
By Any Means Necessary, Chapter 1

Jan 12th, 2014
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  1. This is one of the big projects I've been working on since I've been gone. This is for a request an Anon made.
  3. Anonymous 03/17/13(Sun)19:29 No.9152166
  4. Had an idea for a short but lack creativity to write
  6. Anon becomes a salt dealer and 'cooks' sea water to sell to other ponies
  7. Ends up dealing Celestia and all authoritive figures so he can't get caught and as all ponies love salt they cant stop after their first taste/salt lick.
  9. Yeah, a bit late huh?
  10. Anon, this is for you.
  11. I have huge plans for this story, took a while to piece it all together, but I'm getting somewhere with it.
  12. Anyways, have a read, enjoy.
  13. And no, this is not a spin off of Breaking Bad.
  14. ---
  16. >Perhaps… This isn’t your proudest moment.
  17. >That is, you being thrown out of the back door of a bar onto the muddy back streets in the brutal cold late at night.
  18. >A group of minotaurs are the ones doing the throwing.
  19. >These mythical creatures are too sensitive.
  20. >You complement one colorful mare on the color of her mane and offer to buy her a drink and suddenly everyone is up in hooves over such an atrocious act.
  21. “Oh come on! You’re telling me she didn’t look like she needed an apple martini?!”
  22. >The next thing you know, you’re lying face first in a complex mixture of mud, cat piss and rotten food.
  23. >It splashes all over your favorite white dress shirt and trusty blazer.
  24. >You felt what you believe are hooves stomped onto your back brutally.
  25. >Swift kicks on your stomach causing you to double up.
  26. >You lean on one side in the puddle, letting out shouts of pain.
  27. >Another few stomps to your legs and kicks into your face.
  28. >Finally after the backdoor beat down they give you the group up at the door, dusting off their hands.
  29. >”And stay out! You slithering silver tongued snake!” one of them said.
  30. >You really gotta give to the one who said that, it’s impossible to say that as hammered as you are right now.
  31. >Groaning, you turn over on your back out of the puddle, looking at the three minotaurs with a drunk grin.
  32. “Whoever said that, thanks for the compliment.”
  33. >They blew air out of their nostrils in anger in sync as if warning you.
  34. >”You set a foot in here again, consider yourself dead, just because you’re the only human on this Celestia forsaken planet doesn’t mean you get special treatment.”
  35. “Cool, thanks for making feel like one of the guys.”
  36. >They don’t respond, only walk back inside and slam the door brutally.
  37. >You get back on your feet, you look down the alleyway toward an opening with a street light flickering, providing horrid lighting.
  38. >For a moment you stagger to the left hitting the neighboring building’s brick wall, you push yourself away and begin your drunken stride that has a limp from the assault.
  39. >Blood drip out of the corners of your mouth and leak from your nose.
  40. >The pain dulled from the alcohol running through your system.
  41. “Alright Anon, you can do this, just one foot in front of the other.”
  42. >And with immense amount of difficulty, you do just that in the winter weather.
  43. >You check your watch on your left wrist to see how late you’ve been out tonight.
  44. >10:45 pm was what you’re able to make out of your blurred vision, barely noticing your breath before you in the cool air.
  45. >The night is still young, you’ve got little to no money on your person and you smell like garbage.
  46. >You’re even trying to get the taste of banana peels and green mystery slime out of your mouth.
  47. >But now to get down to the real details at the moment.
  48. >You are Anonymous and you live in Equestria.
  49. >More specifically, Manehatten in an apartment.
  50. >Now that that’s outta the way, time to get home and freshen up.
  51. >You make it to the opening, witnessing a public street and you make a left down the side walk, the direction where your apartment is located, it’s only a few blocks away.
  52. >You take notice of the cracks on the side-walk and the black spots glued to it that was once gum.
  53. >Wheels of chariots rolling against the streets while the puller’s hooves clop against the roads.
  54. >Turned over trash cans and barely lit areas was what you passed by on a daily basis.
  55. >However tonight just felt different. You can’t really explain it, like a glitch in the system or some shit.
  56. >As you were passing another alleyway, you notice a bunch of good for nothing hoodlums stomping the life out of a pony.
  57. >Huh, the guy probably had it coming; it’s not your business, keep moving.
  58. >’I didn’t see a damn thing officer, sir.’
  59. >Dwelling on that thought, you keep with your walking and not witnessing or talking.
  60. >That is until you heard a female-like voice scream that echoed into your ears.
  61. >”Get off of me!” she shouts.
  62. >Well, looks like you’ve got some business to attend to, considering the victim is female.
  63. >Curse the white knight in you. You’re a very sympathetic and merciful drunk.
  64. >But enough of all that, evil is afoot!
  67. >Turning around, you make your way to the alleyway.
  68. >You lean against the brick wall, coming closer. You see a unicorn, light purple fur, her mane and tail sky blue with highlights of pink.
  69. >Unintentionally, your eyes wonder down to her flank, you take notice of a pink cloud outlined in yellow and surrounded by mini sky blue stars.
