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a guest
Dec 28th, 2015
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  1. G: ! RPCS3 v0.0.0.6-3975-0e03458
  2. G: !
  3. G: ! Stopping emulator...
  4. LDR: ! Loading 'C:/RPCS3/dev_hdd0/game/NPUB30296/USRDIR/BOOT.BIN'...
  5. G: W fs::file::open('C:/RPCS3/dev_hdd0/game/NPUB30296/dev_bdvd.path', 0x1) failed: error 0x2
  6. LDR: !
  7. LDR: ! Mount info:
  8. LDR: ! /dev_usb000/ -> C:/RPCS3/dev_usb000/
  9. LDR: ! /dev_flash/ -> C:/RPCS3/dev_flash/
  10. LDR: ! /host_root/ ->
  11. LDR: ! /dev_hdd0/ -> C:/RPCS3/dev_hdd0/
  12. LDR: ! /dev_hdd1/ -> C:/RPCS3/dev_hdd1/
  13. LDR: ! /dev_usb/ -> C:/RPCS3/dev_usb000/
  14. LDR: !
  15. LDR: !
  16. LDR: ! Title: Red Faction: Battlegrounds
  17. LDR: ! Serial: NPUB30296
  18. LDR: ! Used configuration: 'C:/RPCS3/'
  19. LDR: !
  20. LDR: ! [lle]
  22. [gui]
  23. size=900x598
  24. position=739:311
  25. main_frame_aui=layout2|name~Pane_0;caption~Game List;state~4196348;dir~5;layer~0;row~0;pos~0;prop~100000;bestw~400;besth~275;minw~-1;minh~-1;maxw~-1;maxh~-1;floatx~-1;floaty~-1;floatw~-1;floath~-1|name~Pane_1;caption~Log;state~4196348;dir~3;layer~0;row~0;pos~0;prop~100000;bestw~600;besth~300;minw~-1;minh~-1;maxw~-1;maxh~-1;floatx~-1;floaty~-1;floatw~-1;floath~-1|name~Pane_2;caption~Debugger;state~4196348;dir~2;layer~0;row~0;pos~0;prop~100000;bestw~400;besth~300;minw~-1;minh~-1;maxw~-1;maxh~-1;floatx~-1;floaty~-1;floatw~-1;floath~-1|dock_size(5,0,0)~267|dock_size(3,0,0)~345|dock_size(2,0,0)~267|
  27. [core]
  28. PPU Decoder=interpreter
  29. Load liblv2.sprx=false
  30. Hook static functions=false
  31. SPU Decoder=interpreter_precise
  33. [rsx]
  34. VSync=false
  35. Aspect ratio=16x9
  36. Renderer=OpenGL
  37. Resolution=720x576
  38. Frame limit=Off
  39. Log shader programs=false
  40. 3D Monitor=false
  42. [core/llvm]
  43. Enable instruction ADDI=true
  44. Compiled blocks exclusion=false
  45. Enable instruction MULLI=true
  46. Excluded block range min=200
  47. Enable instruction LFS=true
  48. Enable instruction RLWINM=true
  49. Enable instruction CMPI=true
  50. Enable instruction CREQV=true
  51. Enable instruction CMPLI=true
  52. Excluded block range max=250
  53. Enable instruction OR=true
  54. Compilation threshold=1000
  55. Enable instruction SUBF=true
  56. Enable instruction CROR=true
  57. Enable instruction TWI=true
  58. Enable instruction DIVW=true
  59. Enable instruction LBZ=true
  60. Enable instruction SUBFIC=true
  61. Enable instruction DIVWU=true
  62. Enable instruction ADDIC=true
  63. Enable instruction ORI=true
  64. Enable instruction ADDIC_=true
  65. Enable instruction ADDIS=true
  66. Enable instruction LD=true
  67. Enable instruction RLWIMI=true
  68. Enable instruction LWARX=true
  69. Enable instruction RLDC_LR=true
  70. Enable instruction RLDIC=true
  71. Enable instruction RLWNM=true
  72. Enable instruction AND=true
  73. Enable instruction ORIS=true
  74. Enable instruction RLDICR=true
  75. Enable instruction STFS=true
  76. Enable instruction XORI=true
  77. Enable instruction LWZ=true
  78. Enable instruction XORIS=true
  79. Enable instruction ANDI_=true
  80. Enable instruction CRXOR=true
  81. Enable instruction ANDIS_=true
  82. Enable instruction STW=true
  83. Enable instruction LHZ=true
  84. Enable instruction MCRF=true
  85. Enable instruction SRAWI=true
  86. Enable instruction CMP=true
  87. Enable instruction CRNOR=true
  88. Enable instruction MULLW=true
  89. Enable instruction CRANDC=true
  90. Enable instruction CRNAND=true
  91. Enable instruction EXTSB=true
  92. Enable instruction CRAND=true
  93. Enable instruction STD=true
  94. Enable instruction CRORC=true
  95. Enable instruction RLDICL=true
  96. Enable instruction RLDIMI=true
  97. Enable instruction MFOCRF=true
  98. Enable instruction CMPL=true
  99. Enable instruction NEG=true
  100. Enable instruction MTOCRF=true
  101. Enable instruction STWCX_=true
  102. Enable instruction ADD=true
  103. Enable instruction EXTSW=true
  104. Enable instruction STDU=true
  106. [system]
  107. Emulation dir path=
  108. Language=1
  109. Use path below as EmulationDir=false
  111. [rsx/opengl]
  112. Write Color Buffers=true
  113. Write Depth Buffer=true
  114. Read Color Buffers=true
  115. Read Depth Buffer=true
  117. [rsx/d3d12]
  118. D3D Adaptater=4294967295
  119. Debug Output=false
  120. Debug overlay=false
  122. [io]
  123. Pad Handler=windows
  124. Camera=connected
  125. Camera type=PlayStationEye
  126. Mouse Handler=null
  127. Keyboard Handler=null
  129. [audio]
  130. Audio Out=OpenAL
  131. Dump to file=false
  132. Convert to 16 bit=false
  134. [io/pad]
  135. Circle=76
  136. Left Analog Stick Left=314
  137. Left Analog Stick Down=317
  138. Left Analog Stick Right=316
  139. R2=69
  140. Right=68
  141. Triangle=73
  142. Right Analog Stick Right=312
  143. Down=83
  144. Right Analog Stick Down=367
  145. Left Analog Stick Up=315
  146. Up=87
  147. Right Analog Stick Up=366
  148. Left=65
  149. Right Analog Stick Left=313
  150. Start=13
  151. Select=32
  152. Square=74
  153. Cross=75
  154. R1=51
  155. R3=67
  156. L1=49
  157. L2=81
  158. L3=90
  160. [misc]
  161. Exit RPCS3 when process finishes=false
  162. Always start after boot=true
  163. Use default configuration=true
  165. [misc/log]
  166. RSX Logging=false
  167. Log Level=Errors
  168. Log everything=false
  169. Save TTY output to file=false
  171. [misc/net]
  172. Connection status=Connecting
  173. Network adapter=0
  175. [misc/debug]
  176. Auto Pause at System Call=false
  177. Auto Pause at Function Call=false
  179. [vfs]
  180. count=0
  181. hdd_count=0
  183. [game_viewer]
