Butterfly Effect (Or a less pretentious title) 7/23/16

Apr 17th, 2016
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  1. >Be Rainbow Dash
  2. >Just finished washing the no more tears foal shampoo out of your facial fur
  3. >You don't care what the adults say, that stuff stings.
  4. >Flight camp has been over for nearly a week now.
  5. >You're a little sad, but it's great to be back home again.
  6. >Plus you found some good friends. Gilda lives pretty far away, but Fluttershy just so happens to only be a few blocks down. Er, up, actually. You get the point
  7. >You cringe inwardly as you step out of the shower, still ashamed of knocking her to the ground
  8. >It worked out, but you still can't help cringing every time you think of it.
  9. >You should go see her and apologize again. You know you should.
  10. >...At the same time, you're anxious.
  11. >Your heart flutters at the thought of meeting with her.
  12. >Heh...flutters.
  13. >You realize how easily amused you are, sure.
  14. >Anything to get your mind off it.
  15. >You huff as you dry off and walk out of the bathroom, sliding down the circular stairs
  16. >As normal, pegasai apartments are built very vertically. Too fat and they end up blocking out the sky over wherever the town happens to be floating
  17. >Your father is sitting at the table, looking through a newspaper. Nothing good is on TV it seems
  18. "Hey, dad, I'm gonna go to Fluttershy's place."
  19. >He looked up and gave a grin. "Alright Dashie, be back by dinner."
  20. "Okay dad!"
  21. >He had briefly met Fluttershy and her dad a few days ago, and he always had a loose parenting style.
  22. >He trusted you to find your way around, but he was still there to help. You really appriciated that.
  23. >You wave and step out the door, taking flight and racing through the skies
  24. >Every now and then some old geezer shakes their hoof at you, but you get through without crashing into anything
  25. >Eventually you land at Fluttershy's place. It's a lot bigger than you expected; she talked down her place at camp
  26. >Not a mansion by any means, but fairly wealthy-looking
  27. >You gulp.
  28. >You grit your teeth, legs wobbling ever so slightly
  29. >But who are you?
  30. >You're Rainbow cussin' Dash.
  31. >You're not afraid of anything
  32. >The door opens
  33. >You hide in a cloud-bush
  34. >For a moment you're astounded as a full grown mare walks outside, her coat a deep green
  35. >Looking closer, her mane is slightly shorter and more messy than Fluttershy's. It's dull pink color and small curls are familiar
  36. >She's tall enough to seem downright imposing, taller even than your dad
  37. >And your dad is pretty tall, man.
  38. >Stumping you out of your wonder, you realize the cloud underneath your hooves is shifting
  39. >It's water has formed a mushy half-snow. The wind from being up so high and the compression into shape crystalized much of the interior
  40. >A icicle pokes into your back
  41. >You clench your teeth and try to flap your wings lightly, coalescing the cloud under you to be more stable
  42. >It falters.
  43. >Weather wasn't your favorite subject.
  44. >You tumble out of the bush, small autumn snowflakes littering your hair
  45. >You wave them out and look up, seeing the woman directly in front of you, a blank expression aside from the motions of chewing gum
  46. >She blows a bubble.
  47. >It pops.
  48. >Your anxiety rises.
  49. "H-heheh, hey m-miss...issit watermelon flavored? C-cuz you know, y-you look like a w-water..."
  50. >You trail off
  51. >You die inside
  52. >This is the least cool thing you could possibly be doing on a saturday afternoon
  53. >She shakes her head. "Nope, it's lemon."
  54. >WAKE ME UP
  55. >You are now completely convinced you are having a nightmare
  56. >Your wings shrivel and a feather falls out
  57. >You begin slightly trembling as the color fades out from your face
  58. "M-my dad totally says I could be a wonderbolt. S-so don't mess with me!"
  59. >Your voice cracks on the last syllable
  60. >"Wouldn't dream of it, kid."
  61. >It might be your imagination, but you could almost see a slight, supressed smirk
  62. >The muscles on her chest seem to tighten up as if she's surpressing something
  63. >There's a glint of genuine enjoyment in her eyes
  64. >You're about to be eaten by a cannibalpony, you just know it!
  65. >All the signs are there!
  66. >Dad told you not to watch the scary movies, but they've taught you how to deal with the scariest beings imaginable
  67. >Like Fluttershy's mom.
  68. >You reach for your sun-shaped amulet
  69. >You realize you don't have your holy symbol
  70. >You reach for a icicle
  71. >The door to the house opens, and you see Fluttershy wearing saddlebags, a small smile on her face
  72. >It only grows larger as she sees you, and she gallops over.
  73. >"Rainbow Dash! Wow, it's really good to see you! This is my mom, Gust Tumbler."
  74. >You look to her mother's flank
  75. >There's a tornado with a sun behind it
  76. >Yep, that's pretty gusty.
  77. >You look back to her and she smirks. "Ahh, so this is Rainbow Dash? She's cute."
  78. >"M-mom!" Fluttershy protests, stamping her hoof. You raise an eyebrow, and Gust Tumbler laughs
  79. >"I'm just teasing. C'mon, I can go to the shops on my own. Stay here and have fun with your little friend."
  80. >You are confused, but you feel remarkably less like you're going to die
  81. >You let out a huge breath, unaware you were holding it.
  82. "Y-yeah, I'm Rainbow Dash! I'm super cute, and don't forget it!"
  83. >Smooth.
  84. >To be fair you are super cute though.
  85. >You humph, and steel yourself, the wobbling in your knees subsiding
  86. >Her smirk turns into a full grin, and she laughs again. "Alright, you two have fun."
  87. >She spreads her wings and takes flight, kicking cloud up around her
  88. >As she glides away, Fluttershy steps next to you.
  89. >"She's so cool, right?"
  90. "She sounds like she has an ulterrier agenda."
  91. >Fluttershy giggles. "I'm glad you came, Rainbow Dash! I can show you around the place!"
  92. >You blow a stray lock of hair from your eye and nod.
  93. "Sure, 'Shy. Um..."
  94. >You stop yourself, looking away from her
  95. >She stops too, tilting her head to the side
  96. >You hated it when she did that
  97. >"Is something wrong, Dashie?"
  98. >And now the pet names
  99. >You feel your knees trembling again for an entirely different fear
  100. "I'm sorry, again. know."
  101. >She smiles softly, and places the side of her head against yours.
  102. >"Don't worry, Dash. I know you didn't mean to."
  103. >Your cheeks flush against hers, and you step back
  104. "Yeah! I'm just way too fast! Haha!"
  105. >You nervously look from side to side.
  106. >She seemed a little hurt, but continued smiling. "Hehe, yes, you are!" She humored your rushed bragging
  107. >You quickly stifled a sigh
  108. >Back at camp, one of the most common insults levelled at you, other than Rainbow Crash, was gay
  109. >You weren't entirely unfamiliar with being called that. From what you understand, you have all the generic characteristics
  110. >You of course denied it
  111. >Took you about halfway through camp to figure out you actually were.
  112. >The whole time, since you defended Fluttershy's honor and helped get her cutie mark, she defended you
  113. >Took you about three quarters of the way through camp to figure out you had a crush on her.
  114. >"Would you like to come in, Rainbow Dash?"
  115. "YES!"
  116. >You coughed, clearing your throat
  117. "Ahem, yes, I mean."
  118. >She opened the door and lead you inside. You shook the thoughts out of your head, and entered
  119. >A head poked around the corner, a stallion with a yellow coat and red mane. "Back so soon? Did you forg--oh! Hello again, Rainbow Dash!"
  120. "Hi, Fluttershy's dad!"
  121. >Fluttershy takes your hoof in your and pulls you up the stairs. "C'mon, I can show you my room!"
  122. >She leads you up the cloudstone steps and into a large pink room. There's stuffed animals and teasets everywhere
  123. >You barely stifle a groan
  126. >The next hour is fairly uneventful. It's nice to be around her again, but man are tea parties dull
  127. >Eventually you push aside your empty teacup
  128. "Um, this is REAL interesting and all, but could we try to do some flying? I still need a partner for some of those drills!"
  129. >Fluttershy's expression darkened. "I'm not very...good, at flying, Rainbow Dash."
  130. "Aw don't worry, all it takes it a little practice!"
  131. >"That's not the point..." She was almost whispering
  132. >You frowned and came over to sit next to her.
  133. "C'mon 'Shy. You're not all bad. Just put those jerks behind yo--"
  134. >Before you could continue the door opened, making you jump
  135. >Gust Tumbler's face peeks from around the door.
  136. >"Hey you two, how's it going?"
  138. >Fluttershy can't help but giggle, coming out of her melancholy. "It's going well, mommy."
  139. >"Good." She walked in and kissed Fluttershy on the forehead, whispering. You strain to hear; "How well?"
  140. >Fluttershy glanced to the side. "Mom, stooop!"
  141. >Her mother chuckles. "What kind of mom would I be if I didn't embarass you in front of your adorable little friends?"
  142. "A-...adorable?"
  143. >She ruffled your hair. "Positively."
  144. >You shot a pleading glance to Fluttershy, who was staring angrily at the table in front of her.
  145. >"Alright, you two have fun." Gust says, pushing you closer to Fluttershy before stepping out of the room
  146. >An awkward silence permiates
  147. "Uh, is everything okay, Fluttershy?"
  148. >"She's making fun of me." She replies, a resentful tone in her voice.
  149. "Aw come on, she seems cool. What's she making fun of?"
  150. >Fluttershy's eyes widen, and she shakes her head. "It's nothing, Dashie. Just something silly."
  151. >You glare at the door her mother had walked through.
  152. >No one messes with Fluttershy.
  153. >Not even her mommy.
  154. >You jump out of your seat and march out of the room.
  155. >"Wait, Rainbow!"
  156. >Half-stumbling down the stairs, you find your way into the kitchen, where Gust Tumbler is reading a book
  157. >You hop up on the seat across the table.
  158. >She looks at you, and you glare back.
  159. >"M'what? Something wrong, Rainbow Dash?"
  160. >You narrow your eyes and put on your most intimidating face
  161. "You're being mean to Fluttershy."
  162. >She blinks, taken aback. "Um, I am?"
  163. "I don't know how or why, but you keep embarassing her."
  164. >She closes the book, breaking eye contact for a moment. "I'm not being mean, I'm trying to encourage her!"
  165. "Wh-no you aren't! What could you possibly be encouraging her to do?!"
  166. >She slides the book to the side. "That's not for me to--...I'm trying to help her be more social."
  167. >You crawl on top of the table and march right up, placing your nose to hers
  168. "Fluttershy is a very nice pony, and it is NOT cool to make fun of her."
  169. >...
  170. >"Oh Celestia, that's the cutest."
  171. >Fluttershy rushes into the room, flying to Gust Tumbler and pulling on her arm. "Mooom! Stop! That's not fair!"
  172. >You deflate and step back. She can't hold a grin as she places her hooves to her face. "Awwww, no wonderrr!"
  173. "Fluttershy, you have placed me in a strange and unusual world. I miss flight camp."
  174. >She posessively comes to your side and grabs your hoof again, trying to pull you out of the room
  175. "Wait! What's going on?!"
  176. >"You're a very good friend to her, Rainbow." Gust said, patting your head.
  177. >Despite yourself, you feel heat rising to your face. Fluttershy grits her teeth. "Mom! You always steal my friends!"
  178. >She huffs. "I do not!"
  179. "I'd never let someone steal me away from you!"
  180. >Fluttershy's mouth opened for a moment, before closing in a small smile. "Of course, Dashie."
  181. >"Seeee?" Her mom said, batting her eyelashes. "She likes you!"
  182. "I-I don't--I mean, I d-do but, it's n-not--"
  183. >You fumble for the words, looking between each of them
  184. >Gust leans closer, and Fluttershy raises an eyebrow. You catch yourself
  185. "...No, I'm not going to finish that. It wasn't going anywhere."
  186. >Gust sighs and Fluttershy giggles.
  187. >Fluttershy wraps her forelegs around you. "I'm glad we're friends!"
  188. "Aha, yeah, yeah best friends alright. Friends. Friendo, yep. BEST FRIENDS."
  189. >You chuckle and pat her back, taking care not to hold her too tightly or smell her mane too noticably
  190. >Suddenly, Fluttershy leaned away, and looked at the clock. "Eep! It's lunch time for my bird friends!"
  191. "Birds?"
  192. >"Yes! Since I discovered my special talent, I've gotten some pet birds! They are very nice, we can go see them! Let me just get their food!"
  193. >She disappeared down a doorway to who-knows-where
  194. >Gust Tumbler walks up to you, and nudges your side. "Eh? Eeeh?"
  195. "Um...?"
  196. >"C'mon now. She's cute."
  197. >You feel the blood rushing to your face until even your ears start to turn red
  198. "W-what are you saying, Miss?"
  199. >"I'm just saying, she's single."
  200. "I'm not...! She's...!"
  201. >You freeze up, your chest growing tense
  202. "...Friends."
  203. >She nodded knowingly, and slinged an arm over you. "I mean, don't be in a rush. You have time."
  204. >She then tilts her head and looks to the ceiling. "Or be in a rush because this is your only childhood and you'll regret waiting super hard. Either way"
  205. >You can't help but see the resemblance between her and Fluttershy as she does so. The way her mane curls and the blue sparkles in her eyes.
  206. >Even the slight flicking of her ears as her head tilts
  207. "I'm not a kid, ya know. I'm a young adult! I've got a flying license!"
  208. >She chuckles, and Fluttershy stumbles out of the doorway holding a bag of birdseed across her back.
  209. >You walk over and help her carry it, taking it to the backyard where several birdhouses sit daintily on the clouds
  210. >Various hummingbirds, robins, and you forget what the rest of them are, start chirping at the sight of Fluttershy
  211. >Birds are alright.
  212. >One nips at your hoof as you're feeding it, but you manage to keep your cool.
  213. >Once you finish, Fluttershy sighs and looks up at the sky. "I wish we had trees here. Woodpeckers are so cute."
  214. >You snicker
  215. "Oh I got some wood you can peck, cutie."
  216. >This is probably why people think you're gay
  217. >She gasped, hiding under her mane as much as she could. "That's rude to say in front of the birds, Dashie!"
  218. "Oh, so you'd be fine with it if we were alone?"
  219. >"N-no! I just mean that it's very crass!"
  220. "You know it!"
  221. >She huffed and picked up the food bag
  222. >It strikes you as odd how easy it is to confess secrets if you play them off as a joke
  223. >In any other situation, you wouldn't be able to stutter out a "You look good today" before wimping out and pretending that you had to go take some flying lessons
  224. >You can't help but see your previously nefarious smile turn soft as you watch her try to put the food away without the birds pecking holes in the bag
  225. >You go to help her, while Gust Tumbler steps out. "Shoo! My daughter feeds you and this is how you repay her, huh?!"
  226. >Fluttershy giggles. "It's okay mom, they're just playful."
  227. >You start to take to the air to wave them away, when her mother raises a wing
  228. >She then flaps it, blowing you hard enough to slide on the fluffy ground and throw all of the birds softly into their well-sculpted cloud fence. They then pop out, chirping indignantly
  229. "Whoa! You're like, almost as strong as our coach!"
  230. >Fluttershy grins. "Yep! She was a junior speedster too!"
  231. >"Yeah, get a lot of exercise on the weather team."
  232. >Your enthusiasm immediately drops, and you sigh.
  233. >"Hey hey, don't look like that!" Gust frowns, with still a hint of playful energy in her eyes. "I'm not a rainbow mixer or anything lame like tha--uh--"
  234. >She coughs, looking to the side. "No offense."
  235. >You sigh again and lower your head. "Yeah it's pretty lame."
  236. >Your dad would be sad to hear you say that. But he'd probably admit it.
  237. >She pats you on the head with her wing. "Don't worry, kid. If you ever need help with wingpower or tornado-chasing, I'll be here."
  238. >Your grin returns, as does hers.
  239. >Fluttershy wipes the sweat from her brow, satisfied in a job well done. "That's everything picked up!"
  240. >You look up as the sun starts to lower.
