
Twilight Sparkle is addicted to Anon's cum. Part 6

Feb 4th, 2015
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  1. >You are still Twilight Sparkle and you just had a nice and relaxing shower with your boyfriend.
  2. >Sadly no kinky stuff happened there, but anon helped you wash your mane.
  3. >He even brushed it for you afterwards and gave you a quick backrub.
  4. >Which felt incredibly nice. Hands are really better suited for it than hooves or even magic.
  5. >At the moment you are lying on his bed reading a book, while he searches his dresser for a shirt that will cover up his glowing belly.
  6. >That you gave him.
  7. >Anon tries out shirt after shirt, but none of them is dark or thick enough to stop your magicum from shining through.
  8. >Putting on a red one he turns around.
  9. >”How is this one, Twi?”
  10. >You look up from your book.
  11. “Hmm... still shining through. Don't you black shirts? I know you used to own a few.”
  12. >Sighing he shakes his head.
  13. >”Sadly no. Rarity threw all of them away after she made me new clothing.”
  14. >He puts a hand on his forehead and poses in a dramatic manner.
  15. >”Darling! I can't let you walk around looking like … this! What would the other ponies think if they saw these gruesome “tunics” combined with something I made?! My business would be ruined in no time!”
  16. >You giggle.
  17. “Yeah that sounds like her.”
  18. >An idea came to your mind.
  19. “Hmm... how about I try to cast a spell on them? I know a few to darken parchments. I'm sure they would work on linen too.”
  20. >Anon shrugs.
  21. >”I'm fine with that, but don't tell Rarity. She would kill both of us, if she knew I let you meddle with her masterpieces.”
  22. >You raise an eyebrow.
  23. “Meddle?”
  24. >He falls on his knees.
  25. >”I meant altering them with your mastery of the arcane arts, oh wise and beautiful unicorn.”
  26. >Snickering you motion him to stand up again.
  27. “That sounds better.”
  28. >”So I just stand still and you shoot lasers at me again?”
  29. “Yep! But this time it's not a laser, only a basic arcana.”
  30. >”Meaning?”
  31. “Horn glows. Shirt glows. Shirt changes colour.”
  32. >He chuckles and spreads his arms.
  33. >”Thanks.”
  34. “But don't worry. I'm working on a laser version for all of my spells.”
  35. >”Good to know. Now come on. Sugarcube Corner only has breakfast till eleven.”
  36. >Oh he's right.
  37. >You really don't want to miss out on their delicious breakfast muffins.
  38. >Closing your eyes you let some magic flow through your horn and concentrate it on anon's shirt.
  39. >Some Aqshy, a little bit of Dhar and maybe a very small amount of Chamon.
  40. >No... It would lighten it up again. Scrap Chamon.
  41. >Satisfied with the right mixture of the magic winds, you release the spell.
  42. >In nearly an instant it changes colour from a bright red to an dark bordeaux red.
  43. >And indeed it now covers up the glow completely.
  44. >Anon whistles.
  45. >”Impressive. Thanks Twi!”
  46. “No problem. That will be 75 bits, please.”
  47. >You beam him a smile and reach a hoof out.
  48. >He takes it in his hand and kisses it.
  49. >”Will this suffice as payment?”
  50. >Your cheeks flush.
  51. “Yes, it will.”
  52. >Letting go of it again, he ruffles your mane.
  53. >”Wonderful! Now let's better get going, before they close up on us!”
  54. >You nod and hop off the bed.
  56. >Now in his living room, you put the book back on it's shelf and follow anon to the door.
  57. >You make a mental note to finish it some time later, it was really exciting, if a bit dark.
  58. >And you should probably ask what a metro 2033 is.
  59. >Anon grabs some of his stuff and opens the door.
  60. >Sunlight shines through the open portal.
  61. >The sudden glimpse of the outside world reminded you of something.
  62. >You and him are together now... but should you tell anypony yet?
  63. “Ehrm Anon? Could you close the door again please?”
  64. >”Why? Aren't you hungry any more?”
  65. “I am... but I want to ask you something.”
  66. >He closes the door and walks over to you.
  67. >”What is it, Twi?”
  68. >You fiddle with your hooves.
  69. “How do we go about... us?”
  70. >His face takes a confused look.
  71. >”What do you mean?”
  72. “Telling other ponies about our relationship.”
  73. >”Oh. Do you want to tell your friends?”
  74. “I-I don't know. To be honest I'm a little bit scared of what they might think.”
  75. >Oh buck! This came out so wrong!
  76. >His expression changes from confused to shocked.
  77. >He opens his mouth but you manage to shush him with a hoof.
  78. “Nonononono! I know what you are thinking, but that's not what I meant. I'm not ashamed of you!”
  79. >”What did you mean then?”
  80. “It's just that they always get a bit... overenthusiastic when I meet someone. And with my current predicament, the risk is too high that they may find out. And this would be a bit awkward, to say at least.”
  81. >For some reason he winces.
  82. >”Yeah that makes sense. So you want to keep this a secret until you find a cure?”
  83. >You nod.
  84. “Exactly.”
  85. >”Okay then. I'm fine with that.”
  86. >His voice sounded... sad?
  87. >Oh no...
  88. >He avoids your eyes...
  89. >Grabbing him by his face you plant a kiss on his lips.
  90. >No tongue. Just a gentle kiss between lovers.
  91. >After a few seconds you break it and he is able to look into your eyes again.
  92. >The small flames from before returned.
  93. “Never forget that I love you, anon. I might be difficult some times or say things the wrong way, but you make me so unbelievable happy and I would never intentionally hurt you.”
  94. >You throw your hooves around his neck in a tight embrace and whisper into his ear.
  95. “You are the best thing that ever happened to me.”
  96. >Anon relaxes visibly.
  97. >He returns the hug and presses you closer to his chest.
  98. >”Thanks, Twi. I was just a bit flustered, I guess. I love you too.”
  99. >Relishing the closeness to your boyfriend for a moment more, you break the embrace.
  100. >His face bearing now a content smile.
  101. >Which spreads to your lips like a fire.
  102. >Anon opens the door for you.
  103. >”Let's go then. I don't know about you but I'm so hungry that I could eat a horse.”
  104. “What?”
  105. >”Just a human proverb.”
  106. >Giggling you brush his legs with your tail.
