
My Naughty Florges: Pollinating

Mar 29th, 2014
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  1. After that day, Florges became the star of the school. Whenever she came out of my Nest Ball, the kids would be watching whatever she did in adoration, whether in battle or just idling around. Some would even walk up to her to ask for one of her flowers, while others would want her to ‘tutor’ their pokemon into becoming as strong as her. Others felt a tang of jealously between us and could not wait to evolve their own pokemon to properly challenge her to a battle. However, I noticed that although her power was much stronger than her last evolution, her moves still only consisted of the four she had as a Floette.
  3. One of the first things I have noticed about Florges were minor changes to her behavior. She pulled significantly less pranks on me when she was a Floette, although she would still get the jump on me from time to time. However, I paid it no mind, thinking that it was common for a pokemon to get tired of childish things in their final evolution. For some odd reason though, she would occasionally look at me for a rather stretched out periods of time. It was a bit weird and a little unnerving the way she looked at me, with her eyes almost analyzing every move I did, but I didn’t pay it much mind.
  5. Florges was also concerned and almost fell into a depression about me, feeling that she was the one responsible for hurting me back when she evolved. Thankfully I reassured her that she wasn’t at fault, as the evolution occurred by complete accident.
  7. One day, the teacher that tried to stop the evolution returned to class after recovering from his head injury. Ironically, he decided that this week’s lesson would be about the concepts of evolution. I spaced out for the majority of the lesson until he started to talk about evolution stones.
  9. “Alternatively, some pokemon will only evolve when they come in contact with evolution stones, where generally, will evolve into their final form. Although their final evolution are much more impressive and stronger than before, it comes at a price. When they evolve, they can no longer learn any new moves through standard training, and attempting to teach it other moves can be very expensive. From spending tons of money to searching for extremely rare items, just remember that using a stone to evolve a pokemon will prevent it from learning any more new moves that it could have learned from keeping it at its pre-evolution.”
  11. Something was telling me that the professor was not happy about what happened to him on the day of my Florges’s evolution. Why? No reason in particular, except that he emphasized on the not-learning-new-moves part of the lecture. That was a downer for me since I knew there were more powerful moves she could have learned rather than a simple Magical Leaf or Fairy Wind. Still, what happened has happened, so I guess she and I would just have to deal with it for now?
  13. Before we knew it, a week had passed by without a care in the world.
  15. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  17. Lunchtime. A time where children ate with one another, given a whole hour to do as they please until they’re called back. Not being fond of crowds myself, I usually eat outside, away from prying eyes. This time, however, my lunch had a new purpose.
  19. As I finished up my spare sandwich for today, my Nest Ball rattled about in my pocket, signaling me that it was time for Florges to check on the new garden around the recovering castle. With a smile I flung it in the air, releasing her from the ball in an explosion of light, and she gently floated down to my side. She looked at me for a moment and gave me a genuine smile, saving me from that unusual gaze from before. I leaned my head towards the garden, giving her the signal she wanted to see. She doesn’t hesitate to float over to the garden in glee, checking on the flowers and berry trees we’ve planted together. It was almost as if she were caring for her own children she had not seen for years, almost emitting a motherly appearance towards them.
  21. While she focused on the flowers, I decided to look at some of the berries I’ve grown myself, some of which were bearing flowers and fruits of their own. According to my teacher’s lesson, some of these berries had specific names and purposes. The reds were Cheri, the pink were Pecha, and the blues were Rawst… so many names. I never remembered the list by heart. I reached for a lighter blue one which I think was called Chesto. As I picked it out, I winced from the pain from stretching my back, still feeling the bruises from the week before. “Guess I haven’t fully recovered from that explosion, huh?” I said to myself.
  23. As I rubbed my back to dull the pain away Florges called out to me, likely concerned about the sudden noise I made. I explained to her that the pain was nothing and easily ignorable, but she doesn’t believe me; perhaps I really was bad at hiding what I was feeling on my face. I sighed out loud in defeat. Having no other way to persuade her than visual proof, I turned around and lifted my shirt to reveal my slightly brown back to her. Although my skin tone remained constant, a few darker, small marks could be seen on it, likely from the impact from the wall during her rather explosive evolution. While I would be lying that it was irritating to sleep on my back, I was still thankful that it was only a minor hit, and would likely go away in a couple more days.