  184. Icon_position=0
  185. Icon_width=90
  186. Icon_shown=true
  187. Serial_width=85
  188. Name_position=1
  189. Name_shown=true
  190. Name_width=160
  191. Path_width=160
  192. Serial_position=2
  193. Serial_shown=true
  194. FW_position=3
  195. FW_width=55
  196. FW_shown=true
  197. App version_position=4
  198. App version_width=55
  199. App version_shown=true
  200. Category_width=75
  201. Category_position=5
  202. Category_shown=true
  203. Path_position=6
  204. Path_shown=true
  207. LDR: ! Elf path: /dev_hdd0/game/NPUB30296/USRDIR/BOOT.BIN
  208. LDR: !
  209. LDR: ! loader::init() failed: Broken file
  210. LDR: ! *** sdk version: 0x350001
  211. LDR: ! *** primary prio: 500
  212. LDR: ! *** primary stacksize: 0x10000
  213. LDR: ! *** malloc pagesize: 0x100000
  214. LDR: ! *** ppc seg: 0x0
  215. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpCommerce2DoCheckoutStartAsync' in 'sceNpCommerce2' module (0x108c14c)
  216. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpCommerce2DestroyReq' in 'sceNpCommerce2' module (0x108c16c)
  217. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpCommerce2Init' in 'sceNpCommerce2' module (0x108c18c)
  218. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpCommerce2GetCategoryContentsStart' in 'sceNpCommerce2' module (0x108c1ac)
  219. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpCommerce2Term' in 'sceNpCommerce2' module (0x108c1cc)
  220. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpCommerce2DestroyCtx' in 'sceNpCommerce2' module (0x108c1ec)
  221. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpCommerce2GetCategoryContentsCreateReq' in 'sceNpCommerce2' module (0x108c20c)
  222. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpCommerce2AbortReq' in 'sceNpCommerce2' module (0x108c22c)
  223. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpCommerce2GetProductInfoStart' in 'sceNpCommerce2' module (0x108c24c)
  224. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpCommerce2CreateSessionFinish' in 'sceNpCommerce2' module (0x108c26c)
  225. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpCommerce2GetContentInfo' in 'sceNpCommerce2' module (0x108c28c)
  226. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpCommerce2DoProductBrowseStartAsync' in 'sceNpCommerce2' module (0x108c2ac)
  227. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpCommerce2GetProductInfoCreateReq' in 'sceNpCommerce2' module (0x108c2cc)
  228. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpCommerce2DoProductBrowseFinishAsync' in 'sceNpCommerce2' module (0x108c2ec)
  229. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpCommerce2GetCategoryInfo' in 'sceNpCommerce2' module (0x108c30c)
  230. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpCommerce2GetProductInfoGetResult' in 'sceNpCommerce2' module (0x108c32c)
  231. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpCommerce2GetCategoryContentsGetResult' in 'sceNpCommerce2' module (0x108c34c)
  232. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpCommerce2CreateSessionStart' in 'sceNpCommerce2' module (0x108c36c)
  233. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpCommerce2DoCheckoutFinishAsync' in 'sceNpCommerce2' module (0x108c38c)
  234. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpCommerce2InitGetCategoryContentsResult' in 'sceNpCommerce2' module (0x108c3ac)
  235. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpCommerce2CreateCtx' in 'sceNpCommerce2' module (0x108c3cc)
  236. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpCommerce2GetPrice' in 'sceNpCommerce2' module (0x108c3ec)
  237. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpCommerce2GetGameSkuInfoFromGameProductInfo' in 'sceNpCommerce2' module (0x108c40c)
  238. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpCommerce2GetGameProductInfoFromContentInfo' in 'sceNpCommerce2' module (0x108c42c)
  239. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpCommerce2GetGameProductInfo' in 'sceNpCommerce2' module (0x108c44c)
  240. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpCommerce2InitGetProductInfoResult' in 'sceNpCommerce2' module (0x108c46c)
  241. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpCommerce2GetCategoryInfoFromContentInfo' in 'sceNpCommerce2' module (0x108c48c)
  242. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSslCertificateLoader' in 'cellSsl' module (0x108c4ac)
  243. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSslInit' in 'cellSsl' module (0x108c4cc)
  244. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellHttpInit' in 'cellHttp' module (0x108c4ec)
  245. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellHttpsInit' in 'cellHttp' module (0x108c50c)
  246. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellHttpInitCookie' in 'cellHttp' module (0x108c52c)
  247. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellPadInit' in 'sys_io' module (0x108c54c)
  248. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellPadSetPortSetting' in 'sys_io' module (0x108c56c)
  249. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellPadGetData' in 'sys_io' module (0x108c58c)
  250. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellPadGetInfo2' in 'sys_io' module (0x108c5ac)
  251. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellPadSetActDirect' in 'sys_io' module (0x108c5cc)
  252. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellMouseClearBuf' in 'sys_io' module (0x108e1ac)
  253. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellKbInit' in 'sys_io' module (0x108e1cc)
  254. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellMouseGetInfo' in 'sys_io' module (0x108e1ec)
  255. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellMouseGetDataList' in 'sys_io' module (0x108e20c)
  256. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellKbEnd' in 'sys_io' module (0x108e22c)
  257. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellMouseInit' in 'sys_io' module (0x108e24c)
  258. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellMouseEnd' in 'sys_io' module (0x108e26c)
  259. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAudioInit' in 'cellAudio' module (0x108c5ec)
  260. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAudioPortClose' in 'cellAudio' module (0x108c60c)
  261. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAudioPortStop' in 'cellAudio' module (0x108c62c)
  262. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAudioGetPortConfig' in 'cellAudio' module (0x108c64c)
  263. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAudioPortStart' in 'cellAudio' module (0x108c66c)
  264. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAudioQuit' in 'cellAudio' module (0x108c68c)
  265. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAudioPortOpen' in 'cellAudio' module (0x108c6ac)
  266. LDR: ! Imported function '_cellSpursLFQueueInitialize' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108c6cc)
  267. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursAttributeSetNamePrefix' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108c6ec)
  268. LDR: ! Imported function '_cellSpursQueueInitialize' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108c70c)
  269. LDR: ! Imported function '_cellSpursTasksetAttributeInitialize' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108c72c)
  270. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursLFQueueAttachLv2EventQueue' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108c74c)
  271. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursAddUrgentCommand' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108c76c)
  272. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursCreateTaskWithAttribute' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108c78c)
  273. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursEventFlagDetachLv2EventQueue' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108c7ac)
  274. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursCreateJobChainWithAttribute' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108c7cc)
  275. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursTaskExitCodeInitialize' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108c7ec)
  276. LDR: ! Imported function '_cellSpursJobChainAttributeInitialize' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108c80c)
  277. LDR: ! Imported function '_cellSpursLFQueuePopBody' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108c82c)
  278. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursEventFlagWait' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108c84c)
  279. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursDetachLv2EventQueue' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108c86c)
  280. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursCreateTaskset' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108c88c)
  281. LDR: ! Imported function '_cellSpursEventFlagInitialize' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108c8ac)
  282. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursTasksetAttributeSetName' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108c8cc)
  283. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursShutdownJobChain' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108c8ec)
  284. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursLFQueueDetachLv2EventQueue' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108c90c)
  285. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursEventFlagAttachLv2EventQueue' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108c92c)
  286. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursTasksetAttributeSetTasksetSize' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108c94c)
  287. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursQueuePushBody' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108c96c)
  288. LDR: ! Imported function '_cellSpursAttributeInitialize' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108c98c)
  289. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursJoinTaskset' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108c9ac)
  290. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursJobChainAttributeSetName' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108c9cc)
  291. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursTaskAttributeSetExitCodeContainer' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108c9ec)
  292. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursShutdownTaskset' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108ca0c)
  293. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursJoinJobChain' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108ca2c)
  294. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursInitializeWithAttribute' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108ca4c)
  295. LDR: ! Imported function '_cellSpursTaskAttributeInitialize' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108ca6c)
  296. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursAttachLv2EventQueue' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108ca8c)
  297. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursCreateTask' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108caac)
  298. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursCreateTasksetWithAttribute' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108cacc)
  299. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursGetNumSpuThread' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108caec)
  300. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursFinalize' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108cb0c)
  301. LDR: ! Imported function '_cellSpursSendSignal' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108cb2c)
  302. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursQueueAttachLv2EventQueue' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108cb4c)
  303. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursRunJobChain' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108cb6c)
  304. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursEventFlagSet' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108cb8c)
  305. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursCreateTaskset2' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108e0cc)
  306. LDR: ! Imported function '_cellSpursLFQueuePushBody' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108e0ec)
  307. LDR: ! Imported function '_cellSpursTaskAttribute2Initialize' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108e10c)
  308. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursJoinTask2' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108e12c)
  309. LDR: ! Imported function '_cellSpursTasksetAttribute2Initialize' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108e14c)
