
Hot Pockets are Tasty

Feb 17th, 2014
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  1. [NSFW, F/M, Vore, Insertion, Butt, Hoof, Micro, OC]
  3. “Hi! My name’s Pinkie Pie and I threw this party just for you!”
  5. An excited pink mare screamed out in front of the bat pony’s face as he tried to enter the local sweet shop. Hot Pocket, a new pony to move to Ponyville was a rare breed, a bat pony, the body of a pony with the features of a bat. The naturally, four hoofed pony figure was of a light shade of purple and a darker shade of pink mane. His ears had such a furry tip that caused the pink pony to ‘Squeal’ in joy and bat at them for a moment. His eyes bore a deep orange and a single slit of an iris, one that resembles a reptile’s eye. His dark wings were tucked neatly by his side, not for long though as Pinkie grabbed a hold of one and pulled it out, looking at the unique wing and feeling its leathery texture.
  7. “Ugh… Thanks… I’m Hot Pocket and… I wasn’t really expecting thi-“
  9. “Of course you weren’t! No pony expects a party for moving to a new town. That’s why my parties are always that more surprising!”
  11. From no where, the pink pony pulled out a cannon from behind her, tugging on the cord without hesitation.
  13. Hot Pocket lifted a hoof to his eyes, somehow expecting to block the incoming cannon fire. To his surprise, and great relief, he was only showered with a blast of confetti and sparkles that only blasted him back over the threshold of the door. Pinkie’s hooves quickly picked him up and pulled him into the shop, slamming the door shut behind him.
  15. Pocket laid flat on the ground where Pinkie had unceremoniously dumped him after pulling him inside. He got back onto his hooves and looked around, seeing the room was decorated with streamers, balloons and confetti littered the ground. There were snacks and punch and a giant cake surrounded by presents all spread out across the table. The only thing that was missing was… the guests.
  17. “Don’t parties usually have… guests?” The Bat enquired, looking back at Pinkie as she bounced up and down, around the room, blowing a party whistle.
  19. “Well duh! Of course they do. It’s just you showed up much sooner than I thought you would but that’s ok because I always set up much sooner than I thought the guests would show up so I’m always ready and this just means that I can get to know you more before the party really begins!”
  21. Pinkie took one big inhale of air before stepping up closer to Pocket. “So… Tell Pinkie all about yourself.”
  23. Pinkie was leaning up right against Pocket, cheek to cheek, her hoof against his hoof. Pocket took a little step back and lifted his own hoof, pushing Pinkie back a step.
  25. “Not much really… just moved her from-”
  27. Pinkie leapt onto Pocket, causing him to fall backwards onto his back as Pinkie sat on his chest, her face bent down right over his, her nose just a lick away from his.
  29. “Aren’t Hot Pockets meant to be tasty little treats?”
  31. Pocket lifted a brow but lowered it when he saw the look in her eyes, showing him that she was completely serious.
  33. “Umm… Maybe… wh-”
  35. Pocket was cut off mid-sentence when Pinkie’s giant, slobbering tongue, hung out of her maw and slid up Pocket’s face, completely coating his face with a layer of saliva.
  37. “What the!? What do you think you’re doing?” Pocket yelled, kicking the pink pony off of him.
  39. She landed on her back, just in front of Pocket and smacked her lips, licking up the taste she had gotten.
  41. “Wow Pocket! You really are tasty! Too bad you’re too big though…”
  43. Pocket stepped back. Did she really want to eat him? No… It wasn’t possible. Besides… he couldn’t have tasted too good anyway… Could he?
  45. Pinkie hopped back onto her hooves and bound off into the kitchen. Moments later, she returned with a tray on her back, holding a single glass of punch.
  47. “Here! Have some punch before the guests arrive.”
  49. Pocket looked back at the table, seeing a bowl of punch, still full to the brim, on the opposite side of the room from the kitchen.
  51. “But there was punch right here… why did you go into the kitchen?”