  25. “Flor…”
  27. I felt Florges’s hand stroke my back to prove me wrong, poking at some of the marks to make me feel pain, but I held it in. In fact, it was almost like her prodding massaged my back, and instead soothed it with every poke, making me breathe out in relief. Suddenly, both of her hands were on my back, caressing it like a massage therapist assessing the toughness of the body before starting the session. Did she knew what I was feeling from her touch? I shuddered at the sudden change of pressure, and turned my head to question her. “Florges? W-w-what are you-”
  29. Her partially covered eyes from her eyelashes, and that slowly forming smile were the first two things that I saw as she filled my eyesight. “She’s doing it again,” I said to myself, “She’s giving me that look again.” I reminded myself not to look directly towards her, but it was too late, as my brown irises line up to her eyes, gridlocking just like before.
  31. I stood there, speechless and unable to move as my Florges lifted the rest of my shirt off of me and threw it aside like magic, revealing the rest of my build to her. I was not overly built like buff actors in action movies, but I at least had a decent figure from running around everywhere and traveling to and from home and the school. I think my short black hair complemented the idea of flight, but not by much. My arms could use a bit of work back then, but none of that appeared to matter to Florges, as she examined and toyed around with the texture of my upper body to her liking. As she caressed me, a strange though came into my head. ‘Is…is she checking me out?’
  33. Florges’s smile grew wider as she began massaging and groping my arm muscles, giving a small pinch to the peak of the flat hill. She traced it with elegance and care, from start to finish and back again, from shoulder to elbow, even all the way to my hand and back. After a few moments of repetition, she stopped at my right hand, picking it up and holding it with hers. Feeling the warmth from her palm rushing into my hand, I felt myself turning red in embarrassment and lowered my head in vain to hide it. Someone was holding my hand, something that I would never think of doing to anyone else besides my parents. Even if that someone was a pokemon, I couldn’t help but feel all nervous and giddy inside that I was actually holding hands with someone.
  35. Florges felt my hand getting hotter and giggled in response to my flushing face. Her fingers interlocked with mine, forming the seal that made me awkwardly smile against my will. Perhaps her giggles were giving me some kind of subtle hint, although I cannot comprehend the audible puzzle. Her head got closer to mine as she raises my hand to my sight. ‘What is she planning to do? This isn’t like her to be this quiet…’ I thought to myself.
  37. It was not long before Florges picked up my trail of thought like bread crumbs in a forest, where she spoke in a rather, vocal mix between exaggeration and playfulness, “Flooooooor…ges.”
  39. She proceeded to bring my hand up to one of her breasts, still covered by the diamond, and allowed my hand to sink into it.
  41. “Wha!?” I shouted out loud. Thankfully, no one was around to hear me, as the sight of a teen groping his pokemon would be…quite difficult to explain. My legs wobbled like jello, ready to collapse on its own weight as the realization hit me that my pokemon just allowed me to touch one of her breasts. I felt my insides come to a boil, and quickly said, “F-f-f-florges! D-d-d-do you know what you a-are doing? T-this is something you should only allow your l-lover to do! I-I-I-I shouldn’t be t-touching you like this at all!”
  43. She only smiled and giggled at my stuttering. She seemed to understand my point, but decided anyway to take my other hand as well, directing it towards her other breast. I almost shrieked at the realization that both of my hands were now clutching the breasts from a pokemon. To think that my first time touching breasts would be from my first pokemon friend…this is wrong. Very, very wrong.
  45. After the initial shock passed, I realized that my Florges was holding my hands into her chest, waiting for me to make my move. From here, now that my heartbeat calmed a bit, I began planning on explaining why I can’t do this to her anymore and why we should stop. It sounded easy enough.
  48. Hormone-induced curiosity demanded more knowledge of the breasts in my hand, however, and overridden my mind’s orders.
  50. My hands rubbed her diamond-shaped bra, my fingers trying to get through the silky soft shield to reach the skin underneath. Florges let out a small giggle when she felt part of me give in to her whims. I pushed further into her chest, my palms sinking in to explore their texture. Sand-like softness, akin to a cushion filled with the grainy substance, were all I could think of as my starving hands became bolder with their tasks. Like a trade-off, my breathing became more rigid and short as my mind began indulging in such guilty pleasure, betraying every restriction I had kept to myself.