  107. “You already did that, remember?”
  108. >As you trot through the door, you catch a glimpse of him blushing.
  109. >It's fun to flatter him for a change.
  111. >The sun shines warmly on your coat and a soft breeze blows through your mane.
  112. >You close your eyes and enjoy the feeling.
  113. >It's refreshing and and clears your mind.
  114. >Not that it needed clearing right now, you are happy.
  115. >But a little bit more happiness cannot hurt, can it?
  116. “Ahh... such a lovely day, isn't it?”
  117. >”It sure is. Makes me want to praise the sun.”
  118. “Really? Princess Celestia would love to hear that.”
  119. >He chuckles.
  120. >”I bet she would.”
  121. >You begin to make your way to Sucarcube Corner.
  122. >It's not terribly far away but still quite a walk from anon's house.
  123. >Ponyvilles streets are pretty busy at this time of the day.
  124. >Ponies setting up stands, rolling carts to the local market or just chatting with each other.
  125. >It's so nice here. You wouldn't want to leave this place even if somepony offered you one million bits.
  126. >Some ponies wave at you as you pass them. But most of them just ignore you.
  127. >You are glad for that, since you don't want to bring any unneeded attention to Anon and you.
  128. >Even if interspecies relationships are somewhat common nowadays, it's still a rare sight in the more rural parts of Equestria.
  129. >It's more of a “city” thing and especially old-fashioned or conservative ponies see it as an act against nature.
  130. >Ponyville is relatively liberal, you think, but still there are some individuals that would probably unleash hell on you, if they heard of your relationship.
  131. >Like Desert Rose and her brothers Desert Storm and Sand Lion.
  132. >They never liked Anon..
  133. >You glance at him.
  134. >He has a content smile on his face and looks like he is lost in his own thoughts.
  135. >So you delve deeper in yours.
  136. >Remembering his first few weeks here.
  137. >They were difficult...
  138. >Nopony really liked him.
  139. >They just saw Anon as a dangerous predator which has to be expelled out of the town.
  140. >Princess Celestia told you to just let him try fit in, and you did that for a while.
  141. >But you couldn't watch this misery for very long.
  142. >Stalls were closed upon his arrival, mothers hid their foals from him and they event sent him threatening letters.
  143. >You were shocked, to say at least.
  144. >How could those friendly towns-ponies who were so nice and inviting to you, be so harsh and cruel to him?
  145. >You breathed fire and brimstone.
  146. >So you took things into your own hoofs.
  147. >After he got discharged from the hospital you offered him to live with you until he could afford his own home.
  148. >You introduced them to your circle of friends, who were relatively nice to him.
  149. >But you are pretty sure that Rainbow, Rarity and Applejack just played along at the beginning, to not hurt your feelings.
  150. >They were pretty cautious around Anon.
  151. >Rainbow always followed him when he visited Fluttershy to help her out for a few bits.
  152. >”He is up to no good! I tell you that!”
  153. >Hard to believe she is one of his best friends today.
  154. >You sigh.
  155. >Strange how things can change.
  156. >Applejack and Rarity just made sure that he didn't get anywhere near their sisters.
  157. >The only member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders who regularly visited him was Scootaloo.
  158. >She had almost the same strange fascination with him like you.
  159. >Maybe it's because of the fact the he doesn't have any family like her, but you are not sure.
  160. >Anon was happy enough about the company and quickly made friends with Scoots
  161. >And once she told Applebloom and Sweetie Belle how nice and friendly he actually is, their older sisters grew warmer too.
  162. >Pinkie Pie was never a problem, as well as Fluttershy.
  163. >Fluttershy just saw him as a fascinating animal and Pinkie Pie... well she is just friends with anypony.
  164. >Anyways...
  165. >You also helped him find a job at the local workshop, where his hands made him invaluable for fiddling with smaller contraptions.
  166. >To be honest they were a bit intimidated by Anon when they first saw him, but you made clear that they either hire him or several expensive unicorns with that special talent.
  167. >They went with him.
  168. >The other towns-ponies took a bit longer to fully accept him.
  169. >But it certainly helped that he was seen regularly with members of the elements of harmony.
  170. >So they started to trust him too.
  171. >And now look at him.
  172. >Walking around ponyville like he never belonged anywhere else.
  173. >Your smile grows wider.
  174. >”We're here, Twi.”
  175. >You snap back to reality.
  176. >Oh indeed. Sucarcube Corner is right in front of you.
  177. >The scent of sweet, backed treats escaping from it.
  178. “Let's go in then!”
  180. >The bell chimes as you enter the bakery.
  181. >Your nostrils are instantly filled with the same sweet and warm smell that you sensed before.
  182. >You shudder a bit in anticipation of the delicious, baked you are about to devour.
  183. >Well first you have to find a table... considering the time it's quite full here.
  184. >A nice, romantic one at the windows would be good... where Anon and you are a little bit separated from the rest.
  185. >You take a look through the room and spot Pinkie Pie behind the counter.
  186. >She's serving a customer right now but as soon as sees you, her face lights up.
  187. >Abandoning the poor pony, who just wanted to pay, in an instant, leaving only a pink blur and a flustered Ms. Cake behind.
  188. >It's a mystery how she keeps this job...
  189. >In a matter of femtoseconds she stands in front of you, taking a deep breath.
  190. >Here it comes... Pinkies greetings can be quite loud and irritating.
  191. >”Heya Twilight and Nonny!”
  192. >Huh? How anticlimactic.
  193. >Her face bears a wide grin and she's bouncing on the spot.
  194. >You once tried to harness her boundless energy to use it to power various devices and maybe help her get calmer.
  195. >It didn't end well...
  196. >So you stopped bothering and just accepted Pinkie's bubbly self.
  197. “Good morning Pinkie.”
  198. >”Morning Ponk's, how's it going?”
  199. >”Super, thanks! How are my two bestest bipedal and purple friends on this fantastic morning?”
  200. >”Just swell, thanks.”
  201. >Anon pats her head.
  202. >You just nod and return her smile.
  203. >”Do want to eat something? We still have breakfast!”
  204. >Oh thank Celestia, you could kill for a breakfast muffin.
  205. >”Actually that's why we are here. But it looks like every table is occupied at the moment.” Anon answers.