  310. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursCreateTask2' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x108e16c)
  311. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellFsRmdir' in 'sys_fs' module (0x108cbac)
  312. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellFsClose' in 'sys_fs' module (0x108cbcc)
  313. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellFsOpendir' in 'sys_fs' module (0x108cbec)
  314. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellFsRead' in 'sys_fs' module (0x108cc0c)
  315. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellFsReaddir' in 'sys_fs' module (0x108cc2c)
  316. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellFsOpen' in 'sys_fs' module (0x108cc4c)
  317. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellFsStat' in 'sys_fs' module (0x108cc6c)
  318. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellFsUnlink' in 'sys_fs' module (0x108cc8c)
  319. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellFsChmod' in 'sys_fs' module (0x108ccac)
  320. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellFsGetDirectoryEntries' in 'sys_fs' module (0x108cccc)
  321. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellFsLseek' in 'sys_fs' module (0x108ccec)
  322. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellFsMkdir' in 'sys_fs' module (0x108cd0c)
  323. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellFsWrite' in 'sys_fs' module (0x108cd2c)
  324. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellFsFstat' in 'sys_fs' module (0x108cd4c)
  325. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellFsClosedir' in 'sys_fs' module (0x108cd6c)
  326. LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_net_initialize_network_ex' in 'sys_net' module (0x108cd8c)
  327. LDR: ! Imported function 'recvfrom' in 'sys_net' module (0x108cdac)
  328. LDR: ! Imported function 'listen' in 'sys_net' module (0x108cdcc)
  329. LDR: ! Imported function 'socketselect' in 'sys_net' module (0x108cdec)
  330. LDR: ! Imported function 'connect' in 'sys_net' module (0x108ce0c)
  331. LDR: ! Imported function 'socketclose' in 'sys_net' module (0x108ce2c)
  332. LDR: ! Imported function 'setsockopt' in 'sys_net' module (0x108ce4c)
  333. LDR: ! Imported function 'sendto' in 'sys_net' module (0x108ce6c)
  334. LDR: ! Imported function 'socket' in 'sys_net' module (0x108ce8c)
  335. LDR: ! Imported function 'inet_aton' in 'sys_net' module (0x108ceac)
  336. LDR: ! Imported function 'bind' in 'sys_net' module (0x108cecc)
  337. LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_net_show_ifconfig' in 'sys_net' module (0x108ceec)
  338. LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_net_finalize_network' in 'sys_net' module (0x108cf0c)
  339. LDR: ! Imported function 'accept' in 'sys_net' module (0x108cf2c)
  340. LDR: ! Imported function 'inet_addr' in 'sys_net' module (0x108cf4c)
  341. LDR: ! Imported function 'send' in 'sys_net' module (0x108cf6c)
  342. LDR: ! Imported function 'recv' in 'sys_net' module (0x108cf8c)
  343. LDR: ! Imported function 'getsockname' in 'sys_net' module (0x108e28c)
  344. LDR: ! Imported function 'getsockopt' in 'sys_net' module (0x108e2ac)
  345. LDR: ! Imported function '_sys_net_errno_loc' in 'sys_net' module (0x108e2cc)
  346. LDR: ! Imported function 'gethostbyname' in 'sys_net' module (0x108e2ec)
  347. LDR: ! Imported function 'shutdown' in 'sys_net' module (0x108e30c)
  348. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellNetCtlNetStartDialogLoadAsync' in 'cellNetCtl' module (0x108cfac)
  349. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellNetCtlNetStartDialogUnloadAsync' in 'cellNetCtl' module (0x108cfcc)
  350. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellNetCtlTerm' in 'cellNetCtl' module (0x108cfec)
  351. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellNetCtlGetInfo' in 'cellNetCtl' module (0x108d00c)
  352. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellNetCtlGetState' in 'cellNetCtl' module (0x108d02c)
  353. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellNetCtlInit' in 'cellNetCtl' module (0x108d04c)
  354. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellNetCtlGetNatInfo' in 'cellNetCtl' module (0x108e32c)
  355. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpBasicSendMessageGui' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d06c)
  356. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpBasicGetFriendListEntry' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d08c)
  357. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpSignalingGetConnectionInfo' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d0ac)
  358. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpManagerGetAccountAge' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d0cc)
  359. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpManagerGetPsHandle' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d0ec)
  360. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpScoreGetRankingByRangeAsync' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d10c)
  361. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpScoreDestroyTitleCtx' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d12c)
  362. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpBasicGetFriendPresenceByIndex' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d14c)
  363. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpScoreGetRankingByNpIdAsync' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d16c)
  364. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpBasicSetPresence' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d18c)
  365. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpTerm' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d1ac)
  366. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpSignalingAddExtendedHandler' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d1cc)
  367. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpLookupDestroyTitleCtx' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d1ec)
  368. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpLookupInit' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d20c)
  369. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpSignalingActivateConnection' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d22c)
  370. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpSignalingCreateCtx' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d24c)
  371. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpBasicRecvMessageAttachmentLoad' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d26c)
  372. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpManagerGetContentRatingFlag' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d28c)
  373. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpScoreCreateTransactionCtx' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d2ac)
  374. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpLookupPollAsync' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d2cc)
  375. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpBasicRecvMessageCustom' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d2ec)
  376. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpLookupTerm' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d30c)
  377. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpLookupTitleSmallStorageAsync' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d32c)
  378. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpScoreTerm' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d34c)
  379. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpSignalingGetLocalNetInfo' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d36c)
  380. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpScorePollAsync' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d38c)
  381. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpManagerGetStatus' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d3ac)
  382. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpBasicGetCustomInvitationEntryCount' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d3cc)
  383. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpSignalingDestroyCtx' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d3ec)
  384. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpDrmIsAvailable' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d40c)
  385. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpBasicGetFriendListEntryCount' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d42c)
  386. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpScoreCreateTitleCtx' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d44c)
  387. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpScoreDestroyTransactionCtx' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d46c)
  388. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpSignalingGetConnectionStatus' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d48c)
  389. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpLookupCreateTitleCtx' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d4ac)
  390. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpProfileCallGui' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d4cc)
  391. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpUtilCmpNpId' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d4ec)
  392. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpLookupWaitAsync' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d50c)
  393. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpBasicGetEvent' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d52c)
  394. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpLookupCreateTransactionCtx' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d54c)
  395. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpScoreAbortTransaction' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d56c)
  396. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpFriendlist' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d58c)
  397. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpScoreRecordScoreAsync' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d5ac)
  398. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpLookupDestroyTransactionCtx' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d5cc)
  399. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpSignalingDeactivateConnection' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d5ec)
  400. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpManagerGetNpId' in 'sceNp' module (0x108d60c)
  401. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpBasicAddPlayersHistory' in 'sceNp' module (0x108e34c)
  402. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpScoreInit' in 'sceNp' module (0x108e36c)
  403. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpBasicRegisterHandler' in 'sceNp' module (0x108e38c)
  404. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpDrmProcessExitSpawn2' in 'sceNp' module (0x108e3ac)
  405. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpManagerGetChatRestrictionFlag' in 'sceNp' module (0x108e3cc)
  406. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpMatching2DestroyContext' in 'sceNp2' module (0x108d62c)
  407. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpMatching2GetWorldInfoList' in 'sceNp2' module (0x108d64c)
  408. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpMatching2SearchRoom' in 'sceNp2' module (0x108d66c)
  409. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpMatching2ContextStart' in 'sceNp2' module (0x108d68c)
  410. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpMatching2LeaveRoom' in 'sceNp2' module (0x108d6ac)
  411. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpMatching2SetRoomDataExternal' in 'sceNp2' module (0x108d6cc)
  412. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpMatching2Term' in 'sceNp2' module (0x108d6ec)
  413. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpMatching2GetServerInfo' in 'sceNp2' module (0x108d70c)
  414. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpMatching2GetEventData' in 'sceNp2' module (0x108d72c)
  415. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpMatching2JoinRoom' in 'sceNp2' module (0x108d74c)
  416. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpMatching2GetServerIdListLocal' in 'sceNp2' module (0x108d76c)
  417. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpMatching2GrantRoomOwner' in 'sceNp2' module (0x108d78c)
  418. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpMatching2CreateContext' in 'sceNp2' module (0x108d7ac)
  419. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpMatching2SetDefaultRequestOptParam' in 'sceNp2' module (0x108d7cc)
  420. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpMatching2RegisterRoomEventCallback' in 'sceNp2' module (0x108d7ec)
