

May 8th, 2017
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  1. If you're reading this then it's likely that you are among those who this pastebin is intended for. I've been meaning to permanently quit and leave smogon for months now. I honestly have not enjoyed the game for ages and honestly have found the competitive side of things more trouble than it's worth. However, my friends on here have made smogon an enjoyable social experience, and it's been a pleasure to get to know so many different people from across the world. For that, I thank all of you. However, at this point in my life, I really cannot afford to spend my free time hanging out on discord or showdown; while enjoyable, it's not a productive use of my time. Honestly, my real-life hobbies-- spending time with friends, working out, reading, playing tennis -- have been neglected because of this addicting game. Ultimately, while I enjoy the people I spend time with on smogon, my overall happiness has been negatively impacted by the time I spend on here. Consequently, I've decided to completely cut ties with anything smogon-related, including skype contacts, discord servers, forum presence, and PS presence.
  3. This might come off as a very sudden decision, but I want to emphasize that this is no-ones 'fault;' it's a personal decision and is just something I have to do. I'll try to end this on a positive note by giving those who've I've enjoyed interacting with a shoutout. I'd like to thank everyone as well for putting up with my fiery personality. I recognize that I'm too blunt and sarcastic at times, but that's just the way I am and it's not going to change anytime soon. If I've missed you in my shoutouts then it likely wasn't intentional, so please don't take offence.
  5. ----------
  6. Mr Perry
  7. You're one of the first dudes I meet on here and are probably one of the nicest and most genuine person I've had the pleasure of getting to know. You always have something nice to say and have a good attitude, and I appreciate you for that. Keep on contributing the way you have been doing now, and you're going places, not just on smogon but in real life as well.
  9. Tibbz
  10. Man we have some history. I've always enjoyed our talks about what the best 1:00 am drunk snack is, or what the best hangover food is, or even what the best shit mon to build around could be. I'm very proud of how far you've come in real life considering all that has happened with you, and am truly happy to see things be good for you. I hope everything with your girlfriend has been smooth and I'm always down to talk on skype whenever you're free.
  12. Anish
  13. A hardworking guy who's come so far with rating. I admire your tenacity and willingness to improve. You've got a great attitude and outlook on things that's always refreshing to see.
  15. Qplaz
  16. I love your sense of humour and have always enjoyed our random AG or monotype randats showdowns. You've always been fun to talk to and have been a good friend for the time we've known each other.
  18. DennisEG
  19. I've always looked up to you as a rater, and have always been amazed at the recommendations you make when changing someone's team. I remember thinking "damn how did he think of that" when we worked on rating vids, plus I always enjoyed making fun of your potato phone or whatever you used to record :D. You were also one of the first dudes to approach me with rating tips, which is something that means a lot.
  21. Futatsuiwa of Sado
  22. One of the coolest and funniest people out there. Everything about you is always so positive and full of life, and you always add your own flair to everything, which is awesome to see. You also helped me with rating a while back, which I appreciate greatly, but your sense of humour and some of the chats and battles we've had will always give me a smile when reminiscing in the future.
  24. PlayerW17
  25. I remember first meeting you in a room tour where I got smashed into the dirt by your stall. That was a memorable experience and made me a much better player, because honestly losing to something that looks as retarded as Quagsire leaves a mental scar. You were one of the first guys I met on PS, and I remember when you were a regular user. How things change! You've always been a nice dude to just chat with about anything, and I've glad that you haven't changed or have been too influenced by the power you've gained.
  27. Prooo
  28. Whew have we had our ups and downs! You've always been a funny dude who takes things a bit to seriously, but I nonetheless enjoyed the time we've interacted with each other.
  30. RedzoneX
  31. Someone who appreciates my sarcastic and blunt nature. Also you have an incredible sense of wit and sarcasm yourself, which I love seeing in people. Again, you're someone I've known since you were a regular user, but damn you've come far. Keep on doing you and sending people who say dumb shit into Scholastic; please don't mute me though.
  33. Streams
  34. We sorta just stopped talking, but I guess life has its way of doing that. Despite being a filthy, fried chicken eating American from texas, you were always a cool dude to talk to, and I enjoyed producing youtube content with you. I'm still coming down to Texas to smash you in Tennis though! That day will come!
  36. Miven
  37. Damn another really nice guy. I've always enjoyed interacting with you and have always enjoyed our UU-related discussions. I hope life continues to be good and I hope that you stay as the nice and approachable person you are now.
  39. Eht
  40. You're tied with the nicest person I've met on smogon! Your presence in the UU discord and room on PS! always lights things up. I appreciate how positive you always are and how you always go out of your way to help people out. Always remember that people genuinly appreciate you, and are thankful for the kindness and helpfulness you offer when you're around.
  42. Nv
  43. And this is whomst'd eht is tied with! I remember rating UU teams with you in RMT and how well we always worked together. It was so gratifying working with someone who had a similar mindset. I also enjoyed our talks about UU, life. and CAP (finally another CAP lover), and I am still amazed how you carry such a kind demeanor all the time. Maybe I'm just a cynical bastard who doesn't understand it, but genuinly kind people like you are what makes me retain my faith in people, even when circumstances often subject otherwise.
  45. wuhoodude
  46. You've come a long way and have become a very strong UU player. I'm happy that I've helped you reach this level of skill and it equally makes me happy that the time I spent in RMT to help improve others has not gone to waste.
  48. Team Pokepals
  49. We are very different people, but I'm glad I've gotten to know and understand someone who shares an entirely different view of things to me. We've definitely had our disagreements, but you've always shown me compassion and respect even when admittedly I've acted in ways where it wasn't deserved. You're incredibly patient and level-headed, which are admirable traits which I can definitely learn from. Despite our differences, we've always worked really well together, and have had some pretty awesome talks on skype and discord, which I still remember. Although next time I see you use Ferrothorn or Toxapex hyper offence I'm going to eat a pencil.
  51. Baton Mash
  52. I think you're what happens when you mix all the good traits of people into one person: helpful, kind, funny, and always chill. For real though, you're a really cool guy who I'm glad to have met and gotten to know.
  54. Ez
  55. You really helped step up my oras game, and I am very grateful. After your tutoring, I was able to break 1800 in OU and get top 4 in UU easily, all thanks to the tips you gave me. I'm amazed at the deep understanding of this game you have, and honestly you have so much potential, so keep at it bro.
  57. Surgeon
  58. I've always enjoyed talking about anything UU related -- suspect talks, building teams, rating each other's teams, or talking about how retarded the ladder can be (scarf darmanitan hype). You've always been nice to me as well despite my fiery personality, which I truly appreciate. I'm going to miss talking with you but I hope that if I start enjoying this game again and return, you'll still be here.
  59. ----------
  61. I'll always remember you all. This isn't the end though; I hope our paths will cross again. It's been real:
  63. As a memento, here are all of the teams I've made in ORAS and SM that have worked well: Enjoy and goodbye n_n
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