  206. >Pinkie puts herself on her hind legs to ruffle Anon's hair.
  207. >”Don't worry about that. Let auntie Pinkie handle this.”
  208. >Before your boyfriend could ask what she meant by it, Pinkie is already on her way to one of window tables.
  209. >”This one just got free!”
  210. >She slams two menus on it.
  211. >”Isn't this right, Thunderlane?”
  212. >The stallions face loses all colour. Impressive, considering his coat is black.
  213. >”B-But I'm still eating, Pinkie!” he stammers.
  214. >”Ms. Pie.”
  215. >She shoots him an angry glare.
  216. >”Yes! Sorry, Ms. Pie! I will be on my way instantaneously!”
  217. >Thunderlane gobbles the remainder of his muffins down and dashes out of the bakery.
  218. >While Pinkie wipes the table, you and your boyfriend share a confused look.
  219. >Anon just shrugs.
  220. >”All set! Come here, Nonny and Twilight!”
  221. >You walk over to her and sit down on the bench.
  222. >”What was that all about?” Anon asks the pink mare.
  223. >She stares into a corner, focusing a specific spot.
  224. >”Oh... he knows what he did. He knows...”
  225. “Who... are you talking to, Pinkie?”
  226. >She turns back to Anon and you.
  227. >”Oh just the reader.” she says, grinning from ear to ear.
  228. “W-What?”
  229. >”Don't worry about it. Anyway, isn't this a bit close?”
  230. >Huh?
  231. >Oh buck she is right! You are basically sitting on Anon's lap!
  232. >The temperature in your cheeks sky-rockets and you scoot over a bit.
  233. >Quickly grabbing one of the menus, you hide behind it.
  234. “Ahahaha... we were still just a bit confused! Yeah...”
  235. >Pinkie just giggles.
  236. >”Okay then! What can I bring you to drink?”
  237. >”I will get a coffee please...”
  238. >”Black?”
  239. >”Yes.”
  240. >”Wonderful. And you Twi?
  241. “G-Green Tea please... and a glass of water.”
  242. >”Good choice! I will get your drinks, while you two~ decide on what to eat.”
  243. >You really don't like how she emphasized the words “you two”.
  244. >Slowly raising from behind your laminated walls, you take a peek.
  245. >Is she waving at the corner...?
  246. >Suddenly she yanks her head around and winks at you.
  247. >!
  248. >Quick! To the menu cave!
  249. >Does she suspect something?
  250. >Everything is possible with this mare...
  252. >You motion Anon to come closer.
  253. “I think she's on to us!”
  254. >”Yeah I think so too... Did you see her winking at us? She knows!”
  255. “Or it could just be Pinkie being Pinkie... She does weird stuff all the time. “
  256. >Anon nods.
  257. >”Like talking to imaginary readers... What was that about?”
  258. >You shrug.
  259. “I don't know... Last week she complained that someone in the sky denied her wish for more balloons...”
  260. >”Really?”
  261. “Yep. But far more importantly... what do we do now?”
  262. >He scratches his chin.
  263. >”Hmm... how about we just talk to her? If she really knows, it's too late already anyways.”
  264. >That could work.
  265. “Yeah you're probably right... I just wonder how she found out.”
  266. >Maybe it's your scent?
  267. >You take a few deep whiffs of your coat.
  268. >No this isn't it. Most of Anon's scent washed itself off in the shower, so you don't smell like him more than usual.
  269. >Oh no... could it be?
  270. >Lifting your butt a bit, you look at the spot you are sitting.
  271. >Phew... you are not leaking either.
  272. >Now that would be awkward. Dripping his cum all through Ponyville...
  273. >But also kinda hot.
  274. >”What are you doing Twi?”
  275. “N-Nothing... just checking something.”
  276. >”Okay... So do you want to talk to her, or should I?”
  277. >You shake your head.
  278. “I will do it.”
  279. >”Why are you whispering? Can I join? I'm really good at whispering!”
  280. >Suddenly Pinkie Pie stands besides you, balancing a tray with your drinks on her head.
  281. “Whoa!
  282. >”Wha!”
  283. >”Oh did I startle you? Sorry about that. But look! I got your beverages!” Pinkie states, giggling.
  284. >How can she be this sneaky? Normally she makes more noise than a band of parasprites!
  285. >She sets the tray on the table.
  286. >”One coffee #000000.”
  287. >”What?”
  288. >”Black.”
  289. >”Yeah right... Thanks Ponks.”
  290. >Anon mouthes the word “how”.
  291. >”No biggie. And one blue plus yellow tea and of course your water.
  292. “Thank you, Pinkie.”
  293. >She smiles and nods.
  294. >You grab the cup with your magic and take a small sip.
  295. >It's warm and soothing... and helps you think.
  296. >How do you go about this... Just tell her or-
  297. >”So... Do you now want to talk with me, how the two of you are a thing now?”
  298. >In shock, you spurt the tea in your mouth all over Pinkie.
  299. >Her rules of nature breaking mane just absorbs it with a quiet “slurp” noise.
  300. “W-What?! How?!”
  301. >Pinkie's giggling intensifies and she points at her head.
  302. >”My Pinkie sense! Yesterday I had a combo that I didn't have in a while. Two leg twitches, one ear flop and three tail wiggles!”
  303. >”And that means?” Anon asks confused.
  304. >”That one of my closest friends found someone special! And with Applejack busy watching the Crusaders, Rainbow Dash in prison-”
  305. >”You knew that too? How?!”
  306. >”Another combo. Knee itch, three ear flops and two sneezes.”
  307. >Anon waves her off.
  308. >”Okay.. go on.”
  309. >”Will do! Where was I … Ah yes! With Rainbow in prison and Rarity and Fluttershy at the weekly, nightly spa frenzy, that only left Twilight! And since our purple friend here came with you, I put one and one together.”
  311. >You sigh and massage your temples.
  312. >This mare... Once again she completely foiled your plans with her heathen powers.
  313. >Well the cat is out of the sack now...
  314. “Yeah Pinkie... Anon and I are together now.”
  315. >She squees.
  316. >Her whole body tenses up... That can only mean one thing.
  317. >She's going to explode in a weird fashion and loudly going to congratulate you!
  318. >In front of everypony!
  319. “Anon quick!”
  320. >With a speed that would rival Rainbow Dash, Anon grabs her by the snout and holds it closed.
