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- #!/bin/bash
- # Copyright (c) 2011 Pandu E Poluan <>
- # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 or newer
- # Description: Script to automate installation of Citrix XenServer xe-guest-utilities
- INITSCRIPT=/etc/init.d/xe-daemon
- APP=$(basename $0)
- # Setting up colors & attributes *if* tput exists *and* display supports colors
- if which tput &> /dev/null; then
- if (( $(tput colors) >=8 )); then
- c_c="$(tput setaf 6)" #Cyan
- c_g="$(tput setaf 2)" #Green
- c_r="$(tput setaf 1)" #Red
- c_w="$(tput setaf 7)" #White
- c_b="$(tput setaf 4)" #Blue
- c_0="$(tput op)" #Normal
- c__b="$(tput bold)" #Begin bold
- c__0="$(tput sgr0)" #End attributes
- c_cb="$c_c$c__b" #Cyan Bold
- c_gb="$c_g$c__b" #Green Bold
- c_rb="$c_r$c__b" #Red Bold
- c_wb="$c_w$c__b" #White BOld
- c_bb="$c_b$c__b" #Blue Bold
- c_00="$c__0$c_0" #Normal without attributes
- fi
- fi
- # Standardized help
- # The coloring variables will not disturb the output even if display does not
- # support colors, because they will be null ""
- PrintHelp() {
- echo "
- ${c_wb}${APP}${c_00} - XenServer Guest Utilities Installer
- ${c_wb}${APP} ${c_c}PATH ARCH${c_00}
- ${c_cb}PATH${c_00} is either one of:
- 1* Device where ${c_gb}xs-tools.iso${c_00} is loaded
- 2* Path containing the ${c_rb}.rpm${c_00} files
- 3* Path containing the ${c_bb}Linux${c_00} directory containing #2 above
- ${c_cb}ARCH${c_00} is either one of:
- ${c_cb}i386${c_00} if you need the 32-bit variant, or
- ${c_cb}x86_64${c_00} or ${c_cb}amd64${c_00} if you need the 64-bit variant.
- (The latter two are synonyms)
- "
- }
- # First, check if help is requested. If so, emit help, and exit normally.
- if [[ "-h" == "$1" || "--help" == "$1" ]] ; then
- PrintHelp
- exit 0
- fi
- # We need 2 parameters. If the 2nd parameter is null, print help, and exit abnormally
- if [[ "" == "$2" ]] ; then
- PrintHelp
- exit 1
- fi
- # Limit allowable ARCH-es
- case $2 in
- i386)
- ARCH=$2
- ;;
- x86_64|x86-64|amd64)
- ARCH=x86_64
- ;;
- *)
- PrintHelp
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
- ProgressReport() {
- printf "\n "
- if [[ $1 == 0 ]]; then
- printf "${c_gb}*${c_00} "
- else
- printf "${c_rb}*${c_00} "
- fi
- printf "$2"
- }
- # Check if necessary tools are installed
- ExitIfNotMerged() {
- if ! which $1 &> /dev/null; then
- ProgressReport 1 "Can't find ${c_wb}${1}${c_00}!"
- [[ "$2" ]] && ProgressReport 1 "Have you ${c_cb}emerge ${2}${c_00} yet?\n\n"
- exit 2
- fi
- }
- ExitIfNotMerged rpm2cpio app-arch/rpm
- ExitIfNotMerged cpio app-arch/cpio
- # Let's process the source first
- SRC=$1
- # First, check if parameter is a block special file (in which case, we must mount)
- if [[ -b $SRC ]]; then
- ProgressReport 0 "Mounting $SRC as /mnt"
- mount $SRC /mnt &> /dev/null
- SRCPATH=/mnt
- else
- fi
- # If the SRCPATH is not a directory, then abort
- # (if $1 is a device, SRCPATH is the mounted path of the device)
- if ! [[ -d $SRCPATH ]]; then
- ProgressReport 1 "${c_bb}$SRCPATH${c_00} is not found. Aborting!\n\n"
- exit 3
- fi
- # Check that there are 2 .rpm files we need here
- ProgressReport 0 "Searching for ${c_wb}$ARCH${c_00} .rpm files"
- if (( $(find $SRCPATH -maxdepth 2 -name "xe-guest-utilities-*.$ARCH.rpm" | wc -l) < 2 )); then
- ProgressReport 1 "Can't find the needed ${c_rb}.rpm${c_00} files."