  421. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpMatching2GetRoomDataExternalList' in 'sceNp2' module (0x108d80c)
  422. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpMatching2CreateJoinRoom' in 'sceNp2' module (0x108d82c)
  423. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpMatching2Init' in 'sceNp2' module (0x108e3ec)
  424. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNp2Init' in 'sceNp2' module (0x108e40c)
  425. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNp2Term' in 'sceNp2' module (0x108e42c)
  426. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSysutilAvc2UnloadAsync' in 'cellSysutilAvc2' module (0x108d84c)
  427. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSysutilAvc2LoadAsync' in 'cellSysutilAvc2' module (0x108d86c)
  428. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSysutilAvc2EstimateMemoryContainerSize' in 'cellSysutilAvc2' module (0x108d88c)
  429. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSysutilAvc2Unload' in 'cellSysutilAvc2' module (0x108d8ac)
  430. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSysutilAvc2JoinChatRequest' in 'cellSysutilAvc2' module (0x108d8cc)
  431. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSysutilAvc2StartStreaming' in 'cellSysutilAvc2' module (0x108d8ec)
  432. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSysutilAvc2InitParam' in 'cellSysutilAvc2' module (0x108d90c)
  433. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSysutilAvc2LeaveChatRequest' in 'cellSysutilAvc2' module (0x108d92c)
  434. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSysutilAvc2StartVoiceDetection' in 'cellSysutilAvc2' module (0x108e44c)
  435. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSysutilAvc2StopVoiceDetection' in 'cellSysutilAvc2' module (0x108e46c)
  436. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellVideoOutSetGamma' in 'cellSysutilAvconfExt' module (0x108d94c)
  437. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGameGetParamString' in 'cellGame' module (0x108d96c)
  438. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGameCreateGameData' in 'cellGame' module (0x108d98c)
  439. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGameContentPermit' in 'cellGame' module (0x108d9ac)
  440. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGameDataCheck' in 'cellGame' module (0x108d9cc)
  441. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGameGetSizeKB' in 'cellGame' module (0x108d9ec)
  442. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGameBootCheck' in 'cellGame' module (0x108da0c)
  443. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGameContentErrorDialog' in 'cellGame' module (0x108e48c)
  444. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmGetTiledPitchSize' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x108da2c)
  445. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmSetPrepareFlip' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x108da4c)
  446. LDR: ! Imported function '_cellGcmInitBody' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x108da6c)
  447. LDR: ! Imported function '_cellGcmSetFlipCommand' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x108da8c)
  448. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmAddressToOffset' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x108daac)
  449. LDR: ! Imported function '_cellGcmFunc15' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x108dacc)
  450. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmSetFlipMode' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x108daec)
  451. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmSetDebugOutputLevel' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x108db0c)
  452. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmGetTimeStamp' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x108db2c)
  453. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmGetDefaultCommandWordSize' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x108db4c)
  454. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmGetDefaultSegmentWordSize' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x108db6c)
  455. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmGetReport' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x108db8c)
  456. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmSetDefaultFifoSize' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x108dbac)
  457. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmSetDisplayBuffer' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x108dbcc)
  458. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmGetControlRegister' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x108dbec)
  459. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmSetVBlankHandler' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x108dc0c)
  460. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmSetFlipImmediate' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x108dc2c)
  461. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmSetInvalidateTile' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x108dc4c)
  462. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmSetGraphicsHandler' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x108dc6c)
  463. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmSetTile' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x108dc8c)
  464. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmSetZcull' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x108dcac)
  465. LDR: ! Imported function '_cellGcmSetFlipCommandWithWaitLabel' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x108dccc)
  466. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmGetConfiguration' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x108dcec)
  467. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmGetLabelAddress' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x108dd0c)
  468. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSysmoduleUnloadModule' in 'cellSysmodule' module (0x108dd2c)
  469. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSysmoduleLoadModule' in 'cellSysmodule' module (0x108dd4c)
  470. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSysmoduleIsLoaded' in 'cellSysmodule' module (0x108e18c)
  471. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellVideoOutConfigure' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x108dd6c)
  472. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSysutilCheckCallback' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x108dd8c)
  473. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSysCacheMount' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x108ddac)
  474. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGameUnregisterDiscChangeCallback' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x108ddcc)
  475. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAudioOutGetSoundAvailability2' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x108ddec)
  476. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x108de0c)
  477. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAudioOutConfigure' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x108de2c)
  478. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellMsgDialogAbort' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x108de4c)
  479. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSysCacheClear' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x108de6c)
  480. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellVideoOutGetNumberOfDevice' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x108de8c)
  481. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellMsgDialogOpen2' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x108deac)
  482. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAudioOutGetDeviceInfo' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x108decc)
  483. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellVideoOutGetState' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x108deec)
  484. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellMsgDialogProgressBarInc' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x108df0c)
  485. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSysutilRegisterCallback' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x108df2c)
  486. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAudioOutGetSoundAvailability' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x108df4c)
  487. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellVideoOutGetResolution' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x108df6c)
  488. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAudioOutGetNumberOfDevice' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x108df8c)
  489. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAudioOutGetConfiguration' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x108dfac)
  490. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAudioOutGetState' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x108dfcc)
  491. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGameRegisterDiscChangeCallback' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x108dfec)
  492. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSaveDataUserListAutoSave' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x108e4ac)
  493. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSaveDataUserListAutoLoad' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x108e4cc)
  494. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellUserInfoGetStat' in 'cellUserInfo' module (0x108e00c)
  495. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellUserInfoGetList' in 'cellUserInfo' module (0x108e02c)
  496. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellRtcGetCurrentClockLocalTime' in 'cellRtc' module (0x108e04c)
  497. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSyncMutexUnlock' in 'cellSync' module (0x108e06c)
  498. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSyncMutexInitialize' in 'cellSync' module (0x108e08c)
  499. LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSyncMutexTryLock' in 'cellSync' module (0x108e0ac)
  500. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpTrophyRegisterContext' in 'sceNpTrophy' module (0x108e4ec)
  501. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpTrophyCreateHandle' in 'sceNpTrophy' module (0x108e50c)
  502. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpTrophyGetRequiredDiskSpace' in 'sceNpTrophy' module (0x108e52c)
  503. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpTrophyDestroyContext' in 'sceNpTrophy' module (0x108e54c)
  504. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpTrophyInit' in 'sceNpTrophy' module (0x108e56c)
  505. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpTrophyGetGameInfo' in 'sceNpTrophy' module (0x108e58c)
  506. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpTrophyDestroyHandle' in 'sceNpTrophy' module (0x108e5ac)
  507. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpTrophyUnlockTrophy' in 'sceNpTrophy' module (0x108e5cc)
  508. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpTrophyTerm' in 'sceNpTrophy' module (0x108e5ec)
  509. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpTrophyCreateContext' in 'sceNpTrophy' module (0x108e60c)
  510. LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpTrophyGetTrophyInfo' in 'sceNpTrophy' module (0x108e62c)
  511. LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_lock' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x108e64c)
  512. LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_unlock' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x108e66c)
  513. LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_lwcond_destroy' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x108e68c)
  514. LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_ppu_thread_create' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x108e6ac)
  515. LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_lwcond_wait' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x108e6cc)
  516. LDR: ! Imported function '_sys_process_atexitspawn' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x108e6ec)
  517. LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_create' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x108e70c)
  518. LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_ppu_thread_get_id' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x108e72c)
  519. LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_prx_register_library' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x108e74c)
  520. LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_initialize_tls' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x108e76c)
  521. LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_time_get_system_time' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x108e78c)