  321. >”Pinkie no! Calm down. Please.”
  322. >His tone is serious but friendly, and Pinkie stops her antics immediately.
  323. >”I'm going to release your snout now. Don't start yelling or something, listen to us first. Okay?”
  324. >She nods.
  325. >”Okay then.”
  326. >Anon frees her muzzle from his grip.
  327. “Listen Pinkie. I and Anon want to keep our relationship a secret for a while.”
  328. >Leaning her head sideways, you can hear the gears grinding in it. Which could be entirely possible, considering that this is Pinkie you are talking about.
  329. >”But why? I am so happy for you, that I want to throw you a “Twilight and Anon are a couple now!” party, and a week after that your “Happy One-weekisary!”.”
  330. “I know, and I find this incredibly sweet of you but try to understand us.”
  331. >”Understand what?”
  332. >Oh yeah she doesn't know. At least she doesn't have a combo for “a friend of mine is addicted to the cum of another friend of mine”.
  333. >Yet...
  334. >Oh buck what are you going to tell her?
  335. >You throw a pleading look to your boyfriend.
  336. >He smiles. Looks he got something.
  337. >”We just want to see if it works out, Ponk. With us being totally different species from totally different worlds.”
  338. >Oh... Yes that works. Some times the simpler solutions to something just elude you.
  339. >Pinkie wiggles her eyebrows, a sly grin on her lips.
  340. >”Oh I see... You first want to check if the two of you are “compatible” or not.”
  341. >Your cheeks burn up again and anon's share the same fate.
  342. “Nonono! It's not like that! We-”
  343. >She shoves a hoof in your mouth. It tastes like... sweet dough?
  344. >”Twilight, it's okay. I'm just messing with you. Your secret is safe with me. I'm not Rarity. Only on every sixth Saturday.”
  345. “Phwat?”
  346. >”Oops, sorry.”
  347. >Giggling she retrieves her hoof from your orifice and wipes it on Anon's jacket.
  348. >”Hey!”
  349. >”Oh come on! I'm pretty sure you are already used to her saliva!”
  350. >Defeated, he crosses his arms and mumbles something.
  351. >At least she won't tell anypony.
  352. “Thanks Pinkie. That means a lot to us.”
  353. >”No problemo amigos! I will even Pinkie promise, so you guys don't have to worry about anything!”
  354. >From somewhere out of her tail she materializes a cupcake and recites the sacred words.
  355. >”Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!“
  356. >She seals the pact by slamming the cupcake in her face... which also is being slowly absorbed into her mane.
  357. >What kinds of eldritch abominations live there?!
  358. >Maybe her mane is the real Pinkie Pie and the body is just a decoy to protect it...
  359. >You shake the thought off.
  360. “Thanks again...”
  361. >”Yeah thank you, Pinkie. We will make sure to tell you first when we announce it, so you have all the time you need to plan our party.”
  362. >Anon beams her a smile.
  363. >”Awww! Thanks!”
  364. >Squeeing, she pulls you both in for a big hug, which you happily return.
  365. >Pinkie breaks it after a few seconds and looks at you expectingly.
  366. >”So.”
  367. >”So?”
  368. “So?”
  369. >”What do you want to eat, of course! You silly fillies!”
  370. >Oh right the actual reason you are here.
  371. “We didn’t really think about that, to be honest.”
  372. >”Yeah, We were occupied with figuring you out.”
  373. >Pinkie giggles and takes one of the menus.
  374. >”Let me see real quick if we still serve this...”
  375. >”Serve what?”
  376. >She shushes him.
  377. >”Ah there we go! The love-bird special! Two stacks of heart-shaped pancakes with whipped cream and strawberry syrup on a plate decorated with fresh fruit and chocolate mousse!”
  378. >That sounds delicious... but also very attention-grabbing.
  379. “We don't want to bring any attention to us. Did you forgot already?”
  380. >She shakes her head.
  381. >”But not if I divide it on two plates and make normal pancakes instead of the heart-shaped ones!”
  382. >Sometimes you underestimate her intellect.
  383. “Oh, okay then. What do you think, anon? It sounds really good...”
  384. >”If you want it, we will take it!” he says, smiling.
  385. >”Awww! How adorable! Isn't he a sweetheart!”
  386. >Pinkie is rolling on the floor, hugging herself...
  387. >Anon helps her up again, before anypony sees.
  388. >”Wonderful! One super secret love-bird special coming up!”
  389. >She hugs you once more before she takes her leave.
  390. >You both sigh.
  391. >”Phew... that went better than expected.”
  392. “I wasn't worried about her telling, just about her reaction upon hearing it. But thanks to you and your quick hands everything turned out nicely.”
  393. >He wiggles his fingers in front of your face.
  394. >”Those little guys here saved me more than once from a sticky situation.
  395. “They were in a sticky situation before~”
  396. >His blush returns.
  397. >Strike two!
  398. >Chuckling, he dusts his shirt off.
  399. >”I'll give you that. Anyhow...”
  400. “Hmm?”
  401. >”Do you already have a few ideas on how to create a cure? Maybe an addiction annihilating laser?”
  402. >You giggle.
  403. “That would be nice, but however I think magic alone won't solve the problem... Alchemy would be a better take on it.”
  404. >”Alchemy? Do you want to brew a healing potion? I think I have some Bruiseweed and Briarthorne lying around. But you will have to provide your own Crystal Vial.”
  405. >He's grinning like crazy... probably one of his human references again.
  406. “Ehehe... yeah something like a healing potion. I thought of mixing “your stuff” with some magireactant metals and crystals, and see if anything reacts with. If my first theory is right and it is because of it's non-magical state, than giving it magic properties would create a sort of antidote ”
  407. >Anon leans back a bit, looks like he is in thought.
  408. >”But that wouldn't take care of the future, if you catch my drift.”
  409. “I know. But I could work on something for you on this basis. For the meantime I would just take the solution I created, so my head stays clear.”
  410. >Nodding. he rests his head on his hand.
  411. >”Yeah... but what do we do, if you can't find anything? I mean I could just keep giving you “my stuff”, but I doubt that's healthy on the long run. It already got stronger once, from what I can tell.”
  412. >Anon's right...
  413. >You really will have to concentrate every available second of free time on this.