  241. "I should get home soon, dinner will be in a bit."
  242. >"Aww! Okay, Rainbow Dash."
  243. >Gust Tumbler nods. "Yeah, I should start cooking. Fluttershy, you need to go take a shower."
  244. >"I know, mom!" She says, stumbling inside over her lanky legs. You chuckle lightly and follow. "I'll see you later, Dashie! Thanks for coming over!"
  245. "Thanks for having me. It was fun!"
  246. >You turn to Gust, who's proudly smiling.
  247. "Nice to meet you, too, Miss 'Shy!"
  248. >"It was wonderful, Rainbow. Keep in mind what I saaaid~" She finished the second half in a sing-songy voice.
  249. >You instinctively blush and lower your head, breaking eye contact for a moment
  250. >When you look back she's chuckling, still a large smile on her that reminds you of Fluttershy's gleaming face when she showed you her cutie mark
  251. >You nearly trip over yourself on the way out, making sure not to accidentally slam the door.
  252. >Passing the bush you were hiding in earlier, you stop and stare at it for a moment
  253. >Still an icicle out of place, mostly melted, causing the cloud around it to darken like a small raincloud, a blotch in the yard.
  254. >You stamp the water out of it to be polite, and a crack of thunder hits your ears before you realize the shock travelling up your arm
  255. >You hop back on your other legs, fur frizzing around you
  256. "Owowowowowow! Son of a bi--"
  257. >Before you finish, you see a shadow form around you
  258. >A moment later you feel two wings pick you up, and are turned around to see Gust Tumbler's worried face.
  259. >"Are you okay, Dash?! What happened?"
  260. >You decide to test the first question out first, and wave your hoof in front of your face to study it
  261. >Well, you try anyhow. It's gone completely numb, and you end up floundering it onto your face
  262. >Before you can try again, she asks again, "Dashie? Speak to me, sweetheart."
  263. "Yea-HEUGH"
  264. >You cough a small cloud of soot into her face, which she wipes off, staining both her face and wing in black
  265. "Y-yeah I'm fine, M-miss 'Shy..."
  266. >Despite the twitching in your left wing, you're not mortified inside from pain. It's embarassment.
  267. >Gust itches at her eye to get the soot out. "You don't look fine. Sweetie, I need to be absolutely sure. Try to move your limbs, and tell me what's happened today."
  268. >Your heart jumps at the pet name. She slightly loosens her grip on you, and you almost go to move closer
  269. >You catch yourself, shaking the static electricity from your head. You try to place weight on your hooves as you recall
  270. "Uh, I hid in a b--I mean, I uh.."
  271. >Catching yourself again, you reflexively shake your head again to restart. You try to divorce yourself from the situation to help
  272. "I c-came to the house and saw a very pre--"
  273. >You clench your teeth. Okay, seperating yourself too much made you be a little...too objective.
  274. >On the bright side, most of your limbs are working. Your right hoof still fumbles a bit, and your left wing won't buzz in sync with the other
  275. "I--well, when I came in, me and Fluttershy had a tea par--"
  276. >You stop yourself once more, suddenly worried
  277. >As much as you'll defend Fluttershy in public and hang out with her, you kind of don't want it going around that you're doing lame filly stuff like tea parties
  278. >Wait...This is her mom, it doesn't matter
  279. >Does it?
  280. >You want her to think you're cool. But she already knew, right?
  281. >You still can't decide by the time she leans forward, wanting you to continue. You'll get back to that part, time to force ahead
  282. "W-we talked about how you want me to be more forward with my crush on--"
  283. >Fluttershy rushes into the yard, also looking over you
  284. >Her terrified expression is enough to stop you, not even counting your reluctance to come out and say it
  285. >"Are you okay Rainbow Dash?!" She alternates between whispering and shouting every syllable, almost crying as tears well up.
  286. "Yeah Flutters, I'm fine."
  287. >Gust shakes her head. "I'm not so sure, Rainbow! You're sounding disorientated, you might have amnesia!"
  288. >Feeling is coming back into your front leg now. It hurts. A lot
  289. >You start to tremble and yelp in pain
  290. >But their eyes catch you first
  291. >Not only Fluttershy's
  292. >Gust Tumbler's eyes also begin to well up in tears
  293. >You steel yourself, biting your tongue and forcing your lips to stop quivering
  294. >You're Rainbow Cussin' Dash
  295. >You don't make your best friends cry.
  296. "I'm fine! I promise, it'll take way more than pesky icicle-poking cloud-parting little old lightning bolt to make me wince, let alone take me down!"
  297. >With that, you force your limbs into order, puffing out your chest and holding your wings high
  298. >Like you stood to get the coach at flight camp to notice you.
  299. >A few moments pass
  300. >Every time your wing begins to spasm, you look deeper into their eyes, and lock it in place
  301. >After that, Fluttershy begins to smile, crashing into you with a full force hug
  302. >It doesn't actually hurt
  303. >By your estimation she's about three pounds. Tops.
  304. >However, when Gust Tumbler wraps her arms and wings around the both of you and squeezes, you feel like you have sunburn bad enough that Nightmare Moon would sympathize
  305. >You don't managed to keep a squeak of pain down, and she loosens her grip, pulling you up to face her
  306. >"You're such a tough young woman, Dash."
  307. >Your heart throbs, before she continues
  308. >"We really need you to practice your weather control. That could have been very bad. It sounded like it was intense. I could teach you."
  309. >You grin
  310. "Really?! That'd be awesome!"
  311. >She giggles and pats your head, Fluttershy still clinging to you.
  312. >You lean into her, before realizing what you said
  313. >Weather practice.
  314. >Awesome.
  315. >You'd be disgusted if you weren't in a sickly sweet huddle of wonderful feathery hugs
  316. >Eventually Fluttershy steps back from the hug, much to your dismay
  317. >A moment later Gust also leans away, even more to your dismay
  318. >However, she does stop you from standing up, placing her hoof on your head and smoothing out your hair
  319. >You hated it when people did that. It's just going to go back after you fly around for a bit.
  320. >You buzzed your wings to fly, but the left one cramped and you immediately fell on the ground.
  321. >Sighing, you tested out your hooves again
  322. "I guess this is what legs are for."
  323. >Although you hate to admit it, your legs are kinda weak
  324. >Bouncing on the cloud streets is way different than walking on the cloudstone of houses, and it takes a lot out of you trying to control it
  325. >This is what you get for skipping leg day every time in favor of another wing day.
  326. >They warned you about leg day, bro. They told you, dog.
  327. >Gust managed to put a frown on her usually joyful face. "You can't fly?"
  328. "Yeah. Well, I mean, it's just cramping. I can still move fine."
  329. >She nodded. "That'll happen after a big shock. Boy, I'm really glad you're gonna be okay."
  330. >She gave you another short hug, once again completely dulling the pain and placing a big stupid grin on your face
  331. >The previous tension in your muscles started to loosen at the sensation of your fur brushing up against hers
  332. >She picked you up and swung you onto her back, wrapping your forelegs around her neck.
  333. >"C'mon, I'll fly you home. Least I can do."
  334. "O-okay, Miss 'Shy."
  335. >"Bye, Rainbow Dash!" Fluttershy said, "Get lots of rest. You'll be fine!"
  336. >You blink
  337. "Wait, have you been struck by lightning before?"
  338. >She smiled bashfully. "I got scared while mom was teaching me to fly and landed on a storm cloud instead of floating to our yard."
  339. >Gust Tumbler winced. "Y-yeah. That was my fault. I'm sorry again, girl."
  340. >She wrapped an arm around Fluttershy, who happily leaned in
  341. >Looks like you have something in common with her
  342. >Suddenly, Gust's wings shifted, one side raising and the other lowering
  343. >Your weight shifted towards Fluttershy, nearly falling on top of her
  344. >The sides of your faces end up smooshed together, stopping you from panicking
  345. >Fluttershy blinked, confused, and stepped back enough for you to fall between the two and straight into her chest
  346. >panic
  347. >PANIC
  349. >You begin scrambling over the feathers around you, trying to escape without use of your wings
  350. >All the while you breathed in a sweet scent of bananas and a faint trace of sweat
  351. >Gust chuckled, making enough space for you to completely fall between then and then stand back up
  352. >Your face felt as if it were on fire
  353. >Suddenly, you are VERY thankful about being struck by lightning
  354. >The constant twitching that your wing has been doing might cover up how stiff they've gotten
  355. >Fluttershy stared into your eyes with a blank expression, unblinking
  356. "Yeah I think that's about all the milage we're going to get out of this visit BYE FLUTTERSHY!"
  357. >You jump onto Gust's back.
  358. "GO! MUSH!"
  359. >Gust laughed heartily, before blasting off the ground, still chuckling
  360. >You grumbled under your breath. The heat was slowly retreating from your cheeks, but seems to be stuck now
  361. >The cool fall air rushing around you seems to be helping the stiffness in your wings though.
  362. >"You know, I didn't see that coming. You should take her out for dinner first, sheesh."
  363. >You began to mumble nothing in particular louder, your voice cracking occasionally
  364. "Y-you know I didn't...It's not that I..."
  365. >"Such a forward young woman." She chuckles
  366. " too."
  367. >She stopped a moment, looking back to you. "Me? Forward about what?"
  368. >Your heart spiked in embarassment
  369. "Nothing, that's just...what you say..."
  370. >Her chuckle takes a deeper tone. "You're pretty grown up. Even though, you're a small girl."
  371. "Despite myself."
  372. >You cough. What just came over you?
  373. "I mean, I just do a lot of training and I don't get much bigger. I guess it's good for my aerodynamics."
  374. >"Mhmm." She coos. You feel the flight start to stiffen. She doesn't make as many little adjustments
  375. >"Don't be in a rush to grow up. I wish I could be your size nowadays."
  376. >You snort.
  377. "Why?"
  378. >"Well, I find ponies like you cute."
  379. >Suddenly she drops a few feet. "Oh jeez, I just said that..."
  380. >A few seconds of silence follow. You want to contemplate what she just said, feeling oddly complemented. But at the same time...
  381. >You're alone, and she's the person who'd know the best other than Fluttershy herself.
  382. >You bury your head into the back of her head, mumbling out the question
  383. "Do you think Fluttershy thinks I'm cute?"
  384. >You can see her grin. "Of course. Like momma, like daughter!"
  385. >She tilts her head to the side. "Y'know. Assuming she's gay."
  386. >You gulped.
  387. "That's a really big assumption, Miss."
  388. >"Only about as big as assuming you are."
  389. >You blinked. Well.
  390. >You suppose she's right in a way, but that's not really the point.
  391. "Wait, you don't even know she's--then why would you tell me to ask her out?!"
  392. >"Well how else am I supposed to figure out?" She rolls her eyes. "It'd be a little suspicious for me to ask my daughter if she wants to do kissing with girls."
  393. >She's got you there, too.
  394. "How am I suppose to confess without even knowing? You know what'll happen if she doesn't like me back?!"
  395. >"Yep."
  396. >
  397. >Well shit. Just drop that on me why don't you.
  398. >She places her weight on one wing, lightly smacking you in the side of the head with the other. In the middle of your amazement, she winks at you.
  399. >"It's scary, but she likes you. It'll work out!"
  400. "You've gotta teach me how to do that!"
  401. >She shrugs. "At least I can't say you have a one track mind. You have at least two!"
  402. >Giving her directions, she eventually floats down to the front of your apartment.
  403. >You climb off grinning.
  404. "Thanks, Miss. Today was pretty fun."
  405. >"I'd say so!" She nuzzles the top of your head in a motherly way. "Come back any time, Dash. I'll train ya on the weekends."
  406. "I can't wait! Today's..."
  407. >"Saturday." She finishes
  408. "So we can start tomorrow?!"
  409. >"Quite antsy, aren't ya? Sure thing. See you then, Dashie." She finishes, drawing out the pet name and winking.
  410. >You can't help but blush as you wave, and she takes off again, shooting into the sky
  411. >She does a small flip while smirking at you, tumbling in the air and gliding off
  412. >You can't help but flap your sore wings in excitement
  413. >Even if it'll be about boring weather stuff, it'll still be training
  414. >And with the promise of seeing more Gust Tumbler and Fluttershy
  415. >You climb up the stairs to your place and walk in
  416. >Your dad turns to you, washing a few dishes in the sink next to the window.
  417. >"Hey, squirt. Who's that?"
  418. "It's Fluttershy's mom, Gust Tumbler. She gave me a ride back! She's really nice."
  419. >"I see!" He placed a plate on the table, and then a bowl of good ol' spaghetti.
  420. >"But I thought you would want to fly there and back on your own. You're always exercising your wings."
  421. >A bead of sweat drops from your forehead.
  422. "Y-yeah, just felt a little tired."
  423. >He leaned to the side, looking at your twitching wing."Is something wrong?"
  424. >You sigh.
  425. "Okay, I might have accidentally soaked the ground into a stormcloud, and then stamped it wrong and got a shock."
  426. >"What?!" He nearly yelled. "Why would you do that? I've always told you to be careful with stormclouds."
  427. >You shrunk a little under his gaze.
  428. "W-well, Fluttershy has a very nice house, and it'd look ugly if there was just one patch..."
  429. >He sighed. "We're gonna need to get you a weather tutor."
  430. "Don't worry! Miss 'Shy said she'd teach me. She's on the Cloudsdale weather team!"
  431. >A smile returned to his features. "Oh really? And you'd do that?"
  432. "Of course! She's super cool."
  433. >He laughed and placed a plate next to you. "Alright then. When do you start?"
  434. "Tomorrow!"
  435. >"Hm. Alright then. I'll be quizzing you when you get home though, so don't slack off."
  436. >You managed to lose a small portion of your enthusiasm at the mention of quizzes.
  437. >After dinner finishes and the night goes on, you retire to bed
  438. >Laying down and pulling the covers over your shivering body
  439. >As you snuggle down, your mind flashes back to earlier in the day
  440. >Your heart leaps as the images and sensations of being pressed against Fluttershy returns to your memory
  441. >As your wings stiffen, you convince yourself that your pressing your face into the pillow from the cold rather than any namby pamby extreme desire to be pressed to Fluttershy's chest once again.
  442. >The sensation of Gust's fathers stroking your back as you breathe in Fluttershy's scent is something you can't get out of your head
  443. >You shudder at the thought
  444. >As you lie there intoxicated by your own fantasies, you think to yourself
  445. >Okay, Gust was right
  446. >You REALLY need to ask Fluttershy out
  450. >The new day has come.
  451. >And so have you
  452. >Going through your normal morning stretches, you can't help but be keenly aware of your every movement
  453. >You stretch enough to place your chin against your knee, laying it there for a few moments, listening to the gently swaying wind outside your window
  454. >You lift yourself up on your forelegs and extend your wings, slowly taking the weight off them and floating in place
  455. >You're a lot calmer than you were last night, but you're still excited for the rest of the day
  456. >After a few more stretches, you're done, and you've worked up a light sweat. You make your way to the shower
  457. >As you're checking to make sure there's a towel, you catch sight of yourself in the mirror.
  458. >Taking a few different angles, and comparing yourself to the surroundings, you feel like you've nearly grown an inch
  459. >Making sure the door is locked, you step your forelegs on the counter
  460. >A moment of preparation, and you place your legs together, puffing out your chest.
  461. >Slightly disappointed, you find it's not quite as enticing as Fluttershy's.
  462. >You'd still do you, though.
  463. >You stretch out your body sideways, only to frown once more
  464. >You still feel like a bit of a runt, compared to your equals in age.
  465. >As much as you enjoy the aerodynamics aspect, it's a little embarrassing to imagine you trying to hold Fluttershy like a woman when you're a smidge above half her height
  466. >You sigh heavily and stretch out your wings, which had grown fairly well.
  467. >At least you always got these babies.
  468. >You're so worth it.
  469. >A quick shower later, you dry yourself off
  470. >This would be the time you put perfume or something on, right?
  471. >Dad did buy you some a long time ago, 'just in case'.
  472. >Or is that something only girly girls do? Are you like a guy in this equation?