  70. >Huh, she’s pretty cute.
  71. >As for the guys stomping the shit out of her, you can care less of what they look like.
  72. “Well, what’s all this then?”
  73. >They halt with the annihilating and turn to you.
  74. >”Oh, it’s that hooman. Look, we’re in the middle of some business, fuck off.”
  75. “Yeeeah I can’t do that. How about leavin’ the pretty lady alone?”
  76. >You stagger forward, closer to the late night hooligans, two in total.
  77. >”Looks like we’re gonna need to dig two holes tonight,” one of them said, a smirk coming across his face.
  78. >The other glares at the mare, “we’ll deal with you in a minute.”
  79. >The two focuses on you, trotting over with the intent to murder.
  80. >Alright, time to see if you still have the moves.
  81. >You’re a little more than buzzed, your only means of offense and defense are your hands and feet…
  82. >… And the smell coming from you.
  83. >You’re dealing with an earth pony and a unicorn.
  84. >Alright, you’ve got this. You’ve been in plenty of fights in your life, including the few here in Equestria.
  85. >You get in your fighting stances, the drunken fist style of course, you’ve never studied the style, but you can be creative.
  86. >The earth pony charges at you like any dumbass would, considering that their height comes at your waist.
  87. >You shut down his full frontal assault with a Sparta kick to his face as hard as you could.
  88. >His neck forced back against his momentum toward you.
  89. >He lands on his back a couple of feet away, his front hooves immediately goes for his nose, blood leaking from it.
  90. >He muffled his yells and obscenities.
  91. >You stumble forward, now facing the unicorn who’s charging up his magic for a blast.
  92. >Without a warning, his face turned to shock, his legs stiff and the beam of magic released flying toward you.
  93. >You side step to the left, although your delayed reactions caused it to scrape against your right side, scorching your trusty sports jacket and dress shirt all the way to your skin.
  94. >Your hand flies to the afflicted area as you look at the unicorn. It felt like an intense burn.
  95. >A single tear makes a trace from his left eye to his chin, blood bursts from his mouth hitting the ground.
  96. “… okay?”
  97. >He falls over to the side, revealing the one who cause agony to him.
  98. >None other than the babe you were helping out, smoke coming off her horn and a bead of sweat running down her forehead.
  99. >Her electric yellow eyes focused on you, a smile creeping on her face.
  100. >”I’m not completely helpless, you know.”
  101. >You walk toward her, her horn charges up again, anger in her eyes as you got into spitting distance.
  102. >You put your hands up like you’ve been caught red-handed.
  103. “Whoa! Calm down! I’m not the bad guy here!”
  104. >Another beam of magic shoots out of her horn passed you.
  105. >You turn your head to see where it’s going, which was the earth pony that was once on the ground tending to his nose.
  106. >Apparently, he was getting ready for a sneak attack.
  107. >Bone and flesh was revealed as the earth pony hit the ground that’s going nowhere.
  108. >”I know, but he was, you’re welcome.”
  109. >You turn back to the mare who just saved your bacon, nodding a nod of approval.
  110. >You step forward, stopping just short of her, you present your right hand to here.
  111. “Apologies about my appearance, I’ve had a rough night. The names Anonymous, but I prefer Anon.”
  112. >Her face turned to disgust as uses a hoof to wave away the air in her vicinity.
  113. >”You didn’t say anything about your smell,” she said with a laugh then shaking your hand with her hooved she just waved. “The name’s Sky Haze.”
  114. >You make a nervous chuckle.
  115. “Heh heh, yeeah, again I’ve had a rough night.”
  116. >She gasps when she saw blood coming from your wound.
  117. >”Y-you’re hurt! You need to come with me; I know somep0ny that’ll patch that up.”
  118. >You look down at the damage that’s been done, the sharp pain becoming less tolerable.
  119. >With your head feeling woozy, you smile at her.
  120. “Probably not the best time to tell you this, but should I die, I just wanna say you’re cute as a button.”
  121. >And it’s lights out for you.
  124. >You had a nightmare that’s been occurring since you’ve been here in Equestria, it always starts the same.
  125. >With you sitting in a wooden chair, surrounded in darkness. A light sways back and forth above your head.
  126. >All you do is look down your shadow that casted on the hardwood floor.
  127. >The sound of hooves clopping against it comes closer, but you never see who’s there.
  128. >”It’s useless you know. Trying to be the good guy,” she said. Whoever she is. She always tells you that.
  129. >And you always reply with the same answer.
  130. “That’s bullshit and you know it.”
  131. >She makes a devious giggle, it echoes ominously.
  132. >”Oh come now, Anon,” she said. “Excuse my bluntness, but you’ll be down-right nasty.”
  133. “I doubt that.”
  134. >”This isn’t a fate you can escape; I have plans for you, dear.”
  135. >You notice the head of your shadow smiles, its teeth pearly white and sharp.
  136. >Black smoke rises from it as it shakes and sways in the air.
  137. >You feel your eyes blink but you’re still looking at the shadow it starts to ripple in waves as if it was water in a pool.