  414. “If this really happens, I still have my other theory...”
  415. >”What's your other theory?”
  416. “It's only an assumption. Sorry but I won't tell you, before I did more research on it.”
  417. >If this theory of yours really comes true, you are in a lot of trouble and possibly pain.
  418. >Celestia please... let it be a normal addiction.
  419. >He sees your distress and puts a hand over your hoof, gently stroking it.
  420. >”I understand. You probably have your reasons for not telling me. But just know, I'm there for you.”
  421. >A soft and gentle smile is on his lips.
  422. >It really makes you feel bad for not telling him. But it's better this way.
  423. >No need to unnecessarily frighten your boyfriend.
  424. >”Awww! He's holding your hoof!” Pinkie suddenly whisper-yells.
  425. “Whaaah!”
  426. >You startle in your seat.
  427. >”Hah! I saw her coming.”
  428. >Pinkie giggles and sets the tray on the table.
  429. >”One neatly divided, disguised love-bird special! Tadaa! I even put extra cherries on yours Twilight!”
  430. >Slowly you regain your composure.
  431. “Heh... thanks Pinkie. I appreciate it. But why, if I may ask?”
  432. >She moves her snout to your ear.
  433. >”They are good for your joints.”
  434. >If her eyebrows would wiggle any faster, you are sure you could use them to propel a small piston.
  435. >Blushing, you gently shove her off.
  436. “T-Thanks.”
  437. >”You're welcome! Now enjoy your meal...”
  438. >She moves in closer again.
  439. >” birds!”
  440. >Turning on the spot, she bounces away. Snickering every few bounces.
  441. >Your hoof hits your face hard.
  442. >”She only means well, Twi.”
  443. “I know, Anon. I know...”
  444. >He boops you and your muzzle scrunches up in return..
  445. >Something that finds Anon incredibly cute for some reason.
  446. >It's a completely normal reaction to something like booping. You really don't get it why it's supposed to be adorable.
  447. >”Now let's dig in , before it gets cold!”
  448. >You nod and smile at him.
  449. >Grabbing the fork and knife with your magic, you start eating.
  450. >Slow and controlled of course. It's one thing if Anon sees you pig out, but another if the whole town observes it.
  451. >He sees your attempt and self-control and just chuckles.
  452. >It's really good, like almost everything here in Sugarcube Corner.
  453. >The pancakes are fluffy, the strawberry syrup complements them perfectly and the fruit is fresh.
  454. >You make a mental note to look up if cherries are good for your joints.
  455. >Oh and the chocolate mousse... If you could replace your bed with it you would do it.
  456. >So light and fluffy.... just delicious.
  457. >Halfway through your first pancake you notice something.
  458. >Are there big letters lightly burned in your pancake?
  459. >Looks like an “A”.
  460. >You take a look at anon's stack.
  461. >Who is happily eating away at it.
  462. >And indeed there is something on his too. Could be a “T” and a “W”, but you are not sure since it's already half eaten.
  463. >Carefully that nopony watches you, you quickly scroll through your pancakes.
  464. >”A”
  465. >”N”
  466. >”O”
  467. >”N”
  468. >”!”
  469. >Oh Celestia please...
  470. >Pinkie Pie, the queen of cheesy romances.
  471. >Your hoof finds it's way to your forehead again.
  472. >”Something the matter, Twi?”
  473. “Take a quick look through your pancakes please, and you will understand.”
  474. >”Huh? Okay.”
  475. >”TW” anon states.
  476. >”IL”
  477. >”IG”
  478. >”HT”
  479. >”!”
  480. >His face lights up.
  481. >”Hey, it spells your name! How sweet of her. Is there my name on yours too?”
  482. >You nod.
  483. >”Aww. It's like we are in a cheesy romance flick.”
  484. >Laughing, he begins eating again.
  485. >You just sigh.
  486. >Is this now expecting you everyday? And that's just Pinkie...
  487. >But to be honest, it is kinda cute.
  488. >It's nice to have friends who care and are happy for you.
  489. “Yeah, you are right.”
  490. >”In 65% of all cases, I'm always right.”
  491. >He points his fork at you.
  492. “Oh you.”
  493. >You start eating again too, before it gets cold.
  494. >And cold pancakes tend to be hard and chewy.
  495. >The rest of the breakfast is spent in relative silence.
  496. >Just a few bits of small talk here and there, since everything important is already discussed.
  497. >Something is still on your mind, though.
  498. >What did Rainbow Dash do in anon's house?
  499. >He said that it was nothing grave.
  500. >Eh... you will find out soon enough.
  501. >The last piece of your pancakes is picked up by your fork and brought to your mouth.
  502. >Relishing the taste of it, one last time before you swallow, you put the cutlery down.
  503. “Ahhh.... that hit the spot.”
  504. >You pat you belly a few times. Something you have seen in one of anon's movies, and were curious if it does something.
  505. >Your conclusion to that was a definitive “No”, but it feels nice nevertheless.
  506. >Anon stretches his arms and nods.
  507. >”Mmhhmm. The food here is really something special.”
  508. >Picking a few bits of food out of his teeth he continues.
  509. >You told him many times that such a behaviour is rude, but his canines are far too fascinating to look at, so you don't interrupt him.
  510. >Stupid fetish.
  511. >”Wanna pay up and bail out Rainbow?”
  512. “Yep!” you chirp.
  513. >”Wonderful. I will see if I can get a hold of Pinkie.”
  514. >”You called?.”
  515. “Ahh!”
  516. >For the third time today Pinkie manages to startle you.
  517. >She just materialized behind anon and now rests her bodyweight on his shoulders.
  518. >He sits there motionless, in a state of shock.
  519. >”So... did you like them?! Did you find the special surprise on them?”
  520. >”Which dark god's did I anger...” anon murmurs.
  521. >”Tzeentch!”
  522. >”W-What?”
  523. >”Praised be his unmatched intellect!” Pinkie cheers.
  524. >”Are you serious right now?”
  525. >His voice sounds seriously frightened... what is going on?
  526. >”Nah. I read it in one of your books! So you want to pony up?”
  527. >”Y-Yes please.”
  528. >She hops off his shoulders.
  529. >”Wonderful. Just lemme total this …”
  530. >From Celestia knows where, she pulls out a notepad and pen.
