
Emmett + Gungnir, Oct 24

Dec 4th, 2016
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  1. Oct 24 21:45:40 <BobaFettuccine> Gungnir is walking the campus grounds, patrolling. He's been patrolling for nearly 32 hours straight, though for someone who doesn't need sleep and doesn't really get tired, that's not too bad. He's dressed in dark grey military BDU's, a white T-shirt, and a tactical vest with various useful things in its many pockets.
  2. Oct 24 21:53:50 <Knave> In many ways, Emmett is the perfect contrast to Gungnir, dressed shabbily in a suit of faded plum, with a labcoat over the top, already short and exaggerating it with his hunched posture. Technically, Emmett does need sleep and is capable of getting tired, but often forgets this for long periods. Now, his begoggled gaze lights on Gungnir as he wanders, and Emmett steps up to him with a strange smile, "Greetings."
  3. Oct 24 21:55:49 <BobaFettuccine> Gungnir looks to Emmett with an impassive glance as he stops walking. "Hello. It is dangerous outside, why are you here?"
  4. Oct 24 21:57:57 <Knave> Emmett waves the question away with the back of a gloved hand, shaking his head, "Such things do not concern me overmuch." Emmett looks around himself, side to side, "Truth be told, I began walking to clear my head and lost track of my location." He shakes his head briefly, "Immaterial." He offers a hand, "My name is Emmett Walter Montgomery Percival Epstein."
  5. Oct 24 22:01:03 <BobaFettuccine> Gungnir looks at the offered hand for a few moments before shaking it. "I am Gungnir. Elspeth has told me much about you Emmett." He glances around the courtyard and sees a bench nearby. "Shall we sit?" He asks, gesturing at the bench.
  6. Oct 24 22:03:14 <Knave> The handshake Gungnir receives in turn is weak and limp. "Gungnir." Emmett smiles rattily in recognition, "I am afraid you remain very much a mystery to me, it is a pleasure to meet you at last." Emmett sweeps towards the bench, coat swishing behind him as turns to sit, and crosses his legs, "I should like to learn all about you."
  7. Oct 24 22:05:37 <BobaFettuccine> Gun sits on the bench, his posture naturally leaning towards perfect, he seems ready to leap into some sort of action at any moment. "If you have questions I will answer them to the best of my ability." He says, eyes roaming their surroundings, looking for trouble as he talks.
  8. Oct 24 22:07:35 <Knave> Emmett places his hands over one of his knees, and makes an effort to straighten his back - it is clear that he was taught painstakingly how one should sit, and never really properly understood why it was so important. "So," He says, conversationally, "I understand you are the legendary spear of Odin?"
  9. Oct 24 22:11:27 <BobaFettuccine> "Some would use the word legendary it seems, but yes. Odin wielded me in battle for a time." Gungnir nods before glancing over to Emmett.
  10. Oct 24 22:13:35 <Knave> "Fascinating." Emmett says brightly, his smile apparently incapable of spreading very far across his face, "Truly fascinating. I am sure I could content myself greatly in probing the details, but I shall not bother you so." He coughs awkwardly - more awkward even than the rest of his conduct - and looks off at the horizon, "Elspeth tells me the two of you are close."
  11. Oct 24 22:18:36 <BobaFettuccine> "It is no bother," Gun says smiling faintly, the expression not quite reaching his eyes. Gun doesn't really notice that Emmett is awkward. Mainly because he has very little ability to pick up on most social cues. "Yes. I had no family when I arrived on Midgard, but she has become like family to me." He glances over at Emmett, "She is much happier while she has been courting you. You have my thanks for the joy you bring her."
  12. Oct 24 22:21:33 <Knave> Emmett sits upright at this, head swinging back around to Gungnir. "O-of course, it is my pleasure, to make Elspeth happy." He rubs a finger over the surface of his goggles. He makes an odd humming sound and his gaze settles on the grounds around them again, "I think she has a talent for making people feel welcome."
  13. Oct 24 22:25:33 <BobaFettuccine> Gungnir nods and looks out over their surroundings again, but his eyes are distant, as if going through memories. "She does at that... Though I worry for her. So often have I had to take her to the infirmary in the time that I have known her." He sighs, the sound vaguely metallic. "When I first met her, she was out in the snow without winter clothing on and with no way to get back inside." He shakes his head.
  14. Oct 24 22:27:53 <Knave> Emmett sighs deeply. "I would like to help her." He looks at his hands, "I try, try to create, to build something for her. Nothing works. I have theories. It comes down to materials, but-" He catches his accelerating voice, then shakes his head, "I will not bore you. Suffice to say, I too wish I could make her safer." Emmett nods, "She is easy to worry about."
  15. Oct 24 22:34:26 <BobaFettuccine> Gun nods, "Indeed she is." He looks to Emmett, "I worry for her as we speak, actually. I am able to feel her emotions occasionally through our mental link. She is in great emotional distress for some reason. She has been for a day or so. She will not respond when I send messages however. I believe that you should go to her soon. The last time she felt something this strongly she did something... stupid."
  16. Oct 24 22:37:47 <Knave> Emmett shifts in his seat like a galvanic spark ran through him. "Yes. I will visit her before I return home." He nods, voice rather intensely restrained. He gives the impression of blinking behind his inscrutable goggles, "If you will forgive my fascination, though, what is the nature of this link you share?"
  17. Oct 24 22:40:58 <BobaFettuccine> "Fairly early on, I ran into her in the hallway, she had been... severely injured by something. I carried her to the hospital and developed a rune. It allows me to mentally link with those that I care for in order to protect them. We may communicate telepathically and sense when the other is in danger. Any who have this link with me may summon me to their side for protection whenever they wish as long as I am willing to go."
  18. Oct 24 22:45:43 <Knave> "Interesting. I am sure I should love to pick apart the processes of such magic some day." Emmett tents his hands in front of his face, one index finger against his thin lips, tapping. After some moments, he suddenly breaks his hands apart and spreads his legs, planting one hand on each knee, "I trust you will readily keep me informed, then, of any danger Elspeth might be in. Being that she cares so much for you, I should like to call you a friend, Gungnir." Emmett turns his smile on Gungnir again, unpleasant even in its sincerest attempts at friendliness.
  19. Oct 24 22:53:13 <BobaFettuccine> "I actually plan to learn how to create runes that others may use." He says with a nod. As he listens to the rest of Emmett's talk his face grows serious. "Yes. Of course, if she is in danger I will notify you as quickly as possible." Another faint smile, "I believe that I would like to call you my friend as well."
  20. Oct 24 22:56:11 <Knave> Emmett puts a hand on Gungnir's shoulder, firmer than might be expected of his spindly form, "Elspeth picks fine companions. I have found few in this school as agreeable as you." His rodent teeth sparkle at Gungnir as he rises to his feet, "Now, perhaps, I should find Elspeth, and assure she is well. It was a pleasure to meet you."
  21. Oct 24 22:59:10 <BobaFettuccine> "And you. I will get back to patrolling." He stands and nods to Emmett before setting off to do more rounds of the edge of the campus.
  22. Oct 24 23:00:05 <Knave> -Scene met-
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