
Wedding edited by Mousetat

Jan 14th, 2016
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  1. groom='Mousetat'
  2. bride='Pixlelight'
  5. f=400
  6. e=350
  7. a=0
  8. t=0
  9. p=0
  10. finale=0
  12. groomanswer=0
  13. brideanswer=0
  14. positiongroomlock=1
  15. positionbridelock=0
  16. bridewalking=0
  17. stop=5
  18. facepaw=0
  19. p={}
  21. tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true)
  22. tfm.exec.disableAutoTimeLeft(true)
  23. tfm.exec.disableAfkDeath(true)
  24. tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame(true)
  25. tfm.exec.newGame('@5014080')
  27. function eventNewGame()
  28. tfm.exec.movePlayer(groom,1380, 290,offset,0,0,offset)
  29. tfm.exec.killPlayer(bride)
  30. system.disableChatCommandDisplay("start",true)
  31. for name,player in pairs( do
  32. p[name]={facepaw=false}
  33. end
  34. end
  36. function eventNewPlayer(a)
  37. p[name]={facepaw=false}
  38. tfm.exec.respawnPlayer(a)
  39. end
  41. function eventChatCommand(name, message)
  42. if name==groom and message=="start" then
  43. t=48
  44. end
  45. end
  47. function eventLoop(currentTime,timeRemaining)
  48. t=t+1
  49. if positiongroomlock==1 then
  50. tfm.exec.movePlayer(groom,1380, 290,offset,0,0,offset)
  51. end
  53. if positionbridelock==1 then
  54. tfm.exec.movePlayer(bride,1320, 290,offset,0,0,offset)
  55. end
  57. if t==50 then
  58. ui.addTextArea(1,"I believe everyone is here. We will now begin.",nil, 1350, 180,150,40, color,color,Alpha,false)
  59. end
  61. if t==60 then
  62. ui.addTextArea(1,"Please welcome the bride!",nil, 1350, 180,150,40, color,color,Alpha,false)
  63. tfm.exec.respawnPlayer(bride)
  64. tfm.exec.movePlayer(bride,400, 350,offset,0,0,offset)
  65. bridewalking=1
  66. stop=0
  67. end
  70. if stop==0 then
  72. if bridewalking==1 then
  73. tfm.exec.movePlayer(bride,f, 350,offset,0,0,offset)
  74. f=f+20
  75. end
  77. if f > 1145 then
  78. e=e-3.5
  79. tfm.exec.movePlayer(bride,f, e,offset,0,0,offset)
  80. end
  82. if f>=1300 then
  83. stop=1
  84. bridewalking=0
  85. positionbridelock=1
  86. ui.addTextArea(1,"She is here!",nil, 1350, 180,150,40, color,color,Alpha,false)
  87. t=1000
  88. end
  89. end
  91. if t==1006 then
  92. ui.addTextArea(1,"Let us begin the ceremony.",nil, 1350, 180,150,40, color,color,Alpha,false)
  93. end
  95. if t==1012 then
  96. ui.addTextArea(1,"We gathered to witness and celebrate",nil, 1350, 180,150,40, color,color,Alpha,false)
  97. end
  99. if t==1018 then
  100. ui.addTextArea(1,"The union of 2 souls in ethernal companionship.",nil, 1350, 180,150,40, color,color,Alpha,false)
  101. end
  103. if t==1024 then
  104. ui.addTextArea(1,"May they journey forth in prosperity and poverty",nil, 1350, 180,150,40, color,color,Alpha,false)
  105. end
  107. if t==1030 then
  108. ui.addTextArea(1,"and in joy and hardship",nil, 1350, 180,150,40, color,color,Alpha,false)
  109. end
  111. if t==1036 then
  112. ui.addTextArea(1,'Do you, '..groom..', agree to be bound together in love now and forever?',nil, 1350, 160,150,70, color,color,Alpha,false)
  113. groomanswer=1
  114. end
  116. if groomanswer==1 and t==1037 then
