
Fingerbang! - New collab story

Nov 11th, 2013
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  1. >Be Anonymous.
  2. >You're walking to school, and you can feel the harsh wind brushing down on you.
  3. >You would be getting a ride, but Norman decided he wasn't going to go.
  4. >Is some cheesy school-organized "party" even worth this?
  5. >You hug yourself, shivering slightly from the cold
  6. >Winter was usually your favourite season, but that was before dick heads stopped giving you lifts in their nice heated cars
  7. >The school isn't *that* far away, sure
  8. >But judging by how thick the snow is, this could turn out to be a long trip
  9. >As you trek forward your rebellious mind continues to mull over the fact you are actually attending this shindig
  10. >As far as you knew, most people were showing up, so you suppose it can’t be all that bad
  11. >Who knows? Maybe Norman will even regret his option to ditch this
  12. >As you near the school and see some lackluster sign hanging up welcoming students to the party
  13. >Since it was your senior year, you figured you'd finally go to one of those school "parties"
  14. >From what you'd hear, it usually rather lame. The teachers would make every futile attempt to make the party seem relevant to the students.
  15. >Last year, they even got everybody put on those silly pony tails and ears made them dance to a cringeworthy parody of "Gangnam Style"
  16. >But you suppose it couldn't get any worse than that.
  17. >Making it to the gym, you push apart the doors and are instantly greeted by a mostly dark room, illuminated by several spinning multicolored lights hanging from the ceiling.
  18. >Boys and girls flail around on the “dance floor”, rather the multi-purpose gym floor.
  19. >The slight smell of sweat permeates the air.
  20. >Walking to the side of the room in order to get a better view of the crowd, you begin to regret your decision.
  21. >You observe from the side for a while, attempting to shut out the dubstep remix of Firework
  22. >It's mostly the seniors, though there are a few freshmen here too
  23. >You see a classmate disappear behind a pile of boxes with Rainbow Dash, followed moments later by that little ganger Scootaloo
  24. >Between the erratic twitches of the kids on the dancefloor, and the plastic cups of orange juice at the table, you can't help but think that you'd have been better off spending the night playing vidya with Norman
  28. >Well, not really a point to just sitting there staring awkwardly onto the crowd, might as well see if you can perhaps find someone to talk to
  29. >As you look around the room you continually draw blanks as to who you might go converse with
  30. >Fuck. This just continues to look worse and worse
  31. >Out of a nowhere a finger taps on your shoulder, you jump instinctively, turning to see just who it is that wants your attention
  32. >It's the person you'd least expect to find here (besides you).
  33. "Twilight! Since when do you go to parties?"
  34. >She leans in against the wall, smiling nervously.
  35. >"You're one to ask that question. I thought you hated anything and everything this school does."
  36. >"I still do, I just figured I'd check the party out this year.... So, what bring you to the party, Twilight? I thought you'd be at home reading a book or something"
  37. >Rolling her eyes, she chuckles at your assumption.
  38. >"Actually anon, I'm helping Principal Celestia with the planning of the party. They wanted someone who was able to better understand us /crazy/ teenagers... So uh, anon what do you think?"
  39. >She lets out an awkward grin.
  40. “I think the music is terrible, the kids are all making fools of themselves, and the decorations were cheap. All in all, I’d say that it wasn’t worth the seven dollars I paid to get in. And on top of that, it smells in here.”
  41. >”W-what? Do you… really think so?
  42. >Fuck, she took that way harder than you expected. That’s the last time you freely speak your mind.
  43. “Nah, it’s alright. It does smell in here though. Let’s go outside, you can tell me about how you set it up, alright?”
  44. >Both of you head out into the night air
  45. >She still seemed upset by what you said
  46. >Both of you settle into different spots and face each other
  47. > "Did you really mean all that stuff?"
  48. "Well...yeah, not that harshly though"
  49. >You looked like a fucking dick, might as well try and get out of it
  50. >She looked less hurt, but definitely needed more goading
  51. "It really is a nice party, Twilight. Everyone looks like they're having fun. It's just not my thing."
  52. >Twilight smiles, and pulls you into a hug
  53. >Her hair smells like grapes
  54. "Thanks Anon. I wasn't sure if I'd be any good compared to, you know, Pinkie Pie"
  55. >You think about a Pinkie Pie party compared to the “party” you saw back in the school
  56. “Nah you gave Pinkie a real run for her money.”
  57. >You clench your teeth, what a lie; such is the life of a charmer
  58. >”Well thanks Anon, it means a lot. Anyway, it’s pretty chilly, perhaps we should head back inside?”
  59. “Yeah that’s fine, just kind of wanted a bit of fresh air, ya know?”
  60. >”Understandable, it WAS getting pretty stuffy in there.”
  61. >Not wanting to disappoint Twilight even further, you feign some interest in woefully inadequate excuse for a "party"
  62. "So Twi, what else did you have planned for the party?"
  63. >"Well the main dance should be coming up in about a half hour. C'mon Anon, you should join, it'll be fun. I /promise/"
  64. >You ponder for a moment, you could make a fool of yourself by dancing in front of those seniors, but juding by Twilight's previous attempts at "dancing", you really couldn't do any worse
  65. "Sure, why the hell not?"
  66. >”Oh! Really? Wow! Thank you, Anon!”
  67. “So, we’ve got a half hour, what shall we do until then?”
  68. >”Actually, I’m going to go find Principal Celestia and give her a report on the party so far. I’ll be back before the dance!”
  69. >With that, you watch her tight little rear walk away.
  70. >So, now you’ve got a half hour to burn before the dance, time to look for someone else to talk to in the meantime.
  71. >Suddenly it hits you.
  72. >This is a party, and that should entail one thing, and one thing only.
  73. >Where is that bi-
  76. >Did she just pop up from behind a potted plant?
  77. >At his point it doesn't even surprise you anymore.
  78. >Fucking Pinkie Pie.
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