  52. “Because this one I made just for the guest of honour. You would try it for Pinkie… won’t you?”
  54. A large frown hung on Pinkie’s face. Her eyes grew wide and a sniffle or two could be heard from her nose. Pocket gave a low sigh and grabbed hold of the cup, taking a sip from it. Pinkie’s sad face flipped into one of joy instantly as she bounced around the room again, singing a song off the top of her head.
  56. Pocket on the other hoof; put a hoof to his head. He had just gotten a huge headache, looking at Pinkie, he could see why. He sat down on the floor; sure he would fall over if he stood any longer. Pinkie could see it all and bounced over to him.
  58. “Something wrong?”
  59. “Yeah… My head…. Really hurts…”
  61. Pinkie lowered her head down and scooped it up under Pocket’s hoof, lifting him on his remaining three as Pinkie helped him upstairs. Pocket’s sight faded in and out from closed eyes, seeing his hooves stepping up the stairs before blacking out, opening up in Pinkie’s room before blacking out one last time. Pinkie laid Pocket down on her bad on top of the covers. She didn’t want to lose him under them. She sat on her rear, fore hooves on the side of the bed as her tail wagged back and forth constantly, waiting for him to awaken.
  64. Pocket groaned as he sat up, his head still hurt but no where near as bad as earlier. His eyes peeked open but the bright light only caused him to shut them tightly again. His hooves rubbed against his eye lids as he slowly managed to open his eyes, adjusting to the light over time. In a matter of seconds, Pocket’s eyes were completely open and he could see the field of… blue? A large blue field, small little mounds here and there rode out in front of him.
  66. A warm breeze blew out from beside him. It was… nice, warm, sweet smelling… Pocket took in a whiff of the scent and turned in the direction of the wind.
  68. “Hi!”
  70. Pinkie’s giant form shouted down at him, throwing him backwards as the giant pony crawled on her fore hooves a little closer to the tiny pony on her bed.
  72. “It’s about time you woke up; you’ve been asleep for nearly an hour.”
  73. “Pinkie! What did you do to me?”
  75. Pinkie stifled a giggle with a hoof to her lips. Her hooves came back down on Pocket’s left and right. She stifled another giggle and pushed her hooves together, feeling the tiny struggles between her soles.
  77. Pocket could feel the pressure of her hooves, squeezing him in tight between them. Has he soles not been so soft as to give way to his tiny form, he’d have been sure he would have been smeared between them. Gravity continuously shifted, sending him being pushed into this hoof then that.
  79. Pinkie was tossing her hooves side to side, trying to shake Pocket inside but her hooves were smothering him too much for him to move. Eventually, her hooves parted, her right one up straight to act as a platform for Pocket to rest on.
  81. Pocket was on his back, panting as the giant mare stared down at him with her giant, blue eyes. He didn’t have the energy to say anything; he just wanted to catch his breath.
  83. Unfortunately, that would have to wait as Pinkie lifted her hoof higher, tilting it slightly towards her, causing Pocket to slide down her sole. Pocket stared at Pinkie as her maw opened wide, ready to receive her treat.
  85. Pocket let out a loud shout, rolling onto his belly and spreading his wings. He flapped hard and fast, taking off from the sole and into the air, steadily getting away from the giant maw.
  87. Pinkie let out a loud laugh and leapt up onto the bed, right below Pocket. He attempted to fly higher but his sized caused his speed to decrease significantly. As he flew higher, Pinkie bent down lower, her hooves bending down towards the bed.
  89. Her legs stiffened up as she sprung up into the air, launching off the bed with much momentum. Eyes closed, maw open, she shot into the air, ready to claim her prize.
  91. Pocket looked back for a moment, seeing the fleshy maw of the pink pony heading towards him. His wings flapped even harder but it was no use as her lips and teeth soon passed over him. Her humid breath and saliva instantly coated his entire body before her teeth slammed shut. The momentum from the launch ended and Pocket flew straight into her sealed teeth as Pinkie came back down to her bed.
