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Jun 27th, 2014
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  1. [20:28] <@Stuhlman> Hello virtuallann, I am surprised you used the worst time knowing I am not around and busy with personal matters to bring out your trash. Although I did tell everyone I won't be around, and will deal with matters when I get back. You know very well I said that in the foundation channel.
  2. [20:28] <virtuallann> nope im not a hero
  3. [20:29] <virtuallann> dude i waited days for you give us anything on this mystery plan... ANYTHING. you were asked repeatedly over and over
  4. [20:29] <virtuallann> dont put this on me
  5. [20:29] <virtuallann> every time the shit hits the fan u are not around. except a day or 2 later
  6. [20:30] <@Stuhlman> I am not running away virtuallann you very well know why I was not around. I think with what i had to deal with on the personal level, you could have understood this could have waited for me to deal with.
  7. [20:30] <virtuallann> but please. feel free to gloss over the deception with righteos indignation that i betrayed you all
  8. [20:31] <virtuallann> this wsa preexisting to your hiatus due to personal stuff so please dont use that as a crutch
  9. [20:31] <@Stuhlman> no you did not betray anyone, but certainly you picked a good time to put it out knowing very well I am not around.
  10. [20:31] <virtuallann> the same thing happened with the SC stuff.... u were gone leaving us the pieces
  11. [20:32] <@Stuhlman> SC devs dumped coins, and walked away, I did not have coins to dump and do the same did I?
  12. [20:32] <virtuallann> sorry but i dont take anything u say for granted since the foundation was deceied on the status of the titans
  13. [20:33] <virtuallann> deceived
  14. [20:33] <virtuallann> u lost that respect on the 22nd
  15. [20:33] * _Crypto unfolds his chair, grabs a large soda, and a bucket of movie theater popcorn..
  16. [20:33] <@Stuhlman> nobody was deceived, I was told this by a third party just like you did, and I said I will contact the investor. was not that what happened?
  17. [20:34] <virtuallann> i find it strangely coincidental that you outright ignored multiple attempts by multiple foundatin members to clarify the investor commitment. outright ignored every time
  18. [20:34] <@Stuhlman> I lost respect?
  19. [20:35] <virtuallann> respect is subject stuhl dont lose sleep worrying about it
  20. [20:35] <virtuallann> subjective
  21. [20:36] <virtuallann> i went from harsh critic to adamant support based on whet you were telling us but since then that support has been crushed with the deceptive practices
  22. [20:37] <@Stuhlman> You asked for answers, I said I will find out details before jumping to conculsions and I said if that was the case I have a backupplan, and did say I can not deal with this till my personal issues are dealt with first. You know I will tell you this now " My family is more important to me than all this shit and those noob accounts on bitcointalk will ever mean "
  23. [20:38] <virtuallann> uv had almost a week to give us even the barest hint of anything this "plan" consists of. you were around multiple times and said nothing. not even a taste. indifference to the state of worried foundation members
  24. [20:38] <em> virtuallann: I dont want to make any personal issue with you, but just on a professional level I think it was a breach of trust to handle thisthe way you did. I respect whistleblowers but you are not a whistleblower since there is no crime here.
  25. [20:38] <virtuallann> u left us hanging again
  26. [20:38] <@Stuhlman> I am sorry I wasted your time like that.
  27. [20:39] <virtuallann> em i think it was a breach of trust to all CAIx holders that we knew about the lack of titans almost a week ago and said nothing tothe public. im soprry but that trumps any hurt feelings you have in my book
  28. [20:40] <virtuallann> and some people even knew about the 2 titans not coming almost week before that even
  29. [20:40] <_Crypto> Virt you knew we were all working on that.. some were trying to get the investor back, others were coming up with alternatives, stuhl was working on his plans.. you jumped the gun man..
  30. [20:40] <em> Stuhlman: I think the best use of your effort would be a post on Bitcointalk.
  31. [20:40] <@pieterjanvh> U think other coins dont have these kind of problems? Are you really that naive? They don't come out with the problem, they come out with a solution. Something we were working on and was not ready. Stuhlman please stop wasting your time on this guy.
  32. [20:41] <@Stuhlman> when you say we, is that not the foundation, is that not where you were supposed to see how devs go through hurdles and how wesupposed to resolve issues that come up. You just jumped the gun, for whatever reason you wanted the hero status, so congrats yous aved everyone from the big scammer stuhlman
  33. [20:41] <em> virtuallann: Right. I feel like at the very heart of this is you don't see the difference between setbacks and scandals. I will be the first one to report a scandal but reporting setbacks rather than working on fixes is just destructive.
  34. [20:42] <virtuallann> you can all circle the wagons to your hearts content. i know people berating me in this channel right now have/had the same misgivings as me about the state of things
  35. [20:42] <_Crypto> Of course we did, but instead of creating a fud storm we tried to fix it..
  36. [20:42] <@Stuhlman> when Idol mentioned that the investor is going back on his word, I was not even around, and I said i will deal with it when I get back. How did I fail people if i did not know
  37. [20:42] <em> At some point, sure enough, if a setback cannot be resolved, then the right thing to do is to reset the expectations. You jumped the gun but not before you dumped first. I don't think its very honorable.
  38. [20:42] <virtuallann> its a scandal to lie to the 1/3 holders that dont have access to inside information from the foundation and leadership
  39. [20:43] <@Stuhlman> well if we needed to discuss resolve issues as they come up we did not need a foundation channel we just discuss it here
  40. [20:43] <virtuallann> i mean god damn over 1 million coins are in the hands of a few people that have a direct line to the foundation
  41. [20:43] <@Stuhlman> where the hell did you come up with that number?