  52. It was not long before I reached the point where the bra-like diamonds were no longer separating my hands from their main goal: direct contact with her chest. I must have been fondling her quite hard, as it seemed that her breasts were overflowing slightly from my hands. Although I managed to have enough control to slow down my hands’ perverse actions, my palms developed a mind of their own, craving for more of the smoothness and cushion her breasts provided. The noises coming out of her were now something of a mix between a giggle and a moan, with no clear dividing line between them.
  54. Something hard began poking my palms, a contradiction to the plushiness of her chest from a few moments ago. It was at this point Florges pushed me onto the grass like a nurse easing her patient on the bed, gentle but firm, with her lying on top of me. Still mesmerized by her eyes and smile, I was unable to struggle against her demands. Her face was once again at a very close proximity to mine, each pant tickling my face. A nervous smile crept up on my face, still thinking that my pokemon was planning a ruse of sorts on me. However, deep inside I may have been denying the truth. If she wanted to, she could’ve kissed me right there and then. Instead, she seemed to savor in the situation I was in, giggling at my reaction of the sudden turn of events. As I stared at my bewitcher, I saw her hand reach down to my pants, towards my groin area…
  56. Before she made contact, the bell rung with a loud chime, signaling the end of lunch. At this moment, I quickly got up, almost pushing my Florges off, and said faster than I could think, “Welllookslikelunchtimeisoverandyourdonewithcheckingyourgarden!” Before she could respond, I already had my Nest Ball pulled out of my pocket and aimed it at her. “GladIcouldhelpyoucareforitthanksflorgesreturn!”
  58. With a flabbergasted expression on her face, I returned her into the Nest Ball swiftly and dashed back into the building. As I walked into the classroom, many questions flooded my mind about what just happened back there. “Was she really going to…?” was probably the best way I could sum up the experience back there. Additionally, her bouquet was giving off a very familiar scent from the last week, but I was unable to pinpoint the significance of it
  60. I guess I could say that I was saved by the bell. Literally.
  62. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  64. I finally realized that Florges was changing. Not physically, but attitude-wise. Afer that day she began pulling pranks on me just like when she was a Floette. The others thought that she was doing it to re-live her time as a pre-evolution, but there was a significant difference from the pranks she did now. Specifically, they have become rather…intimate. From her pushing my head to her chest without a moment’s notice to sneaking a slap on my behind using one of the concealed vines in her bouquet, she rarely missed a chance to tease me and make me blush, especially when we were alone. At times, she would even peel back her black-diamond bra, showing me one or both of her breasts. One could call it her way of showing affection. I called it borderline molestation. Come to think of it, I could’ve sworn that she forgot how to use vine whip during our time in the trainer school. In any case, something happened back there that made her more…naughty.
  66. It seemed that her teasing has affected me as well, as I began staring at her on occasion, much like what she used to do to me a few days prior. Although the students and teachers only suspected me of staring into space from exhaustion, I was actually examining her physique, just like how she did with me. I began to be aware of not only her B-sized chest, but of her rear as well, which was the biggest aspects of her figure. Although I believed she technically did not have legs, her ample hips complemented well with her jiggling backside, making it appear as though her rear was larger in comparison, if it wasn’t already. Whenever we were in a trainer battle with one of the students, I would always find myself staring at it and shaking myself to get those thoughts out of my head. Not surprisingly at this point, my Florges knew about the bad habit of staring I inherited from her, but didn’t say anything or even giggle about it. Instead, she only smiled and continued on with the battle. On occasion if we won, she would float away, swaying those hips I’ve stared at towards my direction. Even though I would end up turning my head the other direction, she would still knew that I was watching her voluptuous behind, and would enjoy the attention I was giving to her physique.
  68. I was becoming afraid of her. I would see her in places that I would saw as safe havens, even when she was in her Nest Ball. She would stare me down with her sultry gaze, paralyzing my body and giving her full control of it. She would enter some of my dreams to pick up where we left off during lunch, ravaging me with relentless force. At one point it got so bad that I actually skipped a night of rest just to avoid seeing her in my sleep. Although I was exhausted in my classes, I believed that it was worth it.
