
run tri.xie

Jun 20th, 2014
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  1. >You're sitting in Sugar Cube Corner next to a window
  2. >In front of you is your laptop, open to a bunch of job listings on Craig's list that need coding skills
  3. >You've worked for some small-time companies making apps or games for some good pay over the weekends, but nothing major
  4. >After all, you're still in your junior year of high school
  5. >But you've been recognized for your skill in the field, seeing especially as how you're self-taught
  6. >Getting jobs that require coding isn't difficult to get, but what is difficult to find are jobs that suit your level of coding
  7. >You found a few jobs, but they might be too much for you to handle
  8. >A starting company needs a program to help them calculate prices and inventory
  9. >A neighboring school needs a program for one of their after school clubs to help organize members, events, and other things
  10. >The list goes on
  11. >Your expertise goes as far as coding for games and making simple programs that any beginner can make
  12. >Should you take these jobs or not?
  13. >You rub the palms of your hand against your face and sigh deeply
  14. >You stare out the window, observing the scenery
  15. >It's a pretty nice day outside today
  16. >Almost clear skies, barely any clouds in sight
  17. >The sun's shining while the birds are soaring throughout the sky
  18. >The people walking by are also enjoying the pleasant day
  19. >As you're blankly watching the people pass by, all of a sudden a very blue blur popped up in front of you
  20. >You jumped in your seat because of it
  21. >It was Trixie, and she had both her hands on her hips and a huge grin on her face
  22. >She was wearing that blue hoodie covered in stars and purple skirt with light blue swirls she commonly wears
  23. >After you recollect yourself, you study her for a second more and look back at your laptop screen
  24. >Not even 10 seconds after looking at your screen, was she already sitting in front of you
  25. >But you didn't look up, seeing as how she's frequently done this
  26. >Honestly, you're so used to seeing her appear out of nowhere that it stopped scaring you after a while
  27. >So why did you jump this time?
  28. >Before you could continue that thought, she cleared her throat rather loudly
  29. >You greeted her, but still didn't look up
  30. "Hey Trixie, what's up?"
  31. >She scoffed, she looks a bit pissed
  32. >"The Great and Powerful Trixie is here before you, and you dare give her such a plebian greeting?"
  33. >You knew that wasn't gonna slide, and you also knew unless you gave her what she wants she isn't gonna stop
  34. >You exhale and roll your eyes
  35. "The Great and Powerful Trixie is here to grace me with her presence. Oh how I am not worthy for this favor. I cannot thank you enough."
  36. >She picked up the hint of sarcasm in your tone
  37. >She crossed her arms and pouted, while staring you down
  38. >You can't help but chuckle at her childish display, seeing as how it was pretty cute when she did it
  39. >She took note of that chuckle as an insult and puffed out her cheeks and turned her head to the side
  40. >You heard a "Hmph!" come out of her as she blew air out her nose
  41. >You smiled, making sure not to make any sounds that remotely resemble laughter
  42. "Alright Trixie, what're ya here for?"
  43. >She turned her head towards you and looked into your eyes
  44. >With her arms still crossed, she leaned over the table, stopping halfway
  45. >You can get a good view of her breasts that were being squeezed together and being pushed up at an angle
  46. >Is it just you, or is she showing a tad more cleavage than usual?
  47. >Through your peripherals, you saw Trixie tracing where your eyes were looking at and cracked a half-smile
  48. >"Trixie is here to allow you gaze upon and admire her beauty and charms."
  49. >She was challenging you, and you accepted
  50. >You also leaned over the table, meeting her halfway
  51. >You had a grin that brimmed with cockiness
  52. >You looked into her eyes
  53. "But I always do that. How about I admire her a bit more, "thoroughly"?"
  54. >You brushed your leg against her's
  55. >You heard a small squeak come out of her
  56. >She became flustered and her face filled up with a crimson red
  57. >She brought up her purse and started rummaging through it to hide her face
  58. >You notice that she still didn't retract her leg, and you could swear she moved it a little closer
  59. >Before you could press on, she dropped a book and a script on the table
  60. >You looked at the book, then at the script, then at Trixie
  61. >She had a huge, innocent grin on
  62. >She was look at you with large, gleaming eyes
  63. >You looked back at the book and the script and opened your mouth, but no words came out
  64. >"Well, go on!"
  65. >You grab the book, "Finding the Eternal Horizon"
  66. >You turned it over reading the summary to learn that this is one of those "Choose Your Adventure" books
  67. >It was about you going on a quest to find a powerful wizard to help stop the destruction of the world
  68. >You flip through the pages, skimming what you can
  69. >You put down the book and pick up the script
  70. > [ Finding the Great and Powerful Trixie ]
  71. >You look up at Trixie to find that she's still looking at you with those huge eyes
  72. >You flash a weak smile and crack open the script
  73. >After reading the first few pages, you start getting the feeling you read this somewhere
  74. >You go back to the book, and read the first few pages
  75. >It's exactly the same
  76. >You read more of the script which is again, exactly the same as the book
  77. >You repeat this process a couple of more times until you're almost halfway through
  78. "Uh, Trixie this -"
  79. >"You did not finish reading all of it! The Great and Powerful Trixie will not stand for this!"
