
Resident Evil 6-KaOs

Mar 23rd, 2013
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  5. ▓ █████ ███ ██████▓▒█▄ ▄████▓████▄ ▄██████▄ ▓
  6. ▒ █████ ▐████ █████ ██▌ ▐█████ ███ █▌ ▐███ ██ ▒
  7. ░ █████ ████ █████ ███ ██████ ██████ ████ ██ ░
  8. █████ ███ █████ ███ ██████ ██████ ▐███ ┼
  9. ░░ █████████▌ ██████▓▒███ ██████ ██████ ▀██████▄ ░░
  10. ░▒▒▒░ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀ ███ ██████ ▀▀▀▀▀▀ ████ ░▒▒▒░
  11. ░▒▓▓▓▒░ ░░░░░▒▓██████████████████████████████▓▒░░░░░████▌ ░▒▓▓▓▒░
  12. ░▒▓███▓▒░ ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄ ███ ██████ ▄▄▄▄▄▄  █████ ░▒▓███▓▒░
  13. ▒▓█▓▓▓█▓▒░ ░ █████ ███ ███ █ ███ ▐█████ █████▌ ██ ████▌░ ░▒▓█▓▓▓█▓▒
  14. ░▒▓░░▒▓█▓▒░ ▒ █████ ███ █████ ███ ▀████▓████▀ █████████▀ ▒ ░▒▓█▓▒░░▓▒░
  15. ░░ ▓ ──┼──── ███ ─ ┼──── ███ ─ ────────────────────── ▓ ░░
  16. ▀ ▀ ▀▀▀█▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ███ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ███ ▀DRUNKNHIGH▀▀▀ ▀ ▀▀▀█▀▀▀ ▀ ▀
  17. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ▓ █ █ ▓ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  18. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ┌──▒──────────┼───────────┼───────────────────────────▒──┐ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  19. ░▒▓█▓▒░ │ ░ -=-=-=-=->KaOsKrew<-=-Proudly-Presents-=-=-=-=- ░ │ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  20. ░▒▓█▓▒░ └──░────---───────────────────────────────────────────░──┘ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  21. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ┌───────────────────┐ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  22. ░▒▓█▓▒░ │RELEASE INFORMATION│ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  23. ░▒▓█▓▒░ └───────────────────┘ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  24. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  25. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Release-Title:------------[ Resident.Evil.6-KaOs ]- ░▒▓█▓▒░
  26. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  27. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Language:-----------------[ English ]- ░▒▓█▓▒░
  28. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  29. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Archive/Count/Volume:-----[ RAR 60x100 MEG = 5.58GIG ]- ░▒▓█▓▒░
  30. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  31. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Release/Date:-------------[ 23-03-2013 ]- ░▒▓█▓▒░
  32. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  33. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Ripped/Packed:------------[ KaOsKrew ]- ░▒▓█▓▒░
  34. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  35. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Iso/Crack:----------------[ Reloaded ]- ░▒▓█▓▒░
  36. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  37. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Ripped/Removed:-----------[ Foreign Stuff ]- ░▒▓█▓▒░
  38. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  39. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Movie/Recode:-------------[ None ]- ░▒▓█▓▒░
  40. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  41. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Audio/Recode:-------------[ None ]- ░▒▓█▓▒░
  42. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  43. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Texture/Recode:-----------[ None ]- ░▒▓█▓▒░
  44. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  45. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Drivers/Extras:-----------[ DX, VcRedist, ]- ░▒▓█▓▒░
  46. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  47. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Trailer:------[ ]- ░▒▓█▓▒░
  48. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  49. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  50. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░ ░░ ░░░░░░▒▓█████████████████████████████▓▒░░░░░ ░░ ░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  51. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  52. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  53. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ┌───────────────────┐ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  54. ░▒▓█▓▒░ │INSTALL INFORMATION│ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  55. ░▒▓█▓▒░ └───────────────────┘ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  56. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  57. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Step-1:-------[ UnRAR Yourself Or Use Our Install.exe ]- ░▒▓█▓▒░
  58. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  59. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Step-2:-------[ Run ~Unpack~.bat As Administrator ░▒▓█▓▒░
  60. ░▒▓█▓▒░ To Unpack/Rebuild ]- ░▒▓█▓▒░
  61. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ( Our Install.exe Does This Step For You ) ░▒▓█▓▒░
  62. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  63. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Step-3:-------[ Click BH6.exe To Play ]- ░▒▓█▓▒░
  64. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  65. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Time: The Total Install Was About 50 Mins On A Quad-Core [*] ░▒▓█▓▒░
  66. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Dual-Core [ ] ░▒▓█▓▒░
  67. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  68. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Warning: ░▒▓█▓▒░