  473. >No one taught you how to be gay.
  474. >This is bullshit.
  475. >You elect to just follow your normal routine, and fly out the door
  476. >You screech to a halt, and open it again, peeking your head back to the main room
  477. "Bye, dad!"
  478. >"Always in a rush..." He sighs, waving you off.
  479. >Zipping across the cloudy roofs of the buildings, you eventually make it to the nicer neighborhood
  480. >There's a nip in the wind today. You're almost shivering by the time you touch down
  481. >Your fur coat has turned entirely puffy due to your goosebumps.
  482. >A few stray snowflakes pass by you as you knock on the door. The cold always comes quicker, up in the sky.
  483. >Almost immediately, Fluttershy opens it with a grin. "Hello, Rainbow Dash! I'm so glad you could make it!"
  484. >You instinctively lean forward, closing a scant few inches of distance between your faces
  485. "Heya! How've you been?"
  486. >"G-good, Rainbow." She stutters, leaning back. "And you?"
  487. "Well uh, that's the thing. You see, I have something to...Ah, we'll get back to it."
  488. >You wave your arm dismissively, chuckling. A bead of sweat forms on your brow
  489. >She tilts her head, her expression softening
  490. >Interest, but no need to rush you.
  491. >She steps aside, letting you in.
  492. >You almost feel good about wimping out, just to spend time watching that.
  493. >After a moment you jolt, stepping inside before you spend too long just staring at her
  494. >The door closes, revealing the most disappointed motherly face you've ever seen behind.
  495. "Hey-heeey, Miss 'Shy!"
  496. >"Hey, kid." She managed to smirk, ruffling your hair. "Here for some tutoring?"
  497. "You bet!"
  498. >A bit happy to change the subject, you shivered. Kind of lame that you forgot to bring a scarf or anything.
  499. >"Oh, Rainbow Dash!" Fluttershy trotted to your side. "You're not cold, are you?"
  500. "Yeah, a little, but it won't be too bad. Working warms you up."
  501. >She looked to the ground. "...Well, you could borrow my scarf. I-if you want to..."
  502. "That's oka--"
  503. >"OF COURSE SHE WOULD!" Gust Tumbler interrupted, grinning and pushing the both of you to the stairs.
  504. "What are you doing?!"
  505. >You hissed to her, as Fluttershy stumbled up the steps.
  506. >She leaned closer and whispered. "It's romantic! You read about it all the time in novels!"
  507. "I don't read!"
  508. >"Shush!"
  509. >You took wing up the stairs, reaching the top at the same time as Fluttershy.
  510. >Walking into the room, she opens her dresser
  511. >You peer in from behind
  512. >Scarfs of various colors
  513. >And, under them...
  514. >You see a pair of long socks
  515. >Your eyes widen.
  516. >Where the heck did she get those?
  517. >You can't imagine her going into a shop and asking for them.
  518. >A moment later, you see her jolt and throw some other clothes over them
  519. >She starts to turn to you, and you immediately redirect yourself to looking at her line of stuffed animals
  520. >You raise an eyebrow, feeling her embarassed gaze hit you
  521. >But your attention is immediately grabbed by another question.
  522. >What do people even do with stuffed animals?
  523. >Just stare at them?
  524. >You almost jump as a long scarf is wrapped around your neck.
  525. >Looking down, it's a shade of orange with white stripes
  526. >You place a hoof to it and rub it against your cheek, bringing a smile to your face
  527. "Wow, this is comfy."
  528. >She grins proudly. "It's one of my favorites!"
  529. "Oh, uh, you sure? I don't want to get it all sweaty or anything."
  530. >"That's fine, Rainbow. I won't have any problem wearing it after that."
  531. >
  532. "...What?"
  533. >You hear a small squee from behind the corner out of the room.
  534. >You almost feel like you're in a setup.
  535. >Her eyes dart back and fourth. "U-um, I said that it's okay. You look cold."
  536. "Well...okay. Thank you!"
  537. >You smile in appriciation. And while it is genuine, you can't help but feel odd about the situation
  538. >It doesn't quite feel real. You take a moment to look at her.
  539. >She seems nervous. She keeps breaking eye contact, too
  540. >She does that often enough normally, but it almost seems moreso now.
  541. >Or maybe you're just being more aware since it's set up to be such a big day
  542. >"Um..."
  543. >Oh shoot, you've been staring for too long
  544. >You move a lot faster than you think, you notice
  545. "Sorry, got distracted by something."
  546. >She looked down at the ground. "Hey, Rainbow Dash...?"
  547. "Yeah?"
  548. >She took a deep breath. "My mom keeps acting strange around us..."
  549. >You gulped.
  550. "Yeah. I guess she has."
  551. >"She gets this way sometimes. I hope you don't take it personally."
  552. "I take it super personally."
  553. >Her pupils shrink
  554. "I mean, in a good way! Like, personal advice."
  555. >You place a hoof on her shoulder, and try to smile reassuringly
  556. >"Oh. stuff?"
  557. >
  558. "Yeeeeah. With weather."
  559. >She sighs and smiles. "Of course, Dashie."
  560. >Your hoof slowly slides down her side.
  561. >She blinks as it reaches her velvet-soft wing. The feathers part slightly
  562. >"D-Dashie?"
  563. "Hm? What? I didn't do nothing."
  564. >You quickly retract your hoof, grinning.
  565. >You're one smooth motherfucker.
  566. >Now is the time. Confess your love and then kiss her, like you dreamed last night. 3...2...1...
  567. "Say, you don't..."
  568. >You freeze up
  569. >You realize as much as you fantasized about the kiss part, you put literally no planning in the confessing part
  570. >shit.
  571. >"I...don't?"
  572. >Ow. You wince
  573. >Her saying those words somehow stings you even though she had no idea what she was saying
  574. "Yeah uh, nevermind. I should get to practicing with Gust Tumbler."
  575. >She frowns. "Y-yeah. Have fun."
  576. >You start to leave, and she holds a hoof out. "Please don't get struck by lightning again, Rainbow Dash!"
  577. >You turn your head back and give a toothy grin.
  578. "I'M going to be doing the striking this time!"
  579. >She giggles, and you make your way out, immediately running into a grinning Gust Tumbler
  580. >Before you can say anything, she shushes you and brings you downstairs
  581. >"Sooo? It sounds like it was going well, but then you stopped!"
  582. "I uh, lost my nerve. I have no idea how to do this, I've never tried to get a marefriend."
  583. >"Hmmm."
  584. >Both of you exit the house and take wing, flying up to the higher clouds.
  585. >Eventually you're higher than most everyone else, and Gust sits on a cloud
  586. >You sit on it too, taking a breath. The air is much thinner here. She seems to be breathing harder too, though she's handling it better
  587. "So uh, what did you want to teach me?"
  588. >You made the bad call to say that right after exhaling, leaving you a little lightheaded at the end.
  589. >She smirks, noticing. "Be careful to time your breathing. Wasting any breath up here puts you in a bad spot. Or anywhere, really."
  590. >You tilt your head, and she continues. "In weather control, and romance, you just have to keep calm and time things correctly."
  591. >You feel like you're in one of those cartoons where the hero guy goes to learn from Japonyse monks or something.
  592. >You snicker. If Fluttershy ever becomes a vampire, at least you'll know how to beat her.
  593. >Fat chance of that happening.
  594. "What do you mean?"
  595. >"Well, for instance..."
  596. >She lightly stamps on the cloud, spreading it out and making it thinner. "Sometimes everything gets scattered around. You have to get everything together to affect it as a whole."
  597. >Spreading her wings, she scoops it closer, circling her hooves and collecting it into one fluffy pile. "There. I suppose in romantic terms, it would be..."
  598. >She thinks for a moment, then sits up straight, leaning slightly forward and gazing into your eyes.
  599. >"You have to wait till she has her complete attention on you. Like this."
  600. >You gulp as her eyes twinkle in the bright sunlight.
  601. >The wind blows her mane over to one side, slightly covering one of her eyes
  602. >It looks almost like Fluttershy's now.
  603. >"Then, you need to make sure the cloud isn't full of static electricity. To do that you just sort of have to feel the effects of it on your fur, when it sticks up."
  604. >Her breath becomes quicker, and she takes a moment. "Sorry, not used to talking so much at this height, heheh."
  605. >She wonders for a moment, staring off into space. "In terms of her, make sure to make her comfortable. Close the distance, but slowly. Here."
  606. >Her wings spread, and she hold her arms out. Your heart jumps, and you awkwardly scootch a little closer.
  607. >She giggles softly and grabs you by the shoulders, pulling you closer
  608. >Not quite together, but only five or six inches away. She takes another deep breath
  609. >She must be feeling as lightheaded as you.
  610. "M-maybe we're up too high?"
  611. >"No, no. I just wanted to start you off in the big leagues. I know you're not a little kid."
  612. "I'm not a kid at all."
  613. >You smile at that. She chuckles. "You are compared to me. Besides, maybe I wanted some privacy to talk about you kissing on my daughter. I'm sort of having and off-day though. Not timing my breathing right."
  614. >Then you fold your ears, looking away.
  615. "H-how do you do that?"
  616. >"Hm? Kiss? I assumed you knew."
  617. "Y-yeah, of course! I've had marefriends."
  618. >You quickly cover for yourself, breaking eyecontact and staring to the side.
  619. "Just, never...Fluttershy."
  620. >Was that lie believable? You guess. You're totally the hottest pony in Equestria, you probably would have had a dozen fillyfriends if you felt like it.
  621. >"Heheheh..."
  622. >Gust pulls a wing over you, pushing your gaze back to hers. She almost looks a little dizzy "Well, you'll definitely have to take the lead; she surely won't. Just lean in and do it."
  623. "But..."
  624. >You realize now a light blush has covered her face.
  625. >"But what? You want to, don't you? And she would like it."
  626. "How do you know?"
  627. >"I know I would. I-if, I was her, that is..."
  628. >After hearing that, you decide maybe you're a little dizzy too.
  629. "You would...?"
  630. >Her smile grows a little more, biting her bottom lip. Her eyes become half-lidded. Everything about her reminds you of your fantasies of Fluttershy.
  631. >And maybe a little more.
  632. >"Yeah. I'm pretty sure I would."
  633. >You lean forward as the wind blows from behind her
  634. >She uses the same shampoo as Fluttershy.
  635. >She leans forward too.
  636. >You place your hooves on her shoulders, standing yourself up, at the same height as her.
  637. >She doesn't move any further. "There you go." She whispers, a breathy sound all too familiar to you. "Now what would she like?"
  638. >Quiet desperation in her eyes.
  639. >You pull her towards you, and your lips meet
  640. >A moment later she wraps her arms around you
  641. >Her wings that were also wrapped around you slowly start to move away, held at full mast to the sides.
  642. >You start to pull away, but she pulls you back, holding your chest to hers.
  643. >The heavy beats of each of your hearts are slightly out of sync, constantly rumbling between you
  644. >Eventually she jerks back, placing you down
  645. >Both of you pant
  646. >You fall to your side, the heat in your face slowly dispersing the cloud under it.
  647. >Gust's face seems to be alternating between joy, horror, and a more...base expression.
  648. >Her wings aren't helping her hide the latter.
  649. >Seeing them spread out is impressive. They're powerful, yet lithe
  650. >She continuously steps towards you, flicking her tail, before shaking her head and stepping back
  651. >Meanwhile your legs cling together, unable to function. Same as your own wings. You look to her
  652. >A sly grin, as a strand of your drool rest on her chin. She slinks over to you with catlike grace.
  653. "M-...miss 'Shy?"
  654. >She slings a leg over you and leans down, putting her mouth next to your ear. "C-call me Flutt-..."
  655. >She suddenly stops, shakes her head one last time, and with a back leg she stamps a hole straight through the cloud. "Ahem. Yes, Rainbow Dash?"
  656. "...Thank you for the lesson..."
  657. >Her mood suddenly changed. A genuine laugh came out of her. The blush and outstretched wings stayed, but her eyes returned to normal.
  658. >A few moments passed, as you sat up and the icy wind blew. You only realized as it sent a shiver up your spine, but at some point you started sweating.
  659. >She lays down next to you, on her stomach, trying her best to wrap a wing around you and shield you from the wind.
  660. >After a moment of consideration, you decide that if it's already gone this far...
  661. >You push her to her side and bury your face in her chest
  662. >She laughs again, pulling you into it and holding you there.
  663. >It's as heavenly as you remembered
  664. >Not quite as soft, but the long forelegs and wings wrapped around you make up for it, smothering you in Gust's scent
  665. "So, uh..."
  666. >You mumble into her chest, unwilling to leave untill she pulls you back. Her gaze still holds a trace of lust, but mostly replaced with a matronly soft smile
  667. "This is how you kiss?"
  668. >"I thought you said you've kissed before."
  669. >
  670. "Shit."
  671. >She laughs ever harder, dying down after a few minutes. "Well...shit, indeed. I didn't mean to nab your first one."
  672. >You give a cocky grin, as is your nature
  673. "First of many."
  674. >"Mmm. If I have my way, definitely." She nearly give a playful growl, ruffling your already windblown hair
  675. >At this moment, you realize something odd in your mouth
  676. >Moving it around, it tastes sort of like lemon.
  677. >Your blush intensifies as you realize it
  678. >She begins to speak, and then stops, feeling her cheek.
  679. >"Hey, you uh, wouldn't happen to have my gum, right?"
  680. "Maybe a little."
  681. >She chuckles. "Mind giving it back?"
  682. >You start to move closer, when she suddenly shifts, rubbing her eyes.
  683. >She sits up, looking around. "The cloud is lowering. We won't be in privacy for long."
  684. >Then she takes another deep breath. The air has become much easier for you to breathe, too.
  685. >As the air reaches your lungs, you begin to hear the alarm bells that had the power cut on them earlier
  686. >That's okay. You're Rainbow Dash. You stopped listening to those things when you were five.
  687. >Looking at Gust Tumbler's face, you see small twitches, hinting at emotions but seemingly conflicting with themselves
  688. >You're not the best at reading people.
  689. >It's not one of your skills, and you severely regret that.
  690. "Miss 'Shy?"
  691. >She looks to you, and slowly smiles. "Yes, Rainbow Dash?"
  692. "I, uh..."
  693. >You shuffle your front hooves to eachother on the cloud, wings still spread out behind you.
  694. >"Well, spit it out, kid."
  695. >She stretched out, nudging your shoulder before raising her arms and yawning from lack of air.
  696. >Your eyes are immediately drawn to her unobscured body
  697. "I'm not really...I mean, I'd like to k-keep--"
  698. >A feather releases from Gust's wing, blowing into your face
  699. >She giggles in genuine surprise. Eventually she meets your stare again. "Okay, that just made me laugh. Go ahead."
  700. "I mean, I'd like know, keep practicing."
  701. >"Oh, really? You mean like with the weather?"
  702. >You find it hard to hide your frustration.
  703. >"Then you'd be able to work the stiffness out of these things." She placed a hoof on one of your wings, bouncing it
  704. >A shiver runs up your spine
  705. >Somehow, the idea of weather practice seems even lamer to you now than it ever has before
  706. "Not weather."
  707. >"You were absolutely timid a few moments ago!" She stood up again, stretching out the rigidity from her wings.
  708. >Well, you're not anymore.
  709. "Yeah, but I changed my mind!"
  710. >"I think there's a key phrase we're missing here."
  711. >Oh no.
  712. >She's not going to do it, is she?
  713. >She's not ACTUALLY going to make you beg, right?
  714. >The blush of your infatuation now becomes mixed with one of anger.
  715. "I want to hold you."
  716. >A glitter in her eye, and a deflecting hoof wave. "N-no, not that! do know how to make a mare blush."
  717. >You gulp.
  718. >Rainbow Dash doesn't beg.
  719. >But generally Rainbow Dash doesn't want to bury her face into a mare's plumage
  720. >Okay that's a lie, Rainbow Dash does generally want to do that. But not this much.
  721. "C'mon, we can catch another cloud."
