
Anon and Moonlight 2

Jul 23rd, 2013
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  1. >You are Anon
  2. >You awoke in your home, and rolled out of bed.
  3. >Shambling and shuffling, you made your way down the hall to the kitchen.
  4. >Everything seemed so routine, so bland, so… fake as you ate your cereal.
  5. >After finishing breakfast, you put on your coat and walked outside in the bright summer day.
  6. >There was just one problem.
  7. >It wasn’t summer.
  8. >A sudden sinking revelation came over you.
  9. >A familiar voice rose from the town as it slowly shifted into nightmarish shadow,
  10. >“AAAAANON…”
  11. >NO! Anything but her!
  12. >You rushed back into your home, locked the door, and barred it with a chair.
  13. >Peering out the window, you saw the town disintegrate into dust leaving only a shadowy figure on the horizon.
  14. >It giggled.
  15. >Your heart stopped, and you almost forgot how to breathe.
  16. >First it ran, but then it took off into the sky.
  17. >Where did she go?
  18. >A minute no two passed and nothing happened.
  19. >You could have cut the tension with a knife.
  21. >Suddenly the backdoor lock began to jiggle loudly.
  22. >Rushing and nearly tripping, you got to the door.
  23. >It’s closed, but to your horror a window is open letting in a haunting breeze.
  24. >Swiftly, you turn around and look for her to be there, but she isn’t.
  25. >“Where are you, Anon?”
  26. >You cover your mouth so you don’t make a sound.
  27. >Silently, you make your way over to the kitchen and look for anything you could use against her.
  28. >You pull out a kitchen knife from a drawer.
  29. >It and everything else melted like putty in your hands.
  30. >“Anon?”
  31. >In a panic, you look at the cabinets underneath the sink and get in quickly.
  32. >Hooves clopped closer.
  33. >“Hush now.”
  34. >Your heart quickened.
  35. >“Quiet now.”
  36. >It’s beating in your throat.
  37. >“It’s time to rest your sleepy head.”
  38. >She’s right outside the door.
  39. >The door creaks open, blinding you with light.
  40. >“I love YOU, Anon.”
  42. >“Anon, wake up!”
  43. >You’re awake.
  44. >Drenched in sweat, you look around at your surroundings, and began to relax.
  45. >Somehow you fell off your bed again and onto the floor, knocking over your night stand and stack of books. Needless to say your room is trashed.
  46. >looking toward charcoal mare, you noticed she had a worried look, and was in her favorite pajamas with little crescent moons all over it.
  47. >“Are you alright?”
  48. >Rubbing the bridge of your nose, you stood and sighed.
  49. “Yeah, I think so.”
  50. >This is the third time this has happened this week.
  51. >She’s going to ask eventually…
  52. >You sigh and look at the time.
  53. >It’s already time to get up.
  54. >“Okay, I heard something crash and just wanted to make sure everything was alright.”
  55. >You waved her off,
  56. “I’m fine, just… a nightmare.”
  57. >That didn’t stop her from looking worried, and she had every right after seeing the mess you’d caused.
  58. >Getting dressed gave you ample time to run through what you’d say to her in your head if she did ask.
  59. >Shuffling down the hall and into the kitchen, You notice Moonlight is happily eating a fruit parfait.
  60. >You dig into the fridge and pull out the milk, but remembering your nightmare made you put it back and instead grab an apple.
  61. >Biting into the apple, You couldn’t believe it had only been a week since you’d moved in.
  62. >Time really flew by since you didn’t constantly have to dodge Fluttershy.
  63. >That’s something you could get used to.
  64. >“So, what did you dream about?”
  65. >You gulped. Come on Anon, she deserves to know the truth.
  66. “Somebody that I used to know.”
  67. >Smooth Anon… real smooth.
  68. >She finished off her breakfast with a raised brow.
  69. >“They must have left a bad impression on you.”
  70. “You could say that.”
  71. >A moment of awkward silence passed before Moonlight spoke.