  70. I have attempted to talk to her about stopping this nonsense, but somehow I made it worse.
  72. During recess, when the other kids were out hanging around the bridge and front part of the garden, I was on the other side of the castle, away from prying eyes, preparing myself mentally to talk to my Florges about her “pranks.” I took out my Nest Ball, and after a few moments of hesitating pushed the button, summoning her in front of me in a pop of light. She looked around for a moment until her eyes met mine, my face straining to remain adamant. She appeared surprise at my appearance, not familiar with seeing me like this. I began talking.
  74. “Florges, we need to talk about your new ‘pranks’. I know you love to pull them on me, but these new ones are really troubling me, in more ways than one. I don’t see our bond as a simple trainer to pokemon, but as best friends together forever. So I ask of you, please, stop-”
  76. Her face suddenly came close to mine and a smile began forming on her face. I felt myself shuddering from her ghastly influence, but I clenched my fist, sucking up my insecurity and went on, “…P...p…pulling them on me?”
  78. She looked at me for a moment with one of her hands covering her mouth, almost in shock of what I said. I probably would too, when a friend asked another friend to stop what they like to do.
  80. After a few moments, she nodded her head in agreement. I blinked, and fell onto the floor in gratitude for her finally accepting something that I asked of her. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” I said over and over. Looking back at it now, I felt like someone who was promoted to the highest position in their job. She giggled and tapped my head to get my attention, pointing a finger in the air. Apparently she wanted something in return. I got up and happily agreed to give her whatever she wanted in return. “Yes, anything for my favorite pokemon!” I was practically beaming happiness towards her face, unaware of what was to come. Anything would do to stop her from pulling those intimate pranks on me. Once I did this favor, we could go back to being friends stuck in trainer school until graduation. For a moment, I was truly happy with sticking for myself.
  82. She then proceeded to pull my head towards hers, and our lips intertwined with one another for the first time.
  84. Time stopped. I felt it, the world pausing, the wind silencing, the noise of the kids on the other side dying down, pausing in motion and volume until everything was at a standstill. Even the rushing water around the castle ceased to flow, as she added more pressure into the lock of our lips. Although her eyes were closed during the halting of time, seemingly caused by this so-called Dialga himself, mine were wide open in complete shock of what she was doing to me. She was kissing me; not some cute check kiss or forehead kiss, but a full fledge, direct kiss on the lips. Is this…what she wanted in return?
  86. I…I don’t even know how to describe it. I just lost my first kiss…to a pokemon. No, I lost my first kiss to someone who I saw as my only friend.
  88. Eventually she broke the kiss and held my face to align it with hers, showing me that sultry look that I feared from the day of her evolution. I would have thought that I would have adapted to seeing it time after time again, but it never sunk for me. I still feel my legs weighed down like lead, unable to move from the spot. Thankfully, I at least figured out how to speak while being stared down.
  90. “I…I -I-I’m serious, Florges! I w…w-want you to stop doing things l…like that to me! If a k-kiss is what you want from m-m-me in order to stop this….then we finally made up…right?”
  92. Florges looked into the air and pondered about what I said for a moment. Then with a smile on her face, she looked back at me and said, “Flo.” It did not take a genius to know that she just answered “no” to my request. Before I could object, she pulled me towards her and gave me an even deeper kiss than the first. At this point, I can her tongue interlocked with mine, leaving me breathless as it tossed around mine, figuratively and literally. Although I could not move my head and my body refused to comply, my mind held a struggle of its own, giving me at least a bit of control of my body. Not wanting to hurt her, I flailed my arms widely and randomly to try signaling her to stop and at least give me some fresh air to breathe.
  94. However, I waved my arms a bit too wildly, and my hand landed right on her rear end, making a rather large “clap” sound in the progress. She hummed out a loud “Mmmmm!” sound in my mouth, almost like a moan of surprise, as I felt her behind jiggle from the impact. Finally she broke the kiss, letting a small string of saliva leftover between us from the aftermath. I backed straight into the wall, clenching my chest and gasping for fresh air, recovering from what I thought to be was an attempted smothering. Through kissing.
  96. As I recovered from almost crossing to the beyond, I felt something soft bump onto my waist, pushing and pinning me into the wall. I stammered and lifted my head up to see my Florges’s plush rear rubbing on my groin, barely protected by my pants. She was bent over, giving me a complete view of her back and curves, showing me the strongest asset of “her goods.” She doesn’t just push her luscious behind towards me; she waved it around me, rubbed it up and down on my pants, and even jiggled it in all directions, going out of her way to put me into a hypnotic trance, with her butt being the object of focus.