  138. >A hand emerges from the dark pool, touching the hardwood floor to pull itself up.
  139. >Your vision blurs to where you couldn’t make out the shape of your hand.
  140. >Once it restores, you’re face to face with whatever it is. Its body human, but the smoke never stops emitting from it, its smile from ear to ear.
  141. >Its eye opens, you jolt from the fact you’re looking at your own pupils.
  142. >She laughs again, the sound of it ricochets in your head, giving you no peace of mind.
  143. >”Charming isn’t he? No shame in admitting it, he’s you after all.”
  144. “…”
  145. >”My my Anon, I’m falling for you already,” she said.
  146. >A rush of coldness floods your body, starting with the shoulder that your shadow has its hand on.
  147. >Screams of agony flood your mind, moans and grunts of delight mixed in it as well.
  148. >Your heart rate increases, the smoke that’s coming from the dark entity gets absorbed in your skin.
  149. >”Take a deep breath,” she said. Without your consent, your body obeys her command.
  150. >You swear you feel your soul being filled with something God-awful.
  151. >You feel disgusted and unholy, that is until your thoughts became altered.
  152. >An image flashes before your eyes of the beautiful land known as Equestria becomes rubbish.
  153. >The princess’ castle damaged heavily, you see a shadow of a unicorn getting stabbed in the face at a window.
  154. >You notice the wooden chair you’re sitting in is now a throne, before you was loads debris and ponies crying.
  155. >They shout to the top of their lungs, flames were scorching some.
  156. >And there was no one that could do anything about it.
  157. >To your right, you catch a glimpse of a throne that’s beside you.
  158. >”Don’t you remember?” she asks with sorrow in her voice.
  159. >What scares you out the most about this nightmare is what you do next.
  160. >You tilt your head to right, a grin grows on your face then you laugh whole-heartedly.
  161. “How can I forget?”
  162. >You feel your lips kissed, but you don’t see anyone in front of you.
  163. >”I’ve missed you,” she tells you, her tone calm and passionate.
  164. “Hello, love.”
  167. >You jolt awake in a bed, you still feel the touch of another one’s lips on yours when you took in your surroundings.
  168. >You were in a hospital bed, but not at the hospital, lying on your back.
  169. >An apartment seems to be the place, a bedroom more specifically, a strip of cloth taped to your wound.
  170. >To your left a few feet away is a dresser to your right a window, having the moon light beam through it.
  171. >Your clothes have gone M.I.A., leaving you only a towel wrapped around your waist.
  172. >Looking down at your feet, you see Sky Haze sitting in a chair, drinking something alcoholic from a glass. The bottle on a table she’s leaning an elbow on.
  173. >A small groan escapes your lips when you felt the sharp shooting pain.
  174. >Sky Haze stirs, quickly fixing her eyes on you. Using her magic, she keeps the glass afloat as she approached you.
  175. >”Please try not to squirm, she’s still yet to actually heal you.”
  176. “What? Who? What happened to my clothes?”
  177. >”Red Heart and she’s just throwing them in a washer.”
  178. >… How embarrassing…
  179. “How long have I been laying here?”
  180. >”We got here not even ten minutes ago, relax.”
  181. “Oh… Cool. Thanks.”
  182. >”Just saving your bacon, now stay put alright?”
  183. >You quiet your complaints against the command.
  184. “Where am I anyway?”
  185. >”Pleasant Springs Apartments, at one of my friend’s place. I assure you, you’re in good hooves.”
  186. >Huh, you’re not too far from your own place actually. A ten minute walk and you’ll be at your door step.
  187. >The door creaks open, you see another unicorn in a nurses outfit, a smile comes across her face when she sees you.
  188. >”Well, I’m glad to see you’re still in the world of the living. The name’s Red Heart.”
  189. “Hello and sorry about the clothes.”
  190. >”Yeah, he’s had a rough night,” Sky Haze finished for you.
  191. “So, give it to me straight doc, what’s the damage?”
  192. >”Nothing a little magic and stitches can’t solve. You’ll be fine.”
  193. “I was talking about the cost.”
  194. >”Sky Haze said she’ll cover you.”
  195. >You look over to the unicorn with gratitude.
  196. “I owe you one, thanks.”
  197. >”It’s nothing, trust me, but I’ll keep that in mind,” she looks at Red Heart, “where’s your little fillies room?”
  198. >”Take a left down the hall, first door on your right. I swear you never remember.”
  199. >”I will, I will one day.”
  200. >Sky Haze trots over to the door and walks out.
  201. >Red Heart clears her throat, “let’s get started, shall we?”
  204. “SON OF A BI-“
  205. >”Stop being a filly! It’s almost over!”
  206. >Fuck this pain is unbearable. You’re gonna need God and two more bottles of vodka to get through this.
  207. >Red Heart, using her utensils you know nothing about, is tending to you in a rough manner.
  208. >You look away from the source of the pain and wince.
  209. >”Aaah, entertainment,” Sky Haze said, nursing a bottle of vodka.
  210. >Oh yeah, that’s another thing, she’s laughing at your pain.