  80. >She puffed her cheeks out and turned her head to the side
  81. >You inhale and exhale through your nose sharply to show your annoyance
  82. >She's still not turning back to look at you
  83. >You run your hand through your hair and resume reading
  84. >It didn't take long for you to finish the rest of her story
  85. >You close the book and the script and sigh
  86. >"Well?"
  87. >You can sense how eager she is
  88. "Well, it's a good thing you have no intentions of trying to publish this script. Really, the only thing different is that the reader dies when he or she tries to stray away or do anything harmful to the Great and Powerful Trixie; otherwise this is plagiarism."
  89. >Your words hit her hard
  90. >She scoffed
  91. >She looked at you annoyed and tried to say something, but it just turned out to be another scoff
  92. >Then after a few seconds, she was able to gather some words together
  93. >"W-Why the nerve you have! The story in this book captures the majesty of my powers in all its essence! It just needed a few... a few..."
  94. >Her eyes were darting everywhere trying to find the word needed to complete her excuse
  95. >She began tapping her finger furiously on the table
  96. >You decided to help her
  97. "A few... Tweaks?"
  98. >"Yes exactly, Anon! Tweaks. It's so good you're able to think remotely close to me. And besides, who would ever want to obstruct the Great and Powerful Trixie? That should be a crime punishable by death!"
  99. >You gave a disgruntled sigh and facepalmed
  100. "Trixie, I can't make this into a game. Literally all you did was copy and pasted the book into this script and just adding your own twists."
  101. >"But... But books get made into video games all the time!"
  102. "But you just took this book, and added your ideas. THAT'S STEALING. It would be a different story if you wrote this."
  103. >She looked down at the table, squeezing her lips
  104. >Then she looked up, almost painfully
  105. >"So, I'm guessing this won't do either then..?"
  106. >This is the first time she's directly copied something
  107. >The other times, she tried writing something original, but it just ended up the same
  108. >If you don't follow or help Trixie, you're dead
  109. >Basically all her ideas for games is just to glorify herself
  110. >You shake your head and excused yourself from the table
  111. >As you walked to the counter to order something you looked back at Trixie
  112. >She was staring blankly out the window like you were earlier
  113. >Except with much, much more dejection than you had
  114. >You can't help but feel sorry for her
  115. >You've lost track how many times she came up to you asking for a game
  116. >You don't know why she wants a game this badly, it's-
  117. >"ANON!"
  118. >You shook your head and snapped back to reality
  119. >You were at the front of the line and Mr. Cake was trying to take your order
  120. "Hah, huh... What?"
  121. >Mr. Cake rolled his eyes
  122. >"The same thing?"
  123. >He was referring to the order you usually get when you're here
  124. "Uh... Y-Yeah."
  125. >You were still looking at Trixie and Mr. Cake took note of that
  126. >"Listen, kid, how many times have you been here with her like that?"
  127. "Uh... About..."
  128. >"About too many times, maybe? Tell me anon, why is she like that?"
  129. >You were about to answer, but you can hint that he's upset
  130. >You mull it over in your head, trying to sugarcoat it as much as possible
  131. "I guess she's uh... Well, wanting me to do the impossible."
  132. >Mr. Cake shook his head and sighed deeply
  133. >"I wasn't born yesterday y'know. Anon, I've known you and all your friends ever since you were young'ns."
  134. >It's true, he did
  135. >In this suburban town, Ponyville, everybody knows everybody
  136. >At least the adults do
  137. >Ponyville's gotten bigger since their time, but Sugarcube Corner was where everybody goes
  138. >So it's really no surprise how he knows everyone
  139. >"I know you're a smart kid, Anon, you've just gotta realize, few things are impossible."
  140. >He chuckled
  141. >"Ah, what a time to be young. They say the world's in your eyes - It can be as big or as small as you want it to be."
  142. >You smiled
  143. >His words were warm and sincere
  144. >You knew you gotta help Trixie make a game
  145. >But... How?
  146. >Every time you tried to collaborate with her, she just brushed you to the side
  147. >And you just got infuriated every time, making you give up
  148. >Mr. Cake put a parfait that was almost a foot and a half tall down in front of you
  149. >He stopped you as you were pulling your wallet out
  150. >"This one's on the house."
  151. "Are you sure?"