- ProgressReport 1 "Please check your parameters.\n\n"
- [[ -b $SRC ]] && umount $SRC
- exit 3
- fi
- # Save our current directory, so we can exit the work directories
- PREVDIR=$(pwd)
- for f in $(find $SRCPATH -maxdepth 2 -name "xe-guest-utilities-*.$ARCH.rpm"); do
- TEMPDIR=$(mktemp -d)
- ProgressReport 0 "Extracting $(basename $f)"
- if ! rpm2cpio $f | cpio -id &> /dev/null ; then
- ProgressReport 1 "Error while extracting ${c_rb}${f}${c_00} !!\n\n"
- exit 4
- fi
- if [[ $f =~ xenstore ]]; then
- else
- fi
- done
- ### First, we process the utilities directory
- ProgressReport 0 "Processing xe-guest-utilities"
- procdirs=( /etc/udev/rules.d /usr )
- for d in ${procdirs[@]}; do
- cp -r ${DIRutils}${d}/* $d
- done
- ### Second, we process the xenstore directory
- ProgressReport 0 "Processing xe-guest-utilities-xenstore"
- cp -r ${DIRstore}/usr/* /usr
- ProgressReport 0 "Remaking xenstore symbolic links"
- for f in ${DIRstore}/usr/bin/xenstore-* ; do
- bf=$(basename $f)
- rm -f /usr/bin/$bf
- ln -s /usr/bin/xenstore /usr/bin/$bf
- done
- ### Three, we create the proper, OpenRC-compatible initscript
- ProgressReport 0 "Creating initscript"
- cat - > $INITSCRIPT <<<'#!/sbin/runscript
- # Copyright (c) 2011 Pandu E Poluan <>
- # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 or newer
- description="xe-daemon enables the XenServer hypervisor to interrogate some status of the Gentoo DomU VM"
- description_start="Starts the xe-daemon"
- description_stop="Stops the xe-daemon"
- depend() {
- need localmount
- after bootmisc
- }
- XE_LINUX_DISTRIBUTION=/usr/sbin/xe-linux-distribution
- XE_LINUX_DISTRIBUTION_CACHE=/var/cache/xe-linux-distribution
- XE_DAEMON=/usr/sbin/xe-daemon
- checkxen() {
- if [ ! -x "${XE_LINUX_DISTRIBUTION}" ] ; then
- eend 1 "${SVCNAME}: Could not find ${XE_LINUX_DISTRIBUTION}"
- return 1
- else
- return 0
- fi
- }
- checkdom0() {
- if [ -e /proc/xen/capabilities ] && grep -q control_d /proc/xen/capabilities ; then
- ewarn 1 "${SVCNAME}: Not necessary to run this in dom0"
- return 1
- else
- return 0
- fi
- }
- mountxenfs() {
- local XENFS_RSLT=0
- eindent
- if [ ! -e /proc/xen/xenbus ] ; then
- if [ ! -d /proc/xen ] ; then
- eerror "Could not find /proc/xen directory!"
- eerror "Need a post 2.6.29-rc1 kernel with CONFIG_XEN_COMPAT_XENFS=y and CONFIG_XENFS=y|m"
- else
- # This is needed post 2.6.29-rc1 when /proc/xen support was pushed upstream as a xen filesystem
- if mount -t xenfs none /proc/xen ; then
- einfo "xenfs mounted on /proc/xen"
- else
- eerror "Failed mounting xenfs on /proc/xen!"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- eoutdent
- return $XENFS_RSLT
- }
- start() {
- checkxen || return 1
- checkdom0 || return 1
- ebegin "${SVCNAME} starting..."
- if mountxenfs ; then
- :
- else
- eend 1 "${SVCNAME} not started!"
- return 1
- fi
- eindent
- einfo "Detecting Linux distribution version"
- einfo "Daemonizing"
- mkdir -p $(dirname ${XE_DAEMON_PIDFILE})
- eoutdent
- start-stop-daemon --start --exec "${XE_DAEMON}" --background \
- --pidfile "${XE_DAEMON_PIDFILE}" \
- eend $?
- }
- stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping ${SVCNAME}"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --exec "/usr/sbin/xe-daemon" --pidfile "/var/run/"
- eend $?
- }
- ## End of xe-daemon initscript
- '
- chmod +x $INITSCRIPT
- ### Four, patch /usr/sbin/xe-linux-distribution
- ProgressReport 0 "Patching /usr/sbin/xe-linux-distribution"
- cd /usr/sbin
- patch <<< "\
- --- xe-linux-distribution 2011-07-06 14:24:23.551498005 +0700
- +++ xe-linux-distribution.gentoo 2011-07-06 15:18:52.107497524 +0700
- @@ -249,6 +249,24 @@
- write_to_output \"\${distro}\" \"\${major}\" \"\${minor}\" \"\${description}\"
- }
- +identify_gentoo()
- +{
- + gentoo_release=\"\$1\"
- + if [ ! -e \"\${gentoo_release}\" ] ; then
- + return 1
- + fi
- + distro=\"gentoo\"
- + eval \$(cat \${gentoo_release} | awk '{ print \"release=\" \$5 }' )
- + if [ -z \"\${release}\" ] ; then
- + return 1
- + fi
- + eval \$(echo \$release | awk -F. -- '{ print \"major=\" \$1 ; print \"minor=\" \$2 }' )
- + if [ -z \"\${major}\" -o -z \"\$minor\" ] ; then
- + return 1
- + fi
- + write_to_output \"\${distro}\" \"\${major}\" \"\${minor}\" \"\${distro}\"
- +}
- +
- if [ \$# -eq 1 ] ; then
- exec 1>\"\$1\"
- fi
- @@ -258,6 +276,7 @@
- identify_sles /etc/SuSE-release && exit 0
- identify_lsb lsb_release && exit 0
- identify_debian /etc/debian_version && exit 0
- + identify_gentoo /etc/gentoo-release && exit 0
- if [ \$# -eq 1 ] ; then
- rm -f \"\$1\"
- " &> /dev/null
- # Clean up
- ProgressReport 0 "Cleaning up"
- rm -rf $DIRutils $DIRstore
- # Unmount if it was a device we're reading from
- if [[ -b $SRC ]] ; then
- ProgressReport 0 "Unmounting $SRC"
- umount $SRC
- fi
- printf "\n
- Successfully installed xe-guest-utilities.
- Don't forget to do ${c_cb}rc-update add xe-daemon default${c_00} to ensure that the
- xe-daemon runs on boot.
- After doing the ${c_c}rc-update${c_00} above, you are strongly suggested to reboot.
- After reboot, you can check on xe-daemon's status by entering the following
- command: ${c_cb}pgrep xe-daemon${c_00}
- "
- exit 0
- ## End of
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