  522. LDR: ! Imported function '_sys_process_at_Exitspawn' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x108e7ac)
  523. LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_prx_exitspawn_with_level' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x108e7cc)
  524. LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_trylock' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x108e7ec)
  525. LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_ppu_thread_exit' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x108e80c)
  526. LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_destroy' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x108e82c)
  527. LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_lwcond_create' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x108e84c)
  528. LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_spu_image_close' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x108e86c)
  529. LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_process_exit' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x108e88c)
  530. LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_lwcond_signal' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x108e8ac)
  531. MEM: ! Thread Local Storage initialized (g_tls_start=0x17ca000, user_size=0x14cc)
  532. *** TLS segment addr: 0x01342494
  533. *** TLS segment size: 0x00000010
  534. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0027dc1c]} sys_memory: sys_memory_get_user_memory_size(mem_info=*0xd000fcc4)
  535. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0027dc70]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0x1800000, flags=0x200, alloc_addr=*0xd000fcc0)
  536. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0027dca4]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0x10000000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0x13aabb4)
  537. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0027dca4]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0xff00000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0x13aabb4)
  538. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0027dca4]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0xfe00000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0x13aabb4)
  539. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0027dca4]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0xfd00000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0x13aabb4)
  540. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0027dca4]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0xfc00000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0x13aabb4)
  541. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0027dca4]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0xfb00000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0x13aabb4)
  542. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0027dca4]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0xfa00000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0x13aabb4)
  543. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0027dca4]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0xf900000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0x13aabb4)
  544. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0027dca4]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0xf800000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0x13aabb4)
  545. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0027dca4]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0xf700000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0x13aabb4)
  546. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0027dca4]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0xf600000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0x13aabb4)
  547. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0027dca4]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0xf500000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0x13aabb4)
  548. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0027dca4]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0xf400000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0x13aabb4)
  549. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0027dca4]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0xf300000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0x13aabb4)
  550. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0027dca4]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0xf200000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0x13aabb4)
  551. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0027dca4]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0xf100000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0x13aabb4)
  552. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0027dca4]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0xf000000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0x13aabb4)
  553. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0027dca4]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0xef00000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0x13aabb4)
  554. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0027dca4]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0xee00000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0x13aabb4)
  555. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0027dca4]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0xed00000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0x13aabb4)
  556. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0027dca4]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0xec00000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0x13aabb4)
  557. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0027dca4]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0xeb00000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0x13aabb4)
  558. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0027dca4]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0xea00000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0x13aabb4)
  559. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0027dca4]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0xe900000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0x13aabb4)
  560. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0027dca4]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0xe800000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0x13aabb4)
  561. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x218001c8, attr=*0x10aaba0)
  562. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0027dccc]} sys_memory: sys_memory_free(addr=0x20000000)
  563. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x13f61b0, attr=*0x10aaba0)
  564. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x13f5938, attr=*0x10aaba0)
  565. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x13f5960, attr=*0x10aaba0)
  566. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x13f5988, attr=*0x10aaba0)
  567. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x13f5870, attr=*0x10aaba0)
  568. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x13f5898, attr=*0x10aaba0)
  569. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x13f58c0, attr=*0x10aaba0)
  570. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x13f58e8, attr=*0x10aaba0)
  571. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x13f5910, attr=*0x10aaba0)
  572. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x13f6318, attr=*0x1364670)
  573. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x13f62d8, attr=*0x1364680)
  574. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21800210, attr=*0xd000f830)
  575. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21800560, attr=*0xd000fb00)
  576. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b818b0, attr=*0xd000fa00)
  577. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b818d8, attr=*0xd000f9e8)
  578. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e84c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwcond_create(lwcond=*0x21b818f0, lwmutex=*0x21b818d8, attr=*0xd000f9e0)
  579. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b81908, attr=*0xd000f9e8)
  580. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e84c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwcond_create(lwcond=*0x21b81920, lwmutex=*0x21b81908, attr=*0xd000f9e0)
  581. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x13c6f68, attr=*0xd000fb60)
  582. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x13c7990, attr=*0xd000fb60)
  583. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b81938, attr=*0xd000faa0)
  584. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b81960, attr=*0xd000fb60)
  585. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b81ee0, attr=*0xd000fb50)
  586. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b82148, attr=*0xd000fb48)
  587. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e84c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwcond_create(lwcond=*0x21b82160, lwmutex=*0x21b82148, attr=*0xd000fb40)
  588. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x13c2480, attr=*0xd000fb80)
  589. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108dd4c]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x000e: CELL_SYSMODULE_FS)
  590. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108cc4c]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0x1127630, flags=02, fd=*0x13b83e8, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
  591. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108cc4c]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x1127630, flags=02, fd=*0x13b83e8, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
  592. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108cc4c]} sys_fs: *** path = '/app_home/\\.\pipe\ps3'
  593. G: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108cc4c]} fs::file::open('C:/RPCS3/dev_hdd0/game/NPUB30296/USRDIR/pipe/ps3', 0x3) failed: error 0x3
  594. HLE: E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108cc4c]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open('/app_home/\\.\pipe\ps3'): failed to open file (flags=02, mode=0)
  595. TTY: Failed to create pipe\n
  596. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b921c0, attr=*0xd000fb60)
  597. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b92240, attr=*0xd000fb60)
  598. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b92260, attr=*0xd000fbb0)
  599. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b92280, attr=*0xd000fbb0)
  600. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b922a0, attr=*0xd000fbb0)
  601. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b922c0, attr=*0xd000fbb0)
  602. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b922e0, attr=*0xd000fbb0)
  603. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b92300, attr=*0xd000fbb0)
  604. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b92320, attr=*0xd000fb00)
  605. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b92340, attr=*0xd000fb00)
  606. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b92360, attr=*0xd000fb00)
  607. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b924b0, attr=*0xd000fb00)
  608. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b924f8, attr=*0xd000fae8)
  609. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e84c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwcond_create(lwcond=*0x21b92510, lwmutex=*0x21b924f8, attr=*0xd000fae0)
  610. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b92528, attr=*0xd000fae8)
  611. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e84c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwcond_create(lwcond=*0x21b92540, lwmutex=*0x21b92528, attr=*0xd000fae0)
  612. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b92558, attr=*0xd000fae8)
  613. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e84c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwcond_create(lwcond=*0x21b92570, lwmutex=*0x21b92558, attr=*0xd000fae0)
  614. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e6ac]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x21b924d0, entry=0x12ffa10, arg=0x170a9e4, prio=501, stacksize=0x10000, flags=0x0, threadname=*0x170a9ec)
  615. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e6ac]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x21b924d0, param=*0xd000fab0, arg=0x170a9e4, unk=0x0, prio=501, stacksize=0x10000, flags=0x0, threadname=*0x170a9ec)
  616. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e6ac]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x30)
  617. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b92580, attr=*0xd000fb30)
  618. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b93d60, attr=*0xd000fb30)