  722. >She stops for a second, looking you over. Almost as if considering it, before crossing her front hooves and shaking her head. "Nope, we're still missing a vital part of the equasion."
  723. >You grit you teeth.
  724. "Plea--"
  725. >"That's right, Fluttershy!" She cuts you off, almost desperate to take the focus away
  726. >You blink. Oh.
  727. >"I already feel kind of bad for taking as many of your experiences as I have, heh...Ahem, so uh, I'd really like the rest of the practicing to be with Fluttershy."
  728. >Wait
  729. "The rest of the practicing with Fluttershy? WITH? As in, the three of us?"
  730. >Gust's eyes widened. The word "No" began to form on her lips, but never exited.
  731. >As she's staring into space, it hits your dense skull that she probably meant just you and Fluttershy.
  732. >...Although.
  733. "I mean...I wouldn't mind."
  734. >You grin, and her pupils shrink even more. "I-I uh, I don't think that would be quite appropriate."
  735. >You may not read romance novels, but you definitely know a fantasy when you see one.
  736. "I'm just saying, you said she'd appreciate a forward, experienced--"
  737. >It was her turn to grit her teeth.
  738. >"You're not getting me to kiss my daughter."
  739. >You speak slightly over the sound of chirping birds
  740. "Who said anything about kissing her?! I just know that you know she would feel much safer if her loving mother was there to give her a few tips!"
  741. >She gave a nervous laugh, lowering her voice. "Oh my goodness. You're not convincing me to do this. No, no. Fluttershy is all yours."
  742. "Oh, that's not what I meant. I want her AND--"
  743. >The cloud underneath you warps slightly as it merges with the platform Fluttershy's birdhouses are held on.
  744. "Oh. I guess we made the cloud fall-"
  745. >You look to the side, seeing Fluttershy standing in the doorway of her home, looking at you.
  746. >Wide eyed.
  747. >You take this moment to realize you and her mother are standing face to face, your wings entirely erect, and Gust's own poorly concealed wingboner poking out to the sides.
  748. >At any other moment, for any other pony, this might have been the end
  749. >But not for Rainbow Dash
  750. >Especially not for a Rainbow Dash that has been consistantly teased for the entire weekend
  751. >Not to mention the entire time at flight camp, helping her with exercises
  752. >Watching her stretch out every morning
  753. >There is no going halfway. Every muscle tenses at the sight of your crush
  754. >You either back down, or go for it right now.
  757. >You saunter over to her, putting on a winning smile
  758. >You shouldn't even need to qualify it; every smile you give is winning
  759. >You can see Gust's excited expression in the reflection of the window next to Fluttershy
  760. "Heya, 'Shy."
  761. >"Hello, Rainbow Dashie." She smiles back, sitting down and waving her hoof
  762. >your knees turn to jello
  763. >hooves are heavy, knees weak, wings spaghetti
  764. >Okay that's not true, your wings are still pretty stiff
  765. >As you're trying to compose yourself, she looks between you, her mother, and your wings
  766. >You give your wings a flex, causing her to continue staring at them for a few moments
  767. >You're not very good at reading expressions, but even you can sense anger in her face
  768. >Enough to make your own smile lose it's luster
  769. >She then looks back to your eyes, regaining her gentle demeanour
  770. >What was that about?
  771. >She locks eyes with her mother. You turn back to look at Gust Tumbler, who is nervously grinning, gesturing at Fluttershy to you
  772. >You turn back, and Fluttershy sighs, looking at the ground.
  773. >Okay, now wings spaghetti
  774. >You feel dozens of butterflies in your stomach
  775. >A few moments of silence, and Fluttershy looks up to you
  776. >She puts up a forced smile. "How has my scarf been treating you?"
  777. "O-oh."
  778. >You place a hoof on it, rubbing it to your cheek again.
  779. "It's been really nice, thank you."
  780. >She relaxes. "You're ever so welcome, Dash."
  781. >
  782. >Shit.
  783. >You're choking.
  784. >Hard.
  785. "I-I suppose I should get back to...exercises! Hahah! You know, the exercisy type. With...clouds."
  786. >"Okay, Dash. Don't tire yourself out too mu--"
  787. >You blast into the air, flying back up onto another cloud
  790. ______________________________________
  793. >Shit.
  794. >Be Gust Tumbler
  795. >Rainbow choked.
  796. >Hard.
  797. >You trot over to Fluttershy, who looks increasingly angry. At you.
  798. "Heyyy, girl. What's up?"
  799. >She sighs through her nose.
  800. "Did I, uh, do anything wrong?"
  801. >"I'm tired of you always teasing me about her."
  802. >You can see why Rainbow Dash choked now.
  803. "I'm not trying to tease you. I mean, I just think you two make a good team is all."
  804. >She stamped her hoof as hard as she could, barely making the cloud underneath her jiggle. "S-she's not...!"
  805. >A moment passes, and she looks back down. "She's not...She doesn't like girls."
  806. >You blink
  807. "Wait, she doesn't?"
  808. >"No! She doesn't! People teased her all the time about it in flight camp! She always said she wasn't gay. So, she's straight."
  809. "...Oh. That's awkward."
  810. >"Yes, mom! It is!" She huffed.
  811. >Well, that changes things.
  812. >You're not entirely confused. You understand what it's like to be picked on; sometimes you have to hide aspects of yourself
  813. >Still, it'd have been a lot easier to know this from the beginning.
  814. "Sweetheart, I don't think you should write off your feelings--"
  815. >"I already have." She grumbles, breaking eyecontact. "I-I mean, I don't have--..."
  816. >You gently smile, pulling her over to you.
  817. "Wanna talk about it? I think it would help."
  818. >Plus, you want all the juicy details!
  819. >"There's not much to say." She leans on you. "I just...heard the rumors, a-and she's pretty, and I thought..."
  820. >You stroke her hair, waiting patiently.
  821. >"I just want to be over it."
  822. >She nuzzles into your chest, hiding her face
  823. >A tingle spreads over your body
  824. >An errant twitch in your wing
  826. >You have to keep yourself from jumping back
  827. >It would hurt Fluttershy, in her vulnerable state.
  828. >Alright, keep calm Gust
  829. >You're just a little worked up
  830. >From when Rainbow was doing this
  831. >Boy, that was fun
  832. >She pushes against you, wrapping her arms around one of your forelegs
  833. >God, it does feel like Rainbow
  834. >You bite your lip.
  835. "Hey, uh, you don't have to feel that way."
  836. >Amazing pep talk material, you're giving out.
  837. >You take a deep breath and try to cool yourself down. Rainbow's comment earlier is getting to you.
  838. >Note to self: Never talk to someone dear to you when you're horny
  839. >This marks around the 5,000th time you've made that note to yourself
  840. >"Mommy, I'm just...I know it's wrong, but I'm angry and I'm not sure why."
  841. >She sounds resentful. You know how that feels.
  842. >You frown and hold her tighter.
  843. "Fluttershy, remember when I was teaching you how to fly?"
  844. >She sniffles and nods her head.
  845. "After you landed on the stormcloud, you told me you never wanted to fly again. But whenever I caught you alone, you were always fluttering around and having fun. But then you went to flight camp and everyone made fun of you."
  846. >Her ears fold and she looks down.
  847. >You put your hoof to her chin and pull her face to look at yours
  848. "You really like flying. It's just something personal to you, and you had bad experiences when it came to light. Some of those are my fault, and I'm sorry. Some are just dumb bullies. So you pretend you don't like flying because it's scary to do it in public."
  849. >She huddles up to you, and you wrap a wing around her.
  850. "Do you ever think Rainbow feels the same way?"
  851. >"...M-maybe?"
  852. "Exactly. Maybe! It's okay to ask, she trusts you. You should trust her to be considerate about your feelings too, right?"
  853. >"A-and if she doesn't like me back?"
  854. "Flutters', she'll always like you. Whether she loves you back is just something you'll have to find out."
  855. >A small smile formed on her face, and she nodded.
  856. "Now, if you're feeling okay, go up there and tell her how you feel."
  857. >"Okay, mom!"
  858. >She flew up and hugged you, placing her face next to yours
  859. >She then pulled back.
  860. >"You smell like bananas. Have you been using my shampoo?"
  861. "Shut your mouth and go up there, sweetie."
  862. >"R-right, sorry!"
  863. >She spread her wings and slowly raised into the air.
  864. "Good luck!"
  865. >As soon as she's out of earshot, you heave the biggest sigh you've ever had
  866. "Hooooooly shit that was almost all kinds of bad. PHEW."
  867. >You're quite frankly amazed with how you managed to pull that together
  868. >Somehow stumbling out of your base instincts and lovesick dreams into being a rolemodel
  869. >Describes the last decade and a half or so of your parenting perfectly.
  870. >Although a bit of guilt lingers. You might have coerced her away from the truth a little.
  871. >Okay, maybe you used her shampoo
  872. >Maybe you planned teasing Rainbow Dash until she was too infatuated to think straight, leading to her coming out to Fluttershy
  873. >MAYBE you considered the idea of teaching her how to kiss a few too many times while you were taking a cold shower
  874. >But you did NOT plan to actually do it.
  875. >...or to get psyched out from it to the point where you considered teaching your daughter how to kiss too.
  876. >You feel kind of sick
  877. >At the same time you feel kinda...aroused.
  878. >Damn Rainbow Dash.
  879. >You knew she'd be a good marefriend.
  880. "...Heh."
  881. >You hope they have fun together.
  882. >You know you would.
  883. >A twang of regret on your heartstrings
  884. >You feel kind of old.
  887. ________________________________
  890. >Be Rainbow Dash
  891. >You are hiding on a small cloud
  892. >Well, less hiding and more strategically resting atop a cloud
  893. >yeah
  894. >You're fine, just need a rest
  895. >Did a lot of weather training today
  896. >Yeah that'll work
  897. >All that acid that builds up in your muscles or whatever the egghead teachers at flight camp said
  898. "Uuuugh. I'm a total scaredy cat."
  899. >You wrap the scarf around your head, and then bury your face in the cloud
  900. >You don't even really know what the upper half of a cat looks like.
  901. >But you're pretty sure you're as scared as one.
  902. >You try to find some way to distract yourself from your inadequacies
  903. >You're sick of looking at the sky, so that's out
  904. >You don't really feel like dashing, so no flying
  905. >Sighing, you're content to chew Gust's gum. It's still pretty sour
  906. >The cloud suddenly jiggles, and you lift your face up
  907. >The scarf falls down to your shoulders, revealing Fluttershy
  908. >She giggles at the sight, readjusting her scarf on you
  909. >You spend a few moments staring at eachother
  910. "Heya, 'Shy."
  911. >"Hello, Rainbow Dashie."
  912. >She shuffles closer. "Can I ask you a personal question?"
  913. >Oh god
  914. >Not something personal
  915. >Anything but that
  916. >Your heart seems to start pumping anxiety instead of blood
  917. "yeah sure mang."
  918. >What the fuck is wrong with you
  919. >You shrink, hiding under the scarf
  920. >"You trust me, right?"
  921. "Absolutely."
  922. >You say instantly, nary a stammer
  923. >You mean it. You'd trust her with anything.
  924. >"I know you always said you aren't. But...are you...? Um."
  925. >She fidgets, having trouble getting the word out.
  926. "Yeah I'm super gay. Like, uncomfortably gay."
  927. >A sharp intake of breath. Her eyes sparkle.
  928. "I'm sure that kinda makes me look like a creeper, now."
  929. >"W-what do you mean?"
  930. >You rotate your hoof, uncomfortably looking away
  931. "You know. The whole...helping you stretch every morning. Taking showers together in the lockerroom."
  932. >"Oh. I, um, it's okay, I trust that you were doing it in a non-...non s-s-sexual...way."
  933. "YEP!"
  934. >You accidentally shout once again
  935. >She stops breathing for a moment, simply staring at you
  936. >Oh shit.
  937. "Oh shit."
  938. >She knows
  939. >A deep crimson blush forms around her face
  940. >And a small smile.
  941. >"You were looking at me that way?"
  942. >Okay
  943. >You said it before
  944. >But if you're tired of starting over...
  945. >Stop giving up.
  946. >You start to lean forward
  947. >There comes a point where you have to commit
  948. >Just say it quickly. Get it over with
  949. "I'm gay for you. Surpriiiise!"
  950. >She jumps into your hooves, clinging to you
  951. >"I love you!"
  952. >In the midst of your surprise, she presses her face against yours in an awkward kiss
  953. >It doesn't matter how clumsy it is.
  954. >You roll to your back, letting her lay atop you as you kiss
  955. >After a few moments, she pulls back, taking a breath
  956. >She then pulls back further, suddenly confused.
  957. >You can't help but pull her back down and run your hooves down her sides, completely enraptured
  958. "What's wrong, Flutters'? That was great."
  959. >"Why were you chewing mom's gum?"
  960. >
  963. >Fluttershy raises an eyebrow, still a light blush across her cheeks
  964. >"Dashie?"
  965. >Life is full of problems, and here's the remedy;
  966. >Denial works for me.
  967. "I-I uh, I shared--SHE, shared the uh, the gum with me. Y-you know. From her...saddlebags."
  968. >She tilted her head. "Saddlebags? She keeps it on the coun--"
  969. "THE COUNTER, right!"
  970. >You are the worst liar you know, and that will probably never change. You can't imagine someone worse at it
  971. >Fluttershy presses her nose to your neck, sending a shiver down your spine. "Rainbow, I honestly have no idea what you could be lying about."
  972. >You break eyecontact, casting your gaze over the sky
  973. >Only to meet with two blue eyes, poking out of a cloud
  974. >And a unmistakable gleaming grin
  975. >You send every bit of distress you can to her
  976. >You can't tell if she understands by the time Fluttershy pulls your face to her own
  977. >She lays the gentlest kiss you can imagine on the tip of your nose. Lighter even than the cloud beneath you
  978. >"Really, Dashie. Nothing could ruin this day; it's been the best in my life."
  979. >Oh Celestia, your heart skips two beats
  980. >The only thing you can bring yourself to do is to cling to her, holding her tightly
  981. >She awkwardly tries to place her muzzle below your chin in a demure manner, despite being larger than you
  982. >You feel like there's another Princess you should call out to in ecstacy from love in this case, but she's so forgettable you don't really remember her name
  983. >So you'll settle with, Celestia, she is adorable
  984. >You press your hooves into her wings, bringing out gasps and chuckles in unpredictable timings, both making you grin
  985. >You'll have to get used to playing with other mares
  986. >Well...Assuming they don't leave you because they find out you've been messing around with their mothers
  987. >You gulp.
  988. >Delaying the inevitable will only make you seem worse
  989. >At the same time, every second holding her is precious to you. You can't bring yourself to cut this time short
  990. >She looked up at you, eyes glittering in the sunlight
  991. >You notice the lack of gum in your mouth
  992. >It is at this moment it really hits you that Fluttershy has swapped second-hand spit with her mother right now
  993. >This is both extremely arousing and mildly distressing
  994. >Wait, you're Rainbow Dash
  995. >It's just arousing.
  996. >You can't help but shoot a sly grin to Gust's cloud, quickly looking back to Fluttershy so as not to let her catch on
  997. >Fluttershy stares up at you, antsy and waiting
  998. >Oh god. you can't bring yourself t-
  999. >"I-I don't want to be pushy, but.."
  1000. >She leans in again, planting another clumsy kiss on you
  1001. >Then pulls back, another gentle smile on her face
  1002. >
  1004. >You roll over on top of her, giving your wings a bit of breathing room and stretching them out
  1005. >You knew you weren't the only one who didn't think straight when you were this close to someone you've wanted
  1006. >Grinning, you spread her wings to the side on the cloud.
  1007. >She instinctively covers her midsection with her front legs, nervously diverting her gaze
  1008. >You give a playful grumble as you try to move them, causing her to giggle and hold them to herself tighter
  1009. >You suddenly stop, however, looking down upon her as if you found the holy grail
  1010. >It is there, within reach
  1011. >The fluffiest, softest chest you've ever seen
  1012. >You dive your face into it, stretching out on top of her and nuzzling in as close as you can
  1013. >Her ticklish laughter slowly becomes replaced with a pleasant murmur
  1014. "Ohh, yeah, this is the life."