  211. >”Hold still, the worst part is almost over, I have to disinfect the wound if I want anything done.”
  212. “I’m not infected! What the hell is this? Magic the Gathering?!”
  213. >”I don’t have a clue what that is, but magic residue that caused the damaging in the first place tends to be the very thing to undo the treatment.”
  214. >Another jolt of pain ripples through your body, you see blood splash on Red Hearts face.
  215. >Just what the crispy fuck is she doing?! Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!
  216. >What? The shit hurts like hell!
  217. “Fuuuuuuck a duck!”
  218. >You hear her giggle while she’s working, “easy there Anon. Sky, can you pass the bottle of vodka?”
  219. >She floats the vodka over to here, Red Heart grabs it with her magic.
  220. >”Have a drink Anon. Drink as much as you’d like.”
  221. >She floats the bottle toward you. You grab it out of the magic grasp which feels like pins and needles.
  222. >”You might want to sit up.”
  223. >You comply, and shortly after, you drink from the bottle, feeling the massive burn in your throat and chest, it’s the most potent vodka you’ve had since you been here in Equestria.
  224. >Tis some good shit.
  225. >Passing back to Red Heart, you cough violently.
  226. >You notice Red Heart bringing the bottle to her.
  227. “You’re really gonna drink while treating me? Really?”
  228. >”Not at all,” she said, the bottle tilting the opening to your wound. “Breathe Anon.”
  229. >Oh God…
  230. “Red Heart, don’t do it, don’t you fucking do it, I beg of you don’t you fucking-“
  231. >That’s all you managed to get out before a puddle of vodka lands on your open wound.
  233. >The rest of what you shouted was utter gibberish.
  234. >Sky Haze was laughing her ass off, rolling on the floor snickering out of control.
  235. >”My… Fucking… Sides!” she shouted in between fits of laughter.
  236. >After the pain subsided as well as Sky Haze’s cackling, Red Heart speaks up.
  237. >”Anon?” she said, patting a hoof on your shoulder gently and a warm smile on her face.
  238. “Y-wh-yeah?”
  239. >”The worst part is over.”
  240. “Oh thank fuck for that,” you said before breathing a sigh of relief.
  243. >An hour passed, you’re drunk off your ass and relaxed as fuck.
  244. >Red Heart is almost finished sewing up the wound with precision and Sky Haze is yet again drinking to her heart’s content.
  245. >As it turns out, Red Heart is brilliant, according to Sky Haze.
  246. >Red Heart is literally your best option when it comes to anything medical.
  247. >The silence was really getting to you, it felt awkward to just let it fill the air.
  248. >So you decided to have a nice chat with the lovely ladies.
  249. “Alright, I’ll bite. Red Heart, why aren’t you an actual nurse or doctor?”
  250. >”I was,” she said with regret in her voice. “But I was underpaid and to make matters worse I was convicted for…” she looks down for a moment as if she’s recalling something tragic in her memory.
  251. >She exhales, her eyes focused on you, “I was convicted for purposeful malpractice, but I was only doing it to keep so many ponies from suffering on their last month’s here.”
  252. “Ah, mercy killing?”
  253. >”Mhm, why go through all that pain? Y’know?”
  254. “Valid point.”
  255. >”Anyway, instead of doing time, they just revoked my license, so yeah, there goes my chances of being a doctor. All my years of studying down the drain. So now I’m a-”
  256. “Quack doctor?”
  257. >She cringes at your words for a moment, “yeah, I guess.”
  258. >Sky Haze raises a glass, “but hey it pays well.”
  259. >Red Heart shrugs and goes back to her sewing, her eyebrows slightly arched in anger it seems.
  260. “Hey Red?”
  261. >She stops what she’s doing, looking at you.
  262. >”Yeah?”
  263. “For what it’s worth, I think you’d make a lovely doctor.”
  264. >She blushes, “th-thanks.”
  265. >You give her a warm smile before looking up at the ceiling and let her go back to fixing you up.
  269. >”I’ve missed you.”
  270. “Hello, love.”
  271. >The only way for you to have known you were asleep was you waking up a few hours later with a hangover.
  272. >You press you fingers against your lips, they still feel like they’ve been kissed.
  273. >By who? You don’t have a fucking clue.
  274. >Turning your head, you take a look out the window; you notice the sun beaming its rays through the window.
  275. >You check the time on your watch and find it’s 8:39am.
  276. >You look down at Red Heart’s work, you see the black thread of stiches keeping you put together.
  277. >The pain you once had seems non-existent.
  278. >You look over to the chair Sky Haze was sitting in, your clothes folded over the back of the chair.
  279. >You swing your feet over the hospital bed rails and onto the floor.
  280. >Feeling well rested, you stretch your arms, yawning aloud.
  281. >You walk over to the chair and gather your clothes then you decide to make a left down the hall and go to the first door on the right.
  282. >In other words, you’re going to the bathroom.
  283. >Flipping the light on, you notice it’s a fairly nice bathroom, pink walls trimmed with red.
