

Jan 5th, 2014
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  1. HElderArielLerathel: hello beautiful. its your former niece pharz. my rp has changed now i beleive i told u i was changing my name ,evolving my rp to its next stage ))
  2. HElderArielLerathel: i had heard that aosoth was not returning and if she did she would be a whole nother chara all together, i was wondering if you had heard of this also? )
  3. MissDemonDarkness: hello hnni
  4. HElderArielLerathel: i know you may be away so you can inbox me any time when you return. so you know ariel is the angel of freya who was possesed of pharzuph who i played as. ))
  5. HElderArielLerathel: oh )
  6. MissDemonDarkness: i know who u were hun im actually in a meeting lol
  7. HElderArielLerathel: heyyyyy :)
  8. MissDemonDarkness: actually i didn't really hear that and hey i need to talk to u about something its a request please
  9. HElderArielLerathel: ok im listening
  10. MissDemonDarkness: mai is no longer my daughter do to all the shit that they done. im in a meeting right now with a alliance who was told by mai and sty that i have a kos on one of their family members.
  11. MissDemonDarkness: i ask that you beware of them
  12. HElderArielLerathel: ohhhh wow i notived i hadnt seen mai and sty in a long while
  13. MissDemonDarkness: really i ask that u get rid of them but i can't ask that of you. i don't like asking that of ppl
  14. MissDemonDarkness: ok so yes alright i found out that fucking mai and sty tried to take over all of my family. the darkness the drakores and claimed they were the ones running things and they were the only high emps around. didn't say that i was the head of the family. they tried to take over the marues as well. nope all that are related to me they tryed to rule over. I put 2 and 2 together and came on and got sick of all the drama that i was hearing. so i brought it to the point of making my announcement. saying I will not kick anyone out but if you chose to leave change your name or there will be a kos on your head. SO mai didn't tell me she left and in fact kept me on her fl's and sty went around saying i put a KOS on mai's head. why the fuck would i put a kos on my own daughter's head if she didn't leave.
  15. MissDemonDarkness: thats what happened
  16. MissDemonDarkness: they even wanted to take over the marue's and Naamah
  17. HElderArielLerathel: well see for me because im no longer my former self it wouldnt make sense for it to apply to a being not of earth, as rp'ed in my script or closed roleplay. ariel wouldnt know them anyway only they were kin to pharzuph the corruption that embodies freya
  18. HElderArielLerathel: i understand ttho the posistion u are in and am so sorry so much as went on honey
  19. MissDemonDarkness: hun i will tell u right now they won't care about your rp
  20. MissDemonDarkness: if you know them they will include you
  21. MissDemonDarkness: they also started to harrass me in rl on my facebook
  22. MissDemonDarkness: they keep using my sn which everyone knows isnt my rp name
  23. HElderArielLerathel: i am so sorry they brough that to face book , so childish. but anything that doesnt directly pertain to the storyline of lerathel i delete and keep moving hun and with as many kids as i had when i was freya like 65 i had drama all the time and so with who i am now with so much more experience i wouldnt allow it to affect the rp. My story line is just as batman in one direc tion. it makes no sense for thor to be included into batman. and so is the same for lerathel
  24. HElderArielLerathel: but on so many levels the immaturity there with them bringin it to facebook is crazy
  25. MissDemonDarkness: yea for sure im thankful for that yea they were trying to ruin me in rl lol about my modeling and shit
  26. MissDemonDarkness: and fb posts
  27. MissDemonDarkness: like seriously i can take negitive shit about my modeling but when u include it with rp
  28. HElderArielLerathel: that is so stupid, anyone and im serious about that who brings roleplay to facebook is beyond help. that shows me they are inbalanced that they cant seperate the 2 worlds and somehow they have combined them both which leads me to believe you are manic and police will be involved at that point
  29. MissDemonDarkness: yea for sur e
  30. MissDemonDarkness: sure
  31. MissDemonDarkness: ah its irritating
  32. HElderArielLerathel: wow im just like wow at this point
  33. MissDemonDarkness: also if aosoth doesn't come back or if she does but has a different thing and u need a mother. im here for u if you want
  34. MissDemonDarkness: yea it was had to report them
  35. MissDemonDarkness: and shit
  36. MissDemonDarkness: in rp they have no idea who i kno w
  37. MissDemonDarkness: what i do
  38. MissDemonDarkness: how long and hard ive working on my rp
  39. MissDemonDarkness: and how long it took me to get where im at
  40. MissDemonDarkness: and how many ppl i actually knwo
  41. MissDemonDarkness: know
  42. MissDemonDarkness: which pisses me off they say that i like to take over things when i already have everything that they tried to take over
  43. MissDemonDarkness: right
  44. HElderArielLerathel: thank u and i always felt i could ask it of you i will keep it close as an option . but that makes no sense to compare batman to christian bale o...o im sorry im an author as well and seeing people become there charater is frightening enough, so what if they really became that personality? Like could u image me running around my state saying im the pharzuph the fallen angel who brings destruction and then shotting my arms around like im making the ground split lol