  531. >”Coffee, Tea, Water and the spy-special... carry the four... multiply by point two... minus the “you are friends with Pinkie Pie” bonus.... That will be 18 bits please!”
  532. >Yeah... this bonus is a real thing. The cakes had to raise the prices to accommodate that, since everypony is friends with Pinkie.
  533. >Shaking anon pulls out the bits from his pocket and hands them her.
  534. >”Thanks!” she chirps.
  535. >With one swift swoop of her hoof, she grabs the money and stashes it away in her mane.
  536. >”Have a nice day! And greet Rainbow from me!”
  537. >”You too, Ponks.”
  538. >There she goes... a bounce in her step and acting as nothing especially weird just happened.
  539. >Anon visibly relaxes once she leaves.
  540. “Thanks for paying. You didn't have to do that.”
  541. >He waves you off.
  542. >”It was my pleasure. Just do something for me, okay?”
  543. “Of course.”
  544. >”Remind me, to never get on her bad side.”
  545. “Okay...”
  547. >You leave the bakery and begin your walk to the guardhouse.
  548. >It's on the outer edge of inner Ponyville, so it's quite near.
  549. >Most of the time it's cells are not in use, since Equestria has a fairly low crime-rate outside of the bigger cities like Manehatten or Trottingham.
  550. >But this time one of your best friends sits inside one of them.
  551. >Not for the first time to be honest.
  552. >Rainbow tends to get in trouble a lot, especially when she drinks.
  553. >You sigh.
  554. >”Everything alright, Twi?”
  555. “Yes. Just thinking about Rainbow.”
  556. >He chuckles.
  557. >”Yeah she will be a bit pissed after, we left her waiting for a whole night.”
  558. “Probably.”
  559. >You look up to him.
  560. “And she really did nothing terrible at your house?”
  561. >”It don't say it wasn't terrible, but she didn't do anything life-threatening or tried to steal something. But you will find out soon enough. Don't worry.”
  562. >Anon beams you a smile and pats you on the mane.
  563. “Okay.”
  564. >Argh! You want to know! What did she do?!
  565. >Grumbling, you try to find out yourself.
  566. >Anon's house didn't looked rummaged through or something similar. And he claims that nothing was stolen... Cuppy is also still intact.
  567. >Did she try to blackmail him maybe?
  568. >No... Rainbow wouldn't do that. At least not to somepony she likes.
  569. >Hmm... what else could it be?
  570. >Your boyfriend is still alive, so that eliminates murder. Or...
  571. >Quickly you scan his body with a magic flash.
  572. >Nope. His heart is still beating. So she didn't kill anon and resurrect him afterwards with dark arts.
  573. >Also you just remembered that this happened in one of the novels you wrote.
  574. >Maybe you should stop thinking so much and just wait for it.
  575. >It's not like you will have to wait for much longer.
  576. >Doesn't change the fact that this gnaws on your mind like a sort of brain tick.
  577. >To clear your head, you look through the streets.
  578. >Nothing much happening. Just a few ponies walking around or window-shopping.
  579. >Hey isn't this Applejack? You would recognize that hat anywhere.
  580. “Anon, could you wait here really quick? I want to ask Applejack how Spike is doing.”
  581. >He gives you a thumps up.
  582. >”Of course.”
  583. “Thanks!”
  584. >You run over to the orange mare.
  585. “Hey Applejack!”
  586. >She turns towards you.
  587. >”Howdy thar' Twi! How's it going?”
  588. “Good, thanks! I just wanted to ask how Spike is doing.”
  589. >Applejack laughs throaty.
  590. >”Aw he's fine! A bit tired, since he had to play maid all night long, but still alive.”
  591. >Good to hear that... but anon must really teach him some day to stand up for himself.
  592. >Sweetie Belle exploits him, you fear.
  593. “Wonderful. Could you just send him over when the sleepover is over. I would pick him up myself, but I'm in a bit of a hurry today.”
  594. >She nods.
  595. >”Will do. Rarity comes ta pick up Sweetie and Scoots at around two anyway. Ahm sure she won't mind bringing him home.”
  596. “Thank you, Applejack.”
  597. >”Aww, don't worry about it.”
  598. >You give her a quick hug and make your farewell.
  599. >This is perfect. Even if bailing out Rainbow would take over an hour, you still have enough time to collect a sample from anon.
  600. >Which would prove itself very difficult with Spike around. Nosy little dragon.
  601. >You trot over to your boyfriend, who is currently pony-watching.
  602. >Once he sees you, he meets you half-way.
  603. >”So how is the poor lad?”
  604. “He's fine. Rarity will walk him home later.”
  605. >”How convenient.”
  606. “It is! So we will have some free time after this whole ordeal~”
  607. >You shoot him a wink.
  608. >”For science, I assume?”
  609. “Yep!” you chirp.
  610. >”Okay then. I will look forward to it.”
  611. >Quickly nuzzling his leg when nopony is looking, you continue your journey.
  613. >After a few minutes you reach the guardhouse.
  614. >You never particularly liked it. It's grey, ugly and radiates an aura of strictness.
  615. >But maybe that's intentional, so nopony wants to get locked up there.
  616. “So here we are...”
  617. >Anon nods.
  618. >”Mhm. Nervous?”
  619. “A little bit. Let's get this over with.”
  620. >He holds the door open for you and you walk in.
  621. >The air is stale and dry. A few guardsponies are playing cards, their armour and weapons lie besides them.
  622. >Is this supposed to be the high-praised discipline of equestrian soldiers? There is not much to do in Ponyville for them, that is true... but at least they could try to look busy.
  623. >The reception isn't even occupied....
  624. >Finally somepony notices you and walks over.
  625. >”Greetings, citizens. How may I help you?”
  626. >Your boyfriend pulls the notice out of his pocket and shows it him.
  627. >”We are here for a friend of ours. She got arrested yesterday.”
  628. >The guard takes the letter and gives it a quick read-over.
  629. >”Ah yes. Rainbow Dash. She broke into your house yesterday.”
  630. >”I know. We are here to get her out. It was a giant misunderstanding. She probably just looked for her towel or something after our workout.”
  631. >”Okay. So nothing was stolen? Because we got a report here that says she has a drug habit.”
  632. >”No everything is still where it belongs. And the drug thing is a lie. She is as clean as a fresh washed tablecloth.”