  73. >“I’m going to have a friend over for a movie.”
  74. >Without thinking you responded,
  75. “Just keep the moaning down. I have work tomorrow.”
  76. >She blushed bright red, and then stammered,
  77. >“N-not that kind of friend.”
  78. >Okay, that was awkward.
  79. >Before you can apologize Moonlight cleared her throat to break the awkward silence.
  80. “I was wondering if you wanted to join us. It’s a horror movie about vamponies.”
  81. >Why not? It’s not like you had anything else planned for tonight.
  82. “Uh, sure. Do I need to pick anything up from the store?”
  83. >Moonlight brought a hoof to her chin.
  84. >“Yeah, can you pick up a fruit tray?”
  85. >That wouldn’t be a problem, and you’d get to get out in the town and have a look around.
  86. >Something work had been keeping you from doing.
  87. “Yeah, as a matter of fact I’ll do that right now.”
  88. >You get up, put something decent on, grab some bits, and start out the door.
  89. >Finally, you’re out and about. Being cooped up with only books really takes its toll.
  90. >Looking around town for a bit, you managed to kill a few hours.
  91. >Arriving at the store, you suddenly feel out of place as bat ponies flew through isles and almost collided with you twice. This was definitely not P0nyville.
  92. >Catching a few ponies shooting you weird looks, you picked up a fruit tray, and a few peaches from the produce isle and walk over to the register.
  93. >You patiently wait your turn in line until you can pay for your food.
  94. >Ugh, this is going to take forever…
  96. >You are Moonlight
  97. >Anon has been gone for a while to pick up things for tonight, so you’re relaxing in the tub, enjoying having the whole place to yourself.
  98. >A sudden and unexpected knock comes from the front door. It couldn’t be Anon. You'd given him a key already.
  99. >Jumping out of the tub you shook the majority of the water off you, and yelled to the door,
  100. “Coming!”
  101. >Taking off like a rocket, you fly to the door and peek outside to see who it is.
  102. >It’s your childhood friend, Pull Tab. You could always spot Pull Tab from a mile away because of the distinct ribbons she always wore in her hair. She’s much earlier than you expected.
  103. >She lunges, and throws her hooves around your neck.
  104. >“Moony! It’s been forever since I last saw you!”
  105. >She’s strangling you, or so it feels like it. She relents her hug so you can catch your breath and speak.
  106. “Pull Tab, it’s only been like a week and a half.”
  107. >You two walked into the kitchen talking the whole way.
  108. >“I know but it feels like it’s been forever.”
  109. >You roll your eyes with a smile. She was always the worst at keeping time.
  110. “Anon only moved in like a week ago.”
  111. >She nudged your shoulder and grinned deviously.
  112. >“So, what happened with those two from the bar?”
  114. >You could feel your cheeks begin to burn. She wasn’t the p0ny to just take, “They were good,” as an answer. No, she wanted details…
  115. >Gulping, you tried your best to change the subject.
  116. >“Hey Pull Tab, uh how was your week at work?”
  117. >Pull Tab just smiled wider and said,
  118. “Come on, it’s not like I haven’t told you everything that I’ve done.”
  119. >You sigh. It’s not like you can keep it a secret forever…
  120. “Fine, I brought them home. We shared a few drinks, and then I started sucking one while the other began fucking me…”
  121. >Pull Tab leaned closer, listening intently to your sexual escapades.
  122. >“Go on…”
  123. >This was the most embarrassing part, and you knew she’d laugh.
  124. >“Then Anon came to move in. He thought I was in trouble, and burst in and saw everything.”
  125. >Pull Tab held back her laughter with a hoof until she could no longer.
  126. >She burst into laughter and fell to the floor.
  127. >You couldn’t even imagine the shades of red your face was.
  128. >“I can’t believe that happened! He must think you’re a total slut!”
  129. >You look down into the ground feeling ashamed at that. You only wanted to try it once, and not be known for it.
  130. >Waiting for Pull Tab to regain her composure, you try to think of anything to say to that, but you come up with nothing.
