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May 28th, 2015
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  2. Steam Name: TheShitster (Though, it is normally set as TheHipster or something off of that.)
  3. Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:50239181
  4. Age: 19
  5. How long have you been with Visuality Gaming, actively?: Before -- At the least a week. I have been on a 7 month hiatus from Garry's mod roleplay.
  6. What is your overall role play experience?: Over 6 years of active roleplay -- Be it forums, Gmod, Eternia and Byond.
  7. Do you have any role play experience as this type of character? If yes please explain: Yes, I have played characters similar to this in the fashion of their personality and equipment.
  9. Explain in great detail what type of authorization(s) you are asking for:
  10. Are there any OOC or IC items that you think you will need for these authorization(s)?: Both MK IV Combat Armor alongside a basic laser weaponry be it Rifle, Pistol, etc. These being the OOC Items that are required upon my characters.
  12. As for the OOC items -- It's not so much items more schematics. Both of laser and plasma weaponry, alongisde power armor schematics itself. To both rebuild and refund the infrastructure of the famed Brotherhood of steel within the depths of the ravaged wastes. I intend to eventually create a set of power armor through a series of Chance of death and passive events. Finding the raw and pre-set materials to actually create such items. I feel it could offer roleplay to both myself and the players if they so wish to join in on said events -- As well as allow the admins a series of event's for them to run weekly/Bi-weekly.
  13. How do you think these authorization(s) will effect your own personal role play experience?: I believe it'll
  14. What kind of role play will you be able to provide to others in the community if you're granted these authorization(s)?: As stated, this will offer a flurry of events for the community to participate in. Both aiding or harming the newly reforming Brotherhood of steel for their own selfish gain or purely out of a kind heart. It is all to possible I could die within the first weeks -- But how the reforming goes on will be heavily dictated by player interactions and whether they aid in or not.
  15. How will you offer this kind of role play to others?: Events. Player interactions. Etc. Read the statements above.
  17. What are the limitations of these authorization(s) that you are applying for?"
  18. Do the authorization(s) that you are asking for physically alters the characteristics of your character? If so, name them:
  19. Do these authorization(s) have any 'special' traits?: No. Nothing that physically alters my character. He is still human, he is still aging normally. Nothing mechanical about him has changed.
  21. You understand that by failing to role play this character properly, we, the administration, will redeem your authorization(s) as we see fit?: I understand.
  23. Why do you think you should be given these authorization(s):
  24. After speaking to my good friend Raklo -- I had come to learn the Brotherhood had particularly not existed within the wasteland to date. This, brought a tad bit of shock to me. The Brotherhood -- Having been around in Fallout 1 - NV is a large part of the game itself, as it should be in the Roleplay as well. I merely wish to re-introduce some old roleplay back into the community. Although -- I plan to Roleplay them as they were in Fallout: Tactics. Making both alliances with towns and the brightest of mind's into the newly reforming brotherhood. With admin over-sight of course.
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  28. [center][font=courier][size=18pt][color=green]IC Section[/color][/size][/font][/center]
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  31. Full Name: General. Flynn Rosengard
  32. Gender: Male.
  33. Age: 38
  34. Height: 5'11"
  35. Physical Description (hair, eye color, skin color, physique, etc.):
  36. Physical Disabilities (if any): None to date -- I plan to develop some as he sustains injuries and so on.
  37. Addictions (if any): Heavy drinking problem.
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