  152. >"Yeah, just make sure she's not down in the dumps next time you two are here. Otherwise I'm charging you extra."
  153. "Will do, sir!"
  154. >"Atta boy."
  155. >As you took the parfait and started walking back, he stopped you one last time
  156. >He motioned for you to get closer
  157. >"I usually don't give out freebies, but I saw the spark in your eyes after I said what I said. Don't let me down. And also don't tell anyone I did this for you."
  158. >He smiled and winked at you
  159. >You laughed and went back to Trixie
  160. >She was still looking out the window
  161. >You could see the lack of emotion in her eyes
  162. >You cleared your throat "For my next trick, I will need a volunteer."
  163. >Not waiting a second longer, you placed the dessert in front of her
  164. >As she looked at the parfait, her face instantly brightened up
  165. >You gave her a spoon
  166. "Viola."
  167. >She took the spoon and started working on the dessert before her
  168. >This was always a sure fire way to cheer her up
  169. >You've known Trixie since elementary school
  170. >And ever since, she was always flaunting her magic tricks
  171. >Sure it was impressive when she was able to do card tricks and making things appear right before your eyes
  172. >But that only lasted until middle school
  173. >She tried to do some tricks that were too complex
  174. >For instance, escape acts or trying to hypnotize people
  175. >She couldn't pull it off and failed miserably
  176. >Her audience started to find her annoying
  177. >So people started losing interest in her and didn't want to be around her anymore
  178. >Except you
  179. >You were mesmerized by her acts in elementary school
  180. >And in middle school, when she had no one, she had you
  181. >You were the only one to talk to her
  182. >You loved her tricks, so you helped her regain her confidence
  183. >Always egging her to do those sleight of hand tricks that you loved
  184. >So by the end of middle school, she got the strength that she needed to perform her magic once again
  185. >But she just kept it to a minimum, only doing what she did in elementary school
  186. >And people started liking her again
  187. >That was when she was just outside though
  188. >When it was just the two of you alone, she would always try to do some insane trick
  189. >But of course, she failed
  190. >But you didn't make fun of her, in fact, you admired her dedication
  191. >Wait a minute
  192. >If she had the determination to keep doing those overly difficult tricks of her, couldn't you muster up the perseverance to help her out with a game?
  193. >You have an idea
  194. >You want to do something special with Trixie before you start the long road that is making her game
  195. >You pack up your laptop, the script, and the book in your bag and look at Trixie
  196. >She's eagerly working on the dessert
  197. >She was three fourths of the way done with that parfait
  198. >It's only been two minutes and she's already made a foot and a half tall dessert disappear
  199. >Now that's some magic right there, but you've seen this many times
  200. >So it's no big surprise
  201. >You took out your wallet and placed down the same amount of money the parfait costs
  202. >Then you took Trixie by the hand and stood up from the table
  203. >You begin making your way toward the door while dragging Trixie
  204. >You wave bye to Mr. Cake
  205. >He nods his head in acceptance
  206. >Trixie is startled by this sudden action
  207. >"A-Anon? What're you doing? I haven't even finished my parfait!"
  208. "Sorry 'bout that Trixie, but I got something even more special."
  209. >"W-what?"
  210. >You walked her to your car and opened the door for her
  211. >You slid across the hood of your car and hopped in the driver's seat
  212. >After starting your car and throwing it to drive, you sped away from Sugarcube Corner
  213. >"Anon, where are we going at such a hurry?"
  214. >You were going pretty fast and braking hard to try to obey traffic safety
  215. "A trip down memory lane."
  216. >"O..kay?"
  217. "Don't worry, just trust me."
  218. >"If you say so."
  219. >In a few minutes, you arrive to your old middle school
  220. >You parked in the back of the school
  221. >It was close to the entrance for the school's track field
  222. >All the doors and gates were locked
  223. >You expected that to be the case since it was the weekend
  224. >You take Trixie by the hand again and led her to the gate that leads to the track
  225. >There was a padlock on the other side
  226. "Wait here."
  227. >You jumped on the chain link fence and started climbing over it
  228. >When you got to the other side, Trixie pressed herself against the fence
  229. >"Anon, what are you doing?!"
  230. "Never mind me, do you have any bobby pins?"
  231. >"No, why?"
  232. >You look at the padlock
  233. >It was pretty rusty
  234. >An idea came to mind
  235. "I'll be back, don't go anywhere."
