

Apr 1st, 2012
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  1. That’s it. Your mind is made up.
  3. This is something you have thought about for a long time now. You trace your fingers along the action of the brushed metal of the .45 caliber handgun now perched precariously in your shaking palms.
  5. Damnit, it wasn’t supposed to be like this. Sure, you were a bit of a recluse in high school, but it was all going so well. A career, a woman that lo…you thought loved you.
  7. Whatever they say about you, they can’t say you didn’t at least give an honest effort to put your life together. When you lost your job, you went back to school to finish your education, surrounded by kids who were getting their first pubes when you were getting your high school diploma.
  9. When you caught your fiancée having sex with that asshole, you tried to fight for her. Unfortunately, you can’t say you’re a very good fighter. With no job and no insurance, the fight and the ensuing hospital bill nearly wiped you out in every way imaginable.
  11. Plus, she didn’t even have the courage to visit you while you recovered.
  13. The phone vibrates. Picking it up, you see it’s a text message from an old friend.
  15. “Hey bro, I got Barons tickets. First round of the AHL playoffs, you in?”
  17. You put the phone down with no reply. No, you are not in.
  19. You can’t afford that luxury. Like you could no longer afford school and got kicked out. Your foot nudges the eviction notice under the pile of overdue notices from everyone who wanted a fucking piece of you.
  21. Well, you got a piece for them, all right.
  23. Sticking the gun in your mouth, you close your eyes and let out a wimper as you pull the trigger.
  25. Darkness.
  27. Wait a minute…not darkness.
  29. A blinding, white light.
  31. Was mom right all this time? Was there a heaven?
  33. As your vision comes into focus, you can make out a bright yellow circle in a clear blue sky. The feeling of cool grass on your back seeps in to your senses like it was always there.
  35. Scanning C:\ ... death_for_dummies.pdf found. Opening.
  37. It doesn’t feel like you’re dead…plus, if you remember anything you learned all those times your mother dragged you to church as a kid, it’s that suicide was a hellworthy trespass. Or was that a movie?
  39. You sit up and get a better handle on your surroundings. You’re in some kind of clearing in a forest.
  41. And you’re naked.
  43. Loading sound drivers …. done.
  45. A cold breeze runs up your back as you start hearing the various … and vicious-sounding sounds and snarls from the gloomy woods, leaving your jimmies thoroughly rustled.
  47. In a panic, you jump to your feet and dash through the forest, looking for any sign of shelter or civilization.
  49. Losing track of time and direction, you just randomly dart through the forest like frightened prey, barreling through bushes and brambles, using your hand to protect your precious dingaling. Your feet barely register the feeling of muck and mud seeping between your toes with every step, your eyes darting around, looking for anything ready to attack like one of those bear shows on Discovery Channel. The cold cobblestone punishes your heels as yo-
  51. Wait, what?
  53. Coming to a stop, you see your first proof of society in … wherever you are. You take in your surroundings. It looks like a castle ruin, a very empty one.
  55. Whatever, perhaps some hobo lives here.
  57. “Hellooooooo? Is anyone in here?”
  59. You wander through the ancient halls, your feet unused to walking bare on such a hard surface after so many years in shoes. What you would give to be jellin’ right about now.
  61. Finding yourself in what appears to formerly be a great hall, your arches slovenly accept the relief of the decrepit, thin carpeting, whatever little comfort it provides. Looking around the room in the dim light, you can make out faded tapestries on the walls, depicting…some kind of weird pudgy horses?
  63. As you head towards what looks like a staircase at the end of the hall, a faint glimmer grabs your attention. Moving over to the wall, you sift through a pile of debris.
  65. A rusty old sword and a rotten-looking shield? Well, it’s better than nothing. You pick the sword up in your hand. Light, well balanced, but the grip feels funny, like it’s been chewed. You couldn’t find a grip on the shield, but the leather strap on it looks strong enough to be wrapped around your fist.
  67. But first … an even, if laborious, cut on one of the threadbare tapestries, a wrap and a tuck aaaaand … voila! Kilt’n like a scot.
  69. Well, your Long Johnson ain’t hanging out and you at least have something that makes you feel like you can defend yourself… You turn back towards the stai-
  71. “The animals said a new creature appeared, could this be the being they feared?”
  73. “Who was that?” you yelp as you spin around, your rusty cuttin’ stick at the ready. You feel kind of silly as the force of your spin sent the old buckler flying in different directions. Glancing around, you don’t see who said it, just some zebra.
  75. “Ok…you can come out now, this isn’t funny. How did I wind up in Africa?”
  77. The zebra cocks its head as its mouth starts to move. “Forgive me if I seem rude, but may I ask…what are you?”
  79. Scanning C:\ … no files returned for talking_horses.pdf
  81. The last thing you remember before passing out again is the sound of your own girlish scream.
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