

Aug 30th, 2015
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  1. Then it was time for [b]John Cena[/b] vs [b]Cesaro[/b]. Cena entered in his usual style, saluting the crowd, throwing his shirt to a fan, all that jazz. Cesaro entered in a special BRC beret and jacket, sneering at the crowd. As he entered the ring and removed his jacket, he looked like he was going to throw it to a fan, but just tossed it gently into the corner before smirking to hard cam and doing his arm guns taunt.
  3. Before the bell rang, the ref checked both men, and Cena offered a handshake. Cesaro looked at Cena, then at the hand, then back at Cena, before accepting the handshake. The bell rang, and they locked up, going through a litany of holds as the match began. Cena got the early advantage with a headlock, but Cesaro reversed it into a backdrop. Cesaro got Cena into a double underhook, and brought him up for a powerbomb, but Cena reversed it into a back body drop. Cesaro landed on his feet, however, and hit the ropes before delivering the first European uppercut of the match. Cena was caught off guard, and stumbled to the ropes, but got a running start on his way back and went for a clothesline. Cesaro ducked the clothesline, and they went into a sequence. Cena hit the ropes again, Cesaro ducked under him. Cena hit the ropes again, Cesaro leapfrogged him and hit the ropes. Both men rebounded off the ropes, Cena went for another clothesline, Cesaro ducked it and hooked him in for a bridging German Suplex!
  5. 1...2, Cena kicked out and went back on the offensive, hitting Cesaro with a hard elbow before whipping him to the ropes. As Cesaro rebounded, Cena knocked him to the mat with a running shoulderblock before leaning over and signaling for the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena hit the ropes, but as he rebounded, Cesaro kipped up to his feet, and hoisted Cena up for the Swiss Death Uppercut! Cena crashed to the mat, and Cesaro whipped his finger around in the air, signaling for the Cesaro Swing! He grabbed Cena by the legs, but before he could start the rotations, Cena pulled him in for a Small Package!
  7. 1...2, Cesaro reversed the pressure, flipping Cena's shoulders onto the mat!
  8. 1...2, Cena reversed the pressure, putting Cesaro in a pinning predicament!
  9. 1...2, Cesaro reversed into a backslide, but pulled Cena off the mat before crossing his arms and driving him to the mat with the Ricola Bomb!
  10. 1...2...2.9, Cena kicked out! Cesaro was incensed, and pulled Cena off the mat, setting him up for the Neutralizer, but Cena reversed it into a back body drop. Cesaro flipped through yet again, landing on his feet and hitting the ropes, but Cena saw him coming, and hit him on the rebound, driving him to the mat with a Huricanrana!
  11. 1...2, Cesaro reversed the pressure again, putting Cena's shoulders on the mat!
  12. 1...2, Cena got the shoulder up! Cesaro still had Cena's legs, though, and set him up for the Giant Swing! This time, he was able to get it really going, spinning Cena around as the crowd chanted along.
  14. "1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8..9..10...11...12...13...14...15...16...17...18...19...20!" At 20, Cesaro released, sending Cena flying right to the apron. Cena staggered to his feet on the outside corner, still dizzy from the swing, and Cesaro capitalized, getting Cena in position for the deadlift superplex! He hoisted once, he hoisted twice, but Cena still had his wits about him, and went for a headbutt! He went wide, though, and drove his forehead straight into Cesaro's shoulder! This knocked Cena for a loop, and Cesaro was able to lift him right up for the deadlift superplex! Both men crashed to the mat, but Cesaro was able to get to his feet, and smirked to the hard cam before taunting Cena and hitting the ropes for the Five Knuckle Shuffle! It hit home, and Cena started getting to his feet, only to be picked up for an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! Cesaro hit it, but Cena landed on his feet, and hit the ropes for a lariat, finally hitting home and knocking Cesaro to the mat! Cena taunted for the Five Knuckle Shuffle, hit the ropes, hit the fist drop, and got Cesaro up for the Attitude Adjustment, slamming Cesaro right to the mat before going for the cover.
  16. 1...2...2.9, Cesaro kicked out! Cena pulled Cesaro right back up for another AA, but Cesaro dropped out and hit another bridging German on Cena, but before the ref could count the pin, Cesaro flipped over into a leg-roll clutch and pulled Cena back up, hooking in a Tiger Suplex! Cesaro drove Cena's neck and shoulders into the mat, and bridged for the pin.
  18. 1...2...2.9, Cena kicked out! Cesaro could not believe it, and pulled Cena to his feet, whipping him to the ropes for another Swiss Death, but Cena caught him on the way back down with another Huricanrana!
  20. 1...2...2.9, Cesaro reversed into the Swing again, but before he could start the rotations, Cena pulled him in, rolling through and emerging on his feet with Cesaro in position for an Attitude Adjustment! He went for it, but Cesaro dropped out in front of Cena, and hooked him in position for another Ricola Bomb! Cena reversed it into a back body drop, Cesaro landed on his feet, they both ran for the ropes, but Cena went for a handspring, catching Cesaro on the rebound into an ACE CRUSHER! But before he could drop to the mat, Cesaro caught him, struggled out, flipped Cena around into a double underhook, and hit a Tigerdriver before transitioning into another Giant Swing!
  22. "1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8..9..10...11...12...13...14...15...16...17...18...19...20...21...22...23...24...25...26...27...28...29...30...31...32...33...34...35...36...37...38...39...40...41...42...43...44...45...46...47...48...49...50!" After 50 full rotations, Cesaro stopped the rotations, pulled the dazed Cena to his feet, and hit a spinning European Uppercut!
  24. [b]1...2...3! Cesaro has beaten John Cena![/b]
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