  45. MissDemonDarkness: .....
  46. MissDemonDarkness: right lol
  47. HElderArielLerathel: lol just laugh at it honey its the funniest thing because its not u its them. and all this did was allowed u to weed out ur empire . they were the tarry that grew up with the wheat and now at the right time u are able to remove them
  48. MissDemonDarkness: and see i get what u mean im happy that you are a author and in fact i want to get my stories that i have notebooks on notebooks published. but what im saying is i get you. see i am going to cosplay as my rp but thats just cosplaying not taking over my rl lol
  49. MissDemonDarkness: oh man all of my family is pissed at them and will have their heads if they seen them
  50. HElderArielLerathel: lol
  51. HElderArielLerathel: i have to take time from school to get my next book out this year once i finish this semesterin june. and i can help u get started with writing honey i was helping my other sister in another rp but she lost internet so i cant help her now
  52. MissDemonDarkness: see i need to find my other story cuz im going to connect it. my story is actually what i rp
  53. MissDemonDarkness: thats why i actually don't put much up
  54. MissDemonDarkness: don't need ppl stealing my shits lol
  55. HElderArielLerathel: yes i understand that dear. my book i already have out is based off the bible story of job but with my own twist and sidewinders. this rp i have here in imvu is based off freya and odin with its own twist and side winders
  56. MissDemonDarkness: nice nice
  57. HElderArielLerathel: so if you need help with websites and self publishing sites and how to do it i will be glad to help u
  58. HElderArielLerathel: do u know there nw names or are they using other accts at this point ?
  59. MissDemonDarkness: thank u so much hun
  60. MissDemonDarkness: u mean mai and sty
  61. HElderArielLerathel: yvw :D
  62. HElderArielLerathel: and yes
  63. MissDemonDarkness: i don't have mai's names but i do have sty's at least the ones that i know about
  64. MissDemonDarkness: they have a kos on me too which is stupid
  65. MissDemonDarkness: cuz im the one that put my foot down and gave them the choice
  66. MissDemonDarkness: FRDaarth,MortisDimmu,NottfinnVonSaldern
  67. MissDemonDarkness: they tried to blame me for everything that happened. yet said i was never around. so how the fuck did i do that when im never around
  68. MissDemonDarkness: lol
  69. MissDemonDarkness: they they blamed someone else
  70. MissDemonDarkness: and then back to me
  71. HElderArielLerathel: some of this stuff is soooo stupid i swear, thats like killing the woman that bore you. i think the same way when my kids tried to over throw me and then they were all killed one by one in no order over the span of 4 to 5 months. i call it the weeding process some will eventually try it and then they come back on other accts asking for another chance >.<
  72. MissDemonDarkness: yea thats what happened with my ex son
  73. MissDemonDarkness: who they allowed into the family and im so pissed with
  74. MissDemonDarkness: i want nothing to do with him
  75. MissDemonDarkness: yea they are trying to kill the mother that bore them that gave them all the chances
  76. HElderArielLerathel: i blames aosoth for many things all of which she did. i use to write her on skype she told me to said it would come to her phone everytime. so why never respond to me. or here hun have my facebook and imma always respond so u post and like my comments but when i try to talk to u , u complelty ignore my existance. then i find out she was always speaking to latonia and that i found out from latonia , so what i am saying is the claim should be legit not falsefied to cover a lie
  77. MissDemonDarkness: even starting shit with my children
  78. MissDemonDarkness: yea for sure ah that sucks so bad the thing that i didn't like with aosoth she tried to change my rp more then it is and tried to make it mostly about her.
  79. HElderArielLerathel: i dont know if i will ever take another mother after how she did me, because i told her when i took her as my mom that i didnt want another one here because the mom i had before her only cared about herself and then aosoth ignored me. You make me your successor but leave me for 8 months with no contact? what the heck was i going to do with that ?
