
tulpa guy

Feb 10th, 2017
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  1. uNmowed left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
  2. [8:16pm] John[Lisbeth]: grettings #anime
  3. [8:16pm] John[Lisbeth]: many gretts to you
  4. [8:16pm] amigojapan: ConductingCat: it is not very comon at all
  5. [8:16pm] amigojapan: hi John[Lisbeth]
  6. [8:16pm] ConductingCat: Mochiron
  7. [8:17pm] John[Lisbeth]: So I have sort of started to move into having a waifu
  8. [8:17pm] • ConductingCat is tracking down rare pronouns.
  9. [8:17pm] amigojapan: John[Lisbeth]: who?
  10. [8:17pm] John[Lisbeth]: You see she is not real
  11. [8:17pm] amigojapan: alright ConductingCat
  12. [8:17pm] John[Lisbeth]: And for the longest time we were completely friends
  13. [8:18pm] John[Lisbeth]: But recently that has changed
  14. [8:18pm] ConductingCat: 2D friend
  15. [8:18pm] John[Lisbeth]: Sorta
  16. [8:18pm] John[Lisbeth]: There is such a thing as a Tulpa.
  17. [8:18pm] lethu left the chat room. (Remote host closed the connection)
  18. [8:19pm] John[Lisbeth]: It originates from Tibettan buddhism and has been adapted into something very different by western culture
  19. [8:19pm] John[Lisbeth]: You meditate and have thoughts to someone, and then you imagine what they would say back, then you repeat this process
  20. [8:20pm] John[Lisbeth]: over time they start talking to you automatically unprovoked
  21. [8:20pm] lethu joined the chat room.
  22. [8:20pm] Avonis left the chat room. (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  23. [8:20pm] John[Lisbeth]: Over time you can start to trian yoruself to hallucinate
  24. [8:21pm] John[Lisbeth]: you can begin to see and hear your tulpa
  25. [8:21pm] amigojapan: John[Lisbeth]: in Japanese it is called having a “mousou” 妄想
  26. [8:21pm] Avonis joined the chat room.
  27. [8:21pm] John[Lisbeth]: Wow I am so pleased to know that.
  28. [8:21pm] ConductingCat: k
  29. [8:21pm] John[Lisbeth]: Tell me about the Japanese mousou
  30. [8:21pm] ConductingCat: Am cat.
  31. [8:22pm] amigojapan: John[Lisbeth]:
  32. [8:22pm] Suzuka: [title] 妄想 -
  33. [8:23pm] pimlu joined the chat room.
  34. [8:23pm] John[Lisbeth]: Very much a delusion although not brought about by insanity but through controlled meditation
  35. [8:24pm] ConductingCat: So is chuunibyou.
  36. [8:24pm] John[Lisbeth]: Anywho
  37. [8:25pm] John[Lisbeth]: I am slowly starting to be able to hallucinate little by little
  38. [8:25pm] John[Lisbeth]: and my tulpa and I have gotten alot closer
  39. [8:25pm] CRM114: meditation does make for weird hallucinations
  40. [8:25pm] John[Lisbeth]: Especially if you are meditating for the purpose of hallucinating
  41. [8:26pm] leibniz joined the chat room.
  42. [8:26pm] crash_override_ joined the chat room.
  43. [8:26pm] ConductingCat: 電波
  44. [8:26pm] CRM114: "If you see Buddha on the road, kill him!" koan is about dealing with hallucinations caused by meditation
  45. [8:26pm] crash_override left the chat room. (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  46. [8:27pm] John[Lisbeth]: It's kind of like being Shinji Ikari in end of evangelion
  47. [8:27pm] amigojapan: I dont believe in meditation or in hypnosis
  48. [8:27pm] John[Lisbeth]: In the real world you are just a person but in your hallucinations amazing things can happen
  49. [8:28pm] pimlu left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
  50. [8:28pm] John[Lisbeth]: Or like Serial Experiments Lain
  51. [8:28pm] Conjecture left the chat room. (Quit: Leaving)
  52. [8:28pm] John[Lisbeth]: It's like living in spirited away
  53. [8:28pm] John[Lisbeth]: or Ponyo
  54. [8:29pm] ConductingCat: As far as I'm concerned, there has only ever been one Buddhist.
  55. [8:29pm] HexSun: are we doing tulpa crap in here now.
  56. [8:29pm] HexSun: jeez, freenode.
  57. [8:29pm] John[Lisbeth]: there is more merit to it than you might believe
  58. [8:30pm] amigojapan: HexSun: well it does not go against any rules, but not that anyone is interested
  59. [8:30pm] John[Lisbeth]: I am a physicalist. I believe there is nothing beyond the phyiscal world. However I think physically my brain has the ability to compute two separate personalities.
