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Aug 1st, 2015
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  1. It can be said to be a fixing of your awareness to the sensory inputs from your six-sense media faculties from moment-to-moment.
  2. It can also be said to be the "freeing" of your awareness--or the opening of your awareness--to the six-sense media from moment-to-moment, rather than allowing the mind to become entangled with objects and carried away with them.
  3. It used to confuse me a lot too, because I was always so deep inside my own head that mindfulness was a really foreign concept until I thought about how I consumed the world via sensory-experience as a child, long before the mind was so heavily bogged down with memory and a habit of projecting into the future.
  4. One thing that can be helpful is to pick one of the senses and pay keen attention to its momentary experiences. This is how I "warm up" for a session, often. I use sound, because it's easier for me, and I pay attention to my hearing as each moment arises and passes, even if I'm hearing nothing at all. Once the mind has settled some, then I slowly begin opening up that moment-to-moment awareness to my other senses.
  5. tldr; /EL15 version: Mindfulness is paying attention to the experience of "self" through each and every moment of time as it passes
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