  80. MissDemonDarkness: ah im so sorry that happened to u
  81. MissDemonDarkness: exactally but im here for u no matter what
  82. MissDemonDarkness: i cared for her children as if they were my own and she got pissed about how big my side of the family was and how many children i have
  83. MissDemonDarkness: and brothers and sisters
  84. MissDemonDarkness: she would always talk to my brother nova
  85. MissDemonDarkness: but not to me
  86. HElderArielLerathel: idk..... just have alot of hurt over that , that needs to heal really before i say yes to anyone again.
  87. MissDemonDarkness: i know hun im not saying hey im your mother or anything im saying that as a friend
  88. MissDemonDarkness: im here for u
  89. MissDemonDarkness: for everything and anything u need
  90. HElderArielLerathel: :) thank u
  91. MissDemonDarkness: your welcome hun
  92. MissDemonDarkness: i have always been bothered about aosoth and wanting to talk to her children in how they felt about things but always kept my mouth shut since its not my place. i just give ppl a choice to feel what a real mother would be like
  93. HElderArielLerathel: her being her mother was like a sore healing then riping the scab off of it. she would skype me and we would talk face to face alot then nothing. nothing at alll
  94. MissDemonDarkness: i hate that shit
  95. MissDemonDarkness: i might not be on all the time but i give my facebook so if anyone needs me ill get it on my phone and its the fastest way to get a hold of m e
  96. HElderArielLerathel: i changed mhy facebook in part because of her, i got tired of the crap and changed my skype
  97. HElderArielLerathel: then out of no where she sends me a message back in october or september saying we need to talkj
  98. MissDemonDarkness: did u guys talk
  99. MissDemonDarkness: ?
  100. MissDemonDarkness: just on my fb only thing i ask if there is any drama don't bring my fb into it
  101. MissDemonDarkness: not publicly
  102. HElderArielLerathel: no we never talked it was like that whim crap she always did
  103. HElderArielLerathel: i tried to forget it but it makes me mad . its like dangling a carrot before a hungry person
  104. HElderArielLerathel: i want to forget she existed and so i am ariel for my rp and the one i came joined to her with.
  105. MissDemonDarkness: good hun everything takes time i mean trust me but pain you will never forget you just move on and worry about more important things
  106. MissDemonDarkness: welcome Iuli sorry we are in ooc atm
  107. MissDemonDarkness: see shit like that makes me think its a spy
  108. MissDemonDarkness: ppl normally come in here and talk a min
  109. HElderArielLerathel: yeah but he was nubby so maybe a room hopper ?
  110. MissDemonDarkness: i hope
  111. MissDemonDarkness: but even then ppl still talk
  112. MissDemonDarkness: never really had ppl come in here and say nothing well not alot really
  113. MissDemonDarkness: then the boot comes out
  114. HElderArielLerathel: i have them do it to me all the time its annoying then they try to touch on ppl
  115. HElderArielLerathel: like i mean super nooby
  116. MissDemonDarkness: yea i know right lol
  117. MissDemonDarkness: make friends then touch them lol
  118. HElderArielLerathel: rofl
  119. HElderArielLerathel: i guess thats the new way to be friendly come in the room then rub there cheeks
  120. MissDemonDarkness: omg ana!!!!!!!
  121. MissDemonDarkness: i guess i have no idea oh well
  122. MissDemonDarkness: lol
  123. MissDemonDarkness: -tackle hugs her and noms her left cheek-
  124. AnaDrakoreDarkness: eep! -ish nommed- ovo haiii moma~ <3
  125. MissDemonDarkness: pharz meet my daughter ana
  126. MissDemonDarkness: u know im just going to call u ariel no w
  127. MissDemonDarkness: now
  128. MissDemonDarkness: and ariel your more then welcomed to sit on a throne if u like
  129. MissDemonDarkness: i missed u ana banana
  130. AnaDrakoreDarkness: I missed you too! ;3;
  131. MissDemonDarkness: ana meet your former cousin ariel though she is still like family to me
  132. AnaDrakoreDarkness: ooh. Hallo~
  133. HElderArielLerathel: oh callme ariel and hello ana :)
  134. AnaDrakoreDarkness: ^^
  135. MissDemonDarkness: lol
  136. HElderArielLerathel: i use to be ur cousin before many events transpired and my rp shifted. I have my own family rp as well. But who knows i may tie mine in with my former aunty again but perhaps as ur sister
