
Beatrix Motte

Sep 24th, 2016
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  1. Name: Beatrix Motte
  2. Mug:
  3. Class: Priest trainee -> Troubador [s]Maid[/s] -> Valkyrie
  4. Character Specific Skill: Blossom
  5. Affinity:
  6. Personal Fault: What sort of maid rides a horse: Permanently dismounted.
  7. Personal Skill: Bodyguard's Pride: When adjacent to Shaelynn, +2 DEF.
  8. Personal Skill: Combat Maid: When within 3 spaces of 3 or more enemies, +15 EVA.
  10. Preferred stats: RES, LUK
  12. Weapon profs: Healing (C), Sidearms (C), Staves (D), Swords (D)
  14. Level: 1 (0/100)
  15. Total Level: 1
  17. Progression spent: 360%
  19. HP: 15 (50%)
  20. STR: 2+2 (50%)
  21. MAG: 3+2 (55%)
  22. SKL: 1 (45%)
  23. CON: 4
  24. AID: 3
  25. LUK: 4 (30%)
  26. DEF: 1 (40%)
  27. RES: 6 (40%) [5% goes here]
  28. SPD: 5 (60%)
  29. MOV: 4
  31. Current stats:
  33. HP: 15 (50%)
  34. STR: 4 (50%)
  35. MAG: 5 (55%)
  36. SKL: 1 (45%)
  37. CON: 4
  38. AID: 3
  39. LUK: 4 (30%)
  40. DEF: 1 (30%)
  41. RES: 6 (50%)
  42. SPD: 5 (60%)
  43. MOV: 4
  45. Inventory:
  46. Name Type () RNG WT MT Hit CR QL
  47. Heal Heal (E) 1 - - --- -- 30
  48. Vulnerary (3/3)
  50. Bio: There isn't much to say about Beatrix Motte other than that she is ordinary. She works as a maid for the Peritz family and takes her job seriously. However, that doesn't mean she's a perfect maid or a workaholic. She's just there to do her job as well as she can. She has had basic training on how to work a healing staff for emergencies and is capable of defending herself in close quarters combat.
  52. In light of Shaelynn's recent exposure to danger and her close call with death, Beatrix has been assigned to guard the danger prone Peritz, with her life if need be. While most of her fellow maids would sooner resign than be assigned to Shaelynn 24/7, due to the mistreatment (some would say abuse) they suffered at her hands. Beatrix views it as a mix between an honor and a challenge, a test of her abilities in a way.
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