
The Q-Tip Method

Jul 18th, 2012
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  1. >Be David Church, loving owner of a six month old yellow Pegasus mare with a dark red mane named ‘Sandy’.
  2. > You got her around Christmas time.
  3. > Some stupid ad about stray fluffies aired on telly, encouraging people to adopt strays. You know the type: show a bunch of pictures of sad looking/abused fluffies whilst playing sappy music, talking about how some fluffies will be put to sleep, and about the miracles of Christmas or some bollocks.
  4. > Usually, stuff like that doesn’t phase you.
  5. > You don’t know why, but this time, whether it’s because you’ve always secretly wanted a fluffy, or you had too much Eggnog and was getting sentimental, you decided to pick one up.
  6. > She’s been your little girl ever since. Well-behaved, obedient and cuddly.
  7. > Makes you feel happy inside.
  8. > Of course, however, all little girls grow up.
  10. > It’s currently late spring, and you’re outside with Sandy.
  11. > She’s having a great time in the backyard, and the alleyway beside your house.
  12. > Since you live in the city, your property is protected by a chain link fence, rather than what you consider a ‘proper’ fence.
  13. > You’d like to have one, but when you petitioned the city, they flatly said ‘no’, so you had to deal with it.
  14. > You’re also in the backyard, attending to your small, little garden.
  15. > Mostly tomatoes, some string beans. You’re a complete amateur at this.
  16. > You’re actually one of those poor cubicle slaves.
  17. > “Hello, my name is David Church, and I’m hear to take your verbal abuse”. That kind.
  18. > You’re deep in thought about your tomatoes: why the fuck aren’t they growing?
  19. > But then you realize you can’t hear Sandy.
  20. > You look around the backyard, all you see is her little red ball, abandoned.
  21. > You don’t panic. That never gets anyone anywhere.
  22. > Eitherway, she’s a fluffy. She couldn’t have gone very far.
  23. > So you poke your head into the little alley.
  24. > Ah, there she is. By the fence. Good girl, never goes very far-
  25. > Wait a moment.
  26. > There’s another fluffy on the otherside of the fence.
  27. > They’re talking.
  28. > “Hewwo! I’m Sandy! Wat yoo cawwed?”
  29. > “I Cwoud!” the other pure white earth fluffy replies.
  30. > You smile. She’s made a friend!
  31. > “Sandy weal pwetty!” the other fluffy says
  32. > “Tank yoo Cwoud!”
  33. > You feel your heart melt.
  34. > “Wan give Sandy speciaw hugs”
  35. > Awww…he wants to give her special hug-
  36. >…Fucking WHAT!?
  37. > “wat speciaw hugs? I wike hugs” Sandy says, smiling
  38. > The stallion, smiles “Den you wuv dis!”
  39. > Almost immediately afterwards, the dirty little fuck ‘mounts’ the chainlink fence and begins thrusting his erect little penis through one of the holes.
  40. > “Waaah! Wat’s dat!?” Sandy screams, alarmed at the site of the member
  41. > “Dat my speciaw thing!” Cloud happily says and begins thrusting. “Enf, enf, enf. Come cwosew, Sandy. Cwoud make yuu feew guud. Put in youw peepee pwace.”
  42. > No. Fucking. WAY!
  43. > You rush up to the fence, and kick the stallion’s little erect dong whilst it’s fully extended through the fence
  44. > It screams “Owwie! Happy thing huwt!”
  45. > “GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM SANDY!” you scream and begin climbing the fence.
  46. > You have no intention of actually scaling it, as you know getting its pecker kicked followed by a big scary human trying to catch it would scare it away.
  47. > “WAAH! HOOMAN MUNSTA!” it screams before running off, its stride hampered by pain.
  48. > You turn sharply to face Sandy, angry, but your anger subsides when you see her looking up at you, her eyes wet with tears.
  49. > “Sandy scawed!” she whimpers. “Cwoud had scawy thing!”
  50. > You realize this is the first time she has ever seen something like…*that*.
  51. > Jesus Christ. Are all feral stallions that fucking perverted?
  52. > Well, you were going to start taking her to the park in the summer, but now you’re not sure.
  53. > Eitherway, you gingerly pick her up and take her inside.
  54. > She’s shivering from the ordeal, but you comfort her with a kit-kat bar, and later on in the evening, some spaghetti.
  55. > Then, you decide, to let her sit in your lap and watch FluffyTV. Jesus, the programming is god-awful, but she loves it. Used to be “The Hub”, apparently.
  56. > You can’t help but nodding off half way through a program that consists solely of a ball rolling around a tile floor.
  58. > You awake to strange music. Sounds…well, groovy. Kind of like 70s stuff.
  59. > “enf! enf! enf! feew guud!”
  60. > What?
  61. > You snap your eyes open. The telly is still on FluffyTV…but something is wrong.
  62. > Two fluffies are screwing on the television. What the FUCK is that SHIT!?!?!
  63. > It’s still FluffyTV, the watermark is on the lower right-hand corner of the screen.
  64. > And Sandy is standing infront of the it, staring at the two fluffies copulating.
  65. > “speciaw huggies…” she whispers. You realize she’s lifting her tail, her little vagina is winking and dripping.
  66. > You bolt up and shut the television off.
  67. > “Why make fwuffies go ‘way!?” she whines.