  131. >Trotting into the kitchen, both of you sat down at the kitchen table to continue your gossip.
  132. >“By the way, where is Anon? I heard from a few ponies around town that he was some kind of minotaur, and you know what they say about minotaurs.”
  133. >She wiggled her brows.
  134. “He’s not a minotaur, it’s… hard to describe, but he should be home in a few-”
  135. >Pull Tab interrupted before you could finish.
  136. >“Have you made a move on him yet?”
  137. “…”
  138. >You put your head down on the table.
  140. >“That’s… embarrassing. Do you think he waits until marriage?”
  141. >You took a drink of cranberry juice, and then answered,
  142. “I don’t know. I mean I was just joking, trying to lighten up the mood, but I guess he took offense to that.”
  143. >You laid your head back down on the table. Pull Tab looked worried and intrigued.
  144. >“What did he say to you when you apologized?”
  145. >You raised your head up, and tried to remember what Anon had said.
  146. “Something like ‘it brought up painful memories’ or something like that.”
  147. >Pull Tab smiled, and nodded her head.
  148. >“Yup, sounds like a bad break up to me. You should try and talk to him about it. I’m sure he’d open up about it if you just asked.”
  149. >Getting up and walking over to the window, you looked outside and saw Anon walking up the path to the front door.
  150. >Usually Pull Tab’s advice was pretty good, and you didn’t have anything to lose by asking.
  151. >Anon walked in through the front door, and stuck the fruit tray in the fridge.
  152. >He casually tossed a few peach pulpits in the trash and walked over.
  153. “Anon, this is Pull Tab. Pull Tab, Anon.”
  154. >They shook, and said their hellos while you went to get the movie all set up.
  155. >You got the movie and put it in the VCR, and made sure it was rewound.
  156. >Pull Tab’s voice just barely carried to your ears.
  157. >“…told me you two had an unusual first impression.”
  158. >Oh Luna’s eclipsing orgasms. She’s going to embarrass you infront of Anon!
  159. >Rushing with the tape, you tried to get to her before she could say anything else.
  160. >“…more confused than anything. I mean, I don’t really care what she does. It's not my place to judge.”
  161. >Damn this VCR!
  163. >“…made you feel uncomfortable?”
  164. >Oh no, what was she asking now?
  165. >“…guess I overreacted. I haven’t had very many good relationships while I’ve been here.”
  166. >Damn Pull Tab, and her therapist license!
  167. >You wish this piece of crap would go faster, but you’re also listening closely to what they’re talking about.
  168. >“Marefriend or-”
  169. >Anon laughed. Why did he laugh?
  170. >“No, she was never my girlfriend. More like… a stalker."
  171. >The tape finally finished! Wait, what?
  172. >You flutter on over close to the wall to listen in on their conversation.
  173. >“A stalker?”
  174. >Someone stalked him? You could hardly believe your ears.
  175. >“I really don’t like to talk about it.
  176. >A minute passed slowly. He got to his feet, and grabbed some watermelon chunks you had in the fridge.
  177. >Moonlight has been gone for quite a while. I wonder what’s taking her so long?”
  178. >Crap, you barely got to snoop!
  179. >You took a breath and trotted out into the kitchen innocently.
  180. “You guys ready for the movie?”
  181. >Anon walked over to the fridge, and pulled out the fruit tray with a smile.
  182. >“Took you long enough.”
  183. >You furrowed your brows at him.
  184. >“Hey, it took a while for that tape to rewind!”
  185. >He knows!
  186. >“I’m sure it did. Ready to watch the movie?
  187. >You looked at Pull Tab.
  188. >She got up, and trotted past you two shaking her head with a smile.
  189. >You and Anon followed her and got comfortable on the couch.
  190. >You looked at Anon whose handing you a piece of melon.
  191. >Gladly, you took it and smiled.
  192. "You guys ready?"
  193. >Grabbing up the remote, you hit the play button and the movie started.
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