
Anon and IE part four

Mar 20th, 2013
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  1. >You wake up the next morning to your alarm.
  2. >After blaming every god you can think of, you sit up and turn it off.
  3. >Looking over, you can see IE sleeping peacefully even after that .
  4. >She was even twitching a little bit.
  5. >Holy crap that’s cute.
  6. >You decide to let her sleep a little longer and head to the kitchen.
  7. >After rummaging around for a bit, you discover that you have almost no food left.
  8. >There are a few pieces of bread left though, so you pop a slice into the toaster and get the jam out.
  9. >You also pour yourself a glass Sunny-D
  10. >Breakfast of champions.
  11. >A few minutes later your toast is ready, so you prepare your delicious feast when IE walks in.
  12. >Her mane is a little messed up, but it only makes her look cuter.
  13. “Good morning IE. How’d you sleep?”
  14. >You take a bite of your toast as IE hops onto a chair.
  15. >”I slept wonderfully Anon! Or at least I think so. I had never slept before, but it wasn’t bad, so it had to be good!”
  16. >She smiled happily up at you.
  17. >How could anything be this happy this early?
  18. “Well, that’s good. I think.”
  19. >You take another bite of your toast and she looks at you with wide eyes.
  20. >Crap, she’s probably hungry too.
  21. >Do ponies like toast?
  22. >Because that’s all there is to eat.
  23. “Um, would you like some toast IE?”
  24. >”Hold on let me check.”
  25. >Her eyes glaze over and she stares at nothing.
  26. >That’s probably how they browse the internet without putting up a floating screen.
  27. >That’s pretty damn cool.
  28. >You finish the toast and wash it down with your juice as you wait for a response.
  29. >A minute passes.
  30. >And another.
  31. >Screw it, who doesn’t like toast.
  32. >You put some bread into the toaster and wait for IE to respond.
  33. >While she’s on the internet you take this chance to examine her more.
  34. >Well, the only thing that you didn’t notice before was that she had the IE symbol on her…flank.
  35. >Other than that, there wasn’t much about her.
  36. >Her coat was deep blue, and her mane was a gold color like her eyes.
  37. >You had to admit, the way her mane looked in the light made it appear like it was glowing.
  38. >Finally, she snapped back to reality and responded in the affirmative.
  39. “Well good, ‘cause it’s almost ready.”
  40. >Just as you finish your statement the toaster pops up the toast.
  41. >Perfect timing ftw.
  42. >”I’ll have mine with eggs please.”
  43. >Oh. So she was looking up gourmet toast recipes.
  44. “Sorry IE, we’re fresh out of eggs. And everything else, for that matter. How about jam instead?”
  45. >”Oh ok. That works too.”
  46. >Nothing seems to bring her down.
  47. >You jam up her toast and hand it to her.
  48. >After holding it out there for a second, you remember that hands were an important part of holding things.
  49. >So you feed it to her piece by piece.
  50. >She seemed to enjoy it a lot.
  51. >There was a lot of ‘MMM’s and other happy noises, so you can only assume.
  52. >After you finish feeding her, you slide your juice over to her, which she also liked.
  53. >What didn’t this pony like?
  54. >”Hey Anon, what are we gonna do today? Play games? Read the news? You could always-“
  55. “Um, I have to go to work, so I won’t be able to play with you until I get back.”
  56. >IE seemed disappointed, but you’ll make it up to her later.
  57. >”Oh, ok Anon. We can always play when you get home, promise?”
  58. >You promise her, and she immediately brightens up.
  59. >You smile at her and rub the top of her head as you walk back to your room.
  60. >”So what are you doing now Anon?”
  61. “I’m getting ready for work IE.”
  62. >”That sounds fun! Ima follow you around, ok?”
  63. >You just nod in agreement and she trots after you.
  64. >After brushing your teeth and shaving, you pull out your work clothes and undress.
  65. >You glance over at IE, and she is watching you intently.
  66. >After she notices you looking at her, she quickly looks away and starts getting red.
  67. >You finish getting dress and call over to IE.
  68. “Ok, you can continue admiring me now.”
  69. >She looks over and giggles.
  70. >At least someone likes your stupid jokes.
  71. >”Oh! Oh! I just had a great idea Anon!”
  72. >She bounded over to you and but her hooves on your thighs, looking up at you with such excitement that you thought she would burst.
  73. >”What if I came to work with you? Wouldn’t that be great?”
  74. >She then proceeded to jump around in circles at your feet.
  75. >That actually was a pretty good idea.
  76. >You open your mouth to speak, but then you remember that your boss was a tightass when it came to animals.
  77. >He almost had a heart attack when a squirrel found it’s way into his office.
  78. >Best day of work ever.
  79. “Sorry IE, but I doubt my boss would be too thrilled about you.”
  80. >She stops her bouncing and looks at you with sad eyes.
  81. >You could hear your heart shattering.
  82. >But she perked up again and gave you a small smile.
  83. >”Oh well, we can always play when you get home.”
  84. >You smile at her, then look over at your clock.
  85. >Crap, you were going to be late if you didn’t hurry up.
  86. “Well, I have to go now. Try not to break anything or burn the house down, ok?”
  87. >She giggles again and nods.
  88. >That is the cutest sound you have ever heard come out of a living being.
  89. >You go to leave, but you quickly scoop up IE and hug her.
  90. >She gave a small yelp when you picked her up, but she quickly hugged you back.
  91. >After a few minutes, you set her down and waved goodbye.
  92. >She waved back and said “I’ll be waiting for you Anon! Don’t be late!”
  93. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
  94. >And with that, you walked out the door and locked it.
  95. >It was going to be a long day
  96. >But at least you had something to look forward to.
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