  1015. >Before you can get too comfortable, she tenses beneath you
  1016. >You raise your head, and follow her eyes
  1017. "What is it?"
  1018. >"P-people."
  1019. >Another foal and her dad seem to be gliding from cloud to cloud.
  1020. "Maybe he's teaching her how to fly or something. Oh well, back to canoodling!"
  1021. >Before you can, she slides out underneath you, pressing into the cloud. "Dash! They might see!"
  1022. >You chuckle and put an arm around her
  1023. "Maybe I'd like that!"
  1024. >She squeaks and wraps her wings around herself for a moment, looking into your eyes
  1025. "Oh, fine, let's get down."
  1026. >A soft smile and a quick kiss on your cheek are her only reply, before falling through the cloud and spreading her wings to catch her.
  1027. >You, on the other hand, drop off the cloud without opening your wings, enjoying the wind whistling around you and the flush move from your cheeks back into your limbs as the adrenaline kicks in
  1028. >At the last moment, you turn your body upwards, diverting the momentum into a few tight loops before landing heavily in the cloud-yard of Fluttershy's house
  1029. >You end up getting three of your legs stuck in the cloud.
  1030. "Okay, maybe the landing was a bit off. 'Shy, help?"
  1031. >She prances over and lends you a hoof, working your way back to the top level
  1032. >Once that's done, you both walk inside, passing through the kitchen on your way to Fluttershy's room
  1033. >Gust is there, very poorly pretending to be enamored reading a book so as not to give herself a reason to intrude upon you makin' the moves.
  1034. >"We're back, Mom!"
  1035. >Damn your attractive-yet-inconvenient childlike innocence, Fluttershy!
  1036. >Gust glances back, a devilish grin
  1037. >Oh no.
  1038. >She's been given reason.
  1039. >And she likes flustered fillies.
  1040. >"Why hello, you two! Why, what have you two been up to?"
  1041. >Fluttershy's pupils shrink, glancing from side to side
  1042. "Practicing weather and stuff."
  1043. >You can't stop now. If you don't act like you're onto Gust and trying to hide your relationship with Fluttershy, it might draw suspicion once again.
  1044. >Fuck. You really hope you don't get cock-blocked by this.
  1045. >"Y-yeah!" Fluttershy adds
  1046. >Gust keeps eyeing the both of you, until Fluttershy nonchalantly blows a bubble with her gum
  1047. >Your eyes widen, first in fear, then cast down in embarrassment, and finally...sparkle in glee.
  1048. >The grin falls entirely off of Gust's face
  1049. >The red of her blush contrasts immensely with her green fur.
  1050. >You see a small twitch in her wings
  1051. >You lean foward as far as you can, unable to hide your schadenfreudian-boner any longer
  1052. >Locking eyes with you, she slowly shakes her head.
  1053. >You slowly nod.
  1054. >She turns away, unable to face either of you.
  1055. >"W-well, glad you had fun, get back to your tea parties or something I'm going to start dinner now."
  1056. >"Mom, it's only noon--"
  1057. >"DINNER TAKES A LONG TIME TO COOK!" She shouts, causing Fluttershy to hide behind you.
  1058. >Seems like the clam-jam has been averted
  1059. >You cackle and begin to drag Fluttershy up the stairs to her room
  1060. >She stops to toss the gum in the trash, and then follows
  1061. >"W-what's going on, Dash?"
  1062. "It's nothing."
  1063. >Once out of earshot and in her room, she stops for contemplation
  1064. >Your hoof taps the floor about twenty times a second, waiting.
  1065. >"That was strange."
  1066. "She uh, probably put two and two together and figured out we've been kissing or something. Can we do that more?"
  1067. >"Yeah, but I don't see why she would be embarrassed by it. She's been teasing me about going out with you since I got back from flight camp."
  1068. >Oh. Uhhhh
  1069. "I-I dunno, then."
  1070. >You glance around, trying to think of a way to distract her.
  1071. >You sit down and puff out your wings.
  1072. >She giggles and reaches out a hoof, pressing it into your feathers and causing you to squirm, enjoying the sight
  1073. >But only a few moments later...
  1074. >"Hmmm."
  1076. >You wrap your forelegs around her, pulling her close and going for the lips
  1077. >Fuck.
  1078. >She's still standing up. You can't reach.
  1079. >Damn being a womanlet. You grumble under your breath
  1080. "If I don't get a growth spurt soon I'm gonna snap."
  1081. >You stand up on your back legs and plant a kiss on her
  1082. >"I love you, Dash."
  1083. >You swell with pride, grinning back up to her
  1084. "I l-lo-..."
  1085. >Wow. That's really hard to say.
  1086. >I mean, that's a strong word. How do you know if you're actually in true love?
  1087. >How does she do that so easily?
  1088. >You divert your attention to her patient expression. She gazes deeply into your eyes, in full trust.
  1089. "I love you, 'Sh--, er, Fluttershy."
  1090. >She prances in place, giggling
  1091. >"Eee! You're the best fillyfriend ever!"
  1092. >Mare. You're a mare god damnit
  1093. >You tell yourself that you're actually annoyed, and not just trying to be in order to avoid the influx of girlish delight in your chest
  1094. >Nonetheless, you find yourself back in her arms as she glows with joy.
  1095. >To be fair, you are the best fillyfriend ever.
  1096. >She pulls back. "How much pressure did my mother put on you?"
  1097. "Oh, jeez. I--uh, I mean, not much...much. You know. Not a lot. Not much at all. Only a bit."
  1098. >She laughs. "I can't imagine what she must have said to you."
  1099. >Almost as a Pavlovian response, you burst forward and press your lips to Fluttershy's, causing her wings to rapidly fan out
  1100. "...I uh, she just said to, y'know, be forward and stuff."
  1101. >"Forward." She repeats, running a hoof across your cheek. "I like forward."
  1102. "Well then, you'll like me!"
  1103. >You flash a cocky grin, and she nods. "Mmhm! I do!"
  1106. _____
  1109. >Be Gust Tumbler
  1110. >You are currently staring very intently at the small scratches on the dinner table
  1111. >Also you might be sweating and burning bright red
  1112. >You find it hard to think of anything without hearing the echo in your mind, "You have just indirectly kissed your daughter"
  1113. >Okay, self, let's have a heart to heart
  1114. >Cut the crap
  1115. >You know you're into younger girls. And guys, but that's another matter
  1116. >It's not something you've planned on indulging in often, or strictly legal depending on if you're in a snooty province
  1117. >Seriously, unicorns are pedantic about these things, despite how sexually frustrated all those magic school juniors were
  1118. >You didn't enjoy your time in Canterlot. This is one of the reasons why you stay in Cloudsdale now.
  1119. >You're getting off topic
  1120. >So, okay, you might have a thing for Rainbow. She's frankly pretty hot
  1121. >In fact, this isn't the first time you realized this while trying to set someone up with your daughter
  1122. >You've been very careful not to get jealous, though. Your precious Fluttershy's feelings were the ones first in your mind
  1123. >So, you like young mares and fresh stallions.
  1124. >That's never been a problem
  1125. >Sure, you noticed when Fluttershy started developing into a woman
  1126. >But you always kept a decent buffer zone between your maternal love and your more...physical love.
  1127. >And you might have bought her sexy socks on the off chance she wants to explore
  1128. >And you might have spent a little too long thinking about how they would look on her
  1129. >But how would you know if they were good without thinking that, right?!
  1130. >
  1131. >Oh fuck you might be attracted to your daughter
  1132. >You cross your legs and place your hooves to the sides of your head
  1133. >This makes you a bad mom, doesn't it?
  1134. >All this time you thought it was just pride in your daughter's achievements that drove you to think about this so much
  1135. >Maybe even envy of her youth
  1136. >And you definitely still feel those
  1137. >But it's starting to make an uncomfortable amount of sense to you that you've just been enamored with the idea of a relationship with her
  1138. >Calm down
  1139. >This doesn't change anything. She's still just your daughter, and that won't change.
  1140. >Besides, you're probably just like this because you're a little pent up after two days trying to play matchmaker with two nubile young--
  1143. >Okay self, new rules
  1144. >We are putting the kibosh on boinking Fluttershy
  1145. >No more unneccessarily high altitude talks where you go loopy from oxygen deprivation
  1146. >You'd cross off making out with Rainbow Dash, but that's already a no-go since they're offically together
  1147. >No more buying Fluttershy sexual apparel. She can be a big girl and do it herself.
  1148. >Or more likely have Rainbow Dash do it for her.
  1149. >The image crosses your mind before you can stop yourself
  1150. >You shake it out of your head and try to take a deep breath.
  1151. >You'll get through this. It'll be fine.
  1152. >If there's one thing you've learned in life, it's that denial works
  1153. >And also that your daughter is the most important person in your life and you wouldn't let your nature hurt her.
  1154. >A little denial sprinkled in on the sides works wonders, though.
  1155. >Another deep breath, and you think you're okay.
  1156. >You look to the side and see your pack of gum on the table.
  1157. >Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.
  1158. >Alright, alright, you should probably start dinner now.
  1159. >What do you even have to cook?
  1160. >You open the fridge
  1161. >Butter, bananas, lemons
  1162. >You can make this work probably. Maybe. Probably not.
  1163. >Ugh, and the stores are so far away.
  1164. >We're going out to eat tonight.
  1165. >You close the refridgerator and trot back to the table
  1166. >Well, now what?
  1167. >You don't really feel like reading.
  1168. >You're too lazy to work out like you probably should.
  1169. >You don't have to cook now that you've wriggled out of it.
  1170. >Screw it, this is what video games were made for.
  1171. >Assuming this world can decide what technological progress it has, and your schrodinger 360 is still in your room, you hop out of your chair and head up the stairs
  1172. >Reaching the top of the stairs, you stop, looking down the small hallway
  1173. >First the door to Fluttershy's bedroom, then the bathroom, then yours
  1174. >It occurs to you what they might be doing in there
  1175. >Your stomach churns at the idea of walking by your daughter's room and hearing...noises.
  1176. >...But those video games aren't going to play themselves.
  1177. >You've gotta play those video games.
  1178. >Besides, the thoughts won't just leave your head if you back out now and sit at the table bored. That'd make it worse.
  1179. >You sigh and walk past, trying not to let the sound of your hoofsteps reach past the door
  1180. >As you pass by, you don't hear anything
  1181. >In fact, it's completely silent
  1182. >
  1183. >Some part of your brain prevents you from moving forward, and you lean towards the door, curiously raising your ear
  1184. >"R-Rainbow Dash, stop!"
  1185. >"Aw come on!"
  1186. >"Slow down, I've never been touched there..."
  1187. >"Never?"
  1188. >"I mean, my mom used to--"
  1189. >You trot as quickly and silently as you can to your room
  1190. >Your face is burning so hot that it hurts
  1191. >Video games, my saviour, come to me.
  1192. >If you don't hear "You're not Alexander!" in about five seconds you might die.
  1194. ____
  1197. >Be Rainbow Dash
  1198. >You pluck a old feather from Fluttershy's wing
  1199. >She's been insistant on not progressing the relationship until she looks perfect for you, and tried to wriggle out of the room until you forced her to let you help
  1200. >Even though she already looks perfect.
  1201. >"Slow down, I've never been touched there..."
  1202. >You spit it out, raising an eyebrow. You needed help preening till you were like 10.
  1203. "Never?"
  1204. >"I mean, my mom used to help, but I'm ticklish so I've done it myself since I was seven years--"
  1205. >Suddenly she's cut off by a door slamming down the hall
  1206. >Fluttershy jumps, and you shrug it off.
  1207. "Oh, you're ticklish, huh?"
  1208. >You grin and place your hooves on her wing, very deliberately stroking them as you smooth out her feathers
  1209. >A shiver runs up her spine and she jerks back and fourth, trying to avoid your touch
  1210. >You rush forward as she raises her wing, placing yourself against her side and wrapping your forelegs around her
  1211. "There, I think we're done."
  1212. >She hums, nodding
  1213. "See, that wasn't so hard, was it?"
  1214. >You step back, looking at her wings.
  1215. "I mean, NOW they are, but, you get what I meant."
  1216. >She gasps and tries to lower her wings. "I-It's just--, you were tickling me and--"
  1217. >You laugh and put your hoof to her cheek.
  1218. "It's fine, Fluttershy. I like them this way."
  1219. >She nervously grins, placing her hooves to yours and holding it close to her.
  1220. >The sight brings a warmth to your heart, and you move forward, nuzzling into her shoulder.
  1221. >She takes a deep breath, holding you tightly and running a hoof through your hair.
  1222. >Now's your chance!
  1223. >You lower your forelegs down her waist and to her hips, and pull your face back
  1224. >Time to shine
  1225. >You arch your back to enhance the curvature of your chest
  1226. >Extend your wings to the sides
  1227. >Don the confident expression she likes
  1228. >And pull her lower half closer to yours
  1229. >
  1230. >At this point you realize her wings are back to being calmly folded by her side
  1231. >Her love is too pure.
  1232. >You sigh and sink back down onto her chest
  1233. >You've at least always got this beauty.
  1234. >She did say she likes forward...
  1235. >But at the same time, you've been looking forward to this so long you're kind of nervous to take a risk and move forward
  1236. >Fluttershy seems happy how it is, lightly pressing you to her chest and humming
  1237. >Yeah, you could get used to this.
  1238. >You lean more of your weight into her, both of you sliding onto the soft floor
  1239. >She chuckles softly and holds you tighter, wrapping her wings around you
  1240. >Your own wingboner miraculously dies down, unable to withstand the pure comfyness
  1241. >You can't help but stifle a yawn, placing all your limbs around her and holding possessively
  1243. ---
  1245. >You stretch out, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
  1246. >sleep
  1247. >Oh shit. You sit up, looking around in the dimming orange light of sunset
  1248. >D-did you get laid?!
  1249. >You look down, seeing Fluttershy gaze happily back up at you
  1250. >"You know, you snore."
  1251. >Fuck.
  1252. >You remember you didn't get laid.
  1253. >You collapse back on top of her, shivering
  1254. "That was the most restful sleep ever."
  1255. >"I could tell!" She giggles and adjusts position. "You drooled on me a little."
  1256. >You freeze up, pulling your head back
  1257. "I'm sorry!"
  1258. >"Oh, don't be. It was really cute. Y-you're really cute..."
  1259. >A gout of butterflies rushes through your stomach, and you reflexively hide your face in her fluffed up coat
  1260. >You've never been shy about receiving praise before
  1261. >Why is this different?
  1262. >You nuzzle under her chin again, resting against her.
  1263. >You kinda want to take another nap on top of her...
  1264. >Oh shit!
  1265. >You jump up and look out the window
  1266. >The sun is going down
  1267. >You groan.
  1268. "I've gotta go home. This sucks."
  1269. >She frowns, and smooths your hair
  1270. >Again. It's just going to go back to being messed up when you fly home
  1271. >You can't complain, though.
  1272. >"I guess there's no getting around it. W-we'll see eachother at school, right? And then you can come over?"
  1273. >You smirk
  1274. "There's no stopping me."
  1275. >She smiles back, leaning forward and kissing you on the cheek. "Thank you. I can't wait."
  1276. "I love you, 'Shy."
  1277. >"I love you too!"
  1278. >You can't help but flap your wings in excitement, giggling and stepping out of the room
  1279. >Down the hall, you hear furious clicking
  1280. >Maybe that's Gust? You should probably tell her you're leaving.
  1281. >Huh. You must have been in and out of napping in Fluttershy's room for a few hours
  1282. >You guess that's kind of awkward on her, having someone (presumably) banging your daughter in the next room.
  1283. >You walk to her room, and push open the slightly ajar door
  1284. >On the bed, facing the television, sits what you could only describe as a haggered figure, one without rest nor coherent consciousness.
  1285. >Or, you would, if you could remember that many big words.