  284. >A sink and mirror to your right, a shower bathtub combination a few feet ahead of you.
  285. >Y’know, the works.
  286. >After taking a gander, you perform the most sacred and holy ritual that you’re sure is recognized as such by every person named ‘Anonymous’.
  287. >The process that brings cleansing and body purification in its performance.
  288. >None other than The Triple S: Shit, Shower and Shave.
  289. >However it didn’t go as smoothly as you’d hoped.
  290. >The plumbing was horrid; you had to flush five times to make sure the browns in the super-bowl go down to the depths of hell.
  291. >The shower’s water was as cold as ice on the highest ‘hot’ setting and didn’t warm up at all.
  292. >And there are no fucking razors to fucking shave!
  293. >This bathroom is dead to you.
  294. >After almost catching hypothermia, you shrug on your clothes and notice that your jacket and dress shirt are patched up with skill as well as smelling like a dozen roses.
  295. >You leave the bathroom and go to the living room that’s on the other end of the hall and have a look around.
  296. >Red Heart and Sky Haze are drinking tea on a couch, chatting about stuff.
  297. >You make your presence known by clearing your throat, their ears perk up and heads face your direction.
  298. >”Well don’t you look charming,” Sky Haze said hiding her laughter.
  299. “Cool it over there, Giggles. By the way, Red, how did you get a hospital bed?”
  302. >”I know a guy, when he heard about what happened, he stole one from the hospital I worked for, he said it’s his way of telling them ‘fuck you’.”
  303. “Cool guy.”
  304. >”You ready?” Sky asked.
  305. >You reply with a nod, she goes back to talking to Red Heart.
  306. >”Alright, I got your friend here fixed, you know the price.”
  307. >”Mhm, no problem.”
  308. >Sky Haze turns away reaching for something.
  309. >Turning back around, she reveals a huge cloth sack and tosses it on the table.
  310. >As it lands, bits spill out of it, rolling on the table and settling in their places.
  311. >Your mouth agape from shock seeing so many bits at once.
  312. >”Again, sorry for the hefty price, Sky. It isn’t every day I treat somep0ny. You get it right?”
  313. >”Hefty? Are you kidding me? This is merely a drop in the bucket.”
  314. >Holy...
  315. >W-wait, what does she do for a living?
  316. >Heck, how can you get in on some of the action? You’re not exactly ‘Filthy Rich’ here.
  317. >”Well, that should hold ya over until next time, see ya around, Red.”
  318. >”Mkay, be careful out there.”
  319. >”If we were, you’d be out of a job,” Sky said with a chuckle in her tone.
  320. >”Oh you.”
  321. >Sky looks up at you, “alright, let’s go.”
  323. >You and Sky walked out of Red’s apartment, you have intentions of heading home.
  324. “Thanks again, Sky.”
  325. >”It’s not a problem, really.”
  326. >A smile comes across your face as you shove your hands into your pocket.
  327. “Welp, I’m gonna head home, rest up.”
  328. >”You do that, I’ll be seeing soon, trust me.”
  329. “But you don’t even know where I live or work.”
  330. >”Trust me, you’ll be seeing me again.”
  331. “Alright, later.”
  332. >And on that note, the two of you part ways, dealing with your own obligations.
  333. >Heading home on the cracked streets of Manehatten, you kept thinking about that huge sack of bits that was on the table.
  334. >’Merely a drop in the bucket’, you kept dwelling on that phrase.
  335. >What can she possibly be involved in that gives her that kind of a profit?
  336. >You hope you’ll see her soon, who knows maybe have some coffee over breakfast sometimes and talk some business.
  337. >Because you could seriously use the money, you barely paid your rent leaving you enough bits to where you can only buy toothpaste or a can of coffee.
  338. >Neither of them won, you spent it on drinks at the bar you can never set foot in again.
  339. >Because you’re brilliant like that.
  340. >The land lady you’re under is a bitch.
  341. >On multiple occasions you’ve been late on your rent.
  342. >Thanks to the restaurant you’re working for unable to keep with the payment schedule.
  344. >So in short…
  345. >You. Need. Money.
  346. >What you find ironic is in your bi-fold wallet right now is twenty bills of Benjamin Franklin.
  347. >Too bad his face don’t mean shit here.
  348. >You did not think it was possible to be broke with two thousand dollars in your wallet.
  349. >Chances are the guy in the sky is snickering at his twisted joke on you.
  350. >By the time you looked up, you arrived at your place.
  351. >Sighing in your depression, you walk down the hallway of apartments in its building.
  352. >Stopping just short of your door, you look at the number ‘83’ with black paint chipping away at them.
  353. >You dig into your right pocket for your keys, right then the mare across from you opens her door.
  354. >Her head peaks out of her apartment into the lit hallway.
  355. >”Anon?” she asked sounding relieved.
  356. >Turning to your right shoulder to look behind you, you barely catch a glimpse of her crimson red mane and her horn.
  357. “Good morning, Crimson Cherry, I didn’t wake you did I?”
  358. >Ah yes, Crimson Cherry, your ‘hallway buddy’, she’s a kind soul with divine cooking.