  236. >You run off and turn at the corner of a building
  237. >You remember this building, it was the shed for all the baseball equipment
  238. >You played baseball back in middle school, best hitter on the team
  239. >You helped carry your team to victory all the time
  240. >The door was locked, however there was a small window near the top
  241. >It was never locked because everybody was too lazy too take the extra effort to reach something high up
  242. >If you remember correctly, the window was never locked
  243. >You attempt to slide open the window
  244. >It took some effort, but you got it open
  245. >You hoisted yourself up and crawled through the window
  246. >You dropped in and turned on the light
  247. >Above the light switch was a picture of you and your team
  248. >It was framed with a placque at the base that said "Ponyville Middle School Phillies"
  249. >You took out your wallet and a pen
  250. >You pulled some scrap paper and money out from your wallet
  251. >You wrote an apology about breaking the padlock and signed your name on it
  252. >You wedged the scrap paper and the money in the frame
  253. >Then you took a bat and exited with it through the window
  254. >You went back to Trixie and she was nervously looking around
  255. "Hey! You miss me?"
  256. >"Anon! Where have you been, and what have you been doing?"
  257. "I'll explain in a bit, just stand back from the gate."
  258. >She saw the bat in your hand and backed up
  259. >With one swift hit, the lock broke into a few pieces
  260. >You dropped the bat and opened the door
  261. "Well, what're you waiting for? Come on!"
  262. >Trixie wouldn't budge, she's just in shock with what you just did
  263. >You took her again by the hand, but this time you interlocked fingers
  264. >You looked into her violet eyes and gave her a reassuring smile
  265. "Hey, come on now. Everything'll be alright. I promise."
  266. >She smiled back at you weakly
  267. >The two of you made your way towards the bleachers in the baseball field
  268. >You were walking slightly faster than she did
  269. >She held your hand a little tighter
  270. >When you looked back at her, she was looking at your hand
  271. >Her smile was lovely and not weak
  272. >When the two of you reached the bleachers, you released her hand
  273. >You ran to the top of the bleachers, leaving her at the bottom
  274. >At the top, you surveyed the field and pointed off to the distance
  275. "That's where I hit my first homerun. It was during the first game of the season of our 7th grade year."
  276. >Next you point to a random spot in the field
  277. "That's where Flash and I butted heads trying to catch a fly ball. I think I caught it in the end though."
  278. >Trixie was slowly ascending the bleachers as she was looking towards the spots you were pointing at
  279. >You descended the bleachers, meeting her halfway
  280. "Lots of things happened here. Yeah, and one of them was meeting you."
  281. >She looked at you, speechless
  282. >You went up one row and sat down a couple of feet away from her
  283. "Here. Here is where you would go every day and be sad."
  284. >Her eyes squinted a bit, she was fighting back the tears
  285. >You stood up
  286. "But here, man, here is the place where I got to talk to you. And this is the place where I fell in love with you, Trixie Lulamoon."
  287. >Her eyes widened
  288. >"E-Excuse me?"
  289. "Yeah, back in elementary, you were one of the "cool kids" with your magic tricks. So I thought I liked you because of that. But when I actually started talking to you, that's when I knew, I loved you for you."
  290. >She shook her head
  291. >"But you love Rarity. Or she's in love with you. Either way, the whole school says you're the perfect couple."
  292. >You dropped back down to her row and started walking towards her
  293. "No, I don't, and I never have. I love you."
  294. >"But you two are always together."
  295. >You closed the distance between the two of you
  296. >You held her by her upper arms
  297. "I hang out with her, sure, but aren't we always together as well?"
  298. >You eat at the "popular kids" table during lunch
  299. >Flash, Soarin, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and the rest of their friends hang out there
  300. >And Rarity is always following you around in between classes
  301. >But you spend most, if not all, of your free time with Trixie
  302. >However Trixie doesn't get that
  303. >You let go of her arms and wrapped your arms around her waist to pull her close
  304. "On the day of our graduation from here, what did you make me promise?"
  305. >She was looking up at you with her face all red
  306. >Then she looked down towards the ground
  307. >She started mumbling
  308. >"That... That you..."
  309. "That I always see you as the Great and Powerful Trixie, and that I'll always be your assistant?"
  310. >She buried her face into your chest
  311. >She then said a muffled "yes"
  312. >You took one of your arms to lift her head up
  313. >You brought your face close to her face
  314. "Trixie, the best magic trick you ever pulled off was when you made me fall for you."
  315. >"Anon... I-"
  316. >Before she could get another word out, you kissed her
  317. >It was just on the lips, but it sparked something inside of Trixie
  318. >She put her arms behind your neck and pulled you in for another kiss
  319. >However, this time your tongues met
  320. >Both of your tongues were sliding around past each other
  321. >You soon found yourself quickly pushing your tongue down her mouth
  322. >She was leaning back towards the bench while pulling you down
  323. >She released herself from the kiss and a trail of saliva gleamed from her mouth
  324. >When it looked like she was almost laying down on the bench, it was exactly the opposite
  325. >You were laying down on the bench and she was sitting on your torso
  326. >She was looking down at you in lust
  327. >As you opened your mouth to question how she ended up on top, she put a finger on your lips and shushed you
  328. >She lowered her head to give you a quick peck on the lips
  329. >"Anon, if we go through this, you'll be my assisstant forever and no one else's, is that okay?"
