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Jul 23rd, 2014
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  1. By the order of the Republican Council of the United States of Belgium, pledged to serve the people of the independent and free Belgian state, all those found of treason, counter-revolutionary spirits and fondness of the French state will be sentenced to expulsion from Belgium, and indeed this world, via the means of death. May God himself judge those who oppose us, and give them either eternal salvation, or if they are guilty, to the devils fiery halls.
  2. Let there be a state on this earth that does not treat it’s prisoners meekly – what others may call cruelty we will hold as justice. It is an order of paramount importance that all Belgian military commanders, civil servants and mayors abide by one strict code of law, which is in line with the ideals upon which our state was created and the passages of the Holy Bible.
  3. All commanders who are found to be guilty of cowardice or of showing mercy to our enemies are to be demoted of their rank, and if their actions are seen as traitorous, may they also lose their lives. No commander executed for such atrocities is to be buried on church lands – their bodies are to be tied to treats and left behind on the battlefields they failed to conquer. Let them act as silent sentinels, so that perhaps they may redeem themselves in the afterlife and haunt the fainthearted French mobs out of our sacred lands.
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