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Dec 15th, 2012
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  1. Vinjince says, "This place is boring."
  2. >
  3. Torwell says, "Kill guaranzo."
  4. >
  5. Sebrahn says, "Yes it is. You should entertain me."
  6. >
  7. Saranari says, "Thats true."
  8. >
  9. >'Oh no
  10. >
  11. You say, "Oh no."
  12. >
  13. >danc dragon
  14. >
  15. Your movements feel completely unhindered.
  17. You slowly center yourself, your mind growing quiet as a quickly building rage surges through your body, your limbs quaking with its boundless strength. A terrible roar of fury and bloodlust rips from your throat as the Form of the Dragon consumes you, only a thread of control fighting back the descent into a berserker's madness.
  18. Roundtime: 5 seconds.
  19. R>
  20. >'First strike for safety
  21. >
  22. You say, "First strike for safety."
  23. >get spear
  24. >
  25. You get a rusted spear wrapped with a crude hemp grip from inside your hemp pouch.
  26. >
  27. >throw vinj
  28. You turn to face Vinjince.
  29. < With the speed and temerity of a swooping falcon, you throw a rock at Vinjince. Vinjince dodges, jumping to one side.
  30. The rock lands nearby!
  31. [You're invigorated, nimbly balanced and have slight advantage.]
  32. [Roundtime 1 sec.]
  33. R>invoke
  34. You don't have any bonds to invoke!
  35. >'Oh no
  36. >
  37. You say, "Oh no."
  38. >
  39. >swap
  40. You move a rusted spear wrapped with a crude hemp grip to your right hand.
  41. >throw vinj
  42. >
  43. You feel your focus shift.
  44. You sense the equilibrium of the Dragon present within you, stabilizing your stance.
  46. >
  47. < With the speed and temerity of a swooping falcon, you throw a rusted spear wrapped with a crude hemp grip at Vinjince. Vinjince blocks with a lumium skirmisher's shield.
  48. The rusted spear lands nearby!
  49. [You're invigorated, incredibly balanced and in dominating position.]
  50. [Roundtime 3 sec.]
  51. R>'Oh no
  52. You say, "Oh no."
  53. >
  54. >invoke
  55. Torwell says, "Owned."
  56. >
  57. A rusted spear wrapped with a crude hemp grip suddenly leaps toward you! You catch the spear easily your right hand.
  58. >
  59. >l
  60. [The Crossing, Magen Road]
  61. The whitewashed building before you is stark and functional. A sign mounted on it is hand painted and carved with cunning skill. White-robed figures and all manner of injured and infirm people stream in and out of a double door, leaving thin trails of blood on the spotless pavement. You also see a town guard, a rock, a pile of rocks, a pile of rocks, a pile of rocks, a pile of rocks, a pile of rocks, a pile of rocks, a stone grey hide, a wide arch and a large wooden barrel.
  62. Also here: Vinjince, Initiate Empath Serone, Raziah, Wound Bearer Calliphon who is kneeling, Medic Alinalia, Sebrahn, Altar Boy Torwell, Antiquary Aislynn who is sitting, Higginz, Brother Calcuras and Bonesetter Glirun who is sitting.
  63. Obvious paths: east, south, west.
  64. >
  65. >stanc
  66. Glirun closes his eyes and breathes deeply.
  67. >
  68. You are currently using 91% of your evasion skill.
  69. You are currently using 100% of your shield block skill.
  70. You are currently using 0% of your weapon parry skill.
  71. You are attacking with 100% of your offensive skill.
  73. Last Combat Maneuver: Dodge
  74. >
  75. Vinjince weaves into a graceful motion, his movements steady and balanced.
  76. >
  77. Vinjince opens his leather backsheath.
  78. >drag vinj e
  79. Vinjince pulls away from you.
  80. >
  81. Vinjince draws forth a kertig broadsword.
  82. >
  83. >hid
  84. You melt into the background, convinced that your attempt to hide went unobserved.
  85. Roundtime: 3 sec.
  86. HR>stow r
  87. You come out of hiding.
  88. You put your spear in your hemp pouch.
  89. >get arb
  90. You get a bone hafted repeating arbalest with pitted grooves from inside your hemp pouch.
  91. >
  92. >push arb
  93. Glirun roots around the area for a moment.
  94. >
  95. A rapid series of clicks emanate from your repeating arbalest as small gears and gravity guide an ironwood quadrello into firing position.
  96. Roundtime: 3 sec.
  97. R>
  98. Vinjince leaps to pole range on you.
  99. Vinjince begins to advance on you!
  100. Vinjince advances from nearby and is closing steadily.
  101. R>
  102. Vinjince closes to melee range on you!
  103. >aim vinj
  104. You begin to target Vinjince.
  105. >hi
  106. You see Vinjince glance at you as you hide.
  107. Vinjince points at you, ruining your attempt to hide.
  108. Roundtime: 3 sec.
  109. R>
  110. * Moving like a striking snake, Vinjince feints a kertig broadsword at you. You dodge, leaning to one side with no room to spare.
  111. [You're invigorated, energetic, solidly balanced with opponent in strong position.]
  112. R>
  113. Sebrahn exclaims, "Make him bleed, Guaranzo!"
  114. R>
  115. * Driving in like the irresistable force of a cyclone, Vinjince steps backward and then slices at you. You block with a lumium skirmisher's shield.
  116. [You're invigorated, energetic, solidly balanced with opponent in very strong position.]
