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CSI Mitch Leaving

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Nov 3rd, 2014
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  1. Hello,
  3. So it has come to this point in which I must step down and focus on myself and my own life. Rather than this RP’d one. Here a little backstory of myself and how I got to the point I was at.
  5. I’ve been around since the 6th of April this year. I joined this server and community as an escape, something I could focus on other than what had just happened in my life. I think so anyway, god knows how else I ended up on a RP server when I had never RP’d in my life and it had never appealed to me.
  7. My first few days was with real life friends, we went around trying to purchase pistols and wondering how the hell to make money, of course the first thing we done was drive around in a car attempting to rob salt tracks and random cars to chop shop. We had a good laugh back then. Then I met ED, under his alias of something else. Let’s just say we robbed his truck and left him in the middle of a copper mine outside Kavala, stripped of everything except his rags on his back. We loved it and it left him fuming. We later met him again in Kavala as he tried to get the cops to arrest us, he ended up arrested himself. While trying to tell the cops our names I warned him many times over not to say anything but the moment he said my name I put a bullet in his head with a random Mk18 that I found in a house. That was a good day.
  9. Then came the police, I joined in Asdrubael’s and Wilco’s reign. I slowly got the hang of it from friends that I met along the way. I jumped on the old, role with the big guys so I can get the bigger guns faster train and it worked up to the rank of PC. Meeting this crazy German guy that’s smoking 24/7 and was willing to mess about from time to time was a great laugh. Some things happened and slowly I got into a trail with (I guess it was SWAT or SCO19 back then?) with the guy who should not be named. (petro…) Im sorry for anyone else there, but I only remember fisher with his sniper scope standing there useless in a pitch black scenario pouring down with rain. I loved that, it was great to be given this squad, someone I could control and lead. It all worked out pretty well.
  11. So moving on time went on, people come and go, Killerabbits reign comes in and all of a sudden im there standing with 20 people behind me giving me a gun salute as I take over Sofia as a CI. I was having to read that I would protect the queen and some other stuff, looking at this video really brought back the good old times.
  15. So I was now a Sofia CI, and wow I couldn’t wait to create something special, something unique. I put everything into it from that day I got promoted; my whole time was spent on trying to make this police better and to keep the cogs turning. I was joined in Sofia by some people from that point forwards; I would consider some really good friends. Foxhound, Jason, Dave, and the others, you made Sofia a great place to be and to work, we was amazing. Seriously for a place like Sofia which was known as a dead town, we found and patrolled in amazingly, and we had such a laugh doing it. Vertigo, he was a legend up that way, flying up and down in his sports hatchback and always stopped for a chat about his sexy sandals. Him and his Crows you will always have a place in my heart for the fun we had up that way.
  17. I then become SI, done this for a few weeks and burnt myself out doing so. I had been trying to do too much at once too quickly. A lesson to be learnt from this guys, don’t rush the police, move up when you are ready and only do what you can handle. Pretty much everyone around me minus Maratek has burnt themselves out by moving up too quickly.
  18. I then left the police, Killerabbit didn’t want me to go so gave me the only way possible so that if I wanted to rejoin I could (as it was a once you’re out you’re out approach, the same as now.) This was to be “undercover” in which I didn’t do much except report a few things in kavala one time acting like a CCTV camera on a rock. I joined (or semi joined) the crows and had a great experience with Demuth, Crazyone, Vertigo, his brother (sorry can’t remember the name) and Simpan. Im sure there was more and sorry if ive missed you.
  20. I then started to miss the police, I missed leading something and having something I could work on, I asked to rejoin and we came up with my own rank and department, IAO, Internal affairs officer. This was perfect for me, I loved the whole behind the scenes side of the police, helping everyone and achieving things without being in the limelight. Having this sense of achievement without almost bragging about it to everyone.
  21. Thus begun when I like to think I started to pull some strings in the direction I felt the police should go in. I managed to get a following, and managed to work my way in to the point where CSI’s and CC’s were asking me what to do next and to deal with problems way above my rank.
  23. Then came the moment when Rich had left (great guy by the way and I hope to talk to you one day!) and a new CSI was needed. At the time I said to Killerabbit that I didn’t want it, due to time. He then gave it to Dave, a DI at the time. A few days after this promotion went through I noticed how much I had actually wanted that position, how I felt like I had earned it. By this point it was too late. A great friendship I had with Dave back in Sofia was now under strain due to a stupid move. Time went on, and we slowly got back on terms, until Killerabbit left and handed the position down to Dave. I then moved up to CSI and Maratek to SI. Dave had always said that we would do things together, “it’s just a rank and we are basically running it together”. However as time went on things started to need to go through him, which felt rubbish after thinking we was running it together. The trust got lost, the friendship broken. Dave was however a great guy. It got to the part where it wasn’t fun anymore, and I was ready to leave. I stepped down from CSI to SI and swapped with Maratek, knowing all too well he was ready. The reason I didn’t and couldn’t leave was due to at the time (no offence) I personally couldn’t see someone that could step into my shoes, someone I trusted with something I had been so heavily involved with all this time. While looking for an SI my personal real life stuff changed and gave me that boost needed to carry on in Altislife.
  25. Dave left, contacting me telling me that CC was rightfully mine as I was next in line if it wasn’t for our fall out. I felt awful by the fact that I had been so sour about being leap frogged, and then was about to do it to Maratek. I accepted after he confirmed he personally didn’t think maratek was ready. I then said my goodbyes to him, went straight into a channel with maratek, told him what had happened and asked him to run it with me. Spread the load. We had and have the same mindset on 98% of things, and so far its worked out great for us. (Minus ghosthawks shooting ground targets cough cough #Rekt.) We firstly ran the force without the need for SI. As time went on we had the foundation ready for the SI’s to be able to run the force and use the chain of command effectively for the first time in the history of the police rather than going straight to the top.
  27. So here we are, 7 months down the line, real life things have changed once again and I need to get away and get that all sorted. Maybe that chance will change in the future but for now I have to get away The last month ive put every ounce of energy into trying to fix personal things while Maratek, Neo and Vlad have held the police force together on their own without me being around and its exhausted me. My side of things hit a dead end but they have done an amazing job in my eyes. So firstly I apologise for not being active as a CSI these few weeks and I hope what I had done in the past made up for that, but at least you’ve had 3 other seniors that have been doing a great job. Ive been slowly letting things go such as TFU (still my baby and you better not ruin it CI God) in which once again the same as I did in Sofia, built up the foundations for something that can work, then passing it down to someone capable of running it well.
  29. Some of you here seriously did change my life, meeting everyone from all over. I had my highs and my lows. I met some pretty special people, who I will continue to talk to after stepping down, I promise you that.
  30. As of this point im stepping back from being CSI and Maratek is solely in charge for now. Running the police is pretty much a full time job and you need to show your face. I think I actually completed Altislife and reached the top… who would have thought.
  31. I wish you all the best for whoever made it this far, I like to think my story can help push people to achieve what they want to achieve, and to grab chances when you get offered them. Its all about timing and being in the right place at the right time at first. Once you break that barrier though, if you shine through you’ll make it far.
  33. Thank you everyone in this community, especially the police. Keep working hard.
  35. Remember it’s not about winning, it’s about having fun. So get out there and RP some funny stuff for me.
  36. Maybe one day you’ll see me about.
  38. -Mitch
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