  98. And it was working.
  100. “H-Huh!?” was the only thing I could blabber out before she turned her head to me and winked. All I could do was gawk as my pokemon giggled at my reaction and gave me her variation of a lap dance. With each jiggle and bounce from her buxom butt, I felt my resistance to temptation slipping out of my mind, replacing it with the need to give in and take a bite out of the forbidden fruit she was tempting me with. As she continued with her forbidden technique, I saw the green coloring of her body shrink down lower and lower, to the point where she was presenting me with her pure white, plump hindquarters. The two leaves attached to her feet wrapped around my waist, caressing me in the progress and pulling me to her bouncing rump, sharing her rhythmic dance with my pelvis.
  102. Before I realized it my hand was wide open, my fingers sizing up her spacious rear and twitching almost uncomfortably. I could not tell if I was drooling at the sight in front of me, but it must have been a miracle to resist her at this point. My fingers even brushed against the white globe, one step away from outright squeezing her rump for all I’ve got. Her rear must be sensitive, as each graze from my finger made her squeal and moan in delight. “Flooooor~. ~Geeeessss~.”
  104. My trance broke when I felt an area on my pants tighten greatly. I looked down, and to my horror, saw that my excitement reached all the way down to my groin, which was downright erect and trapped in my pants, begging for release from its blue prison. Florges, too occupied with entrancing me, failed to notice the tent in my pants, giving my mind enough time to come back to its senses.
  106. At this point, I was screaming internally, condemning myself for allowing myself to be seduced by my friend like this. Could we even call each other friends now, after going so far as to arouse me with her assets? No, she wanted to become something else, something that I feared of having since back then…
  108. Florges looked back at me when she realized I was distracted and took note of the bump in my pants, giggling at my current situation. She turned around, sparing me from the mesmerizing show of her rear. She approached me and cupped my cheeks with her hands, surprisingly without much force. She looked at me and was…blushing? Yeah, her cheeks had a small tint of pink on them for some odd reason. Perhaps she realized what she was doing? Additionally, her flowers were giving off that same smell from before, which for some odd reason made my pants feel much tighter than usual, almost stuffy. She then gave me an endearing look, her eyes sparkling through her sultry glance as if expecting me to give her something in return.
  110. As a man, I had little options. I had a pokemon give me a lap dance, decided to break the border of friendship, and in addition had a really tight tent in my pants from all the arousal she had just caused. As such, I felt it necessary to take responsibility the only way I knew how.
  112. I did a quick spin, disorienting her and sprinted towards the woods.
  114. It felt like a fight or flight response, my sudden switch to primal fear. If I were to have stayed a second later, I could’ve been doing something that I would regret later on. For now, all I knew is that I had to get out of there. I had to get away, as far as possible. The Pokemon Trainer School no longer mattered to me, nor did the thought of skipping class as I continued to run into the forest. All I knew was that I wouldn’t let me control me, not like this. Unfortunately, I should’ve looked back, or at least listened to where I was running, as the last thing I heard behind me was a sinister hum during my escape.
  116. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  118. By the time I stopped running it had reached dusk, and the forest has stayed silent, void of the activity and sound of pokemon and people, no one but me. I was resting on a tree, massaging my legs that were nothing more than lead after such a hard sprint. As I rested, I organized my thoughts, trying to figure out how it came to this, why she was doing this, and what should I do now.
  120. First, I hadto figure out where it all went wrong. Was it when I returned her to her pokeball before she could touch me below my pants? No, that can’t be it. Could it be back when she first evolved into Florges and I smelled the bouquet around her head? Impossible. It seemed too irrelevant. As I continued to ponder, I found myself walking to and from tree to tree. I thought back at the time when she was a Floette, wondering if I did anything out of the ordinary to her. Still, I couldn’t find anything wrong with what I did, aside from surprising her and helping her make the garden in front of the school, where I saw the shiny stone for the first time. That thought then made me recall lecture my teacher did about evolutionary stones, what they look like, their effects, their benefits, and consequences.