  330. "Of course, Trixie, I love -"
  331. >She gave you another passionate kiss
  332. >She paused momentarily
  333. >"That's all I needed to hear."
  334. >She took off her jacket and stripped out of her shirt
  335. >She unhooked her bra and her lovely breasts showed
  336. >But before you could admire them, she slid down to your waist and undid your belt and pants button with faster than you could ever do it
  337. >As she pulled down your pants and boxers, your hardened member came out
  338. >Without hesitation she put it in her mouth
  339. >Her tongue swirled around the head of your penis
  340. >You gave a slight groan and she took that as her cue to step it up
  341. >She lowered her head down your shaft, slowly
  342. >As she was reaching the base, she started bobbing her head up and down
  343. >She followed by taking her hand and feeling for your cock
  344. >Her hand delicately moved up and down your length as she sucked you off
  345. >While she did this your breathing quivered
  346. "T-Trixie.."
  347. >You throw your head back, enjoying her technique
  348. >Has she done this before?
  349. >Your hands run through her hair and rested behind her head
  350. >Automatically, you slowly pushed her down
  351. >As she took more of you inside of her mouth, you raised your waist to meet her face
  352. >A gagging noise was made and you looked down at her
  353. >Her luscious, violet eyes met yours
  354. >She took your member out of her mouth and kissed the head of it
  355. >"Now for the main act."
  356. >She hovered above your crotch and stood up just enough to drop her skirt and panties down to her knees
  357. >Next she straddled you and guided your cock into her womanhood
  358. >She moaned in ecstacy as you penetrated her
  359. >Using her juices as a lubricant, you slid in easily
  360. >The feeling is like nothing you've ever felt before
  361. >The walls of her vagina constricted around you penis as she moved up and down
  362. >She digs her nails into the back of your head and accelerated riding you
  363. >But she started slowing down, she was getting tired
  364. >You helped roll her over onto the platform in between the benches
  365. >She was laying on her back, drenched in sweat and panting
  366. >She was looking at you erotically
  367. >You pulled off her skirt and panties that were still around her knees and tossed them to one of the lower benches, making sure it didn't fall in between the spaces
  368. >She grasped the back of your head and pulled you in for a violent kiss
  369. >In order to maintain your balance, you grip the aluminum foot rest
  370. >It was cold, but the heat that ignited between the two of you warmed up everything around both of you
  371. >The row you were on wasn't too far up off the ground, so you put your knee on it and one foot on the ground
  372. >After lifting one of her legs over your shoulder, you inserted your penis back into her and began thrusting
  373. >Her nails dug into your head as you did
  374. >You can feel the walls of her vagina clamping down on you
  375. >Instinct takes over, making you to go harder and faster
  376. >For every thrust she shouted out of pleasure
  377. >Her hands ran down your back and hugged you tight
  378. >"Ah...Ah-non... I'm caah~"
  379. >She's breathing the words erratically
  380. >At this point her vagina squeezed down on your cock
  381. >It signaled that she's about to orgasm
  382. >But you're close too
  383. >With one final thrust, you feel the semen pulsating through your member
  384. >"OH ANON!"
  385. >As you release together, both your bodies are shaking
  386. >Both of your combined releases was the most exuberant feeling you've ever had
  387. >The last few drops of semen escape and both of you are panting, feeling the heat of each other's breath on your faces
  388. >It took a good amount of strength to keep yourself up, but you toughed it out
  389. >You press your lips against hers for a while
  390. >After you let go, she gave the most radiant smile you've ever seen her give
  391. >"I love you, Anon."
  392. >The words over took you with such warmth and you couldn't help but smile
  393. "I love you too, Trixie."
  394. >You both chuckled
  395. >You helped her up and retrieved her clothes for her before getting your own
  396. >After both of you finished dressing up, you sat on the bleachers cuddling
  397. >The sun was setting, which turned the sky a reddish-orange
  398. >She was lazily tracing circles on your thigh
  399. "Now, THIS. This was the best thing to ever happen to me here in these bleachers."
  400. >You embraced her tighter
  401. >She started laughing and looked up at you
  402. >As she finished laughing, she kissed you on the cheek
  403. >"I think I'm the best magician in the world, seeing as how I have the best assistant in the world."
  404. >She nuzzled her head on your shoulder getting comfy
  405. >The two of you watched the sun set in the horizon
  406. >Soon the sky started darkening and stars popped out everywhere
  407. “It’s getting late, let’s get you home.”
  408. >After kissing the top of head, both of you stood and started walking towards the gate you entered from
  409. >You threw one arm around her shoulder and she held your hand as it dangled
  410. “Hey Trixie?”
