
Buckstars and Throuple

Dec 7th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Thorn was making his way back to his dorm, when he saw Quinn's bright yellow vehicle outside the cafe. He parked across the street and made his way inside, his backpack slung over his shoulder. He ordered himself a large americano and a bowl of soup with a side sandwich because he was starving.
  2. Smokeless: [ewww americano lol]
  3. Alexithymiaa: (WHAT KIND OF SOUP)
  4. Covet: [Probably chicken noodle. cause that's like.. a staple.]
  5. Covet: [Also he takes his coffee that way to stay bitter rofl.]
  6. Smokeless: [XD i made an americano once and was like thats just nasty lol]
  7. Tsaaq: "But of course." She smiled at Quinn and sipped at her iced drink. "I've been talking to the the lawyer I've been shadowing." Penelope began to explain. "She said to change my major from Pre-Law, to something more versatile since I'll study law for four years after undergrad." She explained. "Oh! And I'm almost done with the picture." She smiled again. She saw Thorn walk in and attempted to wave him over.
  8. Smokeless: Bea continued on her phone call for a few mintues before hanging up. she scrolled through her phone and leaned back in her seat for a mintue sipping her latte.-
  9. Alexithymiaa: "That sounds interesting. And that won't negatively impact your chances of being accepted into a law program for grad school?" She asked, finishing off her coffee and rolling the empty cup over her knee. She smiled at the mention of the picture. "I'd love to see it as soon as your done. I enjoyed last night immensely." She looked over to Thorn coming in and getting online, pushing up to her feet. "I'm going to get another coffee, I'll be right back." She made her way over to the counter, stepping up behind Thorn and putting her hand on his shoulder. "No offense, but you look beat." She spoke to him before stepping up to the barista. "I'll take another large black coffee, thank you."-
  10. Covet: "Hey Q, I was going to come join you girls over there. I just needed something to eat. I am beat. Today was a long day, I just pulled a double, I've been at the grind since nine am." He said as his coffee, soup and sandwich were handed over. The bowl steaming with chicken noodle. "I'll see you back at the table." He told her leaning over to give her head a kiss, since his hands were full. He did the same to Penelope as he came up, right before he sat down, putting his plate, with a small bowl and sandwich on it, and his coffee down. "Hello Penny"
  11. Tsaaq: "Not at all. Apparently it was foolish of me to assume just sticking to Pre-Law was wise in the first place." Penelope explained. She nodded and waited on the rest of them. She reached into her bag and grabbed her sketch book. "Hello Thorn." She said with a small solemn sigh as she lowered her head.
  12. Smokeless: Bea took a deep breath and stood up. She reached under her sweater and grabbed the edge of her leggings and wiggled in them pulling them up over her tummy and fixing her clothes again. She looked at her phone calling someon and making her way towards the counter."Hey Megan. Yeah tryouts are going to be saturday. No I haven't posted it up yet but I will. I know I am so excited we are so going to ace it this year." she smiled and waited in line."Oh heavens no. Like they would even try right." she laughed a little and looked down at her nails making sure she didnt need to get them filled soon.
  13. Alexithymiaa: "I feel you, I volunteer at the hospital on Wednesdays and it was definitely a long shift." She rolled her eyes and stepped up to take her coffee, turning to look at Bea in line behind her when she overhead part of her phone conversation. She pursed her lips and walked over to their spot on the couches, taking her seat and immediately sipping her coffee again. "I just overhead Bea talking about some sort of tryouts."-
  14. Covet: Thorn raised an eyebrow at Penny, "What's with that sigh?" He asked her with a frown, "Everything alright?" He picked up his sandwich and took a bite of it, before he took the cracker packet and crunched it up to put into his soup. "Tryouts? For sports or like, theatre stuff? Wait those are auditions, not tryouts."
  15. Tsaaq: She inhaled deeply. "Oh, nothing." She forced a smile on her large lips. "Don't be daft Thorny. Probably cheerleading try outs. Which if anything I would do nothing but dazzle whoever the coach is." Penelope bragged. "Quinn would be in without a doubt as well." She smiled.