  68. > “That isn’t a show for you! It’s time for bed.”
  69. > She sulks and trots off to the Safe Room…
  70. >…dribbling vaginal juice as she does so.
  71. > Jesus Fucking Christ.
  72. > You check the calendar. It’s mating season. It’s mating season and she just saw her first stallion dick.
  73. > You begin to feel queasy. She’s your little girl. This doesn’t seem right.
  74. > You then try to go to sleep.
  76. > You awake, and go to get Sandy her food.
  77. > But she’s not there. You didn’t close the saferoom door.
  78. > David, you complete tit!
  79. > Then, you hear it
  80. > “Wah speciaw hugs. Feew so guud. Ahh…ahh… ahh!”
  81. > You find Sandy in your living room, backing up against one of the corners of your coffeetable.
  83. > She can’t seem to get the rounded corner to properly go inside her.
  84. > You’re about to walk over and give her a smack on the rear, but you slip and fall.
  85. >…in a puddle of Sandy’s fluid. Oh God, you touched it!
  86. > Sandy sees you, and turns around, and begins offering herself to you.
  87. > “pwease, dada, put happy thing in. Wan feew guud. Sandy going cwazy! Wan speciaw huggies!”
  88. > This is the last straw.
  90. > You do the only thing you can think of. After throwing Sandy in the Safe Room, you call your brother, who’s an expert in Fluffies. Apparently had a government grant to research them until some grazy Irish scientist screwed everything up.
  91. > “Hello, Dr. Church speaking”
  92. > “Hey Ross, it’s me, David.”
  93. > “Oh, hey, what’s up? How’s Sandy?”
  94. >”Uhhh..about that…”
  95. > You explain your situation.
  96. > “Alright. It’s obvious this is her first heat.” He says. “So she’s not looking for babies?”
  97. > “No.”
  98. > “And you’re not looking to mate her?”
  99. > “No and no.”
  100. > “Well, the only thing I can think of to get her to shut up and calm down would be to use the Q-tip Method”
  101. > “What’s that?”
  102. > “Well, you take a Q-tip, moisten it with warm water so it simulates a penis and masturbate her with it.”
  103. > There had to be about ten seconds worth of phone silence before you blurted out.
  104. > “WHAT!?”
  105. > “I’m sorry, that’s the only thing I can think of, unless you want to pay next to a hundred dollars to get her mounted by a sterile stallion”
  106. > “I can’t fucking believe I’m hearing this…”
  107. > “Oh for Christ’s sake, you’re positively Victorian, David!”
  108. > “You want me to get a fluffy mare off with a Q-tip?”
  109. > “It’ll calm her down and stop her dripping all over the place. It’s pretty much either that, or the sterile stallion.”
  110. > You gaped for a moment. It seems like you didn’t have much choice.
  112. > So you moistened a Q-tip with warm water, and you entered the Safe Room. This time, Sandy was trying to back herself up on her teddy bear
  113. > “Teddy, pwease…pwease mistah Teddy”
  114. > Jesus. Point of no return, this.
  115. > “Sandy, come here.”
  116. > She looks at you, walks over, turns around, and begins begging again.
  117. > You hold her lightly by the back of the neck…
  118. >…and push the Q-tip in.
  119. > “yah daddeh! Speciaw huggies feew weal guud!” she says and you move it around inside her.
  120. > You fancy you can taste last night’s spaghetti as if comes back up. Oh God.
  121. > “ahhh…aaah…yah…yah!”
  122. > Why, God, why? Why does she have to go on like that?
  123. > She lets out a loud, long sigh soon afterwards. You pulled the Q-tip out, and a ton of vaginal fluid gushed out.
  124. > Oh God, some got on your hand!
  125. > She then laid down, curled into a ball and began licking her little fluffy vag
  126. > “dat feew gweat. Wuv yoo daddeh. Tank you daddeh”
  127. > You gulp down the bitter bile in your mouth and whisper “…you’re welcome, Sweetie.”
  128. > You do the only thing you can think of: get her fluffy chow, a bowl of water, and shut the Safe Room door.
  129. > Then you went to the bathroom, vomited, and took a three hour long shower.
  130. > You couldn’t look at her for about a week afterwards.
  132. > She calmed down considerably afterwards. No longer begging and offering herself.
  133. > Then, one day in the summer, you were sitting down and watching FluffyTV with her, and a new show came on. “Babies” was its title, and it consisted of nothing but baby fluffies being born, nursing, playing and being cute.
  134. > “Babbehs! Wan babbehs!” she cheered, before pausing, and looking at you
  135. > “Whewe babbehs come fwom, daddeh?”
  136. > Without thinking you said “From special hugs, sweetie”
  137. > She looked up at you “Sandy hav daddehs babbehs!?”
  138. > You stared at her. You must’ve forgotten what you had to do with the…
  139. > You shake the memory out of her head. You didn’t forget it. You repressed it.
  140. > “Uh, no. You can’t have daddy’s babies. You can only have fluffy babies.”
  141. > She pouts “No hav babbehs?”
  142. > You gulp, but put on a grin. “Someday sweetie. I promise.”
  143. > She snuggles into your lap. “Tank yoo daddeh. Wuv yoo daddeh.”
  144. > You pet her mane absentmindedly.
  145. > You never used Q-tips ever again.
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