  93. ‘Mmmm!’
  95. Pinkie let out a low murmur behind sealed lips as she suckled on the bat, flicking him back and forth with her tongue having a terrific time. Pocket was having the complete opposite of a time. Bathed in saliva and sweet scented candy breath. It disturbed him, not because he was about to be eaten by a giant pony, but because he was actually enjoying himself.
  97. Pinkie’s maw opened wide once more as her tongue rolled out, Pocket’s limp body on the tip, coughing up saliva and too tired to attempt to fly again. Pinkie’s hoof came down from above, picking him up as she licked her hoof, wiping the tiny pony off onto her sole once again.
  99. “You’re defiantly tasty… But I can’t eat you…”
  101. Pocket felt such relief, knowing he wouldn’t be eaten anymore. It was much more tempting to be small forever than a snack for a chubby pony. As he got to his hooves, the sole of his floor disappeared from under him. Another scream escaped him as he fell through the air, landing on the soft blanket of Pinkie’s bed.
  103. “Yet… You’re tasty like a Hot Pocket… but you aren’t hot at all… Guess I’ll just have to warm you up.”
  105. Pocket got back to his hooves and stepped back, noticing how he was between Pinkie’s hind hooves as they spread out in front of him.
  107. “Let heat you up.”
  109. Pinkie bent her hind legs, exposing her soles to Pocket and pushed them together, once again sandwiching him between the soft fleshes. Pocket coughed and gagged on the scent of her hooves, dirty and sweaty from being on them all the time, somehow even worse than her fore hooves. As weak as he was, he still attempted to fight back, pushing his own hooves into her soles in an attempt to pry them apart, but there was little to no chance.
  111. Pinkie grinded her hooves together, rubbing them in circles around the tiny bat constantly, causing friction on his tiny body. She could feel the heat on her soles and Pocket could feel it over his entire body.
  113. Her legs spread apart and dropped Pocket back onto the sheets of the bed, tired and hot from his full body massage. Pinkie’s fore hoof came down and brought him to her lips. I quick lick over his entire body gave Pinkie another frown.
  115. “Still not hot enough…”
  117. Her hoof tilted again and Pocket fell onto the bed, on his back, not wanting to try to move.
  119. “How to warm you up…. Oh! I’ll do it like chickens do to warm their eggs.”
  121. Pinkie stood up on her bed and walked over Pocket, her hind legs on both of his sides and an impressive view, if not for his condition, of her plump behind. Pinkie giggled over what she was about to do as her legs buckled and she sat on her bed.
  123. The tiny twitches of her snack could be felt on her butt cheek. Pocket was smothered in Pinkie’s rolls of fat that encased her rear. It rolled over him and hugged him tightly to its warm embrace. It felt alright, but the pressure was building and the fact still remained, she was going to eat him. Pocket tried to move, but the weight was too much to even shake, he tried to breathe but the smell of Pinkie’s rump was not one he wanted, especially not in such a close proximity. He attempted to breathe through his mouth, but as soon as he opened it, another roll of Pinkie’s butt blocked it up.
  125. With no other choice, Pocket had to breathe through his nose, taking in her scent and taste her pink fat on his tongue. Pinkie could feel a little pinch on her cheek and assumed it was just a bite from her little friend. She let out a snort in laughter and began to rub her cheeks against the bed, rubbing them side to side, back and forth, and further heating up her meal.
  127. After a moment or two of grinding, Pinkie thought enough was enough. She got back up onto all four and looked down.
  129. Pocket groaned as the weight finally lifted off of him. He expected to feel only the fabric of the bed on his back but instead, felt a pinch all over the front of his body. Opening his eyes, he saw a wall of pink. Slowly, he managed to pull his head free and saw down below, was the bed of his captor. Above him was a curly, pink tail that twitched high above and it dawned on Pocket... He was stuck to Pinkie’s butt.
