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12 duplicate Name= 12+0

a guest
Dec 14th, 2016
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  1. 12+0=12
  3. изменить Name= в ini файле
  4. GamesSTR\!dos\blackbox\Meagre\IniFile\Black Box (1982).ini\"Name=Black Box" ---> "Name=Black Box (1982)"
  5. GamesSIM\!dos\blakbox\Meagre\IniFile\Black Box (1987).ini\"Name=Black Box" ---> "Name=Black Box (1987)"
  6. GamesADV\!dos\kq1vga\Meagre\IniFile\King's Quest I - Quest for the Crown VGA (1990).ini\"Name=King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown VGA" ---> "Name=King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown VGA (1990)"
  7. GamesADV\!dos\KQ12001\Meagre\IniFile\King's Quest I - Quest for the Crown (2001).ini\"Name=King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown VGA" ---> "Name=King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown VGA (2001)"
  8. GamesSIM\!dos\Defcon5\Meagre\IniFile\Defcon 5 (1987).ini "Name=Defcon 5 " ---> "Name=Defcon 5 (1987)"
  9. GamesRPG\!dos\defc5\Meagre\IniFile\Defcon 5 (1995).ini\"Name=Defcon 5" ---> "Name=Defcon 5 (1995)"
  10. GamesSTR\!dos\drugwars\Meagre\IniFile\Drug Wars (1984).ini "Name=Drug Wars " ---> "Name=Drug Wars (1984)"
  11. GamesACT\!dos\DWars\Meagre\IniFile\Drug Wars (1994).ini\"Name=Drug Wars" ---> "Name=Drug Wars (1994)"
  12. GamesSIM\!dos\NFL\Meagre\IniFile\NFL (1992).ini "Name=NFL Football" ---> "Name=NFL Football (cracked)"
  13. GamesSIM\!dos\NFLFootb\Meagre\IniFile\NFL Football (1992).ini\"Name=NFL Football " ---> "Name=NFL Football (not cracked)"
  14. GamesSIM\!dos\nflplf89\Meagre\IniFile\NFL Pro League Football (1989).ini "Name=NFL Pro League Football " ---> "Name=NFL Pro League Football (1989)"
  15. GamesSTR\!dos\NFLPLF\Meagre\IniFile\NFL Pro League Football (1995).ini\"Name=NFL Pro League Football" ---> "Name=NFL Pro League Football (1995)"
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