  122. Actually, come to think of it, the shiny stone I found was much brighter than the picture of the object the teacher showed us during the class. And, if I recall, there was someone who pointed out (before she evolved) that she had a crush on me. Counting all those simple pranks, those awkward moments of skinship groping, and even her sultry look added up to one thing, to my horror.
  124. Could she really be in love with m-
  126. Before I could finish my conclusion, I wandered into an unusual grassy patch in the forest with pollen floating around it in the air, emitting a small light around the field. I took a blade of grass from the ground to get a closer look at it, only for it to dissipate into thin air. Suddenly, memories of trainer battles rushed into my head. I know I’ve seen this grass before, because this was not an ordinary field.
  128. This was the grassy terrain that my Florges would make at the start of each battle, which meant that she was nearby.
  130. And I was in her sight.
  132. When I came to this realization, I noticed a familiar bouquet of orange flowers rise from the terrain from the distance, turning towards me and showing me that sultry look once again. It was her!
  134. I shifted into my running posture and was about to make my way back deeper the forest, but then two roots surfaced underneath me made me lose my footing, forcing me into falling on my chest. I know this move, Grass Knot, I believe; however, she never learned this move during our time battling. How did she learn this move by herself, especially when she’s not supposed to learn new moves?
  136. As I attempted to get back up, more roots sprouted from the ground that constricted my wrists and knees, effectively immobilizing and pinning me to the grass. I lifted my head forward to get a better look at my assailant, only for it to be pushed back by an un-seeable force. Florges then entered my eyesight, and I noticed that her eyes were glowing an ominously bright blue color. Is this another move that she managed to learn while fully evolved? How is this possible!?
  138. As I continued to struggle in vain, I heard her giggle at my incompetence of the situation, this one sounding more childish than before. She approachedme, swaying her hips from side to side, closing the gap between us. Two vines rose out of her bouquet, doing an unusual dance of their own. She then stopped to look at me, with a smile on her face and the vines swaying around. One of them stretched towards my face and caressed it, examining all of my reactions. As it continued its check on me, I tried talking her out of it.
  140. “Florges…please…let me go. All I wanted was for us to remain friends. That’s what I was trying to talk to you about before the…uh…kiss…” I felt myself stammering even thinking about what she did after that, but I found enough courage in myself to continue. “I know that this, along with your previous actions, aren’t merely pranks anymore, and I’ve fully understand that you wanted me more than a friend, but I do not want to cross that path in fear of what-”
  142. One of the vines interrupted with a slap on my left cheek.
  144. “Agh!”
  146. I recoiled in pain, and my Florges waves a finger in the air, showing a “tch tch tch” gesture towards me. Something told me that even though she’s smiling, she wasn’t happy about the whole run-away-solution I came up with during our alone time, nor was she willing to listen to my reasoning any further. Another vine reached for my shirt, and ripped it open along with my pants, leaving me wearing nothing more than my underwear and shoes. I flinched at the sudden change of nudity, as Florges floated down towards my legs, placing her hands directly on my groin and stimulating it like how she originally planned from the start. It felt quite weird, having your crotch handled by someone other than yourself, but the tempo of her handling was enough to get my dick rock hard, begging for release from my underwear. Her hands shifted into my waistband, and almost teasingly pulled them off, savoring in the great reveal. Slowly and carefully my underwear left me until my dick flopped out of the underwear, presenting its six inches self towards her.
  148. I would try to cover myself from the complete feeling of change of temperature, but my arms were still pinned to the ground. However, I at least had enough strength to move my head, so I leaned it forward, only to see the green colors on her body shrink to reveal white skin, revealing not only her token large rear, but as well as what appears to be the start of her “legs,” hiding a glistening sight of her entrance in between them. Instantaneously, I turned my head away from it, repeating “No…No…Nonononononono!” until a vine slapped my right cheek, stopping the motion of my head, as she begins to align her slit with my dick. I looked away in shame of what was about to happen, but that same vine forcibly aligned my head to look at her, as I saw my length touching the entrance to her vagina.
  150. Surprisingly, the look on her face changed into that of deep thinking, almost considering if she really wanted to do this. Although it has been only a few seconds, the tension feltlike it has been several hours. Eventually, she actually lifted herself off of me, and her vines appeared to retract, as well. I was thoroughly relieved for that moment as I thought my pleas finally reached her, only for my face to get a mouthful of her vagina when she decided to sit on me.