  1286. >She is hammering a button on her hoof-sized controller
  1287. >You look to the TV. There's a mint colored pony with a giant monkey-looking hairless arm punching what you can only assume is satan himself
  1288. >That's pretty weird
  1289. >She mumbles vaguely in your direction while playing. "Oh hey, Dash, how are y--actually don't answer that I REALLY don't want to know!"
  1290. " okay, Gust?"
  1291. >"Having a bit of a existential crisis."
  1292. "Oh. Well uh, if it makes you feel any better, I didn't bang your daughter yet. We fell asleep."
  1293. >She cringes. "'Yet'? I really don't want to think about that."
  1294. >You raise your eyebrows and lean forward
  1295. "You know, you thought about it quite a lot earlier today."
  1296. >Her eyes suddenly gleam, and she lowers the controller. The credits start playing, and she grins.
  1297. >You blink, watching her smile slowly turn into a frown, the joy fading all too quickly. She glances back to you, but looks away just as quickly. A few moments of silence hang between you.
  1298. >She sighs heavily, throwing the controller up the bed. "Look, I know I kind of send mixed messages. But you two are together now, and I'm not. Don't worry about it. It's over."
  1299. >Again, the silence hangs in the air.
  1300. >You can't really think of anything to say.
  1301. >Your smug confidence shrivles up.
  1302. >It's very difficult for you to tell how she's feeling, or why.
  1303. >You only know that she feels bad.
  1304. >It's never been your strength. You're not nearly as considerate as you should be.
  1305. >What would Fluttershy do?
  1306. >How would you feel in Gust's situation?
  1307. >Before you can think it through, you feel Gust's hoof ruffle your hair. You catch eye contact with her. She forces a smile. "I'm glad things worked out for Flutters' and you. I'm the reason things got awkward. I shouldn't have come onto you. C'mon, I'm a big girl, I can take responsibility."
  1308. >You still can't think of anything to say
  1309. >It's crazy. You should know, but you don't.
  1310. >Come on, say something!
  1311. "I-I'm sorry!"
  1312. >She tilted her head, surprised. "No, Rainbow, you don't have to apologize. You've done nothing wrong."
  1313. "If things were different..."
  1314. >Gust gives a dry laugh. "Look, don't spend a bunch of time thinking about how things AREN'T. Trust me, it doesn't lead anywhere."
  1315. >The TV screen turns white, reflecting off her face
  1316. >You notice her eyes are red
  1317. >She sniffles.
  1318. >It only seems too obvious to you in hindsight; you need only ask.
  1319. "Why are you sad?"
  1320. >She rolls her eyes. "Lonely. Getting old. Not a good mom. Dumb adult stuff. You don't have to worry about it."
  1321. >A hint of spite tints the last words
  1322. >You also feel spiteful towards them
  1323. "I'm not a little kid. Don't baby me. I might not be able to change your age, but let me try to help."
  1324. "Lonely?"
  1325. >She stares you down for a few seconds, before relenting. "Yeah. Been a while since I fell for anyone. Kinda burns now."
  1326. "Mr. 'Shy?"
  1327. >"Amicably divorced. Don't see eye to eye anymore."
  1328. "Hmph."
  1329. >You sit down and think for a moment.
  1330. "As much as I'd like it, I suppose us and Fluttershy won't work."
  1331. >"No. For a lot of reasons."
  1332. >It'd be really convenient to know more people who are mature enough for a relationship with a grown woman
  1333. >Even counting your other friends, assuming Gust would even be okay being with a younger woman, you don't know anyone you'd trust with this...
  1334. >...Although
  1335. "Um, are you totally gay?"
  1336. >"Dash, I appreciate it, but I don't think you can set me up with anyone. You're not really experienced enough to know much. No offense."
  1337. >You grumble about how you already thought about that, but stop yourself before you can distract the conversation.
  1338. "I mean, my dad is single."
  1339. >"Pff." She chuckles, "No, Dash. I'll have trouble just looking at him after kissing his daughter."
  1340. >You sigh, frustrated.
  1341. "We'll get back to this. But you're not a bad mother."
  1342. >"I really don't think you have a leg to stand on, here. Look, I don't know what kind of perspective you have on this, but this isn't normal. It isn't okay for a mother to love her daughter this way."
  1343. "You don't just pick and choose who you fall in love with. You haven't done anything to hurt her. You should be proud she's the type of person you would want to be with. You should be proud of your parenting, if it helped make her."
  1344. >Tears begin freely streaming down her face now. She also sits down, shrinking and covering herself with her wings. "R-Rainbow, you know I can't take your word on that."
  1345. "What do you mean?"
  1346. >"I...I just...can't accept this. I can't let this happen to me. Or Fluttershy."
  1347. >A sob catches in her throat, and she shudders
  1348. >Her hair falls over her face, concealing part of it
  1349. >You recognize this.
  1350. >The image burned in your head of the nights where Fluttershy cried in private with you after a day of being bullied
  1351. >The insecurity
  1352. >A dark reflection of their resemblance
  1353. >It finally clicks in your head, what she's been feeling this entire time
  1354. >She...doesn't know what she's doing
  1355. >She's not sure what she should do. And if she's like Fluttershy, she doesn't understand what she's capable of doing
  1356. >You wrap your forelegs around her, and place your muzzle to her forehead.
  1357. "Hey, Gust, don't cry. You're a good mom. You've done very well. And you're going to keep doing great. Look at how much you care for her. Look at yourself."
  1358. >She shudders again, pushing into you.
  1359. >You shush her and pat her back. The same way your mom used to do to you, before.
  1360. >Suddenly, another pair of arms wrap around her. You jump, seeing Fluttershy's face.
  1361. >A bubble of panic rises to your chest, as she sniffles and holds Gust. You let it subside, not interrupting her.
  1362. >Gust raises her face, looking to Fluttershy.
  1363. >"...Fuck."
  1364. "Fuck you too."
  1365. >You whisper, stroking the hair out of her face.
  1366. >"Mom, I don't entirely understand, but I really want you to stop feeling so bad." Fluttershy speaks barely above a whisper
  1367. >She pulls both of you to herself, holding tight. You can see from the look on her face that she understands more than she's letting on. Her mind seems to be racing
  1368. >She's right, though. First priority is getting Gust out of this wreck she's in.
  1369. "Listen, nothing's going to get better by crying about it. If you clear out your head and think about it..."
  1370. >You're not quite sure how to end that sentence. You really aren't quite as good at this as you would like.
  1371. >You should practice.
  1372. >
  1373. >Actually you shouldn't practice. It'd probably be better that things like this don't happen in the first place.
  1374. >Gust raises her head, taking a few deep breaths. She pulls back her hair, placing it in a ponytail again.
  1375. >She clears the tears from her eyes. "Okay, okay..."
  1376. >A moment passes, and Fluttershy pats her shoulder. "Better, mom?"
  1377. >Another sob catches in Gust's throat, but she suppresses it and nods.
  1378. >Fluttershy glances to you
  1379. >You can't quite read her expression. It's caught somewhere between surprise and anger
  1380. >You look away, and then glance back
  1381. >She's still staring at you
  1382. >Glance away again, a moment longer
  1383. >And back
  1384. >She's still staring you dead in the eyes
  1385. >You flash her what was probably your least confident smile. Ever.
  1386. >"Hmph." She looks away from you, and back to her mother, "Do you think you can talk about this right now?"
  1387. >Gust chuckles. "N-not particularly. But you deserve answers now."
  1388. >"I can wait if you're just going to burst into tears again."
  1389. >Ouch
  1390. >Gust, to her credit, doesn't cringe, unlike you. She pulls her daughter into another hug, and takes yet another deep breath.
  1391. >"Look at you, kid. All grown up. Now I'm crying on your shoulder. I'm proud of how well you've done, despite me."
  1392. >Fluttershy's anger seems to slip for a moment. "You've been a good mom all these years."
  1393. >Gust rears out of the embrace, looking to the floor. "Been, maybe. Even that's a stretch."
  1394. >Fluttershy sighs, flustered again. "I didn't hear everything. What's this about k-kissing Dashie?"
  1395. >That gets Gust to cringe.
  1396. "Hey, 'Shy, it wasn't...It happened before we got together. Don't think we're cheats."
  1397. >She takes a moment to consider. "How long before?"
  1398. >You and Gust meet gazes, both offguard
  1399. "Yesterday."
  1400. >"This morning"
  1401. >You answer at the same time, both of you realizing what the other said and cursing under your breath
  1402. >Fluttershy, understandably, looks between the two of you, unsure of who to reprimand first
  1403. >You raise your hooves defensively
  1404. "Okay, okay, that sounded worse than it was."
  1405. >Gust groans. "I think that was just about as bad as it was."
  1406. >Fluttershy settles on you. "Y-you didn't...cheat on me, d-did you?"
  1407. >Her expression and tone can't decide between fury and insecurity
  1408. "No, Fluttershy. I would never. I love you. It was...we actually kissed while practicing weather. She was trying to teach me how to ask you out, and it..."
  1409. >"It got out of hand." Gust nods, still unable to meet Fluttershy's gaze.
  1410. >"Why would you lie about that?!"
  1411. >"I--...It's...embarassing." Gust responds
  1412. "Yeah, for you two. I didn't mind."
  1413. >You roll your eyes.
  1414. >"What?" Fluttershy decides on asking Gust.
  1415. >"I accidentally..." She mumbled the end of the sentence, too quiet to hear
  1416. >"You what?"
  1417. >Gust takes a sharp breath, and expels the sentence again, much quicker. "I accidentally swapped gum with her."
  1418. >Fluttershy donned an expression of bewilderment. "Why were you lying about that?!"
  1419. >Gust doesn't answer. Fluttershy looks to you
  1420. >You rotate your hoof
  1421. "You know. The gum I had, when we kissed."
  1422. >Fluttershy's eyes light up with recognition, and her mouth closes, stoically looking forward into empty space between you
  1423. "To be fair, it was super hot."
  1424. >Gust begins hyperventilating
  1425. >Fluttershy still can't bring herself to face either of you, but manages to hide the quavering in her voice fairly well. "Okay then."
  1426. >Gust Tumbler keeps inching away, until eventually she places the bed between her and Fluttershy
  1427. >She hides her face in the covers
  1428. >You narrow your eyes.
  1429. >Damn. That's cute.
  1430. >You look back to Fluttershy
  1431. "Like, super-duper hot."
  1432. >Fluttershy glares at you, blushing.
  1433. >Her stare can do nothing now
  1434. >The Rainbow Libido has awakened
  1435. >You slide next to her, not-so-quietly whispering to her
  1436. "Don't lie, you're totally into it."
  1437. >Gust peeks from behind the blankets
  1438. >"I do n--"
  1439. "She LOVES it!"
  1440. >You give Gust a thumbs up
  1441. >Fuck. You have hooves.
  1442. >"Rainbow, this is serious!" Fluttershy pulls you to look at her and places her hooves on your shoulders
  1443. >Seriously hot.
  1444. >A normal pony would stop trying to engineer a threesome at the point where it's not only likely to end in their new girlfriend being quite angry with them and their girlfriend's mother disowning herself from the family, but also endorsing incestuous behavior
  1445. >You are not a normal pony.
  1446. "Aw, I was just trying to lighten the mood."
  1447. >Fluttershy pouts. "This mood is warranted!"
  1448. "Why?"
  1449. >She blinks, taken aback. You move her hooves from your shoulders, taking them in your own
  1450. "I'm sorry things got out of hand, and that you sort of indirectly kissed Gust. It wasn't my intention to make you feel cheated or like you did something wrong by sharing that intimacy with your mother. I understand it wasn't fair to you. Can we agree that those two things aren't true?"
  1451. >She takes a deep breath, and thinks for a moment. Gust raises her face entirely
  1452. >"I...guess so, yes."
  1453. >You give her a soft smile and pull her into a hug.
  1454. "Thanks for being so understanding. You've been good to me."
  1455. >Gust sniffles. "S-so you're not mad at me?"
  1456. >Fluttershy looks to her. "I'm still not sure how--"
  1457. "Mad?! She just admitted it's fine to kiss you! C'mon get in this snuggle pile!"
  1458. >Gust Tumbler's ears perk up for a moment, and Fluttershy pushes you away. "Rainbow Dash! That's not what I--..."
  1459. >You grin and lean forward as she tries to think of the words to express herself
  1460. "Weeeell? If you don't think it was wrong to accidentally kiss her..."
  1461. >"This sounds like a very slippery slope!"
  1462. "You have wings!"
  1463. >"That's not the point!"
  1464. >Fluttershy looks to Gust for confirmation
  1465. >You look as well, with a encouraging nod
  1466. >Gust looks between the two of you for a split second, and then back down to the floor.
  1467. >Fluttershy huffs. "Rainbow, she's my mom!"
  1468. "Exactly, so you should feel comfortable with her!"
  1469. >"Rainbow, stop. She doesn't want to." Gust speaks, slightly above a whisper. She's still staring at the floor, unable to look at either of you. "N-not that I would."
  1470. >You begin to object, when Fluttershy taps your arm. "Rainbow, can we speak in private?"
  1471. "Alright."
  1472. >She pulls you into the hallway, and sits you down.
  1473. >
  1474. "Ayyy--"
  1475. >"Rainbow you're being very strange."
  1476. >You wrap an arm around her, chuckling
  1477. "I'm just trying to make the best of this situation."
  1478. >She sighs heavily.
  1479. "Hey, no, look. It's hard for me to be dour and stuff, you know? It's just...there's a lot of love in the air. It's hard to feel down because of that."
  1480. >"Yeah, love for you."
  1481. >She grumbles and holds you tightly, placing her face next to yours.
  1482. >Your grin widens. She's totally jealous you got with her mom!
  1483. "Flutters, I didn't know you were the jealous type!"
  1484. >"I'm not jealous, I'm just..."
  1485. "Jealous?"
  1486. >You snicker and stroke her back.
  1487. "Well, you know what that means."
  1488. >She looks up to you questioningly.
  1489. "The perfect way to take it back is to make out with her! Then you don't have anything to be jealous about!"
  1490. >"Dash!"
  1491. "You're the one who said you were jealous!"
  1492. >"I meant jealous of her! Being with you!"
  1493. >Oh.
  1494. >That makes a bit more sense. Sense is disappointing.
  1495. "It's not like I get jealous of her liking you."
  1496. >She falls silent.
  1497. >You begin to continue, but think better of it.
  1498. >She needs time to think, after all.
  1499. >After a few moments, she begins again. "Does she really like me that way?"
  1500. "You saw how upset she got over it. She's probably fallen for you almost as hard as I have. Almost."
  1501. >You lean forward and whisper in case Gust is eavsdropping
  1502. "I totally love you way more though."
  1503. >She giggles softly, and leans against you. "This is so...weird. I've never thought about this."
  1504. "I have!"
  1505. >Her muzzle scrunches, and you laugh. "Do you really think that's a good idea?"
  1506. "Well, to be honest...aside from just getting me off, it does kind of hurt to see Gust like this. She's a lot like you."
  1507. >She tilts her head.
  1508. "Which, you know, is a good thing. That's why we should totally get her in on this! It's like if you have a chocolate bar and then you get ANOTHER chocolate bar and rub them on eachother!"
  1509. >"That's not how you eat choc--"
  1510. "What I'm saying is I want you to do kissing with your mother."
  1511. >She sighs. "The more you say things like that, the more I realize you're a lot like her too."
  1512. >You give her a warm smile, and ruffle her hair, trying to deepen your voice
  1513. "Well then, 'kid', I think that's a good sign! After all, you like me."
  1514. >Freezing up, she shakes her head. "T-that's not what I meant--I just--"
  1515. >You shove her back in front of the door to Gust's room
  1516. >Gust is in there, staring at the two of you in the doorway, still glowing with blush and sniffling
  1517. "You totally want to hug her! Go on! Get up in there!"
  1519. ___
  1522. >Be Gust Tumbler
  1523. >You feel like a TV crew is going to bust in and tell you that the past two days were just a prank, bro
  1524. >Or a SWAT team, if you're less lucky.
