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Endgame Systems: The Evil of Intelligence Contractors in Mod

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Aug 10th, 2015
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  1. Endgame Systems: Rogue Intelligence Agency Contractor in the United States invoking Domestic Terrorism, Violence, and Economic Destruction Against Innocent American Citizens Through Social Engineering and Rogue Intelligence Operations
  3. Endgame systems is a software security and intelligence agency contractor firm located in Atlanta, Georgia serving contracts for all major intelligence agencies: CIA, NSA, and FBI. Endgame systems has been using their intelligence community capabilities for political purposes conducting economic espionage, domestic terrorism, and domestic torture against innocent American citizens. Endgame systems claims to be an intelligence agency contractor assisting the United States in combating terrorism and violence, but in actuality they pursue destroying the lives of innocent Americans for political purposes. Despite what they might attempt to say about themselves, they are a group of rogue intelligence agency contractors who are sadists, racists, and sociopaths. Endgame systems openly violates the Constitution of the United States and abuses their intelligence community capabilities openly. Through the City of Atlanta, you can overhear conversations about their intelligence agency connections, training, and contracts where they often fail to keep confidential information related to intelligence community operations in the City of Atlanta confidential.
  5. Despite the great privilege that they have received to combat nefarious entities that are against the United States, they often pursue intelligence cases based on exaggerated claims that they make based on social media information and other private information they acquire using the capabilities bestowed upon them by the intelligence community. Instead of discretely spying on their targets, they invoke psychological torture in attempts to disrupt the lives of their innocent targets often claiming that their disruption of their lives justified their intelligence operations. The tactics they use are similar to the fascist regime of Hilter employing tactics similar to the Gestapo of Nazi Germany and the Stazi of East Germany. They will stop at nothing to disrupt the lives of their targets and the financial and intelligence capabilities they pursue clearly violating the legal limitations set upon them through their contracts with the intelligence community illustrate the nefarious nature of rogue intelligence contractors who do not take their national security commitments seriously. Their tactics often invoke racism and classism in which they use their social engineering training to disseminate inaccurate intelligence about their targets and create hostility and violence between individuals often invoking one side to feel a sense of importance over the other. They openly lie about their targets and will stop at nothing to disrupt their careers and lives.
  7. Endgame Systems is primarily located in midtown Atlanta with offices that are spread out locally around Georgia Tech’s campus. They are located in the ATDC building as well as buildings on West Peachtree and on Marietta St. Their intelligence capabilities are beyond anything publically known. Specifically, they use a broad range of hacking and surveillance capabilities facilitated through both computational and cellular technology. They are enemies of the Constitution of the United States and the American people. They are enemies of all races, religions, and creeds. Their organization is built on lies, deception, and diversion. Their nefarious operations extend far beyond the illegal operations of HB Gary Federal. Their operations serve only to enslave the American population through covert destruction and manipulation openly violating a variety of international and federal laws enacted to protect citizens. They will approach individuals claiming to be associated with the FBI, CIA, or NSA and use their relationship with federal organizations entrusted with protecting the safety of the American people in order to destroy the lives of innocent people often attempting to instigate violence and suffering. They will stop at nothing to destroy the lives of innocent people and their operations due to the important nature of technology in modern life know no limits.
  9. I encourage you to contact your local, state, and national government leaders to let them know about their nefarious operations in Atlanta and how the American government must put a stop to such abuses conducted by intelligence agency contractors which are not upheld to the standards of their federal counterparts. The amount of resources being wasted waging their rogue intelligence operations against innocent American citizens is clearly of great concern especially during this time of great American need.
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