  633. >”I see. Well she is ready to go then. Just a little thing before we get her.”
  634. >”And that would be?”
  635. >The guard winces.
  636. >”There was a small... incident last night. Her cell needs to be cleaned thoroughly. Also she “broke” one of our flashlights.”
  637. >Anons palm hits his forehead.
  638. >You wonder what she did … hopefully nothing happened to her.
  639. >”I... I understand. How much?”
  640. “Anon? What did she do?”
  641. >He pats you on the head.
  642. >”You don't have to know... Believe me. It's better this way.”
  643. “Okay...”
  644. >Strange. You hope that she didn't do what you are thinking... but it is entirely possible. Rainbow is know to act impulsive and without thinking.
  645. >”About 45 bits.”
  646. >Sighing anon opens his bit bag and fishes out four golden coins and five bronze ones.
  647. >”Here you go...”
  648. >”Thank you, sir.”
  649. >He stashes the money away and grabs the cell-keys.
  650. >”I will get her. Please feel free to sit down while you wait.”
  651. >”Actually, can I talk to her real quick?”
  652. >The stallion nods.
  653. >”Of course. Follow me.”
  654. “Anon, what are you doing?”
  655. >”I just want to clarify something with her.”
  656. “Alright.”
  657. >”I will be right back”
  658. >He strokes your mane and follows the guard.
  660. >You are Anon now and you follow the guard to Rainbow's cell.
  661. >He leads you through a long, grey hallway before he opens another door which contains all the cells
  662. >Most of them are empty, except for one.
  663. >It really is a peaceful town, so you didn't expect anything else.
  664. >”Here we are. I assume you want to talk with her alone?”
  665. >You sigh.
  666. “Yes, please.”
  667. >”Just call me again, when you are finished.”
  668. >You nod and the guard leaves you alone with Rainbow, closing the door behind him.
  669. >There she sits. Shivering, on her little wooden bench.
  670. “Hey Rainbow.”
  671. >You grab yourself a chair and sit down on it in front of her cell.
  672. >”H-Hey Anon! What's up?”
  673. >Hmm? No complaining about leaving her here for a whole night? She must know, that you know what happened last night.
  674. “Not much. How was your night here?”
  675. >She giggles hysterically.
  676. >”Pretty... interesting.”
  677. “Anything you want to tell me?”
  678. >The tone of your voice is neutral and soft. Which makes it quite difficult for her to read your emotions. A small thing you learned from your time here.
  679. >Eh...I...You see...” she stammers.
  680. >Suddenly she jolts forward, grabbing the bars of her cell.
  681. >Typical Rainbow Dash... She does something the fast way or never.
  682. >”I'm sorry, Anon! It was so boring here and I didn't know what to do! So I did what I do every time when I'm bored with nothing to do!”
  683. >You raise your eyebrow. That gal really needs more hobbies besides napping and workout.
  684. “So you masturbated and ruined the cell with your... efforts?”
  685. >Her face gets crimson.
  686. >”Ah.. Eh.. Yeah. Sorry...”
  687. >She sits down on her haunches.
  688. >”I'm really sorry! I promise that I will pay you back! Double!”
  689. >Looking at you with puppy eyes, she fiddles with her hooves.
  690. >Oh man why are these creatures so cute...
  691. >You sigh again.
  692. “Okay. But the normal amount will suffice. I know that you don't have much money.”
  693. >Hearing that, she visibly relaxes.
  694. >”Thanks anon! You are the best!” she chirps.
  695. >She lets go of the bars and does a little victory twirl. Something Rainbow always does when things went better than she expected.
  696. >”So can we leave this terrible place now? Come on! Get the guard!”
  697. >You shake your head.
  698. “No.”
  699. >Her face takes a shocked expression.
  700. >”Huh? Why not? Are you still mad at me? I already said that I'm sorry and that I will pay you back!”
  701. “Isn't there something else you want to tell me?”
  702. >She winces.
  703. >”Uhm... no?”
  704. “Don't take me for an idiot, Rainbow.”
  705. >”I-I'm not! Eh....”
  706. >Not being able to hold eye contact with you any more, she stares into a corner.
  707. >Nervously pawing the ground.
  708. >”Ach... buck.”
  709. “Exactly.”
  711. >You are now a certain purple unicorn again and you are waiting for Anon to finish his talk with Rainbow.
  712. >Does it have something to do with what she did in anon's house, you wonder?
  713. >Or what happened last night in her cell?
  714. >This whole situation starts to make you nervous.
  715. >Maybe everything is more serious than he wanted to admit...
  716. >Deciding to distract yourself a bit you take another look through the room.
  717. >The rest of the guards returned to their game of cards. So nothing to see here.
  718. >They are not really paying attention to you, so maybe you could take a look through your file...
  719. >You wonder what it says about you
  720. >The file cabinet is just over there...
  721. >No, Sparkle! Keep your curiosity under control.
  722. >Your mother always said that idle hooves are Discord's playthings, so you grab a magazine and begin to read it.
  723. >Ergh... Old celebrity news from Canterlot.
  724. >Prince Blue Blood's scandalous vacation! Find out how many brothels he visited on page 9!
  725. >Is Fleur de Lis in reality a stallion? More on page 14!
  726. >Rarity already told you all that, and much more.
  727. >Sometimes such gossip can be quite fun, but you are not really interested in it usually.
  728. >Bored you put the magazine down and scan the rest of the stack..
  729. >Nothing but gossip and fishing journals.
  730. >But at the bottom of the stack you find something peculiar.
  731. >Is this?
  732. >It is!
  733. >An issue of playcolt.
  734. >Quickly checking if the guards are still occupied with their game, you pick it up and turn your back on them.
  735. >Nopony must know...
  736. >Some mare called “Milky Way” is the cover filly and apparently her assets are the biggest thing in our galaxy.
  737. >What could that mean?
  738. >You open the centerfold and... oh my.
  739. >Every ounce of your blood finds it's way to your cheeks.
  740. >How by Celestia's beard can teats grow that big?
  741. >They are like massive blobs of flesh! Stallions can't find this appealing, can they?
  742. >Flicking through the magazine, you see more pictures of her in seductive poses.
  743. >One in particular catches your interest.
  744. >She's standing with her front hooves propped against a barn, hind legs spread wide and tail raised, wearing spotted stockings.
