinic provided him with a unique opportunity, in that regard.
  48. "Oh, that's good to hear! I'll see if I can bring Kujaku by as soon as possible, but I've still got some chores to do, too. I think I'll take your clothes with me, so I can launder them while you're stuck in bed. And I'll need to ask where they left your shackles, too. I can get you a new pair, but I don't want those old ones to be lying around here."
  49. [01:19 PM] Simon-Blackquill just squeezes Bobby's hand, nodding. "You're wonderful, have I ever told you that?" He gives him a tired, lazy grin, loosening his grip on the detective's hand again, then squeezing once more. "You don't need to see to all this for me. Yet, you do anyway. I'm not sure I deserve a treasure as pure as you."
  50. [01:27 PM] Bobby-Fulbright smiles in a cheerful manner and squeezes back. ...Yup, that's another mild migraine, there. "Of course you do! And besides, it's no problem. It's my duty, but more importantly, I [b]want[/b] to do all this for you." A moment's pause, then he leans forward to rest his head on the side of Simon's bed. "I love you."
  51. [01:32 PM] Simon-Blackquill glances down at Bobby's resting head and he just feels his heart clench up in warmth when he hears those words. His smile grows wider and he squeezes once more, trying to keep himself from getting too excited and [b]exploding[/b] in joy. He doesn't even know what's bringing on that intense emotion, it's unlike him. "I love you as well..." He takes in a sudden breath. "...........Kiss?"
  52. [01:40 PM] Bobby-Fulbright is still pretty much exhausted, as he has been for the past few weeks. Even with Kujaku at Tori's place, he's gotten virtually no reprieve from a sleepless night. If it were up to him, he'd keep his head down like this. Still, he can't deny Simon a request like that. He chuckles and pushes himself up again, leaning in to press his lips against his partner's.
  53. [01:44 PM] Simon-Blackquill might possibly be even more tired than Bobby. He hasn't gotten any sleep at all, which at this point shouldn't be a shock to anyone. Feeling Bobby's lips touch his makes Simon's heart flutter, makes him drown in delight, and he softly returns it, humming gently as his free hand snakes around to stroke Bobby's hair. He's so delicate about it, knowing how much that man likes keeping it styled properly.
  54. [01:52 PM] Bobby-Fulbright produced a soft, delighted sound of his own when Simon strokes his hair and he ends up deepening the kiss a bit more. They can't do anything too intimate, he knows that, but this is still totally acceptable, right? He releases Simon's palm and runs both hands up the man's chest until they come to rest on his shoulders.
  55. [01:57 PM] Simon-Blackquill is perfectly fine with deepening the kiss. He runs his tongue over Bobby's lips, breathing in his scent, losing himself in it. It's so much better than anything else, even the apple he'd been eating, and he just wants to taste more... without going too far, of course. He'll let Bobby dictate that. The hand that was clasping Bobby's hand is now free to do as it wishes, so he guides it upward to stroke along the man's chin and jaw.
  56. [02:10 PM] Bobby-Fulbright moans for a few seconds, trying to lean into Simon's hand as much as he can without breaking the kiss. It strikes him as very important that he doesn't stop kissing, for some reason. The feel of Simon's tongue on his lips isn't something that he likes, though, so he'll try to catch it with his mouth. That way, he can suck on it and keep it in check at the same time.
  57. [02:15 PM] Simon-Blackquill is... pleasantly surprised by that. He was even tempted to slow back down so he could pull away just when Bobby takes his tongue into his mouth, letting loose a moan of his own, this one a bit louder than anticipated. Careful, he doesn't need to attract any unwanted attention there...
  58. [02:21 PM] Bobby-Fulbright's fingers dig into Simon's shoulders and he draws a deep breath through his nose, instantly getting struck by that distinct smell that the man has, even within the sterility of a hospital. It's the sort of thing to trigger memories- to feel almost [b]nostalgic[/b]. That's enough to increase his headache further and his eyebrows furrow with dismay. Time to pull back, definitely time to pull back.
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