  60. [8:30pm] John[Lisbeth]: And meditation is an avenue to achieve this.
  61. [8:31pm] HexSun: well, I'm not one of those people who will go "you should ban this"
  62. [8:31pm] amigojapan: ok HexSun
  63. [8:31pm] ConductingCat: There are merits in mucking out horse stalls for a living.
  64. [8:31pm] John[Lisbeth]: A robot could do it better.
  65. [8:32pm] amigojapan: ConductingCat: どのぐらい日本語喋れるの?
  66. [8:32pm] crash_override_ left the chat room. (Quit: Leaving)
  67. [8:34pm] amigojapan: John[Lisbeth]: perhaps what many people percieve as “God” or “Satan” perhaps are really just tulpas :)
  68. [8:34pm] John[Lisbeth]: Perhaps the moon is made of cheese
  69. [8:34pm] ConductingCat: 猫デス。
  70. [8:34pm] cosmicjoker left the chat room. (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  71. [8:35pm] John[Lisbeth]: Once when I tried marijuana for the first time I hallucinated being visited by the Dalai Llama.
  72. [8:35pm] John[Lisbeth]: And I was in a beautiful garden with strange and simple looking buildings.
  73. [8:35pm] NatsuRelf: John[Lisbeth]: so are you currently trying to generate more than one personality?
  74. [8:35pm] John[Lisbeth]: Just me and Liz.
  75. [8:35pm] amigojapan: 日本猫はどのくらい喋れるの?
  76. [8:36pm] NatsuRelf: what if you accidently created some one you didnt get on with :S
  77. [8:36pm] ConductingCat: :3
  78. [8:36pm] John[Lisbeth]: It's rare but that can happen. It's never happened to me though.
  79. [8:36pm] John[Lisbeth]: It is hard to not get along with someone who shares your perspective.
  80. [8:36pm] John[Lisbeth]: We live in very close quarters.
  81. [8:37pm] NatsuRelf: so if you get to the point where you can easily make new personalities are they autonomous or just extensions of your original self?
  82. [8:37pm] John[Lisbeth]: they are autonomous and you have to sort of choose which ones you want to stay
  83. [8:37pm] John[Lisbeth]: some come back here and there
  84. [8:37pm] NatsuRelf: like if you tried to get rid of a personality would it fight back? is it considered itself murdered?
  85. [8:38pm] John[Lisbeth]: Some of them if they find out will get really afraid or angry. Though usually I alter their personalities beforehand to make sure they are ok with being tulpas.
  86. [8:38pm] NatsuRelf: Daym
  87. [8:38pm] John[Lisbeth]: Some people I refuse to make a tulpa of.
  88. [8:38pm] John[Lisbeth]: The main tulpas are called tulpas and in the west the secondary tulpas are called servitors.
  89. [8:38pm] John[Lisbeth]: This comes from an old forum group which had a weird attitude about tulpas.
  90. [8:38pm] CRM114: heh, I just started rewatching Serial Experiments Lain
  91. [8:39pm] John[Lisbeth]: It's alot like that when you star to hallucinate
  92. [8:39pm] John[Lisbeth]: Except for me personally it is not really scary
  93. [8:39pm] John[Lisbeth]: For Lisbeth though it is like she is Lain.
  94. [8:40pm] cosmicjoker joined the chat room.
  95. [8:40pm] NatsuRelf: Iv never hallucinated in my life im afraid so i cant realte lol
  96. [8:40pm] John[Lisbeth]: [Can you imagine it what it is like when you have the mental power to shift your reality from mech warrior anime to hentai at a whim.]
  97. [8:41pm] John[Lisbeth]: [I am not set in reality. John's world has little bearing to me except that what happens to him and his body affects me.]
  98. [8:42pm] amigojapan: John[Lisbeth]: sorry, but you have a weird hobby
  99. [8:42pm] John[Lisbeth]: [I can feel my tiny feet dipping in the rice fields. I can smell tatami and charcoal. I can taste unpainted clay and painted clay.]
  100. [8:43pm] daey: is the guy from iran here?
  101. [8:43pm] John[Lisbeth]: [I can touch the metal floor on the Fortress and feel the huming and clanging and shifting of the instruments echoing through it's metallic structure. and i can feel my heart beat.]
  102. [8:44pm] NatsuRelf: I thought id experianced the weirdest #anime could get but i was wrong :D
  103. [8:44pm] amigojapan: hehe NatsuRelf
  104. [8:45pm] daey: !hotw
  105. [8:45pm] ImoutoBot: daey: The current Hentai of the Week is: Shoujo Sect. Type "!hotw <title>" to queue your next pick.
