
Mother's thoughts.

Apr 2nd, 2018
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  2. >Your name is Convalia. Probably the most bat-ish name in your entire family, all things considered.
  3. >Who thought giving your daughter name Blueberry was a genius no kidding. Oh well, turned out she does have quite a talent for farming blueberries. Now only if she nurtured that talent.
  4. >Sadly, she doesn't. Nonetheless, you do love your daughter, what kind of mother would you be if you didn't.
  5. >And so, you go day in and day out, talking to her about trivial things, like how is she going to fuck her coltfriend. Maybe she does a bit too much.
  6. >Or maybe. Not really, a healthy sex drive never killed anyone. You don't worry too much as she keeps him as her only partner.
  7. >Speaking of the devil, your favorite--and only--blue furred, blue maned, with the specific bat-eyes daughter would come out of her room.
  8. >Today was friday, you wondered what she had in mind.
  9. >You'd greet her as she'd exit her room, a rather messy mane, much unlike what she usually was like.
  10. "Oh, hey mom!" she'd shout happily, trotting up to you.
  11. >You'd ruffle her mane, giggling, but, proceed to grab your little foal up into your hooves, to, for as far as you can tell, she protested.
  12. "Moom, put meh down. Why are ya doing this?"
  13. >You'd shake your head and put her down. Ah. Defiant foals. "Well, where were you going?"
  14. >She'd reply rather readily, of course you expected her to.
  15. "Well, you know, hang out with sandstone, mebbe go out somewhere. That's about it. Hmm.." "I dunno, I'll think about it some more!"
  16. >You'd nod. "Okay, just, stay safe and all, will ya, sweetie?"
  17. >Nonetheless, a few moments after, you'd wave your daughter off, and she'd leave.
  18. >You trusted that she was being honest, and, really it's not like you couldn't of checked if she was doing some funny business at any point.
  19. >You had your sources, after all, every mother concerned about her foal should of.
  20. >With this in mind, and a sense of calamity, you'd trot off into the living room, sit down on the couch, and relax. Your husband wasn't gonna be home for another couple of hours, so you haven't had much to do.
  21. >Masturbation wasn't really your thing, unlike of Blueberry, she sure loved doing that a lot. In quite a lot of different ways, too.
  22. >Indeed, you may have watched your daughter do things with herself once or twice. Never thought there was anything too wrong with that.
  23. >You gave birth to her, so, you get to do pretty much everything with her. Right?
  24. >In any case, finding yourself out of the things to do, a certain idea came to you.
  25. > could snoop around your daughter's room. Hm. That idea didn't seem too bad.
  26. >But, what if she found out, she'd probably question it. Well.
  27. >You'll just make sure she doesn't find out.
  28. >And so, you'd stand up from the couch you were sitting on, contemplating things to do, and you'd trot off towards her room, slowly creaking the door open and finding a..
  29. >Quite a lot less mess than you expected, actually. It wasn't tidy by any means, but it wasn't as half as bad as you expected it to be.
  30. >Which was a pleasant surprise, turns out she did take care of her room a bit.
  31. >After taking in the sighs for a second, of there wasn't that much that you didn't know she had, her bed, blanket, a bunch of pictures of Sandstone, some naked, some..decent.
  32. >Just what have you raised. An odd, overly sexual little foal, that's what. Nothing you ever expected. Oh well.
  33. >You'd walk inside, taking a closer look now, not standing in the doorway anymore like some sorta weirdo. Okay, maybe you were a weirdo for being in her room.
  34. >Unfortunately, there wasn't that much more to see, her room seemed incredibly bland, otherwise. There were some toys thrown around. You'd really have to to tell her to clean up that mess sometime.
  35. >After all, keeping things tidy and clean was good. The window was, much to your surprise, open, the circular-shaped, and rather large white window letting in a lot of cold air from the outside. You sure wondered why.