  619. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b96030, attr=*0xd000fb20)
  620. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b96050, attr=*0xd000fb20)
  621. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b962f0, attr=*0xd000fb60)
  622. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b96310, attr=*0xd000fb60)
  623. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b96330, attr=*0xd000fb40)
  624. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b97290, attr=*0xd000fb00)
  625. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21c7a3b0, attr=*0xd000fb20)
  626. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21c7a3d0, attr=*0xd000fb60)
  627. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21d744d0, attr=*0xd000fb10)
  628. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21d82768, attr=*0xd000fb28)
  629. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e84c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwcond_create(lwcond=*0x21d82780, lwmutex=*0x21d82768, attr=*0xd000fb20)
  630. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21d82798, attr=*0xd000fb28)
  631. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e84c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwcond_create(lwcond=*0x21d827b0, lwmutex=*0x21d82798, attr=*0xd000fb20)
  632. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21d827c8, attr=*0xd000fb28)
  633. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e84c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwcond_create(lwcond=*0x21d827e0, lwmutex=*0x21d827c8, attr=*0xd000fb20)
  634. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21d827f8, attr=*0xd000fb28)
  635. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e84c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwcond_create(lwcond=*0x21d82810, lwmutex=*0x21d827f8, attr=*0xd000fb20)
  636. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21d745e0, attr=*0xd000fb40)
  637. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21d82840, attr=*0xd000fb60)
  638. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21d82860, attr=*0xd000fb60)
  639. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21d828e0, attr=*0xd000fb30)
  640. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21d82900, attr=*0xd000fb30)
  641. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21d82f50, attr=*0xd000fb40)
  642. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21d82f70, attr=*0xd000fb40)
  643. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21d82f90, attr=*0xd000fb40)
  644. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21d82fb0, attr=*0xd000fb40)
  645. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21d82fd0, attr=*0xd000fb40)
  646. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21d82ff0, attr=*0xd000fb20)
  647. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21d83030, attr=*0xd000fb20)
  648. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21d83050, attr=*0xd000fb20)
  649. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21d83310, attr=*0xd000fae0)
  650. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21d83330, attr=*0xd000fae0)
  651. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21d83870, attr=*0xd000fa80)
  652. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21d83890, attr=*0xd000fa80)
  653. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108dd4c]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x002e: CELL_SYSMODULE_LV2DBG)
  654. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108c54c]} sys_io: cellPadInit(max_connect=7)
  655. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108dd4c]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x001c: CELL_SYSMODULE_USBD)
  656. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108dd4c]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x0011: CELL_SYSMODULE_AUDIO)
  657. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108dd4c]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x000e: CELL_SYSMODULE_FS)
  658. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108dd4c]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x001f: CELL_SYSMODULE_RESC)
  659. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108dd4c]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x000a: CELL_SYSMODULE_SPURS)
  660. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108dd4c]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x0009: CELL_SYSMODULE_RTC)
  661. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108dd4c]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x000d: CELL_SYSMODULE_SYNC)
  662. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108dd4c]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x0032: CELL_SYSMODULE_SYSUTIL_USERINFO)
  663. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108dd4c]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x0033: CELL_SYSMODULE_SYSUTIL_SAVEDATA)
  664. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108dd4c]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x003d: CELL_SYSMODULE_JPGENC)
  665. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108dd4c]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x000f: CELL_SYSMODULE_JPGDEC)
  666. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108dd4c]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x003e: CELL_SYSMODULE_SYSUTIL_GAME)
  667. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108dd4c]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x0031: CELL_SYSMODULE_AVCONF_EXT)
  668. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108cc6c]} cellFs: cellFsStat(path=*0x10becd8, sb=*0xd000fb88) -> sys_fs_stat()
  669. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108cc6c]} sys_fs: sys_fs_stat(path=*0x10becd8, sb=*0xd000fb88)
  670. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108cc6c]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR'
  671. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108cc6c]} sys_fs: sys_fs_stat('/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR') failed: not mounted
  672. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00bf005c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_initialize(max_usable_spu=6, max_raw_spu=0)
  673. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108c98c]} cellSpurs: _cellSpursAttributeInitialize(attr=*0xd000f850, revision=2, sdkVersion=0x330000, nSpus=1, spuPriority=100, ppuPriority=10, exitIfNoWork=58385664)
  674. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108c6ec]} cellSpurs: cellSpursAttributeSetNamePrefix(attr=*0xd000f850, prefix=*0x10bc818, size=15)
  675. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} cellSpurs: cellSpursInitializeWithAttribute(spurs=*0x13aac00, attr=*0xd000f850)
  676. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_process: sys_process_is_spu_lock_line_reservation_address(addr=0x13aac00, flags=0x2)
  677. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  678. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  679. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  680. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  681. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  682. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  683. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  684. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  685. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  686. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  687. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  688. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  689. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  690. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  691. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  692. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  693. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  694. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_create(id=*0x13ab930, num=1, prio=100, attr=*0xd000f710)
  695. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_initialize(thread=*0x13ab934, group=0x66, spu_num=0, img=*0x13ab970, attr=*0xd000f6d8, arg=*0xd000f6e8)
  696. HLE: E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_spu: Unsupported SPU Thread options (0x2)
  697. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x13ab9b0, attr=*0xd000f638)
  698. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwcond_create(lwcond=*0x13ab9c8, lwmutex=*0x13ab9b0, attr=*0xd000f640)
  699. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_event: sys_event_queue_create(equeue_id=*0x13ab95c, attr=*0xd000f638, event_queue_key=0x0, size=42)
  700. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_connect_event_all_threads(id=0x66, eq=0x6a, req=0xffffffffffff0000, spup=*0x13aacc9)
  701. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_event: sys_event_port_create(eport_id=*0x13ab960, port_type=1, name=0x0)
  702. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_event: sys_event_port_connect_local(eport_id=0x6b, equeue_id=0x6a)
  703. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} cellSpurs: cellSpursEnableExceptionEventHandler(spurs=*0x13aac00, flag=-805243391)
  704. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x6d] (fragment patch SpursHdlr0)[0x00000000]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x66)
  705. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_connect_event(id=0x66, eq=0x6a, et=2)
  706. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x6d] (fragment patch SpursHdlr0)[0x00000000]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x66, cause=*0x0, status=*0x0)
  707. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108c98c]} cellSpurs: _cellSpursAttributeInitialize(attr=*0xd000f850, revision=2, sdkVersion=0x330000, nSpus=4, spuPriority=140, ppuPriority=10, exitIfNoWork=5550848)
  708. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108c6ec]} cellSpurs: cellSpursAttributeSetNamePrefix(attr=*0xd000f850, prefix=*0x10bc828, size=12)
  709. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} cellSpurs: cellSpursInitializeWithAttribute(spurs=*0x13abc00, attr=*0xd000f850)
  710. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_process: sys_process_is_spu_lock_line_reservation_address(addr=0x13abc00, flags=0x2)
  711. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  712. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  713. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  714. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  715. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  716. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  717. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  718. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  719. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  720. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  721. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  722. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  723. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  724. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  725. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  726. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  727. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  728. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_create(id=*0x13ac930, num=4, prio=140, attr=*0xd000f710)
  729. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_initialize(thread=*0x13ac934, group=0x7f, spu_num=0, img=*0x13ac970, attr=*0xd000f6d8, arg=*0xd000f6e8)
  730. HLE: E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_spu: Unsupported SPU Thread options (0x2)
  731. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_initialize(thread=*0x13ac938, group=0x7f, spu_num=1, img=*0x13ac970, attr=*0xd000f6d8, arg=*0xd000f6e8)
  732. HLE: E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_spu: Unsupported SPU Thread options (0x2)
  733. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_initialize(thread=*0x13ac93c, group=0x7f, spu_num=2, img=*0x13ac970, attr=*0xd000f6d8, arg=*0xd000f6e8)
  734. HLE: E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_spu: Unsupported SPU Thread options (0x2)
  735. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_initialize(thread=*0x13ac940, group=0x7f, spu_num=3, img=*0x13ac970, attr=*0xd000f6d8, arg=*0xd000f6e8)
  736. HLE: E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_spu: Unsupported SPU Thread options (0x2)
  737. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x13ac9b0, attr=*0xd000f638)
  738. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwcond_create(lwcond=*0x13ac9c8, lwmutex=*0x13ac9b0, attr=*0xd000f640)
  739. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_event: sys_event_queue_create(equeue_id=*0x13ac95c, attr=*0xd000f638, event_queue_key=0x0, size=42)
