
RED or BLUE, the same two?

May 9th, 2015
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  1. RED or BLUE, the same two?
  2. The day arrives with the normal lazy care we see across the political landscape. On the streets, on-line, petitions are being signed, emails being sent. THE PEOPLE are not happy! The Conservative government is about to ram through the House of Commons there bill C51 The Anti-Terrorism Act.
  3. The CPC predictably jumped up in the house during the 3 days of debate (closure invoked) to defend this draconian bill. Roxanne James droned on about jihadists under every rock. Cheryl Gallant blamed terrorists for anything she could think of. All the back benchers that could chimed in on how great it was of the Harper government to introduce such a wonderful bill.
  4. A bill that could make this opinion illegal, that could make you protesting against pipelines illegal, a bill that gives absolute power to CSIS to (disturb & disrupt) whom ever THEY deem worthy of it for National Security reasons.
  5. The NDP argued at every opportunity against this slap in the face of Canadians bill, C51. They pointed out the lack of oversight. The trap it creates for protesters. The attack on the Canadian Charter of Rights.
  6. They were not alone, no not by a long shot. Four previous Prime Ministers of Canada, former chief justices, Privacy Commissioners present & former, Human Rights experts, Lawyers, Academics, First Nations, Green Peace, Amnesty International. All asked for amendments and or the bill to be scrapped preferably.
  7. Elizabeth May spoke loudly about the extensive list of problems with C51. AT committee the NDP filibustered into getting more witnesses allowed. That stretched committee siitings to 9 rather then 3. Almost 50 witnesses came forward. 35 wanted a lot of amendments or the bill scrapped altogether. The other few (mainly LEAs) loved the NEW powers the LEAs have with this bill.
  8. When it came time for amendments all that were put forward by the NDP, GPC, LPC, BLOC or independants were voted down by the CPC majority in committee. Back to the House for 3rd reading with WOW amendments. Whoops no just 1 amendment explaining that civil disobedience protests are exempt from National Security threat clause. (Like CSIS or RCMP will listen to that)
  9. Then comes the vote 187 for 89 against. WHAT? you ask? But the CPC only have 160+ seats. They sure do! Then WTF? Well readers THAT is Justin Trudeau and the Federal Liberal Party.
  10. That good old RED party that has CONTROLLED Canada for many decades. Lead by the son of former Prime Minster Pierre Elliot Trudeau young Justin. No I am not making this stuff up. The son of the man that brought Canada The Canadian Charter of Rights just voted to take a freaking wrecking ball to same charter. I can just imagine that the grave of P.E.T looks like a turbine he is spinning so fast!
  11. For months I have supported the ABC2015 campaign believing that getting Harper out of office was #1 priority That ended as I saw Justine Trudeau stand up in the House of Commons to say YEA to bill #C51. Now the ABC campaign has become a waste.
  12. We hear all the time from the US that voting Republican or Democrat it is all the same. Well in Canada we too are following that insane path. Do the same thing over and over again and expect different results is a sign of insanity? We do it over and over per election cycle.
  13. I had my doubts about Justin while listening to the people across Canada fawning over the next Trudeau. Canada's savior from Stephen Harper. He peaked my interest with the idea of legalizing Cannabis then lost it when supporting pipelines, FIPA & free trade deals.Then the LPC party came out saying they would support C51 only to amend it when they form government. ARROGANT much? When was the last time a blue or red party said one thing then did completely different once in power? Not again C51 was the final straw for me having any respect for the CPCLITE party masquerading as the LPC
  14. Time for change. Time to RID ourselves of all the "boys in short pants" in the backrooms red or blue. Time for fresh faces & new younger ideas. Time to stop being afraid of taking a chance. Time to stop voting like our parents did. Time for "the people" and not the Corporations. Time to get involved. Time to turn off the TVs Main Stream Media and do your own research. Time for an ORANGE and GREEN wave right across this country. In Election 41 May 2 2011 NDP took FIRST or SECOND in 211 ridings. Even with an additional 30 ridings that is still a clean sweep. We can do this if we WANT to!
  15. Justine Trudeau, Stephen Harper Bill C51 WILL be an ELECTION issue, want it to or not! You bet your political careers on it. Come OCT 19 2015 the "people" of Canada are going to Albertastan you! GOODBYE!
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