  117. ui.addPopup(5, 1, "Do you agree to marry "..bride.." and be bound together in love now and forever?", groom, 272, 131, 253, true)
  118. end
  120. if groomanswer==2 then
  121. ui.addTextArea(3,"I do. Now and forever",nil ,1330,200,100)
  122. t=2000
  123. groomanswer=3
  124. end
  126. if t==2006 and groomanswer==3 then
  127. ui.removeTextArea(3,nil)
  128. ui.addTextArea(1,'And do you, '..bride..', agree to be bound together in love now and forever?',nil, 1350, 160,150,70, color,color,Alpha,false)
  129. ui.addPopup(6, 1, "Do you agree to marry "..groom.." and be bound together in love now and forever?", bride, 272, 131, 253, true)
  130. end
  132. if brideanswer==1 then
  133. ui.addTextArea(3,"I do. Now and forever",nil ,1270,200,100)
  134. t=3000
  135. brideanswer=2
  136. end
  138. if t==3006 and brideanswer==2 then
  139. ui.removeTextArea(3,nil)
  140. ui.addTextArea(1,'Then congratiulation! I declare this couple to be wed. Now you may kiss your spouse',nil, 1350, 180,150,50, color,color,Alpha,false)
  141. end
  143. if t==3012 then
  144. ui.removeTextArea(3,nil)
  145. tfm.exec.movePlayer(groom,1380, 290,offset,0,0,offset)
  146. tfm.exec.movePlayer(bride,1320, 290,offset,0,0,offset)
  147. tfm.exec.playEmote(bride,3,nil)
  148. tfm.exec.playEmote(groom,3,nil)
  149. for name,player in pairs( do
  150. if name==groom or name==bride then
  151. else
  152. tfm.exec.playEmote(name,5,nil)
  153. end
  154. end
  155. finale=1
  156. positiongroomlock=0
  157. positionbridelock=0
  158. end
  160. if t>=3020 and t<9000 then
  161. ui.addTextArea(1,"Now lets partyyy!",nil, 1350, 180,150,40, color,color,Alpha,false)
  162. for name,player in pairs( do
  163. tfm.exec.playEmote(name,0,nil)
  164. end
  165. t=3020
  166. end
  168. if t>=9012 and t<9036 then
  169. ui.addTextArea(1,'This is a disaster! The worst wedding I have ever attended! YOU WILL ALL PERISH!',nil, 1350, 160,200,70, color,color,Alpha,false)
  171. for name,player in pairs( do
  172. if name==bride or name==groom then
  173. if groomanswer==5 then
  174. tfm.exec.playEmote(bride,2,nil)
  175. tfm.exec.playEmote(groom,1,nil)
  176. else
  177. tfm.exec.playEmote(bride,1,nil)
  178. tfm.exec.playEmote(groom,2,nil)
  179. end
  180. elseif p[name].facepaw==false then
  181. tfm.exec.playEmote(name,7,nil)
  182. p[name].facepaw=true
  183. end
  184. end
  185. end
  186. if t==9036 then
  187. positiongroomlock=0
  188. positionbridelock=0
  189. for name,player in pairs( do
  190. tfm.exec.killPlayer(name)
  191. end
  192. ui.addTextArea(1,"I'M THE RULER OF 'EM ALL! HAHAHAHAHA!!",nil, 1350, 160,160,70, color,color,Alpha,false)
  193. end
  194. if t==9050 then
  195. system.exit()
  196. end
  197. end
  199. function eventPopupAnswer(popupID, name, answer)
  200. if popupID==5 and name==groom then
  201. if answer=="yes" then
  202. groomanswer=2
  203. else
  204. groomanswer=5
  205. t=9000
  206. ui.addTextArea(3,"Screw this, I quit!",nil ,1330,200,100)
  207. end
  208. elseif popupID==6 and name==bride then
  209. if answer=="yes" then
  210. brideanswer=1
  211. else
  212. brideanswer=5
  213. t=9000
  214. ui.addTextArea(3,"Screw this, I quit!",nil ,1270,200,100)
  215. end
  216. end
  217. end
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