  359. >You call her your ‘hallway buddy’ because the majority of your conversations take place in this hallway aside from occasionally visiting each other.
  360. >She’s a bit of a shut-in, but not shy at all. In fact you’d say the two of you are the best of friends. You can talk to her about whatever comes to mind with her.
  361. >She would always have some food to share with you and would tell you if someone stopped by your place asking about you.
  362. >Heck she would give you a few bits for groceries if you needed it. She is the main reason why you haven’t starved to death.
  363. >”Oh no, I’ve been up for a while. I didn’t hear you come in last night, you had me worried.”
  364. >You let out a chuckle and push your key into your door’s lock.
  365. “Ha, you worry too much Cherry, I’m fine. I just had a rough night is all.”
  366. >”Oh! By the way, the Land Lady came by asking for you.”
  367. >An eyebrow on your face goes skyward; you turn around to face her, confused to say the least.
  368. “Huh? Why? I already paid for this month.”
  369. >”Something about the rent I think, she said she’ll be back a little later.”
  370. >Well, that's just lovely.
  371. >Ugh, you really don’t want to deal with her. Next century would be far too soon.
  372. “Thanks for the heads up, Cherry.”
  373. >She nods with a hopeful smile and back into her apartment she goes.
  374. >With a sinking feeling in your gut, you turn around fidgeting with your keys.
  375. >You hear Cherry open her door again, her cute little laugh putting some ease on your stressful situation.
  376. “Yes Cherry?” you asked, not even looking at her and still dealing with opening your door.
  378. >”I just wanted to say, for somep-someone to have had a rough night, you smell nice. I love the smell of roses.”
  379. >You resist the urge to smile.
  380. “Thanks, Cherry.”
  381. >You hear her giggle and once again closed her door.
  382. >Oh Crimson Cherry, the only pony in this building that gives a damn about her neighbors.
  383. >Finally, you enter your apartment, quickly putting your keys in a bowl that’s on a stand to the left of the entrance door.
  384. >Closing the door behind you, you take a gander.
  385. >To the left ahead of you was your living room area, just a couch with a coffee table in front of it and a smaller table by the couches arm that has a lamp.
  386. >Your bedroom was to your immediate right, which only had a bed and a small closet.
  387. >With the intention to crash, you make it into your bedroom and do just that.
  388. >The springs of the mattress make their annoying squeaking sound.
  389. >Your face hits the soft pillow; you exhale into it from a day that hasn’t properly started yet.
  390. >You get your rest, you don’t have to work until tonight as a waiter at some fancy restaurant.
  391. >But enough of that it’s time to sleep!
  394. >Five hours pass by before you woke up again.
  395. >The sound of your front door being pounded scared you out of your sleep.
  396. >Once again, your lips feel like they’ve been touched.
  397. >Yeah, it’s weird, but you always wake up with the feeling of being kissed lingering after that nightmare.
  398. >Every time you dream the nightmare occurs.
  400. >Now to focus on the bitch that’s causing you to lose sleep. Great.
  401. >You get out of bed sluggishly and stumble out of your bedroom to the door.
  402. >The pounding persist as you make to the door.
  404. “Hold on damn it.”
  405. >If you didn’t need the place here, you’d slap the fuck out of her.
  406. >She never calls you by your real name.
  407. >You unlock your door and fling it open, leaning against the frame shortly afterward.
  408. >You yawn into your hand and look down at the old pink mare with the lime green mane that’s a mess.
  409. >And that giant mole that’s on her right cheek with the singular hair growing out of it.
  410. >You take notice of her cutie mark: A key ring full of keys.
  411. “What do ya want? I paid already.”
  412. >”Not all of it.”
  413. “The fuck are you talking about? It’s the usual five-fifty a month. That’s what I paid, now have a nice day.”
  414. >”Not so fast Monkey Charms.”
  415. >You almost rolled your eyes on that one, you forgot that she has a liking to you, one of unnatural affection.
  416. >”It’s gone up, you owe me another hundred now.”
  417. “What the fuck? Really?”
  418. >”Yeah really, now do you have it or do I have to kick you out?”
  419. >You pinch the bridge on your nose, all this Land Lady does is take away peace of mind.
  420. “Ugh, look. I don’t have it right now, gimme a couple of days alright?”
  421. >She rubs a hoof on her chin, putting on her thinking cap.
  422. >”Hmmm…”
  423. >She nods slowly, putting her hoof back down.
  424. >”Forty eight hours, that’s all you’re getting, got it? If you don’t have it by then start packing.”
  425. “Great, now goodbye.”
  426. >Before you can close the door, she gets a hoof in the door.
  427. >”Oh and in case you don’t have it by then, I’m willing to work out a deal,” she whispered.
  428. “Where are you going with this?”
  429. >”Well I was thinking, that…” her eyes make a quick up-down scan of you. “You can show me what kinda Monkey Magic you got going on in the bedroom.”
  430. >Groan internally. You’re growing tired of this monkey business.
