
Star Wars the Fanfic Awakens

Dec 26th, 2015
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  1. He let go.
  3. Kylo Ren looked down at his vacant hands, eyes overflowing with tears as he let his father take his lightsaber. He dropped to his knees, sobbing as he tried to choke back tears. He put his head in his hands as he wept, emotions overflowing. His father, Han Solo, knelt down and held his conflicted son in his arms.
  4. “It’s okay, Ben,” Han said. “It’s okay. Daddy’s here.”
  6. The First Order stormtroopers were beside themselves, lowering their blasters as they watched their leader weep in to the arms of the man who claimed to be his father. Rey and Finn looked on, taken off guard what’s going on. Chewbaca wasn’t faring any better, utterly speechless. No one knew what to do, the chamber was silent, save for Ren’s sobbing and the sound of the battle outside. Ren looked up to his father, his face red and tears streaking down his face. Emotions washed over his face; fear, remorse, sadness.
  7. “I’m sorry,” Kylo Ren said to his father, chocking out the words. “I’m so sorry.”
  9. Han simply put his hand on his son’s head, stroking his hair. The First Order stormtroopers that surrounded the two dropped their blasters, not seeing anything else to do. Chewbaca turned to the stormtroopers and let out a loud roar, the troopers flinching and running from the snarling alien carrying a heavy bowcaster. Han Solo escorted his son from the bridge.
  10. “C'mon, Ben,” Han said softly. “Let’s get you home.”
  12. Chewey, Han, Finn, Rey, and Kylo all walked from the chamber out in to the snow covered exterior of Starkiller Base. Kylo was leaning on his father's shoulder, still weeping, whispering apologies; for leaving, for falling to the dark side, for following Snoke. Tears streaked down Han's wrinkled face, though his expression was that of relief rather than remorse. Finally, after all these years, after all the heartbreak and the guilt, he had his son back. Ben Solo, after being lost for so long, can now return home. Finn and Rey walked in silence behind the two Solos and flanked by Chewbaca, who pressed the button on the detonator once they were a safe distance out.
  13. They all piled in to the Millennium Falcon and sped off towards the Resistance base, leaving Starkiller Base to its fate.
  17. General Hux ran frantically to the antechamber, trying to get a hold of Supreme Commander Snoke. When the projection of the Supreme Leader finally blinked to existence, he turned and stood at attention as best he could as the First Order's ultimate weapon crumbled around him.
  18. "Supreme leader," he said. "Kylo Ren has betrayed us, reports are coming in that he was last seen boarding the Milennium Falcon with the traitor and Han Solo, sir."
  19. Snoke snarled, furrowing his brow and slamming an enraged fist on to one of the arms of his seat. How could his greatest apprentice be so disloyal? This betrayal would not stand.
  20. "Evacuate immediately," Snoke said in a low rumble, trying to keep the true rage he felt in check. "Once you've returned, dispatch the Knights of Ren to hunt down the traitor and his Resistance allies."
  21. General Hux nodded. "Yes, Supreme Leader, understood."
  24. The planet that was Starkiller Base exploded and the Resistence fighters cheered, their first major victory in so long. The First Order's ultimate weapon, their trump card, was off the figurative table. All Ren could do was watch as something he had helped build be destroyed. Again, conflicting feeling ran through him, coldness formed in the pit of his stomach. Then his father put a hand on his shoulder. Ren looked at him, seeing the warmth that he so sorely needed for the past fifteen years. The two embraced, their arms locked tightly around eachother. Then, a third set of arms joined in the hug. Kylo looked down and saw his mother, bereaved and exhausted, but at the same time relieved and thankful to see her son.
  28. "We can't keep him here," said a Resistence commander. "The First Order will surely come after him with everything they have. He's a liability."
  29. "You're not throwing my son away like garbage, commander," General Leia retorted indignantly. She had already lost her son, her precious Ben, once before and she wouldn't have it happen again.
  30. "I understand what you must be feeling-"
  31. "No, commander," Leia interrupted. "I don't think you do understand what I'm feeling."
  32. "No, mom," Ben said. "He's right. You're all in danger if I stay here. Snoke won't let this betrayal go unpunished. Once they regroup, they'll send everything they have to hunt us down."
  33. The room fell silent for a few minutes before Han broke the silence. "Is there anywhere we can hide you?"
  34. Ben shook his head. "No. The First Order has eyes everywhere, all across the galaxy. There's nowhere to hide. We can only run and keep running."
  36. Just then, BB-8 and the newly awakened R2-D2 wandered in to the center of the room. All attention was drawn to the two droids. R2 projected a map of the galaxy, save for one section of the map being missing. BB turned to Poe, his rightful owner, and beeped at him, telling him to get the map piece he had carried up until now. Once BB-8 had the map piece, he projected the missing piece of the map. The way to Luke Skywalker was finally revealed. The room once again fell silent, stunned. The trail to the last Jedi was finally revealed. Ben and Rey boarded the Falcon, headed towards the planet where Luke was hiding, while Finn stayed behind with the Resistance to receive training as a fighter pilot.
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