  1525. >Okay that might be a little extreme, but still
  1526. >You can't stop yourself from feeling like you're doing something wrong
  1527. >On the other hoof, Rainbow's arguments have been getting at you
  1528. >Is it really a bad thing that the person you're responsible for raising is someone you could love?
  1529. >Even if your love is somewhat...perverse.
  1530. >But loving from afar and actually acting on it are very different things.
  1531. >Still...
  1532. >A ball of guilt wells in your chest as you realize how difficult it will be to give this up.
  1533. >It's for the best.
  1534. >Suddenly Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash appear in the doorway again, the latter whispering in the former's ear.
  1535. >You nervously wipe the tears out of your eyes
  1536. >Okay, time to be the good mom
  1537. "Hey sweetie. I'm sorry about all of this. I don't know what's going through you and Dash's heads right now, but you don't have to worry. It's a very happy day for you."
  1538. >Fluttershy moves over to you and sits down. You desperately want to hold her.
  1539. >You fuss her hair.
  1540. "I mean, it was before I mucked it up. I don't expect you to forgive me right away."
  1541. >She takes a breath to say something, but stops. It stings.
  1542. >You guess some part of you still did expect her to forgive you right away.
  1543. >Yeah. Grow up.
  1544. >You realize your hoof is still on her head, and take it off.
  1545. "Or ever, really. I wish I could take this all back for you."
  1546. >She still looks you in the eye, waiting.
  1547. >For what?
  1548. "I can't take it back, though. No matter how much you deserve it. I guess I'm just not--"
  1549. >You choke up, but shake yourself out of it soon enough
  1550. "--a good enough mom."
  1551. >She frowns, but still doesn't say anything.
  1552. >You glance to Rainbow, who is respectfully staying out of it. Probably so you and Fluttershy can make it up to eachother.
  1553. >Interfering any more would probably just cause resentment from Fluttershy.
  1554. >No matter how much you wish this moment would pass.
  1555. "I hate that it got this bad. I feel like I've stolen your special day from you."
  1556. >You uneasily try to keep eye-contact. She at least deserves that.
  1557. >Though it takes every fiber of your being not to look away in shame or leap forward into her hooves
  1558. "What I mean to say is, I put my feelings before you. I didn't control myself."
  1559. >"Feelings?" She finally speaks
  1560. >Your heart leaps out of fear
  1561. "N-nothing, sweetheart."
  1562. >"What were you trying to control yourself from?"
  1563. >You wave your hoof dismissively
  1564. "Look, it's not anything that anyone should have to worry about."
  1565. >She sighs through her nose. "The least you could do is tell me why all this happened."
  1566. "Because I messed up. It's my fault."
  1567. >"You keep talking about how you need to control yourself. I want to know why."
  1568. >A moment of silence passes
  1569. "Maybe I said too much."
  1570. >Fluttershy stares deep into your eyes. "Mom, you're very bad at hiding how you feel."
  1571. >You faintly smile
  1572. >Somehow, her still referring to you as 'mom' feels pretty nice
  1573. >After all of this, you expected to be on a first name basis for quite a while.
  1574. "I guess I am, kid."
  1575. >She gives a slight smile too, and nudges you. "Well?"
  1576. >You take a deep breath and hold it for a moment, steadying the tears
  1577. "I guess...A lot of things have been going through my head. After seeing the two of you, I got caught up in the idea of being a little girl again."
  1578. >You barely hear the sound of Rainbow grumbling on the side of the room, and you see her crossing her forehooves
  1579. "Okay, okay, young in comparison to me."
  1580. >You take another breath, nervously giggling. After calming down for a moment, you continue.
  1581. "You two are just adorable together. I wanted both of you happy, and I didn't realize that I was thinking about the both of you more than I ought to. I ended up...letting myself become a little too infatuated with the idea of your relationship. Maybe even jealous. I noticed I've been...kind of lonely. I guess I thought that I could take a more hooves-on approach to get you together, but that's...Wrong. Selfish of me."
  1582. >You feel a rush in your heart, remembering your time with Dash, despite yourself.
  1583. >Even as you're saying the words, your eyes can't help but lower to Fluttershy's bust
  1584. >Damn, that's fluffy.
  1585. >You tear your eyes away before your wings can inflate any
  1586. >Cool down, Gust.
  1587. >Fluttershy looks down, mulling over what you've said
  1588. >In a way, it feels better, having this stuff off your chest.
  1589. >You're embarassed, and quite frankly ashamed, as all hell, sure.
  1590. >But it sort of feels nice to not have to pretend to be competent. And hopefully they'll understand.
  1591. >Fluttershy nods slowly. "I think I can understand. I don't blame you for liking Dashie too, and it would have made me confused and upset if I had to watch what's happened."
  1592. "I'm no supermare. I should have been more...mature about the situation, though."
  1593. >At this point, Rainbow begins creeping behind Fluttershy.
  1594. >A normal pony would stop Rainbow from performing what can only be assumed to be a nefarious prank in the midst of a life-changing and fragile conversation about the sexuality of mother and daughter, upsetting and possibly uprooting all you have collectively worked for
  1595. >
  1596. >You deliberately keep eye contact with Fluttershy so as to not tip her off on whatever Rainbow is about to do
  1597. >"I would appreciate if you were more upfront about these things, mom." Fluttershy continues, "It was understandable, but not right. It was very worrying to have you two lying about this. It's much better to work these things through together than bottle them up."
  1598. >A spark of pride relights in your heart, despite everything.
  1599. >She really is a great pony. The kindest person you've ever known.
  1600. >You should probably stop Rainbow from whatever she's about to pull
  1601. >Should being the key word.
  1602. >Gosh. You really shouldn't encourage her as much as you do. She'll end up scaring the soul out of your daughter one day
  1603. >Just as you think that, Rainbow gently places her hooves on Fluttershy's shoulders.
  1604. >Fluttershy jumps, but looks back and smiles softly.
  1605. >"Hello, Dashie. I think things will--"
  1606. >Rainbow then flares out her wings and shoots forward, pressing Fluttershy between the two of you
  1607. >"See! Everything's okay! Now let's hug it out!"
  1608. >Barely an "Oof!" escapes Fluttershy before the both of you, caught offguard, fall over to the floor.
  1609. "D-Dash, this isn't--I'm sorry, sweetheart, I'm not trying to--Gosh darnit, Rainbow Dash!"
  1610. >A long string of apologies and kid-friendly profanity streams from your mouth
  1611. >You try to wriggle out of the pile, but Dash continues manuvering to place herself and Fluttershy between your escape routs
  1612. >Eventually you have to settle for a brief moment to reorient yourself
  1613. >As soon as you do, Fluttershy's scrambling ends with the side of her face pressed up against yours
  1614. >The of the bed is on your other side, so you can't move away
  1615. >Rainbow finally takes her position laying atop both of you, and sighs contentedly. "Yeah. This feels about right."
  1616. >Fluttershy hides behind her hair as much as she can, though it doesn't work perfectly since she's pressed between you, Dash, and the floor
  1617. >"I'm sorry m-mom, Dash always plays pranks on people."
  1619. >You accidentally speak louder than you intended, causing her to recoil upwards
  1620. >Your face slips into the space created, falling below her chin and onto her chest
  1621. >Almost reflexively, you spread out and inhale, breathing in Fluttershy's scent and allowing your wings to begin slowly spreading out
  1622. >Your words turn into incoherent mumbling as you're pressed between the two of them
  1623. >Rainbow leans down to your ear, pushing you further between them. "This is payback, you know."
  1624. >You try to reply, but your words come out as high pitched giggly laughter
  1625. >Wrapping your forelegs around Fluttershy's waist, you feel your face burning as hot as it ever has
  1626. >"Oh wow. You're like, the color of 'Shy's hair."
  1627. >"RAINBOW DASH!" Fluttershy screams at the top of her lungs (though still what you'd consider an inside voice)
  1628. >It snaps you back to your senses either way, and you unhoof your daughter, covering your face
  1629. "I'm sorry, sweetie! R-Rainbow made me do it!"
  1630. >"What?!" She looks indignant for a moment, before tilting her head. "Actually, yeah, I'll take that. Now kiss and make up!"
  1631. >You are suddenly very glad you're between the floor and a bed, as they are currently holding your wings down
  1632. >You peek through your hooves, and see Fluttershy burning almost as bright pink as you.
  1633. >"Go on!" Rainbow pokes her, "What? Your mother never kissed you?"
  1634. >"N-not on the lips!"
  1635. >Rainbow recoils in faux-surprise. "Who said anything about lips? I didn't! That's a dirty mind you have there, 'Shy!"
  1636. >Fluttershy curls up, squeaking various protests from under her hair
  1637. >
  1638. >"I said it was dirty, I didn't say 'stop'!"
  1639. >One half of you REALLY hates Rainbow right now
  1640. >And the other half is confused as to why you said "half"
  1641. >Now that's all of you
  1642. >Oh jeez, half of you liked that?!
  1643. >You sit up suddenly, causing Rainbow to slide off of you and entirely on top of Fluttershy, who is still stammering
  1644. "I-I start dinner."
  1645. >"You already used that one." Rainbow says, exasperated
  1646. "Fu--darnit."
  1647. >Dash snickers
  1648. >Learning to not constantly use profanity around your child has really fucked your shit up.
  1649. >Can't even curse on purpose half the time
  1650. >Rainbow wraps her hooves around your arm and pulls you back down
  1651. >Once again, you land next to the two of them, and Rainbow smirks
  1652. >She moves the hair out of Fluttershy's face, then planting a slow kiss on her cheek, causing Flutters' face to flush
  1653. >Rainbow then looks back to you, and gestures for you to join her
  1654. >You grit your teeth.
  1655. >You really wish you didn't find the nearly delusional levels of confidence she possesses attractive.
  1656. "Look, I get it, but I really think Fluttershy is uncomfortable with this. And I am too!"
  1657. >"Oh come on, she'd say if she didn't want to! Right, 'Shy?"
  1658. >Fluttershy stammers for a moment, and looks to you as if waiting for you to answer for her
  1659. >You sit up. For some reason, you hesitate too.
  1660. >Neither of you seem to want to answer first.
  1661. >Rainbow lifts her hoof. "Going once! Twice! It's decided!"
  1662. >The moment goes by, you still uneasily holding eye contact with Fluttershy
  1663. >Dash's eyes widen, seemingly surprised by the lack of protest
  1664. >You know it surprised you, too.
  1665. >A glimmer of hope warms your chest, but you try to quash it
  1666. "Ahem, I uh, that's not how it works."
  1667. >Cool down
  1668. >You take a breath, and try to clear your head
  1669. >Remember; Fluttershy first. She's the most important person in your world, after all.
  1670. >Rainbow sighs and also sits up Fluttershy, pushing her over to you
  1671. >She nervously looks between you and the floor
  1672. >You gently smooth out her hair, trying to not let your hooves spend too much time carressing her face as they pass by
  1673. "Sweetheart, don't listen to Dash. You aren't obliged to fufill her weird fantasies."
  1674. >"They're yours too." Dash grumbles
  1675. "Shh!"
  1676. >You shoot her a glare
  1677. "Listen, I'm your mom. And I'm going to think of you as my daughter, not as a...competitor, or...other things. This conversation doesn't have to leave this room."
  1678. >"Well, good thing it's your bedroom--"
  1679. "Rainbow Dash! You are not helping!"
  1680. >You feel your muscles tighten as you try to keep your composure
  1681. >You're still leaning back against the side of the bed in a poor attempt at hiding your erect wings
  1682. >Best you can tell, Fluttershy still seems frozen in place from indecision
  1683. >As much as it makes your heart (and wings) throb to think she's considering being with you, you remind yourself she's probably trying to decide how best to convince Rainbow to stop her ill-planned attempt to get the three of you in bed and...
  1684. >You barely manage to shake yourself out of it before you go down that road
  1685. >Just wait it out, Gust. You'll calm down and everything will be better if you can just wait it out
  1686. >You've told yourself that a lot in your life, and it mostly worked throughout your teenage years. You avoided getting into a lot of would-be bad relationships by taking a moment to calm down and think rationally before acting on your lovesick nature
  1687. >Fluttershy looks back to Rainbow, as though asking for guidance
  1688. >You similarly give her a venomous gaze.
  1689. >"Ughh." She sighs, rolling her eyes. "You already know you don't have to. I just think you would like it. Having an experienced, kind hoof to show you the way around a mare's--"
  1690. >You begin to take a breath to interrupt her, when she interrupts your interruption
  1691. >"Heart! I was going to say heart!" She huffs. "I'm not a savage."
  1692. >You look back to Fluttershy, and can see her composure starting to slip
  1693. >She begins breathing faster and shivering
  1694. >Shit. What's she thinking? You can't really help without knowing the details.
  1695. >Think from her perspective.
  1696. >She just spent the last two days having two mares, one of which being her mother, awkwardly come onto her, while the other has been openly advocating a threesome
  1697. >Even going so far as to hold her in a 'surprise snuggle pile' between the two of you to try and drive the point across
  1698. >All while she's discovering her first romantic feelings
  1699. >If you were in her shoes, you'd be mortified
  1700. >Well, no. If YOU were in her shoes, you'd probably be so pent up you would explode on the next person to make physical contact with you
  1701. >Fluttershy over you for a few moments while shaking, whispering under her breath. "I...I just...I'm not sure what to say...I feel so..."
  1702. >Rainbow pats her on the back. "That's okay. Let me just present one last argument."
  1703. >She then slowly places pressure on Fluttershy, pushing her forward until her nose and yours meet.
  1704. >"Boop." Dash grins, content.
  1705. >
  1706. >Fluttershy throws herself forward, wrapping her forelegs around you and pressing you further against the bed
  1707. >Her mouth meets yours, sending a shockwave of tingling sensation down your spine
  1708. >Rainbow leaps in the air, pumping her hoof. "YES! YES! YES!"
  1709. >Slowly, Fluttershy pulls back, smiling and breathing heavily
  1710. >Your mouth falls agape, and Rainbow swoops to Fluttershy's side, giving her a congratulatory kiss on the cheek
  1711. >You notice Fluttershy's wings are puffed out to her sides, almost making it difficult for Rainbow to get in from the side due to their stiffness
  1712. "Fluttershy!"
  1713. >She groans and hides her face in your chest. "Mooom! You two have been teasing me forever! Rainbow even fell asleep when we got alone!"
  1714. >"Hey! I tried, okay?! I couldn't escalate it for the life of me! And you're the one who's too comfy!"
  1715. >She raises her head "Y-yes, and I enjoyed it, but--"
  1716. >Rainbow silences her with another kiss, causing Fluttershy to shudder and her fur to puff up
  1717. >You are now in the awkward position of watching your daughter and her girlfriend kiss over you, inches from your nose.
  1718. >But you really can't take your eyes off them
  1719. >They part, and Fluttershy fidgets her hooves while leaning against you
  1720. >Rainbow places herself leaning against your other side. "What I'm saying is, I think we need a little help."
  1721. >
  1722. "yeah sure mang."
  1723. >What the fuck is wrong with you?
  1724. >Fluttershy giggles and looks up to you with lovestruck eyes. "See, Dash? I told you she's just like you."
  1725. >"Oh come on. Look at how much she's shivering. And the blush! She's you incarnate."
  1726. >You wrap a foreleg around each of them, pulling the two ever closer
  1727. >You feel the last bits of your denial crumbling away
  1728. "I mean...if you two want to..."
  1729. >Your willpower is swiftly eroding
  1730. >Although, if they're this insistant, is there anything really wrong with having a little fun? Are you obligated to try and force your way out of this?
  1731. >You begin to file that under "Questions for another day", but a last spark of protectiveness relights in you
  1732. "Fluttershy, are you sure this is what you want?"
  1733. >She looks between you, Dash, and then down your body
  1734. >You straighten up and draw your legs together, for the first time feeling uncomfortable being naked around your daughter
  1735. >She grins in a way you've never seen her before, as though consumed by passion, without her usual shy composure
  1736. >Dash seems entranced by the sight, idly stroking your side while watching
  1737. >Fluttershy doesn't answer verbally, instead cradling your face in her forelegs and kissing your cheek softly
  1738. >The act suddenly sends a nearly lust-free throb through your heart, causing you to squee in joy and wrap your forelegs around her waist
  1739. >You really do love her.
