
Epic Batch File

Jun 2nd, 2014
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Batch 6.80 KB | None | 0 0
  1. @echo off
  3. :main
  5. cls
  7. echo Connecting Point Computer Center
  8. echo System Preperation Utility
  9. echo.
  10. echo 1 = Install SEP for 32-Bit computers.
  11. echo 2 = Install SEP for 64-bit computers.
  12. echo 3 = Open Sysprep Folder
  13. echo 4 = Disable UAC.
  14. echo 5 = Enable UAC.
  15. echo 6 = Open Local Users and Groups MGMT console
  16. echo 7 = Open Internet Options.
  17. echo 8 = Import CPoint Pro power configuration.
  18. echo 9 = Open Power Configuration Page.
  19. echo h = Disable Hibernation permanently. (Desktops Only)
  20. echo i = Install 3rd Party software.
  21. echo a = Open Programs and Features Window.
  22. echo n = Open Network Connections Window.
  23. echo edit = Edit this file. (Password Required)
  24. echo q = Abort SysPrep Utility.
  25. echo e = Abort and Eject Drive.
  26. echo r = Exit, Eject, and Restart Computer
  28. echo.
  29. set /p op=Please Choose an option:
  31. if "%op%"=="1" goto sepx86
  32. if "%op%"=="2" goto sepx64
  33. if "%op%"=="3" start explorer.exe %~d0\CPoint\Sysprep
  34. if "%op%"=="4" goto duac
  35. if "%op%"=="5" goto euac
  36. if "%op%"=="6" goto lusrmgr
  37. if "%op%"=="7" goto inetcpl
  38. if "%op%"=="8" goto pcfgimport
  39. if "%op%"=="9" goto powercfg
  40. if "%op%"=="h" goto hiberoff
  41. if "%op%"=="i" goto thirdpty
  42. if "%op%"=="a" goto appwiz
  43. if "%op%"=="n" goto ncpa
  44. if "%op%"=="edit" goto edit
  45. if "%op%"=="q" goto eof
  46. if "%op%"=="e" goto eject
  47. if "%op%"=="r" goto restart
  49. echo "%op%" is not a valid option or is not implemented yet.
  50. echo Please Try again.
  51. echo.
  52. pause
  53. goto main
  55. :sepx86
  56. cls
  57. echo.
  58. echo Deleting Existing Directory
  59. echo.
  60. RMDIR C:\SEP12 /S /Q
  61. echo.
  62. echo Creating Directory
  63. echo.
  64. MD C:\SEP12
  65. echo Copying File
  66. echo.
  67. copy "\CPoint\Programs\Symantec\SEPx86.exe" "C:\SEP12"
  69. echo Copy Completed
  70. echo.
  72. echo Starting extractor please click "Extract" on the following window.
  73. echo.
  74. start /wait C:\SEP12\SEPx86.exe
  75. echo Extraction Complete
  76. echo.
  77. echo Starting installation.
  78. echo Press any key to return to the Main Menu.
  79. pause
  80. start explorer.exe C:\SEP12
  81. goto main
  83. :sepx64
  84. cls
  85. echo.
  86. echo Deleting Existing Directory
  87. echo.
  88. RMDIR C:\SEP12 /S /Q
  89. echo.
  90. echo Creating Directory
  91. echo.
  92. MD C:\SEP12
  93. echo Copying File
  94. echo.
  95. copy "\CPoint\Programs\Symantec\SEPx64.exe" "C:\SEP12"
  97. echo Copy Completed
  98. echo.
  100. echo Starting extractor please click "Extract" on the following window.
  101. echo.
  102. start /wait C:\SEP12\SEPx64.exe
  103. echo Extraction Complete
  104. echo.
  105. echo Starting installation.
  106. echo press any key to return to the Main menu.
  107. pause
  108. start explorer.exe C:\SEP12
  109. goto main
  111. :duac
  112. cls
  113. echo Disabling User Account Control
  114. start %windir%\System32\reg.exe ADD  HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v  EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
  115. echo User Account Control disabled please restart the computer for the changes to take effect.
  116. echo Press any key to return to the Main Menu
  117. pause
  118. goto main
  120. :euac
  121. cls
  122. echo Enabling User Account Control
  123. start %windir%\System32\reg.exe ADD  HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v  EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
  124. echo User Account Control enabled please restart the computer for the changes to take effect.
  125. echo Press any key to return to the Main Menu.
  126. pause
  127. goto main
  129. :lusrmgr
  130. cls
  131. echo Starting Local Users and Groups Management Console.
  132. start lusrmgr.msc
  133. echo Press any key to return to the Main Menu.
  134. pause
  135. goto main
  137. :inetcpl
  138. cls
  139. echo Opening Internet Options
  140. start inetcpl.cpl
  141. echo Press any key to return to the Main Menu.
