

Mar 30th, 2014
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  1. ## WARNING: The deep fried attempted to add a reagent called 'notfood' which doesn't exist. (Lilliana Mitchell)
  2. ## WARNING: The deep fried attempted to add a reagent called 'notfood' which doesn't exist. (Lilliana Mitchell)
  3. ## WARNING: The deep fried cryptographic sequencer attempted to add a reagent called 'notfood' which doesn't exist. (Lilliana Mitchell)
  4. ## WARNING: The deep fried PDA-Lilliana Mitchell (Chef) attempted to add a reagent called 'notfood' which doesn't exist. (Lilliana Mitchell)
  5. ## WARNING: The deep fried rolling pin attempted to add a reagent called 'notfood' which doesn't exist. (Lilliana Mitchell)
  6. runtime error: Cannot read null.icon
  7. proc name: attackby (/obj/machinery/deepfryer/attackby)
  8. source file:,39
  9. usr: Lilliana Mitchell (/mob/living/carbon/human)
  10. src: Deep Fryer (/obj/machinery/deepfryer)
  11. call stack:
  12. Deep Fryer (/obj/machinery/deepfryer): attackby(null, Lilliana Mitchell (/mob/living/carbon/human))
  13. Lilliana Mitchell (/mob/living/carbon/human): ClickOn(Deep Fryer (/obj/machinery/deepfryer), "icon-x=8;icon-y=17;left=1;scre...")
  14. Deep Fryer (/obj/machinery/deepfryer): Click(the floor (154,135,1) (/turf/simulated/floor), "", "icon-x=8;icon-y=17;left=1;scre...")
  15. runtime error: Cannot read null.icon
  16. proc name: attackby (/obj/machinery/deepfryer/attackby)
  17. source file:,39
  18. usr: Lilliana Mitchell (/mob/living/carbon/human)
  19. src: Deep Fryer (/obj/machinery/deepfryer)
  20. call stack:
  21. Deep Fryer (/obj/machinery/deepfryer): attackby(null, Lilliana Mitchell (/mob/living/carbon/human))
  22. Lilliana Mitchell (/mob/living/carbon/human): ClickOn(Deep Fryer (/obj/machinery/deepfryer), "icon-x=10;icon-y=23;left=1;scr...")
  23. Deep Fryer (/obj/machinery/deepfryer): Click(the floor (154,134,1) (/turf/simulated/floor), "", "icon-x=10;icon-y=23;left=1;scr...")
  24. ## WARNING: The deep fried donut box attempted to add a reagent called 'notfood' which doesn't exist. (Lilliana Mitchell)
  25. runtime error: Cannot read null.icon
  26. proc name: attackby (/obj/machinery/deepfryer/attackby)
  27. source file:,39
  28. usr: Lilliana Mitchell (/mob/living/carbon/human)
  29. src: Deep Fryer (/obj/machinery/deepfryer)
  30. call stack:
  31. Deep Fryer (/obj/machinery/deepfryer): attackby(null, Lilliana Mitchell (/mob/living/carbon/human))
  32. Lilliana Mitchell (/mob/living/carbon/human): ClickOn(Deep Fryer (/obj/machinery/deepfryer), "icon-x=10;icon-y=18;left=1;scr...")
  33. Deep Fryer (/obj/machinery/deepfryer): Click(the floor (154,134,1) (/turf/simulated/floor), "", "icon-x=10;icon-y=18;left=1;scr...")
  34. runtime error: Cannot read null.icon
  35. proc name: attackby (/obj/machinery/deepfryer/attackby)
  36. source file:,39
  37. usr: Lilliana Mitchell (/mob/living/carbon/human)
  38. src: Deep Fryer (/obj/machinery/deepfryer)
  39. call stack:
  40. Deep Fryer (/obj/machinery/deepfryer): attackby(null, Lilliana Mitchell (/mob/living/carbon/human))
  41. Lilliana Mitchell (/mob/living/carbon/human): ClickOn(Deep Fryer (/obj/machinery/deepfryer), "icon-x=18;icon-y=12;left=1;scr...")
  42. Deep Fryer (/obj/machinery/deepfryer): Click(the floor (154,135,1) (/turf/simulated/floor), "", "icon-x=18;icon-y=12;left=1;scr...")