  16. Smokeless: A tall blonde guy walked into the cafe looking around. He pulled his phone out texting someo ne as he stepped into the line. He ran his fingers through his blonde hair and shook it out a little. He had a backpack handing from his shoulder as he text.//Bea smiled to the brista"hi can I get a umm hmm a smoothie strawberry thank you." she returned to her call."yeah yeah megan I will be sure to let you know okay okay smooches bye" Bea hung up her phone and smiled taking the smoothie. she turned around looking up seeing the Blonde and let out a loud squeal"Moonie!!!" she opened her arms giving the tall male a hug. The male returned it with a chuckle at the little nickname.
  17. Alexithymiaa: "Wow, you really do have no hobbies..." She mumbled to Thorn before taking another sip of her coffee and reaching for the cookie Penelope had gotten her to take another bite. "Obviously you would dazzle the coach, Penelope. You dazzle everyone. It's your thing." She spoke with a small laugh, bouncing her foot over the top of her leg. "I did cheer in high school. It was fun."-
  18. Covet: "I have a hobby. It's called saving lives." He said through a mouthful of sandwich. But Thorn that's your career not a hobby. "I could totally be a cheerleader too. I've got muscles." He said flexing a bit after setting down his sandwich, winking at the girls. "But really, What was that sigh for? I can tell something is up."
  19. Tsaaq: "Don't be ridiculous honey. That's not a hobby." She said as she patted Thorn's knee. "We'll find something nice. Father likes to build boats in bottles. That'd be nice?" She tilted her head a moment. "You could be a cheerleader you know. We'd all look good in the uniforms." She began to smile. "Oh stop. I only try." She waved her hand, feigning modesty. She pouted a bit and shrugged her shoulders. "Nothing. I'm fine Thorny. Can't you see?" She waved her hand over her face while she forced a smile.
  20. Alexithymiaa: (Shut up Penelope, thats an awful hobby.)
  21. Tsaaq: ((Awww oh no.))
  22. Alexithymiaa: (No one WANTS to build boats in bottles.)
  23. Smokeless: The guy smiled as bea let him go."hey Queenie" He chuckled. "what have you been up to? He went to the counter and looked at the menu." Can I just get a shot of expresso." he paid for it and looked at Bea smiling looking around noticing the little group in the corner.//Bea smiled"oh the usual you know school work and stuff. So are you joining the cheer team this year?" she smiled poking his arm. She looked to where he was looking.
  24. Alexithymiaa: "That's.... yeah..." She trailed off when Penelope chimed in, sipping on her coffee again. She frowned and turned to look at Penelope. "Something's wrong?" She asked with worry, moving her free hand out to lay it gently on Penelope's knee.-
  25. Covet: " bottles? I don't know if you've noticed but these hands...these hands are instruments of healing. I have no patients to build tiny ass boats in bottles, just for looks. If I'm gonna build a boat, it's going to be a legit boat." Thorn said as he picked up his soup cup thingy and started to eat it, slurping noodles. "Your forced smile, is betrayed by your pout."
  26. Covet: [wow... you fucking medical nerd... -facepalm- * patience]
  27. Alexithymiaa: (hahahahahaha)
  28. Tsaaq: Penelope frowned as she intertwined her fingers with Quinn's. "Don't listen to him. He's silly." She said softly. "I'm fine. I promise. I'm just thinking about things. Not about the three of us. Thus far I'm very happy." She gave a firm nod. "And if you're going to build a boat then build one!" Penelope egged on.
  29. Smokeless: Bea smiled to Moonie "I can introduce you if you like. Though I am pretty sure they don't like me." she shrugged her shoulders. She watched as moonie nodded his head and Bea took his hand leading him over to the group."hey umm this is my friend Maxwell. Maxwell Moon." Bea stepped aside and let Max have the floor from there." Max smiled and waved some his eyes shifting rom penelope to quinn only to land on Thorn.