  152. I closed my mouth in an attempt to avoid tasting her pink walls, but it was too late as I clamped her entire entrance into my mouth. With that I tasted her juices for the first time, and I was reminded of the scent of her bouquet, warm and sweet, but far more arousing. I lost myself within it, and buried my tongue within her depths, enticing more giggles and moans out of her. God, I felt like a little stupid one-minded Combee, stuck with a simple duty of extracting nectar from the plant, and yet I could not control myself. All I knew is that I wanted to taste more of her, even if she was my friend.
  154. While I was eating her out, I felt something rough wrap onto my dick. She lifted herself off of me, only to reveal that one of her vines were coiling around my dick, stimulating it by jerking it around up and down. Still unable to escape from the knots around my arms and legs, I could only clench my teeth and do my best to hold in my moans, to which even I have limited control due to the vine job my Florges was giving me.
  156. Her vines suddenly retracted without warning, giving my penis a bit of friction burn along with leaving it standing in the air, in all of its rock-hard glory. It was impossible for me to think clearly; all I could mutter were inaudible groans and incomprehensible noises.
  158. And then I felt her …no… SAW it happened, positioning her entrance onto the head, preparing to gulp down on my illicit log. Making sure that I do not turn away, she held my head up to look towards her and my dick, all with that sultry smile on her face. The two leaves around the end of her tail wrap around my waist as she pulled herself towards me, quickly enveloping my length in one slam, and a scream of pleasure escaping from both of our mouths.
  160. By god was it warm. It was like putting your cold feet into a tub of warm water after being outside in a snowstorm for hours. That tingling sensation that would envelop the feet were being replicated all over again as her walls are now massaged my dick with great intensity. For a moment, I almost feared that it would melt from the sheer pressure of the heat in combination of the tightness of her entrance. Were it not for what little sanity I had left within me I would have easily lost myself within the pleasure filled folds. “T-tight! Too tight!” were the only words to escape my mouth before I exhausted myself from struggling.
  162. After a few moments of grinding on me to get fully adjusted she started up again, repeating her thump onto my body. Eventually it became more of a rhythmic bounce, as my length became exposed to the elements of her warm insides and the “cool” outside of the forest. With all of this going on, I was left speechless upon realizing that I lost my first time to a pokemon-no, to someone who I considered a “friend,” someone who I would never expect to hurt me.
  164. My body suddenly jerked forward, as she picked up her pace without warning. As she increased the strength of her bounce, her fluids started to drip rapidly, covering my crotch and even spreading to my pelvis. Her giggles remained constant, however, never ceasing, almost taunting me at what I have let her do to me.
  166. Something felt wrong inside of me as she continued to have her way with me. It felt like my groin and my brain was about to burst, even with all the pleasure this was giving me. It’s almost like having an overdose of your favorite food and then feeling the aftermath of eating so much. With my last will intact, I pleaded for her to stop in fear that I was about to burst.
  168. She only giggled and slammed hard onto my pelvis, making it a wonder how it did not shatter from the sheer impact. Her walls suddenly clamped hard as I ejaculated my first load inside of her. Being unfamiliar with doing this, my hips bucked upward several times, releasing whatever pressure built up from her teasing and of our (one-sided) fucking. After a couple of thrusts and jerks, my pelvis finally stopped, and I finally wheezed out heavily, relieved that it was over, or so I thought.
  170. Deciding that she was not finished with me yet, Florges took some flowers from her bouquet, and presented them towards my nose. One whiff made me come back to my senses temporarily, as its scent was intoxicating, yet rejuvenating to me as well. Using what little strength I have gained from the flower, I talked to her again, albeit pathetically.
  172. “Florges…you won. You…got what you wanted…from me, right? Can you at leas-”
  174. I was interrupted when she crammed the flowers into my mouth, which dissolved quickly like a breath strip and giving me a taste of something that resembles a citrus fruit. Before I could complain, my groin became very hot and my length becomes rock hard once again. It looked like the flower did more than just wake me up. To my horror, I discovered that I was still inside her all along, and she smirks. Based on her breathing, I knew that I would be in for a long night.
  177. I don’t remember how many times I came inside of her after that. All I knew was that after the first time, she followed a repetitive pattern of neverending giggles and laughter. Whenever she came for the last time, her sultry look breaks into that of pure ecstasy. Her eyes opened wide and they rolled up to the top of her eyelashes, her mouth was wide open, making an unusual “0” shape, accompanied by her tongue, which was lolling out in the process. She finally collapsed onto me, probably exhausted from having sex for such a long time.