  431. “Tell you what Wrinkles, when you get rid of that mole, knock off the past two centuries off your looks and wipe the thick yellow sharp cheddar that seems to be stapled to your teeth, maybe we’ll talk about it alright?”
  432. >”W-what’s wrong with my beauty mole?”
  433. “Oh for the love of… just goodbye.”
  434. >You kick her hoof out of your door’s path and close it.
  435. >God, the shit you put up with.
  438. >Six hours later, you find yourself working at the restaurant.
  439. >You’re cleaning table seven, collecting dishes and putting them into a bus tub.
  440. >Your outfit uncomfortably itching and sweat rolling down your face.
  441. >Just a black dress shirt and a jade green tie with black slacks and black dress shoes.
  442. >It’s a stressful environment, dealing with pushy bosses and snobby clients who are very ‘particular’ about everything they touch and eat.
  443. >Your plan today was you were gonna be the best flank kisser this side of Equestria and put on your most charming smile when you served these snooty folks.
  444. >But you’ll be off in ten minutes, so you’re gonna serve your last customer of tonight and hope they have a huge tip.
  445. >Because you only manage to get twenty bits in tips tonight and you don’t get paid for another week or two.
  446. >In a blur, you make it to the kitchen, a white towel over your shoulder.
  447. >You delicately dump dishes into a sink, rid of the towel and tub until next time.
  448. >Swiftly you make your way back into the dining area, notepad out ready to take orders.
  449. >You barely noticed a pony waiting in your work area, didn’t get a good look, only that she’s cute.
  450. >Making your way over, you’re looking down at your notepad.
  451. “Hello madam, welcome to the Jade Cello, what will you be having this evening?”
  452. >A familiar snicker comes into your ears, in suspicion you lower your notepad to confirm what your ears are hearing.
  453. >Your eyes confirmed it when you see electric yellow eyes were looking back at you.
  454. >”Told ya I’ll be seeing you again,” Sky Haze said with a grin on her face.
  455. “Sky, what are you doing here?”
  456. >She makes a fake gasp as if she’s in shock.
  457. >”That’s no way to treat a customer. You can forget about your hundred bit tip.”
  458. “Are you stalking me or something?”
  459. >”Don’t flatter yourself; I’m here because I’m hungry.”
  460. “What’ll be then?” You asked while raising your notepad putting your attention on it.
  461. >Her eyes shift back to the menu on the table, studying it for a moment.
  462. >”Oh! I’ll have a small salad.”
  463. “I thought you said you were hungry.”
  464. >”Let me finish, jeez. I’ll also have a bottle of your finest white wine.”
  465. >You jot it down with your black ink pin.
  466. “Mhm, anything else?”
  467. >”A banana split.”
  468. “Mhm, anything else?”
  469. >”A few minutes of your time.”
  470. >… Who is this mare? She’s so odd.
  471. >Her name for starters, ‘Sky Haze’ sounds more like a Pegasus name despite the fact she’s a unicorn.
  472. >She’s got the money, the magic and now a craving for salad and banana split with the finest white wine to wash it down with.
  473. >You cock an eyebrow and look down at the mysterious mare.
  474. “Why?”
  475. >”So we can talk business. You’ll be off in a few minutes right?”
  476. >You look over to your right to look at the clock on the wall.
  477. >You’re barely able to see that you’ve got three minutes left on your shift.
  478. “Three minutes to be exact. I’ll get your order in and we can talk.”
  479. >”Thank you. Now chop chop servant.”
  480. >You glare at her.
  481. >”What? Just kidding.”
  482. >You turn around without saying a word and back into the kitchen you went.
  483. >You posted the order then walked into the employee lounge to clock out.
  484. >By the time the order was ready, the waiter on the clock walks over floating the order with his magic.
  485. >He places the items on the table then trots off.
  486. >Instantly Sky Haze slides you the banana split while she pops the cork of the white wine.
  487. >”Enjoy it, it’s on me.”
  488. >If she keeps paying for you, she’s gonna be your sugar mama.
  489. >You proceed to dig in with a spoon when Sky Haze poured herself a glass.
  490. >She takes a sip then sighs in appreciation.
  491. >”Ah, this must’ve been a good year.”
  492. “Uhh, Sky, the business talk?”
  493. >”Hmm? Oh! Right,” she clears her throat. “Remember when you said that you owe me one?”
  494. “Cashing it in already?”
  495. >”Well, I like to think I’ll be doing us both a favor.”
  496. >You nod attentively, enjoying the taste of the banana split.
  497. “Listening.”
  498. >”If you agree to help me, you’ll get paid handsomely. It’s easy money.”
  499. “Sky, I both love and hate the sound of ‘easy money’. It sounds appealing yet risky.”
  500. >”You won’t be in any risk; I promise you that, you’ll be a behind the scenes kinda guy.”
  501. “And if I say no?”
  502. >”Well good luck struggling to make ends meet and I’ll realized I’ve wasted bits on what I thought would be a good investment.”
  503. >You smile from her thinking you’d be a good investment.
  504. “I’ll think about it.”