  30. Alexithymiaa: "I know he's silly, but he's also kind of right." She gave Penelope's hand a squeeze, her gaze shifting over to look at the oncoming Bea and her male counterpart. "Oh. It's nice to meet you, Maxwell. I'm Quinn."-
  31. Covet: "I will! I will make the best boat ever. And it will be my boat and it will be called the Thorned Rose, and I'll put a red rose and a white rose on it, with these wicked looking thorns on them." He said with a smug look. He looked over at Bea and the guy she was introducing. "Yo." He said as he went to take another bite of his soup.
  32. Tsaaq: "And I'm Penelope Van Buren." She introduced proudly. placed her free hand on her chest and smiled before lowering it. "It's fine. I promise." She whispered to Quinn. She turned to look up at Maxwell. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance." She held out her free hand for him to shake. "Also I can admire your creativity." She said to Thorn.
  33. Smokeless: Max nodded to his head to Quinn and waved to Thorn. His attention was brought theen to penelope. He took her hand and kissed the back of it gently."Pleasure is mine madame." he chuckled softly letting go of her hand. He stuffed his hands in his pocket looking at Bea.// Bea smiled and patted Maz on the back."so max is a transfer student and I am super busy and I thought since you two are kappa nu and such wonderful women you could perhaps help Max out. I have to get going. Be good Moonie" Bea smiled making her way away from the group.
  34. Alexithymiaa: "What detailed plans you have for your imaginary boat, Thorn." Quinn spoke with a laugh, her eyes shifting back to Bea as she started to leave. "Oh... um... okay...." She pursed her lips and looked at Max, quickly taking another sip of her coffee. "Sooo....." She swallowed hard, feeling incredibly awkward.-
  35. Covet: "Yes. Very important to make sure it has a good name." He said with a nod. Thorn looked confused as the new guy was just dropped with them. "Sheesh, she couldn't get rid of you fast enough could she." He said to the guy, "I'm not sure what that says about you, or what that says about her."
  36. Tsaaq: She squeaked a moment and her mouth hung open. "Oh. Thank you?" She said with a nervous laugh then looked to Quinn with one of her eyebrows quirked upward. "Oh, another transfer. How lovely?" Penelope said. She furrowed her ginger eyebrows a moment as she watched Bea scurry away. "Um, alright. See you around the house?" She called out. She inhaled deeply and forced another smile on her face as she put her hands on her thighs. "So. How do you know Bea?" She asked hurriedly after Thorn talked shit.
  37. Smokeless: Max stood there and his eyes were all over the place."bye bea" he whispered some. He hated it when she did this to him."You don't have to show me around or what ever it is you are suppose to do..." He didn't look at any of them as he was trying to focus on breathign slowly. he blinked a few times and thought hsi heart was going to jump out of his chest that was starting to tighten."oh umm yeah she runs alot." He looked at Penelope and smiled some."oh umm I'm one of her dad's patiences..." He tried to drag in a deep breath but his chest only got tighter. He placed a hand on his chest and stood there for a moment. His mind was racing and he was trying to think straight.
  38. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn sat in silence as she watched Max, her eyes bouncing from his face to his hands, her brows furrowing. "Are you alright, Maxwell?"-
  39. Covet: "You go to the OBGYN?" Thorn asked raising an eyebrow, because he remembered Bea talking about what her dad did, and vagina doctor was amusing to him, so it stuck. But now he was thoroughly confused and just kind of stared at the guy, "Well, you can kick it here with us. We're just talking about boats, and cheerleading. Can I come watch you girls practice? Will you give me a show if I show?" He asked with a smirk.
  40. Tsaaq: "You can't just show up to our practices and watch us. It'd make the other cheerleaders either aroused, threatened or nervous. And I simply don't have the time for such tom foolery. We'll just practice at home with you around as well." She hadn't glanced at Max until Quinn asked if he was alright. She turned to him and furrowed her brow once more. "You look like you need a glass of water."
