
Lesta Nediam LNC 2015-12-28 2050 +cabadejo

Dec 27th, 2015
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  1. Lesta Nediam LNC 2015-12-28 2050 +cabadejo
  4. __
  7. +cabadejo __ The guy I was writing to was part of damage control and his username didn't get included by a copy/paste mistake (I copied from the two underscore marks onwards - forgetting to include the username). I also wasn't able to give a direct link to the comment thread (normally I give the link - instead I gave a link to the video where the comment appeared). I pasted it to my Google Plus because it happened on a "hostile" thread and so by the time I woke up today the thread could have been removed. This has happened several times to me in the past (the solution is to copy/paste a "hostile" person's comment to a new thread to deprive them of the ability to remove replies).
  9. My reply was not intended for you or anyone else except for the damage control guy who had been insisting it was dropped frames and that it was an innocent mistake. That's why I used the "superior" tone *because I wanted that person to understand I have not just ruled out "video lag" but can prove it cannot be video lag* and so he'll need to try another approach with me.
  11. Keep in mind I was also *extremely* tired when I wrote what I did (and when I put together the video itself). I've had a busy weekend trying to do "normal life stuff" while staying on top of this at the same time!
  13. *What I've pointed out will be done in another video and it will be done in such a way to definitely prove the video cannot be genuine.*
  15. I'm going to do it properly. This is as good as a "fatal mistake" as we'll ever get. I recognise its importance and significance - as do you.
  17. I'll do it properly. I'll leave no detail out, no "innocent possibility" won't be ruled out. I'll get it right and I'll do so walking a "normal person" from start to finish. It will be intended for "the families of the black sheep".
  19. In the meantime I have a few more "ISS" videos to post before I do that. *I want to give the damage control folk an opportunity to somehow "explain it away".*
  21. I have sent out a signal *_"I have found proof"._* I largely know what objections can be made. I want them to make them so I can include screenshots of these objections and then step through a "normal" and "non technical" person to show them why each claim/objection cannot be the case.
  23. I'll do it right! Though it will take a few days. This *is* a win. _It's just a matter of time for everyone else to catch up._
  25. ____
  27. On Lesta's superiority. ))
  29. Although it's not always clear (I didn't realise I'd left the guy's name off until reading your message but then again only recently have I begun to include usernames in my comment pastes) *every message I write is intended for each individual recipient.*
  31. The mantra is: _Everyone gets the Lesta that they deserve._
  33. If I were writing to "normal people" then it would have been worded differently. *This is something I've had issues with people in the past.* It will continue to be an issue from time to time
  35. For example: if someone is abusive toward me I'll be "equally abusive" back; if someone is an agent against truth then the gloves come off sooner if not straight away etc. *To an outside observer it can look as though I'm being abusive or rude.* _But each person gets the Lesta they deserve._
  37. All I can say is this: *fault me on my words - _if you can_ - just not ever on my manner for delivering them.*
  39. What I pointed out in my comment was why it cannot simply be video lag - and that's all that matters. I cannot write to appeal to all people at all times because that is infeasible and impractical - so instead I more simply write for each specific recipient and if external observer has a problem with it then it means they have a problem with me in general. (They are either a "meddler" or they are one of "them" trying to fault/criticise me; notice that the people who do mention I am "being rude" do not ever have anything negative to say about those who started the abuse! I have documented this happening to Google Plus in the past!)
  41. When a person takes exception to my "abuse" they have simply latched onto some reason to take offense. When they do this they are really just "meddling". I cannot do anything about it - and there will always be some reason to fault me. I have characterised this process as follows: *_"Hey Lesta, why are you being such an a$$h0le to that a$$h0le?"_*
  43. Having said/written all this: your points are well taken and what I've written here is just my usual "justification" for writing the way I do. *You weren't to know I wasn't writing to "normal people" etc.* (Just remember the way I write to YOU is [slightly] different to the way I write to others [even on this thread]! *Everyone gets the Lesta that they deserve!*)
  45. _Anyway!_
  47. *I'm mindful of this and what I end up posting for the public will be different to how I talk to individuals in comments!* It will be something for each "black sheep" to present to their skeptical and antagonistic family! ))
  49. PS. Keep in mind about 80% of what is written to me is abuse. After a year it has taken a toll. It has meant I've dropped pleasantries much sooner etc. This place more closely resembles a human centipede than a place for exchanging ideas/information!
  53. __________________________________________
  54. Here is an annotated text file with links to all of Lesta Nediam's posts, comments, videos and discussions:
  57. Here is Lesta Nediam's Google Plus posts (i.e., blog) - this is where Lesta is most active:
  60. Here is an annotated text file with links to all of Lesta Nediam's video uploads:
  63. Here is Lesta Nediam's YouTube channel - for videos about the lie system:
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