  131. Pinkie looked around on the bed, moving around in circles to find Pocket but found nothing but the little impression his tiny body has made on her covers.
  133. “Aww… Where did you go now? You were just about ready.”
  135. She circled around once more and stopped. A little tingle alerted her on her rump. Twisting her neck around, she felt another tingle and peered over her cheeks. A tiny little pony was pushing on her soft hind, trying to push himself free from his prison.
  137. “Here! Let me help.”
  139. Pocket looked up and noticed Pinkie’s hungry eyes laying claim to him again. He’d been found and doubled his struggles for escape. It didn’t do much until Pinkie’s own hoof came around and scooped him up into her sole again. Pinkie immediately pressed her fore hooves together again and focused on the pony inside, feeling him with her soles.
  141. Her hooves split again and held Pocket before her eyes. She licked her lips and leaned in closer.
  143. “Not quite there yet but really close now.”
  145. The anticipation to eat him was making her feel funny, feel a bit hotter. She looked down at her thighs and back up to Pocket.
  147. “I know how to heat you up some more. Trust me; this’ll be fun for both of us.”
  149. Pinkie lowered her hoof down between her legs, her sole aimed at her crotch with Pocket still on the tip of it. She didn’t even stop to think; she just pressed her hoof into her crotch and felt the tiny pony slip inside.
  151. “Oh! Ah! Mmmm…”
  153. Pinkie began to moan out as her hoof rubbed on her nethers, quickly flowing the juices inside her. Her hoof dug in between her lips and she could feel Pocket inside. She pushed on his back, pushing him further inside and began to rub her sole along her soaking lips, causing her sex to heat up and fill with warm, sweet juices.
  155. She laid back on her bad, her hoof never straying away as it rubbed up and down, steadily increasing in speed and force as she felt the struggles deep inside her. The thought alone was enough to excite her, the feeling however was too great to describe.
  157. Pocket shouted, kicking at the fleshy walls as they contracted and squeezed him continuously.
  159. “Pinkie! Let me out of here!”
  161. It was the basic response anyone would have given, but a part of him wanted to stay. He tried to drive it from his mind and made his way towards the exit but anytime he came close, the tip of Pinkie’s pink hoof would dig in and flick him back.
  163. By now, Pinkie was rubbing her crotch with such ferocity; it was a miracle she hadn’t released by now. She let out one last, loud moan before feeling the wave of her inner fluids flow through her sex, lathering her sole in its sticky embrace.
  165. Pinkie’s head fall on her pillow as she breathed heavily, her hoof still between her legs, holding back the expulsion of her love which only further excited her from the pressure she held in. Eventually, she took her hoof back, letting the rest of her juice to slip out. Her hoof felt wet, soaked, but so warm. She glanced a look at it with lowered eyes and saw what she wanted, Hot Pocket stuck to her sole.
  167. “I think you’re warm enough now.”
  169. Pinkie brought her hoof to her lips, slowly, parting them just as slowly and exhaling her sweet breath over her victim.
  171. “Wait! You can’t eat me! I didn’t even do anything to you!”
  173. Pocket’s pleas fell on deaf ears as Pinkie tongue slipped from its cave, hugging at the base of Pinkie’s sole. Slowly, it dragged up her sole, tickling her as it did, scaring Pocket instead. The tongue rose up, collecting the warm fluids that coated Pinkie’s hoof. The slimy muscle rolled over Pocket, adhering him to the new threat. He struggled, he yelled, he tried to fight back but it had no effect on Pinkie.
  175. Pinkie flicked her tongue off the end of her hoof, curling it a bit as she brought it back inside her maw. With a little lift of her head and a quick flick of her tongue, she swallowed, rubbing her hoof and what remained of her juices onto the bulge in her throat as it slowly slid down her neck, disappearing into her chest.
  177. “You were so~ tasty... Well, there’s a party down stairs, shall we?”
  179. Pinkie patted her gut before trotting off out her room, her tail wagging side to side in delight from her tasty snack.
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