  1740. >Now you realize you love her in a lot of different ways
  1741. >"You know, mom, you're really cute when you blush. I like seeing you smile this way."
  1742. >Rainbow interrupts her own shameless oogling for a moment. "She's uh, not as cute as me though, right?"
  1743. >While you hold Fluttershy's chest to yours, she playfully pretends to think about it, causing Rainbow to frustratedly mumble and nuzzle between the two of you
  1744. >You can't help but laugh, seeing this new side of the two
  1745. "Man. This is going to be really weird, going forward."
  1746. >"Let's not worry about that now," Rainbow diverts your attention, squeezing inbetween the two of you, "You still need to teach us!"
  1747. "Of course. I can't wait to show you two the times of your lives--"
  1748. >The doorbell rings
  1749. >Fluttershy nearly jumps a foot in the air, and Rainbow Dash falls into your lap without the support of her, all while groaning in annoyance
  1750. >You each stand up, and then look between eachother, waiting for one of you to go first
  1751. "Okay, so uh..."
  1752. >Each of you look towards the others' wings, all of them at full mast. That'll be real...awkward.
  1753. >Dash points to Fluttershy "You're the one who has most control over this stuff! You can just fold your wings answer the door!"
  1754. >Shy's jaw drops. "W-what?! I can't answer the door like this! Just the thought of someone seeing me like this, so unladylike..."
  1755. >Her wings shrivel as she goes over the scene in her head
  1756. "Yep! You're good, go quick!"
  1757. >You push her out of the bedroom and send her on the way to answer the door
  1758. >Now, to calm down, yourself...
  1759. >You look to the side. Rainbow grins and pumps her eyebrows.
  1760. >"So, we're alone."
  1761. >You ruffle her hair and chuckle. "No, Fluttershy has to be here for our first time--wow. That's...not something I expected to say. Ever."
  1762. >Stretching out your body, you go through some light flaps of your wings, trying to fold them back in the least suspicious way possible
  1763. >Considering your nature, you've had to hide a lot of wingboners. Like, a lot. So you're not too bad at keeping them down, but it'll always be noticable to some extent.
  1764. >That's probably why you picked a career that involves a lot of flying. People don't ask why you have your wings out in the air when you're flying.
  1765. >Your special talent is secondary to that.
  1766. >You trot down the hallway and then the stairs, and enter the foyer
  1767. >At the door in front of Fluttershy is a large stallion with blue fur and a rainbow colored mane.
  1770. >You are panicking.
  1771. >"Hello there! You're Fluttershy's mom, I presume?"
  1772. >Fluttershy nods. "Y-yes, she's my mommy."
  1773. >You suddenly feel uncomfortable with her calling you 'mommy' in front of strangers
  1774. >Wow, did you start to associate the word with your relationship already? Jeez Gust slow down
  1775. >"Well, nice to meet you. Rainbow Dash is around, right? She told me earlier she was coming here to study weather with you, but it occurs to me she might have said that just to get off the hook and is at the arcade or something."
  1776. >Oh shit.
  1777. >You literally taught her nothing about weather except the dangers of altitude sickness
  1778. >And it occurs to you that after what happened she might associate altitude sickness with good things now
  1779. "Oh, well yeah, she did come over to practice some cloudkicking and stuff. She got distracted...feeding birds."
  1780. >One of the father's eyebrows raises. "For five hours?"
  1781. "It was a lot of birds."
  1782. >Fluttershy hurriedly nods, collaborating with your story
  1783. >You hear Rainbow Dash swoop down the stairs and trot up. "Eyyy, daddo! Pops! My own ol' man!"
  1784. >"Rainbow Dash, you learned literally nothing, didn't you?"
  1785. >"I uh--the clouds--don't like, kick them if they have the snow."
  1786. >"You learned that yesterday! On accident!"
  1787. >"Okay, I didn't learn anything about weather today. We tried!"
  1788. >He looks to you, obviously not believing his daughter.
  1789. "Oh, uh, we did. I work with the Cloudsdale severe storm response team, so I accidentally took her up a bit high without realizing and she got some altitude sickness. So we...fed birds for a while instead."
  1790. >He smiles. "Oh, you do? My wife used to do some jobs for them. Dash always goes on about how cool it is compared to other weatherwork."
  1791. >"Daaad! I do not!"
  1792. >"She was quite excited to study with you."
  1793. >A genuine smile crosses your face, and you look to Dash, who avoids your gaze and puffs her cheeks out
  1794. >"Well, thanks for tutoring her. I'm sure she made it difficult. C'mon, Dash. Dinner was supposed to be half an hour ago."
  1795. >"W-wait, you're taking me home?" She grimaces, appaled at the very idea
  1796. >"Of course. Is there something you need to finish first?"
  1797. >Fluttershy, Dash, and yourself each glance between eachother, then answering at the same time
  1798. "Absolutely nothing."
  1799. >"W-well, sir..."
  1801. >"Rainbow Dash!" He scowls at her, "Don't take our allmother's name in vain."
  1802. >"It has to do with mothers!"
  1803. >You barely stop yourself from slapping her upside the head, glaring at her
  1804. >Her father looks between you all. "What's going on?"
  1805. >Rainbow straight up groans so intensely she sags onto the floor, sliding onto her side and crossing her forelegs
  1806. >Her father's eyes settle on you, the only other mature, responsible adult in the room.
  1807. >pfft
  1808. >"What does she mean by tha--"
  1809. "I have known literally nothing my entire life. It wasn't me. I dindu nuffin."
  1810. >You answer with the utmost confidence, and Fluttershy taps him on the shoulder. "Um, sir...?"
  1811. >"Yes, 'miss'?" He smiles as easily as ever, poking fun at her formality, "What's up?"
  1812. >"R-Rainbow Dash and I wanted to eat dinner together. L-like..."
  1813. >Dash pokes up, smiling. "A date?"
  1814. >Surprise and then understanding shines through his eyes, before nodding. "Aaha. I see. Well that explains it."
  1815. >Atta girl, Fluttershy! Lie like the best of them!
  1816. >He looks back to Dash. "So where are you taking her?"
  1817. "Oh, Fluttershy wanted to cook for her."
  1818. >You are not letting them get away that easy.
  1819. >"Aw, that's sweet." He pats Rainbow Dash on the shoulder. "She sounds like a keeper."
  1820. >Fluttershy blushes and hides behind her hair
  1821. >"Yeah, dad, so...shoo!" She says with a toothy smile, no hostility in her voice. He chuckles
  1822. >"Okay. Be back by eight."
  1823. >"Eight-thirty!"
  1824. >"Don't push it, now." He shakes his head, and then looks to you. "Keep an eye on them. No funny business."
  1825. "I swear on my life."
  1826. >You chuckle and nod, waving to him. He grins and waves back, taking flight back towards his apartment
  1827. >You close the door, heaving a gigantic sigh of relief.
  1828. >"Mom, you shouldn't swear on things like that..."
  1829. >You start to mutter "We're going to hell together anyways." under your breath, but stop yourself halfway through
  1830. "Don't worry, love. Now we have some time to..."
  1831. >You feel almost unable to finish the sentence as you feel a familiar flush of emotion in your chest
  1832. >"Doing...romance novel stuff?" Fluttershy awkwardly suggests, pawing at the ground.
  1833. >"Oh jeez, you read that stuff too?" Rainbow rolls her eyes, walking up and leaning on her side. You frown.
  1834. "They're good books!"
  1835. >She shakes her head, and places her lips to yours. You press back, allowing your wings to unfold and your arms to wrap around her
  1836. >After a few moments, you start to pull back. Rainbow follows you, not letting you get away until a second or two later.
  1837. >Despite her cool exterior, you can see the excitement gleaming in her eyes, and a slight giddy shudder through her body
  1838. >You place her face under yours, and look back to Fluttershy. She gulps.
  1839. >"I get a feeling I shouldn't like this as much as I do..."
  1840. "You're just now getting that?"
  1841. >You laugh, pulling her into the embrace.
  1842. >Eventually, almost without realizing it, the three of you make it back up to your bedroom
  1843. >Rainbow immediately goes for the bed, jumping on and pulling Fluttershy by the hoof
  1844. >She hesitates for a moment, blushing and taking in the scene
  1845. >You happily press your hooves to her haunches, causing her to squeak as you give her a boost onto the bed. The noises she makes cause you to give a sultry chuckle
  1846. >You climb on after them, while Dash eases Flutters next to her
  1847. >They lay down, caressing eachother. You place yourself on top of them, nuzzling your face between each of their chests, breathing the moment in. Figuratively and literally
  1848. >Surprisingly enough, while both their hearts are beating quickly, Rainbow's is racing even more in anticipation
  1849. >"I love you, Rainbow Dash."
  1850. >"I love you too, 'Shy."
  1851. >They kiss, and you hear both of their hearts speed up even more.
  1852. >You can't help but let out a squee, holding them both tightly to you
  1853. >Fluttershy leaves the kiss and giggles. "I love you as well, mom."
  1854. >You raise your head and nuzzle her cheek.
  1855. "Love ya, kid."
  1856. >Rainbow Dash bounces on the bed in impatience. "C'mon! Teach us something!"
  1857. >You snicker, and shake your head.
  1858. "No, this is pretty much how you do it. Just ride this out."
  1859. >She rolls her eyes. "I'm trying!"
  1860. "Not...not like that, Dash. Actually, entirely like that, but take your time."
  1861. >Dash sighs in frustration and you chide her
  1862. "Tsk tsk. Dash, Fluttershy is a delicate young lady and you need to properly excercise your pure love before anything else."
  1863. >"We alr--"
  1864. "Yes, well I didn't so I am going to cuddle my daughter and you are going to like it in as non-sexual a manner as possible!"
  1865. >You end it with a "humph!" and double-down in your snuggle-hold, causing Fluttershy to wiggle beneath you and giggle
  1866. >Man, she's really comfy
  1867. >You cradle her in the crook of your neck, humming softly
  1868. >Rainbow's face lights with recognition, and then several shades of anger, before skipping to acceptance. "Ugh. Like mother like daughter."
  1869. "So that means you love me too, right?"
  1870. >"...Maybe."
  1871. "Get in on this, then."
  1872. >You slide to the side and pull her on top of Fluttershy, holding them as tight as you can without crushing the breath out of them
  1873. >Rainbow grins. "Okay, this is better."
  1874. "See! I know what I'm doing!"
  1875. >She immediately goes in for a long, deep kiss, and you sigh.
  1876. "Well, it was pure for a moment."
  1877. >Fluttershy seems to be enjoying herself, though, stretching out and making quiet, surprised noises.
  1878. >You grin and roll your eyes. You weren't too much different to either of them.
  1879. >Man, this is really fucking weird. The back of your mind keeps nagging at you
  1880. >But they're big girls now. You trust them to know what they want in other respects, and considering how much they went through to try and convince you...
  1881. >Fluttershy breaks the kiss, trying to hide her smile. "T-this is really weird with mom just watching."
  1882. >"Hm. She's right. Gust, do something sexy!"
  1883. >Your cheeks flush red
  1884. "Whatever happened to cuddles?"
  1885. >However, you catch Fluttershy looking expectantly at you, and then down your body once again
  1886. >As much composure as she has, she doesn't have a lot of eye discipline
  1887. >You smirk. Yeah, they definitely know what they want
  1888. >Cripes, it's weird to feel good about being attractive in your daughter's eyes
  1889. >Well, you might as well enjoy it
  1890. >You reach up and lightly nip on Rainbow Dash's wing, causing her to shiver and sigh contently
  1891. >Gently massaging it, Dash continues to move from side to side, breathing deeply
  1892. >"H-hey...!" Fluttershy protests, causing you to smile and release the feathery appendage
  1893. "Which one of us are you jealous of, exactly?"
  1894. >She neglects to answer, looking to the side. Rainbow takes a deep breath, loosening her muscles. "Is it both?"
  1895. >You notice the familiar sensation of losing your sense to lust
  1896. >For once, you'll let this slide for an hour or two...
  1898. ---
  1900. >By the time you come back to your senses, Rainbow Dash is already snoring happily on Fluttershy's chest, which is rapidly rising and falling as the latter pants
  1901. "You did well."
  1902. >So, you may have imagined being...with, your daughter before
  1903. >But the one thing you most certainly never imagined in your life was the circumstance of the pillow talk afterwards
  1904. >She barely responds with a nod, still staring up at the ceiling
  1905. >Rainbow, in a barely cognizant stupor, shivers and reaches for the covers, pulling the blanket over herself until the only thing exposed is the end of her muzzle in the crook of Fluttershy's neck
  1906. >You narrow your eyes
  1907. >Fuck. That's adorable.
  1908. >You see Fluttershy wrap all of her legs around Dash under the blanket.
  1909. >You wonder what's going through her head right now.
  1910. ____
  1912. >Be Fluttershy
  1913. >
  1914. >
  1915. >
  1916. >
  1917. >Fuck.
  1918. >You can't get the sound of your mother's screams of climax muffled through the kiss you were sharing at that moment out of your head
  1919. >What is happening to your life?
  1920. >You feel Dashie drool on your chest
  1921. >at least, you think that's drool
  1922. >"Like, really well."
  1923. >Your wings begin to stiffen again
  1927. -_-_-_-_-
  1932. >Be Gust Tumbler, quite possibly the best mom off-earth.
  1933. >Around a month has passed now
  1934. >Things have been going good
  1935. >Fluttershy has very visibly matured. She's become a lot more talkative and has been taking great pains to look pretty for you and Dash, as if she wasn't already beautiful
  1936. >Well, she's more talkative around you two, anyways. If anything, she's more shy when other people are around
  1937. >No one knows, so far. You half expected Rainbow Dash to brag about the threeway in front of everyone she knows, but she seems content to just spend the days with Fluttershy and the weekends with both of you at home
  1938. >The other day while Fluttershy was expressing how much she wanted to visit a zoo on the ground, Rainbow complained about how she'll have to move out of Cloudsdale to follow her to some slow-town earth pony village when they become adults in full
  1939. >She apologized respectfully and the conversation continued. Later that night, Flutters almost cried in your arms, she was so happy. Rainbow's backhanded offer to follow her anywhere wasn't lost on her.
  1940. >You smirk, looking out of the window, when you're brought out of your daydreaming by Fluttershy gathering her things
  1941. >"Okay, mom, I'm going to school now!"
  1942. "Alright, love. Have fun."
  1943. >She reaches up and kisses you for more than a few seconds, setting a light blush against both of your faces
  1944. "You tease. You do that every morning, and then I'm stuck thinking about you all day."
  1945. >"Hehe, I know, I do it to myself, too."
  1946. "Well, you have Dashie there!"
  1947. >She nods and chuckles. "Yes, but think of it from her perspective. We get to cuddle eachother every night, so she's always desperate to hold me. She keeps getting us into trouble! At least today's friday."
  1948. "Tch. I suppose. You two lovebirds do your thing, I'm looking forward to tonight."
  1949. >She prances out of the house with a spring in her step, taking off shortly after
  1950. >She's even gotten a bit more comfortable flying.
  1951. >You sigh happily. You're so glad this worked out for her
  1952. >Sure, you enjoy it quite a lot. You almost feel like a kid again, and they're both amazing young mares
  1953. >But it really seems to have made a difference in the direction of her life. Not only has someone fallen in love with her, two people did, at once.
  1954. >And both worked out.
  1955. >It's done wonders for her self confidence. And she deserves every drop and more
  1956. >You nod. Every awkward moment has been worth it.
  1957. >Welp, time to go to work.
  1958. >You have tornados to crash and tails to chase--
  1959. >Actually, you don't have to chase tails anymore. You have two marefriends.
  1960. >
  1961. >You prance in place and giggle, before bursting out of the house and into the air, leaving a dent in the cloud ground you took off from
  1965. THE END (until canon ruined it, RIP)
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