  42. [20:43] <@pieterjanvh> I have no clue where u get that number
  43. [20:44] <em> I can tell you this much: If CAIx has 1 Titan miner that's more than the 0 Titan Miners other coins have.
  44. [20:44] <@Stuhlman> you just make up shit and state as facts?
  45. [20:44] <Idol> virtuallann, where you get that number from?
  46. [20:44] <Idol> some one op me
  47. [20:44] <virtuallann> that number is admitted to in our channel by members of the foundation with their own coins and coins of others close to them
  48. [20:44] <Idol> op me
  49. [20:44] <@pieterjanvh> no Idol you're not kicking him
  50. [20:44] <@Stuhlman> the biggest investor i know of said he owns 100k
  51. [20:44] * majika_c is now known as majika
  52. [20:44] <em> virtuallann: Don't think that's accurate. That's not good math.
  53. [20:45] <virtuallann> the wagons continue to circle.
  54. [20:45] <@pieterjanvh> Hahaha
  55. [20:45] <virtuallann> i expected it though
  56. [20:45] <virtuallann> op him pls
  57. [20:45] <@pieterjanvh> so you get pointed out that one of your "facts" is completely wrong
  58. [20:45] <virtuallann> no its not
  59. [20:45] <@Stuhlman> ger you are a miner, you never actually bought any CAIx
  60. [20:45] <@pieterjanvh> and u just say wagons continue to circle
  61. [20:45] <Idol> pieterjanvh, i just wnat green light next to my name too.......
  62. [20:46] <@pieterjanvh> :)
  63. [20:46] <virtuallann> and the admitted market manipulation by these insiders on top of everything
  64. [20:46] <Idol> lol
  65. [20:46] <em> Wagons should circle when someone stabs a family in the back. This is called undoing the damage you have done. We are doing it for the sake of everyone who still holds CAIx which incidentally does not include you since you dumped first and FUD second.
  66. [20:47] <Idol> virtuallann, omg cospiracy theory...who killed JFK?...
  67. [20:47] <virtuallann> i dont know man was it you?
  68. [20:48] <Idol> yes i killed caix to 10k when i bought it at 60K ++
  69. [20:48] <YAdaminer_> Is there any point to discuss with virtuallann anymore, he have his oppinion and see deception and lies everywhere
  70. [20:48] <em> virtuallann: Sorry but this is just simply not very mature. Setbacks in search of solutions are not scandals and working to increase the price for everyone who has bought CAIx is not manipulation it is the world of altcoins.
  71. [20:48] <em> No
  72. [20:48] <em> We have heard his opinion.
  73. [20:49] <em> I wish him the best of luck in all his future endeavours.
  74. [20:49] <em> Stuhlman: Please focus on bitcointalk and lets start moving forward :)
  75. [20:49] <@Stuhlman> anyway i had a long day today. At any rate you had all the right to your opinion and to make it known. I just would have liked it better if you picked a time when you know I am around to do it.
  76. [20:50] <@Stuhlman> emma we will deal with that in a little bit, I just got home from a long hard day.
  77. [20:51] <_Crypto> Just a side note, the price rose during this conversation.. just saying..
  78. [20:51] <_Crypto> Relax a bit stuhlman, but please don't forget to post before you head to bed
  79. [20:51] <virtuallann> well i said my piece here and on bct. if you want to go ahead and spin things that is your right, but iv got loads of chat logs to backup everything iv said.
  80. [20:52] <_Crypto> You've spun your FUD virtuallann.. now we will tell the truth.. We're not spinning anything. We will say it how it is.
  81. [20:52] <armin22> i hear stuhlman is active
  82. [20:52] <virtuallann> more power to you, iv exposed the rotteness that has festered. if people want to stay onaboard more power to em.
  83. [20:53] <armin22> so what i miss?
  84. [20:53] <_Crypto> ill paste for you..
  85. [20:53] <armin22> TY
  86. [20:53] <_Crypto> you just missed it pretty much
  87. [20:53] <armin22> :(
  88. [20:53] <armin22> damn
  89. [20:53] <armin22> good or bad?
  90. [20:53] <virtuallann> my concience is clear on the deception of the public
  91. [20:53] * Stuhlman sets mode +b *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip. for #Caishen
  92. [20:53] * virtuallann was kicked by Stuhlman (~joe@unaffiliated/stuhl) Reason (fuck off)
  93. [20:53] <armin22> ...
  94. [20:53] <_Crypto> depends on how you see the situation armin
  95. [20:53] <_Crypto> ill paste 1 sec
  96. [20:54] <armin22> thanks
  97. [20:54] <_Crypto> price did go up a bit though
  98. [20:54] <_Crypto> soon as stuhl hit the scene
  99. [20:55] <@Stuhlman> _Crypto I told everyone in foundation I was not going to be around, this just puzzles me man. Did not expect someone who knows everything like that to go nuts and act this way.
  100. [20:56] <em> Yeah. It's absurd.
  101. [20:56] <@Stuhlman> in the last week people in foundation even know more than me, yesterday Idol and Majika were bringing in a new dev to help withnew featires for wallet. This is amazing
  102. [20:56] <_Crypto> mhm, funny how he sold before creating this amazing short possibility..
  103. [20:57] <Idol> no we not
  104. [20:57] <em> Yes there's very good things in the pipeline for this coin.
  105. [20:57] <@Stuhlman> and I know he is a miner, he prolly never even bought a single coin
  106. [20:57] <Idol> :)
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