  745. >Her marehood is glistening from her arousal and her giant teats hanging down like two bells.
  746. >This is kind of sexy... especially the lingerie.
  747. >Maybe Rarity can make something like this for you? You are sure anon would like it...
  748. >Stockings and perhaps a nice see-through corset with matching panties? All in black or a dark purple... that would surely look good on you.
  749. >You wonder how much that would cost...
  750. >”Reading it for the articles?”
  751. “Whaa!”
  752. >Startled from the sudden noise, you accidentally send the magazine flying.
  753. >Anon catches it and takes a look at the cover.
  754. >”Her assets are the biggest thing in our galaxy... Interesting. Are they?”
  755. >He grins at you with naked spite.
  756. “Y-Yes. Indeed. The article made it more than clear that this is true.”
  757. >Embarrassed you fiddle with your hooves, staring at the ground.
  758. >”Okay then.” he says, chuckling
  759. >Sitting down besides you, he puts the erotic magazine back on the stack.
  760. “So how was your talk with Rainbow? Is she allowed to go yet?”
  761. >”It went pretty good. She apologized and feels very bad about what she has done. And yes, she is free to go. But she wants to talk with you first.”
  762. “O-Okay. About what happened in your house?”
  763. >He nods.
  764. >”Yep. She is waiting in that room over there. Just go in whenever you feel ready.”
  765. “Okay...”
  766. >You take a few deep breaths and hop off the chair.
  767. ”Let's get this over with.”
  768. >Finally you will find out what she has done.
  769. >You walk over to the door and put a hoof on its handle.
  770. >With a quiet creak it opens and you step into the room.
  772. >It's a small room with two chairs and a table. Looks like it's made for interrogations.
  773. >Rainbow is already sitting on one of the chairs, waiting for you.
  774. >Once she sees you standing in the door frame, she waves.
  775. >”H-Hey Twilight.”
  776. “Hello, Rainbow.”
  777. >You close the door and sit down opposite of her.
  778. “Anon said, you wanted to tell me something?”
  779. >She nervously shifts around in her seat.
  780. >”Yeah...”
  781. “Just tell me. It can't be this bad.”
  782. >Hoping to reassure Rainbow a bit, you beam her a smile
  783. >”Uhm okay... Where to begin with this... You know why I had to spend the night here?”
  784. “Yes. You broke into anon's house, looking for your towel and got caught. Also you did something else in there, what anon wouldn't tell me.
  785. >”That is true... except for the towel part. I was there for that one thing anon wouldn't tell you...”
  786. “And that would be?”
  787. >This is it!
  788. >”Ehm... Yeah... This might shock you a bit, but...”
  789. >Shock? What could it be?
  790. >”Remember yesterday? The strange bottle I spilt and you got all mad and desperate about?”
  791. >You nod.
  792. >”After you told me that you have to find anon, I got curious and kinda followed you...”
  793. >W-What?
  794. “Y-You followed me?!”
  795. >She winces at your sudden snap.
  796. >Panic begins to well up in you. What exactly did she hear?!
  797. >”Y.Yes.”
  798. “What did you hear?! Tell me!”
  799. >”I just wanted to know why you needed anon for that strange stuff... so I spied on you through a window.”
  800. >What? No!
  801. “So you know?”
  802. >”Yeah... But I promise I won't tell anypony! Anon told me already that you are working on a cure...”
  803. >Yes... This is certainly shocking. Your friend knows that you are addicted to anon's semen.
  804. >Terrific. Just terrific.
  805. >You begin to feel sick.
  806. >At least she won't tell anypony... That's relieving, but still so bucking embarrassing.
  807. “T-Thanks...”
  808. >”But that's not all...”
  809. >Huh?
  810. >She breaks eye contact with you.
  811. “What do you mean “that's not all”?”
  812. >It gets worse?
  813. >Her mouth opens, but no words come out.
  814. “Just tell me Rainbow.”
  815. >Your voice is jittery now.
  816. >Wait... if she spied on the whole conversation between anon and you, you already know where this is going.
  817. >Buck.
  818. “Or don't.”
  819. >She looks at you with a confused expression on her face.
  820. >”Huh?”
  821. >You get on your four hooves and walk around the table.
  822. >Your gaze locked on Rainbow.
  823. “Just answer me on question.”
  824. >”Of course.”
  825. “Did you listen to our whole conversation?”
  826. >She blushes and looks away.
  827. >”Y-Yeah...”
  828. >That's what you thought.
  829. >And explains why anon wouldn't tell you what she was doing in his house.
  830. >Buck.
  831. >”I'm sorry... I was just so * hic * curious...”
  832. >Her eyes begin to tear up and she sobs silently.
  833. >Many different kinds of emotions go through your head right now.
  834. >Disgust.
  835. >Shock.
  836. >Confusion.
  837. >Betrayal.
  838. >But strangely no anger.
  839. >Why?
  840. >You continue to watch her crying.
  841. >”I-I'm so sorry....”
  842. >You don't see a weird pervert who watched you in an intimate moment.
  843. >No.
  844. >You see a friend who did something very stupid and is sorry for it.
  845. >A friend who saved you from something very evil, when you were unable to save yourself.
  846. >Without hesitation or concern for her own safety or future consequences.
  847. >Slowly you approach her.
  848. >”You must h- * hic * hate me now!”
  849. >Rainbow's tears are flowing freely now.
  850. >Much to her surprise, you pull her into a hug.
  851. >She tenses up at first, but then accepts the embrace.
  852. >Weeping into your chest.
  853. “No. I don't hate you.”
  854. >Confused, she looks up.
  855. >”W-What? But I * hic * I-”
  856. >You shush her.
  857. “You did something very stupid and thoughtless, yes. I don't say I'm not disgusted or shocked by it, but everypony makes mistakes.”
  858. >Pulling her closer, you gently stroke her back.
  859. “I made one too, many moons ago. And you saved me from it.”
  860. >She calms down a bit.
  861. “I never really thanked you for what you have done on this day.”
  862. >You tighten your embrace.
  863. “Thank you. Thank you for being there for me, and for being my friend. I forgive you.”
  864. >Hearing that, she starts crying again..
  865. >Her head buried in the fur of your chest.
  866. >You can hear her thanking you between sobs.
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