  505. >”Oh c’mon, you owe me remember? Just help me out and if you’re not comfortable with it, you can leave and I’m out of your life.”
  506. >You gesture your spoon at the banana split.
  507. “You’re lucky they make a mean banana split here.”
  508. >”So you’ll do it?”
  509. “Sure why not? I still have some rent to pay.”
  510. >”How much?”
  511. “A hundred bits, the damn rent went up.”
  512. >”That’s all?” She asked, chucking to herself. She reaches into a seat next her and pulls out a slightly smaller cloth sack than the one she had at Red Heart’s.
  513. >She puts it on the table and slides it over to you.
  514. >”Here, have five thousand of them.”
  515. >Your jaw hits the floor from the amount she just gave you.
  516. “I uhh…wh-what? I won’t be able to pay this back y’know.”
  517. >”You don’t have to; I’m paying you in advance. You start tomorrow.”
  518. “…”
  519. >Suddenly, you don’t work here anymore.
  520. >”Need a ride home?”
  521. “Yes, I hate that forty-five minute walk.”
  522. >”Consider it done, but take your time on the banana split, nop0ny is taking it from you.”
  523. >For the next few minutes, you and Sky enjoy your meal and drinks having casual chit-chat.
  524. >She was kind enough to share the white wine... Even if she didn’t want to.
  527. >At closing time, you and Sky waltz into the parking lot, both of you have a good buzz going.
  528. >”You’re hilarious, Anon! That’s fuckin’ golden!”
  529. >Okay maybe a little more than buzzed.
  530. “Well, y’know, I try.”
  531. >You see the one and only chariot in the parking lot, a brass colored stallion with a blonde mane standing still, ready to pull it.
  532. >Making your way over the chariot, he spots you and tips an invisible hat to you.
  533. >”Evening, good sir.”
  534. “A good evening to you, too,” you said tipping your invisible hat back.
  535. >Sky Haze gets in and gestures for you to join her.
  536. >With shrug, you get in as well the first thing you notice is a griffon sitting across from you.
  537. >Arms folded and a grumpy look on his face.
  538. >Sky scoffs, “Gilda, don’t be like that, he’s with me. At least say hi to your new business partner.”
  539. >Eyes rolling, Gilda gives you the sup nod, “Sup?”
  540. >Oh Gilda is a girl, shiiit your bad.
  541. >You give her the same nod she gave you.
  542. “Sup brah?”
  543. >No response.
  544. “Huh, not very chatty are you?”
  545. >”Yeah, she’s like that, don’t take it personal.”
  546. “Noted.”
  547. >”By the way, the driver is Brass Lightening.”
  548. “Cool.”
  549. >”Alright Brass, let’s get outta here.”
  551. >The chariot goes forward in motion, exiting the parking lot and headed back to your place.
  552. >It seemed awkward to you to be having drunken laughs with Sky while Gilda just remained quiet.
  553. >She kept cutting her eyes left and right as if she’s expecting someone to attack or something.
  554. “Gil, relax, nothing is gonna happen.”
  555. >”Don’t call me ‘Gil’, dweeb.”
  556. >You put your hands up as if you’re backing off.
  557. “Okay, okay. But damn, smile or something.”
  558. >”Anon, that’s not happenin’ with her. She never smiles.”
  559. >”I’m right here you know.”
  560. “Okay okay, sorry, don’t get your feathers ruffled.”
  561. >”What did you say?!” Gilda shouted.
  562. >You jump back in your seat from her voice suddenly rising.
  563. >”Whoa! Gilda, calm down! He’s just making conversation, jeez save the sharp edge for Gust Vortex, Celestia knows we don’t need him in our business.”
  564. >”Hmph.”
  565. >Sky taps your shoulder to catch your attention, you turn to her.
  566. “Yeah?”
  567. >She simply mouths ‘so sorry’ on Gilda’s behalf.
  568. >Personally, you’re not sweating it. In your opinion, Gilda just needs to get laid.
  569. >You’ll even take one for the team.
  570. >Now that you think about it, she’s a tad bit cute when the moonlight reflects of her face at a certain angle.
  571. >Not to mention you never fucked a griffon before. Hmm, this could be a win-win for you here.
  573. >Twenty minutes later you arrive at the parking lot of your apartments.
  574. >You get out laughing at another joke Sky was just telling you.
  575. >Such a weird, giddy and chatty mare.
  576. >”Brass will be here to pick you up here tomorrow at two in the afternoon is that cool?”
  577. “Works for me. But umm…Sky one question?”
  578. >”Yeah?”
  579. “What’s the job? What do you do?”
  580. >She stifles a chuckle in her throat. ”That was two questions you liar. Welcome to the Salt Business, don’t tell your friends.”
  581. >You shrug wondering what’s so prosperous about Salt anyway, but hey if you get a five thousand bit advance payment, you’re not complaining.
  582. >You start with your stride but stop from a thought popping into your head. Pivoting the heels of your feet, you face Sky in the chariot.
  583. “Oh and one more question?”
  584. >”Yes?”
  585. “How do you know where I live?”
  587. End of part 1.
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