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- Vinjince says, "This place is boring."
- >
- Torwell says, "Kill guaranzo."
- >
- Sebrahn says, "Yes it is. You should entertain me."
- >
- Saranari says, "Thats true."
- >
- >'Oh no
- >
- You say, "Oh no."
- >
- >danc dragon
- >
- Your movements feel completely unhindered.
- You slowly center yourself, your mind growing quiet as a quickly building rage surges through your body, your limbs quaking with its boundless strength. A terrible roar of fury and bloodlust rips from your throat as the Form of the Dragon consumes you, only a thread of control fighting back the descent into a berserker's madness.
- Roundtime: 5 seconds.
- R>
- >'First strike for safety
- >
- You say, "First strike for safety."
- >get spear
- >
- You get a rusted spear wrapped with a crude hemp grip from inside your hemp pouch.
- >
- >throw vinj
- You turn to face Vinjince.
- < With the speed and temerity of a swooping falcon, you throw a rock at Vinjince. Vinjince dodges, jumping to one side.
- The rock lands nearby!
- [You're invigorated, nimbly balanced and have slight advantage.]
- [Roundtime 1 sec.]
- R>invoke
- You don't have any bonds to invoke!
- >'Oh no
- >
- You say, "Oh no."
- >
- >swap
- You move a rusted spear wrapped with a crude hemp grip to your right hand.
- >throw vinj
- >
- You feel your focus shift.
- You sense the equilibrium of the Dragon present within you, stabilizing your stance.
- >
- < With the speed and temerity of a swooping falcon, you throw a rusted spear wrapped with a crude hemp grip at Vinjince. Vinjince blocks with a lumium skirmisher's shield.
- The rusted spear lands nearby!
- [You're invigorated, incredibly balanced and in dominating position.]
- [Roundtime 3 sec.]
- R>'Oh no
- You say, "Oh no."
- >
- >invoke
- Torwell says, "Owned."
- >
- A rusted spear wrapped with a crude hemp grip suddenly leaps toward you! You catch the spear easily your right hand.
- >
- >l
- [The Crossing, Magen Road]
- The whitewashed building before you is stark and functional. A sign mounted on it is hand painted and carved with cunning skill. White-robed figures and all manner of injured and infirm people stream in and out of a double door, leaving thin trails of blood on the spotless pavement. You also see a town guard, a rock, a pile of rocks, a pile of rocks, a pile of rocks, a pile of rocks, a pile of rocks, a pile of rocks, a stone grey hide, a wide arch and a large wooden barrel.
- Also here: Vinjince, Initiate Empath Serone, Raziah, Wound Bearer Calliphon who is kneeling, Medic Alinalia, Sebrahn, Altar Boy Torwell, Antiquary Aislynn who is sitting, Higginz, Brother Calcuras and Bonesetter Glirun who is sitting.
- Obvious paths: east, south, west.
- >
- >stanc
- Glirun closes his eyes and breathes deeply.
- >
- You are currently using 91% of your evasion skill.
- You are currently using 100% of your shield block skill.
- You are currently using 0% of your weapon parry skill.
- You are attacking with 100% of your offensive skill.
- Last Combat Maneuver: Dodge
- >
- Vinjince weaves into a graceful motion, his movements steady and balanced.
- >
- Vinjince opens his leather backsheath.
- >drag vinj e
- Vinjince pulls away from you.
- >
- Vinjince draws forth a kertig broadsword.
- >
- >hid
- You melt into the background, convinced that your attempt to hide went unobserved.
- Roundtime: 3 sec.
- HR>stow r
- You come out of hiding.
- You put your spear in your hemp pouch.
- >get arb
- You get a bone hafted repeating arbalest with pitted grooves from inside your hemp pouch.
- >
- >push arb
- Glirun roots around the area for a moment.
- >
- A rapid series of clicks emanate from your repeating arbalest as small gears and gravity guide an ironwood quadrello into firing position.
- Roundtime: 3 sec.
- R>
- Vinjince leaps to pole range on you.
- Vinjince begins to advance on you!
- Vinjince advances from nearby and is closing steadily.
- R>
- Vinjince closes to melee range on you!
- >aim vinj
- You begin to target Vinjince.
- >hi
- You see Vinjince glance at you as you hide.
- Vinjince points at you, ruining your attempt to hide.
- Roundtime: 3 sec.
- R>
- * Moving like a striking snake, Vinjince feints a kertig broadsword at you. You dodge, leaning to one side with no room to spare.
- [You're invigorated, energetic, solidly balanced with opponent in strong position.]
- R>
- Sebrahn exclaims, "Make him bleed, Guaranzo!"
- R>
- * Driving in like the irresistable force of a cyclone, Vinjince steps backward and then slices at you. You block with a lumium skirmisher's shield.
- [You're invigorated, energetic, solidly balanced with opponent in very strong position.]
- R>
- >ret
- >
- You retreat back to pole range.