  41. Smokeless: He really hadn't heard quinn as his head shot up looking at thron."what no no I dont..I meant my mom my mom is..fuck" he just couldn't get his mind straight."it's hot in here....Did you know...."he was gasping between his words."Did you know women generally prefer men with deep husky voices because they seem more confident and agressive..fuck." He cursed again feeling stupid. he was sweating now. He wanted to walk away but his feet felt like they were stuck in cement."Also umm....Good morning and good night text messages activate the part of the brain responsible for happiness." He was rambling and jsut throwing out facts he knew.
  42. Alexithymiaa: -She kept her eyes on Max when he seemed to start to panic, pushing up from the couch and placing her coffee down on the table. She stepped in front of him, reaching her hands out to take him by the wrist, strategically positioning her index and middle fingers together over his inner wrist before trying to move him to the couch. "Why don't you have a seat?" She spoke in a calm tone, keeping her eyes on his face and trying to divert his attention from his own ramblings while she felt his hammering pulse. "Breathe with me. Inhale slow... one, two, three, four, five. Exhale, one two, three, four, five."-
  43. Covet: Thorn blinked and looked around, "Uh, yeah. I totally knew that, I know first hand what a low rumbly voice does for a woman." He said giving a smirk to Penelope, then winked at Quinn, then watched her help the guy calm down. He tipped the rest of his soup into his mouth and went to polish off his sandwich as well.
  44. Tsaaq: A concerned expression overtook her visage but she watched with admiration as Quinn helped him. She turned to Thorn and shook her head at him. "Hardly the time or place Thorny." She whispered. "But don't forget later to lavish with me with kisses. I haven't had enough affection today." She murmured. "And neither has Q."
  45. Smokeless: Max sat down and he focused on Quinn's face doing as she had instructed. He was pretty upset he didnt take his meds that day. He breathed and he slowly started to calm down. He hated feeling this way. He felt rather stupid as he jsut focused on what she was telling him to do and blinked.-
  46. Alexithymiaa: -She kept her fingers poised over his wrist, feeling his pulse level out as she smiled at him. "Better?" She asked in a soft voice, finally moving her hand to stroke his hair in a maternal sort of way before looking to Thorn and Penelope. "Okay, I think all of the coffee in the world isn't going to keep me awake anymore. Hospital days are draining. Will I see you both back at the house?" She asked them as she grabbed her coffee cup because she intended to take it with her and finish anyway.-
  47. Covet: "What do you mean, it's not like I was going into detail, just building off what Max said." He gave a chuckle, then leaned in to whisper to her, "I'll make sure you're properly affectionated, I promise." He said in a low voice then pressed a kiss to her cheek, looking over at Quinn. "Yes, I'm sure we'll be shortly behind you, Q. He stood up and gave her a quick kiss as well, right in front of Max shamelessly. "Sweet dreams."
  48. Smokeless: MAx smiled "thanks yeah" he had never had someone do that before. usually people didnt know what to do when he started to panic. he wasn't very good at talking with others. He looked at thorn and than penelope"bye thanks again." he said to Quinn
  49. Tsaaq: "Of course you will." She said to Quinn, blowing her a kiss. "We'll climb into bed with you." Penelope smirked. She sighed and turned to Thorn. "Thank you. That's much better." She said with a wave of her finger.
  50. Alexithymiaa: -She leaned in to kiss Thorn and then blew a kiss to Penelope as well before turning to make her way out of the cafe.-
  51. Covet: Thorn was totally going to take the moment between him and Penelope now that they were alone. After Quinn left he pulled Penelope close and started giving her more attentive, affectionate kisses.
  52. Tsaaq: She sighed, watching Quin walk away with her pretty blonde hair and tight ass. She turned to Thorn a squealed before wrapping her arms around him. "You always have to be an over achiever?" She snickered as she pulled from the kiss.
  53. Covet: "Only when it counts." He said with a smirk, "Besides, you requested affection, I'm only obliging your request, Penny." He told her letting his hand brush her cheek softly.
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