  411. >”Yes?”
  412. “Why do you want to make a game so bad?”
  413. >She released your hand and stopped walking
  414. >You retracted your arm back and stood in front of her
  415. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to.”
  416. >”No it’s… It’s okay, I’m sorry for never telling you.”
  417. >Her head turned towards the bleachers and sighed
  418. >Then she looked back at you and gazed into your eyes
  419. >Although it was dark, the moon glimmered in her eyes
  420. >”The reason I want to make a game so bad is because… In games, magic exists.”
  421. “What? I don’t follow…”
  422. >”It seems silly I know, but in middle school, I started to realize, magic was just another word for trick. And the only person I was truly ever tricking… Was me. When you introduced me to video games, I was mesmerized about the magic they use in it!”
  423. >You brought your hand up to the side of her face and caressed it gently with your thumb
  424. “Trixie…”
  425. >She smiled weakly and took your hand and lowered it, but she didn’t let go of it
  426. >All of a sudden her face perked up
  427. >”But that doesn’t mean I won’t stop trying to make magic in real life, so you won’t get out of being my assistant that easily, if that’s what you thought.”
  428. “I wasn’t thinking that!”
  429. >She giggled and twirled around to your side, hugging your arm
  430. >“After all, some magic DOES exist. The Great and Powerful Trixie did entrance you using her glamour, didn’t she?”
  431. “Haha, she most definitely did.”
  432. >She went up on her toes to give you a kiss on the cheek and squeezed your arm after
  433. >”I love you, Anon.”
  434. “I love you too, Trixie.”
  435. >She resumed walking back to the car and you followed
  436. >What she said really affected you
  437. >[… the only person I was truly ever ticking… Was me.]
  438. >The words played over and over your head like a broken record
  439. >Every repeat made your heart sink into your stomach
  440. >Magic is Trixie’s passion, and for her to say those words, a feeling of defeat swept over you
  441. >The reason after all this time why she insisted so much on a game was so that way she could see the magic that was taken away from her in middle school
  442. >This sudden realization formed a lump in you throat and your eyes started watering
  443. >For the longest time, she kept so quiet that you forgot about her suffering
  444. >Your walking came to a stop and your head hung down
  445. >Trixie looked up at you confused
  446. >“Anon, what’s wrong?”
  447. >You rubbed your eyes with your free wrist and sniffled
  448. >Then an impulse took over you
  449. >Slipping your arm out of Trixie’s hug, you stepped in front of her and grabbed her sides to pull her close
  450. “Trixie, let’s make a game together.”
  451. >”Huh?”
  452. >You pause to recollect yourself, and then took a deep breath before continuing
  453. “What I’m saying is, let’s make a game, together. We can make it about you, but as your assistant, I want my two cents in it, okay?”
  454. >She squeezed her lips and pouted
  455. >Before she was able to open her mouth and reject, you started tickling sides, and kissed her on the cheek
  456. “Okay..?”
  457. >She was dying of laughter in the sweetest tone you’ve ever heard while trying to pushy you away
  458. >You continued for another second and let go
  459. >She took the sleeve of her jacket to wipe away the tears from her eyes
  460. >”Oh-kay, okay. I’ll let you, just don’t do that to me again.”
  461. “Alright, no promises though.”
  462. >Trixie pushed your shoulder slightly and went back to hugging your arm
  463. >You finally arrived to your car and drove away
  465. >You are now Applejack
  466. >You’re in the front parking lot of Ponyville Middle School, in your pick up truck
  467. >”Howdy, y’all. Sorry, I’m not at mah phone right now, please leave a message af’ta the beep. Thanks a bunch!”
  468. “Darn it, Applebloom, why don’t you ever pick up your phone?”
  469. >You lay your head down on your s
  470. >”Maybe she’s still in practice?” Rainbow Dash chimed in
  471. >She was kicking her feet up on to the dashboard and tossing an apple up and down
  472. “Practice was over for her 25 minutes ago!”
  473. >”It’s okay, Applejack, how about we go down and walk over there?” Twilight suggested
  474. >She was sitting in the back row reading a book
  475. “Alright, let’s go.”
  476. >”Yeah it’ll be nice to see our old stomping grounds!” Rainbow Dash cheered
  477. >Twilight put a hand on her shoulder
  478. >”Rainbow, come on, we’re just here for Applebloom and Scootaloo. We don’t have time to look around if we want to make it to Pinkie’s party on time.”
  479. >As you exited the car, you caught a glimpse of a familiar car entering the back parking lot of the school
  480. >Rainbow Dash must’ve saw the same thing you did as she pointed it out
  481. >”Hey, isn’t that Anon’s car? I wonder what he’s doing here.”