  36. >Although, you'd keep it up, closing it would let her know that someone was in the room, you could always make the excuse of 'wind did it' but today wasn't a very windy day at all, so that probably wouldn't of worked well.
  37. >And so, you'd exit her room, closing the door, and leaving things the way they were. Still, those pictures being out in the open, framed, of all things.
  38. >Things like that, certainly made you wonder why, after all, what if someone walked into her room, seeing pictures of colt dicks. Not appropriate at all.
  39. >You'd sigh, letting those thoughts pass, as you'd head back into the living room, and think over some things.
  40. >Like, just what was she doing right now. Even though you could of found out, that wasn't the main thing you cared about.
  41. >Blueberry always had the same, already known-to-you routine, she'd go to school, come home, eat, and then go bug Sandstone, the little boy barely came over. Not that he really had to.
  42. >No doubt, his parents already knew that, whenever someone knocked on the door, it was probably your daughter.
  43. >Didn't exactly see that as an issue. And so, you let things go their way. After all, you've heard of them talk about being together 'forever'. While that seems awfully unrealistic to you, they were kids.
  44. >They're a bit older kids now, with, as far as you're aware, both of them turning 13 sometime this year. Not that would change much, you figured, except for their hormones running rampant, if they kicked into puberty.
  45. >Which, on the subject of, Blueberry gave zero thought about, she was just busy having sex, studying, and well, playing, being a filly.
  46. >Not that it was a bad thing, it was just something she'd have to consider, in due time, anyways.
  47. >You'd stop your long, very very long internal monologue, and decide that, now it's a good idea to go outside, and well, do something.
  48. >Maybe find someone to talk. You were ever-so-slightly bored, sure, you could of done a lot of things such as make dinner-
  49. >Right. Dinner. You really do need to do that. But, later. Maybe you'll cook with Blueberry, assuming she's back, 4 at the latest 6PM. Looking at the clock you realize it's quite early, looking at the clock, you'd find out that it's 10AM.
  50. >And, so, you'd finally leave your house, and look around.
  51. >The streets were empty, it was chilly, you regret not taking a coat. Still wasn't too late to go back, but you push onward.
  52. >And so, you'd trot around the rather empty ponyville, you could notice some ponies running, though. Maybe they were just late to work.
  53. >Highly unlikely. Despite living in ponyville for a long time, you always thought it was sucha an odd place, hollow shades is a lot calmer.
  54. >And you like that, peace and serenity. That was your type of thing. At least you weren't living in manehattan, that place was probably a lot lot worse!
  55. >You figure you could go for a cake, but you forgot your wallet, so you can't really buy anything. Sigh.
  56. >Again, you wanted to find someone to talk with but you didn't think that was gonna work too well with no one in sight.
  57. >And so, you'd slowly wander around the town, through the town and into the park. Maybe you should stop there for a second.
  58. >You sometimes wish you worked, you certainly could, you weren't old at all, having a 12 year old daughter with odd hobbies meant a bit of..tough parenting, at times, but still.
  59. >It's not like she was home most of the time, all she did was go to school, come home and expect you to make dinner all the time.
  60. >Maybe that'd have to change one day, teach her to cook her own food. You'd contemplate this, and proceed to find a nearest bench to sit down on.
  61. >Unfortunately for you, it was cold, and not the cold you like, it was freezing your butt cold.
  62. >It was, however, only a minor nuisance really, you could of lived through it.
  63. >Besides, it would soon warm up from your body heat, and become comfortable to sit on. Allowing you think again.
  64. >And, you came to a conclusion that, perhaps thinking of such way about your daughter was a bit rough. Maybe she couldn't do all the important stuff on her own yet.
  65. >You'd sigh deeply, hoping that somepony would pass around, the sun was slowly rising up to it's peak as time would pass, and the air would get slightly warmer as the time went on. Even the birds started singing.
  66. >That was a nice detail, here in ponyville. You never got birds back in your hometown.