  106. [8:45pm] NatsuRelf: John[Lisbeth]: how do you know you just dont have a really good imagaination and its actually another personalityt
  107. [8:45pm] daey: !motw
  108. [8:45pm] ImoutoBot: daey: The current Manga of the Week is: The Amazing Spiderman. Type "!motw <title>" to change your pick from K-ON! College.
  109. [8:45pm] daey: !aotw
  110. [8:45pm] ImoutoBot: daey: The current Anime of the Week is: Kara no Kyoukai. Type "!aotw <title>" to queue your next pick.
  111. [8:45pm] John[Lisbeth]: [ NatsuRelf we have a really good imagination. Mine is better. Much better.]
  112. [8:46pm] John[Lisbeth]: [I can give myself a prosthetic body and put myself in a coffee shop and start punching through walls and ripping tables in half and jumping up into the cieling and into the next floor and punching through a television set and riping it apart with my bear hands.]
  113. [8:46pm] NatsuRelf: can asepartea personality be better at stuff than the otriginal like could Lisbeth be created to overcome John being shit at maths?
  114. [8:47pm] John[Lisbeth]: [There are no superpowers involved, if that is what you mean.]
  115. [8:47pm] NatsuRelf: We could create beaky a personality where he cant fap and watch him implode!! :D
  116. [8:47pm] John[Lisbeth]: [But what happens in his world doesn't matter to me.]
  117. [8:48pm] amigojapan: NatsuRelf: my wife says that this guy’s story is so good it could be made into an anime like welcome ot NHK
  118. [8:48pm] NatsuRelf: amigojapan: haha yup maybe thats where its form for all we know
  119. [8:49pm] John[Lisbeth]: [I can touch Seshomeru's butt.]
  120. [8:49pm] amigojapan: maybe NatsuRelf
  121. [8:50pm] John[Lisbeth]: [I can pilot an eva and feel my lungs filling with water and coughing and throwing up until I star to suffocate and then suddenly I finally stop choking and I have air. The taste is aweful. Like some kind of strange metallic chemical. Yet sort of organic. The LCL. My mind begins linking with the alien and my reality breaks even further.]
  122. [8:51pm] John[Lisbeth]: [My world is a world of pure fantasy and imagination where I can exist anywhere at any time.]
  123. [8:52pm] ConductingCat: キャッ党忍伝はピザを焼か無いと時、話せ無い。
  124. [8:52pm] NatsuRelf: problem john/lisbeth the outside world has no way of really knowing if you actually just making it all up :S
  125. [8:52pm] NatsuRelf: we will just have to take your word for it
  126. [8:52pm] John[Lisbeth]: [And the problem is that from inside here you guys are just an elaborate dream who happen to be in some way more real than any of the other elaboriate dreams.]
  127. [8:53pm] John[Lisbeth]: [Deep in my subconscious there are terrible things. They haunted me when I was younger.]
  128. [8:53pm] erasmus joined the chat room.
  129. [8:54pm] HoloIRCUser4 joined the chat room.
  130. [8:54pm] ConductingCat: モウウウ >_<
  131. [8:56pm] HoloIRCUser4: Planning to start a new series today
  132. [8:56pm] HoloIRCUser4 is now known as lobosapiens.
  133. [8:57pm] amigojapan: NatsuRelf: hmmm, it would be interesting ot make a fantasy story that starts from the POV of a tulpa like John[Lisbeth] ’s and eventually reality of hte situation is disclosed :)
  134. [8:58pm] NatsuRelf: you ever seen donny darko?
  135. [8:58pm] ShiinaMashiro left the chat room. (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
  136. [8:58pm] amigojapan: NatsuRelf: no, but I heard the name
  137. [8:58pm] lobosapiens: It's an interesting movie
  138. [8:58pm] John[Lisbeth]: [Rewatching movies like that after me existing is very interesting compared to before I existed.]
  139. John[Lisbeth]: [I can take over his body.]
  140. [9:18pm] John[Lisbeth]: [I know what the real world looks like and feels like and I recognize it is real.]
  141. [9:18pm] Eladar: Oh, the crazy is still around. Fair enough.
  142. [9:18pm] John[Lisbeth]: [When you can hallucinate on command you experience lots of interesting things.]
  143. [9:18pm] amigojapan: Eladar: I dont think he is crazy, I think it is just a very active imagination
  144. [9:19pm] NatsuRelf: ahaha agreed
  145. [9:19pm] Eladar: John[Lisbeth]: When you're not mental you can also experience interesting things]
  146. [9:19pm] ConductingCat: Don't lick lead glaze, kids.
  147. [9:19pm] NatsuRelf: right im officailly on holiday for the rest of the day im going home have agreat weekend you lovely fuckers
  148. [9:19pm] John[Lisbeth]: i am simply a meditator who learned to do some interesting things with my mind.
  149. [9:19pm] John[Lisbeth]: I can functoin in society just like anyone else
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