  137. HElderArielLerathel: -smiles-
  138. MissDemonDarkness: hahah
  139. MissDemonDarkness: up to u always there for u
  140. MissDemonDarkness: ah ana so much shit as went down
  141. MissDemonDarkness: see unlike most mothers ariel i keep my family updated
  142. MissDemonDarkness: my children mostly
  143. MissDemonDarkness: so ana has been updated on what bs has been going on with mai
  144. AnaDrakoreDarkness: Oh moma! You'll get to meet my actual real life girlfriend. ^^ she's joining imvu.
  145. HElderArielLerathel: -listens-
  146. MissDemonDarkness: yes!!!!!!
  147. MissDemonDarkness: about damn time ana
  148. MissDemonDarkness: -pinchs her cheeks-
  149. MissDemonDarkness: one day when my bf"rp only" comes back in a couple of months u will meet him too. soooo much better then gabe
  150. AnaDrakoreDarkness: aww well good. x3 but yes she's slowly learning how to use imvu lol
  151. MissDemonDarkness: its alright
  152. MissDemonDarkness: -snaps a pic of us all-
  153. AnaDrakoreDarkness: o-o
  154. MissDemonDarkness: what
  155. MissDemonDarkness: im loving having the both of u
  156. MissDemonDarkness: here
  157. MissDemonDarkness: i missed u both very much
  158. HElderArielLerathel: :)
  159. HElderArielLerathel: -pulls her shoe off and hides it -
  160. HElderArielLerathel: O..O
  161. MissDemonDarkness: wait wait the shoe thing that reminds me of something i cant' remember
  162. MissDemonDarkness: wait aren't u the one that put dirt on ppl
  163. MissDemonDarkness: <.<
  164. MissDemonDarkness: oh ana mai and sty are doing more shit to try to ruin me on here
  165. AnaDrakoreDarkness: People do alot of stuff because they're childish.
  166. MissDemonDarkness: i just had a meeting with a alliance they didn't know that ive known for years and just found out he is my brother hahahah cuz he is brother's with your uncle dez but anyways they said that ive been putting kos orders on everyone and even someone in the alliance family
  167. MissDemonDarkness: when they have a kos on me and claimed i put one on mai when i clearly said in my announcement that the only way that i will put one is if they leave and don't change their name
  168. MissDemonDarkness: so i didn't know that mai left so why the fuck would i put a kos on my own daughter?
  169. MissDemonDarkness: also found out that they were trying to take over both the darkness part of my family and drakores
  170. MissDemonDarkness: also trying to take over everything i rule over or connected to
  171. MissDemonDarkness: planning on taking over the marue and naamah
  172. HElderArielLerathel: haha yes former aunty
  173. HElderArielLerathel: i use to bury nova and reaper
  174. HElderArielLerathel: lol
  175. MissDemonDarkness: haha
  176. MissDemonDarkness: i knew it
  177. MissDemonDarkness: u played with me in dirt before
  178. MissDemonDarkness: ariel hun u can call me demon
  179. MissDemonDarkness: former auntie seems so weird
  180. MissDemonDarkness: ana looks like catwoman lol
  181. MissDemonDarkness: butbetter
  182. AnaDrakoreDarkness: sorry i'm distracted by cutie pie ness in another screen xD im playing on here with my girlfriend
  183. HElderArielLerathel: lol
  184. HElderArielLerathel: demon seems to astranged to me like i dont know u
  185. MissDemonDarkness: ah ok call me whatever u feel comfi with then lol
  186. MissDemonDarkness: -waves her hands stupidly at ana- read up woman!!!!!
  187. HElderArielLerathel: -puts a straw in faunty toes-
  188. MissDemonDarkness: hahah
  189. MissDemonDarkness: i miss this true family
  190. HElderArielLerathel: :) -pokes the mushy women- stop it before i get mushy
  191. MissDemonDarkness: but but i cant
  192. MissDemonDarkness: im about to nom on ana
  194. MissDemonDarkness: BEFORE I LET ARIEL PUT DIRT ON U
  195. HElderArielLerathel: haha
  196. HElderArielLerathel: -grabs meh pal-
  197. MissDemonDarkness: haha
  198. MissDemonDarkness: here it comes
  199. AnaDrakoreDarkness: o-o nuu no nomming on Ana
  200. MissDemonDarkness: lol haha yet she didnt say no to the firt
  201. MissDemonDarkness: dirt
  202. AnaDrakoreDarkness: nuu dirt xD
  203. AnaDrakoreDarkness: I'm being distracted by sexy in another room..i'm sorry..;3;
  204. MissDemonDarkness: its alright
  205. MissDemonDarkness: but can u please read about the mai thing fast chu need to know
  206. MissDemonDarkness: whats going on
  207. HElderArielLerathel: lol -makes a pile stump of dirt near ana feet -
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