  67. >And, most bats seemed to be fine that way, you however, given your extensive time spend in this place, adapted to that.
  68. >And, the attitude of everyone around you was whole lot different to, had different standards.
  69. >Unless you were a foal, turns out that a lot of stuff that wouldn't pass somewhere else, was let slip off here, in ponville.
  70. >Maybe that was one of the reasons why Blueberry was doing all the things she did, knowing there would be no consequences for her.
  71. >Or, maybe she's just a curious filly, with a slightly corrupt mind. That was certainly not your doing.
  72. >You raised her well, it was a matter of nature taking it's course. She hasn't really been the same since her first estrus hit her.
  73. >Sometimes, you think if it wouldn't of been better to keep her home, and keep her in her room, claiming it was a 'sickness' she would of believed it, because she didn't know better.
  74. >You figure it wouldn't work well now, of course. But, only time would tell what she's gonna do during her next estrus.
  75. >You spend another couple of moments sitting down on the bench, then standing up and, just as you'd start trotting off home, disappointed you haven't found anyone to spend time with, you'd bump into somepony.
  76. >You can't really tell into who at first, but from what you could tell, their stature wasn't that dissimilar to yours.
  77. >After spending a few seconds looking at em', you'd see it was another mare,not a bat, rather, an pegasus, a species seemingly fairly common to see down here in ponyville.
  78. >"Ah, I apologize. I didn't see you there."
  79. >The mare, who had a flush green coat, and eyes to match, with her mane sharing a two-tone blue and green. Not that of an uncommon appearance. Her wings shared the same color as her coat did, naturally. But, while you were busy checking her out, she'd speak up and apologize as well.
  80. "Oh, it's fine, don't stress it. I was heading off home to my kid anyways. I need to make him a dinner." "He always gets oh so angry when his demands aren't met." "He's really much like his father! Unbelievable." and with that, she'd start trotting away.
  81. >You'd nod, and just as she was about to leave you'd speak again, in an order to stop her.
  82. >"Hey, wait. I have a foal as well, a daughter."
  83. >The mare would slow down, stopping after a while and turning around.
  84. "Oh? You wouldn't happen to have any parenting advice to share, would you?" she'd ask, surprising to you, for sure. You did want someone to talk to, but that was direct, for someone you met first time in your life.
  85. >"How about you come over here, and sit on the bench, and ask me what exactly's bothering you and your little one?"
  86. >She'd nod, but, respond with a;
  87. "Ah, fine. But I must be going, as I said. I need to make dinner!" "Oh, and what is your name?" "I'm sugarpop."
  88. >"It's fine, I won't take up too much of your time. I just went out for a morning walk before she comes home." "Convalia. And..what kind of advice would you need?"
  89. "I see. That's an unusual name. Well, my son's been trying to become a lot more indepdent as of late, maybe I should of had it coming, since he's going to be turning 14 rather soon, but. Ah. It's hard to accept."
  90. >You'd nod. Yeah, you felt that way with Blueberry some of the time. Except that you were giving her a lot more freedom. "Ah, well. My little one's going to be turning 13 in a couple of months."
  91. >Makes me worry sometimes. I've heard that her estrus season will get worse, and it's not like she can control herself all too well..she and her boyfriend do things together a bit too much. I worry about her sometimes."
  92. >"I know they're loyal, but, still." you wanted to say more, but you would be interrupted halfway by the other mare, an confused look on her face would come up, almost as if she's just seen a ghost, or something.
  93. "A c-coltfriend?" "Don't you think she's a bit too young for that."
  94. >You'd blink, you gave it much thought in the past, that you did. You didn't really think she was too young to be dating, she seemed responsible enough. "Well, I don't really think she's too young, she's a responsible filly. I'd say my husband and I have done a good job at making it so."
  95. >"But..I am a bit worried about her sexual activity. It's quite evident, almost as what you'd expect from a teenager."