  69. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  70. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Reloadeds Crack Gets Deleted By Antivirus. ░▒▓█▓▒░
  71. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  72. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Notes: ░▒▓█▓▒░
  73. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  74. ░▒▓█▓▒░ We Recommend Installing To A Short Path (Like The Install.exe ░▒▓█▓▒░
  75. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Default) As Long Path Names Can Cause Missing Files On Certain ░▒▓█▓▒░
  76. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Games During Rebuild. ░▒▓█▓▒░
  77. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Unless You Changed It The Default Extraction Folder Install.exe ░▒▓█▓▒░
  78. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Creates Is C:/Games/ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  79. ░▒▓█▓▒░ This Is Were You Can Find The Games exe. ░▒▓█▓▒░
  80. ░▒▓█▓▒░ If Install/Rebuild Seems To Freeze Leave It Alone. ░▒▓█▓▒░
  81. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Install/Rebuild Is Normally Very Time/Space Consuming. ░▒▓█▓▒░
  82. ░▒▓█▓▒░ (So Ensure You Have Pleanty Of Space And Patience) ░▒▓█▓▒░
  83. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  84. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  85. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░ ░░ ░░░░░░▒▓█████████████████████████████▓▒░░░░░ ░░ ░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  86. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  87. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  88. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ┌───────────────────────────────┐ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  89. ░▒▓█▓▒░ │EXTRA INFORMATION & GROUP NOTES│ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  90. ░▒▓█▓▒░ └───────────────────────────────┘ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  91. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  92. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  93. ░▒▓█▓▒░ [ False Positives ] ░▒▓█▓▒░
  94. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  95. ░▒▓█▓▒░ In Some Cases Some Of Our Tools May Get Detected As Suspicious ░▒▓█▓▒░
  96. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Or As A Virus By Some Antivirus Software. This Is Also The ░▒▓█▓▒░
  97. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Case With Some Cracks/No-CDs. We Assure You This Is A False ░▒▓█▓▒░
  98. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Possitive And All Our Files Are Clean. If Any Of These Files ░▒▓█▓▒░
  99. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Are Deleted The Chances Are The Game Will Not Start Or Will ░▒▓█▓▒░
  100. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Function Incorrectly. ░▒▓█▓▒░
  101. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  102. ░▒▓█▓▒░ [ Game Failed ] ░▒▓█▓▒░
  103. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  104. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Before Downloading Always Check The Minimum Requirements. ░▒▓█▓▒░
  105. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Be Sure You Have Updated All Your Drivers, DirectX & Gfx + ░▒▓█▓▒░
  106. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Make Sure You Have Pleanty Of HD Space For Unpacking/Rebuilding ░▒▓█▓▒░
  107. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Double Check Your AV Hasnt Deleted Anything It Shouldnt Have. ░▒▓█▓▒░
  108. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Check In Our Extras Folder For Drivers Or Registry Data What ░▒▓█▓▒░
  109. ░▒▓█▓▒░ May Have Failed To Install During The Unpacking Process. ░▒▓█▓▒░
  110. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  111. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  112. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Peace Tranquility ░▒▓█▓▒░
  113. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Drunk And High ░▒▓█▓▒░
  114. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Chilled And Relaxed ░▒▓█▓▒░
  115. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Thats How We Get By ░▒▓█▓▒░
  116. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  117. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Contact├──────────[ KaOsKrew@HUSHMAIL.COM ]─ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  118. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  119. ░▒▓█▓▒░ !No Tech-Support! .. No Missing Files .. No Noob/Lamers ░▒▓█▓▒░
  120. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  121. ░▒▓█▓▒░ We Do Not Use Any Type Of Social Networking/Messaging ░▒▓█▓▒░
  122. ░▒▓█▓▒░ So Dont Bother Emailing/Requesting ░▒▓█▓▒░
  123. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  124. ░▒▓█▓▒░ Respect To All Serious Rippers That Keep The OLDSKOOL Alive ░▒▓█▓▒░
  125. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  126. ░▒▓█▓▒░ We Are Not Currently Hireing Or Looking For Anything ░▒▓█▓▒░
  127. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  128. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░ ░░ ░░░░░░▒▓█████▓▒░KaOsKrew.ORG░▒▓██████▓▒░░░░░ ░░ ░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  129. ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░
  130. ▒▓█▓▒░ NFO:[05-07-11] ░▒▓█▓▒
  131. ░░ ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░░
  132. ░▒▓░░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░░▓▒░
  133. ▒▓█▓▓▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▓▓█▓▒
  134. ░▒▓███▓▒░ ░▒▓███▓▒░
  135. ░▒▓▓▓▒░ ░▒▓▓▓▒░
  136. ░▒▒▒░ ░▒▒▒░
  137. ░░ ░░
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