  43. runtime error: Cannot read null.icon
  44. proc name: attackby (/obj/machinery/deepfryer/attackby)
  45. source file:,39
  46. usr: Lilliana Mitchell (/mob/living/carbon/human)
  47. src: Deep Fryer (/obj/machinery/deepfryer)
  48. call stack:
  49. Deep Fryer (/obj/machinery/deepfryer): attackby(null, Lilliana Mitchell (/mob/living/carbon/human))
  50. Lilliana Mitchell (/mob/living/carbon/human): ClickOn(Deep Fryer (/obj/machinery/deepfryer), "icon-x=19;icon-y=16;left=1;scr...")
  51. Deep Fryer (/obj/machinery/deepfryer): Click(the floor (154,135,1) (/turf/simulated/floor), "", "icon-x=19;icon-y=16;left=1;scr...")
  52. runtime error: Cannot read null.icon
  53. proc name: attackby (/obj/machinery/deepfryer/attackby)
  54. source file:,39
  55. usr: Lilliana Mitchell (/mob/living/carbon/human)
  56. src: Deep Fryer (/obj/machinery/deepfryer)
  57. call stack:
  58. Deep Fryer (/obj/machinery/deepfryer): attackby(null, Lilliana Mitchell (/mob/living/carbon/human))
  59. Lilliana Mitchell (/mob/living/carbon/human): ClickOn(Deep Fryer (/obj/machinery/deepfryer), "icon-x=11;icon-y=22;left=1;scr...")
  60. Deep Fryer (/obj/machinery/deepfryer): Click(the floor (154,134,1) (/turf/simulated/floor), "", "icon-x=11;icon-y=22;left=1;scr...")
  61. runtime error: Cannot read null.icon
  62. proc name: attackby (/obj/machinery/deepfryer/attackby)
  63. source file:,39
  64. usr: Lilliana Mitchell (/mob/living/carbon/human)
  65. src: Deep Fryer (/obj/machinery/deepfryer)
  66. call stack:
  67. Deep Fryer (/obj/machinery/deepfryer): attackby(null, Lilliana Mitchell (/mob/living/carbon/human))
  68. Lilliana Mitchell (/mob/living/carbon/human): ClickOn(Deep Fryer (/obj/machinery/deepfryer), "icon-x=19;icon-y=19;left=1;scr...")
  69. Lilliana Mitchell (/mob/living/carbon/human): DblClickOn(Deep Fryer (/obj/machinery/deepfryer), "icon-x=19;icon-y=19;left=1;scr...")
  70. Deep Fryer (/obj/machinery/deepfryer): DblClick(the floor (154,135,1) (/turf/simulated/floor), "", "icon-x=19;icon-y=19;left=1;scr...")
  71. ## WARNING: The deep fried pack of space tobacco seeds attempted to add a reagent called 'notfood' which doesn't exist. (Lilliana Mitchell)
  72. ## WARNING: The deep fried nuclear authentication disk attempted to add a reagent called 'notfood' which doesn't exist. (Lilliana Mitchell)
  73. ## WARNING: The deep fried revolver attempted to add a reagent called 'notfood' which doesn't exist. (Lilliana Mitchell)
  74. ## WARNING: The deep fried exosuit circuit board attempted to add a reagent called 'notfood' which doesn't exist. (Lilliana Mitchell)
  75. ## WARNING: The deep fried metal attempted to add a reagent called 'notfood' which doesn't exist. (Lilliana Mitchell)
  76. ## WARNING: The deep fried attempted to add a reagent called 'notfood' which doesn't exist. (Lilliana Mitchell)
  77. ## WARNING: The deep fried box attempted to add a reagent called 'notfood' which doesn't exist. (Lilliana Mitchell)
  78. ## WARNING: The deep fried Chef Recipes attempted to add a reagent called 'notfood' which doesn't exist. (Lilliana Mitchell)
  79. runtime error: Cannot read null.icon
  80. proc name: attackby (/obj/machinery/deepfryer/attackby)
  81. source file:,39
  82. usr: Lilliana Mitchell (/mob/living/carbon/human)
  83. src: Deep Fryer (/obj/machinery/deepfryer)
  84. call stack:
  85. Deep Fryer (/obj/machinery/deepfryer): attackby(null, Lilliana Mitchell (/mob/living/carbon/human))
  86. Lilliana Mitchell (/mob/living/carbon/human): ClickOn(Deep Fryer (/obj/machinery/deepfryer), "icon-x=4;icon-y=10;left=1;scre...")
  87. Deep Fryer (/obj/machinery/deepfryer): Click(the floor (154,134,1) (/turf/simulated/floor), "", "icon-x=4;icon-y=10;left=1;scre...")
  88. ## WARNING: The deep fried alien hide attempted to add a reagent called 'notfood' which doesn't exist. (Lilliana Mitchell)
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