  740. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_connect_event_all_threads(id=0x7f, eq=0x86, req=0xffffffffffff0000, spup=*0x13abcc9)
  741. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_event: sys_event_port_create(eport_id=*0x13ac960, port_type=1, name=0x0)
  742. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_event: sys_event_port_connect_local(eport_id=0x87, equeue_id=0x86)
  743. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} cellSpurs: cellSpursEnableExceptionEventHandler(spurs=*0x13abc00, flag=-805243391)
  744. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_connect_event(id=0x7f, eq=0x86, et=2)
  745. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x89] (generic job SpursHdlr0)[0x00000000]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x7f)
  746. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108c98c]} cellSpurs: _cellSpursAttributeInitialize(attr=*0xd000f850, revision=2, sdkVersion=0x330000, nSpus=1, spuPriority=120, ppuPriority=10, exitIfNoWork=5550848)
  747. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108c6ec]} cellSpurs: cellSpursAttributeSetNamePrefix(attr=*0xd000f850, prefix=*0x10bc838, size=7)
  748. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} cellSpurs: cellSpursInitializeWithAttribute(spurs=*0x13acc00, attr=*0xd000f850)
  749. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_process: sys_process_is_spu_lock_line_reservation_address(addr=0x13acc00, flags=0x2)
  750. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  751. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  752. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  753. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  754. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  755. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  756. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  757. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  758. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  759. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  760. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  761. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  762. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  763. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  764. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  765. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  766. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f7d8, attr=*0xd000f7b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
  767. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_create(id=*0x13ad930, num=1, prio=120, attr=*0xd000f710)
  768. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_initialize(thread=*0x13ad934, group=0x9b, spu_num=0, img=*0x13ad970, attr=*0xd000f6d8, arg=*0xd000f6e8)
  769. HLE: E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_spu: Unsupported SPU Thread options (0x2)
  770. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x89] (generic job SpursHdlr0)[0x00000000]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x7f, cause=*0x0, status=*0x0)
  771. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x13ad9b0, attr=*0xd000f638)
  772. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwcond_create(lwcond=*0x13ad9c8, lwmutex=*0x13ad9b0, attr=*0xd000f640)
  773. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_event: sys_event_queue_create(equeue_id=*0x13ad95c, attr=*0xd000f638, event_queue_key=0x0, size=42)
  774. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_connect_event_all_threads(id=0x9b, eq=0x9f, req=0xffffffffffff0000, spup=*0x13accc9)
  775. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_event: sys_event_port_create(eport_id=*0x13ad960, port_type=1, name=0x0)
  776. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_event: sys_event_port_connect_local(eport_id=0xa0, equeue_id=0x9f)
  777. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} cellSpurs: cellSpursEnableExceptionEventHandler(spurs=*0x13acc00, flag=-805243391)
  778. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca4c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_connect_event(id=0x9b, eq=0x9f, et=2)
  779. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0027e650]} sys_event: sys_event_queue_create(equeue_id=*0x13adc84, attr=*0xd000fa44, event_queue_key=0x12345678, size=8)
  780. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e6ac]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x13adc88, entry=0x12df578, arg=0x0, prio=1001, stacksize=0x10000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x10bc888)
  781. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e6ac]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x13adc88, param=*0xd000f9c0, arg=0x0, unk=0x0, prio=1001, stacksize=0x10000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x10bc888)
  782. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0xa2] (ms job SpursHdlr0)[0x00000000]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x9b)
  783. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e6ac]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0xa4)
  784. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0xa2] (ms job SpursHdlr0)[0x00000000]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x9b, cause=*0x0, status=*0x0)
  785. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca8c]} cellSpurs: cellSpursAttachLv2EventQueue(spurs=*0x13aac00, queue=0xa3, port=*0xd000fa40, isDynamic=0)
  786. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca8c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_connect_event_all_threads(id=0x66, eq=0xa3, req=0x2, spup=*0xd000fa40)
  787. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca8c]} cellSpurs: cellSpursAttachLv2EventQueue(spurs=*0x13abc00, queue=0xa3, port=*0xd000fa40, isDynamic=0)
  788. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca8c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_connect_event_all_threads(id=0x7f, eq=0xa3, req=0x2, spup=*0xd000fa40)
  789. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0027e998]} sys_event: sys_event_queue_create(equeue_id=*0x13adca0, attr=*0xd000f9a0, event_queue_key=0x0, size=1)
  790. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca8c]} cellSpurs: cellSpursAttachLv2EventQueue(spurs=*0x13abc00, queue=0xa5, port=*0xd000fa40, isDynamic=1)
  791. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108ca8c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_connect_event_all_threads(id=0x7f, eq=0xa5, req=0xffffffffffff0000, spup=*0xd000fa40)
  792. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e6ac]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x13adc98, entry=0x12df6f0, arg=0x0, prio=1, stacksize=0x2000, flags=0x0, threadname=*0x10bc9a0)
  793. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e6ac]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x13adc98, param=*0xd000f9c0, arg=0x0, unk=0x0, prio=1, stacksize=0x2000, flags=0x0, threadname=*0x10bc9a0)
  794. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e6ac]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0xa6)
  795. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0027f4d8]} sys_event: sys_event_port_create(eport_id=*0x13adc90, port_type=1, name=0xfee1dead)
  796. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0027f4e8]} sys_event: sys_event_port_connect_local(eport_id=0xa7, equeue_id=0xa5)
  797. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108df2c]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilRegisterCallback(slot=0, func=*0x12ff738, userdata=*0x0)
  798. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b82178, attr=*0xd000f6f0)
  799. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b821a8, attr=*0xd000f6c0)
  800. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b821d8, attr=*0xd000f6c0)
  801. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b82208, attr=*0xd000f6c0)
  802. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b82238, attr=*0xd000f5a0)
  803. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21825ec8, attr=*0xd000f658)
  804. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e84c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwcond_create(lwcond=*0x21825ee0, lwmutex=*0x21825ec8, attr=*0xd000f650)
  805. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b82268, attr=*0xd000f6c0)
  806. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b82298, attr=*0xd000f6c0)
  807. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b822c8, attr=*0xd000f6c0)
  808. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b822f8, attr=*0xd000f620)
  809. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b82328, attr=*0xd000f6c0)
  810. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b82358, attr=*0xd000f6c0)
  811. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b82388, attr=*0xd000f6c0)
  812. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b823b8, attr=*0xd000f760)
  813. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b823e8, attr=*0xd000f760)
  814. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b82418, attr=*0xd000f6c0)
  815. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21826208, attr=*0xd000f608)
  816. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e84c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwcond_create(lwcond=*0x21826220, lwmutex=*0x21826208, attr=*0xd000f600)
  817. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b82448, attr=*0xd000f6c0)
  818. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b82478, attr=*0xd000f6c0)
  819. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e6ac]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x21803e58, entry=0x1316a68, arg=0x21825e80, prio=501, stacksize=0x10000, flags=0x0, threadname=*0x21825e94)
  820. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e6ac]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x21803e58, param=*0xd000f7b0, arg=0x21825e80, unk=0x0, prio=501, stacksize=0x10000, flags=0x0, threadname=*0x21825e94)
  821. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e6ac]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0xbd)
  822. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108dd4c]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x0000: CELL_SYSMODULE_NET)
  823. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108dd4c]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x0014: CELL_SYSMODULE_NETCTL)
  824. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108dd4c]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x0004: CELL_SYSMODULE_HTTPS)
  825. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108dd4c]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x0038: CELL_SYSMODULE_SYSUTIL_NP2)
  826. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108cd8c]} sys_net: sys_net_initialize_network_ex(param=*0xd000f7b0)
  827. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108d04c]} cellNetCtl: cellNetCtlInit()
  828. HLE: E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108c4cc]} cellSsl: cellSslInit
  829. HLE: E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108c4ec]} cellHttp: cellHttpInit
  830. HLE: E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108c52c]} cellHttp: cellHttpInitCookie
  831. HLE: E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108c4ac]} cellSsl: cellSslCertificateLoader
  832. HLE: E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108c4ac]} cellSsl: cellSslCertificateLoader
  833. HLE: E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108c50c]} cellHttp: cellHttpsInit
  834. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b824a8, attr=*0xd000f170)
  835. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b824d8, attr=*0xd000f0c0)
  836. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108e70c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21b82508, attr=*0xd000f0b0)
  837. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108dd4c]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x0000: CELL_SYSMODULE_NET)
  838. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108cd8c]} sys_net: sys_net_initialize_network_ex(param=*0xd000f6e0)
  839. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108dd4c]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x0032: CELL_SYSMODULE_SYSUTIL_USERINFO)
  840. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108df2c]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilRegisterCallback(slot=3, func=*0x1316bc0, userdata=*0x0)
  841. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108dd4c]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0xf030: CELL_SYSMODULE_SYSUTIL_AVCHAT2)
  842. HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108d90c]} cellSysutilAvc2: cellSysutilAvc2InitParam(version=130, option=*0x21836a94)
  843. HLE: E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108d90c]} cellSysutilAvc2 TODO: cellSysutilAvc2InitParam(): Older/newer version 130 used, might cause problems.
