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Aug 29th, 2016
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  1. As a dedicated Assassin main, this patch doesn't make me happy in the slightest, the opposite in fact, this patch scares me. This "Assassin update" is very iffy for me, since Riot keeps stating they dislike and I quote:
  2. "We're talking about the difference between 0.5 seconds and 1.5 seconds in a lot of these cases. We think giving enemies that extra second allows them an opportunity to react with tools like Zhonya's or allowing an ally to save them. "
  4. An additional 1 second....on paper that may seem like nothing, but for us Assassin players that's the difference between getting CC'd to death and one-shotting successfully. Assassins by themselves don't bring much to the competitive standpoint of League, they're primarily solo-q pubstompers who get their success off player's mistakes. The key point here is "player's mistakes". If a player makes a mistake vs. an assassin either in their positioning, their aim or their decision-making in general, they deserve to be one-shotted as a punish, that's the point of an Assassin, they're opportunists.
  5. When this factor of making mistakes is increased in duration from 1 mistake to maybe 3-4 mistakes it becomes more and more difficult for said Assassins to shape their identity of "I will burst you because you misplayed against my role". While this seems bad, think about it, what do Assassins do? They single out and burst targets down when they're either isolated or an opening is presented.
  6. Onto the next key point about this statement, Zhoynas. Zhoynas was already a HUGE issue for Assassins and it honestly still is, if your target buys a Zhoynas and avoids your key burst spell or 2 spells than you've already lost your key component to really snowball the game. Not only that, but with the addition of a further second, all the target has to do is press Zhoynas, wait for you to do 1/2 to 100% of your combo and then either get assistance from their team, run away/kite or simply turn it around on you. While this may seem exaggerated, I kid you not, 1 more second when your desired target can Zhoynas or simply use their denial spell or item presents Assassins with the issue of eventually being useless late game (which all assassins naturally are, due to both snowball mechanics and teamfight functionality).
  8. Relating to this, I'll touch on the topic of tankiness very briefly. Basically it goes by this method, you either win the game 20/0 while you have dominance over their squishies or the squishies buy death denial items, resists and health in the form of Randuin's, GA, Zhoynas, Spirit Visage/Banshee's, Sterak's gage, Mercurial Schimitar and you are rendered powerless to perform anything useful unless you're spoonfed cleanup kills in teamfights.
  10. And so, the only things that could possibly be good in the Assassin patch would be the introduction of more Magic pen. items, ways to deal with tanks in general, higher rewards and higher risks for playing Assassins and the basic fact that they are able to keep their signature trait of killing a target in the fastest time possible. When people think Assassin they think of that one group of champions that squishies should be cautious and fearful towards, not be like "meh, they don't even burst me that quickly anyway."
  13. Assassins in this update will either be gutted to begin with OR people will simply not understand them fully, then Riot will gut them. Then Riot will give THE smallest buffs in history, people say "OMG THAT'S FUCKING TOO MUCH", they'll be gutted again and then it will go back to this current meta where the only viable things are supertanks, utility ADCs and control mid mages.
  15. Riot has a really shitty history dealing with champions that do lots of damage and have potential. Take pre-rework Fiora for an example, they kept making top lane better for her, then they gutted her, realised they fucked up, reworked her, she was broken, gutted her again, and now her top lane matchups are garbage.
  16. Another example is Katarina, which I'm really bias on. 1) they remove DFG (not huge, but y'know, it hurts) 2) THE biggest change, they reduce her base HP by 80 in the laning phase and nerf her ult to be 90 sec. This just fucked up her laning phase in general to the point where you'll be lucky to win lane vs even a Gold ranking control mage. I understand that the Ult CD might of been necessary, but in her defence Kat's ult barely feels like an Ult deserving of 90 sec, Azir's ult is like 92 seconds and it's a game changing Ult.
  18. Of course there are other examples such as, Rengar, who Riot stomped into the fucking ground and just made Rengar players switch from Rengar to Kha'zix; Akali, her one shot combo got hit hard, Talon (silence removal) and Kassadin, which is obvious.
  20. I'll try to keep it short. Don't expect any improvements over the Assassin patch, especially due to Riot's mediocre knowledge about what an Assassin is. One shots are going to be gone in general, so RIP Kat and Akali, you'll be missed. Talon and Rengar will probably be strong in the first 1-2 patches due to their new mobility and utility, they'll be gutted on their damage builds after that due to people complaining. Following that, we'll probably see Tank-Gar be picked up once more and Talon will probably be switched to a jungler, due to his newly found mobility and new passive and possibly more reliable slow (he went through this phase only his silence removal as well). Evelynn and Fizz will see next to no play due to both of their tank builds being absolutely gutted, Kassadin will get small buffs over time to the point where he'll go back to season 2-3 Kass.
  21. Zed and Leblanc are just going to stay right the fuck at god tier, because Riot loves those two assassins like a parent loves a gifted child, they won't listen to us when we say that it might be their time to be nerfed, and due to that, mid lane will remain stale after 1-2 patches as each assassin gets nerfed.
  23. There you have it, those are my predictions, I honestly think that they're accurate asf, and I really don't see any good coming out of the assassin patch in the long run, nor do I think it will affect worlds at all. The Jugger patch only affected worlds because tanks and tanks, they can be frontline and deal a shit ton of damage. We're still going to see the same old same old mid lane and jungle. The only variance will see might be in the form of Splitpush Tank Triforce Rengar top. As for the whole Assassin objective, it really won't be for Assassins, burst mages will be able to deal with it just as well, same goes to every ADC in meta and control mages.?
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