- >ret
- You retreat from combat.
- >hi
- >
- You see Vinjince glance at you as you hide.
- Vinjince points at you, ruining your attempt to hide.
- Roundtime: 3 sec.
- R>
- Vinjince laughs!
- R>
- Vinjince grows suddenly quiet, his eyes dangerously calm as his limbs shiver like anxious leaves before summer's fearsome storm. A terrible roar of fury and bloodlust escapes his throat like the first crash of thunder, his body exploding into a berserker rage as his eyes retain an unsettling and deadly calm.
- R>
- You think you have your best shot possible now.
- >fire vinj
- < Moving in with powerful grace, you fire an ironwood quadrello at Vinjince. Vinjince blocks with a lumium skirmisher's shield.
- The ironwood quadrello lands nearby!
- [You're invigorated, solidly balanced with opponent dominating.]
- [Roundtime 1 sec.]
- R>
- >stow r
- >
- You put your arbalest in your hemp pouch.
- >stow qua
- You pick up an ironwood quadrello.
- You put your quadrello in your thigh quiver.
- >
- Vinjince begins to advance on you!
- Vinjince is still a distance away from you and is closing steadily.
- >
- >get spear
- Torwell says, "I want vinj to win."
- >
- You get a rusted spear wrapped with a crude hemp grip from inside your hemp pouch.
- >
- Torwell gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.
- >throw vinj
- < Moving with powerful grace, you throw a rusted spear wrapped with a crude hemp grip at Vinjince. Vinjince blocks with a lumium skirmisher's shield.
- The rusted spear lands nearby!
- [You're invigorated, solidly balanced with opponent in strong position.]
- [Roundtime 3 sec.]
- R>
- A town guard walks in, glancing about with a false look of boredom on her face.
- R>roar wail
- The technique of the Banshee's Wail flows fluidly through your mind an instant before you unleash its power through a roar of fatal intent.
- Vinjince appears frozen with fear!
- Serone appears frozen with fear!
- Raziah appears frozen with fear!
- Calliphon appears frozen with fear!
- Aislynn appears frozen with fear!
- Higginz appears frozen with fear!
- Calcuras appears frozen with fear!
- Glirun appears frozen with fear!
- Your actions quickly stir up a ruckus around you, as annoyed citizens quickly move out of the way. One mentions to his friend that he's off to report you for disturbing the peace.
- >invoke
- A rusted spear wrapped with a crude hemp grip suddenly leaps toward you! You catch the spear easily your right hand.
- >throw vinj
- < Driving in with naturally fluid movements, you throw a rusted spear wrapped with a crude hemp grip at Vinjince. Vinjince blocks with a lumium skirmisher's shield.
- The rusted spear lands nearby!
- [You're invigorated, solidly balanced with opponent in strong position.]
- [Roundtime 2 sec.]
- R>
- R>invoke
- >
- A rusted spear wrapped with a crude hemp grip suddenly leaps toward you! You catch the spear easily your right hand.
- >throw vinj
- < Driving in like the irresistable force of a cyclone, you throw a rusted spear wrapped with a crude hemp grip at Vinjince. Vinjince partially blocks with a lumium skirmisher's shield. The spear lands a hard hit that stabs the fleshy portion of the right arm.
- The rusted spear lodges itself shallowly into Vinjince!
- [You're invigorated, solidly balanced with opponent overwhelming you.]
- [Roundtime 3 sec.]
- R>
- R>invoke
- Suddenly, a rusted spear wrapped with a crude hemp grip leaps from Vinjince's body and flies towards you! You catch the spear easily your right hand.
- >throw vinj
- >
- < Moving with incredible power and control, you throw a rusted spear wrapped with a crude hemp grip at Vinjince. Vinjince blocks with a lumium skirmisher's shield.
- The rusted spear lands nearby!
- [You're invigorated, solidly balanced with opponent in superior position.]
- [Roundtime 2 sec.]
- R>
- R>invoke
- A rusted spear wrapped with a crude hemp grip suddenly leaps toward you! You catch the spear easily your right hand.
- >throw vinj
- >
- < Driving in like an unbeatable force, you throw a rusted spear wrapped with a crude hemp grip at Vinjince. Vinjince partially blocks with a lumium skirmisher's shield. The spear lands a devastating hit that explodes the heart and lungs with a bone-shattering blow to the chest.
- The rusted spear lodges itself savagely into Vinjince!
- * Vinjince is slain before your eyes!
- Vinjince's broadsword falls to the ground.
- A panicked scream pierces the air. "Murderer!" You notice the nearby citizenry looking your way for the moment, before most quickly run off in fear.
- [You're solidly balanced]
- [Roundtime 2 sec.]
- R>
- R>invoke
- Suddenly, a rusted spear wrapped with a crude hemp grip leaps from Vinjince's body and flies towards you! You catch the spear easily your right hand.
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