  96. >Sugarpop would nod, shock now gone from her face, but she was surprised, no doubt. "Sex at such a young age..ah. Well, I can't say much, today's youth is strange. We didn't really think of such things back then."
  97. >And, really. You weren't. You met your first boyfriend, and your current husband, at 22, someone might say that's too late, but you had Blueberry not much longer after, and everything went just fine.
  98. >The filly sure enough picked up most of your genes!
  99. >You'd nod, and agree. "Yes, this is true I, for one, haven't had my first sexual experience until 20, and that was with some young buck at a party. I was much more active back then. However, I haven't started dating until two years after."
  100. "Ah, I understand. Well, I can't say I gave my boy the same sort of education you've given to your filly. Of course, that's because colts don't go into estrus, and I always thought they taught them all of that in school, now have they not?"
  101. >From what youve known, they didn't, not in hollow shades, at least. "Not back where we lived. I am unsure about education system here."
  102. "Well, I believe they tell them all the important bits and pieces, so I never bothered. But, perhaps, if I had a filly facing estrus, and she was really young, maybe it would of been best to keep it a secret from her for a couple of years."
  103. "Just have her take medicine until she was older."
  104. >You were never an advocate of medical procedures, or something. Always willing for things to take their natural course if possible, which it was most of the cases thankfully.
  105. >"Ah, I see. I am more for the traditional things, best teach her the way it is, even if she is young. They have to learn eventually is what I'm saying. Postponing it works, but, they won't learn what it is by some magical means. Someone has to tell them."
  106. "I guess that's true. But there's still too young of an age, miss Convalia."
  107. >"Mmfh. Well, in any case. You said he requires independence, well, how about you let him have a taste of it, have him do some of the things on his own." "We were also teenagers at one point, and didn't understand that, we really can't do all the things on our own."
  108. >"So, he has to learn how to cope on his own, after all, he wants you to poke less into his life. Well, let him start start taking care of his, and if he can't, you get to poke into his life, as long as he needs your help."
  109. >"And he will, that's for certain. Sometimes you need to be a bit rough with your children, they have to learn some things."
  110. >She'd nod, and speak up once again.
  111. "Well, I can't say if you apply those parenting methods to your daughter, but seems about's just that, he's my first child." you'd cut her off and add up a simple.
  112. >"So is mine. Don't mean that one shouldn't educate themselves on parenting. After all, it's been twelve, and fourteen years for you, and me respectively. Things change from when they were babies."
  113. >She'd nod, and stand up.
  114. "I see. Yeah, I'd say you're right. Well, I really have to be running off now. Maybe we'll meet again, goodbye!"
  115. >The mare left off rather hurriedly, off to feed her kid, you supposed. Unfortunately for you, you still had some time to spend.
  116. >Sometimes, you wished you were there more to watch over Blueberry, but alas. It is what it is.
  117. >You'd spend the few hours back at home, cooking a healthy vegetable stew for Blueberry, she'd be back home as expected, and you'd prod the usual.
  118. >"And, what was my little filly doing?"
  119. "A lawt! Playing, had a race with Sandstone but I lost..ehm, I also went for ice-cream and all, yeesh." "And a bit more.." she'd say with a blush on her face. You generally knew what that meant, and never really prodded her about it.
  120. >Just confirming she was fine was enough, really. And so, she'd run off towards her room, the filly would probably ask for food in a little while. You figure she ate well with that colt. She was safe with him.
  121. >That was really only thing that mattered. Maybe they'd actually marry one day, contrary to what you believed at first, their love sure has been consistent for the last year. Too early to tell, but. Some of the couples weren't together.
  122. >Perhaps. You'd just have to wait. After all, your role was that of a watcher, a guardian. Not someone to spy every aspect of your foal's life. And that's exactly what you were doing. Caring for her, protecting her, and loving her. Really all that mattered.
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