
Milkyshy (CHS bimbo)

Mar 24th, 2015
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  1. Related to the following pic (nsfw):
  3. >"Oh, Applejack. M-my chest. It hurts!"
  4. >"Huh. If I didn't know any better I'd swear you were carryin' on like one of our cows when they haven't been... milked... for a long time... Come on Fluttershy."
  5. >"Where are we going?"
  6. >"To Nurse Redheart's office. I know for a fact that she's got a breast pump. I'm gonna show you how we take care of our milkcows back at the farm."
  7. >"A- A breast pump? W-will it hurt?"
  8. >"Heh heh. I seriously doubt it darlin'."
  10. ...
  12. >"Lucky for us Nurse Redheart's out for the day. Now let's see... Ah hah! Whoa, a double cup model. That'll be handy."
  13. >"Should I... y'know... take my shirt off?"
  14. >"That depends. Do you want your chest to stop hurtin'?"
  15. >"Y-yes..."
  16. >"Holy smokes girl! I knew you were huge but these things are unbelievable! I mean, they're just stickin' strait out from yer torso like big old pontoons!"
  17. >"They- they weren't so big this morning. They actually sorta hung down a bit."
  18. >"It must be 'cause you're crazy filled with milk. No wonder you're hurtin', your boobs look like they're fit to burst!"
  19. >"Can we just, um..."
  20. >"Oh, right. Let me just put these cups on your teats. Dang, yer nipple look way different from the last time I saw 'em too."
  21. >"Oh yes. They weren't really much darker than the rest of my breasts until earlier this week. Then they just started turning darker and more reddish. Then my n-nipples started getting f-fatter and longer. M-more than usual, I mean."
  22. >"I'll say! I can barely get these cups around 'em and I'm pretty sure this is the machine Redheart herself uses. Takes a whole lot o' tit to outclass that tart."
  23. >"~Whimper~"
  24. >"All right, you ready? I'm gonna turn it on."
  25. >"AhAAHHhhh!"
  26. >"You ok?"
  27. >"~Huff~ Yes, I'm... fine. It was just surprised. I didn't expect it to... suck so much."
  28. >"Heh, well that's kinda' the point. Wow, it's already comin' out! Usually takes our cows a minute or two before their letdown."
  29. >"It... feels soooo goooood."
  30. >"~Chuckle~ I recon it does. Uh, oh. Bottle's gettin' full. Better switch it. Good thing Redheart likes to be prepared. Never realized what a milker she was..."
  32. ...
  34. >"Land sakes Fluttershy! Five bottles of milk. And that was yer first time? We got some shoppin' ta do after school if you're gonna be prepared for your next go round."
  35. >"Mmmnnn... I guess soooo."
  36. >"Hah. I heard ya' moanin' while that pump was goin'. I guess you got relief in more was than one?"
  37. >Flutterblushingintensifies.png
  38. >"Ah, I'm just messin' with ya'. At least your floats aren't riding so high now. I seriously didn't think tits could get pumped up like that. Now, what are we gonna do with all this milk?"
  39. >"Hmm. Well, I... I think I have an idea. Some of my friends are always talking about how they only drink all natural products that come from humane sources..."
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