  179. However, by the time that happened, I was already long gone in my own world. The intoxicating smell of her and the flowers, the taste of her mouth and of her insides, the pain of her vine whips, all of them were engraved onto my body of shame. I felt it, myself finally fading into the darkness that is of slumber. With this, at least, I’ll be able to take a break from her.
  181. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  183. When I finally regained consciousness in sunrise, I found myself to be a complete mess. My clothes were nowhere to be found, I reeked of sweat and sex, and it felt like my body was smashed into bits. Trying to get up led to the worst pain I ever felt. I was so sore that gravity itself wanted me to collapse back to the floor. However, at least I was freed from Florges’s grass knots, although markings could be seen from where the knots have held me.
  185. Speaking of which, where did she go? I contemplated to looking around, but at the risk of being detected without clothes on, I laid low on a nearby bush, content to just listen for anything out of the ordinary. As I try to keep an eye open for her, I attempted to come up with a plan of action, now that I just lost my virginity to her and she would be likely to try the same thing again to me.
  187. “What…do I do now? Knowing the people around me, no one will believe that a pokemon could possibly molest and rape their trainer. That type of thing is too taboo, even for breeding teachers. Should I just release her and hope to never see her again. No, that would mean that as a wild pokemon, she would go all out on me and I would likely have…that…happen to me again, possibly until the end of time.”
  189. As I planned on what to do now, I began hearing strange whispers from all directions. “Wow…Way…Huh…Him…It…” Shocked, I looked around to see if here was anyone nearby. However, there was no person nor pokemon to be found, only the flowers that surrounded the grassy terrain that Florges created. As I got out of the bush to search for the source of the whispers, I picked up more and more of the whispers around me, learning that they were speaking almost in sync amongst themselves.
  191. I eventually picked up a louder whisper and walked towards the direction it came from. However, it only led me to a lone orange flower. Curious, I bent down to its height to get a closer look at it. Flowers like these rarely grew on their own, so I was wondering how it got here by itself.
  193. “BEHIND YOU.”
  195. The voice surprised me and made me roll back onto the ground. Without any regret, I confirmed that it came from the flower itself. As I was about to question my sanity for hearing flowers talk, I was embraced by a familiar pair of white arms with no warning. I turned my head around and to my horror, there she was, smiling at me and pretending as if nothing had happened at all. Unlike before, though, she was genuinely smiling rather than attempting to seduce me. Still, all I could do was stand there, paralyzed by the fact that she was trying to still act like nothing was going on, even after she had her way with me.
  197. The voices were getting louder; it is almost as if they were right next to me. In order to experiment, I reciprocated her hug and intentionally placed my ear close to her bouquet. For a moment, I only heard rustling, and then…
  199. “RUN.”
  201. I took a quick step back in response, surprising her in return. It looked like she was not aware on why I backed away like that. However, not only have I confirmed that her bouquet was talking to me, I also saw the reason why it told me to “RUN.” There it was, a vine sticking out of her wreath, ready to ensnare me once again.
  203. There’s no way in hell I want that to happen to me again, even if it felt amazing. With surprisingly quick reflexes, I took out my Nest Ball and threw it towards her, making her go back into the ball, only letting her get out a confused “Flor!?” before going inside. Afterwards, I picked it up and ran the other direction, not daring to look back at the site where the incident happened. As I began to run, the orange flower whispered to my direction one last word.
  205. “LEARN.”
  207. Why was I able to hear the voice of these flowers all of a sudden? One does not simply hear flowers talk without any warning or signals, unless…
  209. My memory flashes back to the flowers that my Florges force fed me to make me hard again. Is it possible that the flowers I digested were giving me hallucinations, or was it that I am finally going mad from what I just went through? At this point, it no longer mattered. What I do know is that the flowers were talking and so far, appeared to be helping me. Still, I was unable to comprehend what the flower meant by “learn.”
  212. No matter, what I do need to do now is to figure out how to revert Florges back to her original behavior, and in order to do that I would need help, more than I can get from a bunch of talking plants.
  214. But who will I go to in my time of need, now that even my only friend was using me?
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