  844. HLE: E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108d90c]} cellSysutilAvc2: Unknown media type 0xffffffff
  845. HLE: S {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108d88c]} Last function: cellSysutilAvc2EstimateMemoryContainerSize (0x2f280883)
  846. G: ! {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108d88c]} Registers:
  847. =========
  848. GPR[0] = 0x8
  849. GPR[1] = 0xd000f700
  850. GPR[2] = 0x133e6f0
  851. GPR[3] = 0x21836a94
  852. GPR[4] = 0xd000f770
  853. GPR[5] = 0x21803e24
  854. GPR[6] = 0x12cdd90
  855. GPR[7] = 0x0
  856. GPR[8] = 0x21852790
  857. GPR[9] = 0x32
  858. GPR[10] = 0x218527a0
  859. GPR[11] = 0x1
  860. GPR[12] = 0x48044024
  861. GPR[13] = 0x17d1030
  862. GPR[14] = 0xd000f9ec
  863. GPR[15] = 0x128c000
  864. GPR[16] = 0x128b000
  865. GPR[17] = 0x0
  866. GPR[18] = 0x128a000
  867. GPR[19] = 0x100000
  868. GPR[20] = 0x0
  869. GPR[21] = 0x1
  870. GPR[22] = 0x128c000
  871. GPR[23] = 0x21825e40
  872. GPR[24] = 0x2182e2e0
  873. GPR[25] = 0x0
  874. GPR[26] = 0x21836a80
  875. GPR[27] = 0x21803e20
  876. GPR[28] = 0x21836a80
  877. GPR[29] = 0x21836a94
  878. GPR[30] = 0x21b823e0
  879. GPR[31] = 0x21836a80
  880. FPR[0] = -0.01
  881. FPR[1] = -0.114546
  882. FPR[2] = -0.689031
  883. FPR[3] = 1.34902
  884. FPR[4] = -0.854063
  885. FPR[5] = 1.01563
  886. FPR[6] = 7000
  887. FPR[7] = 5500
  888. FPR[8] = 0.6
  889. FPR[9] = 0.8
  890. FPR[10] = 1.05
  891. FPR[11] = 1.2
  892. FPR[12] = 1.1
  893. FPR[13] = 6500
  894. FPR[14] = 0
  895. FPR[15] = 0
  896. FPR[16] = 0
  897. FPR[17] = 0
  898. FPR[18] = 0
  899. FPR[19] = 0
  900. FPR[20] = 0
  901. FPR[21] = 0
  902. FPR[22] = 0
  903. FPR[23] = 0
  904. FPR[24] = 0
  905. FPR[25] = 0
  906. FPR[26] = 0
  907. FPR[27] = 0
  908. FPR[28] = 0
  909. FPR[29] = 0
  910. FPR[30] = 0
  911. FPR[31] = 0
  912. VPR[0] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
  913. VPR[1] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
  914. VPR[2] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
  915. VPR[3] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
  916. VPR[4] = 0x435e000040400000435e000040400000 [x: 222 y: 3 z: 222 w: 3]
  917. VPR[5] = 0x45034000404000004503400040400000 [x: 2100 y: 3 z: 2100 w: 3]
  918. VPR[6] = 0x40400000404000004040000040400000 [x: 3 y: 3 z: 3 w: 3]
  919. VPR[7] = 0x3f8000003f8000003f8000003f800000 [x: 1 y: 1 z: 1 w: 1]
  920. VPR[8] = 0x41b000003f8ccccd41b000003f8ccccd [x: 22 y: 1.1 z: 22 w: 1.1]
  921. VPR[9] = 0x41c800003f99999a41c800003f99999a [x: 25 y: 1.2 z: 25 w: 1.2]
  922. VPR[10] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
  923. VPR[11] = 0xbf000000bf000000bf000000bf000000 [x: -0.5 y: -0.5 z: -0.5 w: -0.5]
  924. VPR[12] = 0x3f0000003f0000003f0000003f000000 [x: 0.5 y: 0.5 z: 0.5 w: 0.5]
  925. VPR[13] = 0x3f0000003f0000003f0000003f000000 [x: 0.5 y: 0.5 z: 0.5 w: 0.5]
  926. VPR[14] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
  927. VPR[15] = 0x0000000003cb74c0000000003f800000 [x: 0 y: 1.19581e-36 z: 0 w: 1]
  928. VPR[16] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
  929. VPR[17] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
  930. VPR[18] = 0x00000000000000080000000000000007 [x: 0 y: 1.12104e-44 z: 0 w: 9.80909e-45]
  931. VPR[19] = 0x0000000000cc15e80000000000000ac3 [x: 0 y: 1.87423e-38 z: 0 w: 3.86058e-42]
  932. VPR[20] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
  933. VPR[21] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
  934. VPR[22] = 0x0000000003cb7160000000003f800000 [x: 0 y: 1.19573e-36 z: 0 w: 1]
  935. VPR[23] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
  936. VPR[24] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
  937. VPR[25] = 0x00000000000000080000000000000007 [x: 0 y: 1.12104e-44 z: 0 w: 9.80909e-45]
  938. VPR[26] = 0x0000000000cc16080000000000000ac4 [x: 0 y: 1.87423e-38 z: 0 w: 3.86198e-42]
  939. VPR[27] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
  940. VPR[28] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
  941. VPR[29] = 0x0000000003cb74e0000000003f800000 [x: 0 y: 1.19581e-36 z: 0 w: 1]
  942. VPR[30] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
  943. VPR[31] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
  944. CR = 0x68044042
  945. LR = 0x32c0d4
  946. CTR = 0x33f6a8
  947. XER = 0x0 [CA=0 | OV=0 | SO=0]
  948. FPSCR = 0x82024000 [RN=0 | NI=0 | XE=0 | ZE=0 | UE=0 | OE=0 | VE=0 | VXCVI=0 | VXSQRT=0 | VXSOFT=0 | FPRF=4 | FI=1 | FR=0 | VXVC=0 | VXIMZ=0 | VXZDZ=0 | VXIDI=0 | VXISI=0 | VXSNAN=0 | XX=1 | ZX=0 | UX=0 | OX=0 | VX=0 | FEX=0 | FX=1]
  950. G: E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0108d88c]} Exception:
  951. (in file Emu\SysCalls\Modules\cellSysutilAvc2.cpp:94, in function cellSysutilAvc2EstimateMemoryContainerSize)
  952. Please report this to the developers.
  953. G: ! Stopping emulator...
  954. G: ! All threads signaled...
  955. G: ! {PPU Thread[0xa1] (ms job SpursHdlr1)[0x00000000]} Thread aborted
  956. G: ! {PPU Thread[0x88] (generic job SpursHdlr1)[0x00000000]} Thread aborted
  957. HLE: S {PPU Thread[0x30] (JrScheduler)[0x0108e6cc]} Last function: sys_lwcond_wait (0x2a6d9d51)
  958. G: ! {PPU Thread[0x30] (JrScheduler)[0x0108e6cc]} Thread aborted
  959. G: ! {PPU Thread[0x6c] (fragment patch SpursHdlr1)[0x00000000]} Thread aborted
  960. HLE: S {PPU Thread[0xa4] (spu_printf_handler)[0x0027e788]} Last syscall: 130 (sys_event_queue_receive)
  961. G: ! {PPU Thread[0xa4] (spu_printf_handler)[0x0027e788]} Thread aborted
  962. HLE: S {PPU Thread[0xa6] (PS3:SPUDoneCallBack)[0x0027f6c8]} Last syscall: 130 (sys_event_queue_receive)
  963. G: ! {SPU[0x82] Thread (generic job CellSpursKernel2)[0x00818]} Thread aborted
  964. G: ! {PPU Thread[0xa6] (PS3:SPUDoneCallBack)[0x0027f6c8]} Thread aborted
  965. G: ! {SPU[0x83] Thread (generic job CellSpursKernel3)[0x00818]} Thread aborted
  966. G: ! {PPU Thread[0xbd] (g_DefaultThreadInterface)[0x0033f744]} Thread aborted
  967. G: ! {PPU Thread[0x2] (Callback Thread)[0x00000000]} Thread aborted
  968. G: ! {SPU[0x9c] Thread (ms job CellSpursKernel0)[0x00818]} Thread aborted
  969. G: ! {SPU[0x80] Thread (generic job CellSpursKernel0)[0x00818]} Thread aborted
  970. G: ! {PPU Thread[0xa2] (ms job SpursHdlr0)[0x00000000]} Thread aborted
  971. G: ! {PPU Thread[0x6d] (fragment patch SpursHdlr0)[0x00000000]} Thread aborted
  972. G: ! {PPU Thread[0x89] (generic job SpursHdlr0)[0x00000000]} Thread aborted
  973. G: ! {SPU[0x81] Thread (generic job CellSpursKernel1)[0x00818]} Thread aborted
  974. G: ! {SPU[0x67] Thread (fragment patch CellSpursKernel0)[0x00818]} Thread aborted
  975. G: ! All threads stopped...
  976. G: ! Objects cleared...
  977. G: ! Stopping emulator...
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