  142. pause
  143. goto main
  145. :pcfgimport
  146. cls
  147. echo Power Configuration Import
  148. echo.
  149. echo Is this a Desktop or a Laptop?
  150. echo.
  151. echo 1 = Desktop
  152. echo 2 = Laptop
  153. echo 3 = Return to the main menu.
  154. echo.
  155. set /p oppwr=Please Choose an Option:
  157. if "%oppwr%"=="1" goto pwrdesktop
  158. if "%oppwr%"=="2" goto pwrlaptop
  159. if "%oppwr%"=="3" goto main
  161. :pwrdesktop
  162. cls
  163. echo Importing Power Plan "CPoint Pro Power Plan" (Desktop)
  164. powercfg -import "%~d0/CPoint/sysprep/power/desktop/Pro.pow" 32f34922-e8d2-480f-838f-2a24463ba5bf
  165. echo.
  166. echo Power plan imported, please open Power Options to switch to this Profile.
  167. echo.
  168. echo Setting power plan as default.
  169. powercfg -setactive 32f34922-e8d2-480f-838f-2a24463ba5bf
  170. pause
  171. goto pcfgimport
  173. :pwrlaptop
  174. cls
  175. echo Importing Power Plan "CPoint Pro Power Plan" (Laptop)
  176. powercfg -import "%~d0/CPoint/sysprep/power/laptop/Pro.pow" 32f34922-e8d2-480f-838f-2a24463ba5bf
  177. echo.
  178. echo Power plan imported, please open Power Options to switch to this Profile.
  179. echo.
  180. echo Setting power plan as default.
  181. powercfg -setactive 32f34922-e8d2-480f-838f-2a24463ba5bf
  182. echo.
  183. pause
  184. goto pcfgimport
  186. :powercfg
  187. cls
  188. echo Opening Power Options Control Panel
  189. start powercfg.cpl
  190. echo Press any Key to return to the Main Menu.
  191. pause
  192. goto main
  194. :hiberoff
  195. cls
  196. echo Disabling Hibernation.
  197. powercfg -h off
  198. echo Hibernation disabled. Press any key to return to the Main Menu.
  199. pause
  200. goto main
  202. :thirdpty
  203. cls
  204. echo Installing 3rd party applications.
  205. echo Please wait for each install to finish before continuing.
  206. echo Press i to Install Adobe Reader or s to Skip.
  207. set /p opth=Enter Choice:
  208. if "%opth%"=="i" echo Installing Adobe Reader... & start /wait %~d0/CPoint/sysprep/AdbeRdr11007_en_US.exe
  209. echo Press i to install Flash Player (IE) or s to Skip.
  210. set /p opth=Enter Choice:
  211. if "%opth%"=="i" echo Installing Adobe Flash Player (IE Installation)... & start /wait %~d0/CPoint/sysprep/install_flash_player_13_active_x.msi /passive
  212. echo Press i to install Flash Player (Plugin) or s to Skip.
  213. set /p opth=Enter Choice:
  214. if "%opth%"=="i" echo Installing Adobe Flash Player (Plugin Installation)... & start /wait %~d0/CPoint/sysprep/install_flash_player_13_plugin.msi /passive
  215. echo Press i to install Google Chrome or s to Skip.
  216. set /p opth=Enter Choice:
  217. if "%opth%"=="i" echo Installing Google Chrome (MultiUser Installation) & start /wait %~d0/CPoint/sysprep/ChromeStandaloneSetup.exe
  218. echo Press i to install Java or s to Skip
  219. set /p opth=Enter Choice:
  220. if "%opth%"=="i" echo Installing Java & start /wait %~d0/CPoint/sysprep/JavaSetup7u55.exe
  221. echo 3rd Party Software installation complete. Note: These Programs may be older versions,
  222. echo please check for updates in the control panel or allow the program to auto-update.
  223. echo Press any key to return to the Main Menu.
  224. pause
  225. goto main
  227. :appwiz
  228. cls
  229. echo Opening Programs and Features window.
  230. start appwiz.cpl
  231. echo Press any key to return to the Main Menu.
  232. pause
  233. goto main
  235. :ncpa
  236. cls
  237. echo Opening Network Connections window.
  238. start ncpa.cpl
  239. echo Press any key to return to the Main Menu
  240. pause
  241. goto main
  243. :edit
  244. cls
  245. echo Please enter Password.
  246. set /p pass=>
  247. if not "%pass%"=="service" goto main
  248. echo Starting Editor.
  251. :restart
  252. cls
  253. echo Restarting Computer please remove the drive when eject notification is displayed.
  254. start shutdown.exe -r -t 30 -f
  255. goto eject
  257. :eject
  258. "%~d0\PortableApps\USBDiskEject\USB_Disk_Eject.exe" /removethis
  259. goto eof
  261. :eof
  262. exit
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