  482. >Twilight was stretching her neck to see, but to no avail
  483. >Before you were about to head over there, your phone buzzed
  484. >It was a message from Applebloom telling you to come to the field quick
  485. “C’mon y’all, AB’s tellin’ us go t’where she is.”
  486. >The three of you headed over to the field where Applebloom and Scootaloo where playing soccer
  487. >There you saw Applebloom waving at you, motioning for you to come over quickly
  488. >”Sis, sis, watch this!”
  489. >Scootaloo was also waving, but to Rainbow Dash
  490. >”Hey Rainbow Dash, check this out!”
  491. >Applebloom kicked up a soccer ball and head butted it towards Scootaloo
  492. >Scootaloo then did a bicycle kick which made the ball go whizzing into the goal
  493. >The two jumped in joy for a flawless execution as their teammates cheered
  494. >A huge grin flashed across your face
  495. “Hoo-eey! That’s some mighty fine soccer skills y’all have!”
  496. >You put an arm around Applebloom and hugged her close while Rainbow Dash ruffled Scootaloo’s hair
  497. >”Not bad, squirt. I’ll see you on the soccer team next year, huh?”
  498. >Your phone buzzed again and when you checked, there was a message from Rarity
  499. >[We’re at your place, where are you all?]
  500. >You replied [On our way back.]
  501. “C’mon y’all, Rarity’s waitin’ for us to git back. You girls git your bags and let’s go.”
  502. >Twilight and Rainbow Dash and accompanied the two, while you ventured off for a bit
  503. >The two people headed for the bleachers from a while ago still piqued your interest
  504. >Without getting too close, you approached from the side of the bleachers, while staying out of sight from the two there
  505. >You saw they were getting really close to each other, as the taller figure was wrapping his arms around the smaller one
  506. >As you got a closer look, you identified one of them as none other than Anon!
  507. >But who was he with?
  508. >The smaller person was wearing a blue jacket with… Stars?
  509. >Is that…
  510. “Trixie?”
  511. >You whispered the words, not wanting to get noticed, and continued to watch the two from afar
  512. >Anon pulled Trixie even closer to him and kissed her
  513. >Then shortly after he stopped, Trixie pulled him in for another kiss
  514. >You gasped and was about to approach them when you heard someone calling you
  515. >”Applejack! Let’s go!”
  516. >It was Rainbow Dash calling you over
  517. >You took one look back to the bleachers, but they were out of sight
  518. “What in tarnation…”
  519. >”Applejack!” Rainbow Dash yelled again
  520. >You jogged back to the group quickly and upon arriving, Rainbow Dash asked where you were at
  521. “Ah’ll tell ya later.”
  522. >Twilight was chatting about some book about soccer with Applebloom and Scootaloo
  523. >From the looks of it, she was just talking their ears off
  524. >”…and soccer was – Oh hey, there’s AJ right now. Well, shall we go?”
  525. >The two gave a sigh of relief and walked away before Twilight can drag them into another lecture
  526. >As Applebloom and Scootaloo went on ahead, you held back Twilight and Rainbow Dash
  527. “Girls… Y’all remember how we were wonderin’ if it was Ah-non or not? Well, Ah just saw him in the bleachers with…”
  528. >You put an arm around Twilight and Rainbow Dash, pulling them closer
  529. “Trixie!”
  530. >Twilight gasped and cupped her mouth
  531. >Rainbow Dash scratched the back of her head with both hands furiously
  532. >”Aw man! This ain’t cool!”
  533. >”What do we tell Rarity?” Twilight asked
  534. “The truth, obviously. Let’s just git back to the orchard.”
  535. >As you were walking back to the front parking lot, you took one last look at the bleachers
  536. >Although you couldn’t see anything, you could only imagine what was going on
  537. >The five of you pile up into your pickup truck and return to your place
  538. >There, Rarity, Sweetie Bell, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy were waiting on your porch
  539. >Sweetie Bell joined Applebloom and Scootaloo as they were running inside
  540. >”You three behave now! And don’t give Big Macintosh or Granny Smith a hard time!” Rarity yelled
  541. >”We won’t!” The three shouted back in response
  542. >”Well darlings, shall we go?” Rarity sang while twirling around in her dress
  543. >”Yeah, let’s go! Oh man this is gonna be so much fun! A lot of people are already at the party, and there’s –“Pinkie rapidly said, but was interrupted by Rainbow Dash
  544. >”Hey why is Pinkie here? Isn’t she supposed to be hosting the party?”
  545. >Rarity flipped her hair stylishly, as if she was aware of her own dazzling beauty
  546. >”Oh but of course. You see, I ran into a dilemma. This dress I have on is far too elegant, and it would be ruined if it got ruffled. So I asked Pinkie to be a dear and pick me up in her van. The superfluous amount of space in the middle row is exactly what my dress needs in order to stay pristine and beautiful to impress Anon.”
