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the firo, ling, lang, enigmatic, 1984 conundrum bonumdrum

a guest
Feb 17th, 2013
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  1. firo = faggot like straight up check that ratio niggas is this kid serious
  2. Lang = sucks right on the dick. petri much?
  3. Iing = ling lang
  4. enigmaticmonarch = more like enigmaticfaggot
  5. 1984 = yeah nice 75%+ ratio bad news bear, cheating much gtfo i earn my elo 1v1 me fag
  7. these kiddos are all the same person but i kinda dont doubt that they are just one guy. this guy has like hard core autism, like fucking rain man level shit. not the guy from tsm i mean the guy played by tom hanks. like this kid is so fucking autistic he should count cards for a living, not white knighting the fucking epicmafia site like dorner with trisomy 21. i mean maybe im just high as a kite right now but correct me if im wrong in saying the last time you saw a vagina was when your mother shit you out from her birth canal. the mere notion that anyone in the fucking world is agoraphobic enough to minimod a god damn social online game is an utterly obscene, disgusting thought. i am not usually for abortion but jesus christ can someone pull a 40 year abortion on this kid?
  9. sincerely yours,
  10. definitely not poopfeast420
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