  117. R>
  118. >ret
  119. >
  120. You retreat back to pole range.
  121. >ret
  122. You retreat from combat.
  123. >hi
  124. >
  125. You see Vinjince glance at you as you hide.
  126. Vinjince points at you, ruining your attempt to hide.
  127. Roundtime: 3 sec.
  128. R>
  129. Vinjince laughs!
  130. R>
  131. Vinjince grows suddenly quiet, his eyes dangerously calm as his limbs shiver like anxious leaves before summer's fearsome storm. A terrible roar of fury and bloodlust escapes his throat like the first crash of thunder, his body exploding into a berserker rage as his eyes retain an unsettling and deadly calm.
  132. R>
  133. You think you have your best shot possible now.
  134. >fire vinj
  135. < Moving in with powerful grace, you fire an ironwood quadrello at Vinjince. Vinjince blocks with a lumium skirmisher's shield.
  136. The ironwood quadrello lands nearby!
  137. [You're invigorated, solidly balanced with opponent dominating.]
  138. [Roundtime 1 sec.]
  139. R>
  140. >stow r
  141. >
  142. You put your arbalest in your hemp pouch.
  143. >stow qua
  144. You pick up an ironwood quadrello.
  145. You put your quadrello in your thigh quiver.
  146. >
  147. Vinjince begins to advance on you!
  148. Vinjince is still a distance away from you and is closing steadily.
  149. >
  150. >get spear
  151. Torwell says, "I want vinj to win."
  152. >
  153. You get a rusted spear wrapped with a crude hemp grip from inside your hemp pouch.
  154. >
  155. Torwell gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.
  156. >throw vinj
  157. < Moving with powerful grace, you throw a rusted spear wrapped with a crude hemp grip at Vinjince. Vinjince blocks with a lumium skirmisher's shield.
  158. The rusted spear lands nearby!
  159. [You're invigorated, solidly balanced with opponent in strong position.]
  160. [Roundtime 3 sec.]
  161. R>
  162. A town guard walks in, glancing about with a false look of boredom on her face.
  163. R>roar wail
  164. The technique of the Banshee's Wail flows fluidly through your mind an instant before you unleash its power through a roar of fatal intent.
  165. Vinjince appears frozen with fear!
  166. Serone appears frozen with fear!
  167. Raziah appears frozen with fear!
  168. Calliphon appears frozen with fear!
  169. Aislynn appears frozen with fear!
  170. Higginz appears frozen with fear!
  171. Calcuras appears frozen with fear!
  172. Glirun appears frozen with fear!
  173. Your actions quickly stir up a ruckus around you, as annoyed citizens quickly move out of the way. One mentions to his friend that he's off to report you for disturbing the peace.
  174. >invoke
  175. A rusted spear wrapped with a crude hemp grip suddenly leaps toward you! You catch the spear easily your right hand.
  176. >throw vinj
  177. < Driving in with naturally fluid movements, you throw a rusted spear wrapped with a crude hemp grip at Vinjince. Vinjince blocks with a lumium skirmisher's shield.
  178. The rusted spear lands nearby!
  179. [You're invigorated, solidly balanced with opponent in strong position.]
  180. [Roundtime 2 sec.]
  181. R>
  182. R>invoke
  183. >
  184. A rusted spear wrapped with a crude hemp grip suddenly leaps toward you! You catch the spear easily your right hand.
  185. >throw vinj
  186. < Driving in like the irresistable force of a cyclone, you throw a rusted spear wrapped with a crude hemp grip at Vinjince. Vinjince partially blocks with a lumium skirmisher's shield. The spear lands a hard hit that stabs the fleshy portion of the right arm.
  188. The rusted spear lodges itself shallowly into Vinjince!
  189. [You're invigorated, solidly balanced with opponent overwhelming you.]
  190. [Roundtime 3 sec.]
  191. R>
  192. R>invoke
  193. Suddenly, a rusted spear wrapped with a crude hemp grip leaps from Vinjince's body and flies towards you! You catch the spear easily your right hand.
  194. >throw vinj
  195. >
  196. < Moving with incredible power and control, you throw a rusted spear wrapped with a crude hemp grip at Vinjince. Vinjince blocks with a lumium skirmisher's shield.
  197. The rusted spear lands nearby!
  198. [You're invigorated, solidly balanced with opponent in superior position.]
  199. [Roundtime 2 sec.]
  200. R>
  201. R>invoke
  202. A rusted spear wrapped with a crude hemp grip suddenly leaps toward you! You catch the spear easily your right hand.
  203. >throw vinj
  204. >
  205. < Driving in like an unbeatable force, you throw a rusted spear wrapped with a crude hemp grip at Vinjince. Vinjince partially blocks with a lumium skirmisher's shield. The spear lands a devastating hit that explodes the heart and lungs with a bone-shattering blow to the chest.
  207. The rusted spear lodges itself savagely into Vinjince!
  208. * Vinjince is slain before your eyes!
  209. Vinjince's broadsword falls to the ground.
  211. A panicked scream pierces the air. "Murderer!" You notice the nearby citizenry looking your way for the moment, before most quickly run off in fear.
  212. [You're solidly balanced]
  213. [Roundtime 2 sec.]
  214. R>
  215. R>invoke
  216. Suddenly, a rusted spear wrapped with a crude hemp grip leaps from Vinjince's body and flies towards you! You catch the spear easily your right hand.
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