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a guest
Feb 15th, 2015
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  1. ngspice started...
  3. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Copyright Notice
  6. Copyright (c) 2002-2013, Sandia Corporation, Albuquerque, NM, USA.
  7. See the output of Xyce -license for details.
  8. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. Вс фев 15 15:34:23 MSK 2015
  14. *****
  15. ***** Welcome to the Xyce(TM) Parallel Electronic Simulator
  16. *****
  17. ***** This is version Release 6.2-opensource
  20. ***** Executing netlist /home/vvk/.qucs/spice4qucs/
  22. ***** Reading and parsing netlist...
  23. ***** Setting up topology...
  25. ***** Device Count Summary ...
  26. B level 1 (Expression Based Voltage or Current Source) 2
  27. R level 1 (Resistor) 1
  28. V level 1 (Independent Voltage Source) 2
  29. --------------------------------------------------------
  30. Total Devices 5
  31. ***** Setting up matrix structure...
  32. ***** Number of Unknowns = 6
  33. ***** Initializing...
  35. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  36. solution to nonlinear solver!
  37. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  38. solution to nonlinear solver!
  39. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  40. solution to nonlinear solver!
  41. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  42. solution to nonlinear solver!
  43. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  44. solution to nonlinear solver!
  45. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  46. solution to nonlinear solver!
  47. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  48. solution to nonlinear solver!
  49. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  50. solution to nonlinear solver!
  51. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  52. solution to nonlinear solver!
  53. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  54. solution to nonlinear solver!
  55. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  56. solution to nonlinear solver!
  57. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  58. solution to nonlinear solver!
  59. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  60. solution to nonlinear solver!
  61. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  62. solution to nonlinear solver!
  63. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  64. solution to nonlinear solver!
  65. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  66. solution to nonlinear solver!
  67. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  68. solution to nonlinear solver!
  69. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  70. solution to nonlinear solver!
  71. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  72. solution to nonlinear solver!
  73. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  74. solution to nonlinear solver!
  75. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  76. solution to nonlinear solver!
  77. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  78. solution to nonlinear solver!
  79. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  80. solution to nonlinear solver!
  81. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  82. solution to nonlinear solver!
  83. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  84. solution to nonlinear solver!
  85. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  86. solution to nonlinear solver!
  87. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  88. solution to nonlinear solver!
  89. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  90. solution to nonlinear solver!
  91. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  92. solution to nonlinear solver!
  93. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  94. solution to nonlinear solver!
  95. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  96. solution to nonlinear solver!
  97. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  98. solution to nonlinear solver!
  99. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  100. solution to nonlinear solver!
  101. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  102. solution to nonlinear solver!
  103. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  104. solution to nonlinear solver!
  105. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  106. solution to nonlinear solver!
  107. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  108. solution to nonlinear solver!
  109. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  110. solution to nonlinear solver!
  111. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  112. solution to nonlinear solver!
  113. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  114. solution to nonlinear solver!
  115. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  116. solution to nonlinear solver!
  117. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  118. solution to nonlinear solver!
  119. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  120. solution to nonlinear solver!
  122. Step size reached minimum step size bound
  123. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  124. solution to nonlinear solver!
  125. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  126. solution to nonlinear solver!
  128. Step size reached minimum step size bound
  129. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  130. solution to nonlinear solver!
  131. User warning: Numerically singular matrix found by Amesos, returning zero
  132. solution to nonlinear solver!
  133. User error: Solving for DC operating point failed! Cannot continue AC analysis
  134. User error: Simulation aborted due to error
  135. User error: Simulation aborted due to error
  140. *** Xyce Abort ***
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