  547. >She twirled around in her dark blue dress and giggled in delight
  548. >As she finished, you extended a hand to her
  549. “Uh, Rarity, I gotta-“
  550. >Before you could finish, she clasped your hand with both of hers
  551. >”Anything you need to tell me, you can tell me at the party. I like to be fashionably late, but I’m sure Anon is already there, and I don’t want to keep him waiting! Now, let’s go, shall we?”
  552. >Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rarity got into Pinkie’s van as you, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash reenter your pickup truck
  553. >The entire trip to Pinkie’s house was accompanied by a cold, awkward silence
  554. >Upon arriving to the party, you stopped Rarity before she could enter the house
  555. “Hold ya horses, Rarity! I gotta tell you something.”
  556. >But she broke off the conversation before it began
  557. >”In a bit, darling, I’m sure Anon’s here already.”
  558. >With that, she went through the door
  559. >Before you could pursue, a group of guys swarmed her and blocked you off
  560. >Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy approach you from behind
  561. >”Where is she?” Rainbow Dash asked, trying to stretch her neck high enough to see past the wall of people
  562. >You sighed and shook your head while walking along the porch to a bin of drinks
  563. >”W-What’s going on?” Fluttershy asked softly
  564. “Gather ‘round y’all. I’m ‘boutta tell y’all a story you won’t believe.”
  565. >After taking a swig of beer you told all the events that unfolded starting from the school’s parking lot
  566. >The reactions are what you expected: Pinkie and Fluttershy in shock, while Rainbow Dash and Twilight stared at the ground depressingly
  567. >A wave of silence swept over the five of you after you finished telling what happened
  568. >Fluttershy broke the ice after a while
  569. >”Poor Rarity. How do you – I mean, we, tell her?”
  570. >She was trying her hardest to hold back the tears
  571. >”Well, it isn’t Anon’s fault, and we should make her know that. We also have to make sure we break it to her gently.” Twilight instructed, and everyone nodded their heads in agreement
  572. >”Oh darling! You’re too kind, now excuse me for a moment.” Rarity shouted to the people behind the door, while walking towards you
  573. “Here she comes now.” You said as you turned yourself to face her
  574. >”Here you all are! I tried to look for you all inside after I couldn’t find Anon; I was going to ask one of you to be a dear and help me find him. You don’t think he’s late, do you?”
  575. "Rarity..." Twilight's voice was full of dejection as she put a hand on Rarity's shoulder
  576. >”What’s wrong? Why does everybody look sad?”
  577. >All of you avoided eye contact, except Twilight, who looked solemnly into her eyes
  578. >”We,” She sighed, “have to tell you something.”
  579. “Ya might wanna sit down fer this.” You suggest while pulling up a chair and handing her a drink
  580. >The five of you took turns breaking the news to Rarity
  581. >You told her how you saw Anon on the bleachers with Trixie
  582. >Twilight hypothesized that he’s still at the bleachers and won’t be coming to the party tonight
  583. >As the news sunk in, a single tear ran down her cheek which she wiped away with the back of her thumb
  584. >From this motion, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow came up to console her
  585. >Twilight continued to explain how it wasn’t Anon’s fault and how she shouldn’t take it too hard
  586. >”O-Of course darling,” She said, putting her second bottle of beer down on the window sill, “Now, I just need to use the restroom.”
  587. >When she was out of sight, everyone exchanged looks, and Fluttershy was in more tears than Rarity
  588. >Pinkie wrapped her in a soft, yet firm, hug, which caused her to start bawling her eyes out
  589. >A few minutes pass, and still no sign of Rarity, which makes you start to worry
  590. “Hey y’all, I’m gonna go check on Rarity.”
  591. >”I’ll come with!” Pinkie added
  592. “Sure. Let’s go.”
  593. >When you reach the bathroom, you find the door is locked
  594. “Rarity?!” You call out as you knock on the door
  595. >After pressing your ear to the door, you hear some faint sobbing
  596. “Pinkie, is there a key or sumthin’ to git this door open?”
  597. >”Mmm, yeah! Check the top of the door frame! There should be a pick in case someone we get locked out of the bathroom.”
  598. >Feeling around the top of the door frame, you find the pick Pinkie was talking about
  599. >You insert it into the lock in the doorknob, and it turned like a key
  600. >Upon entering the bathroom, Rarity was huddled in the corner with a bottle of vodka and crying hysterically
  601. >Pinkie immediately closed the bathroom door behind you as you rushed to Rarity’s side
  602. >She was about to take another drink, but you snatched it away before she could
  603. >After handing it to Pinkie, you hugged her and she started to cry even harder
  607. >You are Anon again
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